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We are the 99 percent

From Tahrir Square to Times Square: Protests Erupt in Over 1,500 Cities Worldwide

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:08 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Tens of Thousands in Streets of Times Square, NY

Tens of Thousands Flood the Streets of Global Financial Centers, Capitol Cities and Small Towns to "Occupy Together" Against Wall Street Mid-Town Manhattan Jammed as Marches Converge in Times Square

New York, NY -- After triumphing in a standoff with the city over the continued protest of Wall Street at Liberty Square in Manhattan's financial district, the Occupy Wall Street movement has spread world wide today with demonstrations in over 1,500 cities globally and over 100 US cities from coast to coast. In New York, thousands marched in various protests by trade unions, students, environmentalists, and community groups. As occupiers flocked to Washington Square Park, two dozen participants were arrested at a nearby Citibank while attempting to withdraw their accounts from the global banking giant.

"I am occupying Wall Street because it is my future, my generations' future, that is at stake," said Linnea Palmer Paton, 23, a student at New York University. "Inspired by the peaceful occupation of Tahrir Square in Cairo, tonight we are are coming together in Times Square to show the world that the power of the people is an unstoppable force of global change. Today, we are fighting back against the dictators of our country - the Wall Street banks - and we are winning."

New Yorkers congregated in assemblies organized by borough, and then flooded the subway system en mass to join the movement in Manhattan. A group calling itself Todo Boricua Para Wall Street marched as a Puerto Rican contingent of several hundred playing traditional music and waving the Lares flag, a symbol of resistance to colonial Spain. "Puerto Ricans are the 99% and we will continue to join our brothers and sisters in occupying Wall Street," said David Galarza Santa, a trade unionist from Sunset Park, Brooklyn. "We are here to stand with all Latinos, who are being scapegoated by the 1%, while it is the bankers who have caused this crisis and the banks who are breaking the law."

While the spotlight is on New York, "occupy" actions are also happening all across the Midwestern and the Southern United States, from Ashland, Kentucky to Dallas, Texas to Ketchum, Idaho. Four hundred Iowans marched in Des Moines, Iowa Saturday as part of the day of action:

"People are suffering here in Iowa. Family farmers are struggling, students face mounting debt and fewer good jobs, and household incomes are plummeting," said Judy Lonning a 69-year-old retired public school teacher. "We're not willing to keep suffering for Wall Street's sins. People here are waking up and realizing that we can't just go to the ballot box. We're building a movement to make our leaders listen."

Protests filled streets of financial districts from Berlin, to Athens, Auckland to Mumbai, Tokyo to Seoul. In the UK over 3,000 people attempted to occupy the London Stock Exchange. "The financial system benefits a handful of banks at the expense of everyday people," said Spyro Van Leemnen, a 27-year old public relations agent in London and a core member of the demonstrators. "The same people who are responsible for the recession are getting away with massive bonuses. This is fundamentally unfair and undemocratic."

In South Africa, about 80 people gathered at the Johannesburg Securities Exchange, Talk Radio 702 reported. Protests continued despite police efforts to declare the gathering illegal. In Taiwan, organizers drew several hundred demonstrators, who mostly sat quietly outside the Taipei World Financial Center, known as Taipei 101.

600 people have begun an occupation of Confederation Park in Ottawa, Canada today to join the global day of action. "I am here today to stand with Indigenous Peoples around the world who are resisting this corrupt global banking system that puts profits before human rights," said Ben Powless, Mohawk citizen and indigenous youth leader. "Native Peoples are the 99%, and we've been resisting the 1% since 1492. We're marching today for self- determination and dignity against a system that has robbed our lands, poisoned our waters, and oppressed our people for generations. Today we join with those in New York and around the world to say, No More!"

In Australia, about 800 people gathered in Sydney's central business district, carrying cardboard banners and chanting "Human need, not corporate greed." Protesters will camp indefinitely "to organize, discuss and build a movement for a different world, not run by the super-rich 1%," according to a statement on the Occupy Sydney website.

The movement's success is due in part to the use of online technologies and international social networking. The rapid spread of the protests is a grassroots response to the overwhelming inequalities perpetuated by the global financial system and transnational banks. More actions are expected in the coming weeks, and the Occupation of Liberty Square in Manhattan will continue indefinitely.

Occupy Wall Street is a people powered movement that began on September 17, 2011 in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District, and has spread to over 100 cities in the United States and actions in over 1,500 cities globally. #OWS is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in generations.The movement is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Greece, Italy and the UK, and aims to expose how the richest 1% of people who are writing the rules of the global economy are imposing an agenda of neoliberalism and economic inequality that is foreclosing our future.




Read the Rules
[-] 18 points by zcommonsense (17) 13 years ago

To all of my brother’s and sister’s at OWS, I am a disabled veteran who served in the USAF; now, it is my turn to thank you for your service to our country. Dallas Oregon

[-] 1 points by aLibertarian (44) 13 years ago

From my nose to my toes as a native american and an indian and a warrior and as a major looser, thank you for saying that. Father, we still hold the oath dear and you can be I will fight for our wampums as have the people before me and we will never, ever give up. My order and me, we will fight for the people because they are all we have left. But in your example father, we will not fight with our fists; we are called to be spirit warriors and our only weapons are to be love and understanding. Father, pray for us and with us that we have the strength to never use our fists. Thanks for being you.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

You are welcomed and We thank you for your service to this country.

[-] 1 points by spacepatrol (6) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

We thank you for the work you did for our country, without which we would have no concept of duty. My uncle was in the USAF in Vietnam; I'm 99% sure he's against the OWS--what we look like, what we stand for, et cetera. So it means a lot to me that you see what real patriotism and humanity can mean.

[-] 2 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

A vet's sign at the protest reads, "This is the first time I knew who the enemy truly is." 'Nuff said.

[-] 0 points by TheDude (18) 13 years ago

NOW HEAR THIS: Corporate Tall by VOLTFACE - a song about Wall Street. Wonderfully appropriate! Its the Anthem we needed!

Listen for FREE on BANDCAMP:


Available on iTunes as well...

[+] -11 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago

They have no gratitude for your service dude. This is a group of people whom by their own admission would rather burn the flag of the United States than raise it. If you want to find patriotism, it is not here.

[-] 6 points by madkins71 (6) 13 years ago

Fundamentally misunderstands what these young people are about. Patriotism isn't about accepting the misrule of others. In the USA, patriotism is engaging in corrective criticism. To sit by passively and accept injustice is not American. I feel gratitude toward those who defend the Constitution, but not toward those who would misinterpret it for their own interests. Thank you USAF veterans! No thank you to dupes of the extreme right, of intolerance, of unfairness!

[-] 4 points by convertiblecaddy (89) 13 years ago

I agree

[-] 4 points by peacegirl22 (18) from Bedford, NY 13 years ago

well said.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

That's telling 'em ! Here Here!

[-] 0 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago

Patriotism is about loving your country. And for the past four days, I have read posts here everyday about how the Iranian murder plot was actually Obama-Romney conspiring to win the presidential election. Respect the Iranians more than Obama and Romney? The absurdity

[-] 3 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

Loving your country means you are willing to see the truth. It means you willing to say No when your politicians are corrupt and exploiting your people. It means you are inspired by love to improve the lives of your brothers and sisters ... not that you more interested in perserving your bank account and position by fighting for a broken status quo, that just doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

[-] -1 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago

The truth is that the Iranians plotted to murder the Saudi and Israeli ambassadors. You speak of "the truth" in one sentence and claim that NASA never landed on the moon in the next. THAT doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

I reread my post a few times and I have never once on this site mentioned anything about the Moon. You are clearly bringing in some interesting, and baseless assumptions.

In regards to Iran, who told you this was the truth? The American gov. I'm not saying we should always distrust our government, but I'm continually amazed that many folks who are pro-small-government because they believe the government can't be trusted don't question the military intelligence they are given.

The american gov wants to go to war in Iran next. Here is an explanation of why this supposed terror plot by Iran is highly unlikely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i04SCb8PJI4

[-] 1 points by mimbar (3) from Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 13 years ago

was NASA really landed on the moon?

[-] 1 points by mimbar (3) from Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 13 years ago

it was supposed to be a rhetoric question, MadProfit. but thanks anyway.

[-] 2 points by Nicolas (258) from Québec, QC 13 years ago

I would rather say that patriotism is about loving your countrymen (and women). You don't have to love your government. There are patriots in dictatorships, and they are not the sycophants and the secret polices.

(No I am not saying America is a dictatorship)

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

Hey! Did you know that the media is programmed to put out this type of news/propagonda. Its called "fear net" or "celebrety gossip" It distracts people from what is really going on, within the governments dirty halls on The Hill and other legistrative branches.

Bush Admins and his congress did it for did it for 8 yrs. Now Obama Admins and that corrupt congress do the same today.

That's how they did thoose wallstreets deals!

Wake Up!

[-] 1 points by ttmmhh1 (16) 13 years ago

wow! the mind sees what it wants to see.

[-] 0 points by anonbloom (55) 13 years ago

why would you feel any strong feelings toward a bunch of arbitrary invisible lines on the ground? (borders of countries) patriotism is one of the most destructive inventions ever created... all these invisible lines need to go. no borders!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I totally agree. Countries were formed out of greed, the need for power and control, and fighting.

[-] 3 points by mandy465 (11) 13 years ago

They're extremely patriotic! Their standing up for the rights of your country men

[-] 1 points by anonbloom (55) 13 years ago

and women and people of all genders

[-] 2 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

You couldn't be further from the truth.

[-] 3 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

I keep hearing that protesters inspired by the OWS movement are dirty smelly hippies who are asking for handouts and need to get a job. This attempt to discredit these brave people who are not afraid to stand up and be counted amongst the 99% (and many of whom work hard at jobs and have nothing to show for it) is some of the most hateful, virtiolic, and above all Un-American rhetoric spewed forth by political robots who benefit from the way things are. If it benefits them (and them alone), don't fix it, they think. Or in other words, these protesters made decisions which led them away from cutthroat decision making world of large capital gain. Since these decisions are based on the paths laid out for them by the ones putting you in debt (their dream, not yours) the protesters somehow have made "wrong" decisions and must now suffer for it. This is not representative of the right to "life, liberty, and the pursiuit of happiness" for all. The deal goes something like this. "I have something you need", says the potential slave master. You can't get it (fuel, food, shelter, transportation, education etc.) unless you go through a system set up by Slave Owners Inc.". "Gosh", thinks the potential slave "I won't be able to survive without these things, I'd better see what kind of deal is offered." The only deal that is offered is that if you don't accept the terms given, you won't get the __ you need. Now, were there to be other options that would be one thing, but if you don't have food, you starve. If you don't have shelter, you are homeless. If you don't have oil based fuel, you can't get to work or school. Now I'm not saying things can't be juggled - but when the only thing on offer is an absolute NEED, then it becomes a human right, and to squeeze people because what you offer is a neccesity is not an offer - it's extortion - terrorism. Period. The OWS protesters aren't protesting their need for iPhones. or fine-art. or the building of skyscrapers - they're protesting the fact that while corporations, banks, and the government give money to themselves to keep the large economic circulation going, many in those institutions have stopped the circulation and abused the grants given to them to help out the economy, not them personaly. Much of the 99% won't feel this, but be warned - YOU WILL. IF THINGS GO ON UNCHANGED. So, the slave owners get you to sign legal documents tying you in to unbreakable 'deals" which follows the letter of the law and not the spirirt of the law - and they do this full well knowing that you are desperate and may not be able to fulfill the bargain. Then they whine and complain like little piggies and hide behind their pieces of signed paper crying out "LAWs! Laws! We have laws!" Funny how they become virtuous when something they feel is important is at stake (even though the amount of capital they accumulate means they will never have to know the terror that the poor feel) but when it's citizens who aren't afraid to rock the boat of commerce and crticise it justly suddenly it's just a "bunch of dirty, smelly, hippies". If this is what the American dream is, then the dream is over. If what they did, as Obama said, is not illegal - just immoral - then it is time to enact laws to stop this kind of unethical behaviour, or redefine how our economy works. It is time for change. It is time for these people to move out of the country they are raping with their Economic Terrorism. Let them move to the countries where they have outsourced all our jobs so that they no longer enjoy the freedoms America has offered them which they have abused to the detriment of the People. Look high and low for whatever legal and other kinds of rightful leverage are out there. Bombard the right people with phone calls and letters. DO NOT LET THE PROTESTING STOP. THEY ARE TRYING TO DISCREDIT AND MINIMISE THE IMPACT OF THE PROTESTS WITH LITTLE MEDIA COVERAGE - do it however you can - online video sites, petitions, call in favours in Hollywood, do whatever it takes to wipe the smiles off of these bastards faces. You can't force them to be empathetic - many of them have lost that ability through years of killing their own souls (occupational hazard) but you can help get the message to the right people who can try to change/transform the very system they are abusing. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. A revolutionary change (especially if it's bloodless) is a GOOD THING at this time in our history. It NEEDS to happen.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I totally agree.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

I am with you!

[-] 1 points by spid3rfly (2) from Louisville, KY 13 years ago

I loved this post! To be fair with the 1%....you mentioned a lot of right wing political groups.....yes that is true, but there is just as much corruption on the dem left side too.

I'm as liberal as they come....but over the past year or 2...I've given up faith in the democratic party as well.

And we all know, both sides working together is something that's becoming unheard of in today's world....

[-] 1 points by zorbaka2 (61) 13 years ago

me too. both sides are controlled by lobbyists.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

1% supporters/lots of right wing political groups to the White House:

"Where are the jobs? Where are the jobs?"


"We will not hire, we hoard assets even though the market has improved, holding America hostage for political gain"

1% supporters/lots of right wing political groups to OWS protesters:

"Go get jobs."

The inherent contradictions will be ignored, of course, since it doesn't serve their purposes. Blast through their shield of feigned ignorance with facts that can't be dismissed.

[-] 3 points by nvwikiwiki (5) 13 years ago

I can not be there physically but I am spiritually. I am grateful for all those who are risking their lives to voice the frustrations of most Americans.
As for myself I stand for: changing the tax codes to abolish subsidies and credits that benefits just a handful of Americans.

  1. Abolish the second home credits
  2. Abolish the subsidies for work credits that involves writing off meals, travel, equipments, clothing etc.
  3. Abolish the subsidies for oil, gas and agriculture.
  4. Abolish the child credits. Our taxes should go to supporting infrastructure, providing free education up to receiving a baccalaureate degree in any degree that benefits our society - science,, MD, Nurses, teachers, police, fire fighters and the military.
    Our politicians should receive a set base salary and benefits that are the same as our military. Health care should be free to all Americans. Social Security and medicare tax should be mandatory for all and no cut offs. Wall street should make their share holders aware of and able to vote on all salaries of administrative leaders.
[-] 2 points by Plytyme (2) 13 years ago

Don't let the 1% take over the movement. Soros is the 1%!

[-] 2 points by Juggerblot (4) 13 years ago


Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



[-] 2 points by Abridge3141 (117) 13 years ago

I agree

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

This appears to be spam put forward by a Paulie. One time is enough.

[-] 2 points by AmericaWakesUP (5) 13 years ago

Thank You for Standing Up! I attended the Occupy Wisconsin! We can have higher wages because we know our CEO's Make 471 times the average salary. We know we can have better school, health care, and help our seniors when we stop the wars. We don't need Lobbyist, we don't need corporations writing our laws, and we don't need coporations buying our politicians! We need the 99% to unite!

[-] 2 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

Occupy, my favorite moment at OccupySF was at the end of the night when folks had the chance to go up for a few minutes to speak whatever was one their mind, with the people's mic. It was incredible to hear people's stories, thoughts, ideas, etc... you need to do this everywhere :)

[-] 2 points by dealdoctor (148) 13 years ago

I am a white male who grew up in the county between Selma and Montgomery through which Martin Luther King, Jr. marched. The local white population at that time thought he was a bum surrounded with a mob of worthless people. He was showing people what democracy looks like and today most Americans realize that. LIberty is NOT enough because in America there must be liberty AND justice for ALL or it is not America. Liberty ALONE allows one class to bully another without any check or control. It was black vs white then but it is the Big Money Bankers vs the 99% now. How can people be SO blind as not to see that Justice is crying out in our nation? The French revolution was about liberty, equality and fraternity. In America we shortened it to liberty and justice for all. Occupy Wall Street is the MLK, Jr Justice March of our time. Now is the time for the 99% , We the People to form a more perfect union. The bankers, the economic royalty must be removed from their thrones. Justice demands it. I am proud of each one of you and proud to be a part of you.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

There never has been equality and justice for all in this country. It's about damn time it happens.

[-] 2 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Dear Brothers and Sisters, here's a demand and slogan we can all support (but which will expose all the politicians as frauds): STOP THE EVICTIONS! STOP THE FORECLOSURES! Congratulations to all of you on an absolutely fantastic job. I was an activist in the antiwar and women's movements, and wanted to offer one demand I thought of that can bring millions more supporters into the movement: "Stop the Evictions! Stop the Foreclosures!" All it would take would be for local OWS people to show up at a home that's being foreclosed and demonstrate in support of the homeowners and demand that they not be evicted. It would be an instant media event, and garner sympathy all over the country and the world. This demand--stop throwing people out of their homes--is directly aimed at the big banks who hold the mortgages. We can do this type of campaign without giving in on anything else--and without being co-opted by any individual or any organization. A national campaign--like the Oct. 15 global day of protests--would galvanize the country, and people need this support! I even read that some banks are considering tearing down the houses they've foreclosed on--that's capitalism! Throw the people out and tear down their houses! That's why we need a strong campaign--Stop the evictions! Stop the foreclosures! (This also relates to the recent victory in preventing Brookfield from evicting OWS from Liberty Plaza.)

Judy New York City

PS I'll come down in person to talk to you about this as soon as I get my 2010 taxes filed tomorrow. Thanks again!

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Hey, you're onto something! Great idea.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

You're right on! Thanks.

[-] 2 points by wheattoast (5) 13 years ago

I have been a frequent participant and supporter of OWS. I'm a little concerned about the wording "two dozen participants were arrested at a nearby Citibank while attempting to withdraw their accounts". If participants were indeed arrested for simply trying to close their accounts, that's quite a shocking story which will surely help rally fence-sitters to our cause. If, however, the participants in that action were actively protesting inside the Citibank, then when THAT story gets out, the fence-sitters will see OWS as having spun the story just like Fox News untruthfully spins their stories. Please, in order to be better than the lying mainstream media we so vehemently oppose, please correct the reporting to simply say that two dozen participants were arrested for protesting in a Citibank (if that is the case). I want this movement to survive and thrive, and believe we must not give our opponents ammunition with which to accuse us of being untruthful. Thanks.

[-] -1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

I carefully watched the video on this incident. It looked to me that people withdrew their money and were arrested as they attempted to leave the bank. I, too, was skeptical until I saw this video. My theory is that the bank managers had the police standing by to arrest people; there was no provocation, but they were arrested anyway.

[-] 1 points by wheattoast (5) 13 years ago

Diana, Like you, I was skeptical, then I saw the video of protesters locked inside and a peaceful protester being arrested outside 


BUT, then I saw a video of what had gone on inside:


As you can see in this video, the protesters were not simply closing their accounts, but rather were disruptively giving long speeches to the Citibank employees. And, sure, sometimes being mildly disruptive can be a valid part of protesting, but protesters have to honestly report that that's what they were doing. We must fight the power with TRUTH, otherwise we're no better than those we oppose.

No one likes to post a correction on a news story. It feels a little bit like a failure. But demonstrating that we circulate false news stories is infinitely greater a failure. This movement belongs to all of us, and I bet that all of us prefer that we make the correction, yes?

[-] 1 points by wheattoast (5) 13 years ago

I have emailed the site's press contact alerting them that a correction should be posted. I received a prompt reply saying that the matter was being forwarded to the media, internet and press teams. Hopefully they'll act to correct it soon. If you agree that accuracy in reporting will make the movement stronger, please email them too press@occupywallst.org

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

wheattoast, thank you for this clarification. I agree with you that we must be scrupulously honest in all we do. It does that cause no good to warp and twist. Although, arresting ppl may have been going too far, to portray the situation as ppl being arrested for closing their bank accounts is just plain dishonest and wrong.

[-] 1 points by wheattoast (5) 13 years ago

In the email response I was told this issue I'd raised was to have been added to the agenda for last Tuesday's Internet work group meeting in Zuccoti Park. However, the following day occupywallst.org posted a story, "OWS Snapshot", which made the same misleading claim "...were arrested while attempting to withdraw their money...". If you agree that the movement needs to correct their reporting of this matter, please email them at press@occupywallst.org.

[-] 2 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago


People ...

I am 100% behind the efforts of OWS, and I confidently believe the movement has already changed the world.

But Wall Street is only part of the problem. This country, along with the whole world, has been hijacked - from the assassination season of the 60s and corporate takeover of every aspect of our lives to the economic hitmen of the IMF who've turned independent nations around the world into debt slaves.

The bankers on Wall Street are the second-level frontmen of this global web whose top-level frontmen meet in secret each year for the Bilderberg Group meetings.

Our media is controlled. Our air is poisoned. Our food is laden with chemicals. Our poor and working class are being pushed further down the ladder while our middle class is shrinking. We live our lives unsustainably on a sentient planet that is physically reacting to the damage we're doing.

Let's not just occupy Wall Street.

Let's INVESTIGATE Wall Street. Let's open their books. Let's find where the money leads us.

Because if there is one thing that lies behind all of this that we should never ... ever ... ever forget, it's this:

9/11 proved to us that jet fuel can transform one hundred million tons of concrete, steel, office furnishings and our loved ones into DUST within 10 seconds.

One hundred millions tons ... DUST ... 10 seconds.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

I am so with you! I know so little about the law however to begin such an investigation. What I do know is that my law school friend told me that legally one has no right to investigate a corporation unless they already have very strong evidence against them.

Let's face it - the law is on their side. I'm not saying you're wrong - I'm saying I'm not sure what the best tactic is.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Don't we have some lawyers down in Liberty Park? Maybe lawyers in the support arm? If so, let 'em get cracking on this.

Maybe Occupy Bilderberg while we're at it. Muhaha! :)

[-] 2 points by Abridge3141 (117) 13 years ago

DEAR INDIVIDUAL READING THIS, What must we as people do to fight this grave injustice inflicted upon us, by the ones who lust for power? How can we end the reign of the wicked and immoral and mete JUSTICE upon the oppressors as we have suffered from their hands-their blood stained hands... An idea of REVOLUTION-no, the act of revolution enacted by the proletarians! Must we as individuals ,as is always done, remain pawns to these people, these monoliths that we alone as individuals cannot surmounted...I surmise that we are not ignorant to the woes inflicted upon us by their enormities? We must UNIFY! Unity will be the way in which we assert ourselves!...While I realize all are not are not without income or funds and many cannot unify with this growing movement do to reasons of possible opposition and they being the people I'm question who we oppose (Wall Street), and many have responsibility they must tend to that take precedence. We must rise and vanquish this behemothto restore the equilibrium, for when disturbed it causes much chaos and strife in the hearts of man( man being neutral to represent all genders) in his mind and when mans mind and soul are in chaos as many are they rise to vanquish the pestiferous wealthy. However we should not just target these individuals, each of us individually must confront the corruption in our hearts, how can we judge the corrupt and deem them so when we cannot be amenable for ourselves we will surely be deemed hypocrites as we will be.....I am not meaning to say that this protest is in any way unjust, for far too long have we suffered, I mean that we are expected to expiate our sins -assume our parts in the problems we face and how we may have caused it. Yes, the Bankers on Wall Street are corrupt in ways we don't have evidence of without an investigation. But as we suffer soshall they, for we will make it so. But what of our government I say, my fellow citizens do not neglect to Confront the complicit in this affair for the roots of corruption are deeply seated, we have silent enemies amongst us-be warned that although succession in our goals will happen we may face a greater threat to our rights granted unto us from birth be prudent and circumspect. Another issue I wish to address is the idea of mans continual corruption as all things will be permeated with this darkness Inside our hearts.......when a system is created it always deviates from the righteous path, for nations we have learnt of in our education are littered with tales of nations that became corrupt and faded Into the ruin of collapse, we know that a society without corruption is utterly inconceivable, impossible in ways each and everyone of us know...for as long as men exist so shall our inner evil....but I digress from my original Intent of this passage and I ask forgiveness as we must forgive all in all eventual....the rising potentiality of this movement is quite an astonishment, I thought we were not capable of such things and thus I admit I had less faith in my fellow man. I see that we have all come to the realization of the need to bring the greedy to justice, although the reasons for your protesting may be unique to you, you share many goal, I had prognostications, inklings seems more appropriate of a term, that one day man would wake to realize the greater truth outside of his/her reality, and break the cycles of obsession with superficial base needs and trite motives, a dull and predictable lot we were but we've surpassed that I hope....for if not we will founder and fall Into the patterns we had grown so accustomed to, living such prosaic pedestrian lives stultified by the elite and of our own ignorance we always have the means to educate ourselves in this age, we have no limits to what we may learn based on our status in society, the powerful can no longer succeed in keeping us stupefied we have freewill to reason and learn and form our own ideas, ideas that would otherwise have died by the hands of the bigots! Our endeavours shall be crowned with fruition of our goals for our will allows it, we have broken free from the will of the oppressors......as Desmond Tutu stated "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." YOURS TRULY-Aaron Thomas Bridge

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

I read this and think it was nicely written. I most liked this line: "each of us individually must confront the corruption in our hearts, how can we judge the corrupt and deem them so when we cannot be amenable for ourselves we will surely be deemed hypocrites as we will be.... "

This movement is only possible because so many people have been willing to fight the corruption within their own hearts. The idea that we can have a society without corruption is NOT inconceivable ... we should accept no lowering of OUR standards by those who wish to reap benefits.

You are only naive if you accept a substandard ideal without probing the situation deeper.

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

Well, thank God we don't have to be pure as individuals before we can confront corruption in the government.

[-] 1 points by Abridge3141 (117) 13 years ago

You think your ideals superior to mine just due to its labeling of a substandard by you? Ha an utterly egregious statement none have thought to solve our crisis by viewing the past - the cause! The start of the recession was not caused by wall street it was the effects of inflation due to debts and our printing m ore money, The bailouts were simply a result, and who stands to gain from the recession, not wall street bankers..and who in fact bailed them out certainly not themselves? And how can you prove a society without corruption is possible,
ever since the advent of mans arrival as an intelligent species we were doomed to b corrupt, have you not learned that man is so Quick to change his loyaltiesl? However I do wish to thank you for complementing my essay...

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

There are MANY who are at fault for the financial collapse and housing market collapse. It was done on purpose. It didn't happen by accident.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

No when I said "you" I wasn't referring to you directly -- but simply people who say we are naive to think society can be better than this. I wasn't aware that you agreed with this.

I didn't understand your argument here - how did Wall St not gain from the recession? They are wealthier than ever. They have acted justified taking from the people through bailouts. This looks like they are the only ones who gained from my perspective.

You say how can I prove a society without corruption is possible? To that, I'll say I don't need to prove it to fight to make it happen. I wouldn't give up on aspiring for it, just because someone told me its not possible. That's their opinion and has no more credibility than mine.

Society is made up of people, and if people has risen above corruption, then so will their government. Right now, the upper ranks of power and wealth in our society are dominated generally by people of low moral character. That is how it has been structured.

[-] 2 points by TokingMonkey (4) from Beresford, NB 13 years ago

Why is only Ottawa being mentioned for Canada. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and many other provinces have had some 100+ people at each of them protesting, shouldn't they get a mention as well?

[-] 3 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Don't count on the mainstream medias to report on it. They're liars and spinmongers engaged in coverups, info blackouts and insulting.

Report this yourself. Write blogs, write on the comments of online papers dedicated to truth, get on youtube and crank out videos reporting from the ground. Be a voice of truth.

[-] 1 points by TokingMonkey (4) from Beresford, NB 13 years ago

I'm referring to this article we're commenting on. I've seen tons of media coverage for all of these provinces, plus a fair amount of social media. I'm wondering why they're not getting mentioned on this article.

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

lets look where we are. and whats are facts .we have 50 million on food stamps. we have over 20 percent unemployment.. not 9.1 percent. so add other facts then do the math you find where we are. and i belive most american lost faith in this corrupted system .which design for that 1 percent .and polition have no clue when merger between state and corporate power. decied for people thats what we have now. thats all i know when money stops flowing down to main street the blood flowing on street.

