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Forum Post: 70+ differences - where do you stand ?

Posted 12 years ago on June 27, 2012, 8:58 a.m. EST by bensdad (8977)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Yes, I know that within the two parties --
their actions & policies,
their members,
their leaders
are not all the same.

What follows is a list of the generalized differences.
Yes, I now there are some “sames” – for example -
such as taking money from the 1% & using drones.

This post is NOT about the sames –
it is about the differences.

Most assuredly – there is no perfect team -- but ---
Which “team” do you want to vote for?
Which “team” do you want “in” power?
Which “team” do you want “out of “ power?

There are generalizations here, and historic facts.
Just a list of DIFFERENCES

SOCIAL & MEDICAL………….……….………. D ……... R

supports oligarchy………………………………...N ……….Y
against cancer prevention vaccine ….….………N ……… Y
Restrict abortion rights ………………………… N ……… Y
Restrict birth control rights ……………………. N ……….Y
Teach abstinence only ………………………… N ……… Y
support public option ……………………………Y ……… N
support single payer……………………………. Y ……… N
support affordable care act……….…………….Y ……… N
likes the most expensive medical system……. Y ……… N
Global warming is a scientific conspiracy …….N ……… Y
support dream act ……………………………… Y ……… N
support gun control …………………………….. Y ……… N
Against gay rights ……………………………… N ……….Y
Against gay marriage……………………………N ……… Y
Higher education Affordability…………………..Y………. N
Prayer in school ………………………………….N ………Y
Would support 1964 civil rights bill …….………Y ………N

MONEY & TAXES...................................... D ......... R

Corporations ARE people ……………………...N….……Y
Money IS speech………………………………..N….……Y
Support supply side economics………………..N………Y
Support trickle down economics……………….N………Y
pro-corporate supreme court appointments…..N………Y
pro-people supreme court appointments……..Y………N
signed grover norquist tax pledge……….…….N………Y
member of alec……………………………….….N………Y
Improve profits by outsourcing…………………N………Y
supports lower taxes for corporations…..…….N………Y
eliminate inherintance tax………………..…….N………Y
eliminate capital gains tax………………..…….N………Y
Support oil company subsidies………………...N………Y
Suppoprt tax breaks for rich………………...….N………Y
Food stamp program should be cut…………...N………Y
Decimate medicare………………………..…….N………Y
Decimate Medicaid………………………..…….N………Y
decimate social security……………..…..…….N………Y
reduce bank regulations……...…………..…….N………Y
reduce wall street regulations….……………...N………Y
privatize prison…………………………….…….N………Y
privatize armies………………………………….N………Y
privatize schools……………………………..….N………Y
privatize local government……….………….….N………Y

POLITICS...……………............................... D ........ R

Supports Citizens United decision………….…N………Y
signed grover norquist tax pledge………….….N………Y
member of alec…………………………….…….N………Y
most use of blocking with filibuster…………….N………Y
put party ahead of country……………………..N……….Y
president convicted of war crimes………….….N………Bush
vice president convicted of war crimes….…….N………Cheney
Supports voter suppression……………….……N………Y
Supports anti-flag burning laws…..……………N………Y
Legalize Marijuana………………………..….…Y………N
wants to close Guantanamo..…………………Y.….…..N
supports voter registration………………………Y….…..N
lies about birth certificate……………………….N………Y
lies about religion…………………………….….N………Y
always obeys the NRA………..…………….….N………Y

JOBS..………..……….................................. D ........ R

GM should be saved…………………………….Y…….…N
The USPS should be saved…………………….Y……….N
Support job exports……………………………...N….……Y
Destroy unions……………………………..…….N…….…Y
Rebuild infrastructure……………………………Y……….N
Build light rail…………………………….………Y……….N
Increase minimum wage……………………..…Y……….N
Creates jobs – in China….…………………..…N……….Y

WAR & MILITARY …………….…………….… D …..…R

killed bin laden……………….…………….…….Y………N
lied to create wars………………………….…….N…….. Y
negligence facilitated terrorist attacks…………N………Y
supports Iraq war……………………………..….N………Y

SCIENCE …………….…………....…………… D …..…R

Evolution is a fact………………………….…….Y………N
Reduce EPA regulations………….…………….N………Y
The earth is less than 10.000 years old……....N………Y
Fracking is good for the planet……….………..N………Y

Can you add any other DIFFERENCES ?
Which side of these 70+ issues are you on ?



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[-] 4 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago


Supports getting money out of politics ....N........N

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

That may be. But the dems ARE against cit united, and corp personhood. That is a good 1ststep. I believe more Dems have supported public financing of campaigns than repubs. I also believe with the right pressure from a strong growing citizens protest movement we can pressure more dems to support publicly funded campaigns. The repubs would never support this because they have bigger contributers and repubs rely more on the influence of dishonest (swift boating, and such) expensive, negative ads rather than the truth about their positions.

