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Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 30, 2011, 12:55 p.m. EST by ZinnReader (92) from Encinitas, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


This is consistently being brought up and now needs desperate attention.

If there is only one person managing the forum, then I'm not sure why work is not being delegated out so that we can see through the organization of this forum, which is an important resource to many.

Simply, we need topics with sub folders.


Without an organized forum, it only adds to the image of a disorganized movement. Isn't that something we want to improve??




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[-] 1 points by SilentThunderStorm (17) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Then build on... it isn't hard.

Myself, one of the reason that I like this form, and this 'revolution' is exactly because it is decentralized.

Centralization, a necessary part of the type of organization of which you speak, is a weakness.

You want to shut one group up, that's simple... no matter how large it grows. You get hit with a thousand small groups, you have a problem.

In addition, a single central reserve leads to the issue of authority and control. What if I felt that we need to be protesting the next election? You disagree. In such a case, you, being the network administrator, decide, all by yourself, that such a comment is non-productive.

Sorry, that's a no-go for me.... and probably a lot of others as well.

This is a disorganized movement, deal with that.... this is what democracy looks like. We do not all agree on our agendas, if we did, we would be just another political party with just another agenda.

Rather, this is a movement where everyone gets their voice, and if that voice is shared by enough people, it will be carried through to the end. The only way for this to work is by decentralization... there IS no leader, there IS no governing body of what I want to say except me.

If you really want an organized place to order your thoughts about what is going on in the world, do so.

Rent server space from some country with real freedom that wont shut it down, and setup a organized, hierarchical forum. There is tons of free software out there to do so with.

I, for myself, will stick to the disorganized, and highly organic, roots from which this movement sprang.

Maybe, when the dust settles, your site will be there with a nice organized structure and well thought out ideas on how to rebuild national policy, which we are in the beginning of tearing down... but that is, and must be, a separate concern from the actual deconstruction work.

[-] 1 points by ZinnReader (92) from Encinitas, CA 12 years ago

Your thoughts/concerns and a forum organized with subfolders are not mutually exclusive.


[-] 1 points by SilentThunderStorm (17) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Agreed completely that they are not mutually exclusive.

They are not, however, compatible. They would need to be separate things, and handled separately.

More power to him if he wants to set it up, I would even help code it.

But I see a growing shift in this movement to get organized behind only one single concern.. and that is troubling.. these problems are systemic, and focusing on a single symptom will not fix them.


[-] 1 points by SilentThunderStorm (17) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Will do. Soon as I get off of work.

[-] 1 points by wonttakeitanymore (4) 12 years ago

I agree if we organize this, we see what we're about A completely disorganized mob can't get much change

but then, there is the Democratic party ......


[-] 1 points by SilentThunderStorm (17) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Look at the 60's... their efforts, on a wide swath of issues in their day resulted in a similar wide swath of solutions.

Focusing on one singular issue will not actually solve ANY of them... if we do that, then we will hear from Washington that they have heard our concerns, and blame the problem on each other... then each come up with separate bills to address these concerns...

By the time it is done with them 'cracking down on Wall Street' we will have a bill past that has no teeth, but costs a lot of money.

None of these concerns will be solved that way.


[-] 1 points by SilentThunderStorm (17) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Again... will do, as soon as I get off of work.