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We are the 99 percent

The World Is With Us—Occupy Lives On!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:29 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Athens Action
Athens, Greece

Today, November 17th, over 30,000 New Yorkers took to the streets to resist austerity, rebuild our economy, and reclaim our democracy. It was our largest action to date.

Our will was only emboldened by Mayor Bloomberg's heavy-handed attempt to eradicate Occupy Wall Street; our brutal eviction from our homes at Liberty Square has strengthened both our resolve and our legitimacy. Together, we raised our voices to declare: "No to evictions! No to the 1% that profits from our collective impoverishment." We showed the world we are not a fringe group of naive idealists—we are truly a people's uprising embodying the revolutionary spirit of economic justice, mutual aid, and participatory, consensus-based democracy. We are the 99%.

And the world responded.

Protestors across the United States occupied our most tangible symbols of oligarchic neglect: bridges—essential public infrastructure the 1% has blithely let decay:

  • Los Angeles, CA: protestors peacefully shut down a bridge into the financial district. 16 were arrested.
  • Portland, OR: the Steel Bridge was occupied
  • Detroit, MI: in one of the cities hardest hit by foreclosures and evictions, 1000s marched across the 2nd Ave Bridge
  • Washington, DC: protestors demonstrated in support of increased infrastructure projects on the Key Bridge
  • Philadelphia, PA: 1500 people marched on the Market St Bridge where at least 25 people were arrested during a nonviolent sit-in.
  • Miami, FL: over 2,000 people gathered under the overpass at Jose Marti Park.
  • Chicago, IL: LaSalle Street Bridge was shut down and 46 protesters were arrested during a sit-in before flooding intersections and streets around the Federal Reserve Bank and the Chicago Board of Trade
  • Hartford, CT: 200 people blocked the entrance ramp to 1-84, with 10 arrests
  • Houston, TX: 500 prosters blocked the Travis Street Bridge with at least 12 arrests.
  • Pittsburgh, PA: Protestors blocked Greenfield Bridge
  • Baltimore, MD: Howard Street Bridge was occupied.
  • More bridges were blocked in: St. Louis, Milwaukee, Great Falls, Minneapolis, Kalamazoo, Augusta, Saginaw, Cleveland, Richmond, Iowa City, and countless cities across the country!

And across the world, the people of Canada, Japan, the UK, Spain, Germany, Greece, and elsewhere organized unprecedented solidarity actions, proving beyond doubt that Occupy Wall Street is, and is increasingly becoming, a truly global revolution.

To echo one protest sign: "The World Is Not The Same Anymore."

Bloomberg and his NYPD may have taken Liberty Square for now, just as the banks have taken the homes and livelihoods of thousands across the world. But today, we proved that the spirit of Occupy Wall Street and the will of the 99% is stronger than ever. They, the 1%, cannot evict an idea whose time has come!

Yes, the whole world is watching. But more importantly: the whole world is waking.




Read the Rules
[-] 19 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

I decided to spend the day at home comparing live video feeds from the net compared to the media coverage. To my conclusion channel 7 gave the most info, live video and reporting of about 2 minutes for every hour of television. Channel 7 ABC was more interested in promoting the useless info that nobody cares about such such as Regies last show, Gossip about celebs, Kim Kardashian, & whatever pointless line up they broadcast.

I viewed on the live feed an impressive amount of ppl estamite 32 thousand strong, yet on TV ABC reported a few hundred and unimpressive. Nypost.com reported hundreds, and foxnews reported on the front page of a cop who got a few stitches on his hand. The Media ABC channel 7 did report a live feed of protesters walking the brooklyn bridge, yet later online the Air Space was reportedly cleared by the Police State Members the NYPD. What bullys, I swear they really dropped the ball on public opinion as they used brutality on peaceful protesters. How about charges being pressed on the cops caught on video attacking defensless ppl?

America wake up, unless your a zombie that obeys... Maybe the world as we know it really is ending, a future that resembles the fictional movie 1984... Or the early stages of Natzi Germany...

[-] 11 points by DonFahquidmi (21) from Hilo, HI 13 years ago

It looks as though it best to Occupy Macy's Parade next week as the coverage will be unavoidable.

[-] 6 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

Thats a really smart idea if done correctly...

[-] -1 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Don't expect it to be done correctly unless a LOT of police are involved. You just ain't got the team to do it.

[-] 5 points by xiaofqi (5) 13 years ago

great idea!

[-] 2 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 13 years ago

Awesome idea. Do you think you'd need to apply for a parade permit in advance?

[-] 2 points by DonFahquidmi (21) from Hilo, HI 13 years ago

Bloomy already has one

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

What good will that do?

[-] 0 points by NonParticipant (151) 13 years ago

Yes, and it will look really good on TV when OWS is running over all of the children and families watching the parade. That ought to make JoeSchmoe-99% really want to come out and join you.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

You kill or seriously injure one kid there for the parade and you and any movement you worship is O V E R. Think about it.


[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 13 years ago

Great idea, if the cops try to stop us just push past them. If they push back fight, you are fighting for your first amendment rights.

[-] 1 points by jjoplin (25) 13 years ago

I am certain the First Amendment does not protect our right to "push past and fight" cops. that is why we are losing support. the tea party now has more support from general Americans. http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolitics/2011/11/16/support-for-occupy-wall-street-drops-in-poll/

We have to be smart about this!

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

What about the first amendments rights to peaceful assembly to enjoy a thanksgiving day parade. What you are saying, is that your rights trump those of thousands of other fellow citizens. YOU GOT EGO.

[-] -1 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

I though you burned Macy's to the ground on Thursday, that was the plan wasn't it?? So the parade goes on?? Great. It's a good thing, my friend Ray really likes to watch that parade along with all of his grandkids. It is sort of an annual family bonding ritual. If he has to turn off the TV because some protester is taking a dump on the sidewalk or showing just how disruptive they can be to a peaceful demonstration of thanksgiving , he is going to be more than a little upset.

[-] 9 points by guitarmywin (158) 13 years ago

Everyone was out marching. Thanks for the rundown. The media coverage is pretty depressing and I realize minute by minute just exactly what we are up against.Then I started to pray.

[-] 6 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

The media painted a far minimal scene than the actual truth...

I swear change is needed but it may never come.

[-] 4 points by guitarmywin (158) 13 years ago

It has too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 4 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

The future on passing information is the Net but if law makers have anything to do with it, we might loose it. Cencorship is wrong...

[-] 5 points by zygarch (83) 13 years ago

For anyone who cares about keeping an open Internet needs to keep an eye on Net Neutrality! Go to savetheinternet.com to check the status of the most important media conditions that affect us every day.

The SavetheInternet.com Coalition is two million (so far) people who have banded together with thousands of nonprofit organizations, businesses and bloggers to protect Internet freedom.

Click on "Take Action" and sign the petition to maintain Net Neutrality. We've had a recent victory, but big media and big telecoms try all the time to change that. Don't be passive!!

[-] 5 points by guitarmywin (158) 13 years ago

I think there is a law set for passage called sopa that could really limit and create a "big brother' over our usage. Our free speech has to be safe guarded.

[-] 3 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

I heard about it, its still early and if implemented expect a slow yet swift transition of power of information... Think of freedom of press.

[-] 3 points by guitarmywin (158) 13 years ago

Thanks for the awareness. This is actually an essential component, the vehicle where we can create a transformation.

[-] 3 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

I wish there was a chatroom where we all can talk among groups online. I really should show up in person but my problem is im so shy in person, online i am free to share my views and even then i rather use discretion on anything i post.

Thats what this site needs... Open mic.

[-] 2 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

the links at the top allow you to do just that NDG.. live stream link and the chat link.

you can also join in through http://occupystreams.org/

[-] 2 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

They are pushing it through before Christmas and the early polls show it will pass.

[-] 2 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

Big Brother? Stop making Facebook comments and Facebook check-in's next time you go to a "Matt & Kim" concert and you won't have to worry about Big Brother watching you. Wake Up!

[-] 2 points by guitarmywin (158) 13 years ago

We develop ways to communicate. It greatly adds to our speed but doesn't determine its existence. There is always a way. Smoke signals for example.

[-] 1 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

I'm wondering where you were in committee, guitarmywin. I called for back-up and you sat there like a dumb sack of shit. Only maybe worse, because, actually, on a molecular level, shit is probably fizzling with energy.

[-] 0 points by guitarmywin (158) 13 years ago

and the classy applies to....?

[-] -1 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

guitarmywin - I think the classy applies to her ability to communicate the most fundamental of all human needs. You gotta go, you gotta go.

Don't be offended. Just take a deep breath befor Nancy comes out of the bathroom and you will be OK.

[-] 1 points by guitarmywin (158) 13 years ago

Thank you for the debriefing ...ha ha

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

I have been trying to add a little laughter to an otherwise drab situation. Thanks for the great help. Me too HA HA HA

[-] 2 points by averagejoel (25) 13 years ago

“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine.” ― Abraham Lincoln

[-] 2 points by greg2 (55) 13 years ago

"I don't need any evidence ... I heard it" -- Michele Bachmann

[-] 2 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

Abraham Lincoln, never knew the internet existed... please, post proper.

[-] 2 points by averagejoel (25) 13 years ago

wow. taking that seriously are we? I was simply responding to the comment that says that we have to rely on the internet for information. Happy now? A more boring way to say it.....

[-] 2 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

This is an Abraham Lincoln quote? Maybe Abe Levine, but definitely not Abe Lincoln. You are out of your mind!

[-] 2 points by greg2 (55) 13 years ago

Abraham Lincoln built the Internet. Out of logs.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Hey greg, good to see you up and around this day. Could you expand on your statement, was it oak or pine logs??

Just curious, but important as it relates to longevity of logs.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

No, I think it was Abraham Lincoln. I read that quote somewhere. I think it was in a book by averagejoel about this very topic. My friend Ray doesn't read very well-so he has no clue, same as the rest of you guys.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

SOME censorship is wrong. The child predator might be right there beside you fighting for their rights too - NO censorship.

[-] 2 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

I went to a tax protest rally a couple years ago at the state Capitol in St. Paul. All the local news outlets reported "a few hundred protesters". By the police accounts, it was more like 15,000. The counter protest, wanting higher taxes, had perhaps 100 people, but the media gave them all the attention.

[-] 2 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

Is this a popularity contest or about having your voice heard? Yeah you supported your cause by going, so who cares what the local media coverage said. If you believe in your ideas and words, does it really matter what anyone else says about it? For example, I like wearing fur. If PETA protesters are against it and it gets media coverage, it doesn't bother me one bit, because I'm still warm when I wear it.

[-] 2 points by greg2 (55) 13 years ago

Until, while you were behind your keyboard typing in a forum on the Internet, they passed a law banning fur. Get it?

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

WOW - panic situation - panic situation. Winter is coming and fur has been banned - We need to take mink, rabbit, skunks, fox, some dogs, etc into our homes for the winter or they will freeze. Please come to help, bring old blankets, old underwear, send money, insulation, medicine,foot warmers, hand warmers, gasoline, generators, food, tents, anything, this is an EMERGENCY.

[-] 2 points by BoogieDown (3) from Binghamton, NY 13 years ago

Same thing happened in our area yesterday with a anti-hydrofracking gas drilling hearing. I watched the news later, and it did NOT echo the experience at all. Coverage of pro-fracking vs. anti was at least 4:1, but the anti-fracking numbers were much greater and had a louder presence. Money and big business talks.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

My friend Ray, who grew up in the oil field, wants to know what you got against frackin.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

The curious and the odd balls always get the most attention. My friend Ray prefers to stay low and avoid a lot of attention, maybe good advice for some others who might read this and think that disrupting a parade is the way to call attention to any cause..

[-] 3 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

These are the reasons I post on as many comment where I find negativity and direct them all to the OWS websites so they can learn the infomation... rather than suffer with what media spouts at them.

[-] 2 points by AmericanGovernmentAgent (5) 13 years ago

Media is with 1%.With the evil lot.Don't ya know U cockroaches! Ha Ha

[-] 2 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

this is the new media, Public discourse, with honest conversation, pro and con..The cons are still conning,and covering for conartist bosses,Media is owned by those cons..and they will tap your phone to get a scoop..

[-] 4 points by Pertello (80) 13 years ago

Throw out your TV. No useful reporting on any meaningful issues can be viewed there! It's just a bunch of corporate sock puppets yapping 24/7 on distracting worthless bullshit!

[-] 2 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

Sounds like some antenaes need toppling.

[-] 4 points by DonFahquidmi (21) from Hilo, HI 13 years ago

PS Thank you for the rundown on television coverage as I do not own a TV nor do I know anyone that does. The willful ignorance of the media is astounding.

[-] 3 points by AmericanGovernmentAgent (5) 13 years ago

Shut up man! We zombies are with the Government. Government does not mind killing and arresting people therefore 1% shall overcome U 99%

[-] 3 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

Nature has a Law that supercedes, tiny mans little laws..Every one lives and dies,it is how you live that will decide how you will die.. We are the People , We give government power, but we can , and will take it away and most govermment officials, will resign or be arrested,in the coming months due to their greedy,self centered,bribing,extorting,cheating,stealing,market manipulating,counterfeiting,mass murdering ways..

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Hi cocreator. If your name holds true to who you are. We will simply wait for a few coming months and see how it pans out for you. If it happens, we will worship you. If it does not, you might want to change your name and beg forgiveness of the Creator. I am very patient.

[-] 1 points by jane1 (100) 13 years ago

You are the Zombie GOP/teaTea, Freak!

[-] 3 points by Courtney (111) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I've seen this a lot too, for years and years. At the World Bank/IMF protests in DC about 10 years ago, the mainstream media made it seem like there were a handful of people there, there were two hundred thousand. They also made it sound like they were all black bloc, which is insane.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Yeah, my friend Ray went to some of those Tea Party shindigs and he couldn't even recognize the group they were reporting about. It is really a shame how distorted the media really is.

[-] 2 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

I feel the same way about the press. The press likes to pick out a few negative things and use that to represent the whole (especially FOX) In fact, I just wrote an article on my blog about the misrepresentations of the Occupy movement:


--Knave Dave

[-] 2 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

Whats next?

[-] 1 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

Wow no replies :-(

[-] 2 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

You'll have better luck where all the people are http://occupystreams.org/

Try Golbal Revolution channel... you'll enjoy it.

[+] -4 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I got a reply for you. GO FUCK YOURSELF. What ya going to do about that huh?

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Page 2, just hit the button below, please



[-] -1 points by rman917 (-6) 13 years ago

Sooo in other words, you sat home all day and watched youtube videos while we all worked 9-5 busting our asses to feed our kids.

Well done. I'm seeing more and more similarities in OWS every day!

[-] 2 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago
  1. Some people are disabled.
  2. Not everyone has a job.
  3. Some are fortunate to have a significant other bringing in decent income.
  4. some are self-employed.

Now... why the crass remark?

[-] 2 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

What part of his statement says he is unemployed could he possible be on his day off. I work minimum of 40+ hours and I also did the same regarding the video because I feel its important. I understand if your frustrated with life and how things are but please don't take it out on others. Thank you for your viewpoint it shows me there is much we all must learn.

[-] 1 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

I quit my dead end job to futher my future. Studying exams, debating military or considering futhering my college credits. I worked security at yankee stadium, was tired of working my ass off for just after taxs 380 a week. I want a job with health benifits and retirement plan with pention.

To be honest i am signing up for a career in law enforcement, however i have a set of morals and would be a good cop. I lived all my life in the housing projects, cops beat and bullied ppl all around me and i wanna be a cop just so i can make up for the bad cops by being a good cop.

If i join the military im afriad to die or worst come home with physical or mental problems.

This movement is amazing, i wish i could be a part of it, share ideas and support it more. I am simply too afraid to be arrested and have it on my record, atleast until after i start my career.

This movement is fresh, historical and could lead to change. However at all cost it must be peaceful...

[-] 2 points by GuyFawkes (9) 13 years ago

NoDamnGood, your comments echo the sentiments of many, many others, including my own.

Like you, I am afraid of the consequences of having an arrest on my record, as I work in a job that requires me to hold a security clearance. But I can still do my part in the revolt - I can share what I learned in political science classes - that the greatest single impediment to a just society in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. is the lack of a proportional voting system.

It's hard to be one voice crying out in the crowd, but I will try one more time. There is no democracy in a society like America's without your principal law-making body being representative of the people: truly representative. That means the Congress must accurately reflect the views and values of the American people. It must look like America. Right now, you've only got two parties holding seats in the Congress. This is a sham. It is impossible for two parties to broadly represent the diversity of views in a country like the United States. In Germany, there are 5 or 6 parties with seats, and as a result, there is consensus-building. Two parties must form a coalition in order to gain government power, and even then, their power is tempered by the checks and balances built into the proportional system. There is no 'my way or the highway' grandstanding. Instead, parties be civil towards one another (they may want to work together to form a coalition one day) and they must send their brightest and best people to Parliamentary committees (not just the most loyal party cronies) to particpate in the 'best effort' crafting of a consensus. They work much like your backyard committees. Therefore, the best possible decison that could be reached, taking all views into consideration, is what gets proposed as a bill in the parliament, and because all parties participated meaningfully in its construction, it usually gets passed, and only requires moderate fine-tuning over the years.

You cannot fix what is wrong in a democracy without first fixing the mechanisms of your democracy. America's biggest problem is a broken electoral system that makes manipulation by a small number of powerful people child's play. Until you fix your electoral system (make it proportional), you will never fix any of the other problems facing you.

[-] 2 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

I think you will make an excellent officer and completely understand you're situation. This movement does need to be peaceful but also intelligent which is not happening as much as I like. For example protesters in Seattle tried a shock and awe tactic in shopping center and conducted themselves a little forcefully but when asked to leave they complied easily. The main part of the protest consisted of some people throwing f liars from upper floor while yelling at people threw a bull horn. All together not very effective and to most came across as an attack on others rather than converting them. Just for good measure when they were leaving one of them decided setting off a road flare in the nearly closed off entry way was a good plan. How is this a good strategy for getting more supporters. Sorry for my rant thank you for your input its always good to have different views given its makes for a better whole picture. Oh and just for fun here is a link for article on plan the opposition is going to try. http://openchannel.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/11/19/8884405-lobbying-firms-memo-spells-out-plan-to-undermine-occupy-wall-street

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

More power to you my friend. I just paid the lady that does our maid services in our business over $1,000.00 for her work this week. Hang in there and look around. Everything is out there, don't protest until you look and know.

[-] 18 points by joanno (33) from Syracuse, NY 13 years ago

Ancient knowledge: the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Thanks for reframing the conversation about what's important in this country. It is the first step in the long process of reclaiming this country for we the people. Bring the GAs into the subways and bus stops and train stations to explain to the people who the 99% are. Bring the marchers to the banks who have insulted us and onto the bridges that need to be rebuilt. Occupy the hearts and minds of the people.


[-] 1 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

There is a reason that the Occupy movement in London, Ontario was the first in the country to be evicted by the police. That reason is largely because the Occupiers had little support from the public and their only consistent media strategy seemed to be to display their own indecision, fear of confrontation and internal bickering.

They faced difficult odds, for sure. But ultimately they sank themselves. Read how it all went wrong here:

www.josephcouture.com “How To Blow A Revolution: The London Model”

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Yeah, if Ms Parks had spent as much time picking out a comfortable seat on the front of the bus and ordering a catered lunch, she would still be sitting in the back.

And DO NOT post a reply if you think this in any way does not support her very brave peaceful action. ADMIRATION only.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

I agree with you completely. We do have a lot of bridges that need to be rebuilt and I am real concerned especially about that old bridge in Detroit. 3,000 marchers could stress that thing more than it could handle. I will have my friend Ray do a little advanced math on that one, but considering the obesity problem in this country, I think you all should be a little more careful about where you march and how much you eat before you march until he reports back. Peace and Safety - you do know that some people live under that bridge - right?? We got to think about their safety too.


[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

OWS prohibition to elect a new government is stupid. I just posted the following but a mod refused to publish it.

The solution for the OWS protest is to nominate Stephen Colbert for president.

The 2012 election. Every day that goes by with no effort to nominate Stephen Colbert to be the Green Party presidential candidate is a failure to win the protest. Here is the studio for the show - 513 W. 54th Street New York, NY 10019.

It is beyond stupid to expect Obama and the congress to quit kicking back for the BRIBES they keep taking. OWS people are in a trance expecting to demand anything from the CRIME FAMILY government.

Colbert or another prominent celebrity like Jon Stewart would get elected by a landslide. The Democrats would panic to Colbert because they would know that the Republican would win the election because Colbert would take enough votes from Obama to give the election to the Republican.

The registered independents (at least 90% of them) would love to vote for the Green Party candidate. A prominent guy like Colbert or Jon Stewart would attract 435 good candidates to be nominated in every district. The OWS protest would win. That's the solution for the protest. Most of the 435 districts would vote for the Green Party candidate to support Colbert. The OWS demands would be met in 2013.

1) Only public financed campaigns would eliminate all BRIBES including the ads. Arrest and prosecute the entire congress and Obama for taking bribes. 2) Stop the slave trade. Under the 13th amendment slavery was abolished. They call it free and "fair trade" or "globalization". The multinationals would be forced to source their supplies from American labor. Jobs would sky rocket to build new factories. 3) Eliminate all funding of weapons immediately. We have too many weapons. Bring all troops home and be neutral with every other country. 4) Implement the FAIR TAX. No more tax loopholes, no more filing tax forms, and no more IRS. That saves $400 billion each year. 5) Use the $500 billion annually saved from stopping all weapon purchases to a massive build up of solar, wind, and hydrogen power. In return for the repayment of the debt, all power would be free from solar and wind. Free power will power the economy. That's the benefit of capitalism. Its the return on the investment used to build a massive solar and wind system.

