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We are the 99 percent

#SolidaritySunday: Fight Back Against State Terrorism!

Posted 12 years ago on May 20, 2012, 8:50 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

cops and protesters
The scene late last night in Chicago

via Interoccupy:

While tens of thousands are in Chicago protesting NATO and many more are marching in the streets of Quebec, the action in your city must not stop! NOW IS THE TIME TO AMPLIFY!

Use the tag #SOLIDARITYSUNDAY to organize! Send your meet up locations to Info@interoccupy.org or post a comment here to be included in this list. We will update as soon as we can.

Occupy Boston: Action Assembly at 5:00 pm EST at Copley Square
OWS NYC: Emergency DA Meeting – Sun 2pm, Washington Sq Park, NYC
Occupy Denver: Gather at Lincoln Park, Rallying at 5PM and departing at 5:30
Occupy Portland: Meet up 2PM at Director Park, SW Yamhill + Park
Occupy Austin: Pease Park at 2 PM
Occupy Rochester: 3:30-6:30pm by the Liberty Pole
Occupy Los Angeles: Will be meeting at 1pm PST (MacArthur Park/Leavitt Pavilion) for a potluck picnic and community activities including a women’s self-defense class. Tonight, Join Occupy The Hood LA Action Assembly and LA CAN to reclaim public sidewalks in the “New Downtown” and make it clear that the business community is not the only voice in Downtown LA! We will be camping out at LA Live or in front of the Central City Association H.Q. Bring things to stay overnight. Where: Meet at LA CAN office, 530 S. Main Street (7pm) or corner of Figueroa and 11th street (8pm)
Occupy Orlando: Meeting at Senator Beth Johnson Park for all day/all night solidarity.
Occupy Salt Lake City: Be at the Library Square Occupation at 8PM.

Last week, Chicago police officers promised ¨billy clubs to the fucking skull¨ to a group of activists they'd pulled over without cause in the South Side neighborhood of Bridgeport. The activists recorded the encounter with a cell phone and the video spread virally across the internet. Now, three of them are locked up on charges of terrorism that witnesses, lawyers, and family say are ridiculous. Lawyers for the accused say CPD planted evidence.

This is now the second time authorities have timed high-profile arrests of alleged "domestic terrorists" to coincide with major days of action for the Occupy movement -- the other was earlier this month when five Occupiers in Cleveland were arrested on charges of conspiring to blow up a bridge on May Day. In both cases, authorities surveilled and infiltrated activist circles to instigate and supply support for alleged conspiracies to commit domestic terrorism. It seems clear now that these government-engineered "terrorist" plots are more than just a tool to entrap troublesome protesters; they are calculated psychological operations intended to manipulate public opinion and quash dissent with fear.

Since well before the NATO summit, Mayor Rahm Emmanuel and the Chicago Police Department have worked relentlessly to suppress free speech and the right to protest -- presiding over mass arrests of Occupiers, pushing for laws prohibiting filming police (that have since been blocked by courts), and passing draconian anti-assembly regulations that require over a million dollars in insurance in order to obtain a permit for a peaceful gathering.

Then, last week, CPD (working with the FBI and Secret Service) raided activists' homes with guns drawn in the middle of the night, without displaying a warrant. They arrested 9 people, who were held in horrific conditions without explanation. Arrestees report being shackled at the feet, verbally abused, interrogated about Occupy and the NATO protests, threatened with conspiracy charges, recruited (unsuccessfully) as informants, and held in solitary confinement for 18 hours. Six have since been released without charges, including two who, according Michael Deutsch of the People's Law Office, were working with authorities to infiltrate Occupy. Three -- the #NATO3 -- remain in police custody, charged with conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism. Incredibly, these were the same activists who's video of being threatened by Chicago police in Bridgeport went viral last week. Further straining credibility, authorities maintain there is no connection between the events.

Across Chicago, activists and bystanders report being stopped on the street without cause and questioned about Occupy Chicago and the NATO protests. In addition to local police, the Secret Service, FBI, and DHS, at least 40 federal agencies are reported to be coordinating the suppression of the NATO counter-protests. The military presence includes blackhawk helicopters and other aircraft that have been openly patrolling Chicago's skyscrapers for weeks. There have even been several reports of predator-class drone sightings near Chicago, including this one caught on film:

As confirmed by heavily redacted documents recently released in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF), federal agencies including DHS have been monitoring, infiltrating, and coordinating to disrupt Occupy since at least last autumn. PCJF National Director Mara Verheyden-Hilliard says these documents “are likely only a subset of responsive materials,” and only “scratch the surface of a mass intelligence network including Fusion Centers, saturated with ‘anti-terrorism’ funding, that mobilizes thousands of local and federal officers and agents to investigate and monitor the social justice movement.” There is even some reason to believe the White House may have been involved in the crackdown and coordination of evictions of Occupy camps.

