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Forum Post: 1984

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:19 p.m. EST by Cicero (407)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

After the Civil War the Posse Comitatus Act was passed to ensure that the American Military would not be used against American Citizens. However through Executive Orders and Legislation our government has repealed it. The American Military can be used domestically and martial law declared for an attack, natural disaster, or civil unrest. Constitutionally speaking most policing powers are reserved to the states. In the event of rioting or civil unrest the police or National Guard under the instruction of the Governor should be the ones to deal with these threats. Police officers are trained to protect and serve, to exercise caution when dealing with the public, to ensure that the utmost care is taken in regards to civil liberties. For some reason i am inclined to believe that the military isn't trained to uphold civil liberties. Besides this grave threat to liberty there is the fact that now the President or Attorney general can declare American citizens as a terror suspects, or enemy combatants. We can be detained without access to the legal system or an attorney. Our government can now spy on our communications without a warrant. The Supreme Court is set to decide rather a drug suspects rights were violated when the FBI put a GPS tracking device on his vehicle without a warrant. We are on the verge of Orwellian tyranny. We must rise up as one and demand that our liberties be reinstated, our interests in security and safety be represented.



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[-] 1 points by OWSupporter (10) 13 years ago

Thank you!! The morale of this country has sank with the economy as well as the lack of ability to do ANYTHING without the gov't involved. There is a permit and fee required to carry a firearm, fish, hunt, march in protest... all basic, constitutional, human rights!!!!

This country was founded by brilliant people (I'm sure some wives gave their opinions via pillow-talk with their husbands) who foresaw the grave destruction of this country by the corruption of political power. It is no secret our government is full of politicians who do NOT put their constituents first. The cost of running a campaign is so expensive, they must get 'donations' to afford the campaign. They get elected, and then owe those donators favors.

Not only are the elected politicians corrupt, but the appointed officials of government agencies come from the corporations that those agencies regulate. So when the weekend rolls around and they're out playing golf, of course they are discussing policy and how it would best suit the corporations. Aspartame is fantastic example: it causes freaking cancer, there is NO evidence to the contrary, unless you believe the manufacture of the aspartame, who directly profits from the sale of the poison in almost EVERYTHING sugarfree. Hello??? How do they get away with this?

Because I thought for so long that the gov't is too big, they'll never listen to me. The great news?? We have come together, they can not ignore us, WE HAVE THE POWER. That was demonstrated in the Arab Spring movement. Those leaders ruled for decades, and were ousted in weeks. There are 297 MILLION people in the US bottom 99%. We DO have the power, regardless of what the media says.

The media is owned by the 1%. This is not a secret. Of course the media is not broadcasting anything positive towards this movement. This movement could spell the death of the media's control over public opinion.