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We are the 99 percent

Who We Are

Posted 13 years ago on July 16, 2011, 12:20 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

On July 13, 2011, "Culture Jammers HQ" at Adbusters issued a call to action: Occupy Wall Street! The goal stated is to gather 20,000 people to Wall Street, in New York, NY on September 17, 2011, beginning a popular occupation of that space for two months and more. Inspired by the popular assemblies of Egypt, Spain, Oaxaca and worldwide, those gathered will work to find a common voice in one clear, unified demand.

This is why we've created OccupyWallSt.org. Technology has made it easier than ever before for the people to stay in close contact and assist one another in acheiving a collective goal. Our aim is to make these tools available so our users--the true organizers of this event--can make an occuptation of Wall St. successful. We may not be able to teach a person to fish, or do it on their behalf, but we can build a damn good fishing pole.

But it isn't enough to simply make these tools freely available, they must also belong to the people. So we've taken the time to release our work as an open source project. This way others may use and build upon our work freely without any dependence on our leadership.

The sovereign people of any nation have the power, the right, and the duty, of guiding the destiny of their nation. Most just do not realize this. An organizer brings the process of realization.

Why occupy Wall Street? Because it belongs to us! Because we can!



Read the Rules
[-] 9 points by Ronin (16) 13 years ago

People should be prepared for police infiltration and incitement of violence. There will also be fringe elements there to fuel this on their own accord. communication will be integral to organization, the community will have to have many centers throughout the area in order to keep a police presence from disrupting any one central area, a free scale network of supplies and dense population, having hubs in many locations which are able to move quickly and set up again in peripheral 2nd and 3rd positions.

These would best be coordinated by assessing the architecture of the planned occupation area. In order to choose good base camps. Good base camps would be those that would allow for a mutable position to a new area via a quick and efficient route, which would be assessed as being least accessable to police, whilst maintaining a relatively tight perimeter to the New York Stock Exchange.

Having many hubs would be integral because police riot squads like to work in phalanx formations, and when they break appart they are ineffective against groups of 100's or more people moving together as a single entities. If their are many hubs in this network which are carrying all necessary supplies, they can dissipate and then reform quickly at designated spots. As the police will be unable to deal with this disspersal and reorganization because it will splinter their ranks and they will get caught up in the chaos.

This is a contingency plan if A: A large number of people do not show up B: A massive crowd has been forced to disperss through tear gas, water cannon, and other means. (which will most likely happen)

Thus if people are organized, say by a colour band, or symbol system; A micro tribe, then they will know beforehand where to go, how to get there, and when they arrive what to do. That way when the crowd is dispersed individuals caught up in the melee will remember their agreed upon locations, route to get there, and hopefully the people in their 'tribes'. If there are 9 or 20 or 50, of these, made up of cells of hundreds of individuals, it will be very difficult for the police to get a handle on how quickly people are reorganizing into crowds; and they will also be frustrated at the difficulty of predicting and following the locations.

When the main crowd breaks down; communication will have to be clear and the plans will have to be fluid. Police have their tactics as well, but we know the limits of their force, to an extent. As well we know they think in linear ways and if order ( large groups in good base location) turns to chaos ( many individuals dispersing from the main group into sub groups with pre decided destinations, as well as 2nd and 3rd alternative destinations in case of police control of 1st one..etc) and then back to order again ( recapitulation of tribe members with coloured bands perhaps, making for efficient blockade and base camp setup). The police presence will fracture and their tactics (which deal mostly with unorganized 'rioters', prepared for short term engagements (ie. 1-3 days) Will fail them and having lost the first battles; will enable an actual occupation and not just a large riot. The game will be fast organization and good counter tactics; which will rely on communication.

Communication is usually disabled in a haze of tear gas, stun guns, and clubs. and frantic human beings running in terror from a phalanx of payed armoured fascists. Emphasis on a colour coding system for fast regathering keeps a hidden organization, like bees to back to a hive after the nest is hit with rocks and smoked out.

Colour armbands, coloured smoke could also work as a signal to hub location if they have to relocate quickly in a melee to a non-predesignated location (at this time assuming the NYPD are making territorial gains). A simple colour system would create organization in a flash and disable many of their dispersal tactics. As people arrive they could be given a random colour band, with an area map and simple plan to quickly go from chaos back to order; In a riot the group has power, running randomly to escape the police terror is losing the battle.

This type of organization as well as a solid understanding of the urban geography will definitely aid in the success of a long term (2 weeks + for the city of New York would be many battles won) peaceful occupation.

[-] 1 points by Liberated1 (22) 13 years ago

Please note that this is a strong way forward to get to the true root of the OWS issues along with Occupy the Fed, Pentagon, WH, etc....


[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

For those with a little time these hols. who may wish to learn or remind themselves what OWS and all things "Occupy" are all about, please see : http://documentarystorm.com/inside-job/ et fiat lux ~{:-) x

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Hi there - it will work - non-violence is the only way to achieve a stand.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Re. Gandhian Ideas about non-violence, please see :

a) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satyagraha ;

b) http://www.gandhifoundation.net/ &

c) http://www.gandhiserve.org/ .

fiat lux ; fiat pax ; fiat justitia ...

[-] 1 points by AndyfromNewZealand (27) 13 years ago

good work all of you, peacful protests

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Article : "Occupy Wall Street: How Cash Has Corrupted Congress' ; An Occupy Wall Street press team member explains why members of Congress keep getting richer while the rest of the country has flatlined." - http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30088.htm ! fiat lux ...

[-] 4 points by science (6) from Roswell, NM 13 years ago

Not to dismiss the importance of good strategy and preparedness, but aren't we hoping to garner a broad cross section of the activist community to come and commit to this action? Grandparents and grandchildren can't really be expected to adopt sets of tactical priorities; folks on wheels can't dash from place to place. If the people involved in this action are only the type of black-bloc hardcore street runners to whom Ronin's preparedness ideas appeal, then it will be an easily marginalized public relations disaster.

[-] 2 points by science (6) from Roswell, NM 13 years ago

That comes across as an indictment of the below post, and it's not meant as one. All of what Ronin said is vital to consider and compute, but shouldn't be the only focus of organizing.

[-] 2 points by Ronin (16) 13 years ago

Use your scientific reasoning and shed some light to broaden the focus of organizing. Perhaps you could offer some insights and ideas. What is your vision of this event? Some of the folks you describe seem like they are their to protest for a few days, not to occupy. Occupiers wont be rando's there to have their own voice against the the institutions of power. There will probably be a walkup of many local groups, making for a large temporary gathering; which will be very helpful the first day. But the purpose is an occupation. Who will remain after the tear gas and billy clubs? How will they stay coherent in the melee without a fast sense of reorganization?

Share your ideas and critical thoughts in regards to how to occupy Wallstreet...or perhaps you do not think its possible. Perhaps not, but the attempt will be made.

[-] 1 points by Madhusudana (90) 13 years ago

Valid, thanks.

[-] 3 points by GuyFawke2 (3) 13 years ago

I truly respect what you all are doing. If I wasn't stuck in my home I'd be there adding my voice to the legion of others. Keep doing the protests and don't give up!

*People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people.

[-] 3 points by Quasimofo (7) 13 years ago

Fools are protesting at all the wrong places. You should be at Capital Hill with us. Republican AND Democrat alike have written the laws that allow the looting of the USA to continue. Wall Street only does what it is ALLOWED to by laws written in WASHINGTON.

[-] 1 points by mene1948 (1) 13 years ago

I totally agree,and have said same.We can stay on Wall Street until Doomsday,the only place that has power to change and turn this country back in a positive mode,and correct all the damage is CONGRESS!! Pres.Obama can only do so much,and I know he doesn't want the 99% of people of this country to suffer.CONGRESS,Democrats and Republicans,from State to Federal need to get serious and straighten this mess out.They have the POWER and CONTROL!!! These clashes with police are defeating your purpose and doing harm to followers.I still don't understand how being on Wall St ,instead of State and Federal Congress lawmakers is being justified by this movement.

[-] 3 points by let-them-eat-cake (3) from Wellington Central, Wellington 13 years ago

New Zealand resident here - Wall Street (and the London banking/aristocratic elite) have a negative effect globally, this paradigm is out of balance and unsustainable.

A real 'Brave New (and more fair) World' is achieved with focused attention on the goal.

[-] 1 points by 14ALL (1) 13 years ago

BRAVO, BRAVO !! Your point that our goals can only be achieved "with focused attention on the goal" is so true. We must focus on a single goal that will enable us to achieve the maximum results. I say, FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS on OUTLAWING ALL FORMS OF CAMPAIGN FINANCING. Take away BIG MONEY'S ability to control our government and return it to the people with "one man, one vote".

[-] 1 points by mphseason (1) from Memphis, TN 13 years ago

I've tried to tell people that fact, but they tell me I am wrong ! I'm glad someone else realizes that this is not just a Wall St./Republican power battle for the US, its for control of the World finance, Corp. power in other countries and domination/power to control whom they want, when they want. Maybe if it all sinks like the Titanic, we'll realize what mistakes we made.

[-] 2 points by CAROLINALOVESPINK (2) 13 years ago

If the economy wasn't so bad , then people wouldn't have to worry about considering spending the night on wall street because they would be able to have a steady place to rent , but no they need 1,800 almost 2,000 every month just to have a roof over there head. Its ridiculous and unfair, Wall Street belongs to Manhattan not Mayor Bloomberg and last time i recall Manhattan doesnt have a problem with us there!

[-] 2 points by YourMama (2) 13 years ago

OWS is primarily another display of Americans' selfish self-interest. Most of you did not give a crap as long as it was the minorities and disenfranchised who struggled.

It's only when the White middle-class began to feel hardship that you took to the streets.

[-] 2 points by bbjke (10) 13 years ago

First, the American people have a right to know why oil prices are artificially high. The CFTC report proved that when oil prices climbed in 2008 to more than $140 a barrel, Wall Street speculators dominated the oil futures market. Goldman Sachs alone bought and sold more than 860 million barrels of oil in the summer of 2008 with no intention of using a drop for any purpose other than to make a quick buck.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

Because Goldman Sachs et al are parasites with no responsibility nor empathy for other humans. They have to be controlled and if they are not then no future can be planned.

