US Day of Rage's Tactical Plan for Sept 17th
Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 8, 2011, 9:41 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
US Day of Rage, a group participating in the September 17th occupation of wall street, has just released a tactical plan and "HowTo" for holding a legal and nonviolent demonstration in New York City. Their plan clarifies many legal concerns that have been raised and offers a viable strategy for holding a prolonged occupation. This information can be found on their website:
And nobody will miss a day of work.
Please contact RT News if they're not aware of these events yet so they can send their news correspondents to cover these protests. I've been watching their news coverage and editorial news for the past year, and compared to our biased mainstream media, are fair, uncensored and doesn't care about political correctness. Also contact Max Keiser at . He is a former Wall Street analyst and now calls them financial terrorists together with the criminal banking cartels. He's shows are carried on RT, PressTV and on Al Jazeera worldwide.
so if you are going to try to "crash" the market - are you fully aware of that consequence? So does it make since now that others are stock piling food and supplies. If the market crashes there will be no jobs, no food, absolutely nothing but riots because people will be fighting for food, and their very lives. Come on the "stock market" it's self is not the real issue and people in this movement know that. Get real. Get to the bottom of the real problem and move on that. Making America a third world country will not help us or any one else in the world. People complain we need to send more money to help other people in other countries, we will no longer be able to do that. We won't even be able to support ourselves. If there are no jobs there will be no taxes to collect to support the social programs here. NO jobs - NO food. Welfare will be a thing of the past. we will truly all be on the same playing field. A nation can not support all of us out of a job. No health care, Forget your food stamps, NOTHING will come from the goverment because there is nothing coming from us to pay for it. Come on how is this the fault of the stock market. Get a clue peeps
I considered this fact also, then I realized how many resources we have and how many ingenuitive people live here. A crash will hurt us, yes lots of us will be hurt by this, but the recovery will be something glorious, a cohesion of Americans to rebuild thier great nation in dignity instead of greedy gain and gluttony. We need to live in moderation, to not only save ourselves some trouble in the long run but to help fix the world, we could be a model for good instead of gain. We need a reality check, and take a look at ourselves instead of starting wars with others.
While I hear a lot of bitterness and supposed moral indignation about Wall st. I have yet to hear any coherent strategy that will justify this protest? What exactly will this tactical plan accomplish in the end ? What are its objectives? What sort of revolution will this be? Does anyone really know how the Financial system works and how it can be truly reformed so as to bring about a more equitable outcome? Why is not the Government named in this indictment? What about the Federal Reserve? Why is there no "rage" against it? These three institutions are all connected one to another! To address one while the other two conspiritors are ignored is madness! This is anger without knowledge and understanding! I am certain that this demonstration will go nowhere because it is flawed at the outset. A wise man once wrote " where there is no vision the people perish". Another once said "Men never give up their liberties except under some dillusion". So much talk of greed and yet so many are living so lavishly because the freedom to be greedy exists. Take such freedoms away and what will you replace it with? History has shown that when you assail liberty at any point thriugh ignorant passion eventually tyrrany will take its place in one form or another! History has taught us at least that much! How did so many on the Left become rich? The very same freedom that enables the so called greed on Wall St.thats how! The means that you need to stage this demonstration in the first place is not comming from the poor. Is it? The financial system needs real reform and the obvious advantages that come with wealth and its abuses by those in power must be addressed. But I am afraid that the authors of this day of rage are not up for the task.
I don't believe there is a soul on this planet who is up for the responsibility of fixing the financial system. There's no way to compromise with a "golem", he will sneak and weasel his way around any rule, and with so much power he'll always get his way because we all cower in fear of being poor. I wish there was a fix, a solution to keep things rolling the way they have been for so long, but I have this dreaded feeling we are wasting time trying to patch the hole when we should be abandoning ship, because the rich steer the ship but there's only enough emergency boats for them. When I say "abandon ship" I don't mean "oh well fuck it", I mean we need to know when our "way" isn't the best thing for humanit .No one can "abolish" greed its one of the many natures of man, but there's no reason we shouldn't check greed once in a while, its gotten out of hand and its pulling everyone down with it. So what's the plan then? Exercise a bit of restraint? Force moderation upon ourselves? Be poorer? Struggle a bit? Doesn't sound like anything many people haven't already been doing. Let's prepare to make a change during our "calamity" instead of ignoring it until we are forced to face the fact that the system is unsustainable. The longer we wait the worse its gonna be when we hit bottom. I can't imagine another way.... then again I'm only 23, I may need to be enlightened.
Day of rage? I thought it was days of rage
beware of agent provocateurs...occupy wall street
About october 15 protest (in Spanish):
You all realize only DB is left on the Street right?.... o wait probably shouldn't have said that.
you need to get some of these people living in tent cities bussed up here somehow.
