Wed. 7/25, 6pm-8:30pm: Farmworker Justice Rally & Postcard Drop at Chipotle
Posted 12 years ago on July 24, 2012, 3:24 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
via the Coalition of Immokalee Workers: On July 25th, conscientious consumers from New York to Oakland and more than twenty cities in between are calling on Chipotle to respect the rights of farmworkers who pick the tomatoes that go into Chipotle burritos by demanding that Chipotle commit to a Fair Food Agreement. For a full list of locations in the U.S., see here. For more info on the NYC action, see below.
Where: Chipotle at 17th St & Broadway (864 Broadway)
When: Wednesday, July 25 @6:30 PM
Community/Farmworker Alliance is continuing the NYC campaign against Chipotle on July 25th at the Chipotle by Union Square.
CHIPTOLE- It’s time to stand true to your “sustainable” image and Sign the Fair Food Agreement with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers today!
Join us as we make a wall of postcards to drop off to the manager and hold a rally outside the Union Square store, so that they can see how many people in new york are fed up with their chipocrisy! We’re also encouraging folks to hold up a sign and get their pictures taken for the CHIPOCRISY tumblr!
For six years, Chipotle has refused to come to the table with Coalition of Immokalee Workers to sign a Fair Food Agreement, securing labor protections for workers in the fields of Florida. Despite all of the promotion of having “sustainable vegetables” and cage-free, anti-biotic free meat, Chipotle is still selling Food WithOUT Integrity.
CEO Steve Elis said that “we feel that we do not need to sign a contract to do the right thing. We do the right thing because that’s the kind of company we are…” We all know that corporations don’t just “do the right thing” without contracts that hold them accountable to their purchasing and practices.
Join us in telling CEO Steve Elis and Chipotle that we won’t listen to any more excuses. Sign the Fair Food Agreement NOW! See you there!!
Picket line outside Chipotle in NYC during the Day of Action for Low Wage Workers, 7/24