Forum Post: A message to OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 6:04 a.m. EST by dw86
from Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let me start off by saying that I agree with what you are fighting for. I support your efforts 100%. That being said, I have become increasingly frustrated with the Occupy protests. Here is why:
I understand the whole leaderless idea but the fact of the matter is that if you want to effect real, positive change you will have to have some leaders. People that others can rally around and people that can offer direction and knowledge for accomplishing specific goals.
Speaking of goals. You have to have them. I understand the whole idea that the movement is supposed to represent issues across the board. But in order to get anything done you have to get specific. How does one fix a problem when they can't pinpoint what the problem is? (This is just a rhetorical question focused on the issue that arises when you try to take the issues exposed by OWS and try to turn them into real change at the public policy level.) Just occupying places, like the "sit-ins" of the '60s, is just a start but cannot be the end all be all for the movement. The movement needs to show it has a presence but it also needs to show it's smart and can offer some solutions.
Lastly, I'm frustrated because the occupy movements haven't adapted to incorporate the points I just mentioned. Occupy seems to be stuck to this ideal of a leaderless, faceless movement without specific goals or demands. The movement needs to adapt and do what is going to work best for accomplishing what it is that many people want: A new America. I understand modeling the movement after the Arab Spring but what worked for them may not work for us. We have a model that did work for us in this country: The Civil Rights movement. This movement had goals and had leaders.
The movement needs to begin to organize or I'm afraid it will peter out and begin to alienate itself from the people it's trying to empower: Middle America. Occupy has done some great things so far but moving forward it needs to evolve. Without organization a movement quickly becomes a mob. And a mob is not what this country needs to put it back together.
Some of you may enjoy watching this video. It's Van Jones not necessarily giving a lecture specifically on the OWS protests but referencing them quite a bit and giving his advice to the direction of the movement. This man would be a good person to listen to.
Thanks for listening. Power to the movement!
Regards, Daniel
There are very good reasons for not having a leader. A leader can be targeted, discredited, corrupted and in worst case even assassinated.
It's understandable that leaderless is confusing for many people. It's a rather new concept for most. But that's exactly why it's working so unpredictably. Which i think is a good thing. But it will take some time for the majority of people to see it's true potential.
I think (and frankly hope) that if someone tries to take leadership, it will not be accepted by a large group of Occupiers.
I agree!
Have you read the 99% Declaration? It calls for a National General Assembly aka Third Continental Congress. The First Continental Congress passed the Suffolk Resolves in 1774 which of course led to the Declaration Of Independence.
They were 'leaderless', not directionless!
NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia July 4th 2012
Hmmmm yes.... I have also heard that the NYGA is yet to ratify this declaration. Do you know if that has changed?
"They were 'leaderless', not directionless!"
DAMN straight! GA.... I had heard that this was yet to be ratified....
re: my thoughts..... to big to compress into a blog, or comment.... heres a book, detailing a leaderless system....
Indeed but time is of the essence. 210 days and a colossal amount of work to do to prepare for the NGA. Consider 1) evictions have created a large void 2) the winter holiday season will cause much amnesia, 3)cold winter weather for 3 months will have a dampening effect on street level activities.
Say December 17th, ten days from now. A hyped mysterious announcement pending from OWS. Where is the world going to turn their eyes? NYCGA. The media coverage would explode! It would 1) make setting up the District GA's (DGA's) a cinch with the flood of people wanting to get involved 2) give the entire movement a wave to ride out the winter on and 3) put the integrity of the NYCGA beyond reproach.
All upside, there is no downside to the Declaration unless the NYCGA is corrupt. If every GA in the world debated it and most endorsed it, NYC would have to follow suit.
One demand: NGA NOW
One goal: GGA, cause if OWS can fix the USA, we, the 99%, can fix the whole damn planet!!
(I would love to see Rap News with Robert Foster at the front of the media scrum!! G'day : )
Thats entirely what my book is about......
A way for OWS to globalise.....
A way.
I understand however about time constraints, and obviously my recommendations are a little I will make a HUGE statement, and hope it gives you a motivation....
In this book I have already foreseen and catered for you personally, for your local community, AND for EVERY single communal endeavour mankind could think to undertake, forever, and in real time.
thanks for that
Firstly Daniel...may I say a massive thanks! for supporting the 99%. More, than that. Thanks for being a representative of occupy. You see you may have come here, looking for what we say and looking for a leader and now, I want to ask YOU to have a say. I'm going to ask you to be a leader, you see, it turns out, YOU are the 99%.
That's right, a representative. You came here, you read some info, and then you pointed out some things that needed doing. You listened, and you spoke, and in that moment, you became part of all this. In that moment you shouldered that title 'representative', and NOW I will ask you...
What do you think this new America would look like?
This is what I say....
Heres what others say....
Heres something you could do about it.... right now....FREE! 2 SECONDS! EASY!
Some-one, that is no-one
Omnia vincit amor.
The Revolution has a new theme song!
The Revolution starts here!
well blazefire, it's funny you ask what I think this new America would like look. I am just finishing my first (and possibly last) book which addresses much of this. You can find it here: or here:
But in essence, the new America would focus on the health of people first. Before anything else. By doing this, I believe we would achieve health in all other sectors of life - including environmental health, as our health is dependent on the health of our environment. I believe this would also support equality and improve the quality of life of every person, while limiting the growth of everything in order to be sustainable. This is a difficult question to answer (especially in a few sentences) but this would be the best way I can consolidate my thoughts on the subject.
btw.... don't have the bandwidth for the vid atm! NUTS, cause it looks great, lol!