[-] 2 points by Sudha (2) 13 years ago

Thank you all for your dedication and work to end financial corruption and alleviate human suffering. This is an inspirational movement. Namaste.

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

every place you are. i suggest put flag up side down becuse every thing else is. thats make good point

[-] 0 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

While that signifies a ship in distress, it's a bad idea. Don't give the opposition anything to point out as anti American. Simply a poor PR decision. Fly your flags proudly, it's our country, and that's why we need to take it back.

[-] 1 points by Adam20751 (58) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I don't have an answer for the proper use of the flag, but I do think the nationalist rhetoric you're using is something this movement should be wary of.

Now and historically, I suppose there have been some countries that can and could be said to be generally sustained by the people inside their boarders in a way that would justify them saying the place was theirs.

America in the 21st century isn't that place. As long as the conditions of many of millions outside American boarders depend on American policy, the reason and movement for its reform must be understood to be owned by the globe as much as American residents.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Well put. As I suggested Friday, whatever the short list of demands from OWS includes, it should have something that improves the situation globally, not just inside the US borders. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it would definitely change a lot of the negative impressions people have of America.

Also, I think it might actually be illegal to hang the US flag upside down.

[-] 1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

I'm not certain, but off the top of my head I'd suppose that if you can burn it, you can hang it upside down. I don't necessarily disagree with your thoughts as per borders and the globe, but from a tactical point of view, the goal is to prevail, which means having our own house in order first. One step at a time.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot they eased the laws on what you could do to the flag. Used to be you couldn't burn it, you couldn't walk on it, you couldn't wear it, etc. I remember a guy getting arrested back in the mid-70's for sewing a flag onto the back of his army surplus jacket that used to be "in style" back then. But I digress.

[-] 1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

I remember the style. I'll add one to your list, you couldn't EVER let it touch the ground.

[-] 1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

True enough, but not too old to pitch in on this fight. I'm glad to be getting the chance

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Damn we're old!

[-] 1 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

so as america

[-] 1 points by thegatekeeperbeta (25) from New York, NY 13 years ago

"People are suffering here in Iowa. Family farmers are struggling, students face mounting debt and fewer good jobs, and household incomes are plummeting," said Judy Lonning a 69-year-old retired public school teacher. "We're not willing to keep suffering for Wall Street's sins. People here are waking up and realizing that we can't just go to the ballot box. We're building a movement to make our leaders listen."

If only this really worked :( Hope it doesn't have to resort to violence.


[-] 1 points by flanga (26) 12 years ago

I hate to admit it but very few things can be solved without violence nowadays.

Thanks from Clive @ http://easydiablo3.com/.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

What R you doin mucking about in posts that are almost a year old - making comments to people who have not been here for many months now?

[-] 1 points by rickkys0147 (9) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

I say, 10,000 people need to knock on McConnell front door at home in Kentucky. Maybe then he will get the message

Mitch McConnell's home address 2318 Dundee Rd Louisville, KY 40205-2070

[-] 1 points by Gentileben (1) 13 years ago

Blessings To all of my brothers and sisters and their families at OWS. I pray for your safety and your continued successes. The best idea I came up with is to put my Internet Marketing skills together and create fundraisers. The people arrested desperately need money to get bailed out of jail.In addition if we are going to Dominate the World with this cause we are going to need money for our continued growth and success.

[-] 1 points by NOBOSET (3) 13 years ago


Rebellious youth cannot you see …What is to be your destiny …You rail against your elder’s ways …Which you'll adopt in later days…From chaos order you would make …Your brother's thirst you'd toil to slake …Corruption you'd not tolerate …And men enslaved you'd liberate
And there's much more that you would do …To gain just ends that you'd pursue …But have you heard of worldly ways …They're like a maze within a maze …The ways of life that you demean …Are variations on a theme …The strong and rich exploit the weak …In ways that often are oblique

And ways in life are mostly fads…Like striped clothes instead of plaids…Though elders each is thought a sage…He's just a child advanced in age…Ideals were meant for saints and gods…Who'd change the world must buck the odds…These odds aren't merely one in ten…They're more like one in ten million

Look back in time and count the men…Who lived among us denizen…And changed the course of history…By more than just a small degree…If you'd not compromise ideals…Nor sell your souls in devilish deals…You're going to have to fight like hell…Rebellious youth, I wish you well

[-] 1 points by NOBOSET (3) 13 years ago


Rebellious youth cannot you see …What is to be your destiny …You rail against your elder’s ways …Which you'll adopt in later days…From chaos order you would make …Your brother's thirst you'd toil to slake …Corruption you'd not tolerate …And men enslaved you'd liberate
And there's much more that you would do …To gain just ends that you'd pursue …But have you heard of worldly ways …They're like a maze within a maze …The ways of life that you demean …Are variations on a theme …The strong and rich exploit the weak …In ways that often are oblique

And ways in life are mostly fads…Like striped clothes instead of plaids…Though elders each is thought a sage…He's just a child advanced in age…Ideals were meant for saints and gods…Who'd change the world must buck the odds…These odds aren't merely one in ten…They're more like one in ten million

Look back in time and count the men…Who lived among us denizen…And changed the course of history…By more than just a small degree…If you'd not compromise ideals…Nor sell your souls in devilish deals…You're going to have to fight like hell…Rebellious youth, I wish you well

[-] 1 points by bdog (8) 13 years ago

check out this for our theme song http://youtu.be/J6BuQcemmtM

[-] 1 points by Lmurguia7 (57) 13 years ago

How gracious ! And thank --- YOU !

A Co-protestor

[-] 1 points by Lmurguia7 (57) 13 years ago

With all the talk about Wall Street, I've yet to see a single person commit to selling all financial holdings -- and there are many protesting who do have investments.

This is the only way to REALLY impact Wall Street machinations -- and, also, Bank Transfer Day on November 5 -- close bank accounts and deposit funds in a credit union near you.

Let me be the first !

Lynne Murguia (retired NYC teacher; former NGO to the UN; micro-credit practitioner; funder; investor) Tucson, AZ

[-] 1 points by kashmiri (8) 13 years ago

Please contact the software engineers organizations to quickly build the necessary software for the peoples movement like generation of unique identity number and other codes.

[-] 1 points by bgermain (9) 13 years ago

The first call to international action for October 15 came on this website as an invitation from activists in Spain -- look back to their open letter to OWS on October 12. It's important to remember how this came to pass!

[-] 1 points by blackindian (2) 13 years ago

i find that those who are jittery at the prospect of the people's attention turning to how they have earned their billions are now desperately seeking allies, by portraying OWS as antisemitic, anti-business, etc:




[-] 1 points by pkgren (1) 13 years ago

thanks to all of you - taking a stand against a dysfunctional system. stay strong and know that the world is watching. there are so many of us that are grateful to you

[-] 1 points by Fluffles (18) 13 years ago

How about putting pressure on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which ostensibly monitors hate groups, to declare the NYPD a hate group?

No one can do what they have done without an authoritarian ideology in place to dispel feelings of guilt. These cops are no better than Skinheads.

[-] 1 points by Danimal (9) from Leeuwarden, FR 13 years ago

Looking for guest writers for our blog! Come check it out! http://www.occupy-wallstreet.com/

[-] 1 points by Danimal (9) from Leeuwarden, FR 13 years ago

Thank you everyone. I know it is hard, but I would like to ask everyone to do everything they can to get the police on our sides! Let's make them feel like part of the 99 %! http://www.occupy-wallstreet.com/us-vs-them/the-police/

[-] 1 points by quercus (93) 13 years ago


whether legal or illegal the message is the same: take this and the pain will go away: restless leg syndrome? can't get a hard on ? borred? depressed???

take this, the pain, the confusion, the doudt will all go away.

the thing is they work (short term), long term--- destruction.

[-] 1 points by mexicael (23) 13 years ago

Good vibe for you all from Montréal : http://youtu.be/_DiKP5pxPlU

Vive le monde libre !

[-] 1 points by redundantplankton (1) 13 years ago

a corporation is a scrap of paper that lets individuals make lots of money and insulates them from any criminal responsibility

caligula promoted his horse to senator, the supreme court elevated a corporation to a person, only caligula was joking. both were equally depraved.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

I'm overjoyed to see that these comments, like the protests, are growing - but I'm not so happy to see the role of spam in that increase. It looks like many of the threads in response to this news have been hijacked into irrelevant commercials for Shell gasoline, for example. Now I understand and agree with the desire of people here to avoid censorship as a great evil; but biology suggests an alternative. Cells don't try to cut the spam out of their genomes, but they do condense multiple copies of genes when found into tight little lumps of "heterochromatin" where they are mostly ignored. I think likewise, if at all possible, OWS should take some of these off-topic crusades and their responses and transfer them into new forum postings, with just a brief link noting the move.

[-] 1 points by takeTsquare (77) 13 years ago

JUST LOVE IT!! Saludos desde España Hermanos :) desde la #spanishrevolution y #takethesquare we are ALL ONE

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

This message is to the people all around the world. For too long corporations have been given all the power. The Corporations( Multinational Corporations) have been able to sell their products in a country without paying any taxes. There are corporations like ( General Electric) who don't pay any taxes to the country they have their home base located at. Most of the oil Companies including (Exxon Mobile) and other large corporations like (General Electric) were given billions of dollars each to create more jobs in America something they did not do, but they kept the billions of dollars that was given to them. Instead of thees corporation creating new jobs in America they are creating new job in countries like ( China and India) where workers salaries are very low. America and many European countries pay their citizens very high wages compared to other countries. The large corporations are fighting thees countries by not building their products in thees counties, but is willing to sell their products or services to thees countries for a large amount of money. The Corporations are trying to force most of the countries to implement slave labor to their citizens. This means the citizens are paid so little for their work that they would barely have enough money to live on. That means the large corporations are trying to destroy the middle class for citizens all around the world. The corporations are being the bullies and won't be satisfied until 99% population will be paid slave wages. This means people all around the world must fight the large corporations.

Ladies and gentlemen to power the corporations have over the all of the citizens around the world is the money they have. This means if we take away a lot of their money we would decrease the power they have over ordinary people and the power they have over countries all around the world. The first step we should do is to take all of our money out of Wall Street at the same time. Investors are we as our tally regular people to invest. The reason is that more ordinary people invested in Wall Street the more money the wealthiest people gain. We all see a advertisements to encouraged us to invest in Wall Street. Now we need to the opposite. People all over all the world we need to stop investing in Wall Street. We all need to take out all of our money from Wall Street as soon as possible. It is timely to their that we take the power back from the corporations. One way we can do that is to take their money away from them. I can guarantee you if we take our money out of Wall Street we will hurt them more than we will get hurt. If we do not take action now ladies and gentlemen the corporation bullies will take over the world. Then we will be their slaves. While they'll be relaxing in their yachts at mansions. Most people as world will be working too many hours a week for pennies. Until people from the world start fighting the corporations they will keep on taking from ordinary people and for our own countries.

People from all over the world. I hope peaceful protests will bring what people want and that is choices how to control their own country. The problem is until people can find a true way to stop corrupt politicians, dictators, corporations, billionaires, millionaires, lobbyists and propagandist we have to search. Even though a peaceful protest is the ideal way to go we have to look at other options so we can take away the money the the corporations have stolen from the people around the world. One thing I have learned When a bully tries to bully you. If you stand up and push the bully back they will back away. Now if you allow the bully to get away with anything they want they will make your life worse and worse. This is why we must fight back now peacefully or in other ways just as long as we show the corrupt politicians, dictators, corporations, billionaires, millionaires, lobbyists and propagandist that we are not going to take it and we will fight back until people from around the world are given true freedom.

The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by annon (2) 13 years ago

rooting for u guys/the media is chopping u up making u look like fools/it's ok/ we all know how stupid the media is/hollywood-divorce r only important/media IQ-12 accooper less/when they say u haven't got an agenda-u have 100 different beefs-ur not cohesive-u were taught by the best Congress/ask where the TARP $ went/full disclosure from the FED/after the bank bailout with taxpayer $-- bonuses were money that the net worth of 80% of Americans/we know the government is screwing us 1000 ways/we know that lobyists are Congression bagmen/we know that since Bush the country has been looted by professional politicians/how many Congressmen have children fighting in the war/we know everything they say is untrue/we know this generation of leaders have destroyed the simple truth/we know that the current generation of politicans have taken away the feeling of happiness that came from living in America and being an American/we all know the latter is the real crime against Americans/keep on keeping on but beware they are going to come harder and try to put real fear in your heart/

[-] 1 points by forhim4 (1) 13 years ago

So the occupy wall street protests ends December 17th 2011 according to your calander. Goes to show that it was poor planning and poorly organized. It needs to last a lot longer than just to december 17th

[-] 1 points by Joey789 (34) 13 years ago

There's one central demand that can represents the 99% of the people:


[-] 1 points by BankOne (1) 13 years ago

on December 7, 2011, make this the NEW DAY OF INFAMY! How? Anyone who has a bank account should withdraw all but a minimum amount from their accounts on this day. This will send a message to bankers that we are mad as hell and won't take it anymore.

[-] 1 points by eidos (285) 13 years ago

For all the bashing the status quo is doing on this board, for all the praying they are doing for early snowfall on Liberty Park, the fact remains: They've lost the 99-percent.

America is not a market they can afford to lose.

The American consumer is dead in a way where it won't come back even if wealth does.

The can clear Zuccotti Park, but the writing is on the Wall. The economy is permanently changing whether they like it or not.

[-] 1 points by TheDude (18) 13 years ago

NOW HEAR THIS: Corporate Tall by VOLTFACE - a song about Wall Street. Wonderfully appropriate! Its the Anthem we needed!

Listen for FREE on BANDCAMP:


Available on iTunes as well...

[-] 1 points by NbTexas (3) 13 years ago

Get a damn job you bums. Life isn't perfect and there's always going to be a short end of the stick. Quit crying for handouts and go shovel some damn dirt if you have too. Seems too me everyone these days is looking for handout or shortcut. Life isn't fair so go and make your own. I understand the whole wall street bailout mess but hey what r u gonna do about it now. Here's an idea get a degree in finance rather than fine arts. It's hard to take anyone serious especially this Crowd who obviously doesnt have any skin in the game and are not productive contributors to society. So like I said shovel some dirt, relocate, fin a job that u don't like but will pay the bills.

[-] 1 points by Fluffles (18) 13 years ago

nbTexas, I have a strong suspicion you are guilty of some crime or other, just like the criminals on Wall St. You can taunt all you like, I know that you are going to jail. Run little crook, but you can't hide.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

The problem with your plan is: the short end of the stick is getting shorter. Look up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient - notice that the U.S. has far more income inequality than Europe or Australia or Canada, and is on a par with Mexico. If it gets any worse you'll have to go to Namibia or Columbia to find a comparable inequality of wealth. And it is getting worse.

"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is not a law of nature. It's not how America got to be America. It's not what America is about. We've gone from a system where income taxes affected only the very wealthy to one where the wealthy pay no income taxes but the middle class does. We have a situation where the IRS wants a percentage of any tip you voluntarily leave for the waitress, but wealthy people have passed on whole fortunes to their heirs and paid no tax at all - and the Republicans want to make that permanent. It's well past time for someone to say no.

[-] 1 points by AbbasGoya (3) 13 years ago

Populism is deadly to Occupy movement. Pay attention to this:

"Flourished with Diversity: Occupiers of different political beliefs have joined the movement."

Flourished?? Different political beliefs existed in the Occupy movement from DAY ONE. No one can stop different political beliefs to join the movement. But when you highlight it as an "achievement" coupled with the absence of movement's demands, the movement will be burried by taking "an average of different political beliefs". This is another name for Populism. The function of populism is to lead this movement to Mr Obama's office begging for a penny of two.

This movement needs to stay popular but immune from populism

[-] 1 points by Fluffles (18) 13 years ago

Without different beliefs, the movement would be co-opted as easily as the Tea Party was. Note, the TP started out as anti Wall St, too.

[-] 1 points by Fresh2Death13 (207) from Windsor, ON 13 years ago

They are playing a lot of stuff on the Canadian news about Police Infiltrators trying to Stir up the crowd and get you all arrested ahead of some big deal

[-] 1 points by jaylivewyre (1) 13 years ago

Please don't equate the London/UK riots with anything as noble as the OWS cause. I'm not saying I am 100% behind OWS, but I can see that it has noble intentions - what happened in the riots was just vandalism and looting - there was VERY little political agenda - people were killed trying to protect the property of others (three young men in Birmingham). The OWS movement was 'inspired' by popular uprisings - fair enough, but don't include the riots which were pure acts of thuggery in the main, I believe that what the OWS is trying to do is better than that... (not talking about the LSE occupation, but the riots and the looting)

[-] 1 points by NbTexas (3) 13 years ago

Get a damn job you bums. Life isn't perfect and there's always going to be a short end of the stick. Quit crying for handouts and go shovel some damn dirt if you have too. Seems too me everyone these days is looking for handout or shortcut. Life isn't fair so go and make your own. I understand the whole wall street bailout mess but hey what r u gonna do about it now. Here's an idea get a degree in finance rather than fine arts. It's hard to take anyone serious especially this Crowd who obviously doesnt have any skin in the game and are not productive contributors to society. So like I said shovel some dirt, relocate, fin a job that u don't like but will pay the bills.

[-] 1 points by Fluffles (18) 13 years ago

nbTexas, I have a strong suspicion you are guilty of some crime or other, just like the criminals on Wall St. You can taunt all you like, I know that you are going to jail.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

Answered; see the identical copy of this posting above.

[-] 1 points by bluewizard52 (6) 13 years ago

Its so disappointing to have some 'comments' bringing up the old 'the Jews have all the money' BS... don't know where this is coming from... When i was down to 'Zuccoti sq. last week, I found none of this ver y tired antisemitism, anti liberal stuff.. just disappointing... Moveon has backed the Occupy movemnet, my home town of Poughkeepsie NY, have a park occupied.. We are the 99 % !!!

[-] 1 points by alohaspirit (2) 13 years ago

Do not ORGANIZE! This will open the door to mainstrean political operatives. DO NOT make a list of specific demands. This about ending tyranny. Wall Street will fall - it's inevitable now.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albany_movement - Martin Luther King, Jr. is quoted there: "The mistake I made there was to protest against segregation generally rather than against a single and distinct facet of it. Our protest was so vague that we got nothing, and the people were left very depressed and in despair. It would have been much better to have concentrated upon integrating the buses or the lunch counters. One victory of this kind would have been symbolic..." Learn it or repeat it.

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

This is absolutely so important. Demand no demands!

[-] 1 points by alohaspirit (2) 13 years ago

Do not ORGANIZE! This will open the door to mainstrean political operatives. DO NOT make a list of specific demands. This about ending tyranny. Wall Street will fall - it's inevitable now.

[-] 1 points by Fluffles (18) 13 years ago

It's not inevitable. You have to make it happen. Use financial methods to bring down the companies. For instance, buying silver can bring down JP Morgan.

[-] 1 points by LetsBeSerious (18) 13 years ago

you people blame everything on those more fortunate. Take a look at yourselves before going after someone else. Everyone makes their living somehow and who are you to say their families shouldn't benefit from the work they are doing. You can't blame your hardcomings on the people at the top. A company does not decide to lay off people, they are forced to or else the entire company would go down and all of the workers with it. Protestors fight for unity between corporate giants and small town people when you are really singling out that 1% and their families. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

[-] 1 points by homegrown (1) 13 years ago

Hmmm... I don't think so. There is no way to address economic problems so long as we continue to focus our address "cap in hand" to the status-quo Icons of Wall Street.. Wall Street vis-a-vis the economic system has no intention of lessening their hold on power and money... unless of course, we are prepared to accept tokens in exchange for our forfeit of an equal share in the wealth of our nations. It's time to do the hard work.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

We are really crazed and propagandized on the Israel question. Even Anthony Weiner was a crazed Israel lover.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

To our Muslim friends: We do not hate you. We are scared. We are massively propagandized by our media. We have a huge right wing media that lies about you. We know that most of you are not terrorists, that you want democracy, just your kind of democracy and you do not want occupations. Most of us understand. We are with you.

[-] 1 points by OneofMany (2) 13 years ago

Check Out The Movement THEME SONG on YouTube "SITTING DOVE BIG DADDY REMIX" The song sums it all up and good beat as well Spread the word... Peace!

[-] 1 points by patch007 (2) from Milano, Lombardia 13 years ago

the event of 15th october must give some thinking to the politicians and the economic system, what happened in rome was wrong but in a way show how the egyptian spring can come in any country anytime. we want reform we want the banks to pay their own debts and the government all around the world to spend money in right things. no war now greed just peace and good common sense of living. we are ready to march to any capital and make the 1% being afraid, they created this crisis they have to solve it, i do not want to pay the debts made by obviuos mistakes, they land money to people with no money and they resold the debts, the central banks are printing money with no gold backup. they should start selling the gold they have, and it's a lot, to pay the deficit and not asking us to do that, many years ago argentina made the same mess and the population had to pay. do not forget that now we are all connected and more efficient and clever, nobody wants violent demostration, just respect for the future of our kids.

[-] 1 points by nocapitalism (1) 13 years ago

We should use the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends

[-] 1 points by AnOpinion (3) 13 years ago

What are your goals?

So far all it seems to be is the focus on the citizens’ contempt for Wall Street and the financial community's greed.

The other thing is that the Unions are becoming more and more involved, and vocal in your movement. They are only out for their own, not ALL the American people; or the disparity in this country; they need an issue to rally around, and they grabbed this one. Your cause should represent ALL the people, not just some. Of course private Union membersis different -- I mean the organization.

It seems more and more like the only thing which you will accomplish will be to get the politicians to tax the rich a trifle amount, and then the main issues... the poverty, the disparity, and the shipping of the whole economy overseas will be forgotten. I hope this isn't true.

Movements can be easily twisted in the direction of those in power by seeming like they are accomplishing something, when really they accomplish almost nothing. Right now it seems like your only goal is to help Obama pass a tax on the rich (but only a few percentage points at best). The American people need much more than that.

What we really need is to stop the flow of jobs and plants overseas, but nobody seems to be emphasizing that at all. Or even more, why aren't you emphasizing the end of all these wars! Why don't you demand a plebiscite National vote to end the wars IMMEDIATELY, by demanding a Plebiscite through a signed nationwide petition, and put the decision right in the hands of the people, bypassing the politicians altogether?

We need to get the people more involved in the decisions in this country, since our politicians show themselves as no longer trustworthy! Plebiscite is the answer the politicians can't refuse -- if a petition for it, large enough, is signed so they must use that to decide the issues involved!

Shy away from organizations, and stand up for ALL the people! We need to use THEIR power through National PLEBISCITE VOTES:


These are the problems we all face that you should emphasize need fixing now. And the people can give us the answer the majority wants, without political wrangling and special interests interfering through polling them in a special election (Plebiscite).

POWER TO THE PEOPLE -- ALL OF THEM! Remember our VETS; They represented the people the way our businesses should!

[-] 1 points by MrReform (10) 13 years ago

This is what our founders think about all this corruption. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute “Corruption”, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of “The American People”; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government • It’s time to reform our governance to remove the influence of money and power, so it can represent the people properly. This being one of the many governance reforms that are necessary for the continued success of The American People in the future. It’s time to evolve our governance system into a state of the art 21st century system that can be a model for mankind to consider.

[-] 1 points by Architect (5) 13 years ago
  1. Invest in Every American: $500,000 real estate, this would actually create a shortage of homes and demand for construction again which would create jobs, no loans, no credit , no banks. #2. $380,000 investment to each American to start a small business with the guidance of professionals or for investment’s guided by advisors. #3.20 years pre paid health insurance which equates to roughly $500 a month. Total for this absolute way to fix our economy and create jobs would only cost $310 million(our population $1 million invested into each person)pennies considering corporate bail out’s and stimulus. 158 Billion from Bush right before he left office-787 billion in the Stimulus from Obama and another purposed 400 billion for the Jobs bill. The people do not see any of the$ benefits because corruption intervenes and organizations, companies, utility, oil, fake training, non profit and corporations grabbed the money before it reached the American public. That would save our government more than 360 billion , and if we would have acted on this before the stimulus and Bush bail outs were put into place we would have saved over a trillion dollars. The 3 top solutions listed above need to get out to all the protester's with clear language and understanding of what has already been spent. what is purposed to be spent, and how this solution is simple and very inexpensive where every American will benefit. Please, Please ,Please get this out to Protester's everywhere. There is no clear cut demand/solution which is a sure fix coming across to politicians/media only anger towards banks...We need to overcome that and have these solutions to negotiate, overcome and fix America!!
[-] 1 points by HS88 (1) 13 years ago

WE the (masses) '99%' ARE the government, without us the '1%' will not exist. We are the power base. We are not slaves. We decide who rules us, but those who we have enstrusted this power have abused it and we will show them we are THE POWER. WE CANNOT LOSE!!!!

[-] 1 points by amyarrant (1) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

So I think Spock should be a mascot...from The Wrath of Kahn..."the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" (the one percent in this case)

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

One thing the American people don't know about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh was supporting Brock Obama to beat Hilary Clinton because they new he was a secret republican. After Brock Obama won the Iowa caucus the republicans on fox new said yes we won. Why would the say that? Bill O'reilly even asked why were all the conservatives angry at Brock Obama. Look what Brock Obama did when he bailed out the banks. He made a health care plan the the republicans wanted in 1998 and Bill Clinton vetoed it. When Brock Obama was president the Democrats had the majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives. While he had the power to make bills and laws to help the middle class and poor live a better life he never tried to. He also never tried to create bills or laws that would decrease the power the wealthiest Americans have over innocent American citizens. He never tried to raise the wealthiest Americans and corporations taxes when he had the power to. Then when the Republican party owned the majority of House of Representatives, Brock Obama allowed them to control the entire government. The Republicans used bulling methods to attack our government, but Bock Obama turned into his old self and became a conman. When the Republicans wanted to Bush’s tax cut and to get rid of the death tax for the wealthy American. Brock Obama said he did not want to give in, but he did it for American citizens. Then when the Republican party want to cut more taxes from the wealthy and cut public programs from the poor and middle class. President Obama said he did not want to give in, but he did it for American citizens. At the end of the day he is a great Republican conman. Now when The republican want their own candidature back into the White House they get help from American Elect. The first question you must ask about America Elect Why do they only want their candidates to run for President of American and not other political offices? Then if you look at one of the leaders in Americas Elect and find out the he was an Aide for Mitt Romney and other Republican politicians then the truth comes out. American Elect does not want to give the public more choices, but they want to take away the votes the democrats would receive from the young people when the presidential elections happen. This way Mitt Romney a Republican candidate would have the best chance of becoming the President of the Untied States of America. Now look at MSNBC they were a conservative news station before they started supporting Brock Obama. Then all of a sudden they became a liberal news station. All they have done was praised Brock Obama and Blamed the Republicans for him not being able to help the middle class and poor people something he promised he would do if he was elected as President of the United states of America. Then President Obama gave billions of dollars to General Electric for creating jobs in America. Instead General Electric created more jobs in China because their workers are paid much less then American workers. Then if you do the research and find out General Electric owns a part of MSNBC. Then it all makes sense. MSNBC will say great things about Brock Obama as long as he provides billions of dollars to General Electric. The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by bill2k (12) 13 years ago

compliance investigations and convictions are modern braberies to governments

[-] 1 points by Iowasupporter (1) from Laurel, IA 13 years ago

We have the power to take back America, and OWS is proving it. What kind of job do you want? That's where you should shop - that's what you should buy - that's what you should support! Don't want to end up working at Wal-Mart as a greeter when you're 65 because you can't afford to retire? Don't shop there now!

[-] 1 points by MoveForward (4) 13 years ago

Thank you for standing up for the many who cannot, thank you for speaking for the many who have had their voice silenced. For every 1 of you, you represent so many more. I cannot donate money, but I can give you my whole hearted support. Carry On and Keep it Calm ! I say for all the senior citizens in my circle, please speak for us.

[-] 1 points by MoveForward (4) 13 years ago

Thank you for standing up for the many who cannot, thank you for speaking for the many who have had their voice silenced. For every 1 of you, you represent so many more. I cannot donate money, but I can give you my whole hearted support. Carry On and Keep it Calm ! I say for all the senior citizens in my circle, please speak for us.

[-] 1 points by gallardo (4) from Aveiro, Aveiro 13 years ago

Go U.S.! someone has to take the lead, other will surely follow you, as seen in the other days. Hope that strong and deep values prevail after the raise of a newer sun! FREEDOM!