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

I'm sure your grandchildren will appreciate your efforts to legitimize this farce when they end up fighting the same battles all over again. That is how reform works, you know.

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I know. And I hope my generation gets some progress on something. Things are screwed up royally now, and we are fighting fights that OUR grandparents have fought as well. Fighting is necessary.! That this generation has been asleep and not fighting is partly why things are so bad!. but we refight the fight our grandparents fought even though their fights did bring some progress on some issues (civil rights, womens vote/rights, workers rights... ) We must fight instead of sleep as we have been. But we will only get some progress. Our grandchildren must be taught to continue the fight. It's a never ending battle between truth, justice, and the progressive way.

[-] 3 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

I'm glad you understand my point. I do not wish to discourage people not to vote their conscious, for whatever they think best for the country. I want people to understand the history and that this battle has been fought before and reform will only bring temporary victory. If we do win reform, we should not settle back and think we have won, we should keep pushing for true change.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

It's demoralizing to realize that whatever small progress we make will be met with constant pressure to undo. When you consider that we are still fighting against 1% efforts to undo Social Security! Almost 80 years of effort. All these fights are truly never ending. The worst thing we can do is let up. The 1% never let up. because they know that people (the 99%) do get tired, demoralized, and apathetic. Fighting that phenomenon is half our battle. We cannot encourage giving up. That is what the 1% wants. We play into their hands when we stay home on election day, when we become apathetic, when we go to sleep, and just consume.

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Some people will not vote based on the belief that they should not be forced to give consent to someone else to represent them and I can respect that. I would ask why they do not still participate in the vote and write-in, self-represent, or something of that nature. People need to exercise their democracy and vote - there is no rule that tells you who you must vote for. Just vote.

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I agree it is our right to "write in" or vote no consent, or 3rd party, or even not to vote. I know people who've done that. I have also. I would like it to be mandatory that we all vote. But all these options are within our rights. I would encourage at least voters in swing states to make sure their vote does not allow the right wing to gain more power. (my state is deep Blue) The right wing proudly trumpets the policies of the 1%. But don't get me started.

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

That is a strategically good point you bring up about the swing states. I'm for approaching mandates with caution, but in reality, it may be the only practical solution to get people to vote.

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

It works in Australia. Although I don't know if they have a less 1% dominated govt.

I just think the 1% fear greater turn ouit most of all. Just look at all the efforts (30+ states) to suppress the vote of left leaning citizens.

[-] 1 points by JS93 (-321) 12 years ago

The 1% (PTB) just hate democracy. They want to be the Kings, and us the serfs. Any Voting is anathema to them.

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

"Fight the Power that be"

[-] 0 points by JS93 (-321) 12 years ago


I have this on vinyl purchased when it was released!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

How Time Does fly!

The message is as true today as it was when this song was 1st written.

"Fight the Power that be"

[-] 0 points by JS93 (-321) 12 years ago

Just like this class war!

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Yes. Thanks.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Very good. I was thinking of by Public Enemy.

[-] 0 points by JS93 (-321) 12 years ago

Get original!

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

The numbers are not in the 1%'s favor.

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

They know it and they are desperately flailing about with ALEC/repub state legislators as tools of suppression. I hope they don't succeed at stealing this election. I think these efforts are a good measure that the 1% DO believe the parties are different. We just have to keep the Dems in line and not caving in. Really what we need besides mandatory voting is an expansion of house of reps by at least 100. This will allow cities to gain more representation and therefore more progressive policy supporters. Also end the electoral college.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

End the electoral college. Another good campaign for the people. Should go after this like movetoamend is going after ending corpoRAT personhood.

Yes - support move to amend - this is a campaign of the people. This is how issues can be resolved as we work at getting back our government.


[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Yes, get rid of the electoral college. I think arguing the point of how different the parties are eludes back to my original point. They are both ugly step sisters. I have a choice of marrying the ugly sister or the even uglier sister, but we could both probably agree they are ugly. So it is a moot point. The real goal should always remain to get rid of the ugly sisters and find a pretty one.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago
[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

LOL. You know what I meant.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

but it was ok.

"if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty women your wife" good old song.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

having a pretty wife is nice

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Yes - and I thought you might find that link funny. {:-O

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (3625) 0 minutes ago

LOL. You know what I meant. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Sure. Fairly good analogy, but I do think the dems can be dragged (cosmetic surgery?) back to their progressive principles, but the repubs are too far gone (fugly, y'know the kind!) But I'm not comfortable with this analogy (a little shallow). ;).