[-] 2 points by ALI3 (4) 13 years ago

I am 65 years old..From the generation who protest all over the world at 1968.. I am proud of you, the Americans who occupies the wall street..I feel now the Amercans begann to sea the reality..That the democracy is a Theatre and we are the players..If we go forward maybe we shall be able to see who are behind of the curtains..The most powerfull Jewish families of the world..For them human is not importand..To Power and money they pray..They are owner of :IMF,Eorld Bank,FED,The most importan banks of the world We are with the solidarity with you.. A friend from Izmir..14 Sept.2011

[-] -1 points by JJStryder (3) 13 years ago

Your an old anti-semitic bafoon. We are a representative republic NOT a democracy. If the people would quit re-electing the idiot greedy politicians just because they promise some goodies. Maybe, just maybe we can get back to freedom from tyranny. I only see OWS as replacing one tyrant with another .People like you. You want revolution, then be prepared for killing and more killing until the reason for it ends. But remember.... When the shooting stops and the dead are buried and the politicians take over. Your left with one thing...... A lost cause.

[-] 2 points by ALI3 (4) 13 years ago

I am 65 years old..From the generation who protest all over the world at 1968.. I am proud of you, the Americans who occupies the wall street..I feel now the Amercans begann to sea the reality..That the democracy is a Theatre and we are the players..If we go forward maybe we shall be able to see who are behind of the curtains..The most powerfull Jewish families of the world..For them human is not importand..To Power and money they pray..They are owner of :IMF,Eorld Bank,FED,The most importan banks of the world We are with the solidarity with you.. A friend from Izmir..14 Sept.2011

[-] 2 points by RationalReaper (188) 13 years ago

I like to refer to this as American Spring

[-] 2 points by joesixpack (2) 13 years ago

I would suggest focusing more on the 1%. These people include:

• Most every politician, including the President and former Presidents Bush and Clinton. As well, it should focus on the past Presidential candidates, like Messrs. Kerry and Gore. President Clinton, while not born into wealth like Mr. Bush, amassed over $100 million while never having a job other than as a politician. The same is true for his wife; • Look at the highly selective choices of members of the US Supreme Court, another group of 1%ers. They have all graduated and taken at least one degree, most often their law degree, from Yale or Harvard University; and all (or nearly all) are either Catholic or Jewish. While there are women and minorities who hold seats on this, our highest legislative branch, it highly favors only Ivy League graduates and people of specific religious faith; • The 5 highest paid officers of major public corporations. This information is available on each corporation’s annual report, Dunn and Bradstreet and other sources; • Current and past cabinet members and heads of government agencies, including Messrs. Geitner, Paulson, Berneke, Panetta, Frank, Dodd, Pelosi, Reid, and countless Republicans and many others; • Members of Congress who have amassed countless millions of dollars while in office while not holding a full time job. As well, they have a private gymnasium and hair salon, something everyday citizens can’t afford to join. These same members of Congress are eligible for not one but two pensions when retiring from office. Only 5% of Americans have over $500,000 saved for their retirement, and only 3% of non-government workers have a Defined Benefit Pension Plan (look at California where you will find elected government officials receiving over $100,000 (and a few over $250,000, like the CFO of Sonoma County, California). Most, if they have a funded pension plan have funded it with their own money, not the taxpayer’s money via a 401-k plan; • Members of Congress all take money from registered lobbyists. This practice should no longer be permitted under law, but members of the Senate and the House of Representatives won’t author and pass legislation to eliminate this practice; • Union leaders, who don’t create jobs, but exist solely off of the membership fees of their members. Unions only create jobs that are for their staff whose salaries are paid by union members (where is Jimmy Hoffa?); • And many, many other areas that should be researched and publicly disclosed.

These are the true 1%, not just people that work on Wall Street. They are the people who “feast” on the monies of Main Street, the citizens of this country.

[-] 1 points by Memphis7 (1) 13 years ago

You seem to have forgotten that the Democratic Party passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. You seem to forget that FDR passed the New Deal and created Social Security which has taken poverty amongst elders from 50% to 9%. Progressives also addressed the atrocities of a brutal free market that allowed child labor and terrible working conditions to exist.

While I understand that Democrats have not always acted in the best interest of the 99%, they've done a lot more for this country than any other political party. Political parties are simply groups of people with similar ideologies organizing to help elect others who share their ideology.

The best way to address our country's problems would be to pass a Constitutional Amendment overturning Citizens United, publicly finance campaigns, get rid of the electoral college, and switch to a proportional representation system that would allow multiple parties to exist.

[-] 1 points by ronintenn (1) 13 years ago

I think if you check your facts, Memphis7, it was the Republican Party which passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The Republicans, aided by some Democrats, are the ones who broke the Democrat filibuster and forced the legislation to a vote.

You don't have to take my word for it, however. Here is just one site of many I found which documents that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the the act than Democrats: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2010/may/25/michael-steele/steele-says-gop-fought-hard-civil-rights-bills-196/

[-] 2 points by MWolfe (2) 13 years ago

I wouldnt worry about police, you are protected under the 1st amendment: The right to petition the government extends to petitions of all three branches of government: the Congress, the executive and the judiciary. The right of assembly was originally distinguished from the right to petition. In United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875), the Supreme Court held that "the right of the people peaceably to assemble for the purpose of petitioning Congress for a redress of grievances, or for anything else connected with the powers or duties of the National Government, is an attribute of national citizenship, and, as such, under protection of, and guaranteed by, the United States."

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

[-] 1 points by adamant (2) 13 years ago

MWolfe, True on paper but not in the real world. The Federal and State courts have proven to not care about your or my civil rights. It took over one hundred years to finally force the fact that black people had rights under the constitution.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Well, that sounds nice, but police break up assemblies all the time. You can't exercise your right to assemble without getting a permit first. I know that's insane, but that's the way it works. Be prepared for riot cops, they -will- be there in force.

[-] 2 points by SDSDallas (5) from Dallas, TX 13 years ago

Has there been a call for national endorsements?





[-] 1 points by Go4WalsT8 (1) 12 years ago

I am sure I have an idea to help your movement along. Please contact/advise. No violence needed.

[-] 1 points by GeorgeVreelandHill (7) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street needs to shut its stupid mouth. How dare they count every person in the ninety-nine percent they talk about as in with them. They do not have a right to speak for me. I like the rich. Many of them started with nothing or almost nothing. Steve Jobs and countless others became VERY rich after being very poor. They did not complain. They had ideas and went with them. The top one percent creates jobs. Our companies, stores, firms and on and on that employ millions were not started by poor people. They were started by the wealthy. Now, OWS states that the rich are our enemy. Great, go against those who create so much. Occupy Wall Street has got to be the most stupid bunch of idiots to ever band together. They have no real clue as to what they are doing. In Los Angeles, they accomplished nothing and left a mess that cost the city a lot of money. In Seattle, OWS blocked docks and tried to prevent people from going to work. Yet, they claim they want people to go to work. The entire Occupy movement is a joke. They talk for the entire ninety-nine percent, but of those ninety-nine percent of the people, about ninety percent are working. I live in Beverly Hills and I'm doing fine. I don't need Occupy Wall Street to tell me what to do. By the way, you say you can. No you can't.

George Vreeland Hill

[-] 1 points by justdesserts (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Occupy seats in government as congress members, senates, governors...instead of making drum noises near my apartment building.

[-] 1 points by Breaker19 (1) from Roselle Park, NJ 13 years ago

Dear Fellow Occupiers,

Hold on to your faith and strong will, for the country and people of the world hear and feel us! I pray for all of us in the struggle and those we continue to give us support.

I know its cold and very difficult dealing with the weather, police injustice, and frenzy media but the one thing we really need to do now is hold tight and be strong!

The cold winter is upon us, and I really feel that it is necessary for us to truly make an impact now.

I have one request and one request only I really wish we could adopt for the movement.

Please keep in mind that people are very visual and though its sad to judge someone or a book by its cover, its a fact and a way of life that most people go through. Not that I have anything against against how people look or are dressed, but coming together at least once every Monday and Wednesday dressed professionally (to the best way we can with what we have) could be a very crucial and important step we can take.

The people here us, but don't take us seriously because of what they see. They feel us but judge us with their eyes because they think we're undeserving, homeless, and characterize us as hippies and freaks that only want a free handout. Well we all know this is not true,but because of how most of the media portrays us, many of our silent supporters feel as if we a circus group as well.

The only negative thing that the media says about us is that we look terrible and dress/act as if we can't be taken seriously. I say we change that by dressing up professionally to start. I know this request may seem like something materialistic and shallow but I really do truly feel that it will make a big impact for us in the long run. More people will take us seriously, and our silent supporters will truly be moved to become vocal and join us.

If we can adopt some sort of professional uniform to wear or simple but professional attire (no t shirts or grungy gear) it will really spread a more positive and professional meaning. People will be more open to hear and follow us, most importantly open the door to respect us. Please... we need to unify not only in spirit and presence, but visually as well.

Also, With so many different points and reasons why we're occupying, we should pick 2 days out of the week when we do dress up to where we can select and focus on a specific message. They hear us, but now our fellow Americans need to hear and see us in one unified voice! It would really make a tremendous impact on bringing more momentum and more people to join our cause.

If money is an issue, we can all go to the local thirft store and salvation army to pick up something professional to wear through donated clothes for free.





[-] 1 points by sameone (1) 13 years ago

It's high time to introduce the world the ancient wisdom through this organization: Sungazing (not sun worshipping) for food and peace everywhere in the world. It's the one and only way to the solution of the turmults around the globe and is most affordable cost zero other than one's time and commitiment. Starting with 10 seconds the first day then add another 10 seconds each of the next session until you have reached a total of nine months. That's is there to it for the whole program. Watch the video for details from the man who deserted all his possession except the shirt on his back to spread the word around the globe. Thanks for your attention Have a great peace initiation day.


[-] 1 points by BoGoWo (1) 13 years ago

the situation all over the world is "revolting"................FINALLY!!!

[-] 1 points by mene1948 (1) 13 years ago

I understand all the reasons for the frustrations and fears,I and my family and friends are of the 99%.Wall street is benefiting from our demise,but CONGRESS is where the changes can be made and instituted to correct ALL our problems!! that is the ONLY place where your wants and needs can be settled,satisfied and you can get your retribution!! If you are spending all these hours and going through all these changes,it only makes you look like you are just on a mission to nothing,because you are focused on the WRONG institution to get what you want!! Think About It!!! God Bless and Keep you all,you are in my prayers,I just pray that you go in a different direction to end our suppression.

[-] 1 points by michelle7316 (1) 13 years ago

I am so happy that this is going on! I look at the news every night and see the ugly coming from the very people that should be serving and protecting those inwhich they are attacking. The signs from the 1% is the most shocking, " Get a job". How can people get jobs in work if the government is giving big corp. companies promission to take there companies and set up shop in other countries while take work away from hard working americans, REALLY, get a job where? Education prices are rising when more and more people are undereducated and unable to reach there career goals. I wish I was there I would get arrested for fighting for what I believe in and what us as the 99% could be if we are in charge.