[-] 1 points by etampell (2) 13 years ago

Here is a way to fix the housing problem and fix our citizens personal financial situation. Look at history. First of all during the Depression the banks did what was call a forbearance agreement, meaning in simple terms, if you couldn't pay your mortgage or only could pay part of it then the banks would work with you until you got better financially. How will that work in today's market, simple.. take a persons house that they live in and it is "underwater" meaning the person owes more that what the property is worth.. ok.. now get an appraisal of the property, have the lender on the property make a new loan on value and current interest rates and the balance of amount owed will be in forbearance until such a time that the owner sells the property or the property values go up and they could refinance the pay off the entire loan.. this is better than lender's foreclosing and only receiving maybe 60% on the dollar of there original investment.. it would stable home prices. Also have the government and banks ease lending guidelines on these types of transactions, if a borrower can afford to pay a lower mortgage then they would have incentive to stay in their home. Let the professional underwriters approve these loans, rather than a computer generated automatic underwriting system, forget about a FICO score, reset everyone to an 800. This will give people the opportunity to refinance car loans and get lower interest rates. This will free up hundreds if not thousands of dollars each month for families to pay off other debt spend on their homes schooling etc. This in itself will stimulate the economy in a huge way. If we can go further how about forgiving student loans and stop any garnishments being taken by government organizations or banks. Most of these loans in my opinion we based on predatory lending practices anyway. The banks and Wall Street need to take a hit on these issues but this will fix the problem..

Demands Clear everyone's credit history - reset it back to 800 - Positive effect for everyone Implement forbearance for home owners - Positive effect for everyone Forgive Student loans - Positive effect for everyone Stop and clear all government garnishments - Positive effect for everyone Disallow all corporate money from politics - Positive effect for everyone except the greedy Institute a flat tax - Positive effect for everyone

These are just one citizens thoughts.

[-] 1 points by etampell (2) 13 years ago

Here is a way to fix the housing problem and fix our citizens personal financial situation. Look at history. First of all during the Depression the banks did what was call a forbearance agreement, meaning in simple terms, if you couldn't pay your mortgage or only could pay part of it then the banks would work with you until you got better financially. How will that work in today's market, simple.. take a persons house that they live in and it is "underwater" meaning the person owes more that what the property is worth.. ok.. now get an appraisal of the property, have the lender on the property make a new loan on value and current interest rates and the balance of amount owed will be in forbearance until such a time that the owner sells the property or the property values go up and they could refinance the pay off the entire loan.. this is better than lender's foreclosing and only receiving maybe 60% on the dollar of there original investment.. it would stable home prices. Also have the government and banks ease lending guidelines on these types of transactions, if a borrower can afford to pay a lower mortgage then they would have incentive to stay in their home. Let the professional underwriters approve these loans, rather than a computer generated automatic underwriting system, forget about a FICO score, reset everyone to an 800. This will give people the opportunity to refinance car loans and get lower interest rates. This will free up hundreds if not thousands of dollars each month for families to pay off other debt spend on their homes schooling etc. This in itself will stimulate the economy in a huge way. If we can go further how about forgiving student loans and stop any garnishments being taken by government organizations or banks. Most of these loans in my opinion we based on predatory lending practices anyway. The banks and Wall Street need to take a hit on these issues but this will fix the problem..

Demands Clear everyone's credit history - reset it back to 800 - Positive effect for everyone Implement forbearance for home owners - Positive effect for everyone Forgive Student loans - Positive effect for everyone Stop and clear all government garnishments - Positive effect for everyone Disallow all corporate money from politics - Positive effect for everyone except the greedy Institute a flat tax - Positive effect for everyone

These are just one citizens thoughts.

[-] 1 points by DaOracle (2) 13 years ago


It is time for a focused message and strategy.

Wall Street is a global beast that is protected by global governments and entities.

The strategy should be simple....

Identify the corporations that are the 1%

Identify the businesses that are the 99%

Develop a matrix that rates corporations and businesses on their financial and social practices and contributions to the masses who purchases their goods and services.

Regardless of whether it is a corporation or small business, the same rules should apply.

Failing corps and busineses lose the financial support of the 99%

The 99% should seek to purchase goods and services from fellow 99% that receives passing grades.

A logo can be created to identify 99% friendly places.

A financial institution should be identified that is 99% friendly.

In order to be a 99 percenter, you must be a registered voter and you must vote.

If you are unable to register to vote, you must still participate in the political process as a volunteer.

The Occupy Wall Street group needs to be the light to shine on congress and their daily votes.

Any politican, regardless of party affiliation must be held to a simple mustard test:

a) Are they for MAIN STREET and THE PEOPLE or are they for WALL STREET and CORPORATIONS.

They must be judged not by what they say but instead by their actions, votes, no votes, etc.


Marches and sit-in are great but remember....

It is the money and backs of the 99% that Wall Street is built on and thrives from....therefore...

take your money and spend it among yourselves and be critical of the cable news networks & religious entities

....they must be held just as accountable and as such, they should be given the same mustard test as corporations and small businesses!

[-] 1 points by DaOracle (2) 13 years ago


It is time for a focused message and strategy.

Wall Street is a global beast that is protected by global governments and entities.

The strategy should be simple....

Identify the corporations that are the 1%

Identify the businesses that are the 99%

Develop a matrix that rates corporations and businesses on their financial and social practices and contributions to the masses who purchases their goods and services.

Regardless of whether it is a corporation or small business, the same rules should apply.

Failing corps and busineses lose the financial support of the 99%

The 99% should seek to purchase goods and services from fellow 99% that receives passing grades.

A logo can be created to identify 99% friendly places.

A financial institution should be identified that is 99% friendly.

In order to be a 99 percenter, you must be a registered voter and you must vote.

If you are unable to register to vote, you must still participate in the political process as a volunteer.

The Occupy Wall Street group needs to be the light to shine on congress and their daily votes.

Any politican, regardless of party affiliation must be held to a simple mustard test:

a) Are they for MAIN STREET and THE PEOPLE or are they for WALL STREET and CORPORATIONS.

They must be judged not by what they say but instead by their actions, votes, no votes, etc.


Marches and sit-in are great but remember....

It is the money and backs of the 99% that Wall Street is built on and thrives from....therefore...

take your money and spend it among yourselves and be critical of the cable news networks & religious entities

....they must be held just as accountable and as such, they should be given the same mustard test as corporations and small businesses!

[-] 1 points by GodLovesYOU (2) 13 years ago

Welcome to Obamaville

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Obama isn't the only guilty one. Get a clue.

[-] 1 points by EirikBreininger (1) 13 years ago

Keep up the fight I am with you in spirit my finical squeeze keeps me from being there in person though i will do all i can in speaking my mind and spreading the good word you have given me hope in america -apathy has not won thank you thank you thank you!!! your actions are truly right & just I am part of the 99% Eirik Breininger Allentown PA

[-] 1 points by MaineLove (2) 13 years ago

I support all this. I'm sorry I can't protest with you people (i'm in high school here in Maine) but I am there in love for you all. Keep going! Don't let the Banks get a steady footing. Knock them down! We the people are stronger than we are lead to think. We control this contury, not the banks who put us in this mess of a ressesion. Love from Lewiston, Maine.

[-] 1 points by MaineLove (2) 13 years ago

I support all this. I'm sorry I can't protest with you people (i'm in high school here in Maine) but I am there in love for you all. Keep going! Don't let the Banks get a steady footing. Knock them down! We the people are stronger than we are lead to think. We control this contury, not the banks who put us in this mess of a ressesion. Love from Lewiston, Maine.

[-] 1 points by whineguy (1) 13 years ago

I submit that the agenda of OWS must be to get the boot of the corrupting influence of money off our throats. To that end, I submit that our agenda should be: 1. To amend the constitution to provide that a person only a natural human being, not a corporation; and 2. To pass legislation to provide that anyone who takes a campaign contribution and later votes on any matter positively affecting the person or corporation who made the contribution is gulty of taking a bribe and that the person who makes such a contribution is guilty of offering a bribe and that any government official who takes a job in an industry affected by him/her while holding any government position is presumed to have taken a bribe.

[-] 1 points by zorbaka2 (61) 13 years ago

Democracy needs to grow and flow. Cemented wealth at the .1% level stops any growth or change. It becomes little kingdoms controlled by various kings. Once they get to controlling the political process, it makes it all legal or at least look legal. I would call it "legal corruption". The big banks were created and modified until the economic crisis happened. Why can't the dangers of a worse crisis be addressed?

[-] 1 points by dibson (3) 13 years ago

Brothers' Be careful not to influence the government agents and not confiscated your revolution

[-] 1 points by Billsmith80 (1) 13 years ago

Dear OWS, Attempts to demonize your opponents will not win you the support you hope for simply because as Pogo would put it "we have met the enemy and he is us". All the gov't debt that is at the root of the problem is from politicians (on the left and right) who did exactly what we voted them into office to do. Namely give us more and tax us less. Whether you are a wealthy Texas farmer or NYC trade unionist all we have to do to fix this mess is to vote for politicians who will tax us more and spend less.. Sigh. Oh, and enact some modest financial regulations. The Volker rule would be a good start.

[-] 1 points by dibson (3) 13 years ago

hi to my brothers i'm iranian and i wish you victory. now your voice is the voice of Oppressed peoples. Do not bother to continue the revolution. we protect you

[-] 1 points by equus (12) 13 years ago

I'm not an American but people from around the world can sympathize with the cause. The system is too unjust. Please don't be manipulated by politicians again. Ask for a direct democracy. Demand referendum for an issue but not for a person. This saves the trouble of corruption and of electorate clients. The system in Switzerland can serve as a reference.

[-] 1 points by workingforus (4) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

10,000 +/- in San Francisco

[-] 1 points by juju (5) 13 years ago

I posted the following and three other comments last night and they all disappeared..hmmmm?

You all do know the constitution does not apply to you (Padelford, Fay & Co. v. Mayor and Aldermen of City of Savannah) that it has no authority whatsoever (Lysander Spooner) that what you thought was "your government" is a for profit corporation registered in DE; that they print their own script, call it money, and dupe "taxpayers" to work for them for free when they could just print a little more, right?....just checking.

[-] 1 points by zorbaka2 (61) 13 years ago

Take a lesson from Martin Luther King. Don't give up on this. It can lead to a really better society where greed is less prevalent and money is not idolized and worshipped. The link between big money and washington is justified by many who actually apply the saying "greed is good" as if it is a virtue. Most all recognized religious leaders would disagree. As well as most common sense decent people would disagree. We 99.9% have no lobbyist.

[-] 1 points by massmadness (1) 13 years ago

end the fed

[-] 1 points by Beegus (1) 13 years ago

For all of you who bash the government you dont understand the United States' government. First we have allowed the Federal government to get to big. That is correct, but we are not a Democracy. The United States is a Democratic Republic. The States have more power than the Federal government now go to your state congresses and ask for the power back. The Tenth amendment of the BIll of Rights gives you that right. I agree the Federal government should be smaller.

Now for bashing Capitalism. Back off it is the best system we have today. Any move towards Socialism is the wrong way. Universal Healthcare is a move that way. By the way the countries that have it now are trying to shrink that part of their budget. The companies aren't hiring because of the Federal Government. They wont hire till Congress and the President stop changing the rules. They are protesting against the new banking laws and healthcare. They have to make a profit to stay into business. They have no clue what is happening next out of Washington.

Now on to taxes. Taxes in the United States are out of control. Why is it that 51 percent of the tax paying citizens pay no taxes. That is wrong. Not only does 51 percent pay no taxes part of those get more back then they pay. So when people say that the top earners need to pay more, WRONG. There is a solution. The Tax rate needs to be a low flat rate for everyone. That way you cannot help one group over another. What happens there is you can get rid of most of the IRS and the tax form would be a post card to send it.

I dont mind a peaceful protest, but fight your battles in the States. Ask the States to take back what is theirs and not the Federal Government.

[-] 1 points by TarigAnter (33) from Khartoum, Khartoum 13 years ago

To achieve healthy capitalism and to protect the people from corporate abuses and corruption a new universal system of labeling of all products and services must be designed and implemented globally. The ingredients of each product or service are composed from not only the physical components but more importantly from the processes involved in the final output.

All corporations and businesses in general must be held accountable and be observed by consumers, employees, the community, and the state departments. For this purpose a tagging system shall be put in place to measure and publicize on any product and any service on the performance of the production business for the total and each of at least the following issues: Executive pay Excessive advertisement Unfair advertisement Labor welfare Unions’ participation Capital distribution Political leverage Environmental responsibility Social contributions Fair play Equal opportunities Financial transparency http://tariganter.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/ethical-corporatism-tagging-system/

[-] 1 points by stuch33 (2) 13 years ago

I understand your frustrations with the economy and democracy as well, but, guys, you are barking up the wrong tree: THE BANKS ARE NOT TO BLAME. I will explain:


[-] 1 points by worldrevolution (12) 13 years ago

go on firends, you are in a new way to reach the revolution, all of nations in world are with you and support you

[-] 1 points by Moein (18) from Tehran, Tehran 13 years ago

The top 1% holding a country's wealth is a serious problem and should be addressed

Joseph Stiglitz spoke early on in the day and talked about his perceptions of the report 2 years on. He communicated his surprise at how the recommendations of the report were taken up. He said that a national measure has to relate to well-being of the citizens. He sited the example that most citizens in the US saw their standard of living decreasing year after year. Today, most Americans are worse off than they were in 1997. The typical American male worker is making less than in the 1970s. Most Americans feel less secure as well. He also mentioned that the terrible job numbers in the US are actually worse in reality. 25 million Americans who would like a full time job can't get one. What does that do to someone's sense of self worth? GDP doesn't capture any of this. Inequality, inequality, inequality…the gap between the rich and poor in many countries …was echoed throughout the day and is something that has to be addressed.

Stiglitz recommended the following four items for continued work in the area.

  1. Inequality is THE issue of the day. "We are the 99%" from the Wall Street protestors is an important agenda. The top 1% holding a country's wealth is a serious problem and should be addressed.
  2. Research on well-being. What is the effect of unemployment on well-being? What is a sense of social connectedness? Does it relate to whether there is a pub in the town? What makes people well-off?
  3. Risk and vulnerability. The vulnerable of our world are exposed to risk. What are the risks and how do we mitigate them?
  4. All of the above has to translate into policy. We need to measure what matters and policy should be about what matters.

More info:


[-] 1 points by Violetarojo (119) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Continued support and thanks to all of you that are there in person making this incredible sacrifice each day towards what people worldwide have been wanting to happen for years! Keep fighting the good fight peacefully! Stay safe, warm and dry! God bless you one and all!

[-] 1 points by Violetarojo (119) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Putting out the word to people to transfer their banking accounts from Chase and Citibank! Is it possible to get a list of corporations that have the greatest holdings with these two institutions and first send written petitions requesting that they transfer their accounts if they don't respond put them on a boycott list. I really feel that its important to use every ‘OCCUPY’ means possible in support of OWS!

[-] 1 points by Vallorosi (2) 13 years ago

Economic Stimulus for the People of The United States of America   USA issues 14 trillion in debt vouchers (NOT CASH) to 300 million American citizens. 2)      This equals $46,000 per person in the United States in debt vouchers. 3)      Vouchers can only be used to pay off BANK DEBT incurred before Jan 1st 2011. 4)      Vouchers must be used in 60 days. 5)      Vouchers are only good for AMERICAN BANK DEBT. 6)      Vouchers issued to people 18 or under will go to Parent or Guardian if Parent or Guardian claims them on their Income Tax Return. 7)      Example A family of 4 will receive $184,000 in DEBT vouchers.  They pay off car a loan, mortgage, and or other bank debt.  Their choice.  After the owner pays the Mortgage down then automatically a refinance at an interest rate no more than 3% will be in order and mandatory by the bank holding the mortgage. How Does This Work?        

·        The Government is not printing money but issuing Debt Vouchers to each of citizen of the United States of America. ·        Each voucher is backed by the USA for the face value of the voucher. ·        Any AMERICAN BANK must accept the voucher as full payment of the Face Value of the voucher. ·        The Voucher (tracked by Serial Numbers and registered with the USA government) is then property of the Bank. ·        The Bank then owns the Voucher and has 30 Days to pay off their GOVERNMENT DEBT in the amount of Face Value of Voucher. ·        Since the people of the US owe debt to Banks, and Banks owe debt to US Government then: ·        Eventually all voucher will end up back at the US Government in which they will be accounted for as per serial Number and properly endorsed and filed.    What will this accomplish?   1)      It will clear debt from every citizen of the USA, either paying down debt or paying down Mortgages owed to banks.  This will turn upside down mortgages in to a home with equity. 2)      It will give banks extensive cash flow allowing them to be sound again. 3)      It will allow banks to clear up bad debt. 4)      It will allow banks to pay back the USA Government. 5)      It will instantly spark the economy because all Citizens will have expendable cash after debt is paid 6)      It will clear up Citizens Credit Ratings. 7)      Banks can now begin to lend again. Not only do the banks, big corporations, and Congress Prosper but also this plan allows all US Citizens to Prosper. The Economy will soon begin to grow at record numbers allowing the Government to make their money back.

[-] 1 points by planetlove (31) 13 years ago

I agree that Fox (and mainstream media to a lesser degree more akin to negligence) is disgusting and perpetuates the messages and fallacy's and selfish individualism that is killing this country...however are we mis-diagnosing the symptoms as being the source of the disease?

I think Fox is only the result of the underlying root cause -- that a significant portion of the American electorate support and love the Fox garbage! Fox is only responding to a market, I don’t think they are creating it. Convincing and unifying the naysayers, or at least the politically ambiguous, is the big challenge for the 99% movement to truly earn its name, but more to the point to converge the leverage needed for deep change.

We need to stop preaching to the choir and start to try to spread the message to our neighbors, colleagues, and family members that disagree with us. This is the heart of the beast and no easy challenge given fundamental ideological differences stemming from worldview and the largely “hereditary” nature of political views…but don’t be afraid to post on Facebook, invite a neighbor or colleague that disagrees out to lunch. Could this individual-to-individual campaign based on respect be the only way to create a true and lasting tide shift?

[-] 1 points by mothergoose (4) 13 years ago

Solutions. Does anyone have any? Is there a posting or a list? With so many incredible minds joined together, what an opportunity to not only identify and bring to light issues, but to brainstorm and utilize the collective intelligence to create solutions. I would encourage you all to be the change.

Not just ask for it or demand it, and expect it to be delivered. Its not going to be. Why on earth would we rely on those perpetuating these poor choices to come up with solutions when you are empowered to create those very solutions? BE, CREATE, ENVISION, your (our) new reality.

My story:
Out of frustration with watching the bank (that would eventually take my daughter's home and put her and my two grand babies out on the street) not only have the audacity to ask for a bailout, but also receive one, I was enraged. I realized my voice would not be heard, my money would not count, my vote would not count, I was not as big as the machine. I realized the money machine controls Wall Street, Corporate, The White House, the Media, and other governments both allies and foes. It controls the campaign process. I realized the power and voice of the people was no longer heard above the machine. I realized the only way I could effect change, would be through my vote. But would my vote count? What would one vote do? How would my vote be heard if the machine also controls the vote? Controls the election process? Controls the Hill? Controls the media?

No longer will I stand by and wait for something that will not come. No longer will I accept reactionary existence.

my goal: Create a way to Vote those out of office that perpetuate these problems. To vote those out of office who do not listen to the voices of the people. Vote out corruption. Vote out the machine.

My solution: Build my own machine. I am in the process of doing just that. Voices will be heard, choices will be made by the majority. Patent pending. My point is grow beyond and through reaction mode toward solutions my friends. Use the collective power of the beautiful minds gathered before you in OWS. Brainstorm, and offer up solutions then consider implementation of those solutions.

Do not be caught up in bitter exchanges that do not serve other than to cast doubt hatred and mistrust. Its a waste of time and energy. There are no enemies here. Simply the rule of majority. Grow the majority. Then be empowered to build the future like our forefathers did. I love my country.

peace and love to all.

[-] 1 points by Anthonylo90 (1) 13 years ago

For the people(cynics) who keep saying get a job, you have proven that the media has brainwashed your brains to its full capacity, that's why it won't let you see the reality of things. Keep living in lala land. The 99% won't be silent the revolution has just started. We won't stop! You can thanks us later.

[-] 1 points by Peoplepower (1) 13 years ago

I participated in massive demonstrations in Serbia 96-97 (88 days) and then the two weeks before the revolution in 2000 (oct.5). The government will not pay much attention until you reach critical mass. At this moment your gatherings are still small even by Serb standards. We got what we wanted when aprox. 1mil people showed up on oct.5 . We did not have sleep over actions but did have a set time for gatherings. Every day we had 20-100k depending on the weather. It is extremely important to keep up the momentum. The most important thing is to have a goal behind which people will gather. I wish you all the best luck in your fight. Never give up on a righteous goal! Otpor (resistance)

[-] 1 points by SteveHeitmann (10) from Portland, OR 13 years ago

Meanwhile, what can we do to CHANGE Wall Street? What can we do NOW to motivate the right-wing Republicans (rwGOP) to work on behalf of the best interests of ALL Americans, not just the greedy and irresponsible few?

Money and profits are all the “financial services” industry and the rwGOP care about. So, let’s use the banks to leverage the rwGOP into providing real services to us all.

How? Please take the time to consider this strategy—maybe this will lead to an even better idea:


[-] 1 points by SteveHeitmann (10) from Portland, OR 13 years ago

Meanwhile, what can we do to CHANGE Wall Street? What can we do NOW to motivate the right-wing Republicans (rwGOP) to work on behalf of the best interests of ALL Americans, not just the greedy and irresponsible few?

Money and profits are all the “financial services” industry and the rwGOP care about. So, let’s use the banks to leverage the rwGOP into providing real services to us ALL.

How? Please take the time to consider this strategy—maybe this will lead to an even better idea: http://www.changewallst.info/

[-] 1 points by Shortbus (2) 13 years ago

Republicans and Democrats both had their chance. It's obviously not working anymore. I think it's time for a new political party, and soon before they legislate and regulate this country into something worse then a 3rd world. It's time for us to take our rights back. It's time for us to reclaim our freedom. The system is "broke", and the government corrupt!!! Don't worry about the lack of CNN coverage. Your voice is being heard!

All you people on OWS and around the world are an absolute inspiration to me. Stay safe and stand together. You are making a difference!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by Shortbus (2) 13 years ago

Sorry about multiple post. Was having a problem. I applogize.

[-] 1 points by mothergoose (4) 13 years ago

Solutions. Does anyone have any? Is there a posting or a list? With so many incredible minds joined together, what an opportunity to not only identify and bring to light issues but to brainstorm possible solutions. I would encourage you all to be the change.

Not just ask for it or demand it, and expect it to be delivered. Its not going to be. Why rely on those perpetuating these poor choices to come up with solutions when you are empowered to create those very solutions? BE, CREATE, ENVISION, your (our) new reality.

My story:
Out of frustration with watching the bank (that would eventually take my daughter's home and put her and my two grand babies out on the street) not only have the audacity to ask for a bailout, but also receive one, I was enraged. I realized my voice would not be heard, my money would not count, my vote would not count, I was not as big as the machine. I realized the money machine controls Wall Street, Corporate, The White House, and other governments both allies and foes. It controls the campaign process. I realized the power and voice of the people was no longer heard above the machine. I realized the only way I could effect change, would be through my vote. But would my vote count? What would one vote do? How would my vote be heard if the money machine also controls the vote? Controls the campaign spending? Controls the Hill?

my goal: Create a way to Vote those out of office that perpetuate these problems. To vote those out of office who do not listen to the voices of the people. Vote out corruption. Vote out the machine. No longer will I stand by and wait for something that will not come. No longer will I accept reactionary existence.

My solution: I could reinvent the machine. I am in the process of doing just that. Voices will be heard, choices will be made. Patent pending. This little red hen cant do it alone, she needs help. My point is grow beyond and through reaction mode toward solutioning my friends. Use the collective power of the beautiful minds before you. Brainstorm, and offer up solutions then consider implementation of those solutions. peace and love to all.

[-] 1 points by DaDOMatic (5) 13 years ago

Your Ideals are now spreading like wildfire around the world, because the many of the 99% are not asking for what they can get ,but what they can give. A VOICE. Once an idea has taken root, the collective mind grows, no force can kill it, the genie is out.

I say thank you to all my brothers and sisters I have never met at OWS and occupy the world, thank you.

[-] 1 points by DaDOMatic (5) 13 years ago

Your Ideals are now spreading like wildfire around the world, because the many of the 99% are not asking for what they can get ,but what they can give. A VOICE. Once an idea has taken root, the collective mind grows, no force can kill it, the genie is out.

I say thank you to all my brothers and sisters I have never met at OWS and occupy the world, thank you.

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

It Time to Protest against Fox News
Fox News hates the poor and middle class American. They love millionaires, billionaires, corporations, and corrupt politicians. They hate 99% and Operation Wall Street. They Believe that corporations, Millionaires, and Billionaires should pay less or no taxes. While they want to take away public programs from middle class and poor people. They don't care if corporation use and abuse poor and middle class people.
For years Fox news has been spreading fear though America by using propaganda to scare so many Americans. They would try to connect with people who were conservatives. Then they would use the conservatives own religion and wholesome believes to make connection with them. Then Fox news made their viewers believe if they did not follow their opinions America would turn into a horrible place to live. They fox news made it seem that degenerates, terrorists, devil worshipers and communist would take over America and destroy it. Then when fox news talked about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange they showed their true colors again. Couple of fox news commentators were talking about Julian Assange. They said that he should die. They wanted America to fly jets to where he lives and blow him up. They were getting so wild on the different ways they wanted to kill him they sounded like terrorists. Then if you would examine fox news commentators and terrorists they are very similar. Terrorists Spread fear to control people Uses violence to spread fear Uses bombings to show their power Believe every body that don't believe what they believe should die Believes that by killing all the non the believers it will get them to heaven with many female virgins Fox news commentators Spread fear to control people Uses lies, ignorance, stereotypes, and peoples own fears to spread fear through America Attacks things they don't like with lies or by distorting the truth by making people believe their horrible things even though their not They believe that every one that follows their belief will end up in heaven Thinks everybody that don't believe in their opinion will burn in hell and they will be the downfall of America They also believe in killing any one that tries to spread the truth to civilians around the world the evidence (they wanted to kill WikiLeaks founder Julian Assang for spreading the truth through the internet)

The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

We will set up voting ares all around the states the political candidates in The American Citizens' Vote are elected from. The main purpose for this party is to have majority of the American citizens to choose the types of bills, laws, procedures, or policies they want passed or they want rejected. This is why we will Have the American citizens vote on every bill political candidate needs to vote on. Basically our political candidates are empty shells and they need people living their states to vote on a bill to tell them how he or she must vote. This way the majority of the people can choose to pass or reject the bills, laws, procedures, or policies that affects their lives, their loved ones lives and their family's lives so they can all live a better life. When one our Political candidate have a right to create a bill, law, procedure, or policy the people living in his or her state will have the right to create four of them and our political candidate can create one. Our party will ask people from our state what bills, laws, procedures, or policies would they like to create. The people must right letters to us on what bills, laws, procedures, or policies they would like to create and they must have an address that shows they are a resident of a state our political candidate represents. Our staff will take four ideas that are most like by the people living in the state where our candidate represents. Then our staff will create four bills, laws, procedures, or policies that represent what the people want to be implement in to our countries laws. Then the people can vote on the five laws to see which one of them they like the most. Then our political representative must try to create the bill, law, procedure, or policy that the people living in his or her state chooses. This will allow the American citizens to create laws that can help their lives, their loved ones lives and their family's lives. This way American citizens truly can feel that their opinion on how to run their country really matters. Before our candidate takes office our party will set up balloting for the most important issues that come up in politics all the time. It will test what what types of bills, policies, and procedures majority of the American citizens in a state prefers or are against. We will have thees types of balloting couple of times a year. Thees votes will tell the politician how to vote if he or she does not have time to have the American citizens to vote on a bill. Our party will use thees votes to match bills similar to their opinion we got from the people who voted on multiple types of bills they like and dislike. This way our political representative can vote on or against a bill, law, procedure, or policy that the American citizens want him or her to do even though there may not been time to get the American citizens vote on a bill, law, procedure, or policy. Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

The reason American Citizens' Vote was created because our political party believes that no man or woman should have enough power to control a country because that would make him or her a king or queen. The problem is there a too many people who were being placed in situations where they are given too much power and that power corrupts them. No matter how good the person is the power of total control better politicians have at the moment can change the most honest man or woman into an evil power-hungry dictator. This is why our political party believes that no man or woman should have the power to control how American citizens lived there everyday life. This is why our political party is best for America and the world. Our political party takes the power away from a few individuals trying to control a country or even the world and gives the power back to the citizens that live in that country.  People around the world believe America is full of freedom, but if that was true American citizens would be able to choose and decide on every bill, law, policy, and procedure that effect their everyday life. This is the time now that Americans should fight against the corrupt politicians and take back their country and truly become the free country that everybody believes it is. Our political party is going to allow the American citizens to vote on deciding what bills, policies, and procedures should be created or voted for or against. We will do this by having political candidates in our party that will sign a contract with our party that will state that that any political candidate running under The American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens chooses. If any of our Political candidates break that main law (by not voting or creating bills the majority of American citizens chooses) they will be financially punished, thrown out of The American Citizens' Vote political party and singed signatures from American citizens will be kept with our party to impeach that political candidate from political office. We will test potential political candidates for our party by using back round checks and lie detector tests to determine if he or she will be honorable and honest fowling the the rules of our political party has for them. They will also be tested to see if they are able to debate for any issue pro or con even if they are against that opinion. The reason is our party needs to know that our political representative will fight for any bill that the majority of the American citizens chooses Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by aLibertarian (44) 13 years ago

In the spirit of love, brothers and sisters,

our fathers speak to us. Some of us are killers. We wear the scars. Our way was the tomahawk but the Great Onandaga seeded The Tree Of peace. And that's why us old warriors talk to you;

you must find a better way. We know what war brings and it's not good. And we really are the old-line: if somebody is killing you, we will defend you but by that time things have already gone shithouse.