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

I get more laughs out of the repubs

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Yes, it was shallow.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

aslong as the dems and repubs choose the debates,

they will be focusing the issues whether the pro or con

issues not presented are given -no publicity]


[-] 0 points by JS93 (-321) 12 years ago

The Citizen United Billions??? Think (Snot Walker) again.

[-] 2 points by HempTwister (667) from Little Rock, AR 12 years ago

Every four generations since civilization began. When they win the monopoly game they throw us some bones and the game starts over. They always win because we stop fighting. But they never stop.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

LMAO ! That made my day.

[-] 2 points by HempTwister (667) from Little Rock, AR 12 years ago

My representative is for our state amendment and he is Karl Rove famous illegal caging guy. Many Republicans are for it. One D was mad about having to pay for her own lunch.

[-] 2 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

There are a dozen constitional amendments that have been proposed is the house and semnate on this.
I believe that over D 100 congressmen & senators have signed on
and 2 Rs
check out the text of all of them

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Provide me a list of those congressmen & senators along with a list of money they have accepted from their political donors. If they are telling the truth, it should show in their actions and not just their words.

[-] 2 points by HempTwister (667) from Little Rock, AR 12 years ago
[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Thanks, I signed it.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Yes - support move to amend - this is a campaign of the people. This is how issues can be resolved as we work at getting back our government.


[-] 2 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

nothing to sign here -
but if you want to understand Citizen United,
Corporate personhood and the amendments,
here's where you can start


[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You missed the petition link:

Move to Amend Petition


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You can track issues and voting here:


[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Thanks. I told myself I would just stay out of this issue, but I just couldn't help myself, I had to give bensdad a hard time for not putting campaign finance reform on his y/n list.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Not a problem - no one is perfect - but some do try to be good - like BD - like You.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

I have a saying. "I don't care where people sit on the bus, I just want some assurance we are all on the same bus"

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

And that we know where the bus is headed and approve of the destination.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

"Wanna drive my bus to my baby each day. (too much, magic bus)"- P townsend.

Morning dude. Hope all is well. Good to see you active.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Good morning to you. Yeah I am experiencing a bit of clarity this AM. Hope it lasts. I see you are off to a good start today. {:-])

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Keep-on Keeping-on.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

It's early. lol. ;)

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

When it starts wearing on you you have stayed to long in session - take a break - get recharged. This movement has a long row to hoe.

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Yes. That is what I resolved to do today.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Yeah, you get the idea. LOL.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

how about direct healthcare provided with out need of insurance bureaucracy

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

lobby bensdad to put on the list.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

I gave you a site that has all of the amendments and their sponsors.
Do y ou know how to use the internet?

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Do you not know how to provide a list?

[-] 3 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago

On neither side. End all parties.

A representative should only have one master, the people he represents. If he has other masters, the party, and wealthy contributors, who does he really serve?

[-] 2 points by TheMisfit (48) 12 years ago

Some truths there, but mostly left wing hyperbole and talking points.

[-] 1 points by HempTwister (667) from Little Rock, AR 12 years ago

Not only are they not the same but there is more polarization than any ever.

Here is the science on that.


[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

This is excellent. I would remind any anti dem commenters that many people recognize these important differences but continue to believe that for 30 years years the country and dems have been pulled towards the right, Some Dems (blue dogs, bought off) have caved in and betrayed their progressive principles and voted for right wing policies. Right wing policies are at the root of all our problems. This reality exists mainly because progressives have become apathetic, demoralized, lazy, and and have stayed home and went to sleep. OWS is an opportunity to wake up the progressives again. We need to wake up, grow this movement and become the incentive/pressure on all pols (certainly dems) to pass progressive policies. A resurrected, strong progressive left wing is the answer to our problems. Well done bensdad!

[-] 0 points by friendlyopposition (574) 12 years ago

Thank you for clearing everything up and presenting ALL the facts in such a clear and unbiased manner. [I better flag this as sarcasm in case someone thinks this list is actually clear and unbiased]

Oh yeah, when and where were those war crimes trials?

[-] 2 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

Former US president George W Bush and British ex-prime minister Tony Blair were Tuesday found guilty by a tribunal in Malaysia for committing "crimes against peace" during the Iraq war. The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, part of an initiative by former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad -- found the former leaders guilty after a four-day hearing. "The Tribunal deliberated over the case and decided unanimously that the first accused George Bush and second accused Blair have been found guilty of crimes against peace," the tribunal said in a statement. "Unlawful use of force threatens the world to return to a state of lawlessness. The acts of the accused were unlawful." A seven-member panel chaired by former Malaysian Federal Court judge Abdul Kadir Sulaiman presided over the trial, which began last Saturday, and both Bush and Blair were tried.
"The evidence showed that the drums of wars were being beaten long before the invasion. The accused in their own memoirs have admitted their own intention to invade Iraq regardless of international law," it said. The tribunal is also expected to later hear torture and war crimes charges against seven others, including former US secretary of defence Donald Rumsfeld and former vice president Dick Cheney.