The US day of Rage dates way back to the 60's. I'm sure they'll bring leadership and expirience to the protest.
id rather occupy congress.
Do BRING tents. It doesn't matter if you're allowed or not. Tents are the key of protests, so you can take power on the streets again! It has been done in Spain and it's a very successful tactic.
The initial plan is bringing tents for a reason. Do not step back. Do not have fear. Fear is our enemy. BRING TENT.
This should be held on a WEEKDAY, when Wall Street is doing business..
It is going to span 2 months
Ha ha yes Mator Bloomberg will put up with that. Also you are doing this 6 days after the 911 anniversary - every cop on the force is already mobilized.
I fully agree with so many down here who try to make this thing work by promoting non-violence, inclusion and constructive ideas instead of bragging about 'rage', 'violence on Wall Street' and attacking cops.
It's childish, non-constructive nonsense that lies at the essence of why a thing like this will fail as long as there isn't:
I think many Americans, (and immigrants like myself), are very sympathetic to efforts like these. But let it be hijacked by whiny lefty radicals, and your efforts are doomed to fail.
While I support USDoR, the title will mislead millions of people into thinking this is about revenge and "wild in the streets".
"Don't bring a tent"? Is OccWS giving up on their entire plan (remember all that "bring a tent" rhetoric?)?
In Spain, tents have been one of the keys for success of the movement. It allows people to live on the street for some days and take power. It's a proven successful tactic. It doens't matter if it's "allowed" or not. Of course, they aren't going to "allow" us to change the world. Do not have fear. BRING TENT.
Here's a thought from an outsider. If you want to even appear nonviolent, don't use the word rage in the name of your event. You look like you're supporting violence already which undermines your cause.
Definition of RAGE 1 a : violent and uncontrolled anger b : a fit of violent wrath c archaic : insanity 2: violent action (as of wind or sea)
Even after spending several minutes on this site and , I have no idea what is ACTUALLY being protested other than "We hate Wall St."
hey we are all outsiders, except for maybe the people coming up with names and running websites and plans. this isn't going to do very much good if we continue to be so divisive, even if it's something as simple as calling yourself an 'outsider'. -Calum
p.s. i think it's more about just gathering together than having one specific goal. any demand is almost certainly not going to be met, anyway - not from one gathering alone. the idea is that anyone who sees that the United States is doing far more damage than the world and its people can or will sustain is going to make time to come together with others to do our best to stop or at least hinder the innumerable processes that are ruthlessly destroying just about everything that is good. -calum
I was just thinking that!
While I agree that rage can mean violence. It can also mean a strong feeling, passion about something. Which I notice you conveniently left off your "definition." I wouldn't have chosen the word rage either but that doesn't change who they are or what they are fighting for. It doesn't change the fact that Americans are going to show up to be American, by questioning the status quo and demanding that something be done.
People are angry that Wall Street and Washington have thrown our country under the bus and the people along with it. Rage is an apt word and perhaps there are violent feelings on behalf of some, but these people are looking to the protests in Egypt as a guide. Meaning peaceful.
As for what they stand for, ultimately what they stand for is change. Positive change for The United States and the rest of the world. They may not have a pithy slogan, but they do have honest and earnest concern for themselves, their families, their communities, their country and the world. Whether you agree with them or not, it takes guts and determination to stand up for what you believe in.
The word rage isn't the whole issue here. It's the reference to The Days of rage protests is what I take issue with.
I think it's fair to use the word "rage" in this context. You can be angry without using violence, and I think what the Wall Street has done, people have every right to be.
I agree. You kind of play into the hands of the whole "Anti-hippie" thing.
Use day of "Peace" or "Love" or "Justice"
Good luck. I'm telling all of my friends
The Police, The thugs in Blue, The gang with the guns, the arrogant mother fucker enforcers who are the paid goons of the corruptors, yes they are people, someone's sons, someone's parents , they are also the guy with the gun and body armor who will crack your scull open without hesitation. Brainwashed!
Nice to see that the thought police are out in force, deleting my comment as well as the response.
Oh yes, do not expect a balanced discussion here.
On a Saturday? Seriously.. if you want to make a statement, why not on a WEEKday ? do you think any of those Wall St. crooks are going to give a flying cranston about something which doesn't disrupt their normal workday?
This isn't a single day occupation. With a little bit of luck we'll be there for weeks if not months.
It may be helpful to remember that the NYPD is under attack as well. Bringing the police force on board is essential to making change happen. The Fire Department in NY is also under attack. Fire houses have closed. Their unions are under attack from a concerted national attack on Unions. They aren't getting rich and their wealth has been depleted just like teachers and the rest of us.