To every generation is given a challenge. My generations went through the challenge of genocide. It sucked shit. Really bad nasty experience but would you believe we're back and we're standing right here in front of you?

Kids, this is gonna be a wild ride. It's gonna take all of our talent and all of our skill and all of our strength and all of our patience.

The patience is the hard part so i invite all people of love to come crash on our couch and let's just get drunk as fuck for once and let everybody else worry about the world.

Before we buck up and gird ourselves for battle from which we never know if we will live or if we will die. When you have a belly full of flapjacks and the love of your people, dying isn't such a big deal.

Living is the hard part.

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

The Message 99% Are Trying To Tell The Public

My political party The American Citizens' Vote has a clear message How to fix Americas problems. This message is very similar to what the 99% want. The 99% wants most of the American citizens to be represented when bills and laws are voted on. The American Citizens' Vote wants the American public to vote on every bill, law, policy and procedure. This way the American public will truly be represented and finally the people in America will be given true Democracy and not the fake Democracy our politicians say we have right now.

The American Citizens' Vote political party The American Citizen’s Vote is different then any other political party because our political candidates do not make their own choices on the bills, laws, and procedures they create or vote for or against. The American citizens chooses the laws, bills, policies, and procedures that our political candidates create or vote for or against. The political candidate running under the American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, laws, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens them him or her to do by their votes to them. The American citizens control our political candidates votes on bills and laws by having American citizens voting on the bills, or laws that represent them the best. Our political party demands that our political candidates follow the opinion of the American citizens even if our political candidates disagree. Finally The American citizens can vote for or against, laws, bills, and policies that affect their daily life. American public Are given the decision to vote on a bill or law and decide if they want to vote for or against the bill or law The American public would have a decision to create and vote for what of bills or laws should be introduced into the House of Representatives The American Citizens Vote political representative will make all of his or her decisions on bills and laws from the votes from the people that live in the state he or she represents The citizens in America will be able to vote on every bill or law concerning America The citizens in America will be able to create their own bills or laws and have them voted on in the House of Representatives Every 4 months American citizens will be able to vote on all types of issues and these votes are given to their The American Citizens Vote political representative The American Citizens' Vote political party will be controlled by the votes of the American public The American people would be able to create and pass bills or laws that stops free trade and outsourcing jobs. That will provide many more new jobs in our country. This will also keep many of the present jobs in our country to stay in America and not to go overseas where workers are paid less. The American Citizens' Vote main purpose is to give the American people a chance to vote and to decide how American politicians run the American government. Our political party is trying to give the American people a chance to control their own government with their own votes for bills, policies, and laws that effects how America government is ran. Our political party is different than other political parties because we want the American peoples' vote to tell our political representative how they should vote for a bill, policy, or law. The American Citizens' Vote is in the process of registering our political party in all 50 states in America.  The American Citizens' Vote political party was created to represent the American Citizens. This party allows the American citizens to choose and create the policies, procedures, and bills that controls how the American government is ran. Our party will take the power to control America away from corrupt politicians, corporations, lobbyist, the wealthiest people, and other countries and give the power to control America back to the American citizens where it was always meant to be with.   The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by Aussiesupporter (2) 13 years ago

The US CAN educate its citizens, ensure decent health care for all, ensure people have good housing, and provide employment opportunities for all. It won't cause hyper-inflation. It can be done. It has been done before. BUT the 1% have to loosen their grip on power and influence, and neoclassical economics must be replaced with Post-Keynesian, behavioural, ecological, REAL WORLD ECONOMICS FOR THE WELL-BEING OF THE 99%.

[-] 1 points by Aussiesupporter (2) 13 years ago

The US CAN educate its citizens, ensure decent health care for all, ensure people have good housing, and provide employment opportunities for all. It won't cause hyper-inflation. It can be done. It has been done before. BUT the 1% have to loosen their grip on power and influence, and neoclassical economics must be replaced with Post-Keynesian, behavioural, ecological, REAL WORLD ECONOMICS FOR THE WELL-BEING OF THE 99%.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

Action building up down in New Zealand where the present Prime Minister is an immediate past member of JP Morgan / Federal Reserve bunch of global highway men. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/oct2011/nzop-o17.shtml

Elections are due there and the press are very much controlled by NWO bankers.

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

The American Citizens' Vote main purpose is to give the American people a chance to vote and to decide how American politicians run the American government. Our political party is trying to give the American people a chance to control their own government with their own votes for bills, policies, and laws that effects how America government is ran. Our political party is different than other political parties because we want the American peoples' vote to tell our political representative how they should vote for a bill, policy, or law. The American Citizens' Vote is in the process of registering our political party in all 50 states in America.  The American Citizens' Vote political party was created to represent the American Citizens. This party allows the American citizens to choose and create the policies, procedures, and bills that controls how the American government is ran. Our party will take the power to control America away from corrupt politicians, corporations, lobbyist, the wealthiest people, and other countries and give the power to control America back to the American citizens where it was always meant to be with.   The reason American Citizens' Vote was created because our political party believes that no man or woman should have enough power to control a country because that would make him or her a king or queen. The problem is there a too many people who were being placed in situations where they are given too much power and that power corrupts them. No matter how good the person is the power of total control better politicians have at the moment can change the most honest man or woman into an evil power-hungry dictator. This is why our political party believes that no man or woman should have the power to control how American citizens lived there everyday life. This is why our political party is best for America and the world. Our political party takes the power away from a few individuals trying to control a country or even the world and gives the power back to the citizens that live in that country.  People around the world believe America is full of freedom, but if that was true American citizens would be able to choose and decide on every bill, law, policy, and procedure that effect their everyday life. This is the time now that Americans should fight against the corrupt politicians and take back their country and truly become the free country that everybody believes it is The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

For too long American government has been lowering the taxes for the wealthy and the corporations. They have been giving tax loopholes to most of the corporations of America and corporations from other countries that supply their goods to America. The problem is the more the American government gives to the corporations and the wealthy people the less they have been given back to America. An example is looking at the stock market most of the corporations of America and in other countries were rising when most of Americans were our work or working at jobs at low salaries. It shows when America gives to the corporations and the wealthy they want more and they will take more. The evidence was worth General Electric The American government gave them billions of dollars to build jobs in America instead them build jobs in China. The reason is most of the corporations and wealthy do not respect America's government they take from us Americans and they give nothing back. Most of the corporations are moving overseas so they can build their products cheaply by paying their workers pennies a hour. While other corporations in America are outsourcing their jobs to people that live in other countries and pay them pennies an hour. Ladies and gentlemen it is time that we stop fighting with each other for a little bit of money and start fighting corporations and the wealthy for all the money that they have been stealing from America's government and from the American citizens. It was funny that in Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker made people get angry at teachers that were making $30,000 a year because they had retirement pensions. So many people were away all outraged while the same people do not care about the billions and billions of dollars thees corporations cheated the government out of tax money. For too many years corporations have been using loopholes to screw Americans out of as much money as they possibly can without any help from American politicians to stop these illegal actions. It is time for Americans to take their country back. It is time that Americans need to stand up shout, yell,scream, and fight the government so they can spend the government's money the way the American people want it to be spent and not how the corrupt politicians want it to be spent. If we the people do not fight for our country someday it will not be our country, but it will be the corporations country and the wealthiest people's country. America will be more like a Monarchy where only a few have everything while most people will be living like peasants. Ladies and gentlemen it is up to you to stand up and fight for your freedoms before most of them will be taken away from us Americans.

The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

The American Citizens' Vote Is Needed For Thees Reasons The American government wants to get rid of Medicare and Social Security. The funny part is American people have been paying for these two funds for most of their lives. The government wants to get rid of that program and steel the money that the American people put into these two programs. While the American government pays a large interest to all the money it was borrowed. The amount of money it pays in interest is more than the America spends on its education. America has given trillions of dollars to corporations in the last few years or most of it has not been paid back and no interest has been given back to the American government. America has given trillions and trillions of dollars to countries around the world. We have used used are military to fight wars and to keep piece in other countries around the world. The wars we fight to keep the peace has cost America more than trillions and trillions of dollars of American taxpayers hard earned money. Problem is that everybody wants to take money from the American government. Organizations, people and other groups who steal money from America on a daily basis (Other countries, corporations in America, corporations in another country, millionaires and billionaires in America, world leaders, dictators in America, dictators in other countries, companies that sell military weapons, and politicians) all of them have taken trillions and trillions of dollars from America. While politicians from our own government wants to steal the money that hard-working Americans have put into the government to pay for their Social Security and Medicare when they grow older. The politicians wants to stop the American people from receiving the money that they paid into the government while they do not care for all the money they throw needlessly to all these other groups that I have named above. Can you imagine how is this right that every corporation that is called a multinational corporation do not have to pay any taxes to America. That is trillions of dollars yearly that our American government does not receive. The politicians thinks that's okay because they are paid off by those corporations. While America pays many of these corporations billions and billions of dollars yearly to make new jobs that they don't make. America has paid oil companies billions and billions of dollars to make new jobs. They don't make new jobs in America and they don't pay taxes, what America does pay them billions and billions of dollars and you can think the dirty politicians who take payoffs for the. Look at general electorate we paid them billions of dollars to make new jobs and they made new jobs in China and basically told America to fuck off, but thank you for the money. I am one American who is tired and stack of all of the politicians who want to steal hard working Americans tax money. While all the politicians want to do with the government's money is to throw it away to all other corporations and other groups I have talked about above as long as they get their daily payoffs. The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

I love Judy Lonin's comment. 'We are not willing to keep suffering for the sins of wallstreet anymore. People here rare waking up and realize they can't just do to the ballot box"

Yep! We The People have to take matters into our own hands ...NOW!

[-] 1 points by annie (132) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

My name is Anne Lockee. I am a 40 year old business owner and mother of three. I have things to say to the organizers of the Occupy Wall Street Protests to keep the momentum going but I don't know how or who to contact. If you find the following of interest, please do what you can to spread the word. Thanks.

MY WORRY: We are the 99% but many are unable to attend a protest for one reason or other. We need to find a way all interested citizens may participate and feel they can make an impact because so much of our disillusionment stems from feeling powerless. It also can't hurt to see our numbers grow. Another concern...when it starts getting cold outside the protests might wane a bit...AND also I fear that wallstreet is quite used to people mad at them. They may be able to withstand our ire for a very long time. So, since this is such an important moment.... MY IDEA: We stage targeted "boycotts" that are announced via facebook/twitter. For instance, the entire 99% does not shop for only one day at a different place and this place changes every single day. (after all we are not trying to put anyone out of business or do harm but make a point and show our power.) It could go like this monday no amazon NOT ONE DIME...tuesday no starbucks...wednesday no arco...etc. Again, the company does not matter. All companies are culpable, even the good ones, because they are all part of the Wallstreet Machine. Our goal is not to shut down the country. After all, we want to employ people. But we will no longer feel like helpless consumers that have no choice but to buy the "company stores" product no matter what the price. We have a choice...so we choose!

AND THEN, TO EXPLAIN OUR PURPOSE: We calculate the amount of money a company loses every day and say... "Hey, that's a lot of money in just one day." Now let's compare that to the FAIR amount of tax we'd like you to pay...or “How much is that compared to the insane bonuses you give your CEO” etc etc etc. After OWS comes up with it's demands something can be written and signed for individual companies to show their support, creating a list of sympathetic companies.

BECAUSE: We are not trying to screw anyone, we just demand fairness.

AND: Since the best way to achieve fairness is,in part, to REGULATE Wallstreet and modify the tax code (i.e. add a tax bracket for millionaires, scrap overseas tax havens, introduce a modest financial transaction tax, revamp the estate tax, end preferential treatment on capital gains tax).... we need americans to see that many big companies may actually be on board which could really change things.

AND IN THE END:This is a relatively painless thing for all. the rich will still be rich. the free market will still be free (just not allowed to be as corrupt) and ALL OF US will enjoy our American citizenry without so much contempt for each other.

AND TO END WITH A SLOGAN THAT MATTERS: "When we all do better, we all do better."

[-] 1 points by mimbar (3) from Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 13 years ago

Dear brother and sister of the 99%. I sympathize your effort to make this world a better place to live for all of us. And I look forward to see how to support your effort. But, I'm kind of worried. For all this time, USA solve her economic crisis through war. (WW II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War, Gulf War, you name it) What worries me, would USA fight another war to solve today's economic crisis?

[-] 1 points by janni (2) 13 years ago

It's not often as an Australian that i am proud of the example set by the American people or its government but OWS is an example that the world needs to follow if there is to be a future for humankind. Say NO to capitalism and its corrupt purveyors: they destroy the earth in the pursuit of profits and refuse to be held accountable. Change is needed NOW.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

I've often read complaints about America on other forums; a lot of folks overseas felt that because they were being fucked over by American business gone on a greed rampage, ALL Americans were assholes. :(

Then comes OWS to prove otherwise. We're not all assholes, the average Joe American is getting fucked over too. And we're sick of it.

[-] 1 points by ArniePerlstein (1) 13 years ago

In all seriousness, Jane Austen would have been there in Times Square today:


[-] 1 points by ttmmhh1 (16) 13 years ago

wall street and money and zombies

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Movie zombies eat your brain. TV news zombies eats your brain. Wall Street zombies eat your cash.

[-] 1 points by changes26 (2) 13 years ago

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~ W. Churchill hi from Kazakhstan!

[-] 1 points by changes26 (2) 13 years ago

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~ W. Churchill hi from Kazakhstan!

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

Ras Tafari the True Christ said "the christians and the muslims must unite to defeat the enemy." we have been brutalised to believe in this christian muslim war. there were no muslim terrorists involved in 911 unless you believe they could order NORAD to stand down and then order the immediate and illegal removal of evidence from the ground zero crime scene. all christian preachers GROOM children by telling them their mothers are sinners! child protection will destroy christianity just as surely womens liberation will destroy islam. we must unite to defeat the ENEMY who is controlling our country and ordering polive brutality against OUR PEACEFUL PROTEST.

[-] 1 points by Hermes2012 (3) 13 years ago

As a child in the 60's one of the sayings that stuck with me was, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!" Of course the internet today is the great equalizer and is in the process of pulling back the veil of illusion on Capitalism.

[-] 1 points by DrinktheTEA (1) 13 years ago

I am 24 year old Christian who identifies as Independent voter. I like what I see that the organic(ness) of the people voicing their opinion about the corruption on Wall St. and the Corporate greed in America, but how does this equate to the uprising in other Nations. So are you asking for Obama to resign. Id gladly accept that since his campaign took millions of dollars from Wall St. Executives, his best buddies are Goldman Sachs Execs, the last State of the Union he was talking about taxing the Rich, yet his buddy the GE CEO was in attendance who doesnt pay a cent on his companies taxes. Odd i think not. Obama is phony as a 3 dollar bill and his guilty of the corruption as much as Madoff. But please guys, id love to join the movement if you'd actually come up with solutions and not say we're bringing "Awareness" about the conditions of the economy. You actually have to challenge your senators and elected officials to hold these CEO's in congressional hearings and throw them in jail if found guilty of corruption, but it will be hard since most of the politicians have been bought off. Be careful Obama is going to hijack this movement for his second term bid and he is claiming he "stands with you" What a joke. He bailed out the Big banks and with his Obamacare soon to go into effect will cripple job creation. Too much to write. But keep marching and we will see how it turns out in the end. A revolution is on the rise. Gather your strongest leaders and infiltrate the political system and make change, these protest can only do so much, your up against a huge machine.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Obama's big campaign promise was sweeping reforms. "Change you can believe in." People believed it, he got in, and we learn it was a crock of bull. Politicians lie, but damn, that was a masterful fib. "Yes we can" meant "Yes I won't." Bah. I think the movement is onto him, he has no credibility anymore.

I'll go on to say that all of them running this year have no credibility, or are sorely lacking in it.

[-] 1 points by ThreePercentr (6) from Bayville, NY 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by ThreePercentr (6) from Bayville, NY 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by D2Syt (6) 13 years ago

The opinion of one .. a draft I submit to the people.

From the Constitution: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Profit/interest without effort, equal risk, or “promotion of the general Welfare” needs to be regulated.

Fruits of regulation should “promote the general Welfare” - government role or individual from which the fruit was collected.

The Laws involving Corporations need to be revisited – Bonuses must be recognized as profit for the corporations and regulated appropriately.

WallStreet – Profit/interest without effort,equal risk, or “promotion of the general Welfare” needs to be regulated. High Frequency Trading needs to be regulated.

1) progressive tax –needs to re-defined as formula that allows for the maintenance of wealth but does not allow for the exponential acceleration of wealth ahead of the general population. ( we need them and they need us)

2) estate taxes – must be re-instated

Election campaign contributions should be transparent, traceable and regulated

This is only a proposed patch to the system in place..

The increase in accelerated transactions involving interest upon interest and the fractional banking system are creating a need for money in the US monetary system ( increased debt). This system will fail in the end if it is a purely a capitalist system. If the basic needs of the people are not met by innovation, education, or jobs the system will fail.

All individuals in all levels of society must unite under the promotion of the United States of America and apply virtue.

“It is virtue alone that entitles a ruler to rule, and when he sets aside virtue, he sets aside the right to call himself a sovereign” – Burton Watson

[-] 1 points by Hermes2012 (3) 13 years ago

As a child in the 60's one of the sayings that stuck with me was, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!"

[-] 1 points by Uspatriot5000 (128) 13 years ago

Personally, I think all of this is doing more harm to our economy than it will ever accomplish. This is why I am glad I live in the country, away from all of the craziness in the large cities. I am more concerned about keeping my job, my wife's job, and raising our kids. Have you ever thought this may drive the government to declare "martial law", suspend the Constitution, and basically put us under military law\rule. I don't think the people of Egypt have been exactly thrilled with the way things are turning out there since the military took over.

[-] 1 points by Hermes2012 (3) 13 years ago

As a child in the 60's one of the sayings that stuck with me was, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!"

[-] 1 points by Mark12211 (3) 13 years ago

I hate to sound like a party pooper here, but... Do you guys realize that Wall Street stock traders are turned over almost as fast as retail workers. The people trading stocks this year will be working in some other job next year. It is a highly stressful job with high expectations and long hours. If you don't meet those expectations you are turned over just like you would be if you were a janitor that did a bad job cleaning. So you are fighting against someone who works in a service industry just like you. We are a service and banking nation. These people are trying to make a living by investing your money and trying to earn you more money. Why are you marching against these poor people?

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Those guys aren't the enemy, they're getting the shitty end too. They too are the 99%.

The enemy are the leeches that take and destroy everything, think they have the right to rob us blind, and give nothing back. They're sitting on huge piles that can repay the national debt a thousand times over, but they'll be damned if they'll return a dime of it. They're the same useless bastards that usurped the government with lobbyists and cronies.

[-] 1 points by D2Syt (6) 13 years ago

The opinion of one .. a draft I submit to the people.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Profit/interest without effort, risk, or “promotion of the general Welfare” needs to be regulated.

Fruits of regulation should “promote the general Welfare” - government role or individual from which the fruit was collected.

The Laws involving Corporations need to be revisited – Bonuses must be recognized as profit for the corporations and regulated appropriately.

WallStreet – Profit/interest without effort, risk, or “promotion of the general Welfare” needs to be regulated. High Frequency Trading needs to be regulated.

1) progressive tax – defined as formula that allows for the maintenance of wealth but does not allow for the exponential acceleration of wealth ahead of the general population.

2) estate taxes – must be re-instated

Election campaign contributions should be transparent, traceable and regulated

This is only a proposed patch to the system in place..

The increase in accelerated transactions involving interest upon interest and the fractional banking system are creating a need for money in the US monetary system ( increased debt). This system will fail in the end if it is a purely a capitalist system. If the basic needs of the people are not met by innovation, education, or jobs the system will fail.

All individuals in all levels of society must unite under the promotion of the United States of America and apply virtue.

“It is virtue alone that entitles a ruler to rule, and when he sets aside virtue, he sets aside the right to call himself a sovereign” – Burton Watson

[-] 1 points by Uspatriot5000 (128) 13 years ago

Estate taxes must be re-instated. So, you are saying that my family farm, which has been in my family for over 300 years, still worked, taxed paid by every generation, etc. When my father dies, then I should have to pay another "inheritance tax" on it. That is ridiculous. Why to do you think so many family farms are gone!! It is so the children could pay the estate tax. This tax is killing our family farms to the point all we are going to have are "corporate farms" that are managed by large conglomerates!!!

[-] 1 points by peripeton (1) 13 years ago

Let's keep the momentum. Let us arrange the second global day of protests. Let us name it "reclaim your planet" or "reclaim your life".

Let us start organizing for the 12th of November.

[-] 1 points by Juggerblot (4) 13 years ago


Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!


[-] 1 points by Juggerblot (4) 13 years ago


Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!



Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!


[-] 1 points by Juggerblot (4) 13 years ago


Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!


[-] 1 points by Juggerblot (4) 13 years ago


Its the Federal Reserve and DC that's bailing Wall Street!! Occupy the Fed!!!!!!!


[-] 1 points by reddogg59 (1) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

Thanks for the education of whats really happening.

[-] 1 points by JustAskAlice (-4) from Washington, DC 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by JoS (1) 13 years ago

Best wishes from Germany. We're pulling together world-wide. 40,000 people on the street in Germany this weekend - not enough, but a first step in the right direction. Don't believe the news coverage about Rome (Italy): there were just under 100 troublemakers, but 200,000 peaceful protesters!!!

[-] 1 points by mudcat (4) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof. John Kenneth Galbraith

[-] 1 points by mudcat (4) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof. John Kenneth Galbraith

[-] 1 points by Bigo (4) 13 years ago

We recommend to all our brothers of OWS to watch a more fair and independent coverage of OWS actions at "english.aljazeera.net" and at "presstv.ir"....you will be eager to see that somewhere in this world , coverage of events are usually more fair and objective than that in US media which are owned by the 1%...

[-] 1 points by mudcat (4) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

you are a disjointed cacaphony of whining - there is no clarity of purpose - these vapid generalizations, 99% etc. sound nice - but that is all - the Arab Spring movement, hell even the Viet Nam era Anti War movement was less organized and yet had more gravitas than you can muster - go home and read some Abbie Hoffman you bunch of cry babies

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Yawn. Another troll. FAIL!

The 1% are responding to the resistance with such open hatred, such a fake air of self-appointed superiority, such easily sensed hypocrisy while trying, and failing, to disguise their fear behind false bravado. They try to distract, distort and hide the truth, so that they may continue their behaviour unchallenged. This is the hallmark of sociopaths.

You, my friends and fellows of the Occupancy, attract such vitriol simply because you resist their madness, and shine a beacon of hope that inspires others to resist. You also expose their lies to the harsh light of truth, something else they can't stand. You of the 99% are a great and noble dragon, the deliverers of the judgement now at hand, and you cannot be slain.

Banksters, trying to slay this particular dragon with the pinpricks of crude insults and smatterings of frothing rhetoric, only amuses the dragon and betrays your fear. The dragon isn't scared of you, you are afraid of the dragon. The dragon is bigger than you, it's smarter than you, it's stronger than you, it's tougher than you, it's in your face, and it's not going away. It grows stronger and ever more powerful by the day. It's announcing it's presence with the earthshaking roar of it's People's Voice, while it patiently waits for you to make a fatal mistake. Then, it shall pounce, and eat you alive. It can wait, it has nothing to lose by waiting, yet much to gain; the taste of your defeat is to be savored, for you have grown fat and complacent on the hoard you have stolen from it. What better prey for this noble creature but the king of thieves?

CEO, look and be awed! This great purple dragon is your creation, birthed of the blood of your crimes, and your abuses as a bully. This dragon is your greatest nightmare come to life, and it knows your weaknesses better than you do. It smells your fear, and it finds the scent delicious.

Behold crooks, know the name and nature of your failure! This dragon is called Movement, Occupy, OWS, and formally, Unity. It is a vast legion, yet one, and it can't be bribed, coerced, purchased, destroyed, conquered, divided, or diminished. It embodies a cohesion, a purpose, a drive, an energy, that you will never know or have, much less comprehend. It cares not for your lust and greed; it is above such petty things, and that is the source of it's dominion over you. To the dragon, you deserve no more respect than a virus. It views your actions and words with contempt, for you are nothing before it.

Fiends, instead of being an ugly and insignificant jester before this mighty, virtuous dragon, go out and pick a fight with a "faggot", "wetback", or a "nigger", or beat up on a "bitch". After all, abusing others always makes you feel better about your sad pathetic existence as a batshit insane leech upon the world, doesn't it? The dragon thinks that's the height of comedy; you exposing yourself in shame.

[-] 1 points by mudcat (4) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

you are a disjointed cacaphony of whining - there is no clarity of purpose - these vapid generalizations, 99% etc. sound nice - but that is all - the Arab Spring movement, hell even the Viet Nam era Anti War movement was less organized and yet had more gravitas than you can muster - go home and read some Abbie Hoffman you bunch of cry babies

[-] 1 points by JohnDeHerrera (10) 13 years ago

The OccupyWallSt website says it will not tolerate the greed/corruption of the 1% over the 99%. The current OccupySB statement is that we're committed to ending corporate control of the government. What we all want is to exercise our ultimate right as Americans: alter and abolish. We want to alter and abolish the status quo of corporatism. One way to do that is by calling together a non-binding convention on the authority of the Constitution. The various Occupy cities should begin platforming for the Article V Convention. Politics as usual is what keeps us enslaved, a convention stops it because a convention is not politics as usual. http://www.foavc.org

[-] 1 points by JohnDeHerrera (10) 13 years ago

The OccupyWallSt website says it will not tolerate the greed/corruption of the 1% over the 99%. The current OccupySB statement is that we're committed to ending corporate control of the government. What we all want is to exercise our ultimate right as Americans: alter and abolish. We want to alter and abolish the status quo of corporatism. One way to do that is by calling together a non-binding convention on the authority of the Constitution. The various Occupy cities should begin platforming for the Article V Convention. Politics as usual is what keeps us enslaved, a convention stops it because a convention is not politics as usual. http://www.foavc.org

[-] 1 points by BravodelMar (1) from Punta del Este, Maldonado 13 years ago

Your cause is our cause, Uruguay.


[-] 1 points by AmericaWakesUP (5) 13 years ago

Thank You for Standing Up! I attended the Occupy Wisconsin! We can have higher wages because we know our CEO's Make 471 times the average salary. We know we can have better school, health care, and help our seniors when we stop the wars. We don't need Lobbyist, we don't need corporations writing our laws, and we don't need coporations buying our politicians! We need the 99% to unite!

[-] 1 points by PennTellerShermerFan (13) 13 years ago

"Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street - Let's End the FED": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka1ym7S3F3w

RP is anti-corporatist just like you.