[-] 1 points by forgiveandrepair (9) 13 years ago

Not just for President, and not a celebrity. We should create an Occupy Party that takes a few specific and general stances reached by consensus on formation of the party, selects candidates from among the ranks of people who have shown that they are genuinely involved in the movement, trustworthy, and incorruptible (maybe that last one is a little hard to find or prove), chosen through consensus in GAs. All candidates promise to hold bi weekly (or weekly/monthly as decided upon formation) GAs in a secure online forum with all of their constituents who choose to participate to discuss and form agendas for how that representative should behave and vote, and then stick to those decisions. The basic guidelines laid out as the "Party Platform" (mentioned above) will be designed to keep outside interests from co-opting the movement, but any voices are allowed at these GAs when dealing with specific, local problems. Candidates also promise to run a completely transparent office, and there is a clear legal process by which the constituents can remove and replace their representative should they fail to meet their promises. That's about as close to democracy (direct democracy) as we can get within our current representative democratic republic system, and I think it is one way to start showing critics that we aren't just sitting around complaining (as much as I would like to not care what they think, public opinion is important as long as the message and goals aren't compromised to improve it). Thoughts?


[-] 0 points by GuyFawkes (9) 13 years ago

Yes, if you want the Occupy Movement to have a lasting effect, form a Democracy First party, and your key platform planks should be:

1) an end to the two party-duopoly

2) a mixed member proportional voting system, modelled on Germany's current system (probably the best in the world)

3) a total ban on corporate and union donations to political parties, and a cap of $1000 on private donations by individuals to political parties

That should be the crux of the demands. If elected, you'll implement these changes, and then leave, or form a new party under the new, democratic voting system, and stage new elections.

[-] 1 points by hobo (2) 13 years ago

hey there, about your 2nd point: sorry to say, but I am from germany and people over here are not so happy with 'our' political system. although as far as I am informed about the electionals system in the US, the system in germany seems to bee more balanced and less bound to these duopoly.

but about politicians after elections I have to say I agree with harbek2000: we have exactly the same problems with how politicians deal with lobbyism, corruption and 'misinterpretation of the peoples mind'. they do not represent us either!

cheers to you all at OWS and across the country! GO ON, we are proud of YOUR strength and we stick to it too! even if we are a little more litlle ;-)

[-] 0 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

I think the end result of the99declaration will be a party with these ideals:

It has been well thought-out. I invite all of you to participate: http://www.the99declaration.org/

[-] 1 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

You need to realize, once they get in, they can't make the changes they think they can. Every election has the exact same results... promises that do not come true... that is how it's been my entire life and I'm 46.

We can not rely on Government to make any changes until everything is.

[-] 1 points by shirlz81 (1) 13 years ago

I agree!!!!


[-] -1 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

There is too much gridlock between the two major parties in the House and Senate. That is why we can't get a budget passed.

I think that we will see a major third political party rise up thanks to this movement. If that party plays their cards right, they can start to grab seats in the House and locally across the nation. There will not be a third-party President anytime soon, but if Congress can slowly be changed to remove the deadlock #s, then maybe we can actually get something done in D.C!

[-] 1 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

Providing a third party could carry and win... would be a good option and highly possible. The problem is locating trustable people who won't toss the citizens over for extreme buy-off.

Our system isn't impossible, just all the checks preventing the problems we currently have in place have failed all of us terribly.

A full reform is in order... sad to state, but true.

[-] 1 points by hiddenwheel (83) from Newton, MA 13 years ago

Democrat vs Republican is the new Coke vs Pepsi

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

You been studying the Tea Party movement haven't you. They are already there waiting for you.

How about, instead of more time in DC, that those elected take a 50% pay cut and work half time. Then we get less done in less time for less cost in DC and we are all very much happier.

There is at least one state in the union that already has this plan implemented but at far less days and far less pay that a 50% cut. Kinda follows the Revolutionary style of leadership and fighting. If you gotta go home now and then to make a living, you don't have so much time to screw things up in DC.

[-] 0 points by GuyFawkes (9) 13 years ago

Yes, a third party must arise, and carry out the changes I mentioned above:

1) an end to the two party-duopoly (take away the Democratic Party and the Republican Party's monopoly on the system, debates, etc.

2) a mixed member proportional voting system, modelled on Germany's current system (probably the best in the world)

3) a total ban on corporate and union donations to political parties, and a cap of $1000 on private donations by individuals to political parties

[-] 1 points by hobo (2) 13 years ago

hey there, about your 2nd point: sorry to say, but I am from germany and people over here are not so happy with 'our' political system. although as far as I am informed about the electionals system in the US, the system in germany seems to bee more balanced and less bound to these duopoly.

but about politicians after elections I have to say I agree with harbek2000: we have exactly the same problems with how politicians deal with lobbyism, corruption and 'misinterpretation of the peoples mind'. they do not represent us either!

cheers to you all at OWS and across the country! GO ON, we are proud of YOUR strength and we stick to it too! even if we are a little more litlle ;-)

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Pretty good try. The "neutral" thing bothers me a little. My friend Ray tried that once in high school and both sides ganged up on him and beat him to a pulp. He still hasn't got his teeth fully straightened out so whistles when he says things like: see, some, soup, etc. That wind sounds pretty promissing to me. Ray thinks that if we could talk Oklahoma into the idea, and get them operators to take the brakes off the blade system, that sometimes during the summer, we might even power the whole world. Ray can come up with some pretty good ideas, especially after looking at pictures of the recent tornado in that state. He thinks it is just a waste, that we didn't have 1M windmills in OK when that sucker hit. If we could convert one of those big skycrapers into a giant battery, we could have kept the extra power stored there locally too. Man, light that sucker up at night and turn off all the power draining street lights in the hole state, WHEW. Let's do it.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Ray ain't the USA. Our submarine force can flatten the entire world.

Generating hydrogen with the power removes needing any battery. Fuel cells will convert the power stored by making hydrogen from water. Batteries is another dumb idea.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

I know, I know gee. My post was supposed to be dumb not me. This ain't personal Steve. "Though I do have a back up battery pack for my computer - you got one." I have another friend, Tom who is an engineer at a hugh power plant. He can talk rings around me and what is on the planning boards for future energy. He also knows that it would take 6,000 windmills to replace the power produced by one unit of his plant - so wind has its limits too. Welcome to the coffee shop, maybe you, Ray, Tom and I can get together some day and discuss what is coming down the pike.. (PS - That hole in the steel wall at the plant that was put there by an exploding transformer from an 8th of a mile away ain't too bad either) Know I was impressed. Never been on a submarine, but even Ray knows they ain't out there on a short fishing trip. Lighten up a little on the dumb stuff, or I might send Ray and Tom to have a word with you. See, Ray is really into sayings and one of his favorites is "Dumb is as dumb does".

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I served on a sub. Subs are the ultimate weapon. OK I'm ready to speak right now. I'm in Bridgeport, CT. Where are you. 203-612-1987

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

There's no limit to the wind in the ocean or the sun. Let's try hard to make sense. Please post this for me. They won't let me post anything.

Whose fault is it?

Every American citizen over 18 can vote for any politician on the ballot. Even a complete imbecile or any insane, irrational person can register with no requirement to prevent them. In most states criminals who have completed their parole or probation can vote.

America has become the capital of hypocrisy. It would be easy to claim its the fault of the hypocrites who only want to hear fairy tales, with a delusional resistance to evidence. The Corzine / MF Global case is a perfect example. Hypocrisy will destroy any friendship and the 9/11 case is a vivid decider of that. When I have attempted to present 9/11 evidence to a close friend, that friendship was destroyed. That needs to be the subject of a book.

No one in their right mind would want George Bush to get away with ordering a missile to be fired into the Pentagon and having Flight 77 taken to a secret location where all 64 passengers were murdered in addition to the 125 Pentagon workers also murdered by the missile. Thank fully we have April Gallop with the courage to file a law suit because after she was literally blown out of her chair and crawled out of the hole in the wall, she never saw any remnants of jet engines, landing gear, bodies, luggage, hundreds of seats, wings, tail, or any parts of any plane. If there were parts, surely the security in the Pentagon would have taken pictures of those parts.

That evidence would have allowed a court of law to find Cheney, Rumsfeld, and General Meyers innocent of April's charges. Adding to the injustice by SDNY Judge Denny Chin for falsely claiming that April was delusional, her testimony would have settled that score in open court. Finally the 2nd Circuit panel included the two most corrupt judges who I know personally: Bush's cousin John M. Walker, Jr. and Ralph K Winter. There was no media coverage that day in New Haven, CT.

I keep searching for one person who refuses to repeat hypocritical bullshit in America, but I maybe the only one. I may go a bit too far when I smell hypocrisy because the tiniest whiff drives me to attack the liar. Liars are now called flip floppers which is a double header of hypocrisy and politically correct. They are synonymous for all practical purpose.

There's a big but to not overlook. The media propaganda is a huge factor. Is being in a trance the insanity defense for being politically correct? Does it make any difference? None at all. What counts is what is. The self destruction to every person who refuses to recognize the crooks and liars that have been elected to office by themselves, defies reason. When the inevitable outcome is disgusting, evil, and negative it effects us all. Allowing the citizens to vote in an entire government taking bribes has pushed America into a bottomless pit. The hypocrite has their loyalty against the country including himself, and against our country, city, and family.

It appears impossible to remove the massive cancer called hypocrisy because the arrogant hypocrites prefer the rotten, nasty consequences than being aware of their own self destruction. There can be no cure. The brains bestowed on us all would easily be able to reason but the trance (denied by all) from propaganda overwhelms any reason.

[-] 0 points by AdamForChange (9) 13 years ago

I think Jon Stewart mentioned this at some point, but the job of the jester is to poke fun at the King (or Congress...or US Gov), but you don't make the jester the Kin. Jon and Stephen do a great deal where they are, at keeping everyone a bit informed about the world around them, but I don't think they would be good political candidates. That takes a different line of attack.

If you don't know what I mean, see Al Franken. That's the kind of jump they'd need to make.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Yeah, my friend Ray and me think we saw Al the other day scurring into his limo in a pretty fancy suit. If that WAS him, he is not pretty even in a fancy suit.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Al Franken is another Democrat crook taking bribes. Steve and Jon are both brilliant people. They are not clowns. The Green Party needs 1 prominent person who is dedicated to stopping America from its collapse into the bottomless. pit.

Thanks for your negative point based on nothing. Its par for the course in America. I didn't vote for Obama either. Get the point?

[-] 0 points by reallycold (34) 13 years ago

Who did you vote for?

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Go Ralph. Go Ralph. Go Ralph.

[-] -1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Yeah. Just what I wanted. My taxes used to promote lying politicians and their agendas I don't agree with. Brilliant idea.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Why do you pay taxes, GE doesn't? You're in a trance.

Jon Corzine is a thief being protected by the FBI, CFTC, and CME

There is nothing to investigate. The media claim there is an investigation by the FBI, CFTC, and CME Group is a stall with the intention of protecting Corzine from a criminal prosecution. Corzine is privileged to steal the money from the segregated accounts of the MF Global customers. The American privileged class is protected by the entire CRIME FAMILY Democrat and Republican duopoly that knows no boundaries.

The only remedy is to elect a 3rd party. A normal, thoughtful person would think that the OWS protest would be working to elect the Green Party which would be easy to do right now because a prominent candidate like Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart would destroy any chance for Obama to be elected. All the Democrat voters would panic to prevent another crazy, ignorant Republican like they did with Bush. All the Democrats would stampede to vote for the only alternative -- the Green Party candidate.

It goes without saying that all the independents would vote for the Green Party. The American disaster would be ended with a happy ending.

[-] -1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

So I was thinking maybe we should hit Congress next by redefining voting lines in states. Currently the lines are set to make safe areas for congress so they don't have to be worried about being voted out. Without the worry of opposition they don't need to listen to there voters. By making congress worry for there jobs we can start to get some real changes made around here. CNN did an article on this. http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/18/politics/gerrymandering/index.html

[-] 0 points by AdamForChange (9) 13 years ago

This is something I couldn't agree more on; the amount of system gaming going on through gerrymandering nullifies millions of votes, every two years. Decoy, if you don't mind, could you take a moment to say how you'd like that changed? (http://occupywallst.org/forum/goal-demand-ideas-discourse-encouraged-please-resp/)

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

May I recommend that the first change from from TWO years to TEN years when the US Census is taken. If I misunderstood your post, please excuse me, blame it on the comma after votes,

[-] -2 points by Moveoutofyourmomsbasement (-6) 13 years ago

The world is with you alright. laughing. And it isn't laughing with you, but at you.

[-] -2 points by paulscottwright (17) 13 years ago

uoy ta tub uoy htiw gnihgual tnsi ti dna gnihgual thgirla uoy htiw si dlrow eht... Namaste x x x

[-] 1 points by undernamenothing (14) from Napoli, Campania 13 years ago
[-] 16 points by jane1 (100) 13 years ago

Great Job OWS! The US and the World believes! PROUD Conservative, no, none, non affiliated with the Republican GOP/tea, ashamed. We recruit societies low percentage who talk about minorities ( Asians, Blacks, Gays, Latinos-Italian, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, Indians), then elect a new congress that block all with no benefit too this great nation and these people blame him? Honestly, blaming the current Chief, really. You people put the current new congress in and what have they done, not one thought on you, when will you learn. The current president has done more in 3 years than the last president has done in 8. First thing when in with new Congress attack Social Security (that was funny) the majority of the tea are Seniors the GOP does not care. Stifling progress with blocking every bill that could benefit the U.S. because it affects the taxing (by a small margin with little affect, to the 1% salaries-what minus a servant!) and most importantly to gain control for a vote! You have got to be uneducated if you stand behind the GOP/tea, indep (limited or no government) no progress but a step back to the United States of America! OWS tactics are good and just. I believe!! OWS Keep up your message, the world hears you.

[-] -3 points by YRUSoStupid (26) 13 years ago

The most idiotic uneducated people in America are the ones supporting the OWS.

[-] 3 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

why? are you happy in all aspects of your life? I, as a working class slob (Socially Limber Objectionably Brilliant), was content with my life except that I despised my society, but now that the people's voice is being heard I respect my society. if it was not for the people saying enough is enough, i'd continue being consumed with my self. which now i see as my demons that i needed to exercise.

[-] 1 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

Guy, can you stop typing for one minute, and get me the Venti Pumpkin Blend coffee I ordered?

[-] 1 points by OldLeftie (253) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

sure, just wait a second while I piss in it....


[+] -4 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I think I'll go block your front door for the next week so you can't go to work, because MY opinion is FAR more important than yours, and surely you can make the sacrifice because MY opinion is more important then your stupid little life. Sound fair? No? Then stay the FUCK off the subways you assholes!.

[-] 1 points by RobertUeberfeldt (44) from Kaikohe, Northland 13 years ago

My heart bleeds purple piss for you my son.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Judging by the name, you're South African. You live in New Zealand. WTF are you doing here? You know nothing about NYC. Fuck off.

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

Yeah. Finally. You get em Jimmy


[-] 1 points by squarerootofzero (81) 13 years ago

Anger is like putting your hand into the fire. You are the only one who gets burned.

[-] 1 points by futher (35) 13 years ago

Jimmy, what do you suggest as an alternative? I mean, what do you want, more of the usual? If you don't want Big money running your life for you, then what?

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Do something constructive. Fucking off the 99% who work as well is not going to win the hearts and minds of anyone. Nor is standing around with your dicks in your hands in some Manhattan park - nobody of the 1% gives a flying fuck about your protest marches. You want to do something constructive, go to Washington DC - it's the politicians that enable all this "rich get richer, poor get poorer" bs to happen, and they are the ones you all should be protesting, because THEY are the ones who can effect change via legislation, not some rich prick sitting in his office a hundred and fifty feet above you. ..although if you insist on staying in NY, then go after Cuomo - he's one of the worst.

There, now you got an answer.

[-] 1 points by futher (35) 13 years ago

Right, I follow you, point taken. Rule of Law, man. It worked right up till the golden rule went into effect: "he who has all the gold makes all the rules". They do the deal in Washington, true. The rules apply to you and me, but not to them. If we are going to somehow reverse the trend, (how ?) pissing people like you off won't help. But Washington is totally for sale. The Big Money corporations are buying. They are leaving the rest of us out in THE COLD, MAN! Good luck with the ride.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Hound them, watch every move they make, research all their dealings and associations. Takes a lot of due diligence, but the dirt is there, just have to look for it. You find that, you can either shame them in public, but the public seem to have such short memories that a year later they'll re-elect the guy who screwed them over, so better to bribe them. They play real dirty there, and you have to get even dirtier to beat them at it. Good luck to you too.

[-] 1 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

actually 0ver 30,000 hearts and minds were won, wtf are you typing about? There are people protesting in DC. lol you are coming across as a racist, ignorant, control freak who is extremely insecure.

I'm born and raised in NY. Your views aren't more valid than anyone else's. Get out there and protest the protest. See how many people you relate to are willing to network and work together for your cause.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Oh here comes the RACE CARD - now, you racist piece of shit, exactly where did I make a racist comment? Control freak? Really? This coming from an asshole who thinks 8 million New Yorkers should be inconvenienced because his little group of unemployed losers are having a little hissy fit? Go fuck yourself. You don't know shit, son, and pulling the race card out of your ass is exactly what I expected from a piece of shit like you.

[-] 1 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

There are far more than 8 million of us living here bro, and I would say that nearly 99,9% of us weren't inconvenienced today at all. LIttle group? NYPD estimated over 30,000.

This is you mentioning race in this thread:

"Judging by the name, you're South African. You live in New Zealand. WTF are you doing here? You know nothing about NYC. Fuck off."

Why mention that?

You're having a hissy fit with a keyboard, the protestors had one by exercising constitutional tights in the tens of thousands. You do not live in lower manhattan why so sad bro?

Everything you post is emotionally charged and basically, factually wrong. Why are you doing this to yourself? Get motivated and start something to get your ideas and opinions out.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

How is that racist you fucking moron? Do you even understand what the term means? You trying to tell me that name Ueberfeldt does not appear to be South African? That's not racism! And they are from Kaikohe in New Zealand - it says it right next to their name, you clown. I mention it because they are on the other side of the planet, and have no idea what ife here is like, no more than I do about their life in NZ. - Ohhh wait - I see - your ignorance and closet racism sees the word South African and automatically associates it with racism. Nice stereotyping there reezist. Guess what? It appears YOU are the racist. or maybe it's self-loathing? guilt maybe? Who knows - and more importantly, who cares. Fuck off you idiot.

[-] 0 points by klh34 (-21) 13 years ago

what's your alternative...communism? Name one financial system that has EVER created as high a standard of living as the one we have...and keep in mind you are on the internet, something 70% of the world can not afford access to.

[-] 0 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

It's not about opinions. Our gov. is stealing from us. Gov. officials, police, bankers, traders, are breaking the law DAILY in most cases documented, reported on and also broadcasted live etc... It's fact.

If you are so passionate about the FACT that 30,000 people are blocking your front door start your movement.

Why not organize your own cause and get many thousands of people to stop the OWS and other groups from hindering you from using your front door?

Block my door, I'll call the police. They will remove you as the police remove the protestors when they "break the law."

[-] -1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

How about I start a movement on your face? A bowel movement.

[-] 10 points by jane1 (100) 13 years ago

OWS Good Job! Awesome! To the Media, regular New Yorkers push back on OWS. What do you mean.. some New Yorkers responded negatively out of identified proven 1000's of New Yorkers who are with OWS!!! Shame Media, misleading is not good!

[-] 10 points by studentfromchicago (9) 13 years ago

love from chicago!

[+] -5 points by MeSoHorny (1) 13 years ago

Bristleworms range in size from small (about 1" long) up to very large at about 20" in length.  Most small ones are an orange color, sometime appearing two-tone in color.  Larger bristleworms are frequently gray or brownish in color.  Bristleworms are composed of many segments and have bristles (setae) which extend from both sides of its body along its entire length, hence their common name.  These setae are clearly visible in the picture above.  Bristle worms live in the sand or within the live rock.  They are nocturnal and not usually seen during the day.

Good or Bad?: This is a tough one.  Historically, bristleworms were all considered to be bad.  Most literature warns that they can attack and eat clams, anemones, corals and even fish. 

Recently, most hobbyists have come to the conclusion that small bristle worms pose no threat to other tank inhabitants and are in fact good scavengers and add to the biodiversity of the tank.  You can even buy bristleworms from some sources.

Even large bristleworms are starting to be better understood.  Although it appears that some large bristleworms can be aggressive predators, these seem to be in the minority.  Many large bristleworms seem to fall into the harmless scavenger category.  The one in the picture above has been in one of my tanks for several years.  It is about 1/3" across and at least 12" long although I have only seen about 6" of it.  It lives next to a group of clams and has never shown any interest in bothering the other creatures in the tank.  He is a very impressive looking specimen in his own right.

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

An interesting post...if it is true.

[-] 9 points by bodegadune (8) 13 years ago

Just to let you know - I live in Northern California and am 60 years old. Several of my friends and I would love to join the movement but have commitments that do not allow us to participate (I have a husband with altzheimers). But we want you to know we are with you. I did send food to Zuccotti park through the pizza parlor that was listed in one of the articles. So, there are many of us that can't join the physical ranks but we are there with you in spirit. Keep going. And thank you.

[-] 1 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

Your best method in helping, is in spreading word through negative comments you come across... being posted against OWS.

Everyone plays an important roll.. where they can be of service. It is extremely important to get those not understanding all this - to understand what it is, why it is and how things are being done to make the changes our own government is unable to.

How to counter the negativity? With truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Your own knowledge on how bad things have become, are becoming and have been through your own personal experiences to now, should provide you with more than enough truth to let everyone doubting know.. Americans are finally on the right track to correction.