[-] 1 points by AcademyofShem (1) 13 years ago

The time has come to fix the system. What the Liberty Square blueprint talks about is treating the symptoms, not fixing the disease. The question is, do we really want change, real change? The problem is a foundational one. We have a legal system that is based on Roman Law. It was here when we were a British colony. It was here when we had the Articles of Confederation, and it was there when the Framers, representing the 1%, drafted the Constitution. If you actually read the Constitution, you will see that it is simply a structure for government. The legal system, which we inherited from Britain with its Latin and Romanesque structure, stayed the same. This legal system has been the basis for Western Civilization for over 2000 years. It is based on a severe class structure, and it is designed to keep the power in the top 1%. It was so with Rome, throughout the Middle Ages with the land barons and the serfs, throughout the Industrial Revolution, and up to today. What OWS is proposing is a band-aid. What we need is major surgery.

[-] 1 points by Palacles (1) 13 years ago

I'm still not quite certain what the occupation is trying to accomplish. If it's against the cronyism between DC and wall street, shouldn't it be: "occupy DC"? Hopefully it's not about guilt tripping anyone one, is it?

[-] 1 points by tremain2004 (5) 13 years ago

Reason prevailes

Stupid dies down Back to your begging street corner

[-] 1 points by dignedoccuper (0) 13 years ago

Faith always succeeds no matter what.

[-] 1 points by mrperu (1) 13 years ago

I want to start off by saying that I am not here to hate on anyone or his beliefs. I am here because I want to know more about the movement (its goals, beliefs, and how they want to achieve it). My friends and family have led me to believe that the movement's main goal is to make the federal income tax rates more fair. Is this true, or have I been misinformed? I am merely confused if this is the case because as of 2011, the rich have a higher income tax than those who are less fortunate. Some of the poorer people don't even pay income tax. Can anyone who can shed some light on this for me? Thanks.

[-] 1 points by dukefrmdeli (1) 13 years ago

I love what you guys are doing. Its about time Americans started caring again. However, this country needs to gain something from all this. We have to figure out what this country really needs through the DEMANDS of this Occupy Protest.

[-] 1 points by DennisPortland (2) 13 years ago

OWS is now officially an absurd joke. A now violent, racist and out of control joke. The support for OWS will now start to crumble.

[-] 1 points by lamidi (3) 13 years ago

last week I wrote to CNN commenting on Occupy Wall street movement stating : The advocates of this movement have been criticized for not having a clear objective, but I believe that their goal is quite clear and will be put in mathmatical formulas pretty soon. What we all have been demanding is social equality by asking the wealthy corporations to act responsibly and recognize the value of each and every one of their employees who have contributed to their success by implementing a "profit-sharing plan" with those employees. No one gets big alone and if a large corporation succeeds in earning large sums of net profit, it is ethically and morally indebted to each and every employee who has made this possible for him. A major company that earns an annual net profit of 50 million dollars should not pay the same low wages as a firm that earns substantiallly lower profits. To this day, only CEOs and top ranking officers have been paid huge salaries but thelower level employees who are as much influential in the success of the corporation than are its CEOs have been left with nothing struuggling with the minimum wage per hour.We are asking for a mathmatical formula to calculate a fair percentage of the firm's net profit to be allocated to all its employees, not just its CEOs. We still belive in free market and prices being determined by laws of supply and demand but this is different from allowing the employers to act by total greed and irresponsibility, not recognizing the rights of those who have contributed to their becoming big. we realize that a huge percentage of the corporation's net profit should still belong to the firm itself, but employees should also have a right to a decent life by allocating a fair percentage of that corporation net profit to be distributed and allocated to its lower level employees. Historically we humans have been seeking social evolutions for better standards of living for every one, not just for the mighty. Those who still believe in the mighty having it all under the name of capitalism, are in fact taking a retrogade step to the days when the law of jungle and survival of the fittest prevailed. By their perception a lion is a lion and should act ferociously eating up small animals just because he has the power. We are not jungle animals and we should have a sense of responsibility and compassion toward others, especially those who contribute to our success. Any social system that incorporates total greed and indifference toward others can not be sustained for long and this has always been the meaning of evolution, finding more humane, responsible ways of living. The wide gap between the rich and poor can not be justified by any argument or excuses, Wherever there is this huge gap, there lies the symptoms and signals of a disfunctional system which should be revolutionalized.

[-] 1 points by lamidi (3) 13 years ago

last week I wrote to CNN commenting on Occupy Wall street movement stating : The advocates of this movement have been criticized for not having a clear objective, but I believe that their goal is quite clear and will be put in mathmatical formulas pretty soon. What we all have been demanding is social equality by asking the wealthy corporations to act responsibly and recognize the value of each and every one of their employees who have contributed to their success by implementing a "profit-sharing plan" with those employees. No one gets big alone and if a large corporation succeeds in earning large sums of net profit, it is ethically and morally indebted to each and every employee who has made this possible for him. A major company that earns an annual net profit of 50 million dollars should not pay the same low wages as a firm that earns substantiallly lower profits. To this day, only CEOs and top ranking officers have been paid huge salaries but thelower level employees who are as much influential in the success of the corporation than are its CEOs have been left with nothing struuggling with the minimum wage per hour.We are asking for a mathmatical formula to calculate a fair percentage of the firm's net profit to be allocated to all its employees, not just its CEOs. We still belive in free market and prices being determined by laws of supply and demand but this is different from allowing the employers to act by total greed and irresponsibility, not recognizing the rights of those who have contributed to their becoming big. we realize that a huge percentage of the corporation's net profit should still belong to the firm itself, but employees should also have a right to a decent life by allocating a fair percentage of that corporation net profit to be distributed and allocated to its lower level employees. Historically we humans have been seeking social evolutions for better standards of living for every one, not just for the mighty. Those who still believe in the mighty having it all under the name of capitalism, are in fact taking a retrogade step to the days when the law of jungle and survival of the fittest prevailed. By their perception a lion is a lion and should act ferociously eating up small animals just because he has the power. We are not jungle animals and we should have a sense of responsibility and compassion toward others, especially those who contribute to our success. Any social system that incorporates total greed and indifference toward others can not be sustained for long and this has always been the meaning of evolution, finding more humane, responsible ways of living. The wide gap between the rich and poor can not be justified by any argument or excuses, Wherever there is this huge gap, there lies the symptoms and signals of a disfunctional system which should be revolutionalized.

[-] 1 points by KennSpace (9) 13 years ago

Dear Human Being,

There is something going on. – I am going to be a part of it.

I have helped organize and promote protests in Bellevue, Olympia and Seattle; another big one is coming. I feel it will be a “WTO” sized protest in multiple cities. I will be helping to advertise and promote it.

I was at the WTO protests in Seattle when a bunch of “anarchists” started busting windows with crowbars. We surrounded them, and they got in a circle with their crowbars. I tried to get the Seattle police to come arrest these people that were thirty feet away and threatening violence and breaking windows… The Seattle police would not budge from their “police line”, making all of us the enemy. I am not the enemy, but I will be in Seattle at 700 Stewart street at the Federal couthouse January 20th, 2012!!!

The Corporate Occupation of the United States

Our corporate controlled government (through corporate lobbying and election funding ) is out of the peoples control. People want government control back. Makes sense to me… I feel US corporate capitalism (corporatism) is a type of economic fascism: To have a corporate being where the chain of command eventually muddles all responsibility to any human being. These corporate beings are running your life, and controlling your government. (Enough to really make an individual mad and protest.) The corporate being does not exist, and when it comes to face it’s corporate responsibility, it is a piece of paper. That is plain and simply wrong. Restore capitalism to individual responsible chains of command, or this struggle will be lost. (This also includes corporate lobbying and corporate election funding, being outlawed; and a new form closer to individual control is established.)

Please Sign the petition to amend the Constitution for revoking corporate personhood at:


(I feel this will be a bigger day in history than WTO in Seattle – The battle continues, rage against the machine is real.)

January 20, 2012 – Move to Amend Occupies the Courts!

Move To Amend is planning bold action to mark this date — Occupy the Courts — a one day occupation on Friday January 20, 2012, of the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States and as many of the 89 U.S. District Court Buildings as we can. Inspired by Dr. Cornell West, who was arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court last month, Move to Amend will lead the charge on the judiciary which created — and continues to expand — corporate personhood rights.


[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

For those with a little time these hols. who may wish to learn or remind themselves what OWS and all things "Occupy" are all about, please see : http://documentarystorm.com/inside-job/ et fiat lux ~{:-) x

[-] 1 points by unemployedeconomist (2) from Nuremberg, BY 13 years ago

By Mark Alexander · Thursday, November 3, 2011 The "99 Percent" are really the "35 Percent" but their cadres are growing "The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If 'Thou shalt not covet' and 'Thou shalt not steal' were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free." --John Adams, 1787

The populist message of the Occupy Movement, the agelessly adolescent class warriors who make up Barack Hussein Obama's Red October Uprising, now has the support of some 35 percent of Americans, mostly urbanites.

The Occupiers have now infested cities from coast to coast, including Oakland, Seattle, Denver, Austin, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, New York and Boston.

Their mantra is simple (by necessity): "We are the 99 Percent, and we're all victims of the 1 Percent." By any objective standard, the 99 Percenters are not the brightest bunch, and they really represent the roughly 20 percent of Americans who are irrevocably dependent upon government subsidies and pay no income tax. Thus, this 20 percent has no vested interest in the cost of government and is predisposed to vote for the redistribution of others' incomes rather than work for their own. The underlying assumption is that it's easier to confiscate wealth than create it.

This "entitled" 20 percent combines with the 10 percent of American labor who are collectivists and another 5 percent who are perpetual malcontents to thus form Barack Hussein Obama's entrenched socialist constituency of Useful Idiots.

The intellectually challenged Occupy morons have built their movement around the errant assertion that if the assets of the 1 Percent were entirely redistributed, everyone would live happily ever after. Unfortunately, what the 35 Percenters really want, "redistributive justice" as Obama calls it, would require the redistribution of income from the other 65 percent of Americans families who live on earned income, so that everyone could be equally impoverished.

Of course, there's a problem with liquidating the assets of the 1 percent (comprised of more celebs and pro athletes than Wall Street bankers), or even the top 25 percent of the so-called rich: Most of their assets are on paper, and the rest of that "wealth" is in the form of small businesses and real property that support the jobs of tens of millions of Americans who actually work for a living -- and take pride in their occupations.

Thus, liquidation would result in the collapse of the entire economy, leaving everyone under the same statist tyranny as Obama's 35 Percenters -- equally miserable, equally dependent upon the government, and that much closer to Obama's mandate to implement Democratic Socialism.

Fact is, socialist economies always fail. In the inimitable words of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, "Socialist governments ... always run out of other people's money. They then start to nationalize everything."