[-] 1 points by connectionground (1) 13 years ago

How can we place currency into a population, to form an economy, without loaning it? This is the root of all of our problems. More is owed than there is to pay it back. We must find the solution, peacefully.

[-] 1 points by AmericaWakesUP (5) 13 years ago

Thank You for Standing Up! I attended the Occupy Wisconsin! We can have higher wages because we know our CEO's Make 471 times the average salary. We know we can have better school, health care, and help our seniors when we stop the wars. We don't need Lobbyist, we don't need corporations writing our laws, and we don't need coporations buying our politicians! We need the 99% to unite!

[-] 1 points by AmericaWakesUP (5) 13 years ago

Thank You for Standing Up! I attended the Occupy Wisconsin! We can have higher wages because we know our CEO's Make 471 times the average salary. We know we can have better school, health care, and help our seniors when we stop the wars. We don't need Lobbyist, we don't need corporations writing our laws, and we don't need coporations buying our politicians! We need the 99% to unite!

[-] 1 points by sisterpoet7 (1) 13 years ago

I commend you all for standing your ground and enforcing your right's for a peaceful assembly....Thank you all for supporting this great cause and for letting the world know that there must be a change NOW.....

[-] 1 points by juju (5) 13 years ago

WAIT just, like, a minute! Like, you know, they like, literally, told me it was a government of the people; I am, like, in charge, no?

"The primary control and custody of infants is with the government" Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62

"Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state." Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.

"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State: individual so-called 'ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. Senate Document No. 43 73rd Congress 1st Session. (Brown v. Welch supra)

[-] 1 points by juju (5) 13 years ago

If we were to abolish all corporations, the UNITED STATES would be no more...and here you were, putting your body on the line, thinking all this time you were a patriot. Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah. 14 Georgia 438, 520 which states " But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact but he is not a party to it." hu?...not a party to it"....WHAT!

[-] 1 points by mikeh9 (18) 13 years ago

Thank you those involved in OWS for what you're doing, never give up! Though OWS has solidified its message, I think it also needs to make clear to people its opinion on how to achieve a better word - i.e. what kind of government SHOULD be in place, how it should be run, etc.

[-] 1 points by juju (5) 13 years ago

here's a slogan: "I DO NOT CONSENT/ I WAVE ALL BENEFITS"....do not consent to be governed by a corporation; this is not your government. It is the same everywhere...please, wake up!

[-] 1 points by joeyjojojoe (1) 13 years ago

surely our central demand should be to end fractional reserve banking?

[-] 1 points by PennTellerShermerFan (13) 13 years ago

"The Difference: Barack Obama and Ron Paul": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVKSfwfy0h8

[-] 1 points by juju (5) 13 years ago

You all do know the constitution does not apply to you (Padelford, Fay & Co. v. Mayor and Aldermen of City of Savannah) that it has no authority whatsoever (Lysander Spooner) that what you thought was "government of the People" is a for profit corporation registered in DE (as is Canada, Australia, New Zealand); that they print their own worthless script, call it money, and dupe "taxpayers" to work for them for free when they could just print a little more, right?....just checking.

[-] 1 points by PennTellerShermerFan (13) 13 years ago

"The Difference: Barack Obama and Ron Paul": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVKSfwfy0h8

"Ron Paul Blasts Corporatism": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwwXgPiySto "Corporatism is Soft Fascism": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI6Bh971aDY

You are all on the same page (corporatists vs anti-corporatists).

"Ron Paul Says Barack Obama is "Not a Socialist" - Calls Him "Corporatist" Instead": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSaQ7WPd_LM

[-] 1 points by PennTellerShermerFan (13) 13 years ago

"Ron Paul Blasts Corporatism": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwwXgPiySto "Corporatism is Soft Fascism": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI6Bh971aDY

[-] 1 points by PennTellerShermerFan (13) 13 years ago

You are all on the same page (corporatists vs anti-corporatists).

"Ron Paul Says Barack Obama is "Not a Socialist" - Calls Him "Corporatist" Instead": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSaQ7WPd_LM

[-] 1 points by twistedbootsnyc (2) 13 years ago

Beautifully written OWS. I am moved to watch the power of the people grow to enormous strengths and heights as I am part of the 99%. You've reinstated my patriotism through this movement to bring back what I've always believed this country has delivered and been admired for. We will not let the private and public offices stain this country with their greed and power for all people. We are here to tell those that it's unacceptable and we are not willing to negotiate by the force of just voices. It is our country and I believe 100% we will prevail. xoxo

[-] 1 points by COMC (3) 13 years ago

HI all,

If you really desire a strategy that will punish Wall Street and those financial institutions who consider themselves elite, all you have to do is launch a boycott of all publicly traded companies, i.e. stop buying all goods and services from companies listed on the Stock exchanges.

This WILL hit Wall street, fund managers, investment bankers and bonus millionaires where it hurts them the most, in their wallets. A very simple yet very effective strategy that will add significant potency to your cause.

You have a lot more support globally than just the folks turning up to demonstrate, so keep up the good work.


[-] 1 points by planetlove (31) 13 years ago

Great idea since this is something the stay-at-home protestors can do. I know there is a lot of support out there from people like me that for whatever reason can not be physically present and we need a way to channel our support.

[-] 1 points by Schwabini (1) 13 years ago

Universities have high tuition but we do not protest them, just the people who lent us the money to attend. Politicians voted for bailouts but if they are Democrats, we welcome and praise them. Our President pushed through the bailouts and we do not demonstrate in front of the White House. We demonstrate but have no specifics as to what we want.

[-] 1 points by Pandora (9) 13 years ago

I applaud and support all of the protesters' efforts thus far. What steps are being taken to agree on specific goals to target? Ultimately, what do we want to achieve?

[-] 1 points by befree (3) 13 years ago

So far the only media covering it is russian television... I hve watched every other channel with news and I don't see anything but maybe clips. I think the main reason they are not showing it is because people will join once it is showed.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Mainstream American TV 'news' is a bullshit factory controlled by the crooks. If they mention us at all, it's to sling insults and confusion. They know what's going on, they've been ordered not to say it. Don't bother with them, just turn 'em off.

[-] 1 points by JoeB (1) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

This is going to take some time. The mainstream media are tools for the government/corporations. They're all one and the same. Don't expect immediate results.Keep the actions going. Keep going to the actions.The mainstream media journalists are paid for writing propaganda. Have patience and let's see the numbers grow. OWS has a very clear message: Something is greatly wrong with the country (many, many things) and its ruling elite who cause multiple crises all over the globe. Let everyone from different causes join together as one. This has begun.

[-] 1 points by ccillinois2000 (20) 13 years ago

I am proud and hopeful for the first time in a long time. I took part in the rallies and marches in Oakland. Go Occupy Oakland! This movement will keep spreading because there are too many people out there who feel as marginalized as we do.

[-] 1 points by musikgirl (1) 13 years ago

This is the first time I feel really hopeful about the future in a very long time. As for patriotism, I've always been extremely proud to be American, and never more so than now, because of this movement. Thank you #OWS.

[-] 1 points by gbartocci (1) 13 years ago

I am a recent graduate living with my fiance (also a college graduate) outside of Cincinnati. I work as a substitute teacher and we live paycheck to paycheck on his meager salary from the largest food corporation in the world. We are both in debt from student loans and are sick of seeing injustice in so many different aspects of our society. Economic inequity, educational inequity, environmental ruin and an overall unconsciousness of a majority of the population. I am the 99% and we need to stand up for ourselves because no one else will!!! Thank you all in New York and everyone nationwide, don't let them stop you until they hear you!

[-] 1 points by JamesJetland (5) 13 years ago

The Message 99% Are Trying To Tell The Public

My political party The American Citizens' Vote has a clear message How to fix Americas problems. This message is very similar to what the 99% want. The 99% wants most of the American citizens to be represented when bills and laws are voted on. The American Citizens' Vote wants the American public to vote on every bill, law, policy and procedure. This way the American public will truly be represented and finally the people in America will be given true Democracy and not the fake Democracy our politicians say we have right now.

The American Citizens' Vote political party The American Citizen’s Vote is different then any other political party because our political candidates do not make their own choices on the bills, laws, and procedures they create or vote for or against. The American citizens chooses the laws, bills, policies, and procedures that our political candidates create or vote for or against. The political candidate running under the American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, laws, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens them him or her to do by their votes to them. The American citizens control our political candidates votes on bills and laws by having American citizens voting on the bills, or laws that represent them the best. Our political party demands that our political candidates follow the opinion of the American citizens even if our political candidates disagree. Finally The American citizens can vote for or against, laws, bills, and policies that affect their daily life. American public Are given the decision to vote on a bill or law and decide if they want to vote for or against the bill or law The American public would have a decision to create and vote for what of bills or laws should be introduced into the House of Representatives The American Citizens Vote political representative will make all of his or her decisions on bills and laws from the votes from the people that live in the state he or she represents The citizens in America will be able to vote on every bill or law concerning America The citizens in America will be able to create their own bills or laws and have them voted on in the House of Representatives Every 4 months American citizens will be able to vote on all types of issues and these votes are given to their The American Citizens Vote political representative The American Citizens' Vote political party will be controlled by the votes of the American public The American people would be able to create and pass bills or laws that stops free trade and outsourcing jobs. That will provide many more new jobs in our country. This will also keep many of the present jobs in our country to stay in America and not to go overseas where workers are paid less.

 The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

That's a great idea to be behind!

[-] 1 points by JamesJetland (5) 13 years ago

The Message 99% Are Trying To Tell The Public

My political party The American Citizens' Vote has a clear message How to fix Americas problems. This message is very similar to what the 99% want. The 99% wants most of the American citizens to be represented when bills and laws are voted on. The American Citizens' Vote wants the American public to vote on every bill, law, policy and procedure. This way the American public will truly be represented and finally the people in America will be given true Democracy and not the fake Democracy our politicians say we have right now.

The American Citizens' Vote political party The American Citizen’s Vote is different then any other political party because our political candidates do not make their own choices on the bills, laws, and procedures they create or vote for or against. The American citizens chooses the laws, bills, policies, and procedures that our political candidates create or vote for or against. The political candidate running under the American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, laws, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens them him or her to do by their votes to them. The American citizens control our political candidates votes on bills and laws by having American citizens voting on the bills, or laws that represent them the best. Our political party demands that our political candidates follow the opinion of the American citizens even if our political candidates disagree. Finally The American citizens can vote for or against, laws, bills, and policies that affect their daily life. American public Are given the decision to vote on a bill or law and decide if they want to vote for or against the bill or law The American public would have a decision to create and vote for what of bills or laws should be introduced into the House of Representatives The American Citizens Vote political representative will make all of his or her decisions on bills and laws from the votes from the people that live in the state he or she represents The citizens in America will be able to vote on every bill or law concerning America The citizens in America will be able to create their own bills or laws and have them voted on in the House of Representatives Every 4 months American citizens will be able to vote on all types of issues and these votes are given to their The American Citizens Vote political representative The American Citizens' Vote political party will be controlled by the votes of the American public The American people would be able to create and pass bills or laws that stops free trade and outsourcing jobs. That will provide many more new jobs in our country. This will also keep many of the present jobs in our country to stay in America and not to go overseas where workers are paid less.

 The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by grp8011 (7) 13 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you... for your service to America and ...for understanding that they are standing for everyone of us, no matter our political or religious affiliation. I wish everyone in America would get that!

[-] 1 points by JamesJetland (5) 13 years ago

The Message 99% Are Trying To Tell The Public

My political party The American Citizens' Vote has a clear message How to fix Americas problems. This message is very similar to what the 99% want. The 99% wants most of the American citizens to be represented when bills and laws are voted on. The American Citizens' Vote wants the American public to vote on every bill, law, policy and procedure. This way the American public will truly be represented and finally the people in America will be given true Democracy and not the fake Democracy our politicians say we have right now.

The American Citizens' Vote political party The American Citizen’s Vote is different then any other political party because our political candidates do not make their own choices on the bills, laws, and procedures they create or vote for or against. The American citizens chooses the laws, bills, policies, and procedures that our political candidates create or vote for or against. The political candidate running under the American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, laws, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens them him or her to do by their votes to them. The American citizens control our political candidates votes on bills and laws by having American citizens voting on the bills, or laws that represent them the best. Our political party demands that our political candidates follow the opinion of the American citizens even if our political candidates disagree. Finally The American citizens can vote for or against, laws, bills, and policies that affect their daily life. American public Are given the decision to vote on a bill or law and decide if they want to vote for or against the bill or law The American public would have a decision to create and vote for what of bills or laws should be introduced into the House of Representatives The American Citizens Vote political representative will make all of his or her decisions on bills and laws from the votes from the people that live in the state he or she represents The citizens in America will be able to vote on every bill or law concerning America The citizens in America will be able to create their own bills or laws and have them voted on in the House of Representatives Every 4 months American citizens will be able to vote on all types of issues and these votes are given to their The American Citizens Vote political representative The American Citizens' Vote political party will be controlled by the votes of the American public The American people would be able to create and pass bills or laws that stops free trade and outsourcing jobs. That will provide many more new jobs in our country. This will also keep many of the present jobs in our country to stay in America and not to go overseas where workers are paid less.

 The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by joybasu (23) 13 years ago

yes! power to the 99%! all the wealth of this earth is being accumulated by the 1% and all the power with it. take back the wealth from 1% and the power will be with 99%. this is certainly not about changing a couple of laws, this is about changing the law structure itself. this is not about any country or nation, it is about whole world and entire humanity. this can not be done in any country, this have to be done all over the world. soviet union failed for that very reason that it tried to 'implement' it in a single country, which finally gave birth to autocracy and a very mean war machinery, which is against all the basic principles of socialism in general and marxism in specific. that very notion of 'implementing' socialism in a single country makes china a 'slave labor land'' though all of it started with very good and high intentions. in effect soviet union, china, cuba etc. are models of state controlled capitalism, not of socialism. socialism can not be 'implemented' from above, it can only be made possible from the grass roots, as marx said for time and again. however, with marx or without marx, the social control over all the wealth (not private prperty like your PC or dining table) of the world is the key to the central problems of the present day world financial crisis, which is threatening to take apart the civilization. private control over wealth can try to survive a crisis only by destroying already achieved productivity, that is by reducing workers and laying off factories, and thus further aggravating the crisis and deteriorating the living standard of the workers. this is in effect takes the humanity on a backword route. social control over wealth only can face the problem of under production, that is the demand being higher than the supply, which it must try to overcome by escalating the production. this is in sharp contrast with the crisis of over production of the present day capitalist system, where supply is more than the demand( in this system 'demand' means purchase power only, not the real demand). social control over wealth is the way to the ever growing production system, whereas private control over wealth is bound to destroy it's own productivity from time to time for the crisis of over production. realization of this single demand will make the total spectrum of the demands by 99% solvable. otherwise all the demands of us will be just that, demands. no law will make corporates less greedy, or politician leaders less manipulable, ever.

[-] 1 points by gjpc (10) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

Is it at all possible that the 1% are intentionally running the planet into chaos to secure an iron grip on the 99%? What kind of people argue against an all out planetary effort to halt climate change? Perhaps the people funding the doubters and obstructing corrective efforts have plans to benefit from the hundreds of millions that will be uprooted, the climate change refugees.

Is the entirely artificially created financial crisis a dry run for when the 1% really put the screws to the 99%? Is time to start prosecuting the 1% for crimes against humanity on a global scale?

Here is hoping that OWS is the cure for the 1%'s degenerate immorality.

[-] 1 points by JamesJetland (5) 13 years ago

The Message 99% Are Trying To Tell The Public

My political party The American Citizens' Vote has a clear message How to fix Americas problems. This message is very similar to what the 99% want. The 99% wants most of the American citizens to be represented when bills and laws are voted on. The American Citizens' Vote wants the American public to vote on every bill, law, policy and procedure. This way the American public will truly be represented and finally the people in America will be given true Democracy and not the fake Democracy our politicians say we have right now.

The American Citizens' Vote political party The American Citizen’s Vote is different then any other political party because our political candidates do not make their own choices on the bills, laws, and procedures they create or vote for or against. The American citizens chooses the laws, bills, policies, and procedures that our political candidates create or vote for or against. The political candidate running under the American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, laws, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens them him or her to do by their votes to them. The American citizens control our political candidates votes on bills and laws by having American citizens voting on the bills, or laws that represent them the best. Our political party demands that our political candidates follow the opinion of the American citizens even if our political candidates disagree. Finally The American citizens can vote for or against, laws, bills, and policies that affect their daily life. American public Are given the decision to vote on a bill or law and decide if they want to vote for or against the bill or law The American public would have a decision to create and vote for what of bills or laws should be introduced into the House of Representatives The American Citizens Vote political representative will make all of his or her decisions on bills and laws from the votes from the people that live in the state he or she represents The citizens in America will be able to vote on every bill or law concerning America The citizens in America will be able to create their own bills or laws and have them voted on in the House of Representatives Every 4 months American citizens will be able to vote on all types of issues and these votes are given to their The American Citizens Vote political representative The American Citizens' Vote political party will be controlled by the votes of the American public The American people would be able to create and pass bills or laws that stops free trade and outsourcing jobs. That will provide many more new jobs in our country. This will also keep many of the present jobs in our country to stay in America and not to go overseas where workers are paid less.

 The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by JamesJetland (5) 13 years ago

The Message 99% Are Trying To Tell The Public

My political party The American Citizens' Vote has a clear message How to fix Americas problems. This message is very similar to what the 99% want. The 99% wants most of the American citizens to be represented when bills and laws are voted on. The American Citizens' Vote wants the American public to vote on every bill, law, policy and procedure. This way the American public will truly be represented and finally the people in America will be given true Democracy and not the fake Democracy our politicians say we have right now.

The American Citizens' Vote political party The American Citizen’s Vote is different then any other political party because our political candidates do not make their own choices on the bills, laws, and procedures they create or vote for or against. The American citizens chooses the laws, bills, policies, and procedures that our political candidates create or vote for or against. The political candidate running under the American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, laws, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens them him or her to do by their votes to them. The American citizens control our political candidates votes on bills and laws by having American citizens voting on the bills, or laws that represent them the best. Our political party demands that our political candidates follow the opinion of the American citizens even if our political candidates disagree. Finally The American citizens can vote for or against, laws, bills, and policies that affect their daily life. American public Are given the decision to vote on a bill or law and decide if they want to vote for or against the bill or law The American public would have a decision to create and vote for what of bills or laws should be introduced into the House of Representatives The American Citizens Vote political representative will make all of his or her decisions on bills and laws from the votes from the people that live in the state he or she represents The citizens in America will be able to vote on every bill or law concerning America The citizens in America will be able to create their own bills or laws and have them voted on in the House of Representatives Every 4 months American citizens will be able to vote on all types of issues and these votes are given to their The American Citizens Vote political representative The American Citizens' Vote political party will be controlled by the votes of the American public The American people would be able to create and pass bills or laws that stops free trade and outsourcing jobs. That will provide many more new jobs in our country. This will also keep many of the present jobs in our country to stay in America and not to go overseas where workers are paid less.

 The American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by SlavesArise (2) 13 years ago

"Money power exists and is wielded ruthlessly by the Anglo-American power elite that has amassed astounding, unimaginable wealth.

Today, as the Internet forcibly relaxes the grip of the power elite (at least momentarily) the term is making something of a comeback. There are over 1.5 million Google cites featuring the term "money power."

The term money power... was popular in the 19th and even in the early 20th century, but as regulatory democracy gathered strength in the US and the UK, the term fell out of favor.

William McAdoo – "President Wilson's national campaign vice-chairman, wrote in Crowded Years (1974): "The fact is that there is a serious danger of this country becoming a pluto-democracy; that is, a sham republic with the real government in the hands of a small clique of enormously wealth men, who speak through their money, and whose influence, even today, radiates to every corner of the United States."

Thomas Jefferson – "If the American people ever allow private banks [the Federal Reserve] to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Woodrow Wilson – "In The New Freedom (1913): "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

Abraham Lincoln – "In a letter written to William Elkin less than five months before he was assassinated: "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war."

American Mercury Magazine (December 1957, pg. 92) – "The invisible Money Power is working to control and enslave mankind. It financed Communism, Fascism, Marxism, Zionism and Socialism. All of these are directed to making the United States a member of World Government."

Question. Learn. Fight! Quotes from The Daily Bell

[-] 1 points by Boston (4) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Vatican read full article here http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/ows-otv-occupy-wall-street-occupy.html

It is time to Occupy Wall Street and Occupy The Vatican as well so that the Pope will no longer have the secrecy and monopoly of the billions of dollars that Catholics give every week worldwide to Rome and the transfer of despots’ ill-gotten wealth to the Vatican Swiss Banks, read our related article Benedict used Hitler as mask in German Parliament http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/09/benedict-xvi-uses-hitler-to-divert.html.

Vatican Swiss Banks purposes are hiding and trading the proceeds of crimes 1934 to present day http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/06/vatican-swiss-banks-purposes-are-hiding.html.

Read The Vatican Billions by Avro Manhattan http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html

[-] 1 points by Fresh2Death13 (207) from Windsor, ON 13 years ago

If any of this is going to matter The people of the Occupy movement need to carry this over to congress. People sympathetic to the movement NEED to run for office. The world wants change the people of America want change Democrats and Republicans are both biased to continue things as they are THEY don't want change They love oil money they love Pharmaceutical money. I encouraged any in the military to stop reporting for duty you have been used these last 10 years as thugs for hire. I respect your service and I mourn your deaths but your leaders lied to you

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Big Money has a suffocating grip on Congress. It would be great to Occupy Congress, but that's one hell of a challenge. Big Money would pull out all the stops to prevent that from happening; it would break their runaway robbery and put their necks in the noose.

[-] 1 points by AhamedS (1) 13 years ago

Thanks brothers.My complete solidarity with you guys.We (99%) together can make "Humans need Not Corporate Greed" a policy of government. If you give entire resources of earth to a capitalist and ask "are you satisfied" ? . He will say "I want more".That's greed of capitalist.

Solidarity from Indian brother (India is a place where 70% of people(1.2 Billion) are living below 1 dollar per day) and produced more than 70 billionaires in last decade after corporate-friendly Liberalization policy.

[-] 1 points by realitywickersham (10) 13 years ago

Yes. This is exactly what I feel. Thank you to those brave young men and women who stood up to Big Brother and his goons.

[-] 1 points by IzzySanabria (4) 13 years ago

I would like to send a visual that personifies

what this movement is all about.

The visual is a painting (which is actually a political cartoon).

It depicts a man of wealth, and power standing on top of the public.

My original title was "America's New Kings" but the title can be

changed to Wall Street or Congressmen.

Attached is low image BUT can send a Hi-Rez WHO DO I SUBMIT IT TO ???

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

A friend wrote a piece of verbal art, depicting the movement as a giant purple dragon come to stare down the bull of wall street, and warns the crooks that attempts to slay the dragon would fail epically. The dragon is all of us united as one. Powerful imagery, huh?

FYI, purple is the color chosen by the GA to represent the movement. Mix red white and blue, you get purple. :)

[-] 1 points by Boston (4) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Vatican read full article here http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/ows-otv-occupy-wall-street-occupy.html

It is time to Occupy Wall Street and Occupy The Vatican as well so that the Pope will no longer have the secrecy and monopoly of the billions of dollars that Catholics give every week worldwide to Rome and the transfer of despots’ ill-gotten wealth to the Vatican Swiss Banks, read our related article Benedict used Hitler as mask in German Parliament http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/09/benedict-xvi-uses-hitler-to-divert.html.

Vatican Swiss Banks purposes are hiding and trading the proceeds of crimes 1934 to present day http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/06/vatican-swiss-banks-purposes-are-hiding.html.

Read The Vatican Billions by Avro Manhattan http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html

[-] 1 points by Boston (4) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Vatican read full article here http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/ows-otv-occupy-wall-street-occupy.html

It is time to Occupy Wall Street and Occupy The Vatican as well so that the Pope will no longer have the secrecy and monopoly of the billions of dollars that Catholics give every week worldwide to Rome and the transfer of despots’ ill-gotten wealth to the Vatican Swiss Banks, read our related article Benedict used Hitler as mask in German Parliament http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/09/benedict-xvi-uses-hitler-to-divert.html.

Vatican Swiss Banks purposes are hiding and trading the proceeds of crimes 1934 to present day http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/06/vatican-swiss-banks-purposes-are-hiding.html.

Read The Vatican Billions by Avro Manhattan http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html

[-] 1 points by Boston (4) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Vatican read full article here http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/ows-otv-occupy-wall-street-occupy.html

It is time to Occupy Wall Street and Occupy The Vatican as well so that the Pope will no longer have the secrecy and monopoly of the billions of dollars that Catholics give every week worldwide to Rome and the transfer of despots’ ill-gotten wealth to the Vatican Swiss Banks, read our related article Benedict used Hitler as mask in German Parliament http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/09/benedict-xvi-uses-hitler-to-divert.html.

Vatican Swiss Banks purposes are hiding and trading the proceeds of crimes 1934 to present day http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/06/vatican-swiss-banks-purposes-are-hiding.html.

Read The Vatican Billions by Avro Manhattan http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html

[-] 1 points by Freemont (2) 13 years ago

From eliminating the Glass- Steagall Act; to what is ICE, see journalists and authors from the left and the right explain how a fiat currency comes into existence and what the Financial Oligarchy have in store for us next Tradingonthinair.com

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

To fight corporate media influence we need the Fairness Doctrine back:


[-] 1 points by guyfolks (3) from North Bergen, NJ 13 years ago

"Remember, remember, the 17th of September Greed, treason and plot We see no reason Why Raging Bull treason Should ever be forgot...!

Remember, remember, the 15th of October Ballot, treason and plot! A stick or a stake for those deaf ears sake You will please to give us a faggot If you won't give us one, we will take two; The better for us the worse for you!"

[-] 1 points by Bender (98) from Meriden, CT 13 years ago

i was went to OWS for the first time yesterday. i was in a powerful 1000+ march to washington square park and was in times square for the endless sea of 99 percenters. and it was one of the most significant times of my life to stand next to all different types of people for the common cause. i thought i knew what this movement was about before, but i couldn't have possibly truly found out unless i attended, and so i did. and i ask you all to do the same, theres a occupation somewhere around where you live. i implore you to check it out in person, with an open mind and good intentions. you will be rewarded. i love you all.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Being in TX, I was witness to the big Enron fiasco. The employees left holding the bag while the CEOs walked away with all the booty. I know a lot of people that wanted, and still do, to lynch those bastards. Maybe they should have; thieving fat cats hanging from the streetlights would have sent a very clear message: Don't Tread On Us.

[-] 1 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 13 years ago

You damn right, MadAsHell!!! Enron was so devastating. Being in Texas for it was the real start, for me, of the realizations that are fueling this movement. P.S. Rick Perry is the devil.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Oh yeah, Perry. Don't get me started on that asshole. There's only one way he could've won the elections apart from the bullshit factory of Faux News: Bankster cash infusions, obviously.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

Once-anticipated Federal Reserve Bank audit is losing steam


[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

NY Republican Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos said his Republican conference will continue its resistance to any new taxes in next year’s state budget, saying New York should start looking at cutting the tax burden and continue to rein in spending.

Appearing on Fred Dicker’s radio show on Talk 1300-AM in Albany, Skelos said Senate Republicans won’t be supportive of a tax on millionaires or anyone else despite an anticipated push from Assembly Democrats to reinstate a higher tax rate for the state’s top earners, which is set to expire at year’s end.

“No new taxes, Fred,” Skelos told Dicker. “I say this in all sincerity: We will not be supportive of any type of increase in income taxes. It doesn’t just affect the so-called wealthy, it also impacts small businesses, which is the heart of job creation in this state.

“No new taxes, absolutely not, and I don’t believe the governor will renege on his commitment of no new taxes.”

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has supported President Obama’s push to raise the tax rate for the nation’s highest earners, but said a tax on the state level would but New York at a competitive disadvantage with other states. Cuomo carried out a campaign pledge to not raise taxes or fees to balance the budget in his first year.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

“No new taxes, Fred,” Skelos told Dicker. “I say this in all sincerity: We will not be supportive of any type of increase in income taxes. It doesn’t just affect the so-called wealthy, it also impacts small businesses, which is the heart of job creation in this state.

“No new taxes, absolutely not, and I don’t believe the governor will renege on his commitment of no new taxes.”

Why don't I believe a word of this? Oh right, cause they lie their asses off.