AND where do you stand on the above issues?
OR are you afraid to take a stand ?

[-] 0 points by friendlyopposition (574) 12 years ago

I actually knew what you were talking about... The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal has absolutely no credibility. I don't even know why you would present that as fact.

I'm not going to justify your silly list with "where I stand". It is soooo heavily biased that its ridiculous...and you know it. Sure you do - that is why you posted it.

Why don't you add a few more columns to balance it out:

Supports murdering children Y N

Supports destroying the economy Y N

Supports communism Y N

Supports gov't control over all aspects of your life Y N

Against personal accountability Y N

Supports everyone getting a trophy Y N

Of course I realize the above list is ridiculous... it has to be to fit in with the list you presented.


[-] 0 points by JusticeF0rTrayvon (-58) 12 years ago

What? Several of these are blatant lies

pro-corporate supreme court appointments…..Y………Y

pro-people supreme court appointments……..N………N

Ever heard of Kelo v New London?

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Everything else ok with you Tray?

[-] -1 points by JusticeF0rTrayvon (-58) 12 years ago

privatize schools……………………………..….N………Y

Citation needed for a republican leader who wants to end public education.

Creates jobs – in China….…………………..…N……….Y


Build light rail…………………………….………Y……….N


against cancer prevention vaccine ….….………N ……… Y

Not wanting to make something mandatory is being against it now? By the same absurd logic, Democrats are against homosexuality. Nonsense.

Everything else I see is not exactly an outright lie, but there are a great deal of enormous distortions, like the fact that 60 Democrats supported the flag-burning amendment in 2006.

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

"Democrats are against homosexuality"? Huh? LMFAO. Please stop. Your just ridiculous. Please don't respond.

[-] 0 points by JusticeF0rTrayvon (-58) 12 years ago

Oh, yeah, now that you mention it, that's exactly what I said.

I will respond, because I get tremendous pleasure from teaching and informing others. There is so much fascism on the right and left these days, I feel it is my duty to point it out so that we may all learn and be informed. Now in a lot of cases, the people doing the learning will never admit it, they merely change the subject and ridicule. But, when an argument is intellectually bankrupt, it becomes obvious.

When a person's error is brought to attention, they often become angry. Such anger often leads to being unable to read all of a post in its entirety.

What was that you said a few minutes ago about name calling being evidence of a bankrupt argument, with no place in an online forum?

I see you are eager to join my game. Muaahahahahaaa

[-] 0 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

What a load of crap this is.....This is the level of stupidity and naiveness that is holding the people of this nation back from getting real meaningful change.

[-] 0 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

"load of crap"
vulgarity is the first sign of dementia
but in any case, after your doctor gives you your next dose,
try to answer the question on where you stand on any of these issues?
Can you stand in a straight jacket?

[-] 0 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

ya, vulgarity is the first sign of dementia......

Again, more proof of why its so hard to get Americans to demand any change, they cant get out of their own boxes.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

So, you cannot answer a question if you are in a straight jacket

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 12 years ago

Yes, definitely. People are dividing and conquering themselves. No need for the 1% to do it.


[-] 0 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

America is officially "2 Dumb 2 Fail".... haha. They have the population behaving like a bunch of well trained dogs.

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 12 years ago

People need factions to rally around so that they don't have to form their own conclusions.

[-] -1 points by delayedgrat (-157) 12 years ago


For the destruction of the family For reproductive irresponsibilty For devaluation of our currency For rampant uncontrolled drug use For a police state Against personal responsibilty For multiple abortions where the head of the fetus is crushed with a ice pick For cradle to grave mollycoddling whereby some one else pays for it For obesity For alcoholism For sexual depravity Hatred of the Founding Fathers Hatred of the Constitution Let me repeat: For as many abortions as a woman may want where the brain of the fetus is destroyed by an ice pick For establishing Public employees as American royalty Credo of Dems: Blame America First For the slaughter of innocents in Syria, //darfur, and other spots and decadently enjoying the rite of bathing in the blood of the innocent

I like this game, its fun!

[-] 1 points by BushbamneyLies (0) 12 years ago

You pose this question to "Dems" who are owned by the same global elite that owns the "Reps"? I'd say that makes you another one of the "Id[iot]s".