Of course, socialists never let reality intrude upon their classist fantasies of universal equality and happiness. Nineteenth-century historian Alexis de Tocqueville once observed, "Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

The banks rely on socialism.

Most Oligarchies are replaced by socialism

Margaret Thatcher recognized global climate change and the human causation but not much else worth quoting.

Some people are conditioned to think collective cooperation is something to be feared.

The economy built on Panzi banking will collapse through parasitic paralysis and collapsing biosphere.

The "economy" will have to be replaced and the sooner moves are made to strategically plan for a long term future with equity as a stabilizing force, then steady state existence with sustainable future outlook may be possible.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

well maybe if they did not get it wrong all the time, they would be employed. i wish i was?

[-] 1 points by whatsyourgoal (3) 13 years ago

ich bin ein hausen. gehen sie nicht!

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

I,m sorry, I only speak English, and a little bit of Spanish.

[-] 1 points by whatsyourgoal (3) 13 years ago

fuck you assholes

[-] 1 points by whatsyourgoal (3) 13 years ago

What is this movements specific goal? Replace the President? the US Constitution?

You aren't 99%. More like the .0001% by the numbers. Dpn't try and respresent me. Just tell me what the hell EXACTLY you want.

[-] 1 points by erwevan (1) from Pocatello, ID 13 years ago

Hey, I love your guys devotion to the cause. But, I urge you to be careful and keep your true goals in perspective. Are you hoping to help poor people who cannot keep up in this economy, elderly who are sick and cannot afford healthcare, starving children, etc? Or are you merely attempting to destroy the wealthy? Because the two actions do not go hand in hand. I believe that there is such a thing as an unselfish rich person, and even the ones that are selfish should not be robbed. Make sure you look to the real problems. The problem isn't the fact that rich people exist, the problem is the poor economy, which is caused by the government interfering. It doesn't matter who the government taxes more, or who they oppress, it always comes down and hits the poor the worst.
Again, I admire your willingness to sacrifice your daily lives for the good of this country, but make sure it doesn't turn into another French or Chinese revolution.

[-] 1 points by POQUITOLOBO (1) 13 years ago

i think if all the occupy wall streeters from around the country gathered together and made a march on washingtom it might just do some good. thousands strong like martin luther king did. we are with you, something has got to change or we will become bloody surfs to the wealthy @#%$.

[-] 1 points by iamninenine (2) 13 years ago

We should get spies to see what the others are doing. That's the only way to take down Flag and the others in Los Vegas

[-] 1 points by abouttime333 (1) 13 years ago

Please believe me when I say for every one of you, there are hundreds supporting you and what you are doing is courageous and the world sees you..THANK YOU

[-] 1 points by larryclarkms (2) from Greenfield, MA 13 years ago

There are many wrongs that need to be corrected: Corps. are now people, profits for financial institutions are capitalism but losses are socialism (we the 99% pay), no criminal charges have been brought against those brought us to this state by criminal acts. Politicians of both parties are only interested in power and do very little to do anything for us who don't fill the corporate feeding trough.

I would like to offer one idea. Identify a financial firm, bank or any corporation that brought our economy to this state and make an example of them. Bank of America or Goldman Sachs may be too big to start with but if we can bring a corp. with a fairly recognizable name to its knees, it will be a demonstration of the needs, concerns and power of the 99%.

I have ideas about how this will frighten corps. and politicians, It will also seriously swell the ranks of this movement. It can also be done quickly, as opposed to a constitutional amendment to reverse corps. as people. The larger goals will be much easier to acheive if we can demonstrate the power of the 99%.

[-] 1 points by jcmpli (2) 13 years ago

By keeping interest rate artificially low Bernanke takes money from american savers and gift it to the banks and wall street. Banks and wall street take our free money and drive commodity prices , oil and food, higher and higher. They trade oil at the: NYMEX address: 1 N End Ave New York, NY 10282-1101

[-] 1 points by larryclarkms (2) from Greenfield, MA 13 years ago

There are many wrongs that need to be corrected: Corps. are now people, profits for financial institutions are capitalism but losses are socialism (we the 99% pay), no criminal charges have been brought against those brought us to this state by criminal acts. Politicians of both parties are only interested in power and do very little to do anything for us who don't fill the corporate feeding trough.

I would like to offer one idea. Identify a financial firm, bank or any corporation that brought our economy to this state and make an example of them. Bank of America or Goldman Sachs may be too big to start with but if we can bring a corp. with a fairly recognizable name to its knees, it will be a demonstration of the needs, concerns and power of the 99%.

I have ideas about how this will frighten corps. and politicians, It will also seriously swell the ranks of this movement. It can also be done quickly, as opposed to a constitutional amendment to reverse corps. as people. The larger goals will be much easier to acheive if we can demonstrate the power of the 99%.

[-] 1 points by prtfw (2) 13 years ago

you guys are not doing a thing really... none of the wall st ppl gives a shit about ppl camping in tents around their building... there is nothing wrong with wall st, greed is a human trait and it is the system that allows this to happen the jewish owned media that scilenced the doom sayer and the financial meltdown happened... go occupy capitol hill if you got the ballz and actually want to do something... educate yourselves on the zionist activities in the US of A... mean while money is stil being made everywhere in the world with greed, intelligence and ballz

[-] 1 points by prtfw (2) 13 years ago

you guys are not doing a thing really... none of the wall st ppl gives a shit about ppl camping in tents around their building... there is nothing wrong with wall st, greed is a human trait and it is the system that allows this to happen the jewish owned media that scilenced the doom sayer and the financial meltdown happened... go occupy capitol hill if you got the ballz and actually want to do something... educate yourselves on the zionist activities in the US of A... mean while money is stil being made everywhere in the world with greed, intelligence and ballz

[-] 1 points by cancerhunt (4) 13 years ago

Save Pakistan Movement support the Occupy wall street Movement.


[-] 1 points by blue8210 (2) 13 years ago

Nothing will ever change until corporations stop hiring illegal immigrants. These are the people who are taking American's jobs and ruining America’s economy. We, the people, must rebel with vengeance to stop corporations from hiring illegal immigrants!

[-] 1 points by blue8210 (2) 13 years ago

Nothing will ever change until corporations stop hiring illegal immigrants. These are the people who are taking American's jobs and ruining America’s economy. We, the people, must rebel with vengeance to stop corporations from hiring illegal immigrants!

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

Every time i go to watch Main Stream News.. There it is, the Topic of OWS.. and i well up with emotion of pride and Joy for ALL the Heros out there.. and those who do what they can from their homes and offices.... This is TRULY HISTORICAL!

Your Great , Great, Great Grandchildren will be reading in school about this. Marlow

[-] 1 points by glennbarb1 (1) 13 years ago

Breaking the Tie That Binds Since medieval times, corporations have been legal formats created by the states to enable citizens to do business as a group. In January 2010, using a logic that defied common sense in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, five Supreme Court Justices suddenly transformed corporations into human beings, with a power that flesh and blood humans do not have: they can spend unlimited amounts of money in order to buy elections. It appears that the only way the Citizens United decision can be overturned is by a constitutional amendment. In January a Hart Research survey found that 87% of Democrats, 82% of Independents and 68% of Republicans favored the passage of such an amendment. I believe that if the Occupy Wall Street movement were to channel all its energy into calling for a constitutional convention to overturn this ridiculous decision, its goal of breaking the tie between big money and Washington could be accomplished. Passage of such an amendment might even bring a little sanity to the current political climate.

[-] 1 points by eldiablo0708 (4) 13 years ago

Ok so let me get this straight, you people are selling OWS memoribillia, you take in money, so in essence your running a business. But your against capitalism!!! Ahhh OK!!! Basically this is a distraction by the POTUS and his radical frinds to distract from the failed policies of Obama as well as his unpopularity.

[-] 1 points by mwater22 (1) from Columbia, CT 13 years ago

I would bet the combined money of the 1% that anyone of the 99% wouldn't want to give up there money that they earned through hard WORK to a group of people making fools out of themselves. I would also bet that same money that if any of these occupiers/ hippies got a job there would be a large amount of working for a company that the 1% owned. What the hell happened to self pride in this country, and earning your own way. If you all got what you were asking for, which is essentially free money/ handouts and God knows what else, at the end of your life what would you have accomplished? What have you taught your kids? To sit back and wait for uncle Sam to take care of you? Or to be a go getter, an innovator, entrepreneur, or to follow there dreams...When you (the 99%) were kids what did you want to be? Firefighters, police, singers, lawyers...or did you want to be unemployed, sleeping in a tent, and marching around asking for money from the government. How about you stop blaming other people for your misfortune and do something about it...YOUR SELF!

[-] 1 points by lamidi (3) 13 years ago

You seem to be living in a fantasy world. The reality is that this planet is overpopulated which means there are not enough opportunities for every one to start their own business when millions others before him had taken over those markets by providing services or productions. Tell me about an opportunity to get into a business with the small money that we 99% have and we'll do it ! Those 1% needs every one of us hard workers to help them make profit. If all of us walked away from those jobs in big corporations would they be able to do it alone ? the answer is obvious. If you look back at history you will see and learn that Gandhi of india used this same systematic approach to liberate hs country from the grip of English colonization. He asked his nation to give up their jobs in the English controlled companies and tolerate living on their small savings for a few months, and the Indians did exactly that and of course companies without employees collapsed and this is how the India's peoplee drove out the brits. May be that's what is exactly needed in this society to show you mighty people that you are not that mighty. You need every one of us hard workers to get you there. So stop bragging about yourself and putting us down, the power lies with the hard workers who deserve a better quality of life than just working with the pathetic mininimum wage for these giants. Wages should increase depending and relative to the company's financial status. Extremely wealthy companies can not take us for slaves and throw a small bone infront of us like we are dogs.

[-] 1 points by thinkinoutloud (1) 13 years ago

Please, mwater22, show me how to be part of the 1%. I'll do what it takes to get the job done. Taking a $3M bonus for making an offer of a lifetime "All you have to do is invest all you own, as well as your house, and I'll make you rich, you'll be climbing the ladder!" I'll say to the "LAMBS". Then I'll pull the rug right out from under them and grab their cash on their way down the chute back to the start of the game. The middle class keeps working hard, and powerful undeserving keep on raking it in. I don't want to play your game of chutes and ladders sorry, Paul

[-] 1 points by Overton (15) 13 years ago

I have a criticism about a specific aspects to this website. I would like the forum to have more format and organization. It could be organized by topics or themes. I wanted to respond to a comment and had been thinking about it, but then I could not find the original post. It was lost in a long stream of posts.

Hope this can be resolved.

[-] 1 points by Geno0210 (1) from Millbury, MA 13 years ago

Is it just me or aren't the Police men and women in the 99%. Why do they beat protesters and break fingers and treat protesters the way they do? They are mostly a unionized force aren't they? They should be there marching with them instead of beating them and arresting them for taking their own money out of a bank.

