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Forum Post: 99%ers are NOT Collateral

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 10:36 a.m. EST by NotCollateral (0) from London, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It blows me away how brokers, bankers, and corporations continue to financially rape us as though we are their hostages and their collateral. Politicians want to privatize tax-payer infrastructures, though such a moves often penalize the general populace. Politicians shift money from tax payers to large corporations, with barely a thought about the tax payer populace who has to foot the bill and they expect us to be grateful to pay higher taxes or live with reduced services to help cover their decisions. What irks me the most is using our tax dollars to finance their fiat money printing scams in the name of making more "liquidity" for our economy to create more jobs, which it seldom does. Recent articles are revealing that economists, and especially those at central banks, believe and preach that debt is good and that more debt is better. Isn't it debt that is causing world-wide economic chaos? And who eventually covers the bailouts for all that debt? We the taxpayer public. To clear that debt burden, politicians are raising the pain on the general public by imposing, or setting us up to impose, severe austerity programs and pent up inflation. We, the general public, are perceived to be a readily-available, never-ending source of funds for politicians and corporations. It is as though we are held hostage by those who we democratically elected to serve our interests. Instead of meeting our needs, they treat us as their collateral. Let it hereby be known to the 1%-ers, and let it hereby be resolved, that: "We, the 99%-ers, are not your collateral!"



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[-] 1 points by gestopomilly (497) 12 years ago

before we allow austerity.. we have to stop foreign aid. we have a trillion dollars seeping out of this country as welfare to foreign workers.. first put that money back into america

[-] 1 points by rayl (1007) 12 years ago

well said