"Read my lips. No New Taxes! (I'll raise the old taxes, yeah, that's the ticket.)" - Bush

[-] 1 points by papakim (1) 13 years ago

I support you guys 100% but please use this attention productively. It's not enough to just be against things. If you want to effect change, please draft a list of action items that can gain traction and get something done. We have big problems to solve and you can shine a light on them. Give the media something to promote. My Top Ten Ideas: 1) Reinstate Glass Steagall, 2) support new & tougher banking regulations, 3) roll back the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%, 4) support a public option in healthcare, 5) pass the American Jobs Act, 6) support the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and 7) let Richard Cordray have a vote on his nomination to run same, 8) reform use of the filibuster, and 9) propose REAL campaign finance reform 10) ask Wall Street to create a fund to help the unemployed as payback for the bailout. You have the attention of the media and the American people now use it to good effect. Get a message and demands. You won't have endless support so strike while public opinion is on your side.

[-] 1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

I think your #9 should be #1. But go all the way. Publicly funded elections would solve a myriad of ills. You see how well these politicians can work for those that fund them. Lets make that us.

[-] 1 points by dusthim (7) 13 years ago

Thank you for putting forth some real solutions. I totally agree with #10 - ask Wall St. to create a fund to help the unemployed as payback for the bailout. But HOW would you do that? Would they do it voluntarily? I doubt it. Didn't there used to be a 'Poor Tax" somewhere in early American history? We need that now!

[-] 1 points by jtgolf (2) 13 years ago

".....make our leaders listen!!!!" And we call them "leaders"? Could it be at best " associates " who we've elected? I'm a PGA member, the acronym is Professional Golfers Association of America, but PGA is also an Associate as well as an Association. What's the chance of retaining ones individuality and the beauty of your revolutionary effort amassing quantitative forces?

[-] 1 points by rosieandmickey (1) 13 years ago

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

[-] 1 points by mcconnell (1) 13 years ago

We need a better name and a National Spokespearson and a list of demands.

NAME.........Peoples Party

Spokesperson..........Bernie Sanders

List of Demands..........1. Big Jobs Bill 2. Jobs Retraining Act. Etc.

[-] 1 points by adrefortheworld (2) 13 years ago

yes we want to get zionism out! out of our media also, so we must also occupy that very media that acts as the mouth of the beast we want "they" out of our money, the ploitics, the organized religion,the media and our very exsistence. everybody this is the only time and the last time ! everybody sing. zionism out ! zionism out ! zionism out ! zionism out ! zionism out ! adrefortheworld . of truevotenow.com

[-] 1 points by adrefortheworld (2) 13 years ago

yes we want to get zionism out! out of our media also, so we must also occupy that very media that acts as the mouth of the beast we want "they" out of our money, the ploitics, the organized religion,the media and our very exsistence. everybody this is the only time and the last time ! everybody sing. zionism out ! zionism out ! zionism out ! zionism out ! zionism out ! adrefortheworld . of truevotenow.com

[-] 1 points by bluedog (4) 13 years ago

Keep at it! Don't let the media keep ignoring you! Remember the MEDIA is part of Wall Street these days, too! DEMAND attention! The airwaves are supposed to belong to the PEOPLE!

[-] 1 points by dusthim (7) 13 years ago

Good luck with that. See "They Live" movie by John Carpenter, 1987.

[-] 1 points by bluedog (4) 13 years ago

Keep at it! Don't let the media keep ignoring you! Remember the MEDIA is part of Wall Street these days, too! DEMAND attention! The airwaves are supposed to belong to the PEOPLE!

[-] 1 points by diogenesthe99 (7) 13 years ago

These are the private, non-governmental, banking institution locations where the decisions that affect your livelihoods are made and executed.

San Francisco Federal Reserve

101 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 974-2000

Los Angeles Branch 950 S. Grand Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90015 (213) 683-2300

Portland Branch 1500 SW 1st Ave, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97201 (503) 276-3000

Salt Lake City Branch 120 S. State St. Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 322-7900

Seattle Branch 2700 Naches Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057

Minneapolis Federal Reserve

90 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612) 204-5000

Helena Branch 100 Neill Ave. Helena, MT 59601 (406) 447-3800

Kansas City Federal Reserve

1 Memorial Drive Kansas City, MO 64198 (816) 881-2000

Denver Branch 1020 16th St. Denver, CO 80202 (303) 572-2300

Oklahoma City Branch 226 Dean A. McGee Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 270-8400

Omaha Branch 2201 Farnam St. Omaha, NE 68102 (402) 221-5500

Dallas Federal Reserve

2200 N. Pearl St. Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 922-6000

El Paso Branch 301 E. Main St. El Paso, TX 79901 (915) 544-4730

Houston Branch 1701 San Jacinto St. Houston, TX 77002 (713) 659-4433

San Antonio Branch 126 E. Nueva St. San Antonio, TX 78204

Chicago Federal Reserve

230 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 322-5322

Des Moines Office 2200 Rittenhouse St., Suite 150 Des Moines, IA 50321 (515) 256-6100

Detroit Branch 160 West Fort St. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 961-6880

St. Louis Federal Reserve

411 Locust St.

St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 444-8444 (RTN 0810-0004-5) Little Rock Branch Stephens Building

111 Center St., Suite 1000 Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 324-8300
Louisville Branch

National City Tower 101 South Fifth St., Suite 1920 Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 568-9200

Memphis Branch 200 N. Main St. Memphis, TN 38103

Atlanta Federal Reserve

1000 Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 498-8500

Birmingham Branch 524 Liberty Parkway Birmingham, Alabama 35242 (205) 968-6700

Jacksonville Branch 800 West Water St. Jacksonville, FL 32204 (904) 632-1000

Miami Branch 9100 NW 36th St. Miami, FL 33178 (305) 591-2065

Nashville Branch 301 Eighth Ave. N Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 251-7100

New Orleans Branch 525 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70130

Cleaveland Federal Reserve

1455 E. Sixth St. Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 579-2000

Cincinnati Branch 150 E. Fourth St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 721-4787

Pittsburgh Branch 717 Grant St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 261-7800

Boston Federal Reserve

600 Atlantic Ave. Boston, MA 02210 (617) 973-3000

Windsor Locks Office (860) 627-1500 317 Ella Grasso Turnpike Windsor Locks, CT 06096

New York Federal Reserve

33 Liberty St. (212) 720-5000 New York, NY 10045

Philadelphia Federal Reserve

Ten Independence Mall Philadelphia, PA 19106 (215) 574-6000

Richmond Federal Reserve

701 E. Byrd St. Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 697-8000

Baltimore Branch 502 S. Sharp St. Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 576-3300

Charlotte Branch 530 East Trade St. Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 358-2100

There will be more,

Diogenes the 99

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by asadek (1) 13 years ago

i was in tarir square before Mubarak stepped down ... and it was like utopia people were cheerful despite all bloodshed .. they were helping each others .. plzzzzzzzz stay tall dont move people begun to think tat Americans are like their government who helps Israel and others in war spent every pence in rockets and fighters ..... thanks lot Americans

[-] 1 points by john62 (10) 13 years ago

American's should all head to their banks and withdraw all their money if they have any, then close their bank accounts. Another thing but it won't happen is all american's who still own or pay on homes need to skip mortage payments, bring the banking system and gov't to their knees.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Already have. The BoA CEO thinks he's got a "right" to rip us off. Like hell he does!

Close your account! Close your account! Close your account!

[-] 1 points by xiloveartx (6) 13 years ago

This is a great video that I hope helps keep spirits up..... no matter how much the police, the media and uninformed people tries to bring occupy wall st down, when the members of the movement know the civil disobedience is for the right and good motives, nothing can bring you down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeOHPfsCtFo

[-] 1 points by beluskacska (1) 13 years ago

Our heatrs are with you. From Croatia.

[-] 1 points by JeffJ (8) 13 years ago

Obama just sent U.S. Special Forces to Africa to fight the people in Uganda Why isn't this mentioned. Support The Troops bring them all home now not next year.

[-] 1 points by franklynofcypherfilms (1) 13 years ago

I have been filming this movement but this is the first I have posted. I witnessed officers use horses to ram protesters. A poor horse even fell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3j8iYd3ja4

[-] 1 points by Cloudie (1) 13 years ago

Use every possible means to spread the word. The mainstream media will never cover this. Wake up the rest of the 99%. If every supporter does this. We will win. The fact that they are avoiding the issue proves that they are afraid. Occupy the planet. The revolution has finally begun

[-] 1 points by john62 (10) 13 years ago

Is it not funny how the news media isn't covering this much! Wonder who owns the news media???

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

here is a graph that shows how tax breaks for the wealthy have turned into recessions and depressions. FACTS.


[-] 1 points by remember1015 (2) 13 years ago

This is your news media now....

www.occupywallst.org www.freespeech.org (with Thom Hartman) http://current.com (with Keith Olberman)

"The revolution will not be Televised" - Gil Scott Heron

[-] 1 points by remember1015 (2) 13 years ago

This is your news media now....

www.occupywallst.org www.freespeech.org (with Thom Hartman) http://current.com (with Keith Olberman)

"The revolution will not be Televised" - Gil Scott Heron

[-] 1 points by antoniolx (1) from Lisboa, Lisboa 13 years ago

I think the Occupy Wall Street movement is being extremely unfair with the Portuguese citizens, Portugal being one of the countries most affected by the financial crisis.

ALso, it was in Portugal, with the geração à Rasca movement, that the whole idea of protesting against the current situation of precarity, lack of jobs etc happened. The Spanish later inspired themselves in this movement to create the 15 M movement. Not only that the Portuguese artists Deolinda and Homens da Luta were also percursors to the whole thing, Homens da Luta even taking a song talking about protesting with happiness to the eurovision song contest.

It is with sheer disappointment to see that no acknowledgement is made to these percursor movements, and that LIsbon or Portugal aren't even mentioned in your own movement.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

The root of all the evil is the banksters and CEOs on Wall Street. OWS is getting right in their faces. The rest of us can put the pressure on everywhere else.


[-] 1 points by nparker (39) 13 years ago

This should be the anthem for this wonderful movement!!! Please watch and pass on. http://youtu.be/23h7sGh6xIw

[-] 1 points by diogenesthe99 (7) 13 years ago

This movement can go various directions, many of them unfortunate.

If you are a police, national reserve or military you should join.

Those that will fire you right before retirement, who will gamble with your pensions, and who will not think twice about gambling your retirement money are the once ordering you to surround, beat and arrest protestors.

Protesters who are protesting against injustices done to YOU as well as to them.

When you beat them you are beating your sisters and mothers and children. You are beating the people you swore to protect, at the orders of the criminals you should be protecting them from.

You know this is truth. It can be seen in your faces on the videos, in the squares.

Lying in bet at night you are questioning yourselves.

And you are afraid to go against your orders. You are afraid to lose your jobs and not be able to take care of your families. But everyone is. At some point you have to fight through the fear like you do when you go after a criminal and do whats right.

If all of you stand together, and together with the world, the fear can be conquered.

The job of the governments, the police, the military, and all of us, is to help keep us FREE, not to keep us safe.

YOU are the 99.

There will be more.

Diogenes the 99


[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

According to an Associated Press article dated 25 May 2007: “CEO pay increased to 262 times the average worker’s pay in 2005 from 35 times in 1978.” Professor Paul Krugman wrote in his book, The Consience of a Liberal: “The top income tax rate (currently 35 percent) rose to 63 percent during the first Roosevelt administration, and 79 percent in the second. By the mid-fifties, as the United States faced the expenses of the Cold War, it had risen to 91 percent. . . . ” (pg 48) Tell me again why the rich can’t pay more. Capitalism is broken and it can’t be fixed. Time for a government of the workers and the oppressed.

[-] 1 points by val (1) 13 years ago

Occupy. Educate. Organize.


[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

I'm Mad As Hell, and I approve of this message. (Kiss my ass, Bush)

The crooks would like to see us resort to baseball bat justice. Not happening! There's other ways to kick ass without kicking ass. Choke off their money stream; resist the robbery by not being robbed. Close your account!

[-] 1 points by HL123 (28) 13 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMm_YwiUE2A Watch protestors drop dead in front of Bank of America!

[-] 1 points by john62 (10) 13 years ago

America needs to show the world that not all americans are greedy. go to the streets and be heard.

[-] 1 points by john62 (10) 13 years ago

thousands need to become millions, people get up and go be heard, be a part of this movement. don't sit back get up and go

[-] 1 points by john62 (10) 13 years ago

please people unite against big banks and bad gov't, people need to take to the streets in the millions. Now is the time to be heard. now is the time for change. now is the time for the people of all the world to be heard.

[-] 1 points by Medudley (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

We ARE the media. Continue to post your images and comments. Share your ideas, experiences, voice and videos. Don't expect an institution that is owned by a corporation to cover a movement who's goal is to wrest the power from the corporation.

[-] 1 points by foxrepublican (18) 13 years ago

Fox News will tell you that if you want to be rich, go out and work for it. Yet a lot of folks did just that, worked hard, saved their money, took care of their families and yet the goal post of the American dream keeps getting pushed back. Not everyone has the conscience of an alley cat to take advantage of their fellow man for their own self interest. The theives of Wall Street have taken the American dream away and then tell you it's YOUR fault. Don't listen to them, don't listen to Fox News tell you it's your fault. It's not You should be able to live a good, honest life and still have the American dream. www.occupyFoxNews.com

[-] 1 points by drbishnu (2) 13 years ago

hey guys,if this protest has to win we have to maintain peace through entire protest.definitely msnbc will be forced to stream our struggle for existence.patiently wait for that scene

[-] 1 points by drbishnu (2) 13 years ago

hey guys,if this protest has to win we have to maintain peace through entire protest.definitely msnbc will be forced to stream our struggle for existence.patiently wait for that scene

[-] 1 points by deathofamartyr (1) 13 years ago

complete media blackout

[-] 1 points by foxrepublican (18) 13 years ago

Hoping that with the MLK memorial being decated today that is a reminder that change is hard, that it takes time, OWS is a noble cause. Never back down. www.occupyFoxNews.com it's time to tell the messenager their message is destroying the country.

[-] 1 points by bkl (2) 13 years ago

Corporate America is holding back Obama's bills to close loopholes for big corporations and millionaires.This was posted in Washington Times Communities paper. Top ten list: Tax evaders' wall of shame

The Outrageous Top Ten in Alphabetical Order

  1. Bank of America took $336 billion in bailouts in 2009, but in 2010, flush with $4.4 billion in profits, it paid no taxes. Even Forbes magazine asked, how is that possible? Probably thanks to their 115 offshore tax havens.
    1. Boeing just received $35 billion from our government to build 179 airborne tankers, but despite nearly $10 billion in profits from 2008 to 2010, it too paid no taxes, again thanks to foreign tax havens.
    2. Citicorp took $476 billion from the bailout and then made monster profits in 2010, yet it paid no taxes, thanks to 427 subsidiaries in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Hong Kong.
    3. Exxon/Mobil, received huge oil subsidies from the government and earned $45 billion in 2009 but paid no taxes, again thanks to stashing profits in places like the Bahamas and Singapore.
    4. GE – see last week’s column for the stats and facts on this corporation’s tax dodge.
    5. Google utilizes a technique that moves most of its income through Ireland and Netherlands to Bermuda, making its tax rate 2.3 percent.
    6. Mega Pharmaceuticals Merck earned $9 billion in profits and paid no taxes in 2010, while Pfizer (largest drug maker) owed $10 billion in taxes but found the necessary loopholes to pay no taxes, thanks to its offshore subsidiaries in places like Luxembourg and the Isle of Jersey.
    7. News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch’s media monolith that owns Fox News avoids paying American taxes through its 152 subsidiaries in tax havens from the British Virgin Islands to Hong Kong.
    8. Verizon, despite making $24.2 billion in pre-tax US income, paid no taxes and actually claimed a federal refund of $1.3 billion for the last two years, again all thanks to those offshore subsidiaries.
    9. Wells Fargo, the fourth largest bank in the US, which took $107 billion in bailouts, wrote off all its losses by acquiring Wachovia, thus paying no taxes. Yet its CEO earned $5.6 million in cash for his salary and $13 million in stock.
[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Yeah, but you'll have people on this site going on and on about how the rich pay their fair share. This proves otherwise. What a reeking load.

[-] 1 points by yaya (8) 13 years ago

even though i am cynical anyway, i cant believe the lack of reportage/coverage of this BIG news story. No one reports how many people were in Times Sq. Anyone know real estimates? I think more people need to get in the streets.

[-] 1 points by bkl (2) 13 years ago

Corporate America is holding back Obama's bills to close loopholes for big corporations and millionaires.This was posted in Washington Times Communities paper. Top ten list: Tax evaders' wall of shame

The Outrageous Top Ten in Alphabetical Order

  1. Bank of America took $336 billion in bailouts in 2009, but in 2010, flush with $4.4 billion in profits, it paid no taxes. Even Forbes magazine asked, how is that possible? Probably thanks to their 115 offshore tax havens.
    1. Boeing just received $35 billion from our government to build 179 airborne tankers, but despite nearly $10 billion in profits from 2008 to 2010, it too paid no taxes, again thanks to foreign tax havens.
    2. Citicorp took $476 billion from the bailout and then made monster profits in 2010, yet it paid no taxes, thanks to 427 subsidiaries in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Hong Kong.
    3. Exxon/Mobil, received huge oil subsidies from the government and earned $45 billion in 2009 but paid no taxes, again thanks to stashing profits in places like the Bahamas and Singapore.
    4. GE – see last week’s column for the stats and facts on this corporation’s tax dodge.
    5. Google utilizes a technique that moves most of its income through Ireland and Netherlands to Bermuda, making its tax rate 2.3 percent.
    6. Mega Pharmaceuticals Merck earned $9 billion in profits and paid no taxes in 2010, while Pfizer (largest drug maker) owed $10 billion in taxes but found the necessary loopholes to pay no taxes, thanks to its offshore subsidiaries in places like Luxembourg and the Isle of Jersey.
    7. News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch’s media monolith that owns Fox News avoids paying American taxes through its 152 subsidiaries in tax havens from the British Virgin Islands to Hong Kong.
    8. Verizon, despite making $24.2 billion in pre-tax US income, paid no taxes and actually claimed a federal refund of $1.3 billion for the last two years, again all thanks to those offshore subsidiaries.
    9. Wells Fargo, the fourth largest bank in the US, which took $107 billion in bailouts, wrote off all its losses by acquiring Wachovia, thus paying no taxes. Yet its CEO earned $5.6 million in cash for his salary and $13 million in stock.
[-] 1 points by foxrepublican (18) 13 years ago

So the system is designed like this. If you are doing well, the government lets you "keep" a greater proportion of your money via the tax code. This works for the wealth as they are not getting their assistance via a check issued by the government but by simply not paying their fair share in the first place. But if the Government issues you a check, even for unemployment that is called welfare and some call that evil. It's time to end corporate welfare and have everyone pay for what we all share, infrastructure, , national security, education, and yes even regulations that keep our food, cars, streets, highway, air travel all safe. And Fox News is there leading the charge www.occupyFoxNews.com

[-] 1 points by DonHawkins (37) 13 years ago

The President of the greatest nation on Earth just gave a speech MLK day touched on a few subject's but did miss a big one and that is the Unites States no longer has a government more on the lines of the STATE. You mean a few Corporations have got there greedy little hands in government so far that the only people are those few who get represented yes it appears so. When the President talked a few minutes ago it's like everything is ok maybe a few minor problems were working on it. No we are not well they are not the few so the people are now going to give it a try let the games begin...............

[-] 1 points by BeheadedOne (23) from Queens, NY 13 years ago

There's so much I'd like to comment on. First, my slogan entry: Congress: Get off the graft!

Ok, now that I got that off my chest, my personal philosophy about capitalism is as follows: Unregulated capitalism is tantamount to feudalism, and we all know how that turned out.

I think Occupy Wall Street could be the beginning of a great thing, but it does need to be better organized, and have more specificity to be truly effective.

For example, the glass steagall act must be restored. Banks should not be in the investment business, and investment firms should not be in the banking business.

So too must regulation of the corrupt Real Estate industry. They're the ones who kept pushing the cost of housing ever higher into insane territory. So too must all the corporate regulations that have disappeared over the last thirty years.

While we're at it, how about putting a stop to the H1B program that made it possible for all these damn layoffs to occur in the first place? Along with all of the offshoring. It's downright criminal that the corporations were not only permitted to do this, but even given tax breaks to facilitate it! In Bangalore, they can live like kings on $5000 a year. We can't possibly hope to compete with that.

Speaking of living on $5000 a year, has anyone noticed that - even with all of the talk of "stabilizing" the housing market - the cost of housing, whether rent or own, is still largely out of reach for the average citizen? In all the rancorous screaming going on in D.C., nobody is talking about the insane skyrocketing of the cost of living over the last 20 years. But they've been saying all this time that we have such low, or even no, inflation. Really???

Now, I'd hate to see those stuck with a mortgage suddenly facing foreclosure, so why not have the mortage companies, banks, S&L's, and the Real Estate industry, compenstate these homeowner/victims for the fraud the banksters and RE brokers perpetrated against them, so as to ensure that the innocent don't get hurt while bringing the cost of living back to reality?

And access to education is grossly inadequate. Again, the corporations are actually paying to bring people from overseas to attend American Universities, and sometimes even paying for their education. WTF? Why can't they do that for Americans? Because the foreigner's are willing to work for a greencard and a song, that's why.

Naturally, as we've all seen, this cost savings allows the Exec's to line their pockets with growing millions and even billions while ordinary folks lose our homes, access to healthcare, maybe even life itself. Is this how we define "Patriotism" these days?

Oh yes, one more thing: Why are we in debt to China? How could it ever have gotten this way? How could this have been legal? Is this what Nixon had in mind?

And isn't that what OWS is really all about?

[-] 1 points by CountryGranny (3) from Ithaca, NY 13 years ago

As I don't have or watch TV, I am just buoyed by the wonderful show of strength of the people that I read here and some other places, and not too worried about what the MSM does at the moment. Today, I will attend the Ithaca area General Assembly to participate.

[-] 1 points by fireofenergy (8) from Big Bear City, CA 13 years ago

We need to impose trade tariffs, to bring back jobs and we need to use machines to build solar panels cheap so that we can have more (install) jobs. I'm not for cutting services, but know that if there was more jobs, we would not need as many "services" and if we had more jobs, then we would not need more taxation. Actually, it seems it is the plan to globalize currency by use of debt crises because NO ONE in congress will severely tax those who hire overseas!

[-] 1 points by rd1box12 (14) 13 years ago

to be the representative of the 99% you need 299 million people to support the cause! get organized come up with a clear goal! winter is on its way ! plan to come back in the spring with new strength !

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Yeah, the cold of winter may force us to break camp and retreat. But come spring we'll be back, stronger, louder, even more united, and more determined than ever! The movement won't die simply because the tents have been folded.

[-] 1 points by freespiritny (2) 13 years ago

My thanks to all the people of OWS who are protesting the greed and corruption of the Government, Wall Street and big business. You are the voice of millions of people around the world. I wish I could snap my fingers and everything would be fair and equitable but alas I cannot. My hopes are riding on the OWS movement to somehow do the impossible. I do believe in miracles, so go for it! I love you all and my hopes and prayers are with you.

[-] 1 points by freespiritny (2) 13 years ago

My thanks to all the people of OWS who are protesting the greed and corruption of the Government, Wall Street and big business. You are the voice of millions of people around the world. I wish I could say that I had hope that anything will change. The government and the 1% are not going to give up there power and money easily and will use every means at their disposal to keep them. That means arrests, murder, censorship and taking away more of our human rights. I don't think that the majority of the people are ready, willing or prepared for what it will take to make real changes. One hope is if we elect honest, caring people we would see change. Finding those honest, caring people and actually getting them elected is another story. I wish I could snap my fingers and everything would be fair and equitable but alas I cannot. My hopes are riding on the OWS movement to somehow do the impossible. I do believe in miracles, so go for it! I love you all and my hopes and prayers are with you.

[-] 1 points by clfranzetti (6) 13 years ago

you can elect honest, caring people but once they get to Washington it all changes. The lobbyists run our government. It is pitiful.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

What's a thousand lobbyists under the sea? A damn good start.

[-] 1 points by kevin (2) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

The Treasury has gotten most of the $750 billion back from the banks. Have the banks kick in 10% of what they got which gives the Treasury over $800 billion. Make the banks write off 50% of the mortgage principal of those homeowners in the worst shape in terms of foreclosed or underwater mortgages (there must some Republican and Tea Partiers in mortgage trouble). Use the $800 billion to satisfy the rest of their mortgages. The banks get $.50 on the dollar, the homeowners keep their homes and will then be able spend what money they have on consumer goods and services adding to economic growth and creating jobs (there must some Republican and Tea Partiers out of work) . Millions of homes are no longer on the market giving a boost to new construction, homes which need to be furnished etc., and on and on. Local, State, and Federal tax revenues surge, deficits come down and services increase. This is Economics 101. This idea should be easily sold to voters, is attractive to the banks on many fronts, appeals to deficit reduction hawks, and so much more. Use the revenue from the 5% $1million income surtax to pay for it. We must be smart enough to make this work.

[-] 1 points by kevin (2) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

The Treasury has gotten most of the $750 billion back from the banks. Have the banks kick in 10% of what they got which gives the Treasury over $800 billion. Make the banks write off 50% of the mortgage principal of those homeowners in the worst shape in terms of foreclosed or underwater mortgages (there must some Republican and Tea Partiers in mortgage trouble). Use the $800 billion to satisfy the rest of their mortgages. The banks get $.50 on the dollar, the homeowners keep their homes and will then be able spend what money they have on consumer goods and services adding to economic growth and creating jobs (there must some Republican and Tea Partiers out of work) . Millions of homes are no longer on the market giving a boost to new construction, homes which need to be furnished etc., and on and on. Local, State, and Federal tax revenues surge, deficits come down and services increase. This is Economics 101. This idea should be easily sold to voters, is attractive to the banks on many fronts, appeals to deficit reduction hawks, and so much more. Use the revenue from the 5% $1million income surtax to pay for it. We must be smart enough to make this work.

[-] 1 points by msuayan (13) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

We want what Roosevelt suggested...and other countries successfully adopted...our second bill of rights... A decent wage Adequate home and a decent living Medical care A good education Economic protection during sickness, accident, old age or unemployment

There is no more Upward Mobility...even if we work two jobs...the middle class is being raped by corporations..financial system...right wing think tanks that implore or politicians to sign pledges forcing them to vote against their constituents...Super Pacs and 501-C4's that allow the super rich and powerful to launder money and corrupt our political systems

OWS Rocks!!!!!

[-] 1 points by Sanwald (3) 13 years ago

You do know that the recent protests in Greece were in response to Government cutbacks due to the Greek Government approaching insolvency, don't you? The cutbacks were mandated by the EU so that Greece could receive financial support from the other EU member nations thus avidong bankruptcy and a devaluing of the Euro. Italy and spain protested for the same reason, it wasn't against this so called 1% but because their respective Governments can not afford to hand out money like everyone would like. This is your inspiration?

[-] 1 points by Adam20751 (58) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I draw more connection between the movements than you do. It seems to me that the Greeks are resisting austerity because they see it as the politicking of their wealthy minority controlling their financial industry. The OWS movement has made it quite clear that one of their largest problems is that the financial bailout of our country went to our parallel wealthy minority rather than our people and public institutions.

There can be disagreement about whether or not both groups of protesters are misguided in their belief that their countries could afford to direct more resources to the public without collapse (I think they could, though the money would have to come from demilitarization and taxation of the wealthy, whereas you might say this would cause too much international chaos or economic stagnation), but I don't see how we can question that the Greek, Italian, and American protests have a lot of shared reasoning.

[-] 1 points by ThreePercentr (6) from Bayville, NY 13 years ago

Spreading Goodness Through the use of Force http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiVXaOX0L6k

[-] 1 points by Sanwald (3) 13 years ago

You do know that the recent protests in Greece were in response to Government cutbacks due to the Greek Government approaching insolvency, don't you? The cutbacks were mandated by the EU so that Greece could receive financial support from the other EU member nations thus avidong bankruptcy and a devaluing of the Euro. Italy and spain protested for the same reason, it wasn't against this so called 1% but because their respective Governments can not afford to hand out money like everyone would like. This is your inspiration?