It's a mistake to make the police the enemy. Even if they arrest us. Talk to them about how Wall Street has taken control of the three branches of government. How the police are Middle Class people and need to join forces with their own kind, offering leniency for the right cause.
You'd have about as much luck asking the police to join us as you'd have asking the military to stage a coup d'état. We never made the police our enemies; that was a decision they made for themselves when they arrested nine of our comrades who hadn't broken any laws. As I've said before, the best way to deal with the police is to not start fights or give them an excuse to arrest us. Yes, the police are everyday working class citizens like the rest of us, but they also have to follow orders to keep their jobs and right now those orders are to fight us tooth and nail. Since you feel so strongly about befriending the NYPD, may I ask what efforts you've made to reach out to them?
The one hope of bringing the NYPD on board lies in the presence, in good numbers, of 9/11 first responders. Officers on duty on September 17th will have to decide whether to get rough with retired cops, fire and rescue personnel and EMS professionals. I can't see them arresting and beating up on heroes who once wore the same badges and/or uniforms but were forced to hang them up after getting sick.
If NYPD officers and other law enforcement agents present on #Sep17 stand with the people in the same spirit the Egyptian army stood with the people against their US backed dictator, the event stands a better chance of being civilized.
Do you really think the police are going to stop and ask people about their affiliations before arresting them? And you dishonor the people of the middle east who have real hardship by comparing yourself to them. Try telling them you are protesting over the fact that some people make more money than you or you only want to work 4 days a week, and they probably will hit you.
Let's try not to play oppression olympics here. There'll always be someone in the world that has it worse off than you, but that doesn't invalidate your actions. It doesn't matter if the people coming on Sept 17th are privileged or disenfranchised, we all see how badly Wall Street greed and corruption hurts the people of the world and as Americans it's our duty to stop it.
I love this argument spoken like a true person without a care, I've lost everything in my life, I live month to month, can barely make ends meet, don't think there aren't 10's of millions in this country suffering, that's why I'm going to this rally, this country is a LIE! Freedom = Slavery in the USA! I don't see that he compared himself with that anyway, after all this is supposed to be a Tahir moment, personally I want to burn it all down and start fresh, but basically I'm a peaceful and gentle person! And when we used to demo in Europe and the cops attacked, we dragged them off there mounts and kicked them!
You're wrong, I help people all the time. In fact if I knew you and you needed help I would share whatever I had with you. That is what most NYers and most Americans do - help each other, even those of us that dont have alot. But the difference is that is my choice. Trying to take what others have because you percieve and injustice is stealing.
Here's my sign: I dont have alot, but what I have I share because I choose to. I count myself among ther fortunate. Yes I have student loans and a big mortgage but I will do whatever I can to meet those obligations because I made a promise to. I am the 99%.
Burn it all down and start fresh, yeah nice fantasy. I wish I could go back and not drop that fly ball which lost the little league game. Grow some balls and deal with life. Create something, help someone, do something constructive, otherwise you are just two bit crybaby.
u are either disingenuous or stupid. I received a letter from the Pres. Obama telling me to keep on marching. He hates Wall st like the rest of us cause: 1) Wall st runs corporate America, and corporate America does not create the jobs that are necessary to sustain the economy.
2) Take the biggest 5 corporations in the US. Microsoft, IBM, Exxon, GE, Apple. Together they have 100,000 employees on their payroll in the U.S. As an Economist I have done my analytical research and have come with a formula of $1 billion sales = I000 employees. This translates to over 1.6 million jobs for these 5 corporations without making a dent on their balance sheet. This can happen only if we completely dismantle Wall St.
3) Take the 5 biggest corp in a socialist economy. Nestle , Mercedes, Philips, airbus industry, etc. They have a better outlook on the environment.
4) Wall st is completely rigged. We have to dismantle it right now. It destroys the environment, our families, our fabric of society, etc.
HAHAHAHA! Oh my God. Let's run down that list of fail point by point.
You did not receive a letter from President Obama. Jesus. You received a letter from some staffer who's hoping you vote Democrat come November 2012. Have you ever seen a president's planner? I'm surprised they have time to sleep, they sure as hell aren't sending out fan mail.
Wall st. doesn't "run" corporate America. There are tens of thousands of corporations, all of which act essentially autonomously. Otherwise, it's called collusion, which is illegal. Wall Street is where a lot of the investment banks are headquartered and it's also where the stock exchange is but the stock exchange does not run anything because all it is is a measure of economic activity occuring elsewhere in America.
What's your analytical research? Please, give me the formula you used so I can peer review this study. Also, there's no way you're an economist, and if you are you suck at it. Your "economic analysis" means Microsoft, IBM, Exxon, GE and Apple should all hire 320,000 workers. To do what? All that would do is saturate the market with goods if they used all those people for production. Then, Mr. Economist, the prices of those goods would plummet. That's good for me, not good for Microsoft. Your suggestion would result in a downard spiral in profits, and why would any business do that?