[-] 1 points by unemployedeconomist (2) from Nuremberg, BY 13 years ago

Hmmmm.... could it be all the bottles and rocks being thrown at them by the so called peaceful demonstrators?

[-] 1 points by franklin (4) 13 years ago

no more campaign contibutions by ows members or votes from ows members to candidates who accept even one cent from a corporation

[-] 1 points by franklin (4) 13 years ago

the ows movement is out for change fine start an ows party elect ows party members NOT REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT under no circumstance should ows align with either of these antiquated parties they are the real root and evil they are the grid lock" the elected representatives" do not vote for the voters who elect them they vote for the party and the special interests that own them you want change start here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by savannah17huckabee (1) from Bonners Ferry, ID 13 years ago

i personaly am niether a democrat or a republican i am an american im for the people not the power!!

[-] 1 points by franklin (4) 13 years ago

occupy members will not vote for any candidate that accepts money from corporations how can "our elected representatives" represent the voters who elect them when they are bought and paid for by corporations and special interests

[-] 1 points by franklin (4) 13 years ago

no more campaign contributions over 100 dollars

[-] 1 points by stephenadler (118) 13 years ago

Richard Stallman would be proud of you! :)

[-] 1 points by steve201 (2) 13 years ago

Stop the lobby process, It lets money controll the government

[-] 1 points by steve201 (2) 13 years ago

Need a goal, stop the lobby process. It lets mony controll government

[-] 1 points by unitycenter (1) 13 years ago

You can be sure OWS is infiltrated by the FBI, local police and also by Wall Street contracted Public Relations firms that pay people to make the movement look bad. I was a student at UCLA during the 60’s and saw many demonstrations on campus and at other places turn bad because people who didn’t really look like students, more like young cops, ran out from the protesters and threw bricks toward the police, careful not to hit them, but gave the police an excuse to attack the crowd. The attack was ugly. Take videos and photos of people who incite. Get clear pictures of their faces. When demonstrators are booked those who provoked the attack will have disappeared, not booked, and with no record except the photos you took. Then post those photos online, make them famous. It may also help in court cases to be able to show that police actions against the demonstrators were orchestrated. The Wall Street contracted Public Relations firms hire people to write comments and letters to the editor to discredit the movement. They will likely even post here. When you see an obviously biased comment on any forum, just post a comment to it pointing out that it is a paid for public relations firm’s attack on the movement. Don’t waste your time arguing because most people are capable of seeing through it. You have better use for your time, they don’t.

[-] 1 points by societyPhysx (1) 13 years ago

Awesome what you guys are doing, this is where we start solving the problem. If you guys are ever looking for someone to bring up solutions to solving this global crisis I actually have some really good ideas that I can support with valid arguments. I am an engineer and I am currently implementing a solution using mathematical models. hit me up ybellavance@gmail.com

[-] 1 points by derpzilla (1) 13 years ago

what's the ultimate objective of the movement, I can't form an opinion when i don't know the objective. Currently i think the idea is to reform the financial system. Anyone care to elaborate for me?

[-] 1 points by Queve8019 (2) 13 years ago

Bring jobs back to America.( Made in USA), not in others Countries.

[-] 1 points by Queve8019 (2) 13 years ago

Because neither of those who are running for president, talks about bringing back all major U.S industries, nothing is produced here, only we are consumers, have turned U.S. without jobs, we are betrayed us and govern only the great interest, not Presidents, not any more Made in USA.

[-] 1 points by thetaung (1) 13 years ago

Supporting from Burma (Myanmar)

[-] 1 points by BahamaKin (1) 13 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PeVttWaVmo&feature=related Hardtimes in Paradise is for the PEOPLE enjoy WE WILL WIN KEEP GOING FORWARD !! Bahama Kin

[-] 1 points by spacemans (40) 13 years ago

Is the occupy athens georgia still active I have a tent and am ready for a long term encampment The occupy agusta georgia is too far And the occupy atlanta I think the police raided it and shut it down But I need to know before Monday 6am

[-] 1 points by Matthewicus (1) 13 years ago

I don't believe that Wall Street is the soul culprit in our American financial crisis. It has been the combined efforts of every single person who sought to take advantage of every loophole, every way they could cheat, everything they could twist or break to keep from paying what they owe. Whether that be taxes, or loans, the people who destroyed our economy lay in every socio-economic group. Thus I believe attacking one economic group will have little effect at solving the problem.

I also believe it is wrong. Granted many people in the top 1% of the nation did attain this status by taking advantage of or even stealing from the lower classes. However, there are also many people who reached this status honestly and without malicious intent. To attack this group as a whole is ignorant and foolish. The millions of lower class people who take every advantage they can to get money, whether it be by outright crime, or by knowingly buying things they can't afford, have had (I submit) as great an impact of causing all this turmoil as the upper class.

It is a human problem. Even if somehow greed were to be done away with on wall street, it would grow up somewhere else. To do what occupy wall street proposes, one would have to change human nature.

[-] 1 points by jcmpli (2) 13 years ago

Go demonstrate against the OIL traders at the NYMEX - They are taking money from every person around the globe and sending it to the oil producing countries and oil the companies - They are the real enemies of all of us. Especially the Brent traders in London.
NYMEX address: 1 N End Ave New York, NY 10282-1101

[-] 1 points by rocka (1) 13 years ago

Occupying Wall Street is great and all but Wall Street really doesn't care. Wall Street is cold and it is all about the money and how they can please their shareholders. If you want Corporate America to take you seriously, don't decide say after you've been protesting, to go to your local corporate cafe in your corporate made overseas sneakers and use your corporate bankcard to purchase your Corporate Product. This is where it starts: with your money. Why keep feeding a bunch of greedy bastards? Because when profits start eating away and their shareholders are getting pissed and selling off, damn sure the suits will be paying very good attention. You've always had control, you just never used it.

[-] 1 points by bryanjt31 (4) 13 years ago

so why is everybody not concentrated in D.C.? Isn't that huge financial sinkhole that's called the Federal Government based there? Why do we wan't more regulations and spending? A faceless centralized institution that tells us what we can or can't buy or sell? Who we can or can't hire or fire? What's moral or immoral? This is acceptable? You gotta be kidding! Big banks and Corporations are PEOPLE. Commerce is life. When a government invades all aspects of commerce and privacy, you would think people would march on the government, but instead we march on ourselves. Gov. should protect us from force and from fraud. That's all. Commerce has its bad and good, the greedy and the generous, but it is pure in that people are free to do business, which creates jobs and stimulates economies. That's what contracts are for. Breaking contracts invites legal remedy. Thats fraud. Force against one's will also invites legal remedy. Very simple stuff. Society evolves through the free exchange of ideas and products. Don't play into Big Government's hands! Let's take this thing to law makers. Tell them we want them out of our lives and businesses!

[-] 1 points by bryanjt31 (4) 13 years ago

so why is everybody not concentrated in D.C.? Isn't that huge financial sinkhole that's called the Federal Government based there? Why do we wan't more regulations and spending? A faceless centralized institution that tells us what we can or can't buy or sell? Who we can or can't hire or fire? What's moral or immoral? This is acceptable? You gotta be kidding! Big banks and Corporations are PEOPLE. Commerce is life. When a government invades all aspects of commerce and privacy, you would think people would march on the government, but instead we march on ourselves. Gov. should protect us from force and from fraud. That's all. Commerce has its bad and good, the greedy and the generous, but it is pure in that people are free to do business, which creates jobs and stimulates economies. That's what contracts are for. Breaking contracts invites legal remedy. Thats fraud. Force against one's will also invites legal remedy. Very simple stuff. Society evolves through the free exchange of ideas and products. Don't play into Big Government's hands! Let's take this thing to law makers. Tell them we want them out of our lives and businesses!

[-] 1 points by 36of534 (15) 13 years ago

We are the Wall Street Protestors. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your Fiscal and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."

[-] 1 points by 36of534 (15) 13 years ago

We are the Wall Street Protestors. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your Fiscal and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."

[-] 1 points by johninlongmont (1) from Parker, CO 13 years ago

I would urge folks to be very wary of any organization who won't identify themselves, and just cryptically say "this site was brought to you by various radicals"

[-] 1 points by bryanjt31 (4) 13 years ago

Ronin, Right on, I'll be wearing the turquoise band, not the darker blue one. You'll wear yellow ochre. If we get sepatated, let's switch colors to make sure we remember the original ones. If you get there first, rub a mark. If I get there first, I'll rub one out. Over

[-] 1 points by bryanjt31 (4) 13 years ago

Ronin, Right on, I'll be wearing the turquoise band, not the darker blue one. You'll wear yellow ochre. If we get sepatated, let's switch colors to make sure we remember the original ones. If you get there first, rub a mark. If I get there first, I'll rub one out. Over

[-] 1 points by crypto666 (50) 13 years ago

the democratic party is in the process of co-opting this movement the same exact way the GOP co-opted the tea party. unfortunately, too many of the ocw participants like the president or the DNC and refuse to recognize that they are part of the problem every bit as much as the republicans.

protest fail

[-] 1 points by Liberated1 (22) 13 years ago

Please note that this is a strong way forward to get to the true root of the OWS issues along with Occupy the Fed, Pentagon, WH, etc....


[-] 1 points by Liberated1 (22) 13 years ago

Please note that this is a strong way forward to get to the true root of the OWS issues along with Occupy the Fed, Pentagon, WH, etc....


[-] 1 points by Liberated1 (22) 13 years ago

If this movement is about having the most educated impact It's important that the following information to be spread throughout the OWS and End the FED movement: http://cafr1.com/ProtestWallStreet.html

[-] 1 points by georgejay (21) 13 years ago

if we are going to claim that occupy wall st was inspired by the Arab spring uprisings shouldn`t the #1 demand be that Obama resign ?

[-] 1 points by thhnafc (1) from Sydney, NSW 13 years ago

Hey all,

I think what you guys are doing is so great! It's time for the world to stand up to corrupt power structures! Just thought I'd recommend a film and movement, in case some don't already know about it - the Zeitgeist Movement. The aims and ideals of the movement are very similar to those expressed here. Join up and check out the films (zeitgeistmovie.com), if you're keen to learn about alternative ways of providing for the Earth's people. Great stuff guys..

In solidarity, thhnafc xoxo

[-] 1 points by elissamontoya (1) 13 years ago

thegivingpledge.org Please don't vilify those that have always supported our country. We are not a "rich" country, we are a country where you can become rich. And those that do give back. Maybe to get around taxes, but are we not still benefitting?