[-] 1 points by goodbye (3) 13 years ago

THANK YOU!!!!! Totally agree

[-] 1 points by Sanwald (3) 13 years ago

You do know that the recent protests in Greece were in response to Government cutbacks due to the Greek Government approaching insolvency, don't you? The cutbacks were mandated by the EU so that Greece could receive financial support from the other EU member nations thus avidong bankruptcy and a devaluing of the Euro. Italy and spain protested for the same reason, it wasn't against this so called 1% but because their respective Governments can not afford to hand out money like everyone would like. This is your inspiration?

[-] 1 points by JustDaDamaja (43) 13 years ago

Standing FOR Democracy ....and AGAINST PLUTOCRACY....we can truly bring together EVERYONE. make it about rich vs. poor or anything else...and it will be much harder to unite the 99%....

u cant go wrong with ---> PEOPLE AGAINST PLUTOCRACY

[-] 1 points by ThreePercentr (6) from Bayville, NY 13 years ago

Organizations Corporations Don't Send Money To Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxrGbBTYw9E

[-] 1 points by DonHawkins (37) 13 years ago

The jobs bill has anything changed even after yesterday Worldwide not from the talk I heard just this morning. If the truth be known and so far it's not the Job's bill by this administration is far far from what needs to be done. Just maybe more on the lines of seven day's a week lose the suit and tie on going talk's China, India, Europe and yes the only way is working together and just how far on we from that?

In spite of these dismal statistics, the United States was, in other ways, reasonably well prepared for war. The wide array of New Deal programs and agencies which existed in 1939 meant that the federal government was markedly larger and more actively engaged in social and economic activities than it had been in 1929. Moreover, the New Deal had accustomed Americans to a national government which played a prominent role in national affairs and which, at least under Roosevelt’s leadership, often chose to lead, not follow, private enterprise and to use new capacities to plan and administer large-scale endeavors. EH dot net

So with reason and imagination;

From the beginning of preparedness in 2012 for are very survival it began. American leaders recognized that the stakes were too high to permit the economy to grow in an unfettered, laissez-faire manner. American manufacturers, for instance, could not be trusted to stop producing consumer goods and to start producing materiel for the clean energy future. To organize the economy and to ensure that it produced the goods needed for our very survival the federal government spawned an array of mobilization agencies which not only purchased goods (or arranged their purchase by the Military), but which in practice closely directed those goods’ manufacture and heavily influenced the operation of private companies and whole industries.

It's not that serious oh yes it is and as we see the grand vision is what there is no grand vision to say the least other than;

The corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in generations.The movement is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Greece, Italy and the UK, and aims to expose how the richest 1% of people who are writing the rules of the global economy are imposing an agenda of neoliberalism and economic inequality that is foreclosing our future. In very simple terms a few castles in a sea of slums best case as we go over the cliff. The coming years will be tuff no way around that one now it's the prison for the mind taken to new level's almost like a self inducted case of Alzheimer's that doesn't sound all that great. Just watch the arrogance next week and the cleverness of the words.

[-] 1 points by ThreePercentr (6) from Bayville, NY 13 years ago

Organizations Corporations Don't Send Money To Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxrGbBTYw9E

[-] 1 points by JustDaDamaja (43) 13 years ago

This is not a case of liberal vs. conservative...or republican vs. democrat...or black vs. white...or socialism vs. capitalism....it is simply a case of plutocracy vs. democracy....if we make it about plutocracy vs. democracy...people will naturally gravitate towards us even MORE than they have now....Plutocracy is at the ROOT of all the problems we are facing...outsourcing...environmental issues...criminal injustice issues...you name it...People Against Plutocracy...

[-] 1 points by jk1234 (257) 13 years ago

Here is irony (not really though) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjUIEAZr4Yo . . . .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxF-Evdhh7w . . . . And front page for NY Times on Sunday the 16th http://www.nytimes.com/pages/todayspaper/index.html#nytfrontpage (no mention of OWS, but we do learn about a new tool for mountain climbing, a stop watch)

[-] 1 points by jk1234 (257) 13 years ago

Also should mention the within the top three for article searches, emailed articles, or most viewed articles in NY Times internet site, by NY Times internet readers, are articles on OWS.

[-] 1 points by 44mag (28) from Coventry, RI 13 years ago

One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!

Winston Churchill

[-] 1 points by 44mag (28) from Coventry, RI 13 years ago

THE police had to send in Calvary to quell the peaceful protesters, gee i wonder how many people in nyc really needed police assistance?

[-] 1 points by 44mag (28) from Coventry, RI 13 years ago

this was a media travesty i was watching live for 8 hours and i saw the nypd beatdown on innocents. shame on you nypd, i like how you selectively air things on massive new media on what happens. Almost 50 cops surrounding 10 people and beating them while sitting down SHAME!

[-] 1 points by readytogo (80) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Very little coverage. Surprised because it was the lead story that morning on a lot of stations. CBS has been covering it this morning and pretty happy with their tone. Just want to say it was an exciting event. I felt the police were very tense, and were calling the barricaded areas "pins" at 4pm. They wouldn't allow you to stop and take a picture on the sidewalk- you had to keep moving or get in the pin. When we told them we were sight seeing, and asked if there was some special ordinance that people couldn't stand still in Times Square suddenly. They said they were concerned about pick pocketers! The "pins" were the public walking space in the center of Times Square and they left only one barricade space on each end for people to enter and leave, which seemed very dangerous. We have a young child so couldn't risk arrest. The police seemed like they were chomping at the bit. It was a very different tone than the large march last Wednesday where the police were calm and supportive. Despite the arrests and injuries, it was an exciting victory. 30 days ago, a handful of original OWS organizers didn't even know if they would be able to stay one night in the park!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Funny... I was in NYC a year ago from September (Labor Day Weekend), and Times Square was absolutely packed. You hardly could walk through there, and the police weren't worried about pick pockets then. Boy, they sure come up with the dumbest and most dishonest of excuses.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

They said they were concerned about pick pockets??? They truly are such liars.

[-] 1 points by perfectdon (1) 13 years ago

I was at 43 st and Broadway in one the the pins at about the same time. The crowd was very calm and together. I decided to move at about 6 o'clock after the folks who marched from downtown began to pour in. I made my way to 6 ave and 42 st to find about 40 police getting orange nets ready. About 5 minutes later the order was given to charge over to Times Square and they were followed by about 20 police vans. Seems a bit scary and it gave the impression that they were ready to provke the crowd. Staying peaceful is critical, the news media will only show the violence and Marshall Law will not be far behind ( I lived in the protests of the 1960's and early 1970's)

[-] 1 points by readytogo (80) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Yes. That is exactly where we were. We started in the pin, but got out when it started filling up because we had a stroller and didn't want to get trapped. We then moved to stand in front of the Toys R Us when they made us move. You know there are always people lined up along the storefronts. They even were trying to force my husband to "go that way" when he tried to take a picture close to the barricade, rather than the opposite direction back to me and our child 10 feet away. We got to Times Square early to meet out of town friends and saw horse trailers on almost every block. It is gonna get more oppressive, for sure. People need to be prepared. I can't take that risk, as I said, I have a young child and a sick parent I need to take care of. But I am doing whatever I can that doesn't risk my arrest. It really makes me feel so much reverence for the people who were parents and stood up to dogs and police batons and potential death in the 60's. I am not from that same stock, but I'm hoping we can develop that courage in this generation. We are gonna need it if we really want to turn this ship.

[-] 1 points by Pauline (1) 13 years ago

Dear brave people of Occupy Wall Street,

As an old Dutch activist and religious person I have been warning politicians for decades that they were legalising theft by a few rich thiefs. There were others with me, but we were disgarded as being fools. We have warned them that one day people (the victims of theft and oppression) would no longer take it. We have showed them the way God has created us and which talents he gave us to love eachother, we urged them to choose the right way and give the young generation a JUST and LOVING world. I pray for you and will continue in this small part of the world with the conviction that one day the criminals and dictators will have to change their ways. God bless you!!! Pauline

[-] 1 points by bulldog831 (62) 13 years ago

Ignore the TV which ignores you. Ignore the corporate media which ignores the 99%. Turn off the TV and get on the Internet. Either create the Internet media the 99% needs, or support the the creation of that media. TV is a dinosaur of the 1%'s domination of the people. Turn off the TV for good!

[-] 1 points by Simca (1) 13 years ago

Greetings from Slovakia, a small countryside in the heart of Europe, which wanted to prevent the outflow of money into Euroval-which is actually just screwy society which sends money to the banks. OWS is an inspiration for us!

[-] 1 points by insomniamantra (5) 13 years ago

E Pluribus unum! Out of many, one!

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 13 years ago

Those people who have responded to what they consider a patriotic duty will vary as to their understanding of how our system works.

The "leaders" with their billions use fear and "patriotism" to divide and rule. Most wars have been based on misinformation to the or plain liesto the public, manipulation to get wars started so the military production can make big money for the super rich at full cost to the taxpayer with money and soldier and innocent civilian lives.

If your first inclination is to rubbish this then wake up to the brain washing you have had. Big money and bankers are behind all wars we have been in, and truth is always the first casualty when war is imminent Don't fight each other, that is what the rich parasites would wish to happen. Division is their tool to keep us dissipated, poor, ineffectual and suffering.

Vietnam was a scramble for territory and minerals as well as a great opportunity to arm much of both sides with US produces equipment to make the munition barons exprememly wealthy. Eisenhower stated this quite openly. His last warning was to beware the military industrial complex. We should beware tham indeed.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by sqrltyler (207) 13 years ago

I had a very interesting conversation at Occupy LA today, with a retired intelligence official who has joined our protest.

He suggested that we find alternative forms of communication, in case our government decides to "flip the switch", and turn off our access to the internet and our cell phones.

We should be prepared if it ever comes to this.

I suggest we invest in ham radios, and let everyone know what frequency we'll be broadcasting on.

I hope it never comes to this, but we should be prepared in case us does.

Stay non violent. We have the moral highground. Do not give that up.

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

In addition to us having the moral high ground, they are the ones with Big Guns.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

This seems extreme to me. I'm not saying it won't happen, but it seems very extreme.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It the government goes to that extreme, then I can guarantee that this will turn violent.

[-] 1 points by yaya (8) 13 years ago

decide where to convene now, before that happens (if it does). then just get your asses out there!

[-] 1 points by peacegirl22 (18) from Bedford, NY 13 years ago

Good point. I mean, does anyone really think the Blackberry "snaffu" the other day was a mere accident? It would seem that someone is practicing....

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

You know, I thought that same thing about Blackberry when I heard it. Right on the heels of the London riots. Coincidence? Not.

[-] 1 points by jpartiles (1) 13 years ago

Wellcome, Newyorkers indignants, to this global movement that started on 15th May in Spain with huge demonstrations in mote than 50 cities and epicentre in Puerta del Sol, Madrid. United we will succeed!!!

[-] 1 points by insomniamantra (5) 13 years ago

Salutations from Texas!

[-] 1 points by trsnb210 (2) from Aloha, OR 13 years ago

Tonight's Saturday Night Live's opening segment was a spoof on Bloomberg at a podium talking about the OWS action...Yeah, it was funny BUT they took a significant amount of time, paid homage to those in the streets and respectfully outlined the issues in a way that acknowledged the POWER of this thing. I have made it a personal policy to call a different legislator each day (working my way thru the Directory of the House now
to express my support for OWS. I'm a middle aged suburban homeowner and I am very clear with them that, without REAL change my kids have NO future and I will not stand by a let it happen without a fight. I have not felt this hopeful in all my 58 years---deepest gratitude to all for raising your voices.

[-] 1 points by thesoulgotsoldontheroadtogold (148) 13 years ago


someone else who predicted these protests would happen

[-] 1 points by insomniamantra (5) 13 years ago

My friends and I have been talking about it for years. I guess we didn't do anything because we felt that Murphy's Law dictated that if we started it then no one would want to join.




[-] 1 points by yaya (8) 13 years ago

with all due respect - you could try to take a different attitude - its exciting! why dont you wake them up so they can watch? they can sleep later!

[-] 0 points by sdcheung (76) 13 years ago

Transplant..who told u to move to Downtown, anyway?


[-] 1 points by sdcheung (76) 13 years ago

You certainly didn't have my permission to move here. Transplant, Gentrifying douchebag.

[-] 1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

seriously, you picked your spot doug, who told you it was bucolic?

[-] 1 points by artsman201 (5) 13 years ago

The bummer is it was not well covered by the NY media. Very little to nothing live. We (another Pro OWS Facebook Page) had people watching. CNN showed Fashion all morning and then reruns of specials the rest of the day. There was only reference to the demonstrations at news breaks, and that mostly centered on the violence in Rome. Same with NY1, regular programing but some comments at New breaks, but mostly about the violence in Rome. It's still a problem.

[-] 4 points by njhippie01 (19) 13 years ago

Amazingly it was also page 4!! of today's New York Times. Unbelievable.

[-] 4 points by RockyJ (208) 13 years ago

The corporate media continues to obey their masters and focus primarily on the violence in Rome caused by the Anarchist! Nothing new here...carry on.

[-] 3 points by Yup (12) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Ridiculous but not surprising. To get updates I had to come here. Tahrir Sq coverage was 24/7. They will continue pretending as if it's not very important as long as possible. They'll pay attention soon enough.

[-] -1 points by greedisnotgood (0) 13 years ago

Tahrir sq coverage was 24/7 because it was instigated and fueled by the very some organisations and corporations that you are protesting against. Organisations that have a lot to profit from a more democratic middle east (democracry in their definition: free-er trade and encouraged flagrant consumerism, another new market opening up leading to increased profit margins) The news channels and large papers are all part of the machine. Expect the only real coverage to come from community based media......

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

To the uber-rich crooks, "democracy" means the "right" to steal and destroy. They're fuckin' ghouls, vampires and leeches. To them, my entire vast boot to the head.

[-] 1 points by PotomacOracle (7) from Arlington, VA 13 years ago

Why are we, the two of us, the only one's who get this? MSNBC has long since been marginalized by the Money Powers. They allow it's ranting and often rabid bloviations about minor issues simply because MSNBC doesn't rage on about critical issues such as;

  1. Why does a sovereign government need to pay a middle man hundreds of billions in debt service to fund the "Commons?" Eliminating this practice of unnecessary public sector borrowing would eliminate future debt and corporate and individual income taxes could be reduced significantly. No debt equals no taxation.

  2. Why can't this sovereign government create its currency "fiat or non-fiat" in accordance with the Constitution? Federal Reserve Notes are a borrowed currency. America needs a new, debt-free currency.

  3. Why doesn't the sovereign government develop electricity from flowing water rather than raping forests and mountain tops? Water energy is more powerful and accessible than any other renewable source on, above or within the Earth. The major technology has been tested, and suppressed by the fossil fuel industry. It's called the Gorlov Helical Turbine.

  4. Why doesn't the sovereign government cultivate the perfect substitute for petroleum products, and cotton? Both of which destroy our ecology rather than preserve it. Non-Psychoactive-Industrial Hemp is cultivated in Europe, North Africa, China, and Canada. Hemp products are exported to the US. Because it would eliminate the need for cotton and lumber production the law will not be reformed without considerable public outrage.

We won't get in-depth MSNBC or MSM reportage of these four simple questions because they pierce the heart of Capitalism. Yet, their ultimate benefit generates a fairer, debt, free and more inclusive participation in this economy.

[-] 2 points by mothergoose (4) 13 years ago

you can thank JP Morgan and Westinghouse for pulling funding from Tesla who was prepared to offer the World FREE energy. Why? Because there was no money to be made from offering the world free energy. Nice, thanks JP Morgan and Westinghouse! There should be a class action lawsuit for the damages for our polluted air, lands and waters, and for all the related health issues.

[-] 2 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

Democracy Now! has great coverage. I suggest turning to them for reporting, and finding other sources to balance their left leaning bias.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Trust me, you two aren't the only ones who get it, although you are in the minority. All mainstream media are propaganda tools of government and big biz. People are slowly catching on, though.

[-] 1 points by dusthim (7) 13 years ago

News shenanigans, not news channels.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Noose channels.

[-] 3 points by spacepatrol (6) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

At night, MSNBC had a marathon of "Lockup." Rather than show images of people demonstrating freedom, those human jackboots chose instead to portray life as a series of prison images in endless repetition. I can't believe how much time I wasted watching them during Obama's campaign. All part of the same snowjob. Like someone giving you a Christmas present containing something you're allergic too. In this case, social criminalization of the economically downtrodden.

[-] 5 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

Amazing, isn't it? For a supposed left leaning station, they are truly obsessed with promoting the prison complex. Their other show, "To Catch a Predator" focuses on pulling people in, and Lockup focuses on keeping them in.

Fits perfectly with Obama's new directive to bust legal Pot dispensaries in California, and strip pot card holders of their civil rights.

[-] 2 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

They are not a left leaning station... Read the Alternet article on the resignation of Cenk Uygur of "The Young Turks" and you will see that they are not a Left leaning station; they simply have progressive shows because of the ratings. They warned Cenk to tone down his style because many in Washington didn't like it...


[-] 2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

how can the meek inherit the earth from these tyrants? i believe we will win because i am confident in prophecy. how can we overcome these overarmed fascist bullies on our streets? the end of cannabis prohibittion is the RAPTURE.. cannabis is our holy communion. cannabis is the holy tree of life and is FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS.

[-] 1 points by pansino (6) 13 years ago

I can't wait for the snows to come. Perhaps it will freeze the pot that has warped your brain (you certainly can't spell.....There's only one "to" in "prohibition." Perhaps people would actually take you seriously if you didn't just go and prove that your expensive college educations have been a complete and total waste.

[-] 1 points by pansino (6) 13 years ago

Last time I looked, it wasn't Obama that made pot smoking illegal. But I guess that your brain is too hazy from the ganja to realize that. And do you have a problem with locking people up that prey on underage boys and girls? Or should that be allowed, just like pot smoking, because you want to do it?


[-] 1 points by msuayan (13) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

Prison for Profit

[-] 2 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

Prison for Profit, prison run by the government, prison is prison. Half the people in there are there for drug related offenses, so that companies like Merck and McKesson can protect their legislated monopoly.

Lawyers write more laws for lawyers to fight about in our courts in front of other lawyers, and send the rest to prison. BIg government may be about jobs programs, but the biggest jobs program of all is the one the Lawyers have created for themselves, at a minimum billing rate of $350/hr.

[-] 1 points by msuayan (13) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

Corporations are running prisons with huge monetary interests...ultimately influencing our laws and sentencing...lawyers clean up the scraps...like valchers

[-] 2 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

The so-called 'news' of the mainstream media is like an envelope full of anthrax powder and DDT. You're not gonna get any truth from there, just a lot of propaganda and brainwashing.

Do yourself a favor and turn that bullshit off.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

Agreed - throw the TV out the window! It's mental poison! Time to re-educate ourselves and discover real, quality entertainment!

[-] 2 points by clfranzetti (6) 13 years ago

they disappointed me also

[-] 1 points by gjpc (10) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

Here is hoping that "main stream media" maintain the off hands approach until the OWS is beyond even threatening by local governments. Washington et al will not believe anything "serious" is happening until it is on MSNBC.

[-] 0 points by msuayan (13) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

I noticed that...very disappointing...especially for msnbc

[-] -1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

MSNBC is not a News station on the weekends - only Monday through Friday.

[-] 2 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

What's "News"? Is that the same thing as "Entertainment"?

[-] 3 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

They turned news into "entertainment" back in the '70's. It's like banks. Originally both were basically public services. Greed turned them into for-profit enterprises. That's why I stopped watching mainstream news. The only place to get unbiased information now is the internet. You have to search for it, of course, but a little unbiased news via the web beats none at all on the tube.

[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

Deregulation had a huge role in this. Greed did not stick its nose out into American Society for the first time in the 70's.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

True. I just remember the times when news was actually news and banks were in business to serve the customers.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

I remember when the customer was always right. Now we're not treated as customers any more, we're just little pockets of cash to be sucked dry. Fuck that shit! It's well past time to be respected as customers again.

[-] 2 points by dusthim (7) 13 years ago

Refer to Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

[-] 2 points by Adam20751 (58) from New York, NY 13 years ago

With enough replication, explanations of how things are merge become identical to bad excuses for their not being what they ought to be.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

And your point is? This thread was about how MSNBC did not cover the protests....

spacepatrol (Bloomfield, NJ) 6 points 3 days ago - "At night, MSNBC had a marathon of "Lockup." Rather than show images of people demonstrating freedom, those human jackboots chose instead to portray life as a series of prison images in endless repetition. ..."

Since MSNBC doesn't run News (whether entertainment or actual real journalistic coverage) on the weekends then my statement was factual...you jump from that to it being a "bad excuse" for how things ought to be? Take it up with MSNBC then.....

[-] 1 points by Adam20751 (58) from New York, NY 13 years ago

My point is that you're answering someone's disappointment with a fact by repeating that fact.

I understand you have a sense that you're informing; it seems that msuayan is mistaking a policy for a much more individual choice and it's not all bad to point this out as you're doing, but my point is that policy or not, what MSNBC does is not an excuse for what they could be doing. If media was run in a sufficiently reasonable way, there'd be more and better coverage of the movement, and less glorified hunting of social deviants.

I see the issue as central to this movement because I see Americans being convinced of the inevitability of their political/economic system in the same way. We go to economics, history, and civics classes and get told not why and how things happened to pan out but rather we study them as objects of a social "science", which in an implicit (and in my mind underhanded) way makes them seem necessary and legitimate.

I'm suspicious of people spending much time describing policy because I want to change so much of it.

There's a balance here of course; one must not be ignorant of the system to be changed, but I think we can all do with some more talk about how things could be/have been and a bit less repetition of the facts of the current insane system.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

K, I get it. But the beginning of any discussion of how things could be/have been must start with what is.

[-] 2 points by ohookia (2) 13 years ago

This is because the media is owned by the 1% and of course they do not want the public to know how successful the Occupy Movement really is. Don't worry, they are all shaking in their boots because they never thought that the 99% would ever wake from their slumber and realize what's been really going on. What they did not plan on is the influence of the internet and social media to "spread the word". The movement may not be spreading as fast as some of us would like but it is gaining momentum. Don't lose hope.....we will bring down the 1% and change,beyond what we could ever imagine, is coming.

[-] 3 points by njhippie01 (19) 13 years ago

You are correct, ohookia. I am already wondering how long it will be before live coverage of OWS will be up in the right hand corner of CNN"s screen. I mean, really, how long can they go on not covering it??? So pissed that I also left PBS Newshour a message complaining about their crap coverage Friday night also. No in depth segment. Yeah I know, Exxon and Intel underwrite "Public Television". People are waking up for sure.

[-] 2 points by clfranzetti (6) 13 years ago

yeah, hardly nothing on the media. need to donate funds so they/we can "buy" our voice I guess.

[-] 1 points by spid3rfly (2) from Louisville, KY 13 years ago

The fact that the media isn't covering any of this in depth is just more proof of who owns the media. I'm all about this movement and have been helping out locally when I can. Also spreading the word through social networks. I'm hoping that it continues to gain ground and more people wake up. A few thousand here and a few thousand there will never work. I would love to see a few million flood the streets of NYC and cities around the country....could you imagine?

[-] 1 points by dusthim (7) 13 years ago

Don't even bother responding to their inept news coverage. All they will do is identify you by your email as a 'subversive'. They are dinosaurs; leave them to rot in their own filth.

[-] 1 points by eidos (285) 13 years ago

Don't let it get you down. This is why God created the Internet.

They had no free press in Egypt or Libya or Syria. And when the Internet went down they had only each other

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

CNN is useless.

[-] 1 points by Mark12211 (3) 13 years ago

New York City physically only makes up 1% of the state of New York. Why would New York State media cover this? Most of New York is farms and mountains, no one gives a flying hoot about the city. Speaking of Rome. I was just in Rome, New York. There is no violence there.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It might make up only 1% of NY physically, but in terms of population, it has almost half of the whole state's population. It also is the financial center of the state. This isn't about land mass.

[-] -2 points by liberty1 (5) 13 years ago

Now you know how Ron Paul feels.

[-] 3 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

I don`t feel sorry for him.

Ron Paul advocates total private tyranny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxPUvQZ3rcQ

But you gotta give it to him. He´s doing a good job trying to pretend that he´s on the side of the people, when in fact he´s on the side of the ones ows is fighting: corporations, CEOs, the superwealthy

[-] 3 points by RockyJ (208) 13 years ago

Thank you! I wish the Ron Pauly's would STFU!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

I used to feel that way... but I hope Ron Paul fans and liberals can unite on key issues they both feel strongly about -- for instance, getting corporate money out of politics.

In terms of OWS, I feel like we need to be setting the precedent for real, quality democracy -- that means not shoving people out of the way, but having open discussions with one another, and not approaching our problems as being too difficult to be solvable for all.

At the OccupySF general assembly, someone made a great point about how once you start having discussions with people, after a few days, you begin to realize you're not all that different and your ideas are not at war with one another per say.

[-] 1 points by PennTellerShermerFan (13) 13 years ago

"Ron Paul Blasts Corporatism": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwwXgPiySto "Corporatism is Soft Fascism": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI6Bh971aDY

[-] 0 points by CassieK (8) from Detroit, MI 13 years ago

Has anyone ever ask Ron Paul to be transparent with his financiers?

[-] -1 points by craigrpa (-1) 13 years ago

It seems you're misinformed about Ron Paul. He's for total liberty, a level playing field for all. He is totally against corporate welfare and advantages.

[-] 3 points by Smontg01 (3) 13 years ago

In the 19th century we had de facto libertarianism in the USA. Companies sold adulterated foods and quack drugs. Workers were exploited and child labor was rife. Education was not available to all and illieracy was common. People overran the land thanks to the philosophy of manifest destiny. Much of the 20th century was spent righting these wrongs, Libertarianism may seem like a fine philosophy but we are not evolved enough as human beings to make it work in practice,

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I totally agree. There still are way too many greedy and power hungry people out there for that to be successful.

[-] 2 points by PotomacOracle (7) from Arlington, VA 13 years ago

U R So Ryt!!!

With the thirty year assault on the Middle Class by the 1%ers and their acolytes, Reagan, Bush Clinton, Bush, Obama...tens of millions of Americans are sliding backwards into a world where critical thinking is seldom prized.

Much of what you report about the 19th century continues in the 21st century to wit:

"It is estimated that 48 million people are infected by foodborne diseases in the United States each year [3], resulting in $152 billion in medical costs annually. [4]

And these outbreaks show no sign of abating; the incidence of salmonella infections alone has increased 20 percent since 1997. [5]

With 170 countries exporting food to the U.S., and more than 70,000 food safety violations on food that is imported into America reported from 1998 to 2004 alone, the E. coli outbreak in Germany -- with additional cases reported in France and the U.S. -- shines a spotlight on why the issue of food safety is an international concern." [6]


"Did you know it’s legal for kids as young as 12 and sometimes younger to pick food on U.S. commercial farms?

According to a new report by Human Rights Watch, hundreds of thousands of children are employed as farm workers and they often work 10 or more hours a day with sharp tools, heavy machinery and dangerous pesticides.

One-third of all child farm workers don’t graduate from high school, reports “Fields of Peril: Child Labor in U.S. Agriculture.” And many risk their health and their lives.

From 2005 to 2008, at least 43 children under age 18 died from work-related injuries in crop production—27 percent of all children who were fatally injured at work.

The risk of fatal injuries for agricultural workers ages 15 to 17 is more than four times that of other young workers. Deadly pesticides are sprayed even as they work in the fields.

As Hector H., an 18-year-old farm laborer who works alongside children, describes it:

You can smell them. [Recently] the plane sprayed, sprayed the cotton….I felt dizzy. I covered my face and kept working. No one told us to get out of the field."


"Full prose proficiency, as measured by the ability to process complex and challenging material such as would be encountered in everyday life, is achieved by about 14% of the white and 2% of the black population.[9][10]

However 86% of the general population had basic or higher prose proficiency as of 2003, with a decrease in the full proficiency group vs. 1992 of more than 10%, consistent with a general decline."[11]



[-] 1 points by TokingMonkey (4) from Beresford, NB 13 years ago

It makes no difference who you vote into government. The capitalist system we live in is designed to encourage competition and reward greed. No matter who is placed into the position of leadership, they will succumb to the rules of the game regardless if they came in with good intention. The system itself is at fault due to the very foundation it's built upon. We need a system that provides all the necessities of life to every person in it, and corporations need to be accountable for what they do. Their purpose is to provide, not to control goods. I personally believe in the Resource Based Economy, but I'm always open to other options.

