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Forum Post: A Chance for Americans

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 1:54 p.m. EST by yasminec001 (584)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

to vote on the current situation. How about we put a massive poll for any and all u.s. certified voters to vote on a general topic such as yea or nay for a revision on our constitution, yea or nay on bills to refrain politics and government mixing up with money, etc. Why not give our voices a chance?

I'm sure everyone deserves a say. And I'm talking about outside the GA meetings for Occupy.



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[-] 1 points by whatishumanity (54) 12 years ago

any lawyers or retired judges out there willing to lend a hand? love the idea, hope it catches on. no reason to freeze our butts off these next 5 months; there are over 300 million us citizens and they deserve a voice

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 12 years ago

exactly what i'm thinking. not to sound mean (there is no emotional judgment in this) but I don't think those people who are there and deserve a voice also deserve to face possible death due to the cold. I understand it's a personal decision though, but why not take this immediate action this november?

It might already be underway, I have no idea.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 12 years ago


I think piecemeal reform of the current system will not work. It is simply too broken, if not completely rotten to the core.

That being the case, I think that instead of a useless election in 2012 opposing two useless parties, OWS should press for A NATION-WIDE REFERENDUM on revising our Constitution. If the answer is YES, which I fully expect, given the current "state of the Union", then the people would be called upon to elect a Commission to draft a new Constitution, which would be submitted to the people once again in a nation-wide referendum. Only paper ballots would be used, so as to avoid machine-rigging.

What do you think, yasmine? Is this the sort of thing you had in mind?

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 12 years ago

YES. However, the only problem I can see forming is that paper ballots can also be rigged and multiplied. I also would like a more environmentally-friendly approach, if it's possible but I find it hard to come up with an idea that qualifies. I'll look into it.

I really think more Americans, and not who buys out the electoral college votes, should count. Each individual one. We should also provide completely objective information and evidence (completely transparent too, no loopholes or sugar-coating) prior to each individual vote...Hmm..I'm getting ahead of myself but all in all, yes. I agree.

We need to LITERALLY examine our constitution today side-by-side to the original constitution and declaration of independence. We all need a reminder of our original intent, and how that intent has been obscenely skewered these past several years.

Edit: Also, I really think a re-election of any and all incumbents in any and all positions of office would prove to be effective as well. That's being nice in my opinion, since a more thorough strategy would be to throw them all out. However, not all apples are bad.


[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 12 years ago

That's how it's been for too long. It's time we refuse that.