[-] 1 points by memrosmex (15) 13 years ago

A solid first step in fixing our economic and political woes is to disqualify any person worth more than two million dollars from holding political office. The rich are too corrupted by greed to be an any benefit to the community generally. Putting the rich in government is like turning over the reins of power to a bunch of felons. The American middle class, the true creator of jobs and wealth, should control the government for the people. I look forward to some politician proposing this amendment before the greed of the already wealthy completely destroys our democratic way of life, economy and values. The foundation of our nation is not capitalism but democracy in the form of a Republic. Capitalism is nowhere even mentioned in the American Constitution. Capitalism is a tool of democracy to generate wealth and prosperity. Democracy should not be the tool of capitalism to generate wealth for a few. Capitalism is a beast that must be harnessed to pull the plow for the well-being of humanity. Now is an historic opportunity for hard-working and creative middle class Americans to assert their majority rights against a corrupt and ineffective elite who have brought the country to the brink of ruin.

[-] 1 points by adamant (2) 13 years ago

No battle is won if those fighting are not unified and disciplined in one common cause. To have 2, 3 10, 100 causes is honey to those that you are fighting. They know that you will fail as the fighters get disenchanted, cold, wet, hungry. It is like the body. If you have cancer, eczema, high blood pressure, diabetes and your losing your hair...you don't go to the doctor to fix all of these at the same time. If you did it would more likely kill you. Start with the root of the problem and then when you have this one in control go after the rest. In a systematic manner. Please.. we need your youthful energy and spirit. Just find a leader and focus on one issue at a time such as Martin Luther King who although he was against the Vietnam War did not stray from his commitment to right the racial injustices first and foremost.

[-] 1 points by europeanman (4) 13 years ago

If you are THE 99% ....THEN...... YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD ! ! ! ...four you is easy to determine the 1% to rethink things.....If you want those who do not meet the population to disappear is very easy......all 99% to withdraw money from their accounts and to keep cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......I expect this event in Europe

[-] 1 points by europeanman (4) 13 years ago

If you are THE 99% ....THEN...... YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD ! ! ! ...four you is easy to determine the 1% to rethink things.....If you want those who do not meet the population to disappear is very easy......all 99% to withdraw money from their accounts and to keep cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......I expect this event in Europe

[-] 1 points by FreeJack (15) from Alexandria, VA 13 years ago


  1. Influence share holders to divest in corporations that pay CEOs and senior executives more than 100 times their lowest paid worker.

  2. Influence all Americans to close accounts at major banks and join credit unions.

  3. Pass Fair Trade laws to replace Free Trade laws.

  4. Force Congress to pass term limit legislation, three terms for the House and two terms for the Senate, no more career politicians.

  5. Force Congress to make corporate campaign contributions illegal, only citizens can contribute up to $100 per candidate.

  6. Pass the Employee Free Choice Act.

[-] 1 points by JJStryder (3) 13 years ago

I only agree with #4.

[-] 1 points by wedemay (3) 13 years ago

Because if we don't the entire planet will die. This is not about politics, this is about the survival of the country and the evolution of pan global culture of responsibility and accountability. Service to the community is either towards peace and equality or war and violence that drain our economy and further conflict around the world. We need our nations resources and troops lives used to save our own country, not the corporations assets. Change is difficult, challenging and without it we will die in billions under the blind heel of corporate totalitarianism.

[-] 1 points by pearstvp (1) 13 years ago

It's time for the politicians and the wealthy along with big corporations to understand that the middle class is fed up with what has been going on ... I'm tired of us being taken advantage of and I hope this movement can solidify - make these people understand that we are tired of the status quo and want real change - stand up for america and it's great middle class

[-] 1 points by Ruecast (17) 13 years ago

Good evening.

I would like to share with you some comments, regarding my impression about what you are doing now. First, I think that the reason by which this activity has take place, is a very solid, reasonable one. The levels of inequality in the United States, despite different warning of many other developed economies, have been increasing for decades, giving benefits to a limited number of people, and taking rights and benefits from the broad population. This is by far one of the most worry some situations of the society of your country. Despite this fact, I consider however, that is very important that the mobilization have a set of clear demands, otherwise, with will be eroded, and sooner or later, banished.

Clear demands, must me both, fair, and sustainable. There are many people that consider just that the people on Walls Street must give money back, and cant be supported by governments. This is fair. I am afraid to think that if the United States don't change the entire political system, this is not sustainable.

I think that is possible to initiate a political process that may unite this two variables for change, I think however, that it would require from you not only a collective action, but also, some kind of singular, personal, or structural leadership.

This is a very serious decision to make. It requires to set some principles, and achievable goals. You cant compare the demands of Greece with the demands of the United States. Both have corrupt politicians, but deep inside, they also have corrupted or biased cultures that have allowed the existence of corrupted politicians.

Be careful with what you demand, it may become real.

Best wishes to all.

[-] 1 points by makeitso928 (2) 13 years ago

The movements focus needs to be on the corrupt practices of the big banks. Call for all citizens to punish the banksters by pulling their money out of the banks and placing their funds in credit unions. Forbes views credit unions as a more stable environment for the consumer. See: http://www.ncua.gov/

[-] 1 points by dansrevolution (1) 13 years ago

I absolutely agree... protesting is all well and good, but this is something any one of us anywhere can actually "do" right now to affect real change: http://www.dansrevolution.com/2011/10/occupy-wall-st-what-you-can-do-right.html

[-] 1 points by makeitso928 (2) 13 years ago

You need to brand the movement the 99ers!

[-] 1 points by mquin042 (1) from Miami, FL 13 years ago

I'm a student in Miami, FL and I think what you guys have organized and are doing is absolutely amazing and nearly ground-breaking! I wish the entire organization nothing but the best of luck in continuing to get your point across. America is listening..let's make a real change.


[-] 1 points by kons1stent (4) 13 years ago

We should rename it "Youth Movement".The problem we are facing is much bigger than just Wall Street. We have to stand up for the Future Generations and let the Youth's voice be heard on issues such as Taxes, Lobbyist, Education, Healthcare, Wars, etc...

[-] 1 points by SisterRay (554) 13 years ago

Here's a simple formula for what we'd like to accomplish here: HOLD WALL STREET ACCOUNTABLE. The media seem to think there's no cohesiveness to the program we're advancing. But that's simply false. Occupy Wall Street is trying to accomplish a very clear goal: we want to hold Wall Street accountable. There are many aspects to that, but the two main ones are easy to state and easy to rally around: (1) REGULATE MARKETS. Over the last several years, we've seen corporations and businesses wage a war against rules and regulations of unprecedented scope and intensity. They have been successful at accomplishing their deregulatory dreams, but in the process have caused tremendous damage to the economy and the environment. We support rules and regulations as the only viable means of protecting the economy and environment from the unchecked forces of greed. (2) TAX THE RICH. Over the last 10 years, the working classes have had to pay a greater share of the tax burden than ever before while the federal government does less and less for us with every spending cut they pass. Meanwhile, millionaires and billionaires are paying taxes at record-low rates while their profits are at record highs. This is a fundamentally unjust arrangement tantamount to class warfare. We see what the rich are doing and we will end this war by restoring the tax rates for the rich to what they were before Bush took office and by closing the loopholes by which they evade doing their share to support our common needs.


This is what we're struggling for. It's not complicated. It's common sense. If you can't understand that, then you've been spending too much time in Corporate America, and not enough time among the people of this democracy.

[-] 1 points by strengthinnumbers (1) 13 years ago

I don't know if this has been promoted before, I wrote a standard message and sent it to many of my friends on Facebook. One of the main reasons the Arab Spring in Egypt was successful was because of Facebook.

I invite all of you to send this to all your friends you haven't talk with in years, anybody you think could be interested (and even those who might not.) Feel free to modify or create another one and send it to at least 10 friends. The idea is to spread it via Facebook messages since the media is taking time to respond wall messages are ignored many times. Lets make the numbers grow faster!

This is the Template:

A Revolution is under way, some of you might be aware and others might not. The media has kept the protests relatively hidden because it is against their interests to show them.

Americans are imitating the protesters that overthrew Presidents in Egypt and Tunisia this spring, the ones that camped out in Spain and many others. The internet has given back the power to the people.

Peaceful protesters and campers in New York City initially, and now dozens of other cities, have decided not to move until the demand is met: That Obama create a Special Committee to investigate and remove corporate money in Washington.

We are the 99% of the people yet we are being led by the other 1%. This is not a democracy anymore, it is oligarchy, ruled by the few rich people. It is time we end Corporate Corruption.

I am writing to you because I consider you smart enough to appreciate it and spread the word. The more people are informed, the faster it will grow and the inevitable will come to pass.



[-] 1 points by JJStryder (3) 13 years ago

The Arab spring in Egypt was successful? If Genocide on Christians and the creation of another oppressive Muslim regime is your idea of success. I want no part of it!

[-] 1 points by aarohini (1) 13 years ago

this is great news. as a sufferer of global financial hegemony in distant India and not being able to do much through organising in our country to counter the evil emanating from Wall Street, I have often wondered what the american public is doing given that it too is suffering tremendously from the greed of the Wall Street financiers. at last there is now going to be a massive mobilisation against Wall Street. i wish you all the best for your efforts and lets hope that this signals the beginning of the end for the kleptocracy that rules the USA and with its cronies elsewhere, the whole world. There should be enough preparation to tackle the state as it will invariably try to suppress this uprising.

[-] 1 points by JJStryder (3) 13 years ago

The American people are suffering because of the stupidity and greed of our politicians. They are bottom feeding parasites that weaken the strength of our country and its individuals by sapping their productivity through taxes. I have only a short lifetime, my productivity IS my lifeblood. Taxes and redistribution of capital is what is killing this country. Your missing the point. March on Washington!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by LaidBackFarmer (1) from West Middlesex, PA 13 years ago

Let's face reality. If the number of people is not large enough, we're talking in the 50k to 100's of thousand range, then it will not succeed. The goon squad of the NYPD will be out in force waiting for this to begin and will attempt to nip it in the bud before it has an opportunity to affect their pay masters that own Wall St.Just my humble opinion, so go big or be prepared to be brutalized like they did to the G-20 protestors in Pittsburgh. You can also look forward to censorship on the FaceBook, Twitter type social network websites as these are just government tools to begin with. Hillary Clinton was so full of shit in her "Freedom Of Speech" speech and if you read between the lines of her speech, she said "do as I say, not as I do", already defending reasons that the US would limit free speech on the internet. Read it for yourself at this link: http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/01/135519.htm

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

Her speech is absolute tripe , full of inaccuracies and glosses over Americas massive use of media for right wing propaganda and support of American terrorism, even against its own people.

[-] 1 points by anonopndc (5) 13 years ago

I think as to feeding the people Here is an idea lets get lare 50lb bags of beans and rice. Prepare them . and feed the people. but lets make the focus ettin the people therr for the first few hours.

