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Forum Post: A high tech future oriented community.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 1:41 p.m. EST by mikieinokc (0) from Oklahoma City, OK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I wrote an essay detailing my idea for a resource based cooperative community formed from freedom of choice and thought, the unemployed and the discarded resources of global capitalism. The essay was longer than the limit for this forum so I am posting it to my Facebook account and attempting to set up the security so the public can view the essay, then discuss here? I hope...

Basically, start a university with five major departments, housing, food, transportation, education & health care, then start learning how to provide these things for free inside a self contained, self powered, fully recycling people supporting machine that's housed in a building. The system should be able to fully support a specified number of people and then reproduce itself. A radical idea that has always been in our future since we are an intelligent species able to communicate and cooperate towards a common goal. Here's the link to the full essay, http://www.facebook.com/mikieginokc?sk=notes#!\note.php?note_id=10150516189073272 I've no idea if that will work from this post but I'm anxious to get this meme set out there to let better brains than mine to start chewing on the problem. So, all 5, free for all, WHY NOT! Never forget, I didn't come to start the revolution, I am the revolution!



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