B.S. Philips has fifteen factories in the eastern U.S., there's a nestle factory by my house and my uncle in Cincinnatti used to work for Airbus. Nestle also employs child labor and gets they're cocoa from Zimbabwe. Clearly they didn't get the "socialist" message. And since when is the Netherland's socialist anyway?
Even better, Mercedes isn't even a company. Mercedes-benz is a type of car owned by Daimler which has now merged with Chrystler to form DaimlerChrystler. So the Mercedes-Benz is owned by by a company formed from a merger that is half American. I think that "economist" is an idiot.
You kicked them yet you are a peaceful person? And the say NYers are animals.
Go back to Europe if you don't like it here. I'm sick of assholes like you that haven't a clue in the world how much better off you are living in this country. All you need is a swift kick in the ass. Go find a second job, if you have to. Quite feeling sorry for yourself. "I lost everything I had in my life" like millions of people before you haven't experienced this. They don't protest because this country is a lie. Most of us with backbone pick ourselves off the oh shit heap and rebuild. So you want to burn it all down, that's real smart. So I'll have to pay more taxes to help rebuild what you fuckup. I hope that when you light the match I'm standing next to you, because I'll shove it up your ass so deep, your tonsils will glow. Gentle people do not kick cops when thy are dragged to the ground. You sound like a total pussy. A group of little shitheads dragging down a man and beating him. You must be such a hero in you little distraught brain. Guess you can't fight like a man one on one, whimp. Like I said go back to where you came from if you don't like it here.
These people are using the language of democracy and oppression only to distract and deceive. They are not suffering oppression at all. They are fascists who know that fascism does not play well in the U.S. So they use the language to oppression to gain a following. If they really felt oppressed, then they would go back to Europe, as you suggest, and enjoy the socialist state. But they don't do that.
Fair enough but the actions should fit the environment. Attempting to shut down commerce in Manhattan just because some rich privledged kids on wall street are overpaid just comes across as whining. If the goal really is to break governments dependence on corporate influence, start a political party and change the laws. You may not like the tea baggers but they managed to get noticed and influence election results in a real way all without sitting on the sidewalks. If you want change you have to work for it in a real way - not with a glorified flash mob all staring at their twitter feeds looking for direction.
FYI - there is a political party called the coffee party - it exists and it's educated about the issues and it's all about getting money out of politics. They have an event scheduled in front of the white house "Enough-is-Enough" march on October 29th - be there, be strong, we can overcome -
this isn't about one party, two parties - it's about all of us - everyone - reach out to everyone - GOP, Democrats, the labels are what divide us - we need a new way but until we have real democracy we can not have a 'new' way. The only way to have a 'new' way is to take money out of politics. I love this idea of occupying Wall Street - but it can't stop here
Where is the change Obama promised. While you are off making change the slow way letting our country go to shit, we will be busy demanding change now.
The tea party also has a lot of money backing them, which is were the real influence comes from.
Does the Socialist Party have the Union thugs backing them? Yes, yes they do. The Tea Party....LOL !!
Hence this action
Don't call this a "day of rage" If you want to be taken seriously stop with the violent rhetoric.
Did you learn nothing from the plight of the weather underground...
US Day of Rage is a 100% peaceful group that ardently promotes nonviolence and civil disobedience. If people find US-DOR's name offensive, I can't help but wonder how strongly they feel about the violence happening every day on Wall Street. Like the people who lost their homes and jobs during the financial meltdown or the babies who die of starvation each time rich investors decide to gamble on the price of food. If "rage" isn't an appropriate response to these things, then I don't know what is!
rage is defined as "violent uncontrollable behavior."
a focused and controlled response would be more tactful. Day of rage? Really? this whole thing oozes of romanticism. Which is why it'll never be taken seriously.
I think you should try to look beyond the name – even if it bothers you. Organizing this kind of event is a major thing, and trying to play it down mocking it's name is not the greatest way to "chip in". Choosing a name is a tactical choice, but you shouldn't get hung up on it. The biggest thing is the message that this event is conveying.
But I agree fully with "jart", if rage isn't an appropriate response, then I don't know what is.
I'm not mocking it by any means. You do realize "day of rage" is a reference to a 3 day violent direct action protest against the police in the 60's?
exactly. the operative word is violent. Any poor fool who thinks this will end well is too disconnected from reality to know what's coming. the nonviolent should stay home because Wall street will be no place for the timid when this turns south. of course they'll blame the police. it has to be the fault of the system, not the people smashing windows and lighting fires.
because smashing windows and lighting fires solves our problems
but only if you do it nonviolently