[-] 1 points by Esposito (173) 13 years ago

That many people eating beans in one place??? I'm outta here.

[-] 1 points by VerySexyVoters (1) 13 years ago



[-] 1 points by Jasonjortiz (4) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

Our demand should be a Constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood. Clear, simple, supported by a large portion of the population and would surely have a radical affect on society. We shut down the corporations as an act that people are more important than fictional financial constructs.

[-] 2 points by karensfire (2) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Well said! The Demand to End Corporate "Personhood" should be the CLEAR theme. That one act - and the teeth to enforce it - would be the best first step in taking the corporate dough out of elections and the governing process.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

One of the clearly important steps to me made.

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

I'm 100% with you guys, End Corporate Personhood, would be not an all out victory, but a substantial one. One that could garner popular support, and also there are even people in the government trying to get it done. People the world over want power out of corporate hands.

[-] 1 points by JJStryder (3) 13 years ago

Yea right!, by using corporate tools like facebook. We need to take our country back from politicians and Unions who have successfully convinced you to focus on the wrong target. Unions have killed jobs in America and politicians and liberals have turned what was once a great country into bottom feeding parasites with no sense of our history and how we achieved greatness. Your being mislead.

[-] 1 points by kanga (1) 13 years ago

what WP theme have you used for this site?

[-] 1 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 13 years ago

It's not wordpress; the website was designed from scratch.


[-] 0 points by watchingthejoke (0) 13 years ago

Holy crap what a joke! just like every other thoughtless hippie rally you people have no plan!! Who is going to give you the free lunch you live on after you destroy the government? Try this, Earn the things you think should be given to you. Corporate america / government are not the people responsable for your crappy have nothing life. YOU are, so grow up and get a big boy job and EARN your way in life! its rather ironic this is called a "movement" last time i used that word to discribe something a load of sh#t was involved.You like the stink of a turd will go away, you dont have the fortitude to stick with or thru anything that is why you hate the people that do!

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

What is a cretan

[-] 0 points by OWSsucksass (0) 13 years ago

You people suck. Have a point. Your movement is POINTLESS.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

Then make a point

[-] 0 points by letsallspeaktruth (24) 13 years ago

Why occupy Wall Street? Because it belongs to us! Because we can!

you are no better than the 1%....YOU TRUTH IS NO GREATER THAN THEIRS...

sad...you are very sad

[-] 0 points by KennSpace (9) 13 years ago

The Corporate Occupation of the United States

 Our corporate controlled government (through corporate lobbying  and election funding ) is out of the peoples control. People want government control back. Makes sense to me... I feel US corporate capitalism (corporatism) is a type of economic fascism: To have a corporate being where the chain of command eventually muddles all responsibility to any human being. These corporate beings are running your life and controlling your government. (Enough to really make an individual mad and protest.) The corporate being does not exist, and when it comes to face it's corporate responsibility, it is a piece of paper. That is plain and simply wrong. Restore capitalism to individual responsible chains of command, or this struggle will be lost. (This also includes corporate lobbying and corporate election funding, being outlawed; and a new form closer to individual control is established.)

Please Sign the petition to amend the Constitution for revoking corporate personhood at:


January 20, 2012 – Move to Amend Occupies the Courts! Move To Amend is planning bold action to mark this notorious date — Occupy the Courts — a one day occupation on Friday January 20, 2012, of the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States and as many of the 89 U.S. District Court Buildings as we can. Inspired by Dr. Cornell West, who was arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court last month, Move to Amend will lead the charge on the judiciary which created — and continues to expand — corporate personhood rights.


[-] 0 points by KennSpace (9) 13 years ago

The Corporate Occupation of the United States

 Our corporate controlled government (through corporate lobbying  and election funding ) is out of the peoples control. People want government control back. Makes sense to me... I feel US corporate capitalism (corporatism) is a type of economic fascism: To have a corporate being where the chain of command eventually muddles all responsibility to any human being. These corporate beings are running your life and controlling your government. (Enough to really make an individual mad and protest.) The corporate being does not exist, and when it comes to face it's corporate responsibility, it is a piece of paper. That is plain and simply wrong. Restore capitalism to individual responsible chains of command, or this struggle will be lost. (This also includes corporate lobbying and corporate election funding, being outlawed; and a new form closer to individual control is established.)

Please Sign the petition to amend the Constitution for revoking corporate personhood at:


January 20, 2012 – Move to Amend Occupies the Courts! Move To Amend is planning bold action to mark this notorious date — Occupy the Courts — a one day occupation on Friday January 20, 2012, of the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States and as many of the 89 U.S. District Court Buildings as we can. Inspired by Dr. Cornell West, who was arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court last month, Move to Amend will lead the charge on the judiciary which created — and continues to expand — corporate personhood rights.


[-] 0 points by OutsideNYC (1) 13 years ago

Why occupy Wall Street? Because it belongs to us! Because we can!

No it doesn't belong to you. Who the eff are you? Get a effing job filthy dirty hippies instead of trying to take other people's money. I wish I was closer so I could be there and help the cops break your effing heads when they do, which will be soon. And when you come back, they'll going to break your heads again only worse. You deserve nothing less.

I'm sure you people will delete this like the phonies you are.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

You are still there. Perhaps a rethink will help all.

[-] 0 points by curlyq (5) 13 years ago

So the problem with this movement is a lack of an apparent cohesive goal. I've been to several websites, including sites written by the founders of this movement, and I have yet to see what exactly this protest is trying to accomplish. It quite honestly comes off as a protest for the sake of protesting.

I'm not condemning this movement or the people involved... it would just be nice to see someone step up with an ideal more substantial than "We don't like rich people". The only noteworthy aspect of this movement, so far, is how many supporters it has garnered. In fact, other than public presence, what have the founders of this movement done to further their cause? I haven't seen press conferences. I haven't seen interviews explaining what this is all about. All I see (and, unfortunately, all that the world sees) is a large group of malcontents yearning for some kind of change, but who don't seem in agreement as to what they want to change.

If you support this movement, then that's fine. I respect that. But I can't and won't respect or back a movement who's structural organization can be boiled down to "Meet here and we'll give a few speeches. Bring some signs."

[-] 0 points by johninlongmont (1) from Parker, CO 13 years ago

I would urge folks to be very wary of any organization who won't identify themselves, and just cryptically say "this site was brought to you by various radicals"

[-] 0 points by FuckYouMorons (0) 13 years ago

Bunch of George Soros brainwashed maggots

[-] 0 points by FuckYouMorons (0) 13 years ago

Who you are? You're a bunch of uneducated brainwashed idiots that need to get a job instead of whining about what you don't have because of your own laziness!

[-] 0 points by FuckYouMorons (0) 13 years ago

Who you are? You're a bunch of uneducated brainwashed idiots that need to get a job instead of whining about what you don't have because of your own laziness!

[-] 0 points by MYID (2) 13 years ago

This will not work. This movement did not consider its image before starting their work. If they did consider their image...then they are going about it, in a very ineffective manner. The latest comment from the President...along with many others, has done so much to decrease the effect of what y'all are trying to achieve, it's sad to see it happen so quickly.

You've been relegated to being called socialists...and that will stop this from going forward to a great degree, as well as, keep you in the minority.

You do not want to be identified as socialists...but it's already occurred.

You folks need to do something about controlling your narrative.

You're making the marchers look like spoiled brats or miscreants with nothing to do.

THAT - was a dumb move.

You've lost the narrative.

[-] 1 points by Esposito (173) 13 years ago

Yeah I know. Somebody who was really, really drunk bumped into me while I was holding it and it rolled down the street and into the sewer. Let's just say I'm not going down there to get it. It was the drunk guy's fault!

[-] 0 points by rocka (1) 13 years ago

yeah, i agree.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

You are communists

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

if you... plan on documenting the event

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Bring Cameras that have Film - real film - digital cameras may be compromised - there are devices that will - make them inactive, and erase images- be aware of this- if you

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

I agree with a previous comment. What are you looking to gain by camping out? If your goal is to disrupt commerce then I think this should be viewed as an act of terrorism.

[-] 1 points by kcfromny (6) 13 years ago

I believe the intent is to wake you up ... and so on!

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

"Commerce" works for us. We're just providing feedback on - a 'performance appraisal'.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

Management speak.

Commerce only works for some.

Take a look

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

This website does not clearly explain the purpose of the gathering on wall street. From a marketing perspective, it should be clearly displayed at the top of the webpage. After reading through this site I still don't understand why you are doing this, besides the fact that you can do it... You might get more people to join you if you clearly state your mission and goals.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

We have no problem getting people to join, but thanks for your concern.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by BillyQuizboy (4) 13 years ago

You say you'll "work to find a common voice in one clear, unified demand." What is that demand, exactly? Who are you demanding from? What are a bunch of stockbrokers going to do for you? From what's listed here, you seem to be suggesting that a bunch of people congregate on Wall Street to figure out what to demand. I don't understand the point of this. If you really wanted to make a difference, you should be planning to camp outside a government facility. Or maybe Wall Street is just easier for you, without all that pesky security?

[-] 4 points by Ronin (16) 13 years ago

System disruption and media attention is the goal. Simple, direct. They can figure out the demands themselves.

[-] 0 points by BillyQuizboy (4) 13 years ago

So...this is just for attention? This is not how you plan a protest. You plan a protest with a goal or demand in mind. You don't just gather and then attempt to "figure it out." That's just having a party. If you just want to have a party, just say that. I'm thinking you're imagining shocking all the suits with your craziness but I think it all sounds very dull and like a waste of everyone's time, to be honest. At the very least do something funny.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Not to worry. We'll figure it out onsite.


[-] 2 points by DDVoltaire (0) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Why is the government any better a target than the thieves of Wall Street?

[-] 0 points by foodandart (0) from Portsmouth, NH 13 years ago

For that matter, why is Wall Street a better target than the fat, cosy, soccer-moms and dads of suburbia?

Look, I find it ironic that Adbusters, which has for YEARS been stating the simple fact that it is the CONSUMER that ultimately, is the driving force behind ALL the global misery we're disgusted by, yet it is that very SAME consumer that is all but ignored when it's time to take action.

The FASTEST way to be ignored by the engine of all this -the consumer- is to position yourself as a bunch of 60's radical wannabe twenty-somethings looking to smash windows and create havoc or get attention. Market (yes, market, don't be afraid to appropriate Madison Ave's tools for yourselves) a change in the capitalist paradigm and use the ability to make oneself OR family more financially secure with LESS money and consumerism.. and do it with MORE flair than Madison Avenue playing to the SAME fears of being 'out of touch', and you are more likely to get through to the consumer.