[-] 0 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

I don't think the guys in the park are interested in a 60 year old woman joining the movement, when their are enough naive young women from Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania joining in for the fun. But thanks for the pizza granny, it was delicious!

[-] 9 points by heartbrokenanonymous (10) 13 years ago

Honestly, I can't say that I fully agree with OWS because I don't know much about it. I will stand by the protesters though in the fact that the cops are being ridiculous and abusing their power. If people are peacefully protesting, they have NO right to pepper spray them or arrest them. I can't even say that I don't understand why so many cops weren't suspended and penalized for abusing their power and being unnecessarily violent when they have so much footage of it because I know exactly why. The government is corrupt. Honestly, the cops are hella stupid. I mean, if people are being arrested when they are being peaceful, then they're going to realize that they're going to be arrested either way so they're going to fight back physically; at least then, there will be a semi-reason for their arrest. Personally, that's why I haven't gone there yet. If a cop tried to pepper spray me for no reason, I would flip. This is ridiculous. And to everyone who thinks this is achieving nothing, it really is. Teenagers are even becoming more aware and being more involved. Everyone is affected by this. It is upsetting though that many people don't realize how they really are affected by this; also, many people cannot protest because they are undocumented or other situations and cannot risk being arrested. I just wish schools would talk about this more in class rather than students just talking about it on their own. I'm taking an American History class, and we haven't even mentioned this at all. Bottom line: As long as the protesters are peaceful, cops have no right to pepper spray or be violent. Occupying bridges and such all over is making it more of a widespread national issue rather than just New York. So many people are making fun of this and deeming it as useless because it's nonviolent and doesn't physically fight back or do anything. But that's the point. They are peacefully standing up for what they believe in and are spreading awareness.

[-] 5 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

heartbrokenanonymous . . . . . If you are taking an American history class do yourself a huge favor and read Prof. Howard Zinn's book "A People's History of the United States" Then bring the book to class and share what you have learned with the teacher and students. It will morph into an exciting class with lots of discussion by all.

[-] 1 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

I love this idea tremeandously... lol

[-] 5 points by guitarmywin (158) 13 years ago

This is American History.

[-] 4 points by mattpeg (19) 13 years ago

heartbroken, The premise is simple. Over the last 100 years our government has been incrementally hijacked by corporate powers and banks that have transformed a citizen representative government into a corporate representative government. Your voice and rights as a citizen are being dismantled, diminished and removed systematically. You are being dragged along by an agenda of profit and power that would collapse a global economy without pause and without any call at all for justice to be served. This system does not speak for us. We stand against this corruption refusing to be cogs in a machine so willing to lay waist and devastation to the majority that need to live on this planet. We find our current path unsustainable. We believe something must be done even if for now it is simply taking to the streets and showing our numbers.

[-] 1 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

I was sitting in bumper to bumper to traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge because some protester with a guitar and a homeless "protester" with a hypodermic needle decided it was their right to sit on the pavement and block traffic. The police came by, "abused" their power, and moved them. I was then able to proceed with my day. I was grateful for those bully policeman that day. Teenagers are becoming more aware and more involved? Show me a teenager that doesn't have their eyes glued to some smartphone, XBox, or Playstation 3, and I'll start occupying Wall Street myself.

[-] 1 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

All one needs is to open ones eyes, take all the scenery into view, allow this to travel into the gray matter within the skull.

Along with using that gray matter, working the ten digits on both hands to properly research the information that is blatanly everywhere and then some.

Our slave masters will be having to answer for their crimes.

[-] 9 points by Chimptastic (67) 13 years ago

Keep it up friends in NY and other cities.

[-] 9 points by liouvina (13) 13 years ago

I have never been more happier in my life. I'm so proud of the movement and so proud of everyone participating. I live in Louisiana and I've been so inspired by the movement that I've written occupy wall street on the back of my car and almost everyday I get asked its meaning, and every day I open a new pair of eyes. I hope this movement never dies because its truly for the greater good and I wish more than anything that I can be with you all on wall street, I'm so happy please don't ever stop fighting for a future my generation doesn't have because of the greed of the 1 percent. I am the 99 because at the moment my future is bleak and I will not stand for it. Thank you occupy wall street for the inspiration to fight for a future that was taken away from me. Thank you so much.

[-] 8 points by johnconr (8) 13 years ago

When will the labor contracts of these cops expire and they have to go out on the picket line. Maybe then they'll realize they're working stiffs just like us.

[-] 0 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

The cops have already come to the realization that they are working stiffs, and their contracts are already expired. They become cops because they know they will get good medical benefits for their families and could retire relatively young with pensions. Maybe the people from Zuccotti park can learn a lesson from them. They don't become cops to get rich, they become cops to provide for their families.

[-] 2 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

No excuse to feed their families at the cost of another person's liberty. That is completely unacceptable.

[-] 1 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

Becoming a cop shouldn't be a self-serving desire. They should want to become cops because they want to help out their community. Because they want to help out their neighbors by protecting them from thieves, gangs, and violence.

I think police reform is needed. One part of that could be to have a comprehensive, public-approved, system for hiring new police officers. A psychological evaluation could be given to prospective cops that determines whether they are trying to join the force because of a desire to help their community, or a desire to have the "power" that comes with a gun and a blue uniform.

Better yet, if the logistics would work out I would let the public vote for police recruits, just like we vote in other countless other civil servants. That way we the people can determine which types of people we want watching over our communities.


[-] 8 points by mc2150 (14) 13 years ago

Go OWS! I support you from VA.

[-] 7 points by Zendude (75) from New York, NY 13 years ago

So, how was it on 21st and 8th avenue at 3:00 with my 8 year old daughter? Well, of all the possible outcomes, when we arrived at the SW corner, we found about 30 people who were holding various OWS placards. There were perhaps another 30 on each of the other three corners. There could have been thousands, but at best there were less than 150 "demonstrators." This turned into a blessing and, I am almost embarrassed to say, a teaching moment.

As we were walking up to 23rd from 21st Street, I spoke with my daughter, all the while not knowing what we would find at our destination. I told her that today we were witnessing something that was historic and a great moment in our history, that people just like you and me, were standing up to corporate injustice all over the country.

I asked her if she had ever seen the flag that was emblazoned with "Don't tread on me!" She hadn't, and I started to explain that the image of a snake being tread upon was representative of our colonists who were likening themselves to benign snakes, and that in a fight to protect themselves, benign snakes could become the most deadly and frightening opponents in the world. I had to explain this from several points of view before she really understood, because she didn't quite get why anyone would ever want to tread on a snake. Exactly.

I also asked her if she had ever seen the flag emblazoned with the words "give me liberty, or give me death." She wasn't familiar with that one either, but I explained that when our country was founded, our fathers were willing to fight a fight, even if it meant that they would die, in order to obtain and preserve freedom. I explained that sometimes it was necessary to not only get arrested in the name of freedom, but to die for the name of freedom, because it is better to die than to accept injustice. She understood this and asked me if we were going to be arrested. I let her know not to be afraid and that fear was mankind's most ominous nemesis; that she should never be afraid if she was marching to the light, in the name of justice.

So, we arrived and stood on the side, and looked at the protesters. Then we crossed to the SE corner. There, while holding hands, we stood opposite from some demonstrators and continued to observe. I asked her if she would like to cross over and join them, to stand in solidarity with them. She was very reticent, and I assured her that it was alright to remain where we were, because both sides of the line were making history. She was getting cold, and we continued on home...

I don't think that this experience could have been any better for her. Long live the United States of America! Long live Occupy Wall Street! All for one, once and for all!

[-] 2 points by karmal1 (4) from Kailua-Kona, HI 13 years ago

Really important post and very pertinent. I raised my daughters with the truth and now they know what it sounds like and what the other stuff sounds like too. I told them that if you listen carefully, truth sounds like crystal and lies sound like glass. Never too young to start teaching and sharing with them. Pat on the back, Dad!

[-] 1 points by Zendude (75) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I love the similes. Hope you don't mind if I add them to my repertoire.

All for one, once and for all!

[-] 1 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

What did your 8 year old daughter think of the "Fuck Bloomberg" signs? I'm sure she saw one of those.

[-] 1 points by Zendude (75) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I didn't see the type of signs you describe.

Don't you find this interesting? From the New York Times: "At a Midtown gathering of business leaders on Thursday, Mr. Bloomberg said that the protests were a dire sign of the public’s economic fears. 'The public is getting scared,' he said. 'They don’t know what to do, and they’re going to strike out.' He added, 'They just know the system isn’t working, and they don’t want to wait around.'"

Seems to me to be one of the best endorsements of OWS you could want. The mayor himself!

All for one, once and for all!


[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

Wow just wow.

[-] 1 points by docaso (11) 13 years ago

Awesome post, sir!

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Great post.

[-] 7 points by andrewinsandiego (26) from La Mesa, CA 13 years ago

Dear Cecilia, I think you've misunderstood the big picture of how the economy works and the place of an individual in it. Neither hard work nor a good attitude is enough to increase aggregate demand, that is the demand for goods and services that would lead to higher levels of employment. There is no mechanism of any kind that leads from "I work hard" to lower unemployment. It doesn't matter how hard you're willing to work if the economy just doesn't need you. As for the government, it's only plan is to impose a lower standard of living on you and your family. You mentioned your parents. How would you feel if their Medicare and Social Security benefits were cut so that some billionaire can keep his tax break? If a few commuters have to be delayed in order prevent catastrophic cuts to the most important government programs, I think most people would see it as a good trade off.

[-] 2 points by CeciliaS (3) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Obviously you did not understand my post And I never mentioned that I agreed with how the country has been run and the government has already been eating from my parents s.s and they have 15+ years until they can benefit from it. I bet you didn't know that when you reach a certain amount in your s.s the gov't will no longer contribute to your portion, but still take it out of your paycheck. I know what goes, I know that no matter how hard you work or don't work you will get screwed if you are no longer needed. My post was a simple suggestion to a different alternative to fighting for what is right. That was all.

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

What alternative do you propose I'm curious?

[-] 6 points by emrankhan (22) 13 years ago

You guys are the best people of America. We love you, support you, and do everything to appreciate your bravery and sense of responsibility.

[-] 4 points by gluttonsbedamned (18) 13 years ago

Indeed. Hats off to these history makers who refuse to sit by idly while big money robs America of its future.

[-] 6 points by Loucipher (18) 13 years ago

I see most of the anti-movement comments are crude, ignorant and foul mouthed, yet they call us uninformed fools...

[-] 4 points by emrankhan (22) 13 years ago

A foul mouthed person shows his/her vulnerability, irrationality.

[-] 1 points by DonFahquidmi (21) from Hilo, HI 13 years ago

It may have a little to do with recruiting posters from prison populations as part of a work program. Most of them are unable to engage in an indepth discussion of the issues. It's not really their fault as they are captives of the system

[-] 5 points by rmc (8) 13 years ago

Love you guys. Today was the first day of the rest of the century. The more who turn out, the more of those who were feeling defeated will turn out the next time. We have been waiting for salvation and are afraid to believe that it has arrrived. Keep building. Occupy Wall Street - screw those bastards. We are the 99 percent and it used to be our country.

[-] 5 points by cleanelectric (4) 13 years ago

An inconvienience for a few commuters today in exchange for a better world tomorrow, sounds good to me !!!

[+] -4 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

A few commuters? You selfish dipstick. Go represent somebody else somewhere else. I don't need any of that kind of representation. Go find your own world.

[-] 1 points by vnayar (289) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

The subway was fine; you're a bald faced liar troll.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Mmmm. Excuse me. Exactly what in my statement is a lie? Certainly not that ce is a dipstick.

[-] 4 points by fresh11 (7) from Bethlehem, PA 13 years ago

good job today you guys mark the point the game is not over yet but close

[-] 4 points by obby1223 (6) 13 years ago

OWS I propose a complete world sitout on April 15th. Without pay even if you would get paid. No taxes taken out and no production monies for corp's. A worldwide work stoppage for one day. The people are back. No more Corp government. It will cost Govt's and Corp's Billions and will cost every person a days pay. We rule they do not. April 15th!

[-] 3 points by Loucipher (18) 13 years ago

That would be an amazing next step

[-] 1 points by greenwinter (7) 13 years ago

FANTASTIC IDEA! I've been thinking of something similar, like a nationwide strike. Empty streets, no one working at the toll booth, no one delivering mail, no garbage trucks picking up the garbage, no one shopping at Walmart. Now that would change things right quick. The only thing I don't like about it is that April 15th is not soon enough...

[-] 4 points by 2012shockingtruth (29) 13 years ago

It takes a lot to wake up the American public, but I think progress is being made!

[-] 4 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Lots of LOVE to OWS from Omaha Nebraska

[+] -4 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You bunch of inbred motherfuckers, stay the fuck out of my city.

[-] 3 points by LourensO (3) 13 years ago

Hey Jimmy, why don't you ask some one to break your fingers?

[-] -2 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Why? Because I'm not retarded maybe? The fuck...

[-] 3 points by RobertUeberfeldt (44) from Kaikohe, Northland 13 years ago

Your subway, your city. Wow. Who are you really? Mayor Bloomberg?

[-] -2 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

MY subway, MY city, MY Brooklyn. STFU and go fuck a sheep - you're good at that in New Zealand I hear.

[-] 2 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I can see that this did some serious collateral damage... :/

[-] 0 points by akhatib (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Go fuck yourself.

[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

lulz. Next you'll call black people niggers and wish death upon muslims.

This oppression will not stand, man. Your hatred is unjust.

Watch the documentary called Inside Job about Wall Street. It won an academy award. They fucked up the value of our US dollar and caused all these financial problems in our country.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

An acadamy award,..........from self hating liberals.

[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago


You guys love calling us that word don't you. Go look up the definition of liberal and tell me why i would care about you calling me a liberal.


[-] 1 points by harbek2000 (30) 13 years ago

aww.. did we lose some major stocks today Jimmy?

Tough. leeching off others hard work, is far lazier than calling the working class lazy.

[-] 1 points by vnayar (289) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Try harder troll. Does American Majority give dental?

[-] 4 points by jane1 (100) 13 years ago

GREAT JOB!! Love! PROUD Conservative, no, none, non affiliated with the Republican GOP/tea, ashamed. We recruit societies low percentage who talk about minorities ( Asians, Blacks, Gays, Latinos-Italian, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, Indians), then elect a new congress that block all with no benefit too this great nation and these people blame him? Honestly, blaming the current Chief, really. You people put the current new congress in and what have they done, not one thought on you, when will you learn. The current president has done more in 3 years than the last president has done in 8. First thing when in with new Congress attack Social Security (that was funny) the majority of the tea are Seniors the GOP does not care. Stifling progress with blocking every bill that could benefit the U.S. because it affects the taxing (by a small margin with little affect, to the 1% salaries-what minus a servant!) and most importantly to gain control for a vote! You have got to be uneducated if you stand behind the GOP/tea, indep (limited or no government) no progress but a step back to the United States of America! OWS tactics are good and just. I believe!! OWS Keep up your message, the world hears you.

[-] 4 points by jane1 (100) 13 years ago

The tea has got to be the worst party in history! At least OWS is doing it for a true cause! You people actually stood up in council meetings over false accusations on Heath care reform. Death panel, really..make a copy of the actual page, paragraph and article number of the page- notarized! I bet you can’t find it, go ahead and try-do it. You can’t because it’s false!! Your lies will catch up to you GOP/tea, indep…. but for now continue to be the puppet feeding lies for a vote!! That’s what this party does is lie and mislead for greed, power, self preservation and a vote while the US suffers. Your comments to OWS by GOP/tea-indep., get a job take a bath!! Defecation in the park, noise level really, stated by Mayor of NY, “UNFOUNDED ALLEGATIONS,” in other words no proof of it!! That’s all you do is lie and mislead! Do you think those kids liked to be in the cold, on the ground. They are educated people fighting for a cause but of course you would not know about that.- Your cause is limited government gee I wonder why, correction I already know! Look at the current Congress you put in!! Any one who follows the tea must be uneducated or have an alternative agenda. The thought of you all GOP/tea, indep. running the whole country makes me want to puke…-the thought alone is horrific! I believe in term limits but at this point I hope they become overturned so people like you tea/indep. will not ever infect or destroy the United States of America ever again!! Good Job OWS! The world and the US is listening. WE BELIEVE!!


[-] 4 points by solarman (4) 13 years ago

OH YEA!!! We are in it to win it now!! The people have spoken our voices are coming together as one and we will previle!! So happy to see this happining on a WORLD stage such as New York. New York City never sleeps and never will OWS!! Love from Florida!!

[-] -1 points by SomeTingWong (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Вы ничего не знаете ...

[-] 0 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

Zatknis, pridurok.

[-] 3 points by Iley11 (3) 13 years ago

Seeing this picture tears come to my eyes, I am so proud of you all, to see that so many felt what I felt, thought what I thought is empowering, I was never alone. Stay strong, stay peaceful, the time has come and my heart leaps with joy to know change is happening right here, right now. The whole world is watching and the whole world IS awakening. We will succeed, we are the 99%.

[-] 3 points by thinkjay (3) 13 years ago

What's Next For Occupy Wall Street (OWS): OWS should form a Super Pac, fund it with a people powered, crowd sourced, open sourced hedge fund, then use their new mountain of money to hire the best gunslinging lobbyists Washington has to offer...That's right folks, they need to fight fire with fire is "what's now for OWS" (non-violently of course) This is the fastest and most efficient way to effect REAL change in the way our country runs itself. The end goal of course would be to upgrade and evolve our government into a open sourced, people powered, transparent system, just like Wikipedia, Mozilla, Wordpress, GIMP, Inkscape, or Linux. It's the only way. People who become politicians will ALWAYS become corrupt in one way or another, so let's just take that as a given and have 100 Million voters watching over their every step in a fully transparent governmental system. Oh, and one more thing...a really, really big thing actually. We must remove ALL money and all potential for outside employment (current and future) from the political system. Done. So OWS get's inside the system using the tools of the 1% to change the system right away and long term with 2 or 3 historic constitutional amendments and Voila, a democracy is cleaned up and reborn to serve the 99% before the 1%.

[-] 2 points by Typo (3) 13 years ago

1) Someone directs the funds in a superpac, so that would make it really profitable for a few people and amount to jack for everyone else.

2) The only way to make wealth open-source is to make the means of production open-source. In Alaska, our revolutionary goal is to get people hunting, fishing, building, able to fix cars or cut hair, and by this means establish a parallel, moneyless infrastructure. There's nothing banks hate more than people being able to go out into the woods and get what they need. Experiments are underway to develop a sterling engine that would generate electricity with the temp. difference between the arctic wilderness and yer ordinary wood stove.

[-] 3 points by frostyjake (3) from Wellford, SC 13 years ago

Good job guys! Been watching off and on all day(111711) on The Other 99 as I could. My spirit and thoughts are with you. I believe that you are the beginning. HUGGS

[-] 3 points by occupyworld (40) 13 years ago

Tim Pool has done a magnificent job of marathon filming this week on Ustream.tv/theother99. Starting with the eviction of Liberty Plaza, he was streamed for 16 hours straight. Today, N17 from 5 AM to 11 PM.

[-] 3 points by lisalove (4) 13 years ago

i agree the 1% is corrupt, but what about healthcare companies and the govt who hands out money to all the illegal aliens while we the tax payers fund their lives. when i had cancer my union YES UNION wouldnt pay my disibility in full but yet all the medicaid recipients earn ssi disability. the gap between the middle and the rich is widening, but the corruption lies within all facets of corporate america. and btw i work for a bank in downtown make the same salary as a cop new on the job and suffer everyday when i cant get to my office because some of the protesters are out of line. i agree with your movement, but it isnt specific to wall st.... it is ALL of corporate america, inclusive of the unions......


[-] -1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Yes the OWS crowd targeted the wrong people today. So many people have done a 180 and gone from supporting OWS to thinking you're a bunch of entitlement whiners and shiftless hoodlums. What fucking moron came up with the idea of fucking off the 99% OWS is supposed to be representing? and don't get me started on the stupidity of claiming at 9:15am that you delayed the NYSE opening bell when it doesn't ring until 9:30am anyway. OMG that was STUPID!

[-] 3 points by vitriolck (69) 13 years ago

The fact that you use the term "entitlement whiners" illustrates that you are a right wing moron. Have you ever used the term "subsidy whiners", or "tax cut hoodlums" I would guess not. Because that would insult the rich betters that you're shilling for. And oooh, "shiftless hoodlums" sounds scary. What color do you imagine those hoodlums to be, you victorian sack of shit.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I have used the term "tax cut assholes" to describe the rich assholes being given a tax break by Cuomo. I guess that makes me a left wing moron AND a right wing moron! See what happens when you make stupid comments like you just did? Idiot.


[-] 1 points by docaso (11) 13 years ago

Your are REALLY angry, aren't you? I think probably if you hadn't experienced so much sadness in your life you wouldn't be so angry. Why don't you stop and ask yourself, the REAL reasons for your anger?

[-] 0 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Yes my mommy hates me, that's it. Moron. Can't accept that maybe OWS did something stupid, nooooo it can't be that, it must be a problem with the person who's pissed about what they did, yes, that's it.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Hey guys! I found a living example of Cro-magnon man! Call the authorities!!!

[-] 0 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

It is not about the bell you moron, it is about making a point,you brainless, stupid idiot.

[-] 2 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

LMAO - OK fine, so you made a point that you're fucking stupid. Well done.

[-] 3 points by lthom70 (7) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Before I make comments- is this a forum that promotes free speech, like, is that a value that the 99% would support? I've read on other blogs about people being removed from this site for comments against the movement.

[-] 3 points by PandaMe73 (303) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

Read the rules, stick to them, and you should have no problem....

Have you browsed around the site? Does it look like opposing voices are unrepresented around here? The answer is clearly no, there is plenty of dissent here. Odd for a site that supposedly censors all opposition, instead of just those that egregiously break the rules, which are within the rights of a website to impose, and which even here are not often caught early or at all.

