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Forum Post: A history of whats currently happening

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 5:39 p.m. EST by onepeople (49)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

“During the twelfth and thirteenth century, Europe rapidly cut down it's forests, consumed it's timber, and burned it's brushwood for fuel... London suffered severely from smoke pollution in the thirteenth century.”


"After a long period of comparative stability and growing prosperity, women throughout Europe married at earlier ages and decided to have more children. The result was a medieval baby boom that began in the twelfth century and continued for many years...During the thirteenth Century, large parts of rural Europe became more densely settled than they would ever be again until the twentieth century...”

…But then things began to slow down…

“In its earliest stage, the new trend was nearly imperceptible... Manufactured goods were up a little, but not as much as food and fuel. The money-changers were getting more for their services, and the laborers who anxiously sought employment would have noticed that wages were beginning to lag behind the rising cost of living.”

…This was just the beginning…

“All of these changes were still of minor magnitude in the year 1224. The Price-Revolution had barely begun. But once underway, it would continue for more then a century."

Not all prices increased at the same rate. The most rapid rises appeared in the price of energy, food, shelter and raw materials. Specially striking was the price of energy...”

Sound familiar?



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[-] 1 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 12 years ago

And now we are at peak oil.

[-] 1 points by onepeople (49) 12 years ago

same energy crisis, pollution problems, etc. different resource. What will be our next oil, when all of this blows over?