Really, Wall Street will have cops there and expect a rumble. Wouldn't it terrify them if you went after their CUSTOMERS, instead. Most people really ARE frightened for themselves and their families but they just do NOT know what their options are to get away from following the path laid by big business. Show them they have more control than they know, and believe me, they'll jump the path Wall Street and the social fascism it dictates in a heartbeat.

I do it all the time dealing with my customers, (I house-paint, and have been going into the homes of the middle-class for three decades and the fear nowadays is nearly universal) MANY of whom now don't even have TV's in their homes anymore. As far as changing the consumer to undermine Wall Street, once the TV's gone, the rest is academic. And tit.

The loudmouthed strum und drang is dramatic, and most certainly a satisfying rush but it really doesn't connect much for those trying to make ends meet on Main Street.

Go after Wall Street by getting to the hearts and minds of Main Street.

Losing customers is the biggest terror for them.

[-] 1 points by Quasimofo (7) 13 years ago

Oh please, PLEASE I beg you to come for me. I have a nice surprise wrapped in hollow pointed wrapper waiting for you. YOU are the reason our movement will self-destruct. Inciting violence against the very people that fund us. Fucking idiot.

[-] 0 points by BillyQuizboy (4) 13 years ago

You're right, I don't know if it is. Of course, if this "protest" had a goal in mind, you might be able to determine where the best place to stage it would be. But since this seems to be a random, protest-for-protesting's-sake kind of thing, I guess one place is as good as another. Maybe you guys could occupy the Metropolitan Museum of Art, you know, for the media attention and system disruption. Hell, you guys could just run around Manhattan naked if disruption and attention is all you want.

[-] 2 points by DDVoltaire (0) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Wall Street broke America, is that not reason enough? Wall Street owns Washington, which is why Washington obeys Wall Street. Not reason enough? Demand is stagnating while Washington continues to supply the supply siders. 16% of Americans are unemployed (including the number above the official 9.2% who have stopped looking or never bothered trying), and Washington is more concerned about how nervous the markets are than how desperate the unemployed are. Wall St's pockets were loaded with TARP funds and bailouts, and not one of the fuckers who almost sank the whole world into depression has paid a dime or a day in jail for their crimes. Not reason enough?

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

What did Wall street actually do ? Sounds like rhetoric to me. Wall street did not make/create the bad real estate loans,,,,,or create cheap money etc. Didn't Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac create the standards for mortgage loans used my banks and credit unions ? Wall street simply re-sold these mortgages from banks/credit unions to financial institutions who wanted to own them in a portfolio.

What about the individuals who lied on BILLIONS of dollar of ALt A mortgage loan applications ? Isn't it they who levered themselves up and then defaulted quickly ? And then the whole house of card came back.

Regarding....TARP......isn't it true that 90% of the TARP money has been repaid with interest ?

What am I missing here?

I think this who rally is naive...... I do not see how Wall street broke AMerica......

[-] 1 points by parelli (3) 13 years ago

sounds like someone has been listening to one side of the "news" again....Corporate profits have been surging while the economy and middle-class suffer and lose jobs. This is what it's all about. Banks and insurance companies were bailed out and then paid out large bonuses.

[-] 1 points by bantuline (4) 13 years ago

But regardless of whether it was paid back -- they are now paying each other huge bonuses and not spending or lending to stimulate the economy.

[-] 0 points by BillyQuizboy (4) 13 years ago

I think you're being a bit hyperbolic, honestly. I know the idea of a secret society of corporate fatcats plotting to ruin everyone's life appeals to peoples' romantic sides, but it's more complex than that. I'm not defending the current economic system entirely, as I'm well aware it has its share of serious problems, but "Wall Street broke America [and] owns Washington" is a bit dramatic. Furthermore, even assuming "it's all Wall Street's fault" is a real reason, you still aren't proposing a solution. You're just harping. This, again, brings me back to my original question, which no one seems to be able to answer, which is, what will this "protest" actually do about the problem? What is the goal that you want to see? What are you proposing to do about the problem? Sometimes I almost think people like the organizers of things like this don't actually want change, because if positive change is implemented, they won't be able to be self-righteously indignant anymore.

[-] 2 points by DDVoltaire (0) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Why don't you go away then? What's so attracting you to this action that you keep coming back to whine about it? Seriously, what's your problem? You want to take part but you're afraid? Is that it? Join up or get lost. But don't offer an argument based on timidity.

[-] 4 points by Beetlejuice (4) from Steep Falls, ME 13 years ago

Ronin's right about infiltration, not only into the crowds to incite violence but in our forums and communication hubs as well. Thus I highly recommend we approach both the organization and execution of this occupation with scientific precision.

That being said, we need to stop this immobilizing in-fighting about who exactly to blame or whether Wall Street is a legitimate location for the sit-in.

Yes, 'suburban consumers' are at fault. However, we cannot occupy suburbia indefinitely, we can only plant a seed of the idea in the minds of the suburb dwellers. Add a little water (organized protests) and a lot of sun (constant reminders of the struggle taking place) and we will see a revolution blossoming soon enough.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

It's just a troll.

[-] 3 points by BillyQuizboy (4) 13 years ago

System disruption and media attention is the goal. Simple, direct.

[-] 1 points by BillyQuizboy (4) 13 years ago

Interesting stuff. Maybe you'll put these sorts of ideas to good use one of these days, eh?

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Stay tuned! :D

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Those are facts my friend 16% of Americans ARE unemployed Washington IS more concerned with the stock market than its people Wallstreet DID get bailed out The people who orchestrated the housing bubble fiasco ARE free And not only are they free. They're spending tax payers money on luxuries and trying to undermined those below them even further.

[-] 0 points by Jasonjortiz (4) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

Our demand should be a Constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood. Clear, simple, supported by a large portion of the population and would surely have a radical affect on society. We shut down the corporations as an act that people are more important than fictional financial constructs.

And in doing this we can speak out against a culture of consumerism and rule by consumption.

[-] 3 points by eldiablo0708 (4) 13 years ago

Oh awesome!!!! Shut down the corporations and then what? Oh yeah we could all take up subsistence farming, scrap all the cars and ride bikes, Yeah baby!!!

[-] 1 points by Conservativeforlife (1) 13 years ago

People are so stupid. Stop blaming everyone else and get a job. My great grandfather was poor but he didnt complain, instead he used his smarts to start a business that is now successful. He asked for nothing and was given nothing. Everything he got was from hard work. You could not be anymore right eldiablo0708

[-] 1 points by bantuline (4) 13 years ago

A constitutional amendment to prevent corporations from giving to political campaigns. With the Citizen's United case freeing corporations to make unlimited political donations Exxon-Mobil could very well pick our next president and all of the members of the Senate -- Scary or what?

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

They do that already

[-] 1 points by kcfromny (6) 13 years ago

I agree with you ... very scary ... and very possible. Even though we outnumber these son-of-bitches 50,000 to 1 ... They still find ways to buys elections ... amazing, isn't it?

[-] 1 points by Snappy (1) 13 years ago

What is scary is that the labor unions and special interest groups who are big donators to the DNC and its candidates have a big voice in congress and currently swing a big bat in electing compliant candidates. To be fair, any constitutional amendment must prohibit ALL political donation, except from individuals from their personal funds, not to exceed $3,000.

[-] 1 points by kcfromny (6) 13 years ago

The way I see the OWS movement is -- they're realizing what unions have been saying all along ... the "deck is stacked" against them. Therefore, and if they don't organize together, this country will outsource everything ... including you snappy. Union's battle corporate greed and politicians (everyday) to protect the rights of humanity and the working class. Are they (unions) perfect? No, they're not living in a perfect world also ... and they're just as much up against it as the OWS movement. As for your political donations not to exceed 3K from personal funds argument ... Good luck with that pal! I'm with ya ... but you must understand, unions were against the passage of the Citizens United legislation where out of the blue -- corporations became people in a sweeping decision by our stacked deck of a supreme court system in America I always thought was supposed to be fair? Yes, corporations found a clever way to say (we're people too) when they bought that legislation with your hard earned dollars ... as well as many other pieces of anti-human rights, anti-worker / anti-american legislation ... and they've been buying it for over 35 years.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

Bought judges are widespread when it comes to corporate interests.

[-] 1 points by thepixinator (1) from Spotsylvania, VA 13 years ago

I totally agree with this. There should be at least one clear, concise demand that is rapidly executable, and this is, in my opinion, the first thing that needs to happen to change our economic situation. Prosecuting corrupt Wall St. operators, etc, takes longer.

[-] 1 points by Mesila (1) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

I agree. Start with the completely illogical idea of corporate personhood, which has NO USE but making rich people richer. There is nothing that it offers anyone else. It has given legal protection and more to gigantic corporations, and worse, metacorps: corporations whose only purpose is to be 'umbrella corps' or huge holding companies, for 100s and 1000s of smaller companies, to own them, thus determine their policy, etc. They create no products or services themselves. Corporate personhood has screwed us BAD...so ending corporate personhood is definitely the starting point. Don't forget it!

[-] 1 points by blabla (1) 13 years ago

It is not just corporate personhood - it is union personhood as well - I hear talk of stopping influence in washington - but it is the "total" influence - or is it that you only want one type of influence gone? Whereever there is a buck to be made - greedy people - will exploit that - The left is no better than the right. Would love to see a protest against a union headquarters as well.

[-] 2 points by kcfromny (6) 13 years ago

Interesting comment blabla ... It's no secret, union's fought for the basic human rights you enjoy today and take for granted in this country (look at your history) ... they also fight for decent wages and job security against the greediest corporate politicians and lowest forms of corporate scum behavior (greed) ... what exactly will you be protesting?

[-] -1 points by EEE (-1) 13 years ago

Please do not let this become a union protest---unions are no more democratic than Wall Street. This needs to remain the People's movement to be successful. People for change. Not a union movement. The cause will lose support if you make this about unions. Of course the union leaders are going to jump on your coat tails--be careful!!

[-] 1 points by bantuline (4) 13 years ago

EEE you are being exclusionary and not solidarity -- you exclude Unions you exclude a lot of people whose causes are in line with yours whatever that might be -- why don't you go demonstrate by yourself if you want to start making this a "members only club"

[-] 0 points by EEE (-1) 13 years ago

Sounds like a typical union bully response. Ironically, unions are very exclusionary and one does have to be a member to be in a union. Everyone that supports revolutionizing the system should be included in the protests, of course, and unions can play a very positive role in the cause. But, unions do not operate as a democratic system and the cause to revolutionize to a better democracy for all should not be led astray or overshadowed by the union agenda. I just cared enough to speak up because I don't want the protests to lose support from the mainstream population.

[-] 0 points by Hlh (0) 13 years ago

Right on! I agree completely with eee.