[-] 2 points by DLAtkinson (19) 13 years ago

You didn't read all the thoughtless, hostile, anti-OWS remarks listed below your post?

[-] 2 points by corbini157 (91) 13 years ago

I think the short answer is, if you're here to rationally discuss an opposing viewpoint, you're welcome. If you're here to troll, go away.


[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Yes, as long as your arguments are well thought out and reasonable instead of name calling and hatred from paid agents of partisan pay, you should be fine.


[-] -1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

No this is not open. "Do as I say, not as I do" appears to be the motto here. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others, isn't that right OWS, you bunch of hypocrites...

[-] 1 points by inspiredswift (2) 13 years ago

I read most Jimmy44's comments.... I cant see why anyone would put so much energy badmouthing OWS while having no true message. Whats your deal Jimmy? Getting paid $12/hr by someone to do this?

[-] -1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Hey look I gots a groupie! Ok what's my deal? OWS pissed me off today, so I'm returning the favor. If you want to pay me for that, please do. If you want a message, it's that what OWS is doing is ineffective. Politicians are the enablers of Wall St. You have to change them first. Go to DC.

[-] 0 points by vnayar (289) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Occupy DC. Have you been asleep? Do trolls have dreams?

[-] -1 points by ikonski142 (0) from Aurora, CO 13 years ago

everyone just go ahead and ignore Jimmy44...he got his tampon stuck in his va-jj and is gettin cancer from the plastic used in the material...hes a bit pissy bout that.....................142

[-] 0 points by paisleyclown (0) 13 years ago

Please don't insult women by comparing them to Jimmy.

[-] 3 points by Xcitnite (1) 13 years ago

The only question I have is WHAT TOOK SO LONG FOR THIS TO GET MOVING?? I am an hour away from NY but never forget the first bailout vote... and then the arm twisting began. The support from the masses will come and I hope soon... Stay Strong... Keep standing. Others will follow. People know this is right.. they need to be lead!!

[-] 3 points by mor (2) 13 years ago

rock on, ows

[-] 2 points by FLEURDELIS (4) 13 years ago

An education structure has to be implanted within the protestors. Many don't have a concise answer when asked "why are they protesting?". they need to know how we got to this point. Lack of education means lack of credibility, a lot of 99% its blind about the true reason to the protest and when a protestor fail to enlighten other members of the 99%, the result is the weakening of the movement. Lack of EDUCATION is the reason why have gotten to this 99% and 1% existence issue. The Movemente MUST get educated to enlighten others and grow!!!

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Thus is SUPPOSED to be what these forums are for, though they are constantly attacked by trolls feigning deliberate ignorance about what it is all about. It is SUPPOSED to be what the library was for at Liberty Park until the NAZI like behaviour of Bloomberg and his NYPD got rid of that. Everyone should start with a basic in Adam Smith and Marx, move on to what Woodrow Wilson did with credit and the Federal Reserve, how Nixon took us off the gold standard, Reaganomics, Glass-Steagle, Deregulation, the Sub-prime-Mortgage fiasco, and the Bailout. An overview of how lobbyism works, and the law that was passed that gave corporations personhood, and then the right to spend whatever money they wanted to lobby. That should be enough of an overview for everyone to be up to speed and understand what's going on.

[-] 2 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago
  • The People do Not Yield their sovereignty to the people who represent them.
  • Nor do the people yield their sovereignty to the corporations that pour hundreds of millions of dollars into campaign elections.

  • That is what this OWS movement is all about.

  • The people insist on remaining fully informed and fully in control over the legislative bodies they have created.

  • This movement is about We the People.

  • And We do resist corporate and moneyed influence and effort to make this a less perfect union.

  • Let's start with campaign finance reform.

  • Let us end a revolving door between DC and corporate board rooms.


[-] 2 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

Occupy the elections. We must protect this right. Call our own Congress, elect our own and oust the old Congress------all of them.

[-] 2 points by johnnylaveo (6) 13 years ago

DON`T GIVE UP, People from U.S.A My solidarity from Spain.

[-] 2 points by karmal1 (4) from Kailua-Kona, HI 13 years ago

CBS Evening News' Jim Axelrod said twice that the number of NY protesters was under 1000. This site says over 30,000 why the discrepancy, where did you number come from and are they in any way verifiable? My belief is that the producers of CBS have taken a huge swing away from reporting the truth and have, instead, been co-opted ,perhaps by Homeland Security, perhaps by their corporate owners, to downplay the actual numbers. Some resistance to this is needed as millions of Americans are being persuaded to think that Occupy Wall Street is losing steam. Is there some way to corroborate certain facts and figures to both provide legitimacy and to spotlight the dishonesty of the MSM? Occupy The Truth!

[-] 2 points by STEVENVINCENT (17) 13 years ago

On November 22nd it's time to show up en masse at the BANK OF BANKS; The Federal Reserve Bank!

[-] 2 points by Bellaciao29 (99) 13 years ago

The fact that the policemen of Praga have chosen to substain no more the elites but the protesters is the first signal that people have realized that the Power belongs to them and that they will consent no more to the elites to declare that it is theirs. If the fact will happen again in other two or three Countries, the play will be done.

[-] 2 points by Monks (8) 13 years ago

con grats on the movement over there, the eyes of the real people have opened. its funny that the role of the government is to serve the people, so i would like to know when the people started serving the government. the media have alot to answer to as well there reporting has been sutle with backing properganda for the government. supporting the supressors. as for a long time in the states and my country they have been corrupted by the banking system and oil barrons. good luck :> ...Power to the people. PS... are not the police there to protect and serve the people. make sure you resite the chant in your protest walk, might help...keep up the good protesting.. regard from Australia

[-] 2 points by klh34 (-21) 13 years ago

Can someone explain to me how it is not hypocritical to protest economic inequality when you live in a country that consumes 25% of the worlds resources while only making up 4% of the population?

To me economic equality would be for everyone in America to live off $10000 a year so that the billions in the third world have a chance of living to see 40.

We our the 96% that will not tolerate the 4% using up all our resources

[-] 2 points by greenwinter (7) 13 years ago

You make a good point. I think that that many protesters are saying the same thing - we are sick of the United States doing so much damage around the world. I say 'we' because I am from the U.S. as well, and I do not appreciate what the behavior of my country has been. The first step is to take back our country from the bought politicians. Then we'll have a better chance at equality, and then hopefully global equality as well.

[-] 1 points by vnayar (289) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Also, Wall Street lobbyists among others are the ones largely responsible for US military policy to secure resources from around the world. Once we get rid of them and their lobbyists, this military imperialism can end, and other countries can finally use their own resources for their own people.

[-] 2 points by menwn (2) 13 years ago

just to keep your info correct... the mass protests in Greece today had nothing to do with Occupy Wall Street. They happen every year on the 17 of November to celebrate the students' uprising against the military regime of Greece (Junta) back in the 70's... which was supported by the US government (as anti-communistic) btw...

[-] 2 points by lmarques (3) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

Si se puede! Latinos support the 99%

[-] 2 points by roscoesdad27 (106) from Aberdeen, MD 13 years ago

Baltimore in the house

[-] 2 points by fast11 (3) 13 years ago

The world is urs 99!!!!!

[-] 2 points by seriously2 (3) 13 years ago

University bridge in Seattle was occupied too!

[-] 1 points by jamesrice (1) 13 years ago

i truly feels u guys and im so happy someone is finally standing up to the government and how it works people are starting to wake up and realize just how corrupt this goernment really is and how it is designed through laws to keep the rich rich and the poor poor its ashame that money and greed is the motive that drives this country people like dictator bloomberg and other billionaries are fighting hard to supress this movement and stop it in its tracks but keep fighting on guys and things will change your friend and fellow 99%er james rice signing off

[-] 1 points by ZevMarcelSilverman (1) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

There is an occupy in Oakland California too, I don't know why it was not mentioned in the list above. Hundreds of people successfully shut down the port of Oakland peacefully.

Stay Punk

Crack rock steady.

[-] 1 points by johnconr (8) 13 years ago

In a democratic society the police are suppose to protect and serve the public. They are not suppose to mete out punishment as they did at UC Davis and Zuccotti Park. They're job is to apprehend suspected law breakers so that a judge or jury can decide guilt or innocence. When the police become judge or jury how long do you think our democracy will last.

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

My feelings for Occupy Wall Street will change a lot if the demonstrations stop working within city laws by applying for permits to occupy park spaces or start damaging property, blocking streets, etc. Park rules are park rules. If permits are required for occupation, that is not a restriction of freedom of speech as one does not have to be in a park at night to be able to speak in the park and one would be limited from being in the park even if they had not intention of speaking or not. Nor are regular city rules an impingement on the constitutional freedom of assembly, as municipal laws that rule out camping do so for individuals as much as for groups of individuals. So, far incidents of breaking rules, harassing police, etc. appear for the most part to be limited to radicals who are will gladly use any protest as a chance for violent and disruptive sport and to occasional moments of individual tempers getting out of hand.

--David Haggith www.The GreatRecession.info/blog

[-] 1 points by sowhatareyougoingtodoaboutit (95) 13 years ago

"No to evictions! No to the 1% that profits from our collective impoverishment."

Did they REALLY use the word "impoverishment" to describe Americans?

Let me tell you, most Americans are not "impoverished". They are also not severely at risk for death, extreme censorship, religious persecution, retraction of freedom of speech and press, famine, or civil war.

Pick a different word from the Thesaurus next time.

[-] 1 points by TheJosher21 (3) 13 years ago

We have only ourselves to blame. We have allowed the government to run this country however it saw fit without our consent despite our cries, our deafening, ear-piercing cries calling for change. It has achieved a godly status insofar as it has been able to do anything it wants without resistance because the citizens have rendered themselves impotent. It is unfortunate that this concession for equality is happening now and not sooner, not when the signs of an impending social apocalypse was as bright as the Sun.

[-] 1 points by Kat1 (2) 13 years ago

URGENT!! A new law that O'bama wants to pass is called "The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Tirrorism Prevention Act. Anyone who disagrees with the Government can go to jail. reported by Beforeitsnews.com

[-] 1 points by Dougs08 (2) 13 years ago

Hi, I'd just like to say a huge thanks to everyone in NYC & the USA who are taking part in all this. You are providing a great example to those of us over here in the UK who are in this too!. And remeber we have nothing to loose and everything to win!!.

[-] 1 points by robercavada (1) from Langreo, Principado de Asturias 13 years ago

force my friends!, i´m a spanish man, all together will win them. thanks for give me hope. come on, pacific men and women against the markets. come on!

[-] 1 points by jhecht11 (12) 13 years ago

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

  • Thomas Jefferson

We are not the tyrants. So we must be the patriots!

Many will have to bleed, some will have to die... That is the cost of freedom, and the cost of survival. Not only for humans, but for all life on Earth...

Economic justice

Environmental justice

These are not just slogans, or empty words. They both describe a system in balance. Not an economic system skewed in favor of certain people - the 1%.

Nor a eco-system skewed in favor of those people versus the well-being of all living creatures, and the survival of the Earth itself!

It will be hard. It may be impossible. But we have to try! If we do not try. we lose our souls... We become apologists for the total destruction of the Earth in the name of short-term profit.

Is this the legacy we will leave our children? Or will we resist, no matter what the cost?

"An injury to one, is an injury to all." This was/is the IWW motto - the Wobblies. It is true on so many levels. Pragmatically, economically, spiritually...

If we are truly all part of one thing - God, Yahweh, Being, Presence, Tao, then in truth, an injury to one is an injury to all. And conversely, a boon to one, is a boon to all.

This is the true power of the 99% movement. We feel the imbalance! It is so vast, so huge, that it inspires us to sacrifice, far beyond what we would normally do.

People feel the need to take urgent action, powerful action. And they are right to feel so...

"Daddy, what did you do in the eco-wars?"

We must learn to find our natural allies. Those who will fight for the same goals.


Here is the beginning of a dialog, a consensus...

What is Deep Green Resistance?

Deep Green Resistance is an analysis, a strategy, and a movement being born, the only movement of its kind.

As an analysis, it reveals the last 10,000 years of human history–the rise and dominance of civilization–as the culture of death that is now threatening every living being on Earth.

As a strategy, it critiques ineffective lifestyle actions and explains their inevitable failure to stop the destruction of people, species, and the planet. In contrast, DGR offers a concrete plan for how to stop that destruction.

As an aboveground movement, just now taking its first steps, Deep Green Resistance is based on this analysis and implementing this strategy. And we’re recruiting.

No more ineffective actions – piecemeal, reactive, and sad. No more feel-good, magical-thinking, navel-gazing, consumer-based, capitalist-approved denial and dead ends.

The goal of DGR is to deprive the rich of their ability to steal from the poor and the powerful of their ability to destroy the planet. This will require defending and rebuilding just and sustainable human communities nestled inside repaired and restored landbases. This is a vast undertaking but it needs to be said: it can be done. Industrial civilization can be stopped.

If you want more info, contact me - jhecht@ix.netcom.com

[-] 1 points by chuck1al (1074) from Flomaton, AL 13 years ago

Its Time for a direct action committee, and go underground with it.

[-] 1 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

There is a reason that the Occupy movement in London, Ontario was the first in the country to be evicted by the police. That reason is largely because the Occupiers had little support from the public and their only consistent media strategy seemed to be to display their own indecision, fear of confrontation and internal bickering.

They faced difficult odds, for sure. But they ultimately they sank themselves. Read how it all went wrong here:

www.josephcouture.com “How To Blow A Revolution: The London Model”

[-] 1 points by Thelogic (3) 13 years ago

Aparently you people have forgetten what this country was made from. Those people in the big corporations worked hard to get where they are. They studied at colleges and universities to get a good education and a good job that pays well. They deserve the millions of dollors they are making. Now they are getting punished for what they are doing, what they worked so hard to get? This is wrong! Why should someone get punished for being successful? This country is a do or die country. Now you are going to come back and say, "Well what about all the bailouts that the government gives?" My response would be, "Those in government are jokes in general so they obviously are doing stupid things, but who elects them?"

The people on Occupy Wallstreet are demanding someone give them thier money that they worked hard for. This is the injustice of the people, not the corporations. Now you are going to say, "Well I worked hard too! Why can't I get a decent paying job and keep it?" The answer to that is that this country is a do or die country. If you can't keep up with the demands of this country then you will put on the streets. Then you are going to say, "Well I worked hard! I did my best!" Well guess what, you weren't good enough. Rather, you get better, or fall like you're supposed to. Occupy Wallstreet is a failure.

For those who want money, start your own corporation. You can work 15 hours a day. You can beg for and borrow the start-up money. You can put your life's savings on the line just like those people did who are now making millions and sometimes billions. Those people gave everything they had to get where they are, and a lot of them failed at it, too. Guess what though, they got up and tried again. They didn't give up and they didn't ask government to bail them out. If you want money then work for it. That is what this country was made from. That is what America was made from. Not from people demanding money from those who put thier lives on the lines to get thier money. If this continues then you can consider our country going into socialism. Just as Beka Economopoulos said above, "We are the 99% and we are here to reclaim our democracy." You are not reclaiming a democracy, you are starting a socialism.

[-] 1 points by apato (6) 13 years ago

www.theindignados.org -> are you one of us ?

[-] 1 points by rikuniaku97 (1) 13 years ago

Did G20 elites coordinate a break-up of the "Occupy" movements around the world? What do you think? http://bit.ly/rznAJ1

[-] 1 points by TheGiops (3) from Roseville, CA 13 years ago

OWS is growing, and gaining momentum. Every day. And for every person arrested, two will join the protest.

It is recognized internationally, and tomorrow, Saturday November 18th 2001, at Zuccotti Park (Liberty Park) the Italian Writer Roberto Saviano, famous for his book and movie "Gomorra" will talk about the Mafia, interconnected with the financial system. Please, do not make fun of his English, but listen to what he has to say! http://99vs1.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/roberto-saviano-with-ows-at-zuccotti-park-on-1118/

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Americans are weird, arrogant, ignorant, irrational, nasty bastards. George Anthony molested Casey when she was 8 years old. The FL State's attorney refuses to prosecute him. The media lied and misled their audience every day of the trial I watched. She loved her daughter who drowned in the pool.

She would need to testify and that would clear up the truth of the case. The FL prosecutor is too arrogant to seek the truth in court.

America is now the most despicable hypocrisy in the world. Americans are weird, nasty people.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

What's this got to do with occupy?


[-] 1 points by zadig (1) 13 years ago

The OWS movement is nothing but a bunch of lice infested, STD ridden kooks screaming everybody's got nice stuff but me. It's a large scale libido regression in which the losers of the world project all of the rage and hatred of their failed lives on a symbol. Today Wall Street is the moby dick du jour. Yesterday it was George W Bush. Personally I think it's great :-) Keep on truckin' kooks!

[-] 1 points by dewitback (63) 13 years ago

There need to be higher resolution photos of the aerial snap shots. That first photo is beautiful, but such low resolution!

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Indeed. I just wrote an article on my blog about the the UNoccupation that has been pressed upon the movement and about how it will only make it stronger as it takes again to the streets, instead of the parks, and adapts to its situation:


[-] 1 points by jhecht11 (12) 13 years ago

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson

We are not the tyrants. So we must be the patriots!

Many will have to bleed, some will have to die... That is the cost of freedom, and the cost of survival. Not only for humans, but for all life on Earth...

Economic justice Environmental justice

These are not just slogans, or empty worlds. They both describe a system in balance. Not an economic system skewed in favor of certain people - the 1%.

Nor a eco-system skewed in favor of those people versus the well-being of all living creatures, and the survival of the Earth itself!

It will be hard. It may be impossible. But we have to try! If we do not try. we lose our souls... We become apologists for the total destruction of the Earth in the name of short-term profit.

Is this the legacy we will leave our children? Or will we resist, no matter what the cost?

"An injury to one, is an injury to all." This was/is the IWW motto - the Wobblies. It is true on so many levels. Pragmatically, economically, spiritually...

If we are truly all part of one thing - God, Yaweh, Being, Presence, Tao, then in truth, an injury to one is an injury to all. And conversely, a boon to one, is a boon to all.

This is the true power of the 99% movement. We feel the imbalance! It is so vast, so huge, that it inspires us to sacrifice, far beyond what we would normally do.

People feel the need to take urgent action, powerful action. And they are right to feel so...

"Daddy, what did you do in the eco-wars?"

We must learn to find our natural allies. Those who will fight for the same goals.


Here is the beginning of a dialog, a consensus...

What is Deep Green Resistance?

Deep Green Resistance is an analysis, a strategy, and a movement being born, the only movement of its kind.

As an analysis, it reveals the last 10,000 years of human history–the rise and dominance of civilization–as the culture of death that is now threatening every living being on Earth.

As a strategy, it critiques ineffective lifestyle actions and explains their inevitable failure to stop the destruction of people, species, and the planet. In contrast, DGR offers a concrete plan for how to stop that destruction.

As an aboveground movement, just now taking its first steps, Deep Green Resistance is based on this analysis and implementing this strategy. And we’re recruiting.

No more ineffective actions – piecemeal, reactive, and sad. No more feel-good, magical-thinking, navel-gazing, consumer-based, capitalist-approved denial and dead ends.

The goal of DGR is to deprive the rich of their ability to steal from the poor and the powerful of their ability to destroy the planet. This will require defending and rebuilding just and sustainable human communities nestled inside repaired and restored landbases. This is a vast undertaking but it needs to be said: it can be done. Industrial civilization can be stopped.

If you want more info, contact me - jhecht@ix.netcom.com

[-] 1 points by Rooster8 (49) 13 years ago

New World Order wants the collapse of capitalism, property rights, and it's biggest foe - our Constitution. UN Agenda 21 is the Neo -aristocrats goal. We are just sheep to them (Bush, Clinton, Gore and Obama).

Please learn their plans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us8Yv4YLz9k&feature=related

Kennedy warned of NWO !!! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fOkx-k8a5c

Know Your Enemy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LvwzanCLCo

[-] 1 points by lonespectator (106) 13 years ago

The world is not with you.. Only the Occupy groups and the DNC and the Unions are with you. This is no Arab Spring.. It's more like a "Wilting Winter".. As long as you don't demand the General Assembly "Occupy the White House", the world that is watching and laughing at you in-between Beers... OWH now!! or fail before Thanksgiving.. Your Choice...

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

In the news today, our government does not have to submit a budget on a yearly basis. Does this make sense to anyone? The fact we are trillions in debt is a dam good reason why they should provide a budget once a year, even every 6 months until they get their act together.

[-] 1 points by sars (1) from Wrocław, dolnośląskie 13 years ago

I' m checking this website since the beginning but it's the first time that I'm not too tired after work to post a comment. So at first I would like to express my deep respect and admiration for what Occupy Wall Street had achieved already and my faith in it's outstanding potential that will shape the future. Please remember that Occupy Wall Street is not a global revolution (as it's written above) but it's a part of global process of putting humanistic ideas in to practice. Occupy Wall Street was not the first on the field. Neither were Indignados in Spain, Arab Spring nor students protests in Chile or acorss Europe 2 years ago. Not even 68', french revolution or early christianity should be seen as a pioneer. There is no pioneering here, no contests. This capability to love, respect and help each other runs deep down the 99% of global population and it's a time for us to promote the world build on and driven by theese capabilities. We are not even close to the end of this struggle and this true, revolutionary development project. Lots of work to be done. But it's so good to smell...the beginning of the end. Thank you for your faith and will to act. I believe that there will be more an more of us reaching towards each other, ready to satnd one by another. How could I not?

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

This really is exciting. I wasn't in New York - I wish I could be.

this is momentous. I've been waiting a long time for this day, and here it is.

What we do, today, will echo through eternity.

It's awe inspiring.

It's also a tremendous responsibility.

