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Forum Post: A Koch and a Smile

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 1:52 p.m. EST by mocracy (27)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The vilification of the Koch Brothers on the left side of American Politics has lost it's mind. Yes, these billionaires are part of the radical right wing. They fund Citizen United the group whose name is synomous with the 'Citizen United' ruling that declared corporation 'persons' and cleared the way for 2 individuals of the 1% to spend millions of dollars to buy politicians. It is true that the Koch brothers have financed Pro-life causes, Defense of Marriage initiatives and Union Busting state legislation.

With all of this being true, the Koch brothers are still a product of the society that produced every single protester and the Occcupy movement en tout. According to our laws they are not [convicted] criminals. Let us not forget, that the United States is a country where it has been said of “law-and-order” that our legislation is equal as demonstrated by the fact that it prohibits 'the poor and the rich alike from sleeping under bridges and stealing bread.'

As distasteful as it may be, the Koch Brothers are exercising the same legal rights to participate in our society as those that make it possible for Occupy protest without the slaughter of protesters that has taken place in Syria. Everytime we took money out of our wallets or swiped a debit or credit card, the 99% made an investment in the 1% of the millonairs that are now using those millions to exercise their Constitutional Rights of participting in our democracy.

1787 Occupy Manifesto blog.erace-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/1787-Occupy-Manifesto1.pdf FR12 CLICK HERE FOR MAP OF ROUTE blog.erace-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/FR12.pdf We The People Initiative -blog.erace-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/We-The-People1.pdf



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[-] 2 points by Faithntruth (997) 12 years ago

How many rich people actually need or want to sleep under a bridge? You should find a better example.

Like the way rich and powerful get short prison terms or pardons. Oh, wait.. Um, like how brown people are guilty of crime because they are out in public...oh, thats not right. Uh, like how select uppity folk are pursued for tax evasion while the good ol boys are not...shoot, i guess i cant help you make that point...

[-] 1 points by mocracy (27) 12 years ago

Faithntruth: It is called political satire. I also compiled and posted the following: blog.erace-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/1787-Occupy-Manifesto1.pdf - mocracy

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 12 years ago

Im sorry, it seemed like you were serious...didnt get the satire. I no longer follow blind links so i did not read off site material that would have clarified your position. I'm asking people to post a short descriptor of any links before i follow them.

[-] 1 points by mocracy (27) 12 years ago

Fair....and a good idea. From now on a short descriptor will accompany my suggested links. Thanks - Mocracy

[-] 2 points by mocracy (27) 12 years ago

Re: A Koch and a Smile by change » Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:59 pm

This is a must see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOCHAv25uTw

The Koch Brothers People & Power asks if the tycoon duo's fortune could put the radical right into the White House.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOCHAv25uTw Charles and David Koch are each worth about $25bn, which makes them the fourth richest Americans. When you combine their fortunes, they are the third wealthiest people in the world. Radical libertarians who use their money to oppose government and virtually all regulation as interference with the free market, the Kochs are in a class of their own as players on the American political stage. Their web of influence in the US stretches from state capitals to the halls of congress in Washington DC.

The Koch brothers fueled the conservative Tea Party movement that vigorously opposes Barack Obama, the US president. They fund efforts to derail action on global warming, and support politicians who object to raising taxes on corporations or the wealthy to help fix America’s fiscal problems. According to New Yorker writer Jane Mayer, who wrote a groundbreaking exposé of the Kochs in 2010, they have built a top to bottom operation to shape public policy that has been "incredibly effective. They are so rich that their pockets are almost bottomless, and they can keep pouring money into this whole process".

http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconno ... ate-greed/ Occupy Movement Wants Koch Brothers Out Of Politics, Marches On Georgia-Pacific HQ

[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 12 years ago

We need only remember that Hitler was "democratically" elected.

The Kochs are exercising their right to participate in society just at OWS, but when you have billions, their rights and voices are just so much louder than the 99%. There is something wrong with democracy in America when wealth gives you more say in politics to subjugate the 99%. It is not illegal, at least not yet, but it should be.

[-] 2 points by LoveToLickCum (54) 12 years ago

A cock always makes me smile

[-] 1 points by mocracy (27) 12 years ago

Re: A Koch and a Smile by change » Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:59 pm

This is a must see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOCHAv25uTw

The Koch Brothers People & Power asks if the tycoon duo's fortune could put the radical right into the White House.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOCHAv25uTw Charles and David Koch are each worth about $25bn, which makes them the fourth richest Americans. When you combine their fortunes, they are the third wealthiest people in the world. Radical libertarians who use their money to oppose government and virtually all regulation as interference with the free market, the Kochs are in a class of their own as players on the American political stage. Their web of influence in the US stretches from state capitals to the halls of congress in Washington DC.

The Koch brothers fueled the conservative Tea Party movement that vigorously opposes Barack Obama, the US president. They fund efforts to derail action on global warming, and support politicians who object to raising taxes on corporations or the wealthy to help fix America’s fiscal problems. According to New Yorker writer Jane Mayer, who wrote a groundbreaking exposé of the Kochs in 2010, they have built a top to bottom operation to shape public policy that has been "incredibly effective. They are so rich that their pockets are almost bottomless, and they can keep pouring money into this whole process".

http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconno ... ate-greed/ Occupy Movement Wants Koch Brothers Out Of Politics, Marches On Georgia-Pacific HQ

[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 12 years ago

Liberal need a "boogeyman". When Bush was in office it was Halliburton's turn in the barrel. Koch Bros was a plan for liberals. They need a simple thought for simple minds to follow. "koch bros bad...repeat ..Koch bros bad."....jazz hands everyone....

[-] 1 points by mocracy (27) 12 years ago

Interesting! Considering the "Boogeyman" with weapons of mass destruction needed by Bush to get the U.S. in a war of choice costing 2 billions dollars a week which makes the money that the Koch brothers are spending pennies over the long-run. Where a liberal sees a 'boogeyman' or in the case of the Koch brothers 'boogeymen' scary things are happening in our society and economy. When a conservative sees a 'boogeyman' it is to frighten the country into a stamped over and off the cliff. I will take the liberal 'boogeyman' any day of the week. - mocracy

[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 12 years ago

Liberal mobs...need someone to lynch. Bush is gone...let's see...who can we blame for our miserably self loathing lives.?....The Kock bros.

[-] 1 points by mocracy (27) 12 years ago

Bush may be gone but the 2 billion dollar a week unnecessary IRAQ WAR bill shows up in the U.S.'s accounting as money that could have built roads or made it unnecessary to lay-off teachers, police and fire-fighters. ...this is to say nothing of the fact of how Bush's Multi-Billion dollar adventure has positioned IRAN a real Sponsor of terrorism and emerging Mid-east nuclear power....to be the next RIGHT WING 'boogeyman' ..who can we blame for creating and spreading misery to lives at home and abroad....besides BUSH was just a puppet for the same masters KOCH etc who have their hands up Herman Cain's rear and Mitt R, and all the other wack jobs trying to be the face of the Republican party. -mocracy

[-] 0 points by Joyce (375) 12 years ago

Nothing upsets a progressive like the words Bush or Koch. Drives them wild.