[-] 3 points by werd (3) 13 years ago

the problem with this is that capitalism tends towards the monopoly. these big corporations didn't become monopolies because of government handouts, but rather by fighting government restrictions against monopolies. total liberty in a free market is a wonderland for greedy hustlers.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You are so right. People blame government completely, but it's the greed that is the underlying, core problem.

[-] 2 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

I don't want the Occupy movement to be hi-jacked by the libertarians and the Paulists.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

Libertarians and progressives need to work together to embody real democracy - if we just keep shoving each other out of the way, no one wins. We keep watching, stunned as neither of us gets any voice but rather the 1% get all.

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

Doing away with government, as I understand the libs and paulies want to do, will not solve our problems. We need government regulation of Wall Street, for example. I don't think the libs and paulies are for anything more than their own advancement. They seem to believe that they can be all be rich if only the government is done away with. But, thanks, taysic, for sharing your point of view.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

No problem. I'm with you. I just feel like we've been pushed into these corners and 'isms' ... we can't speak to each other clearly as people anymore. This is how they weaken us - by pinning us against one another.

[-] 1 points by peacegirl22 (18) from Bedford, NY 13 years ago

When Ron Paul begins to support women's rights 100% (we are 51% of this society) then I'll agree he's for a level playing field. Until then he's just as horrible as the rest of them all and against TOTAL LIBERTY.
You can't have TOTAL LIBERTY when more than half your society is oppressed. Duh!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

No shit!!!

[-] 1 points by jonog (8) from Springville, UT 13 years ago

Are you equating all women's rights with abortion? Does Paul oppose any other right for women?

Even though he's personally opposed to abortion and thinks it shouldn't be the decision of the federal government, abortion wouldn't be illegal if he were president; he'd just let states decide how to rule.

State and local government are beneficial because they're closer to the people. I agree with those who say that Libertarians are part of the 99%. No need to put Paul in with the rest of the politicians just because you have a point of disagreement.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

women´s rights should be the least of your concerns whaen it comes to RP. Ron Paul wants to give all the power and recourses into the hands of big capital. He has no problem with corporations (which are tyrannical in their structure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqlTyAMVDUk ) ruling society. He has no problem with letting peolpe who are not democratically elected have a huge influence over other peolpes lives. Capitalism, whether it`s crony capitalism or unregulated, is not democratic, it needs to be replaced. http://occupywallst.org/forum/replace-capitalism-with-democracy/

[-] 2 points by PennTellerShermerFan (13) 13 years ago

That's simply not true, struggleforfreedom80:

"Ron Paul Blasts Corporatism": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwwXgPiySto "Corporatism is Soft Fascism": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI6Bh971aDY

Your Statements About RP Are Incorrect.

[-] 1 points by jonog (8) from Springville, UT 13 years ago

Ron Paul is arguing for a return to democracy. He wants many of the powers of federal government to be transferred to local governments because local governments are closer and therefore more accountable to the people.

He wants a limited federal government—no bailouts, no wars.

[-] -1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

"He is totally against corporate welfare and advantages" Yes, but hes for giving them all the power. He wants to give HUGE tax breaks to the superwealthy, and give them and the corporations they run the right to control and to have a huge influence over our lives - yet theyre not democratically ellected. Capitalism is not democratic


[-] 1 points by PennTellerShermerFan (13) 13 years ago

He is NOT "for giving them all the power", as he states in the videos. Do not make blanket-statements without citation.

He is not in favor of mere "tax breaks". He will completely remove the income-tax. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m1J32wABiI

He is in favor of rule-by-local-government.

[-] -3 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

This "movement's" 15 minutes of fame has expired.

[-] 2 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

That's what you think! You're wrong. The movement is just getting warmed up.

The following was written by a friend of the movement, and I'll copy/paste here for the enjoyment of the Occupancy and supporters, and as a big middle finger to trolls like you.

The 1% are responding to the resistance with such open hatred, such a fake air of self-appointed superiority, such easily sensed hypocrisy while trying, and failing, to disguise their fear behind false bravado. They try to distract, distort and hide the truth, so that they may continue their behaviour unchallenged. This is the hallmark of sociopaths.

You, my friends and fellows of the Occupancy, attract such vitriol simply because you resist their madness, and shine a beacon of hope that inspires others to resist. You also expose their lies to the harsh light of truth, something else they can't stand. You of the 99% are a great and noble dragon, the deliverers of the judgement now at hand, and you cannot be slain.

Banksters, trying to slay this particular dragon with the pinpricks of crude insults and smatterings of frothing rhetoric, only amuses the dragon and betrays your fear. The dragon isn't scared of you, you are afraid of the dragon. The dragon is bigger than you, it's smarter than you, it's stronger than you, it's tougher than you, it's in your face, and it's not going away. It grows stronger and ever more powerful by the day. It's announcing it's presence with the earthshaking roar of it's People's Voice, while it patiently waits for you to make a fatal mistake. Then, it shall pounce, and eat you alive. It can wait, it has nothing to lose by waiting, yet much to gain; the taste of your defeat is to be savored, for you have grown fat and complacent on the hoard you have stolen from it. What better prey for this noble creature but the king of thieves?

CEO, look and be awed! This great purple dragon is your creation, birthed of the blood of your crimes, and your abuses as a bully. This dragon is your greatest nightmare come to life, and it knows your weaknesses better than you do. It smells your fear, and it finds the scent delicious.

Behold crooks, know the name and nature of your failure! This dragon is called Movement, Occupy, OWS, and formally, Unity. It is a vast legion, yet one, and it can't be bribed, coerced, purchased, destroyed, conquered, divided, or diminished. It embodies a cohesion, a purpose, a drive, an energy, that you will never know or have, much less comprehend. It cares not for your lust and greed; it is above such petty things, and that is the source of it's dominion over you. To the dragon, you deserve no more respect than a virus. It views your actions and words with contempt, for you are nothing before it.

Fiends, instead of being an ugly and insignificant jester before this mighty, virtuous dragon, go out and pick a fight with a "faggot", "wetback", or a "nigger", or beat up on a "bitch". After all, abusing others always makes you feel better about your sad pathetic existence as a batshit insane leech upon the world, doesn't it? The dragon thinks that's the height of comedy; you exposing yourself in shame.

[-] 1 points by dusthim (7) 13 years ago

Mad Eloquent!! Write on!!!

[-] 0 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

Ahh, the modern narcissist. The product of self indulgence, and willful ignorance, inflated by the "everybody gets a trophy" culture . . . .


[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Maybe he is, maybe he ain't. How would you know? You don't, and likely don't want to. To many he's an odd old poet that hangs around a coffee shop. You'd pass him by, maybe shoot a glance at his muttering, and pass on. But if you'd stop and bother to listen, you'll learn something.

He's a weird fellow, always talks like that, and it doesn't seem like he's making any sense most of the time. You have to think about what he said, then it hits you. He's a visionary who sees what others miss entirely.

I got it after a cup of coffee. Here, have a mug and fire up the brain. And stop being a judgmental closedminded ass.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Maybe you've missed how big this has gotten and how big it continually gets. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's not happening.

[-] 0 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

It is actually quite small. The main stream media has picked up on it as their obsessive fad of the moment. One good celebrity scandal and they will get bored and move on .. .. so sorry

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Yes, it's small. That's why the legislators in the federal government are talking about it and are somewhat worried about it (mainly the right wing). You can keep denying it, though.

[-] 0 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

Yes, the legislators (a) comment on news, and (b) will try to hijack anything to their cause.

I don't know why you think the "right wing" would be worried. They are not the ones who have been running the government the last 5 years or so - it is the LEFT wing that got involved in most of this crony capitalism; they are the ones getting and giving all the Wall Street money!

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Spew whatever Warhol cliches you want - media coverage is not the main way information spreads - you will have to SHUT EVERYONE UP like in Soviet Russia - the word spreads - EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT.

[-] 0 points by cat7757 (18) 13 years ago

I am a veteran, and Thank you Occupy Wall Street. Keep it going and cancel all of the Wall Street Pig bank Credit cards. Hit them where it hurts in the pocketbook - is all they are concerned about. Power to the people!

[-] 0 points by Mark12211 (3) 13 years ago

I heard about some people demostrating in NYC. It didn't interest me, so I turned off the news station. Want to know why the news stations don't cover this? It is boring.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It's boring to people like you, because you want to see gunfire, bloodshed, and violence. I can guarantee if that happened in NYC, the MSM would be all over it.

[-] 0 points by Joey (0) 13 years ago

I went down to downtown to see the ows movement today and was quite surprised how many homeless folks were camping out there. What happened to all of the college kids and working folk. I have sympathy for the homeless but thought that this movement was more than about that.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

The homeless people ARE part of the 99% and do have a shared interest in this. Are you suggesting that the homeless not be allowed to be involved, and how do you know who is homeless, if more than just the homeless are camping out?

[-] 0 points by kitch (0) 13 years ago

I was at Times Square and it was the most energizing thing I've ever done! I had dozens of great convos with strangers and saw nothing even remotely violent or aggressive. Also, it seems the media is interested in the new meme of people who are clearly NOT lazy hippies -- I, middle-aged soccer mom, attracted three interviewers, including NBC New York Channel 4 (to my horror, I led the 11 pm news) and a Belgian print journalist. OCCUPY EVERYWHERE!!!

[-] 0 points by kitch (0) 13 years ago

I was at Times Square and it was the most energizing thing I've ever done! I had dozens of great convos with strangers and saw nothing even remotely violent or aggressive. Also, it seems the media is interested in the new meme of people who are clearly NOT lazy hippies -- I, middle-aged soccer mom, attracted three interviewers, including NBC New York Channel 4 (to my horror, I led the 11 pm news) and a Belgian print journalist. OCCUPY EVERYWHERE!!!

[-] 0 points by mollymaybeth (4) 13 years ago

Solidarity- Rhythm Corps The perfect song for this Occupy Wallstreet.

[-] 0 points by mollymaybeth (4) 13 years ago

Solidarity- Rhythm Corps The perfect song for this Occupy Wallstreet.

[-] 0 points by mollymaybeth (4) 13 years ago

Solidarity- Rhythm Corps The perfect song for this Occupy Wallstreet.

[-] 0 points by mollymaybeth (4) 13 years ago

Solidarity- Rhythm Corps The perfect song for this Occupy Wallstreet.

[-] 0 points by james123456789 (0) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street was predict by VN astrologer last month http://ruanwenxian.blogspot.com/2011/09/predictions-for-october-2011.html

[-] 0 points by Mint51HenryJ (0) 13 years ago

Want to do something else to get the banks' attention? On Monday, move your checking and savings accounts to a local credit union. Credit unions are owned by the depositors (shareholders) and provide all the services you need including car and home loans, CDs, credit cards, etc. No fees for checking accounts, ATM cards, etc. Deposits are guaranteed. The banks hate them and for decades the American Banker's Association (the biggest banking lobby and maybe the most powerful lobbyists in Washington) has been trying to get Congress put them out of business. Pass this along until it gets the media's attention.

[-] 0 points by mandy465 (11) 13 years ago

I'm so proud of everyone!

[-] 0 points by goodbye (3) 13 years ago

Get it through your head, Tahrir Square was DIFFERENT. They were fighting a palpable, physical demon; a dictatorship that had oppressed them for decades. People died and are still dying in protests even after the ousting of Mubarak. Though it's great that they have Democracy now, they still face huge hurtles and a daunting uncertain future. I do think there should have been more mainstream media covering this yesterday, but I think the media outlets are sick of covering something that hasn't changed in weeks. You've reached a point in this "occupation" where it's time to make some concrete demands or else your going to start to lose your momentum and the coverage that's been fueling the rise. THE WORLD IS WATCHING, now fucking do something.

[-] 1 points by yaya (8) 13 years ago

no i think its a good stratagy to keep it big and open & less defined- and more and more people will come out. I think its just started to build. The messages/demands are getting though in a organic way. Thats enough for now..

[-] 1 points by ozaffer (4) 13 years ago

The broad idea is understood.. It is time for a think tank to come up with some implementable solutions to revolutionize how this capitalist system operates and how our politicians are funded.

Take these broad rough solutions and get peoples input on how to improve them. After a revolutionary solution is created push for it and keep the whole process transparent to the people.

Do that and you will create change. Don't do that and you will achieve nothing.

Revolutionizing the banking system or rethinking our currency system are other topics I have heard mention of.. These don't sound like bad ideas but if that's going to be a goal one solution needs to be chosen which will need direct representation. If most support this idea build your other solutions to the capitalist system around that revolution.

There are a lot of problems and a lot of issues, people are uniting to fight these problems and being call "whiners" now unite to solutions to become revolutionaries.

[-] 1 points by peacegirl22 (18) from Bedford, NY 13 years ago

how can the media outlets be sick of something they HAVEN'T been covering? hm? When the lies begin to wear on you I guarantee you will join the 99% who cannot be lied to any more. Human rights are human rights, whether it's Tahrir Square or Wall Street. They kill with bullets there, here they kill with lies and depredation of our quality of life, and the denial of basic human needs like medical care, housing, clean unpolluted water and food. You will join us when you wake up from the fantasy. :)

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Right on.

[-] 1 points by goodbye (3) 13 years ago

Get real and pop your head out of lovely Bedford. People are starving and dying by the thousands every hour and this is happening nowhere near Wall Street. I agree that things are a little skewed and certainly draining the economy, but if you think the occupy movement is the most important issue in the world right now then I recommend you talk to the people of Haiti, or Sudan, or maybe Somalia, Uganda, how about Senegal. And WAKE UP! The movement has been getting press every single day in all media outlets. I'm sorry it's not exactly the news you want to hear or that it's not 24/7 but there's more important things going on. And what about your own organization, they've picked up over $100,000 in donations, where is that going, what bank is that deposited in? I think Wall Street is the wrong place to be protesting. Go to D.C. where the laws are being made, that's where things will get done.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Did anyone say this is the most important issue in the world right now? And, besides, people ALL OVER THE WORLD are supporting this and other movements..... to take away the power from the criminal elite. Did you know that Wall St. not only affects people in the USA, but it also affects people in other countries, because it has interests there? Perhaps some of the countries you mention that are suffering more than the USA are in that position BECAUSE OF Wall St.

You're the one who needs to pop your head out of somewhere.

[-] 1 points by SonOfTheDude (8) 13 years ago

There are many things wrong with your post, but I'll content myself with pointing out that one fifth of Manhattanites are living at the poverty line, and there are certainly starving people and people dying because of lack of heath care right there on the island. So yes, it's not as bad as Uganda, but that's no reason not to take action. Saying "eat your peas and grow up" isn't helpful or even germane.

[-] -1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

Indeed, pick an issue, or more than one, but some specificity is now due. Public financing for all elections would more than likely have the widest effect.

[-] 1 points by SonOfTheDude (8) 13 years ago

And box ourselves in? Why should we do that? Specificity is not "due" anybody.

[-] 1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

When you get this amount of attention you need to focus it before it's lost. Americans have a short attention span.

[-] 0 points by BhavaniJaroff (0) 13 years ago

I hope people are planning on joining then protest today in Foley Square "Millions Against Monsanto" from 12-4!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by craigrpa (-1) 13 years ago

Seems Ron Paul is the only candidate that has this issue as part of his platform. His target is the Federal Reserve system which is the core problem. Vote for Ron Paul in the primary and general elections and you will at least have someone working towards resolving this issue. Visit www.ronpaul.com.

[-] 0 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

Vote republica or vote democrat, you're voting for Wall Street and the secret Bilderbergs

[-] 0 points by 2278 (0) 13 years ago

October Revolution is now Global http://revolutionwithoutborder.org/
Occupy Yangon set up for demand " Release Political Prisoners" Initial protests will be lunch on 21 October Friday. https://www.facebook.com/burmauprising

[-] 0 points by whatsnext (1) 13 years ago

Now that you can attract large number of people to your cause, what's next? Ask yourself this. Why would the authorities or powers carry out any changes if protestors are only marching along sidewalks? YOu can't expect people to be frequently out on the streets just to be kettled, arrested or herded like cattle on the sidewalks. Do something more than these or you will have to rename the movement "Occupy Sidewalks".

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It worked for the women who fought for the right to vote. They began by protesting. It was the same for many other movements. Learn some history, please.

[-] 0 points by JackieTeo (5) 13 years ago

This is an employer versus employee agenda. The vast majority of the dump working class who did not made it to the top. They haven’t blame God yet for their lackluster achievements. They were sold many wonderful dreams are what a free and fair trade society could realize their dreams as millionaires. But they are wrong indeed.

The employers back with financial means always have the upper hand, whether to lawfully terminate an employee under the law has always been an issue that creates such movement. Unfortunately, there are too many dump working class people who had acted for their own benefits in order to score a point with their immediate superiors that will secure bread and milk on their table. Let’s face it! Everybody is selfish in their own peculiar ways to protect their monthly salary. That’s the beauty of a monetary driven Capitalist society.

I really wonder how we can balance the free and fair trade system. What is the equilibrium point generally as a whole. The powerful Capitalist sells you many economic theories that made sense but in reality, unemployment rises to it’s occasion.

Poverty and unemployment is the worst violence. You may have a good point in this movement but the 1% powerful lobbyist will do what it takes to prevent their wealth from sharing with their dump and stupid 99% working class. They will still pay their way into the Oval Office and Congress to achieve their ultimate aim.

Unless this movement is strong enough to topple your own government with human lives being lost in battle as shown in any pass historical revolution, it is my opinion that this movement is useless as they rich 1% are not ready to give up their money for the idiotic 99% dump and stupid working class under their wings.

This movement will only end for children to write wonderful essays in schools. For journalists to write emotional journals in the pretext that the people have won. And for those participants to tell their future generations about how great their miserable experience in this unfruitful movement. Your government is playing a cat and mouse game. It takes less that 1% to be a genius to control this movement.

Life is at stake here. Think again before it goes out of hand.

This movement is exactly like the Manifesto of the Communist Party which the strong and powerful countries shot down.

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

history teach us they might be winer at short time but on long term it may cost their blood their will be robin hood so up to that 1 percent wants to live like king charls or costing their blood at lather time thats history teach us and there is no if or but

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Women didn't die when they fought for the right to vote. Yes, they were imprisoned and were tortured.... but no one died (to my knowledge).... and no war was fought for women to gain the right to vote. It took tons of constant pressure on government to make it happen.... and a LOT of protesting. Your opinion is so wrong and negative and misguided.

[-] 1 points by ozaffer (4) 13 years ago

Geeze how about not talking about the working class like trash? I get that we are viewed as slaves by some, used and abused to a breaking point. But there is no reason for you to use that label unless that's how u view your common man as well. A lot of these people aren't "stupid, Idiots" or so on but just misinformed or uninformed as expected from how much they have to work.

That said a conclusion can come with a manifesto of the people that with enough support will be put in place peacefully or through a second civil war, when solutions are drawn made it will be up to "our" elected officials to listen. This conclusion could be postponed by the higher class improving current issues themselves but that seems unlikely if not impossible at this point.

[-] 1 points by peacegirl22 (18) from Bedford, NY 13 years ago

Gandhi taught us to win a revolution without blood by hitting the oppressors where it really hurts them, in their f'ing wallets. Remember that among the 1% there are really good people who work for the 99%. They aren't all bastards.
And neither are we.
If we act like bastards, we deserve to be treated like bastards. Act smart, with justice and non-violently. It really works. Examples:

  1. boycott the big banks.
  2. stop shopping for crap
  3. cut up your credit cards.
  4. get to know your neighbors
  5. eat less meat
  6. learn to make your own things
  7. be compassionate to those who oppress you... They are suffering too.
[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

100% right. Also, boycott corporations when possible, buy local, stop being such a blatant uber consumer. The first American revolution took over eight years. This one just started. Some of these people expect too much too quick. Right now it's about getting the word out, getting people to wake up. We don't need ten thousand people worldwide, we need ten million. These things take time.

[-] 0 points by yousif (2) 13 years ago

Protests Day Global ... Movement and a new soul in the network system of global relations. We can say that network system of global relations have become a new movement have many reasons for the growth and effectiveness. It's a protest movement for political, cultural and global information society, it's kind of a world power a new and will have global consequences of a new type.

[-] 0 points by sms116 (0) from Princeton, NJ 13 years ago

Occupying the parks (recreational space) is missing the point of political action-- protesters should physically occupy the banks and the Wall Street offices -- without violence but disrupting their work with their presence.

[-] 1 points by yaya (8) 13 years ago

remember when the Yippies threw the fake money around inside the stock exchange? that was great political theater!

[-] 0 points by Snowbound (1) 13 years ago

It's not just about the banks. It's about the government. Telling a lawbreaker they're breaking the law does nothing to change their behaviour. Telling the government you know what's going on and neither they nor the banks will get away with it, does.

[-] 0 points by insomniamantra (5) 13 years ago

It really aggravates me that the media and a lot of doubters say that this movement isn't defined or that there is no clear goal or message to it. They say that it must be funneled down to something they can put in a headline. Anyone who says that is either being paid to say it or unaware of the magnitude of the problems we face and the grievances we have. Was the Revolutionary War fought over one cause? Did the people who fought in it know what the outcome was going to be or what the solutions were? Didn't the founding fathers fail in their first attempt at making a new country? Was the Civil War fought over one cause? Or World War I or II? I believe that struggles and conflicts don't always have a distinctly marked finish line, but they always have a starting line and something that drives us forward.

[-] 1 points by Pandora (9) 13 years ago

There are many of use here who support the movement who have concerns about a lack of focus-this does not make us "doubters." On the contrary, we want to see success and change-but what change will happen exactly? Every example you used was a war, not a peaceful demonstration. It's not about the number of reasons-have as many as you wish. But have something. What will happen six months from now? Most people will not just remain demonstrating indefinitely.

[-] 1 points by yaya (8) 13 years ago

right. its a REBELLION, not a protest.

[-] 0 points by FHampton (309) 13 years ago

Excellent overview of the long term lead-up to the present moment:


[-] 0 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

TENS of thousands in 1500 cities? So what is that's like anywhere between 10 to 60 people per city?

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

you must be one of those dumb ass

[-] 0 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

I guess you don't believe in math.

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

you must be one of those people whom benefited from this corrupted system

[-] 0 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

you're terrible at making assumptions.

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

why you cant hide facts open your eyes and look around and then do the math dumb ass

[-] 0 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

oh no, whoever's in charge here have collected a decent amount of donations. you should probably find out how much and what they're doing with it.

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

shut the fuck off

[-] 0 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

why can't you open your eyes and see this article made up the 1500 number. while you're at it, why don't you open your eyes some more and ask whoever in charge of this site how much in donation they have collected and where it's going.

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

again becuse they couldent collact money it is very simple becuse they are not reach like you and they have no job all money gone to banker and other thives in system like you

[-] 0 points by spacepatrol (6) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

How about someone come up with an actual fact instead of bullshit pulled out of their ass? And about 1500 cities and "tens of thousands"? Who gives a fuck?! You think this protest STARTED at 5000 people like there were today in Times Square? There must be a human gene for being a cynical naysayer because you people have been around forever. Idealists are always made out to be on the fringe of society but really it's you who's on the fringe, and you'll be left behind.

[-] 1 points by OscarSpain (1) from Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid 13 years ago

Madrid: estimated 500k. Barcelona: 200k. Rest of Spain: from 50k to 5k in the lesser cities. We took the flag from the hands of egyptians on May 15th, and spread the flame in this worldwide call that has reached also you. Now it's everybody's turn to run the race towards a global change!

[-] 0 points by jamieosborneBE (0) 13 years ago

There were thousands in Brussels - I've put photos and vids up here - amazing vibe: http://greenrants.blogspot.com/2011/10/occupy-brussels-photos-and-videos.html

[-] 0 points by Moein (18) from Tehran, Tehran 13 years ago

Only one people is important.gathering is important.voicing is important.

[-] 0 points by furight (37) 13 years ago

It is important that you don't attack just the banks. There are other members of the 1% who need to be attacked. Murdoch uses his money to control the media. He would be on the top of my list. AND HE IS A CRIMINAL.

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

all of them are criminals banker coporate industry wall st al l corrupted politions been so greedy they took all which belong to people lets fuck them all.

[-] 0 points by werd (3) 13 years ago

buddy, please take the time to be coherent.

[-] 1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

agreed, no drinking and posting

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Go easy on Ray. He's just a product of our top notch educational system.

[-] 0 points by bHans (0) from Maybrook, NY 13 years ago

they're already bundling up for the cold in detroit bring on the winter occupation


[-] 0 points by four (0) 13 years ago

that's good to hear! occupy all year.

[-] -1 points by msuayan (13) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

Prisons for profit Schools for profit Healthcare for profit

Some things need not have financial interests

[-] -1 points by msuayan (13) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

We want what Roosevelt suggested...and other countries successfully adopted...our second bill of rights... A decent wage Adequate home and a decent living Medical care A good education Economic protection during sickness, accident, old age or unemployment

There is no more Upward Mobility...even if we work two jobs...the middle class is being raped by corporations..financial system...right wing think tanks that implore or politicians to sign pledges forcing them to vote against their constituents...Super Pacs and 501-C4's that allow the super rich and powerful to launder money and corrupt our political systems

[-] -1 points by commonSENSE (-1) 13 years ago

you idiots do realize that the top 1% of income earners include anyone making roughly over $270k per year, right? and that blindly labeling every single person who makes more than this as greedy is completely ridiculous, correct? am i missing something here? you can also make $200k per year and still be in the 99%. so this whole 99% vs. 1% thing is ludicrous. then again, i guess "facts" just get in the way

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Don't take the phrase "1%" literally. It's meant to represent that small minority that have got us in the mess we now find ourselves in. It really has nothing to do with income.

[-] 1 points by durhamftw (2) 13 years ago

hmm, sounds like you have no clue what it's like to be anywhere close to poor. as someone making less than $10k/yr while working 4 part time jobs, i have trouble finding much pity for the person who thinks anything above $25k is struggling, much less $250k. that's just me though. big support for #OWS from rural NC!

[-] 2 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

yes he dosent have no clue to see homelees family with their kids on street i guess he dosent have brain either to open his eyes and look around these are baby rush limbough

[-] 0 points by werd (3) 13 years ago

maybe it's not exactly the 1%. it's probably more like the .01% but you get the idea.

[-] 0 points by spacepatrol (6) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

Hey mister Commonsense, do you have one fact at your disposal besides what 1% means? Here's another: the Declaration of the Occupation which is on the OWS website which you are now on, states that its declared grievances are not all-inclusive. MEANING, we know there are people in the 1% who are not morally at fault. So instead of relying on the shitty COMMON SENSE of whatever garbage news station you watch or fascist tract you read, how about you actually investigate a cause before attempting to skewer it? Here's a "fact" we know a lot about: knowledge is power. Lack of knowledge is weakness. Strengthen yourself, and then come back for more.

[-] 1 points by clfranzetti (6) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by werd (3) 13 years ago

try to keep it civil. you could have easily straightened this person out without making him hate our movement even more. inclusiveness or it will all fall apart.

[-] 1 points by spacepatrol (6) from Bloomfield, NJ 13 years ago

Your point is valid. I used a specific target to express my anger about a general misconception. I will attempt to reign in my e-temper such that it doesn't happen again.

[-] 1 points by MikeA (17) 13 years ago

well said werd. Though commonsense made an accurate point, albeit a tad literal. he could have simply been told there is no room on the signs to go right of the decimal

[-] -1 points by chadmunsey (1) 13 years ago

Why will the US media not cover these actions live??? Why are the movements history making actions relegated to the news at the top and half of every hour? Baffling... Chad, Athens, Ga Solidarity, Y'all!!!!

[-] 4 points by ray4444 (69) 13 years ago

becuse they are part of corporate america and will defend their system

[-] 1 points by yaya (8) 13 years ago

agreed! they are LAME!

[-] 1 points by DawnieRotten (3) 13 years ago

Because the US mainstream media (MSM) are owned by FIVE people. And those 5 peope are the 1%. The "talking heads" (so-called "repoters") heed their MASTERS. MSM ARE a large part of the problem here in the US!

[-] 1 points by yaya (8) 13 years ago

maybe this is good they are not reporting it..when ows gets even bigger they will be shown to be the obvious dupes they are.

[-] 0 points by satefan (9) 13 years ago

Corporate media are more or less the same everywhere. They are corporations. They express opinions and perspectives that corresponds to their interests, and if they have advertising - to the interests of other corporations. These media coprorations are furthermore owned by even larger corporations. This is not in their interest, mildly put.