[-] 1 points by Farmer (1) from Winner, SD 13 years ago

Hmmm...Adbusters a anti consumerist CANADIAN non-profit...

This OWS is just the latest FAD by the founders of Adbusters...


Is the OWS really YOUR agenda? Or have you just been caught up in the hype of people from another country telling us how WE should behave, act, think...

The sensationalism of OWS is tiring and wearing people out.

Communist/Socialist ideals are at the heart of the OWS. These social and political forms DO NOT WORK! Income caps, redistribution of wealth, wresting control from business to the "little guy".

BUSINESSES ARE NOT BAD. Protest Congress and the government that DOESN'T ENFORCE THE RULES, LAWS, and REGULATIONS that already exist.

If I asked a person to give me a gun so I can go kill someone...are you going to be mad at me for asking...or at the person who actually gave me the gun? Business/Banks asked for the bailout...it's the governments fault for giving it to them!

Look the world over and show me a leading economy where the people of the country have among the HIGHEST standards of living...and that country is a socialist or communist economy?

Look at the root of this movement...the founders are social/communists. They are promoting a "One World" concept and have sponsored programs such as their "One Flag" competition.

You are being fooled...they are using social and economic unrest to take the majority of you uninformed to do their dirty work and promote THEIR agenda.

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

If this isn't what it's All about...

What FOR the People, and BY the People is... The Quest for the American Dream has been,.. What Liberty and Freedom has been Fought for, and what Apple Pie stands for .....

Then there is no such thing as ..'An American'!


[-] 1 points by soldier105 (3) 13 years ago

While I respect the goals of OWS and sympathize with the many who feel the greed and avarice of our financial system hurts the fabric of our society, I feel the OWS movement will shed some light on the problems but will do very little to change how business is conducted.

I am impressed with the coverage and breadth that the movement has gained. Being a former military officer I am aware of the effort needed to organize, mobilize, support and sustain a movement of this nature in so many cities concurrently. But I still feel the impact will be minimal at the end of the day.

What I propose is a simple, broad and absolute approach to bring awareness to every banking and investment firm in existence...

Organize a movement that promotes a mass withdrawal of all deposits or investments over $50,000 on February 1st, 2012. This would stress the banking system’s ability to finance their daily operations, reduce the available capital they have to operate their businesses long term and force them to appreciate the value of the middle class. Now that would send a massage!!

[-] 1 points by FLEURDELIS (4) 13 years ago

why is my comment being deleted? ADMINISTRATION please email me!

[-] 1 points by AndrewG (1) 13 years ago

Brutal eviction from our homes? You were camping illeagly in a privately owned park! I would have kicked you out after 1 night! Thanks for all of the traffic that you caused for the portion of the 99% that are actually going to work trying to support themselves rather than just blame others for your problems. I hope none of you are collecting unemployment... how many of you have actively looked for a job during the two months that you have been "making a difference"! I hate to think that even a penny of my tax dollars is going to support your occupation! Get a job!

[-] 1 points by FLEURDELIS (4) 13 years ago

An education structure has to be implanted within the protestors. Many don't have a concise answer when asked "why are they protesting?". they need to know how we got to this point. Lack of education means lack of credibility, a lot of 99% its blind about the true reason to the protest and when a protestor fail to enlighten other members of the 99%, the result is the weakening of the movement. Lack of EDUCATION is the reason why have gotten to this 99% and 1% existence issue. The Movemente MUST get educated to enlighten others and grow!!!

[-] 1 points by discojockey (2) from Montclair, NJ 13 years ago

I see a lot of posts about freedom. How about the freedom for the governments (Federal / State / Local) not to take 48.4% of my salary. If I earned my money, why am I forced to give so much of it away. Why should I pay such a lopsided portion to fund the government? Just because I make more money than others? Is that fair? Is it my job to provide for others of my own hard work, sweat equity and smart fiscal decisions just so they can not work, play video games, claim unemployment and welfare benefits yet not pay a single dime back to the government. Where is my freedom not to pay for everyone else?

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

If you don't appreciate the country which gave you the freedoms to earn money, and don't want to contribute to it's well being - then move somewhere else. Ungrateful. Ungrateful. Ungrateful.

[-] 1 points by OWSClarity (8) 13 years ago

Is there a list of what the OWS wants anywhere? I thought this video might tell me. Also, is there a spokesman? I listened to a guy on the news last night who was interviewed by a news station. He wasn't real clear but I did hear him say that he was against corporate corruption. The guy inteviewing did not ask the right questions so it left so many things unanswered. Is it corporate corruption inside the corporation. if so, was there any action once reported to police? Or is this corruption between corporations and government? I did hear that one government official is being investigated for corruption with a company recently. Thanks!

[-] 1 points by OWSClarity (8) 13 years ago

Is there a list of what the OWS wants anywhere? I thought this video might tell me. Also, is there a spokesman? I listened to a guy on the news last night who was interviewed by a news station. He wasn't real clear but I did hear him say that he was against corporate corruption. The guy inteviewing did not ask the right questions so it left so many things unanswered. Is it corporate corruption inside the corporation. if so, was there any action once reported to police? Or is this corruption between corporations and government? I did hear that one government official is being investigated for corruption with a company recently. Thanks!

[-] 1 points by hesperuslux (1) 13 years ago

Is the the top photo actually of NY on the 17th? Can you tell me where to find this photo and the photographer's website / stream?

[-] 1 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

Hey my posts were deleted? What about my right to free speech! Hypocrites!!!

[-] 1 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

I just surveyed 100 "native" New Yorkers (Not Wisconsin & Ohio transplants living in Williamsburg) and guess what? You have now become the "ZERO" percent! Also, why does it say read the rules below this text box? Why are their rules, when I'm trying to exercise my right to Free Speech?

[-] 1 points by PreserveLiberty (7) 13 years ago

Today, 10,970,000 New Yorkers took to the streets to go to work. You idiots - your camping trip is a failure. You had the world's attention and blew it with an incoherent babble about shirking responsibility. The devolution of your encampments and predictable reliance on violence an hooliganism proves your utopian ideals a fallacy. Socialism and communism don't work. Deal with it! Go get a job, or create a living of your own intelligence and capabilities. Go home! Get out of our streets and let us return to patronizing the innocent businesses you have destroyed through your aimless occupation.

[-] 1 points by michael414 (2) from Columbia, SC 13 years ago

one man, barely alive, crawls from the desert into an oasis and finds a man with a weapon in possession of the well. the man with the weapon can extract any price he wishes for the water. if 10,000 people crawl from the desert, they can access the water no matter how big a gun the SOB has. we do not have more money, or greater military might, therefore our government will respond to the 99% only when confronted by a human tsunami which makes any amount of the oligarchs' wealth irrelevant. a small repetitive force over time can produce a wave as large as a tectonic shift. at that point it won't matter whether a democrat or a republican is sitting in the lifeguard's chair. if the broken, corrupted system in not fixed soon, both they and the system will be swept away.

[-] 1 points by nextstepnow (1) 13 years ago

There were no 30k people on Nov., 17 in the NYC Occupy protest--don't use bs here; and the picture way up above with the police in white-hat riot gear isn't of the NYC Occupation--your caption and comments below that picture of thousands of people: "Today, November 17th, over 30,000 New Yorkers took to the streets" is misleading. Don't use false information or propaganda to drum up support--the support is already there!! I support Occupy but don't go around misleading us with convoluted information as by doing so you are using the same tactics the 1% used to control us; we are no ones puppet. We need to move to the next step--creating a third political party who swear to work for the people to the White House--we need this for the coming election--think of what it would mean, if we can achieve that. We have passed tents, kitchens, free meals, drumming, singing, complaining, 15 minute of fame, etc., time has come to Move for the next step--creating a third political party.

[-] 1 points by OccupyThyNeighborsBush (11) 13 years ago

The common man is not with Occupy Wall Street. To a reasonable person, Occupy Wall Street seems to be made up of brats who feel entitled. Why would you want to disrupt the commute of the working man/woman, student, parent, etc... Stop trying to disrupt cities, this tactic is not helping your cause. Focus on your main point which is supposed to be Wall Street, and let your voices be heard. Everything else you do is just very annoying to the working class person who is just trying to survive. I don't want to live in a socialist society. You are not the 99%, you are more like the 0.33%. You let millionaire movie stars, etc... support your cause, but after doing a little "facetime" they go back to lives that you and I would never dream of. The movie stars who say they support your cause are no different than the Wall Streeters. The people who make billions off of your smart phones, laptops, social networking sites, etc... are no different than the Wall Streeters. Wake up! The world has moved forward because of innovators! The protesters in the 60's had real causes like civil rights, and opposition to our involvement in wars thousands of miles away. If you want to protest, do it within the parameters of the law. I'd like to use the park too, but how can I, when OWS people have decided to use it for other means than for what it was meant for. I'd like to sleep, but how can I, when some asshole is playing a banjo at 3 in the morning in Zuccotti Park. I'd like to go to the store to buy some milk for my baby, but how can I, when some asshole from Wisconsin is making homemade pickle brine in front of the entrance to the store on Pine Street. I'm a working class person born in New York, and it's my right to walk freely among the streets of New York without some protesters trying to stand in the way of my lawful rights.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Talk all you want - you do not speak for the common man.

[-] 0 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

You don't speak for me.

[-] 1 points by jaybauk (4) 13 years ago

I would just like to take this moment to say that 40% of the world lives off of less than $2/day

even a homeless american is much, much wealthier than the average citizen of Earth.

This doesn't mean that corperate greed isn't significant, but it does mean that many of those compaining about the American lifestyle being repressed needs to quiet down. I, for one, don't believe an American life is more valuable than anyone else' in the world. They are all precious. I want corperate greed to stop simply because they take advantage of the global poverty. I could really care less about the spoiled american citizens.

Signed, one of the lower 99%

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Good post. The economy is much more global now. As can be seen - the sub-prime mortgage crisis sent waves across the world who's effects are still being felt in Europe. I think many of those with the OWS realise that even the poor here (as defined by the US tax code) are often better off than those in third world nations. (Or other nations who maintain third world level of poverty conditions). It is my belief that if we take care of problems here at home, the rest of the world will benefit.

[-] 1 points by skylaevans12386 (1) 13 years ago

I just wanted to share my appreciation for all that you are doing. I finally have hope for my generation and what they stand for. Sending all of my love from West Virginia

[-] 1 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

There is always hope. There is always a way. Read about the stubborn determination of average Joe 99 percent to overcome obstacles in his path here:

www.josephcouture.com “Obstruction To Paradise”

[-] 1 points by camillemalcolm (4) 13 years ago

Great job. I am so glad this is happening. For so long I thought I was alone but you were all there all along and I feel such a surge of love and community. This movement will change the political agenda.

[-] 1 points by Dzehenuti (15) 13 years ago

AND PEOPLE FROM CZECH REPUBLIC.. PEOPLE FROM CZECH REPUBLIC wanna CHANGE our goverments also....Our politics are corrupted look liek yours.

[-] 1 points by Badgeryeswecan (4) from Hazlet, NJ 13 years ago

Have there been any organized efforts to set message banners on highway overpasses at routes into the city: GSP, Turnpike, etc.? I'm thinking of one that would read:"Police want martial law" or "This is a facist state", given that the funds and training the police have received (since 9-11) to counter outside threats are being utilized now to put down our own populace.

[-] 1 points by freedom33 (5) 13 years ago

We must unite and start getting specific. Who are the 1% exactly? What are their names? If we can identify them, and what they do, then we can become even more powerful as a revolution to take back our lives. So, I hope everyone on here can look at the following links.


This will give us info on what the Federal Reserve ACTUALLY is in existence to do.


This is about the Bilderberg Group.

We can draw our own conclusions by learning about these 2 very powerful groups. But, the key is to stay united, and make sure that we do not get our message twisted. This is not about republicans and democrats. This is isn't about who becomes the next president. THis isn't about the tea party. This political system is just a smokescreen for these groups to carry out world domination. It makes zero difference who the president of the U.S. is. He works for someone else. Obama is a puppet, and so was Bush.

But, they want class warfare, they want us to fight. It's part of their endgame. We can't do things like occupy the Brooklyn Bridge and disrupt people from commuting home. THAT pisses people off, and then divides us. We are all in this together, and it must be that way. This is GOD's movement. We are taking back our society from one of the lowest points it's ever been at, from a spiritual perspective. We can not be stopped because GOD is on our side.

[-] 1 points by perceptionasreality (5) 13 years ago

what city is the photo from? 'cause that aint New York...

[-] 1 points by ftmcommunist (6) from Princeton, NJ 13 years ago

Occupy Princeton handed out flyers in front of Bank of America then had our first joint GA with the students of Princeton University. I wish we had the numbers to shut down Nassau or Witherspoon (our major streets) but we're still pretty small - about 25 people with the college students included.

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

I was so happy to see the thousands in the streets in NYC and other cities. We need to build a new society based on compassion. I'm disabled and on SSD after a 4 1/2 yr. court fight. Whatever happens in the future, we must find a way to have true compassion and make sure that our poor, homeless and people challenged by illness to be included. No more silence from the fringe...we are here and we are loud, proud, and we are not going away!

[-] 1 points by johnnylaveo (6) 13 years ago

No se rindan, DON`T GIVE UP, My solidarity from Spain.

[-] 1 points by mm2kay (6) 13 years ago

Funny how the Mayors against illegal guns is an organization lead by Bloomberg. The Cities that had hard crack downs are the same mayors that are part of this organization...

Fact is when the gov't takes your rights away, including your right to bear arms. You're going to get oppressed.

[-] 1 points by infokat (25) 13 years ago

The press is mostly owned and/or controlled by the 1%. NYC news?papers alone are owned by Rupert Murdoch (NY Post, NY Times), Mort Zuckerman (Daily News) and Jared Kushner (NY Observer) Murdoch owns Fox News as well.

General Electric media-related holdings include a minority share in television networks NBC and Telemundo, Universal Pictures, Focus Features, 26 television stations in the United States and cable networks MSNBC, Bravo and the Sci Fi Channel. GE also owns 80 percent of NBC Universal. On January 18, 2011 the Federal Communications Commission approved Comcast’s take-over of a majority share of NBC-Universal from General Electric. However, General Electric still has a 49% ownership stake in NBC-Universal.

GE made a $14.9 billion profit yet received a $3.6 billion federal tax refund. It is the largest lobbying group in Washington spending six figures a day. The CEO, Jeffrey Immelt doubled his salary to 15.2 million and is President Obama’s adviser to help corporations create jobs in America.

But GE's U.S. profits were merely the tip of the iceberg: the company's 14 tax haven subsidiaries, including three in Bermuda and four each in Singapore and Luxembourg, helped its unrepatriated profits grow to $94billion in 2010, up from$84 billion in 2009

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2032173/Revealed-The-25-firms-pay-CEOs-pay-taxes-year.html#ixzz1e3GaMfmq

Clearly if you want REAL information, you must research it yourselves. Most of our media (and entertainment) is controlled by the 1%.

[-] 1 points by perkool (5) from Athens, Attica 13 years ago

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athens_Polytechnic_Uprising The protests in Greece on 17th of November are about this and they are annual

[-] 1 points by Peretyatkov (241) from город Пенза, Пензенская область 13 years ago

And i am from Russia.

[-] 1 points by AmericanGovernmentAgent (5) 13 years ago

"the whole world is waking" Then what! Government shall crush them,O ya All of them! U cockroaches!

[-] 1 points by Edwin (47) from Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 13 years ago

We are indeed with you.

[-] 1 points by stevehuynh (1) 13 years ago

I been watching the Main stream Media and they are lying about the number of people at the protest. They say that is only two thousand people at the protest. When I see the picture on this website, I know for sure the number is much more. " A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS" LET POST THIS PICTURE ON FACEBOOK FOR THE WHOLE TO SEE THE TRUTH!!! Sending love from AZ

[-] 1 points by KirkVanHouten (123) 13 years ago

I've often wondered what I can do to help solve this country's many economic problems. And now I know: blocking bridges! Why didn't I realize sooner that blocking working men and women from getting to their jobs or home to see their families will lift America out of its economic doldrums? Blocking bridges! It's so wonderfully simple!

[-] 1 points by joshfm (3) 13 years ago

This is totally totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have some hope in America!! I hope to join you all someday soon! Please don't give up!!


[-] 1 points by fresh11 (7) from Bethlehem, PA 13 years ago

realy great people today you mark a page in history keep going

[-] 1 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

Bravo New Yorkers, Bravo OWS>

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

In Detroit it wasn't thousands it was 200 to 300 at the beginning.... and it wasn't OWS that organized it it was organized by a group called Good Jobs Now that is run by local ministers. They did say their protest was also in support of the Occupy Movement's National Day of Action.


Way to spin things OWS....... Why not be truthful about things.

[-] 1 points by resistance52 (3) 13 years ago

I support the occupying movement and hope that it grows bigger and stronger.

[-] 1 points by chelseaingrey (1) from Bedford, TX 13 years ago

Thank you Occupy. I wake up every morning praying & thanking god that you made it through the night, because you have saved my hope for humanity. I check twitter first thing; my inside lifeline to the battlefield. I know that you are fighting for me. I am one of the millions of people watching you, stalking your feeds, your ustreams, your youtube videos, your websites, and your online journeys. We know why this revolution is being recorded in this way; it is the only forum of communication we have available. The truth is, there is no way for the every day person to really, REALLY, get their messages and grievances across to the people who control, well, everything. How can the 1% even relate to the world they have created for us? Well let me just say, for everyone I know, and for millions of people everywhere, to the people on the frontline, to the occupiers, to the citizen journalists and brave press, to the retweeters and bloggers, the GA's and the rallys; THANK YOU. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have prayed for you from the beginning, and I will continue to do so until the revolution comes to my backyard. I am 21, queer, unable to marry the women I love. I must work 5 days a week at a dead end job to pay my rent. I have never known economic stability. I have always, ALWAYS, lived paycheck to paycheck. I walk 2 miles to work every day b/c I never got my license. I had to work at my mothers store [which she lost in 2007/2008] after school. I do not have a car. I do not have health insurance. I have been living under the debt of my parents AND my grandparents my whole life. Even in my current position, I am probably one of the most financially well off, or at least stable, members of my immediate family. I am the 99% You are fighting for me. The whole world knows now. THANK YOU. We are awake now, ready and willing to help.

[-] 1 points by littlebiggygirl (26) from Hesperia, CA 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by Ranell (1) from West Plains, MO 13 years ago

I'm proud of the people of OWS!

[-] 1 points by inspiredswift (2) 13 years ago

I gotta say Im inspired by the effort all of the protestors are putting into these ideals... It would be amazing to see things change and really move towards serving the masses and mutual respect in USA, at least from public servants to start with. Good work guys, this is the 1st time in a while that Im feeling inspired that something that will benefit everyone might happen... now focus on the change needed and how to get it done.

[-] 1 points by Lenin2012 (1) 13 years ago

I want to help you Americans, peaceful protests will only get you a gun in the face. Fascists have to be dealt with on a stronger bases, you must fight them burn there homes, destroy there ways of life. If you want change you you have to take it from the man who took it from you. Fight to die and die because you are not afraid.

[-] 1 points by benfrie (12) 13 years ago

The NYPD are up to something a little more vile and tricky than ordering baton-wielding police goons to charge recklessly up Manhattan streets, beating every man, woman and child in their path. 'Snatch and Grab' operations are currently being employed against Occupy Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park.

"They keep pushing into the crowd in formations, grabbing people, and then withdrawing," said Eric, a college student who wished not to share his last name, from Zuccotti Park over the phone. "They've done it three more times since you left."

During the police operations he spoke of, Eric was struck in the groin, pushed to the ground and cracked across the shin with a nightstick. "I had my open hands in the air the whole time," he said. " I wasn't threatening anyone. They just beat everyone unfortunate enough to be around this one guy until they drug him out."


[-] 1 points by hans3755 (1) 13 years ago

There were not "1000s" marching across the second Avenue bridge in Detroit, MI. I am involved with Occupy Detroit and can tell you that there were, at most, 200 people in that action today. Thank you for the updates, but your getting that number so wrong makes me worried that the other updates are inaccurate. I understand that mistakes can happen, but please do some level of fact checking before you post such updates. Here is a picture of the Detroit action to see for yourself: http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/Occupy-Wall-Street-protests-held-around-Michigan/-/1719418/4780124/-/14loh0a/-/index.html


[-] 1 points by TimeHasC0me (66) 13 years ago

The only way you, OWS, all will make a difference is if you affect the day to day operation or flow of life, commerce, and or government. As i once witnessed in France, their government wanted to raise fines, tolls, taxes, etc. on all commercial truck drivers and trucking companies. What happened next was amazing. All French trucking companies and drivers criss crossed their trucks across all major highways in their country, completely blocking and disabling the transportation of all goods throughout the country. This lasted for about a week or less, until the government backed down and reversed its decision. It worked because it takes a protest of this scale to affect change. Occupying a park, although symbolic, will never ever ever do anything to change how disgustingly our government and the rich control all our lives, and continue to make the rich richer. You need to regroup, and i mean regroup all OWS protesters from across the country to a few very large simultaneous protests because small groups here and there won't really make a statement and can be easily intimidated and disbanded by authorities. You need a board of smart leaders that can effectively communicate a set of real smart ideas and demands and better organize the movement. You need to continue to use social media as a way to communicate as they did in the middle east to oust their dictators. But most of all you need to make one massive statement by protesting and affecting the day to day operation or flow of life, commerce, and or government. It will be the only way that you will get the govt and the rich to stop.......turn around......and stare in awe at the EPIC scale of the movement before them, and realize that the time has come, and that We The People have officially drawn the line in the sand, and are no longer willing to play their game any longer. IT IS THE ONLY WAY. Thank you, and keep up the pressure!!