Occupations and affinity groups across the U.S. have reported suspected agent provacteurs causing conflict and carrying our character assassinations on organizers. In Florida, a fake openly anti-Semitic facebook group claiming to be affiliated with Occupy was widely publicized by corporate media and right-wing blogs. Across social media, Occupy supporters are reporting unexplained disruptions, and an escalation in "trolling" that appears too pervasive and too persistent to be organic.

Attempts to disrupt and discredit our movement take many forms. In Minneapolis, police from multiple jurisdictions engaged in a policy of picking up Occupiers and random people, giving them illegal drugs, and then dropping them off at Peavey Plaza, where Occupy Minneapolis continues its encampment. The story broke after independent journalists produced a viral 30-minute documentary exposing the practice. Similar stories circulated widely last fall in New York City, claiming the NYPD was dropping recently-released prisoners and potential perpetrators of sexual assault at Liberty Square. Without meaningful investigation, it is impossible to know if such incidents are isolated or widespread.

The night before May Day in San Francisco, a group dressed like the black bloc rampaged through the residential Mission District, causing property destruction throughout the area. Occupiers (including anarchists and black bloc sympathsizers) publicly denounced the action, saying they had never seen any of those involved at Occupy Oakland, SF, or any other Occupation. OSF released this statement:

We share your shock and outrage at the damage to the Mission perpetrated on the evening of April 30. We unequivocally denounce the actions of the individuals who vandalized one of San Francisco’s most beloved neighborhoods that night. The non-violent tactics OccupySF employs are only directed towards the overwhelming economic and political power aligned against us, and we condemn acts of pointless property destruction directed against hard-working individuals and their locally-owned businesses.

We consider these acts of vandalism and violence a brutal assault on our community and the 99%. Many Occupiers are your neighbors. We, too, live and work in the Mission, and were saddened and angered by what happened. So, we offer you our hearts and, most importantly, our hands to help repair the damage to your homes, your businesses, and your trust.

Similar events were reported in Seattle and other cities on and around May Day. Perhaps most shockingly, packages containing white powder meant to appear like anthrax were sent to banks in NYC with text referencing May Day. Although cops and corporate media were quick to blame OWS, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest Occupiers had anything to do with it. It could just as easily be another attempt to discredit OWS, cause the public to associate Occupiers with terrorists, and distract from a major day of mass nonviolent protest.

Throughout the week of protests leading up to NATO, protesters have been overwhelmingly nonviolent and peaceful. And while we have not seen mass arrests on the levels seen last year, police have arrested numerous people for civil disobedience on unfounded charges like assaulting a police officer, contradicting both video evidence and eye-witness evidence from the National Lawyers Guild.

riot cops in chicago

After earlier reports that officials might interfere with cell phone towers, dozens of livestreamers and others in downtown Chicago area reported widespread service disruptions, unlike anything seen in the U.S. since the #N17 day of action in Manhattan. Mysteriously, our website (OccupyWallSt.org), along with NATOprotest.org and other Occupy-related sites that were used to organize the NATO protests, was taken offline early Friday morning by severe Distributed Denial of Service attacks -- a common tactic often used by online activists such as Anonymous to overwhelm website servers. The perpetrators are unknown. Earlier this month, in the midst of major Occupy actions in Moscow and at the Bank of America shareholders meeting in Charlotte North Carolina, major video streaming services including Bambuser and Ustream went down simultaneously due to DDoS attacks targetting streams of Russian dissidents.

Back in Chicago, CPD is targeting more than movement-based livestreamers. Earlier this week, The Nation's Allison Kilkenny described ¨a memo allegedly from the Chicago Police Department Office of International Relations, marked not intended for general distribution . . . The three-page document outlines press behavior that will and will not be tolerated, including normally acceptable media maneuvers that will no longer be considered acceptable and actually might be grounds for arrest.¨

Last night, CPD stepped up their harassment of peaceful protesters. Despite there being no sign of a riot, police went all out with riot gear -- even their horses wore armor. Police reveled in excessive force as they assaulted a nonviolent anti-capitalist march with blunt force weapons, leaving several bloodied and badly bruised. Multiple sources report that Chicago Police scanners described cops going undercover dressed as part of a black bloc. In what could potentially have been a lethal attack, police deliberately struck a protester with a van, who was taken away by an ambulance before being handcuffed, arrested, and later let go without charges. Later in the night, police stopped several well-known livestreamers, handcuffed them at gunpoint before tailing them trying to leave. Many other activists report being followed and intimidated by uniformed and nonuniformed police on their way to and from protests.