[-] 1 points by Tellmebouttherabbits (1) 13 years ago

I like your enthusiasm, but it would be disaster to congregate all in one spot and elect leaders... That's kinda how we got into this mess...

[-] 1 points by benfrie (12) 13 years ago

Some of the police hit and shoved protesters in an effort to clear the way, and one woman pinned to the ground by police was bleeding from her mouth. At least two people have been arrested so far.


[-] 1 points by obby1223 (6) 13 years ago

I'm against PACs and Super PACs. Lobbying should be illegal. Its legalized bribery. I'm donating and it needs to be non-violent and also as Democratic as it is we should start with crucial points and then get to other very important ones. We have to crawl before we can walk!

[-] 1 points by DonFahquidmi (21) from Hilo, HI 13 years ago

I am not for the Super PACs either but considering today's political climate it may be best to use their own strategies against them. Hopefully it can be accomplished without being corrupted by the process. Stephen Colbert's lawer may be of some assistance.

[-] 1 points by obby1223 (6) 13 years ago

I'm against PACs and Super PACs. Lobbying should be illegal. Its legalized bribery. I'm donating and it needs to be non-violent and also as Democratic as it is we should start with crucial points and then get to other very important ones. We have to crawl before we can walk!

[-] 1 points by WarmItUp (301) 13 years ago

32,000 people according to police scanner! Wow! Now that we will have major media attention for at least a few days, lets focus on telling our messages rather than rehashing the details of arrest statistics and other aspects that the media finds much sexier than the stories of everyday citizens just trying to figure out how to get by. Use this opportunity to talk about getting corporations out of the democratic process. That is the one thing left, right, and center can all agree on. They are actually starting to listen to you so think about the clear message you want to be heard.

[-] 1 points by benfrie (12) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by Loucipher (18) 13 years ago

Keep on OWS!!! I love how everyone takes the brutality without stooping down to the level of the trained monkey-thugs disguised as public servants...the police should keep their oath to protect and serve, instead of beating down innocent, peaceful American Citizens!!! Soon (hopefully) the police will be on our side, as soon as officer Mr.nice-guy pepper sprays his good old Aunt Judy, or jabs his brother in the gut with a stick, maybe he'll un-learn his programming and re-learn his humanity...

[-] 1 points by zach333 (1) 13 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxSxy9V5iBQ This video is fairly comprehensive and clear about it all.

[-] 1 points by NudgeNudge (1) 13 years ago

People try to frame the occupy movement as advocating redistribution of wealth. They aren't. They are AGAINST redistribution of wealth: against the 99% paying taxes, while many corporations pay no, or nearly no taxes, sometimes even negative taxes and get huge subsidies funded by us. They are against our homes being stolen, while we fund the bailout to fund the huge bonuses of executives who have broken laws so egregiously that they should be locked up.

This robbery of the 99% is similar to the British occupation of India. At that time, huge profits were made by the British well to do, but for every 2 dollars going into India, only 1 came out. So where did the huge profits come from? The 2 dollars going in was funded by the taxpayer, the 1 coming out what to business owners? Profits? That's what they called it; in reality it was one of the largest transfers of wealth from the poor to the rich ever, until it was eclipsed by what has come to pass in recent years.

The "Trickle Down" Theory never existed, not even as a theory. It sounded nice, but it was only to mask what was really going on. Nothing is trickling down, it is rapidly pumped up to the top. We all know it. Given that, why does so much "stimulus" go to the top? Given that the system has been set up so it "flows" to the top anyway, that they are going to end up with your money anyway, wouldn't it make more sense to put the aid in at the bottom so it passes through the economy more times on its way up? Instead of bailing out the banks so the money goes straight into the pockets of the CEOs, bail out the homeowners so they can continue to pay their mortgages. The money ends up in the same place and does more good on the way.

[-] 1 points by geneellis (10) 13 years ago

Anyone that thinks good versus evil can be generally summed up in an earning percentile is a f*cking idiot.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

The idea of good and evil is a line drawn through the soul of each and every person. A movement creates awareness through slogans - just like every country including America uses propaganda. However, the right slogans can expose lies once those trying to hide begin backtracking. The 1 percent are not evil - they are an idea, and only a certain percentage of that 1 percent are actually the ones causing the problems. The 99% is not a club, but a mathematical fact, and whether some people support the OWS or not, they are part of the 99% if those factors apply to them. No one cares if people make a ton of money, but if they impoversh a nation to do it - if your schemes of making money begins to affect MY life adversely - you can go to hell. As you can see, even this simlified explanation would be ineffeciently used as a protest sign slogan.

[-] 1 points by geneellis (10) 13 years ago

I can agree with your points, but I can also agree that you are in the 1% of the 99% that can think critically.

[-] 1 points by ISH (1) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

A very inspiring day!

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I think I'll go block your front door for the next week so you can't go to work, because MY opinion is FAR more important than your insignificant little life, so you should make that sacrifice for MY demands. Sound fair? No? Then stay the FUCK off the subways you assholes!

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Help make change and these protesters will magically dissapear Mr. Cro-magnon.

[-] 1 points by THINKABOUTIT (1) 13 years ago

Keep on protesting and getting arrested!!! You are only fattening the pockets of some of the very ones that you are complaining against!! While you are in handcuffs hearing chants of, WE SUPPORT OWS, the NYPD system is hearing, CHA CHING!!!$$$$$$, all the way to the BANKS!!!!!

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Heh heh - talk to some lawyers and class action lawsuits about that idea, sir.

[-] 1 points by Arwen (15) from Cortland, NY 13 years ago

Good job, y'all! I spent the day watching the livestreams you have and whatever msnbc had. Impressive! Keep it up.

[-] 1 points by kdfreed (1) 13 years ago

A beautiful sight.

[-] 1 points by brooklyndog111 (1) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I support this movement 100%. You guys have to move forward now and take your specific demands to Washington D.C. and try to be effective there. That's also a huge part of the corruption. I know you already know this. I'm afraid if you don't take the movement beyond the place it's currently at...you're going to lose support in a big way. I want you guys to succeed!!!! It's inspiring!

It has to be more than just chanting in the streets though. You also have to get the bad apples out of the movement as well. The violent and destructive people have to go, as well as the fucking free loaders. I know it's not easy.

You people are incredibly brave to be out there doing this: risking a baton to the head or pepper spray to the face and not to mention, jail time.

Thank you for your sacrifice.


[-] 0 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Fuck off, they're a bunch of selfish assholes.

[-] 0 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Cro Magnon man! He speaks! Apparently, according to history books: "The cro-magnon man was incapable of stating arguments in any other manner other than utilising brute force and coarse language" Awww - hope you evoolve mister Cro-Magnon man!

[-] 0 points by ikonski142 (0) from Aurora, CO 13 years ago

everyone just go ahead and ignore Jimmy44...he got his tampon stuck in his va-jj and is gettin cancer from the plastic used in the material...hes a bit pissy bout that.....................142

[-] 1 points by Moein (18) from Tehran, Tehran 13 years ago

Nice voice

[-] 1 points by JONDULBERG (1) 13 years ago

good luck achieving anything other than stopping traffic for a few minutes.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You were warned. You "occupy" my subway and stop me from getting home to my family after a long day at work, I'm going to occupy your face with my fist. Repeatedly.

[-] 2 points by RobertUeberfeldt (44) from Kaikohe, Northland 13 years ago

There are some vets in OWS that would like to meet you. Maybe you should name a time and place, which is your subway again?

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

F, as in FUCK YOU. and 1 or 2. Daily 5pm. I'll be the one with the baseball bat. You going to swim over from New Zealand tough guy? HAHAHA

[-] 1 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

No you actually won't. Why not occupy your your own pathetic reality and carry a camera, create a blog or youtube channel to post when you "occupy someone's face."

Being an internet tough guy is seen as humorous and as being a practice of those who are to fearful of actually engaging in acts of violence.

Jimmy44 seriously, blast motherfucker$ in the grill and upload videos, or stop using the internet. It seems as though your an internet novice. Try luring the 4chan /b/ random board for starters little bro.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

So now you're telling me what I can say and where I can say it? What about freedom of speech, you fucking hypocrite. Do as I say, not as I do - the cry of the whining entitlement fuck.

[-] 2 points by RobertUeberfeldt (44) from Kaikohe, Northland 13 years ago

Just like your getting an image of me (an ex South African sheep fucker living in NZ) so I'm forming one of you. Lets see, about 12 years old, few social skills and only your desire to insult everyone you disagree with. Yes you need to be censored. Freedom of speech doesn't include you, yes you personally. There should be subclause in the bill rights saying everyone has the freedom of speech, except for Jimmy44.

[-] 2 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

LOL. Baaaaaah.

[-] 1 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

Did you figure-out out the movie we watched tonight yet?

[-] 0 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

What is this? Surround bollocking?

[-] 0 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

Nah, just trying to help you out. You sound like a total tool. You need to do some research and possibly become better educated so that you can communicate your thoughts better.

You're simply typing ridiculous amusing statements into a text field on a website.

Seriously if you wanna get violent upload proof lol

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I don't want to get violent. I want to go about my business without some whining little fuck like you holding me up and getting in my face telling me what I should think. You keep the fuck out of my way and you wont get any violence from me son, so don't try to turn this around like that, particularly after some of the shit the occupy groups have been pulling. Fucking hypocrites.

[-] 1 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

Guess what jimmy. sometimes you can't control EVERYTHING in your environment. If thousands or simply hundreds of people choose to use a station you're shit outta luck.

Just like your shit outta luck when the gov. misuses your tax dollars.

You can't punch several dozen people in the face you'd break your hand. As far as me being a whiny little fuck, I'm 6ft 241lbs. I carry as well.

Again sometimes the majority has the control, like the current situation with how many governments operate in 'democracies' around the world. You're making my point for me.

[-] 0 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Oh, so you're a FAT whiny fuck, that's just great. This OWS is a very very small group in relation to the general population. Being loud doesn't make you right. Pwned again. Oh, and if you carry in NYC you're going to jail son, unless you're a cop, and somehow I doubt that.

[-] 0 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

The very very small group is the only group organized, and taking advantage of our constitution. Why aren't 60,000 people stopping the protestors from marching?

"Pwned?" Actually every post you have made has rendered your voice moot. I haven't had to do anything, I'm just pointing out what your saying and you're looking like an uneducated fool.

I'm not an officer, and yes there are several ways citizens can legally carry. Also the vast majority of the time I don't carry

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

So why mention you carry then? Were you making a threat? Pot meet kettle. Pwned again, LOL! Goodnight - I need to get some sleep.

[-] -1 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

Hope you never wake up to see the change

[-] -1 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

What a fucking chiken.

[-] -1 points by ikonski142 (0) from Aurora, CO 13 years ago

everyone just go ahead and ignore Jimmy44...he got his tampon stuck in his va-jj and is gettin cancer from the plastic used in the material...hes a bit pissy bout that.....................142

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Foolish Canadians

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

H.R. 1532 -The National Defense Authorization Act is the bill that has been passed each year (not the same number just title) since 1948...coincidentally the same year that television was introduced in the States. According to the ACLU sections 1031 and 1032 call for the authorization of authority to the President to indefinitely arrest and detain persons abroad and in the U.S. This is absurd, this bogus war on terror or whatever they are calling it these days has been turned on us. Send your congress person a letter (you can do this via ACLU) telling them to oppose these sections of the bill.

[-] 1 points by occupyworld (40) 13 years ago

Chicago blocked the LaSalle St. bridge and 30+ were arrested.

[-] 1 points by shannyb (0) 13 years ago

Thrive movie-What on Earth Will It Take?


Global domination of assets and wealth on it's way out- honesty and integrity and freedom to blossom and prosper on it's way IN!


[-] 1 points by wiseone60 (3) 13 years ago

great job..a big thanks to everyone who made it happen

[-] 1 points by Fraqtive42 (87) from Herndon, VA 13 years ago

Okay, I understand the point that this movement is trying to make; I am all for it. But I question the methods, as they seem rather hypocritical. If you are protesting on behalf of the 99% (in actuality, more like the 33%), then why are you blocking bridges and stagnating the commerce that keeps this section of the population economically intact? It is really kind of snobby to occupy a bridge and say that you are doing it for a good cause, meanwhile making things temporarily worse.

However, this might have been necessary as a preliminary act to receive attention from Congress and the U.S. The movement is a very blatant (which could or could not mean good) way of expressing two general issues with the U.S. (and many other countries) :

1) The people have a left wing, but congress doesn't;

2) Our economic system is becoming increasingly beneficial for a decreasing population, and this must be stopped ASAP.

Maybe in the future, we can use more peaceful and orderly ways to get these two concepts across, without harming everyday commerce. This movement still may have been the best way to start raising awareness of these two important issues.

I will hope to see a multitude of more effective and efficient movements after this one, with a more loyal and organized premise. Maybe I will be able to participate in one when I get older. :)

[-] 1 points by SuperMC (2) 13 years ago

It's the OWS 1% that scares me. I'd be completely embarrassed to see my children down there.

[-] 1 points by SomeTingWong (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

سيتم خوضها من قبل الولايات المتحدة... كنت الوطنيات المجهول... ونحن المسلحة وليس الحكومة أو حمقى أغبياء مفيدة مثلك... نظرة على كتفك..

[-] 1 points by daysjour (1) 13 years ago

The eviction from Zuccotti Park must be further pursued in court. The ruling upholding the eviction was flawed and bogus. Why? Becdause setting up camp gives voice to a movement -- to evict it is to silence that voice. To replace it with a daily presence in the park, as the judge propsed, is NOT the same. Sleeping in the park gives powerful voice to the desperation, the seriousness of purpose and the willingness to sacrifice. Please pursue this legally. Bloomberg has trampled First Amendment rights in a country presented to the world as the greatest democracy in history.

[-] 1 points by lthom70 (7) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

hmm- not sure the majority of people you caused problems for were in the 1%...

[-] 14 points by beenthere (17) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

I really hope we didn't inconvenience anyone as they went about their oblivious serf lives and ignored the most important movement that will ever happen in their lifetime... aimed at keeping them free from financial tyranny.

[-] 5 points by the4thofjuly (32) 13 years ago

"oblivious serf lives"...awesome


[-] -2 points by KirkVanHouten (123) 13 years ago

"Oblivious serf lives" - I love it when occupiers accidentally show their contempt for people who play by the rules and work for a living -- the real 99%.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Wrong. The rules are corrupt and you have merely been broken. However, it doesn't have to be that way - you CAN stand up and make a difference! Please help solve these problems. It is completely silly at this point to try to fall back on right wing talking points - no one wants a hand out - there are REASONS why the middle class is dissapearing - PLEASE do research and stop being a parrot.

[-] 1 points by KirkVanHouten (123) 13 years ago

Are you really so closed minded that you think anyone who disagrees with you must be "broken" or reading talking points? I make my own opinions, thanks.

[-] 2 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Are you really so closed minded that you think "play by the rules and work for a living" means anything? It is a meaningless statement in the context of what is happening. What does the fact that you feel good about yourself (because you have to feel superior to somebody apparently) for following the "rules" (where are these rules written down? Who makes these "rules") which allow you to feed off the crumbs of the rich if you do their bidding, have to do with the disappearing middle class or the fact that the criminals in Wall Street and the Government have allowed the American people to be swindled out of money meant to help out an economy which was failing because of the actions of those criminals? Student loans and other things are just SYMPTOMS of a broken system. The reason there are so many "demands" and not just one simple one, is because ALL of these problems have root causes. These people would be getting jobs if there wasn't a strangle-hold on the economy by big business for political reasons. They don't want a fucking handout for God's sake, they want economic justice. What the HELL does you playing by your perceived "rules" have to do with all of that? Nothing. And I'm sure you will bury your head in the sand until the problems are actually sitting at your doorstep. OR you can help out and head them off before they start to affect ALL of the 99%.

[-] 1 points by KirkVanHouten (123) 13 years ago

I don't understand why you would have trouble understanding what "play by the rules and work for a living" means. Maybe that's your problem. "Playing by the rules" means, at a minimum, obeying the law--it is written down in legal codes and is easily accessible. "Working for a living" means working or looking for work rather than hanging around an illegal campsite playing with one's iPhone.

[-] -2 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You're fucking lucky you didn't "occupy" my subway when I was heading home to my family from a long day at work, or you would have got the snot smacked out of you, you arrogant selfish lazy asshole. This is New York, motherfucker, not fucking California. You don't fuck with New Yorkers unless you want your fucking head kicked in.

[-] 4 points by jimmanningjr (11) 13 years ago

Hey Jimmy44 is that 44 your IQ or your age...Big tuff guy threatening people on the INTERNET lol My Subway..talk about entitlement ...Let me school you bro..everyone is laughing at your Neanderthal comment and they could care less how hard you beat your chest...You wouldn't know reality if I shoved it up your ass...What kind of person comes to a forum of something they do not support and starts threatening people ...Answer Loser Troll...now go beat your kids and slap your wife around too BIG GUY

[-] 3 points by RobertUeberfeldt (44) from Kaikohe, Northland 13 years ago

Your subway?

[-] -2 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Yeah, MY subway, you fuck. What part of that do you not understand?

[-] 2 points by vitriolck (69) 13 years ago

OH, man. This Jimmy 44 guy is a tough as nails NYer. We'd better not mess with his commute. No trains were stopped or slowed during the actions today. I think Jimmy 44 probably lives in Oklahoma. What neighborhood do you live in, and what train goes there, tough guy? I live in Flatbush. Can you guess which train goes there?

[-] 1 points by akhatib (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

The part where you laid claim to an entire subway. Welcome to New York motherfucker, no one gives a fuck.

[-] -2 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

My point exactly. If I kick you in the ballsack for blocking my way, nobody will give a fuck about your whining ass. Welcome to New York? I AM New York, son.

[-] 2 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

You didn't kick anyone in the balls. If you're so passionate why not help out your fellow depressing ignorant racist blue collar buddies and blast OWS supporters in the mellon at stations that are flooded with people?

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Where's the racist shit coming from reezist? The only one I've seen even mention anything about race is you. Wonder why that is.

[-] 3 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

Jimmy44 - "Judging by the name, you're South African. You live in New Zealand. WTF are you doing here? You know nothing about NYC. Fuck off."

You're also talking about shitting in my face and fighting protestors in the subway lol. Comon jimmy what are you doing to yourself here?

[-] 1 points by vnayar (289) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I'd file Jimmy44 under T for Troll.

[-] -1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

How is that racist you fucking moron? Do you even understand what the term means? You trying to tell me that name Ueberfeldt does not appear to be South African? That's not racism! And they are from Kaikohe in New Zealand - it says it right next to their name, you clown. - Ohhh wait - I see - your ignorance and closet racism sees the word South African and automatically associates it with racism. Nice stereotyping there reezist. Guess what? It appears YOU are the racist. or maybe it's self-loathing? guilt maybe? Who knows - and more importantly, who cares. Fuck off you idiot.

[-] 2 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

Okay you're right. It wasn't racist. You simply don't think a South African living in New Zealand has the right to post on a website.

So.... if you want to control who posts on websites based on where they live and what continent they were born on you mean to tell me you don't pass any other judgements based on ethnicity, race, or heritage?

You are bad at the internet. You are posting about shitting in my face and telling me to fuck off lol. Why are you so sad bro?

Get into the groove and oppose things you're not happy with!

[-] -1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Correct - I don't pass any judgements based on ethnicity, race, or heritage. Just the fact that they are on the other side of the planet. Likewise, I wouldn't consider myself more qualified than a NZ'er to bitch over something happening in NZ when I'm living in NYC. Pretty simple. Your race card was fail. LOL I'm bad at the internet? What is this - icanhascheezburger.com?

[-] 1 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

The protestors aren't bitching about what is happening in NYC or NewZealand. If they were why wouldn't you be qualified?

What about the protests in Greece that happened yesterday in conjunction with the protests the happened all over our country?

'Your race card was fail."

'was fail"


I guess it is Jimmy.

According to you citizens can only bitch about issues occurring in the cities they live in. Not what their governments are doing.

[-] 0 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You realize New Zealand is NOT part of the United States, don't you? Wow. You need sleep more than I do bro. I'll be honest with you though, I did come here to stir up some crap because I was pissed at the subways being blocked and it targeting completely the wrong people. I feel better now that I pissed some of you off in return. Thanks, and good night.

[-] 1 points by vitriolck (69) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by vitriolck (69) 13 years ago

mook. oh, wait. only people who are actually from ny can be mooks. fuckin okie

[-] 1 points by akhatib (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Yeah sure thing chief. When my fist is putting a dent in your thick ass head we'll see who's whining.

[-] -1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

knock you out in one bitch.

[-] 1 points by vitriolck (69) 13 years ago

The subways weren't blocked you lying sack of shit. What neighborhood do you live in again, "bro"? Oklahoma?

[-] 1 points by akhatib (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Time and place dude.

[-] 0 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Right after I finish nailing your whore sister.

[-] 2 points by akhatib (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Only child son. You talk a big talk when you don't have to back it up.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Fine. You got a daughter then? Wife maybe? I ain't gonna do your mother, I don't care how much she begs. LOL. night.

[-] 0 points by akhatib (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Yep. Goodnight you shook little punk.

[-] 0 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

Looks like a brainless 44 pound chiken

[-] 1 points by greenwinter (7) 13 years ago

Before you go to bed tonight, you should thank your lucky stars that you have a job that hasn't been 'downsized' or 'outsourced' and that you remain able-bodied enough to keep it. One day, that may not be the case. Or it may come to pass that the money your make won't even buy a loaf of bread anymore, because the dollar has been so devalued thanks to Washington, Wall Street and the Fed. When that day comes, I doubt you will look back on the people that tried to call attention to it, and do something about it as 'arrogant selfish lazy assholes'.

[-] 0 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

Buy me ticket L.A to N.Y and I will show you m-fucker chiken some balls

[-] 0 points by iam99pct (115) 13 years ago

shutup you mook.

[-] -2 points by Kraus (19) 13 years ago

First, you occupiers come out and say that you represent everyone but rich people, then you insult them when they don't back you up because you disrupt their lives...you know...out of support for them. So go ahead and sit on a bridge. We'll just go around you and revile you more for making our lives more miserable. It will build up support for those who oppose you until it's clear that you must go and people will turn a blind eye to your removal.

Thanks, but no thanks.

[-] 4 points by docaso (11) 13 years ago

This is the mindset of the serf who has been brainwashed to believe that the crimes of the king against him and his fellow serfs are in his best interest. The “disruption” of OUR lives is exactly the point. And you said it yourself: "making OUR lives MORE miserable." If OUR lives are not already miserable, how can they be made MORE miserable? This movement is precisely about addressing the conditions that have created this misery for the MAJORITY of the people. If you look at more than Fox or CNN or ABC and the rest, you'll begin to learn how the injustice has been created, perpetuated, and expanded. Meantime, keep an open mind, however crazy that may sound!

[-] 1 points by Kraus (19) 13 years ago

This movement does not address conditions that create the misery for the majority of the people. It creates a whole new set of conditions that make it possible for innocent people in your movement to get seriously hurt. It makes conditions that make it impossible for the majority of people around you to live their lives freely. Your movement infringes upon the freedoms and rights of everyone else around you. Constitutionally speaking, you have no protection for this kind of action.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Wrong. The current protest to raise awareness and show the seriousness of the situation is what you're pissed at because - awwwww you couldn't get through that part of the city easily. Awwwww. Cause if the issues get buried NO STUPID CITIZEN WHO IS ASLEEP AND BRAINWASHED WILL GET OFF THEIR ASSES AND DO SOMETHING UNLESS IT IS IN THEIR FACES. So get your head out of the sand and pitch in and when these problems are taken care of these protesters will magically dissapear, I promise you.

[-] 1 points by Kraus (19) 13 years ago

No movement that sets to destroy lives in order to save them is no way to go about it.

[-] 1 points by vnayar (289) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Yes! How dare you upset King George III. I think you may have diminished the luster of his rosy cheeks. All you rabble should get back to work and thank the King for allowing you the privilege.

[-] 2 points by sovichel (-3) 13 years ago

Yeah, causing problems. Huge problems compared to those most of protesters experienced themselves indeed.

Ever wondered why would they do this?

[-] -2 points by klh34 (-21) 13 years ago

what problems? You seem to be able to afford internet access, you can't be doing that bad

[-] 0 points by vitriolck (69) 13 years ago

This is such a typical right wing hack line of reasoning. Oh, you're all concerned about the working-class 99% getting to work? How nice of you. Well, guess what. I live and work in NYC and am fully supportive of OWS. They have gone out of their way not to break any laws even during non-permitted marches. I live in BK and work in Manhattan and OWS has never once hindered the subways. In all of their marches they move along the sidewalks as not to block pedestrian traffic. This line of "Oh, you're only hurting the poor stock traders, who only make 50K" Boo hoo is a huge pile of BS. When Bloomberg lays off hundreds of teachers so he can lower taxes for millionaires are you all incensed about that? You fucking hypocrite. Its hard to "cause problems" for the 1%, because they own everything. Including you.

[-] 1 points by vnayar (289) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Exactly! The only people who have disrupted subway service has been the police. When they raided Zuccotti, they shut down the subway. When they were beating people with clubs, they shut down the Wall Street stop on the 4. Not once have I ever seen subway service disrupted because the protestors.

[-] 1 points by SomeTingWong (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Вы будете бороться, США ... Анонимные патриотов ... Мы вооружены и не правительство дураков или полезные дураки, как вы ... смотреть через плечо ..

[-] 1 points by HoneychkaOfBrightonBeach (2) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Tisha, blin. Vy ne imyeet smysla.

[-] 1 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

What is going on tonight in Manhattan tonight? Does everyone go home or are ppl still gonna protest 24/7? I live in Lower Manhattan and I cant seem to find any info on the current status of the protest?


[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Perhaps you can all sing the communist international.



[-] 0 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

Move to islamic countries with your pals.


[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

Those numbers hardly represent "the 99%". The whole world is not watching. Most of the world doesn't even know what wall street is.

[-] 0 points by Ipsophakto (24) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

resist austerity? why, because you think money grows on trees?

If you think you can eat the rich, get ready for a crash diet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=661pi6K-8WQ

[-] 0 points by ikonski142 (0) from Aurora, CO 13 years ago

everyone just go ahead and ignore Jimmy44...he got his tampon stuck in his va-jj and is gettin cancer from the plastic used in the material...hes a bit pissy bout that.....................142

[-] 0 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

We have no hope of creating change unless we acknowledge the current reality of the way things actually are. That means understanding and admitting the many ways in which the 99 percent are their own worst enemies and little different from the 1 percent labeled the enemy.

Read about how the 99 percent undermine each other here: www.josephcouture.com “It’s About Me, Stupid”

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

"Ancient knowledge: the squeaky wheel gets the grease." Absolutely! Ignore the hateful trolls that have piled in here. Carpe Diem !!






[-] 0 points by the65percent (13) 13 years ago

"The World is with Us". Don't believe the headlines.

When you are only about seeking attention for yourself, when you are high on yourself (drugs?) and your rights and the cameras are on you, you delusionally think you are heroes for a cause.

Walk outside your small circle and you will see the world is watching but they are not with you. Because of the actions of anarchists among you, you are quickly becoming the destructive and self-destructing irrelevant 1%.

OWS, including the money grabbing unions, no longer represent the middle class or 99%.

I am of the radical 65% who work hard, don't depend on unions, pay taxes and invest in the lives of others.

What have you done today to make a difference in your world without harming others?

Yes, the world is watching, but not in awe.

[-] 0 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

HA HA HA, your "brutal" eviction from your homes. you were given plenty of time to get out and what did you do? act like stubborn dogs

p.s - the whole world is not walking, wake up from your dream, you only had 0.006% of NYC

[-] 0 points by Sharpie933 (20) 13 years ago

Given your previous hyperbole I take all of your claims with a grain of salt.

[-] 0 points by churchill (0) 13 years ago

You are nothing but a movement of socially messed up kids who were beat up in school and hate the world. you are degenerate drug addicts who annoy the hell out of the rest of America....in fact, YOU are the 1% who are druggies, hippies, rapists, thieves and scum.....your movement will end soon

[-] 1 points by reezist (17) 13 years ago

except there are thousands of middle aged employed upstanding citizens protesting as well lol. why would you post inaccurate information? why are you so sad and upset about a protest movement?

[-] 0 points by mckiric (1) 13 years ago

This wont change anything. I am sympathetic for the cause and the movement but even if they all get what they want, what will these protesters do with their lives? Do they become philosophy/history/geography professors at school? What will they do with their lives that generally benefits all people of society. At the end of the day if these were scientists protesting things would be much different.

[-] 0 points by LPFnyc (0) 13 years ago

Most of the comments indicate a level of consideration for the lives of people who have to get to work, make a living etc. It is true that they are not the 1%. However, it is also true that for all of their lives, they have been generally uninvolved, unaware, and in many cases, uncaring. The protests and movement is inconvenient to all of us. But so is the loss of voice in Congress, the loss of voice to lobbies, and even a segment of OUR REPRESENTATIVES who serve the interest of 1%. I would find it acceptable if 1% of our Representatives acted in the interests of 1%. And the other 99% acted in our interests. Voted in our interests, legislated in our interests. But this movement proves that a HUGE segment of our population supports a functional society that is fair, yet repeatedly for the last 30 years, our Representatives have not represented US. Or the USA. If these messages and protests are the spurs to create movement in the pools of stagnancy and acceptance, than the stagnant shall be stirred, and the acceptance, no longer accepted. They need the truth, and not to ignore it in their daily lives, but to made aware of how these "freedoms" for capitalization is actually freedom for 1% to cannibalize society. How the "freedom" of a few, is not controlled by their responsibility, but built on the backs of many. This world will not ever be completely fair, but we should make an effort. And the people of OWS highlight their passions to make an effort and remind us of our complacency. If all those people pushed and prodded for fairness and what we all know is right, there wouldn't be an OWS and there wouldn't be someone on a bridge while you're trying to get home from work. . . . .





[-] 0 points by TimMcGraw (50) 13 years ago

so what's the end goal? shutting banks down? shutting down wall street? are these people clueless where their 401k's are held, how companies work, anything about money?


[-] 0 points by HoneychkaOfBrightonBeach (2) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

You've lost most of your support in New York, OWS, after making a large percentage of the city late to work and even later getting home. Some of us have graduate-level degrees, working at a mid-30K range at non-profit organizations and commute from the far reaches of Brooklyn (and I'm not talking about the hipster-infested Bushwick, Williamsburg, and Greenpoint - I'm talking about Sheepshead Bay, Coney Island, and Bay Ridge) so they can make every cent of their menial salaries - and you prevented us from that. It took me months to find a job that might be degrading in pay, but made up for it in the cause I was working to support. I was all in for OWS since it began in September, but it quickly lost my sympathy after learning that you had gourmet chefs cooking you ORGANIC food in Zucotti, while there were continuous reports of sexual assault, drug use and unseemly filth. First of all, the 99% don't eat organic - they can't afford it. Nor can they afford marijuana. Since learning these interesting tidbits, and being heckled when walking to the subway from an interview because I "resembled" a businessperson (again - not all non-profits allow for their employees to show up to work unshowered, barely clothed, and reeking of last night's cheap liquor), you've lost my support and sympathy, and have effectively turned me into a protester against YOUR sorry excuse for a protest. When you start hindering productive New Yorkers' commute - and when I say New Yorkers, I'm talking about the ones born and raised here, attending public schools and experiencing the dip in economy before you people came here on your parent's money from Iowa, claiming to be "social misfits" and rebelling without a cause - you've gone too far. Now you're just nuisances, an essential group of losers who don't even know what they're fighting against but nonetheless need a reason to gather and party like it's a 1969 Woodstock festival.

[-] 5 points by g200 (9) 13 years ago

Any sort of protest or strike for an issue is a test of the public's resolve on that issue. If the general public is pissed off at the system enough to tolerate a general strike for months, then the people in charge will be afraid and will have to react. On the other hand, if what you say is true, that people aren't even willing to be late for work for a day, then the movement still have a lot of work to do, or things just have to get a lot worse. Reaction to the protest should be a barometer on how much people care about the central issues raised by OWS, getting hung up on organic food or marijuana is just silly.

[-] 1 points by HoneychkaOfBrightonBeach (2) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

It's silly until you realize that the money and time wasted to cook those expensive dishes could have gone to better causes - like the homeless shelter I work for, where finding food to feed our abused female residents and their children is scarce. It's wasteful, and is reflective of the overall contradiction this entire movement has so far shown. With regards to the commute - it's annoying enough when you have to sit in a train car with what seems like hundreds of other people pushing up against you when there's a signal problem or other delay, it's even more testing when you realize it's a bunch of people who are selfish enough to make others late for their jobs, where not just their employers need them, but patients, clients or other beneficiaries may, as well.

[-] 2 points by g200 (9) 13 years ago

Look, it's great that you're working for a shelter and helping people. The OWS people are trying to help by inducing changes in government policy. It doesn't necessarily mean proposing policies themselves, there are plenty of liberal intellectuals that could do that. They are trying to generate attention and a sense of outrage that would push the politicians to adopt alternative policies. I think you're making a mistake by focusing so much on the little things.

[-] 0 points by HoneychkaOfBrightonBeach (2) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Do you know what I did those first few days of the protest? Participated. I brought my laptop with me and wrote up cover letters and tweaked my resume, while sitting peacefully. And then I found a job. It was tough, and there was impatience, and frustration, particularly since I'd just gotten married and we were both unemployed at the time. My husband still is - he just got a job at Duane Reade as a stock guy, with a bachelor's degree in computer science, and it's agonizing for him to make minimum wage with what used to be a highly coveted degree. There is a shred of my conscience that still understands why this movement was started, and supports that initial cause - understand me. And if it were made up of more logical approaches - and people, seemingly like yourself - I would probably still be on board. But I hope they soon realize that they're losing support, and do something about it. I'm not difficult to please when it comes to social dissent, I'm usually on board with most public movements. I hope they remember that organizations can start with a positive hope, or a wish for change, but can rapidly decline to being a nuisance. While I look for reasons to find this movement unsatisfying, I also hope to find reasons to get back on board - if not for my sake, but for my husband's (a first generation immigrant, who ironically came here in the midst of the recession in hopes of a better life), and for our future generations. Good luck with the protests, but try to stay away from pissing the wrong people off. And let's not throw vinegar in cops' faces - as a native Brooklynite, I was raised to view the NYPD with contempt, but there are men and women out there with families and mouths to feed to, on not very high salaries. Don't give them a reason to move with more force and brutality - or for the public to view the protesters as low-range terrorists trying to "blind" our police forces. Pardon the cliche phrase, but it's just not classy (or very peaceful).




[-] 4 points by DLAtkinson (19) 13 years ago

We live in a democratic republic...look it up on the CIA's website! And if you don't like democracy in action, and the First Amendment right to free speech...why don't you move to a non-democratic republic where they don't allow such things as protests and free speech.

[-] 2 points by Chimptastic (67) 13 years ago

The structure is the Republic, the mechanism is democracy. Our representatives are elected by a simple majority, which may not be just perfect, but who else should rule other than "all?"

[-] 2 points by ssassy (83) 13 years ago

We'd rather move YOU.

Go OWS!!!

[-] 0 points by jane1 (100) 13 years ago

The tea has got to be the worst party in history! At least OWS is doing it for a true cause! You people actually stood up in council meetings over false accusations on Heath care reform. Death panel, really..make a copy of the actual page, paragraph and article number of the page- notarized! I bet you can’t find it, go ahead and try-do it. You can’t because it’s false!! Your lies will catch up to you GOP/tea, indep…. but for now continue to be the puppet feeding lies for a vote!! That’s what this party does is lie and mislead for greed, power, self preservation and a vote while the US suffers. Your comments to OWS by GOP/tea-indep., get a job take a bath!! Defecation in the park, noise level really, stated by Mayor of NY, “UNFOUNDED ALLEGATIONS,” in other words no proof of it!! That’s all you do is lie and mislead! Do you think those kids liked to be in the cold, on the ground. They are educated people fighting for a cause but of course you would not know about that.- Your cause is limited government gee I wonder why? Correction I already know! Look at the current Congress you put in!! Any one who follows the tea must be uneducated or have an alternative agenda. The thought of you all of you GOP/tea, indep. running the whole country is the worst, sickest idea in the history of the United States of America!

[-] 1 points by Monks (8) 13 years ago

well said, did you know that america imprison more people lol than any other country in the world. the land of the free... followed closley by china.... so the question is ... which one is communist ?

[-] 0 points by SomeTingWong (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You will be fought by US...Anonymous Patriots...We are armed and not the government fools or useful fools like you...look over your shoulder.. We are in your midst....

[-] 1 points by mikalmil (8) 13 years ago

If you are in our midst and so brave why don.t you show yourself?Why won.t you ? because you are punks

[-] 0 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

I love OWS, but as long as getting arrested is glorified, as it is in the above statistics, which list how many people got arrested in each city--the movement cannot grow to the size that will be necessary to make the desperately needed changes we all seek. I haven't read any repudiation of violent tactics by David Graeber, or Adbusters, or any public spokespeople for OWS, or any attempts on this site by OWS's core leadership (who call the actions and list them here) to educate the OWS "membership" (i.e., dedicated activists). Thank you.


[-] -1 points by freeusa (14) 13 years ago

OWS stop complaining the system is not fair, wall street people are bad, the police and mayor are stopping you from exercise your freedom of speech. Go to this web site and find out how you can really get your life back, it did for me and now I am like a energizer bunny- still going.http://millionairemindintensive.com/thanks/

[-] -1 points by MeSoHorny (1) 13 years ago

Bristleworms range in size from small (about 1" long) up to very large at about 20" in length.  Most small ones are an orange color, sometime appearing two-tone in color.  Larger bristleworms are frequently gray or brownish in color.  Bristleworms are composed of many segments and have bristles (setae) which extend from both sides of its body along its entire length, hence their common name.  These setae are clearly visible in the picture above.  Bristle worms live in the sand or within the live rock.  They are nocturnal and not usually seen during the day.

Good or Bad?: This is a tough one.  Historically, bristleworms were all considered to be bad.  Most literature warns that they can attack and eat clams, anemones, corals and even fish. 

Recently, most hobbyists have come to the conclusion that small bristle worms pose no threat to other tank inhabitants and are in fact good scavengers and add to the biodiversity of the tank.  You can even buy bristleworms from some sources.

Even large bristleworms are starting to be better understood.  Although it appears that some large bristleworms can be aggressive predators, these seem to be in the minority.  Many large bristleworms seem to fall into the harmless scavenger category.  The one in the picture above has been in one of my tanks for several years.  It is about 1/3" across and at least 12" long although I have only seen about 6" of it.  It lives next to a group of clams and has never shown any interest in bothering the other creatures in the tank.  He is a very impressive looking specimen in his own right.

[-] -1 points by onevoice777 (75) from New York, NY 13 years ago

defend yourselves!

[-] -1 points by Happierbanker (23) 13 years ago

Yeah! We walked across a couple bridges together! That should change the world! Maybe tomorrow we can sing a song together. Yippie!

[-] 2 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

Yippie Kaya Motherf0cker

[-] -1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

And given these vast numbers cited, this is the 99?

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Yes, actually it is a representation of the 99.

Some just don't accept it yet.

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

No, I don't.....nor do the true majority of the 99. If a "we the people" emerged who reject extreme positions, violence, and coalesced definitive/reasonable change....perhaps. The US Gov machine is vast.....have you ever tried to change the culture of a small organization? Now, imagine the imbedded nature of Washington.......focus!

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

We already accepted an extreme position. We elected Bush twice. These people are just trying to turn back from that. I think that's a good thing.

[-] 0 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

WTF, Bush, again? This progressive obsession with Bush voids the core issues here.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago


It's not like he didn't happen. It's not like the economy didn't crash on his pathetic watch.

Where you a Bush fangirl, or something?

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

I know, forget Barney Frank and Clinton......what was I thinking.....

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

You also forgot Reagan and Bush 1.

Barney is just a jerk, didn't really do much of anything. You give him way too much credit.

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

R. Reagan's not so bad. Everyone forgets we no longer practice "duck and cover" due to his foreign policy.....not such a misguided "old fool" given that the majority of the world even exists now never having experienced a M.A.D choice...hard to take, but true. That trumps economic blame any day....

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Who said MAD is really gone? It's just transformed.

Plenty of nukes still around. They're just more efficient.

Besides, does it really make much difference to get hit with some 30,000lb bombs, and then getting shot up with DU bullets?

BTW I actually had to do duck and cover all through grade school.

[-] 2 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

The 99% is a mathematical fact, not a club. If you adhere to certain criteria, you are part of the 99% whether you like it or not. Whether you support the OWS is a different story.

[-] 2 points by jane1 (100) 13 years ago

Club, Party? Its a Revolution!!

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

There is already movement in government to submit bills to rid politics of money, Iceland has done miracles with their constitution through twitter and social media, there needs to be a States Convention to use the clause in Article 5 of the Constitution to let the States write amendments to the Constitution. Viva la Revolution!

[-] -2 points by freeusa (14) 13 years ago

for the rich people to share their wealth with us, the only way is we have to earn it like they did. ( the method they did, you and I most likely will not agree but that is the way )how money game are play?

[-] 2 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

So how do you think the 1% earned their wealth?

[-] 1 points by Monks (8) 13 years ago

by giving you a loan for a house, studdies, cars, bikes, furniture, holidays. the question is where did they get the money. easy out of thin air. by typing on a computer. what happened to them putting that moneywhich you see before receiving the interest from you. thats why the system is in crisis. greed by the 2 percent controlling the world.

[-] -2 points by hotrod02 (21) 13 years ago

A city park was your home? Is Bloomberg and the NYPD the reason why you Occupy? You certainly have no other reason for doing this. Austerity? What is this? Greece? LMAO!

[-] 3 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 13 years ago

Never take people who use the term "LMAO" or "LOL" seriously. They are merely cliches with agency.

[-] 1 points by futher (35) 13 years ago

There are two similarities between Greece and America. 1, the voice of democracy has been silenced by Big money. 2 Big money is running peoples' lives for them because of increasing corruption. The big difference is that Greece is no more able to resist European demands than say, Iraq is able to resist American demands, while America is able to resist, for now, say, Chinese demands. American corruption is no better than Chinese or Greek, or any other corruption. BUT ONLY Americans can stop American Corruption.

[-] -2 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

In New York ... a city of 8 million people, all the movement could muster is 30,000.

Not a great accomplishment considering most were union members and students who did this just for the day.

It was probably more like 15-20,000 people.

That is a very tiny, tiny fraction of the so-called 99% supporting this no agenda, no leader movement.

[-] 4 points by DLAtkinson (19) 13 years ago

Incorrect, according to the police scanners there were 32,650 at Foley Square alone while thousands were headed to the Brooklyn bridge, considering this movement in only two months old that is very impressive indeed. How much did you accomplish when you were two months old?

[-] 0 points by caitlin54 (9) 13 years ago

How many people where actually there for the protest? How many were accounted for as police, random people who passed by, people WALKING TO WORK, reporters and people who were appalled by it?

[-] -2 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

At two months old, I at least shit and pissed where it was supposed to go. Can't say that for the "supposed" adult OWS protesters.

Even if 80,000 showed up to protest. That would still be only 1% of NYC's population.

The anti-war protests 5 or 6 years ago got at least 150,000 to 200,000 in NYC.

These numbers today are nothing. The movement is going nowhere. Most NY'ers are glad the city got rid of Camp Lenin down in the park.

The violence of today will make more NY'ers hate OWS.

[-] 4 points by DLAtkinson (19) 13 years ago

Technically you only went where you were supposed to because your parents put a diaper on you. You had nothing to do with it. Blindly supporting the 1% won't make you one of them. You do realize that don't you.

[-] 1 points by Monks (8) 13 years ago

what ricco has not know is that the system have raised him in such a manner as to conform to support the system and if you are no apart of the system you must be a terrorist. and unfortunatley he will find this out down the track in his or her life when the system will say u have your own oppion we did not teach you this so you must be a terrorist.... power to the people....

[-] 0 points by caitlin54 (9) 13 years ago

A country with no leaders and no borders to immigrants, legal and illegal, WILL NOT RESULT in a country where people piss where they should. And you won't be able to get diapers on them.

[-] 0 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

I might be a 1%.

I'm already about a 2 or 3 percenter.

[-] 1 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

Perhaps your are the 2 or 3%. One thing for sure, you certainly have the greedy arrogant shit down to an art.

[-] 1 points by Christophe (11) 13 years ago

And that's why you spend your nights writing ignorant posts on Occupy websites. Not bloody likely, my delusional friend.

[-] 1 points by DLAtkinson (19) 13 years ago

Why are you so angry...who do you work for?

[-] 1 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

All movements start small. Will this one gain legs and grow? Maybe, maybe not, but they all start small and they have to start somewhere. Learn some history.

[-] 1 points by Monks (8) 13 years ago

it is not about the many of people, its about bring the point of issue out that the rights of the people have been taken away through corruption they wont the rest of the people to start thinking about what they see, so maybe you should think first and crap your nouth off after thinking. the system really did a job on you those 15 - 20,000 must be terrorist or black because they are being descriminated against and are standing up for those that are throwing stones rights as well.

[-] 1 points by Christophe (11) 13 years ago

Rico, a little frightened are we? Repeating a lie in four different ways does not make it any more believable. To effectively discredit your enemy, you have to think as creatively as he does. You're not even a contender on that front, but do keep trying - the challenge might help you to grow.

[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

OWS isn't my enemy.

It's not the enemy of the government or the City of New York. It's like dog shit on the bottom of your shoe. Most of it wipes off, but it takes a little extra work to get the rest out the treads. But it does wash away with a little effort.

[-] 1 points by Christophe (11) 13 years ago

Rico, you are expending much more than a little effort on your non-enemy. Why is that?

[-] 1 points by hiddenwheel (83) from Newton, MA 13 years ago

There's a troll above me.

[-] -3 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

There is a mindless soul inside you.

[-] 1 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

There is actually one thing I do enjoy about the 1%, and that is when the screw over people like Rico. Ya gotta know that person like this wouldn't even see it coming.

[-] 1 points by futher (35) 13 years ago

No, that was a Springstine lyric, in a love gone wrong song.

In France, they take the month of August off, for vacation. Go sit on a sunny beach, unwind. You'll see things more clearly, with a little perspective. I could suggest some books that are very interesting.

[-] -2 points by MeSoHorny (1) 13 years ago

No Roger... No Rerun... No rent !!!!!!

[-] -3 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

Common thread: arrests of criminals, what is what OWSers are.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Nope. The politicians and wall street banking corporations are the criminals. The brave souls get shot in battle out in the streets while the cowards hide under their desks...

[-] 0 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

You are the cowards. You want others to take care of you.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Oh, like the miltary which we pay through our taxes? Nothing is for free dummy. Tax money is the American people taking care of itself dummy. Go take your robot "socialism is evil" bullshit and go shove it up Rush Limbaugh's gigantic a$$. For (obviously not) the last goddamned time - these kids don't want a handout - they want the criminals who are LYING about just being honest business men to pay for what happened with the subprime mortgage fiasco and the subsequent bailout, and the system changed so that it can never happen again. make all the money you want - if you do it by screwing the American people out of money, then you should GO. TO. HELL. DO. NOT. PASS. GO. DO. NOT. COLLECT. 200 BILLION . DOLLARS. Cretin.

[-] 0 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

Rofl! Keep going with that line of "reasoning". You sound like such a victim. Pathetic.

[-] -3 points by src36 (-1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

"You cannot evict an idea whose time has come!" What is the "idea?"

[-] 1 points by Christophe (11) 13 years ago

That people who are too blind, deaf, and dumb to recognize the populace's discontent not be allowed to control the discourse nor to demand that that discontent be elucidated to their satisfaction.

[-] 1 points by src36 (-1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

We are not controlling anything, and I believe it's ignorant to think we are. People are following posts on websites, not thinking for themselves. We need to educate and help the "populace" understand what exactly is wrong and how nobody really knows how to fix it right now– that is an essential issue. This country needs everyone's ideas to get on the right path. Nobody is the voice of the people.

[-] 1 points by Sly (19) from Brattleboro, VT 13 years ago

End the two-party tug-of-war system. End the 1% buying the right to run the government and silence the voices of everyone else. All Americans working together to solve the short-comings of our system.

[-] 1 points by aquietvoice (1) from Bloomington, IL 13 years ago

The idea is solidarity.

[-] 1 points by src36 (-1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

With whom? Because I support all of the NYPD officers that ran to help my friends ten years ago on 9/11, and I support the cops that help protect me every day. I never support police brutality. The "idea" needs to be better defined- otherwise we are not showing solidarity with the ones we are "fighting" for.

[+] -4 points by TheReal99Percent (3) 13 years ago

OWS, Please stop claiming to represent the 99%. Any intelligent person who watches you people can only laugh at your ignorance and irrational behavior. Your so-called social movement has no credibility with anyone with any real intelligence. And please stop trying to make the NYPD look bad for simply doing their job and enforcing the laws. The NYPD are part of the 99% that you claim to represent, but unlike you, they actually work for a living and earn their money, rather than complaining about why life isn't fair and why everything isn't just handed to you like you wish it would.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Tool. Read up on the history of protesting and why they do make change and matter. If you're feeling unimportant, find that "real" solution, and the OWS will support YOU!

[-] 1 points by mattpeg (19) 13 years ago

So anything other than sitting at a desk, taking your medicine, watching your television, and marking a dot on a form every couple years is irrational ignorance? Your government has been incrementally hijacked by corporate powers and banks that have transformed a citizen representative government into a corporate representative government. You are being dragged along the agenda of profit and power that cares nothing for you. It would serve you well to wake up soon good sir. These hollow and vapid claims in addition to the claim that 99% don't work flaunts the very ignorance you claim is on display. You prove that you have no concept of the course of events to unfold over the next 20 years if you do not resist when you had the chance. You are lining up like silent, docile, obedient lambs to the slaughter. May your god save you from your ignorance good sir.

[-] 1 points by TheReal99Percent (3) 13 years ago

I am simply using logic when I assess the current situation, rather than throwing out catch phrases like "hijacked by corporate powers" and "docile, obedient lambs". I sympathize with this ideals of this movement, but I also mourn at the inability of this movement to focus on the real issues. So stick to your catch phrases and uninformed propaganda, and I will work towards finding a real solution in a logical, intelligent way.

[-] 1 points by mattpeg (19) 13 years ago

These are not catch phrases. These are accurate terms for an honest discussion. Freedom of speech is expressly reserved and maintained for dissidence. If dissidence is not allowed; and disagreement not permitted then you already live under a regime not unlike communist China. History is abundant with evidence that the corporate state eventually will give way to the fascist state. This is a clearly identifiable cycle of events not simply the invention of the minds of spoiled middle american children. You declare you are using logic but do not demonstrate any logical process as evidence. I would love to hear those solutions. The world could use them... right about now.

[-] 1 points by ssassy (83) 13 years ago

You mean any GIMP who watches can only laugh. That's usually what gimps do; EXACTLY what their masters tell them to. No questions asked.



[-] 0 points by Libertarian7 (1) 13 years ago

You people have some serious complexes.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Because it couldn't POSSIBLY be that you and they have led different lives wherein they have had to face things that you don't. Of course, it MUST be because they are lazy - can't be ANY other explanation, can it? All 36, 250 of them last night in new York - yup - all a bunch of hoodlums, including Senators and City Councilmen...



[-] 0 points by DLAtkinson (19) 13 years ago

They represent the concerns of the 99%, though you as a member of the 99% have every right to disagree with them. Why don't you tell us your real name...NYPD officer...what precinct do you work out of???

[-] 2 points by TheReal99Percent (3) 13 years ago

OWS represents the concerns of themselves, not the 99%. The "99%" terminology is just propaganda to try to make this group sound more representative of the population than it actually is. Yes, there are real concerns in society today. Yes, the income gap is growing and getting worse. I agree with the ideology of what this movement wishes it did represent, but this group unfortunately lost track of that real goal a long time ago. This group wants to ignore the truth and would rather live in a fairy tale rather than focus on making real change. The world is an unfair place, but complaining and whining with illogical rants does not fix anything. To fix the problem, you have to live in the real world first. You have to realize that the world is a competitive place and becoming more competitive every day. "Greedy" US corporations are simply competing with the rest of the world to survive so they can make profits, grow their companies, and create more jobs. "Violent" police officers are just trying to maintain law and order to keep us all safe, and when people break the law and then resist arrest, unfortunately force is sometimes necessary.

And no, I am not a police officer. I am just a New Yorker who is thankful that the police force risks their lives every day to protect people like me (and you), and I feel badly for them that they have to put up with all of this BS.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

The 99% is a mathematical reality, not a club. If certain criteria are met, then you are part of the 99% whether you like it or not. Whether you support the OWS is another story altogether, however the sitiation is quite dire, and with the control of the media in the hands of people like Bloomberg and Murdoch, the only way to get people to see there is a real looming problem is to take to the streets. The "reality" of business competition of which you speak is inaccurate. You WILL not impoversh a nation to service your own needs. Period. Please check YOUR BS at the door.

[-] 1 points by Mtl45 (1) 13 years ago

Very well put Real99Percent, you saved me about 2 paragraphs of writing. I came on to this site hoping to find some reasonable, logical people with ideas on how to improve our current system. Instead I find people like mattpeg with so many prototypical catch-phrases and leaps of logic that they wouldn't seem out of place in a zeitgeist movie. If OWS wants to be as relevant again to the average worker as it was during its first days, it's going to have to ditch these fringe ideologists and concentrate on becoming a movement that the average American can relate to. Another word of advice, ditch the police bashing, it is making you all look bad and it hurts your public support.
Anyways, I still wish you all good luck from up here in freezing cold Canada, your country has serious problems and I hope that your movement is step towards solving them.

[-] 1 points by Monks (8) 13 years ago

the only way to improve the system is to change the system completly. do your home work... need to go back to the real green back... research your for fathers.. they were fighting the english back then...but the system you are under to day... the modern day banking system is designed to enslave. to keep the poor, poor and the rich, rich....

[-] -3 points by NonParticipant (151) 13 years ago


[+] -4 points by CeciliaS (3) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Ive been working since I was fifteen, paid my own way through college with a few student loans under my belt. I am 25, love my job (I don't get paid to be apart of the 1%), but I am proud that I worked my ass off to get where I am today. I am proud that my parents immigrated to this country and instilled a set of values in me that made me appreciate the every meal that was given to me, made me appreciate every helping hand that came my way. And every chance I get I will return that favor by helping others who are in need. So I suggest, that the group of individuals who started this movement, instead of occupying streets - which prevent a large portion of the 99% to get to work on time, to run their small business, to make deliveries, etc - I suggest that you raise some money, start a non-profit organization, hire a few unemployed individuals and gather your thoughts and present all your ideas in a non disruptive manner. Because what you are doing now, is only preventing many people from earning a buck so they are not late with their mortgage payments, so they can provide a meal for their family. OWS needs to understand that what you are protesting will not make a difference tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or the month after that. It will take a long time until the government makes any changes to this economy. So in the mean time stop increasing the poverty population by preventing them from getting to work, because I can guarantee that they are very grateful for any penny that comes their way.

[-] 8 points by ssassy (83) 13 years ago

You're right. We're stopping people from making a buck so that we can help them earn a LIVING!

How long ago were you able to find a job AND work your way through college? You should be happy to have come up in a time you could do so. Thanks for pulling up the ladder on future generation. Last I checked, jobs are scarce and college costs have soared.

Thanks for sharing yet another story of how you benefited and succeeded in this society as it was, but think that people today should take the shaft without complaint.

I am not 'grateful' for pennies when I go to work, I'm INSULTED by my paycheck. 75% of America's workforce makes $50,000 or less annually. We are on our way to sharecropping.

Workers of America need to join and thank OWS. WE ARE THE CHANGE WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!!!

[-] 4 points by thedadamax (4) 13 years ago

I have been working since I was 14. I moved from a rotting down mobile home into a college dorm. Now, I work at a major university. My education was the best thing that ever happened to my family. Yeah, I got mine and I'm doing fine, but that doesn't mean that everyone else that grew up in poverty got lucky. As I read the albeit few people that post similar "I got mine so you should have to" stories, I am saddened by where we are in America. I would hope that those of us who are fortunate will stick up for those who are not. As a poor kid, I wasn't a big fan of "hipsters." Because I thought they were upper-middle class people that looked down on the likes of me. Who knew they would be instrumental in starting a movement to eliminate poverty. Let's be honest, If every marcher out there tonight donated a significant amount of their income, we could not make a dent in the poverty of NYC alone. I participate because every year I see the opportunity provided by education erode for my students. Even if you got yours, you are one diagnosis or pink slip away from the food bank. If that is the world you want to live in, then be thankful some "lazy kid" is out there standing up for you because you're too "lazy" to do anything about the future of your fellow citizens.

[-] 1 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

thedadamax . . . . well said.

[-] 1 points by CeciliaS (3) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Whose says I am not doing something? Who said that I wasn't one of the protestors out there today? Instead of ridiculing me and taking my comment/opinion to heart you would understand my words equaled a long way of saying that many Americans work hard in this country, sees and understands the issues/flaws in our system, but feel that at this moment in their lives that they are more concerned about their personal responsibilities. And that does not mean that they are selfish in any way, it means that they know that not working at the moment will cause more harm.

[-] 1 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

Fine, some are more concerned with personal responsibilities.

Why than accuse the OWS from stopping people from earning a living? That's a rather strained judgement on your part.

BTW, OWS people have responsibilities too. Funny though how there is always a certain group that is permanently preoccupied with their own lives to the exclusion of anything more than 6 inches in front of the nose. How do the find the time to point their finger at others, never mind the time to develop an informed opinion?

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

That's it! Keep your nose to the grindstone and become myopic about what's really going on around you because you are just a cog in a machine far too vast to go up against and maybe it will all blow over with no strain or stress on anybody! THAT's what so many people are doing and it's really becoming sad. I guess the monk that lit himself on fire just didn't have a job to go to. WHAT IS AT STAKE HERE IS MORE IMPORTANT!!!

[-] 4 points by DLAtkinson (19) 13 years ago

They are not allowed to block the streets or they get arrested. Have you ever been arrested for something you believe in? Of course not! So the movement should just go home and do nothing so you can go to work without any delay. I think of the sacrifices that the OWS movement are making on YOUR behalf and you can't even be Inconvenienced for your own sake as well as everyone else. There are so many non-profits out there that are well meaning and things are getting steadily worse...look at the statistics. Either you are very selfish or you are claiming to be someone you are not.

[-] 1 points by Monks (8) 13 years ago

lol how come the president or some so called official can block and delay those getting to work when in town over the majority of white collar and working class. how come the gold collars are allowed to stop every thing. no diff......there an incovenience to us all through occuping us with things....so we have to work harder so we dont have time for positive protest that would help every one...they wont to put pressure through taxes etc... it called moder day slavery.. why do you have a birth certificate. well thats so u can be traded through money...bet you didnt know that.... i say these people have there eys open big time. keep the movment moving...veva...USA ..internal movement..the people are speaking.. dont let them divide and conquor.

[-] 2 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

I am so sick of these comments - what the HELL does you having worked hard (congrats on your successes by the way) have to do with the reasons that the middle class is being squeezed? Or the fact that the perpetrators of the sub-prime mortgage crisis and subsequent bailouts are swindlers who deserve jailing and the system needing to be changed so that none of that can happen again? NO ONE IS DISPUTING YOUR RIGHT TO WORK HARD AND MAKE MONEY HONESTLY!! AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!

[-] 2 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 13 years ago

Cecilia, I enjoyed and agree (mostly) with your comments, but what we are working towards is a reclamation of the kind of society that we have lost in the last thirty years in America. Perhaps you are unaware of these loses? Protests are ugly (and beautiful) things; they get in the way of the ordinary work-a-day world. Protests are antithetical to "business as usual" (aka: feed the poor and unfortunate masses). This protest is about empowering the masses; it is about awaking people to the idea that democracy begins with them; the idea behind OWS is that we have the power to change our society one person at a time. At this point, you are thinking about yourself, and your family and your job and that is fine, but to keep thinking like this is to end up being ground down by the machinery of corporate progress, which cares nt at all about your plight.

[-] 1 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

But you see Cecilia will not get ground down by the machinery. There are some ordinary people who actually think it won't happen to them because all the things that are wrong with you are not wrong with them. They have some special secret advantage, or they are just flat out a better competitor in the capitalism game of "scarcity".

[-] 1 points by fresh11 (7) from Bethlehem, PA 13 years ago

is all about the change by going to work and say nothing is gone change forever Cecilia the trafic was just fine all over New York i realy believe your frustation is about yourself ..... what about the milions people lost they jobs and houses you selfish caracter

[-] 1 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

Dude, here's some advice from some one who is twice your age. Don't get to carried away with yourself. You could not have done of the things your are so proud of if it were not for the achievements of many people that came before you. Those people, those shoulders you now stand on, those advantages you now enjoy are represented in this movement. You think the freedoms you enjoy today simply fell from the sky? Do you think that those freedoms are static, and are not in need of vigilant maintenance.

Its great that you feel proud of yourself and have a sense of achievement, but as you said you are 25 yrs of age, and at 25 there is a whole lot I can tell you still do not understand. If I were you I'd reserve judgement until you have acquired more information and knowledge of said subject. So far you have shared your worms eye view of the world. I was once 25 and I too recall being presumptuous. But, there comes a day when either you decide to continue learning and seek greater understanding, or you close your mind in the belief that you know all there is to know. All that will be left to achieve for you will to become one of the 1%. If you choose the latter, trust me, you will not be remembered as a humble person.

[-] 1 points by Jonas541 (72) 13 years ago

I find it hard to believe that one day of disruption is going to cause a person to be foreclosed on. I'm sure the loyalist during the last revolution thought these crazy rebells are really inconveniencing me. And before you even attack me, I have a steady job, have earned a PhD, paid my way through school, and worked hard for everything I ever got, but I have enough common sense to understand something is very wrong with our system.

[-] 1 points by CeciliaS (3) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I'm far from being ignorant, so please do not suggest that I am.

[-] 1 points by Jonas541 (72) 13 years ago

I didn't say you were...


[-] -1 points by HoneychkaOfBrightonBeach (2) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Great post. While others may call you selfish, you, like many other New Yorkers, particularly second generation immigrants like myself, are simply working to survive UNTIL the economy gets better. While others might suggest you quit your job so you don't have to work to survive, but you should instead become jobless and homeless, those of us with common sense agree that having our commutes hindered and our jobs threatened can ruin our welfare, or, for the poor souls that have families to support on menial salaries, the welfare of our families. And your organizational approach is far more logical than the mess the current protests have put this city and its residents in. Approach to change should be well thought out and the feelings of its supporters should be taken into consideration before launching into a chaotic approach to shut down streets, subway stations and an entire stock exchange.

[-] 1 points by ChoamNomsky (14) from Calmar, AB 13 years ago

Is the OWS movement perfect. Hell no! Overall, I would say it is on the right track. The people are informed and motivated. I my opinion you should do a few things that will greatly improve your understanding of life and the society you live. 1). Stop getting ALL your education from the corporate media, particularly TV. 2). Start reading serious authors, not the shit they display at Barnes & Noble. 3). Then get involved in the movement, if you don't want to be active then at least piss up the latter instead of blaming your fellow economic classmates.

[-] 1 points by CeciliaS (3) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I never once suggested that the protest was in anyway an inconvenience to me, I was thinking about the cab drivers, the small business owners, etc. I am 25 years old, so ssassy you do the math on when I graduated from college, my 2 sentence biography was just to give an example on how hard Americans work to strive in this country. I was never arrested for standing up for what I believed in because I found other ways to make my opinion known. And I am quite aware that protests are not suppose to be this ideal demostrations where everything works on in every bodies favor, all I am suggesting is to have the protestors have a little bit of consideration for the other portion of the 99% who feel their responsibilities at this point are more important than fighting with the government. Thank you honeychkaofbrightonbeach.

[-] 1 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 13 years ago

Cecilia, the protest is not about fighting the government. Let me ask you this: one day, you come across a major injustice that is far reaching and affecting almost every level of the society in which you live. You try to tell others about this injustice but everyone you speak to is either too busy, or asleep. It's like a bad dream but then you start to forget about what you found. You being to drift back to sleep, but one day, before you've fully closed your eyes, you hear a sound and as you look around you see that other people have gathered together and are saying some of the things that you remember yourself saying not so long ago. Would you stand to join them, or keep living your silent,quotidian life? This is my story.

Should everyone simply disband so the taxi cab driver can get his meager fare, the student get to his class and the worker to his desk? How do you expect things to change unless you disturb the status quo? You sound as if you believe that your life is fine and so these injustices that others are talking about really don't affect you. You seem to want to be left alone in your work-a-day world. The way I read your comments is that you do not really empathize with those who have lost jobs, houses, etc. What you want is a world free from disturbances where you can just get on with your living. Did I misread you?