Also interestingly, the company under contract with 99% Solidarity buses to carry hundreds of passengers to the NATO protests from cities like New York, Washington DC, Oakland, and Portland have suddenly decided not to transport protesters to rally points today. The decision breaches prior agreements with organizers that the buses would be used to take people to protest sites all weekend, including today. According to @99Solidarity (who also had protesters sign explicit nonviolence agreements before taking the bus), a representative of the bus company stated: "I have been restricted by my company from talking to you directly at this point."

We must not allow this type of intimidation to continue. We must rise up and nonviolently resist. We must take our justifiable rage and use it to grow our resistance and solidarity. We will not turn against one another, and nor will we sacrifice our values. We will not be terrorized; our numbers will only grow as we expose the brutality of the system we oppose. The attacks on activists in the U.S. are but a fraction of the seemingly endless warfare imposed by NATO and the G8 countries on the nations they occupy across the world. We have exposed a tiny fragment of the true terror that is NATO. We will resist.

Today, Occupiers in cities across the U.S. and the world are encouraged to gather in their squares and plazas to show solidarity with #noNATO activists in Chicago. As three anonymous comrades from OWS said earlier:

We enter the stage with a righteous fire in our hearts at the injustice done to us and our comrades on these streets just a day before. Yet we will not be overriden with heightened emotions that cloud our judgement. We recognize this attempt at coercion as yet another manifestation of systemic oppression, and remain autonomous individuals who will not be ordered around, explictly or implicitly. Instead, we channel our anger, our pain, our compassion, our despair, and our passion for a better world without this oppression into our messaging and our actions.

More on #SolidaritySunday via Occupy Denver:

The Occupy Denver Direct Action Committee has endorsed the call out from Occupy Wall St. for solidarity actions in response to massive repression against protestors in Chicago. We will be meeting in Lincoln Park and Rallying at 5PM on Sunday May 19th and departing at 5:30. This is very short notice, so please tell a friend, tell a dozen friends, bring signs, noisemakers and new chants. We invite everyone in Denver to stand up for our brave brothers and sisters on the front lines in Chicago marching against the war machine.

We are marching in solidarity with our Occupy Denver comrades who were beaten on the front lines in the Anti Capitalist March. We are marching in solidarity with the journalists who have been detained & harassed. We are marching against the war machine. We are marching in solidarity with the protestors who were illegally disappeared on Friday night. We are marching against a state that uses violent force to silence our first amendment rights. If the violence continues, we will keep marching. See you tomorrow.




Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by Coinyer101 (25) 12 years ago

awesome read...,

[-] 2 points by anon123654 (2) 12 years ago

From: Occupy San Diego: A message in response to #SolidaritySunday and the repression towards the anti-NATO demonstrators in Chicago (and worldwide), the students in Quebec, Protesters in Frankfurt, Germany, and People Worldwide Resisting Injustices. See attached PDF, or link below.

Please distribute, and help spread.


[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by jimevanhoe1 (55) 12 years ago

Document every thing and start showing it ALL on College Campuses around the USA and the Globe. Fight State sponsored Terrorism!

The US Congress tells US, China is the new enemy of Freedom, but Our Nation's enemies are from within, it isn't China.

It is Our failed Government of Democrats lead by "do nothing" Obama the failed leaders of the GOP.

Occupy will see to it that in US History the American People did rise up against US Government Tyranny - Public Corruption.

Keep Protesting and this November Vote Out Everyone Vote Out the President for his Failed Leadership ...........not one top executive from Wall Street convicted ...........that is Criminal Negligence on the part of Our Government .........................and Obama leads that Government ...........not one US War Criminal convicted ...........the 1% got everything, they got bailed out and the 99% got ...........nothing!

The Real Facts tell the story, Occupy is Our way of Leading Ourselves to Justice and Liberty for All!

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Share your thought with the President and the currently seated Government in an open letter.

I have a post with links that you can use to do that. They are on a post I made about a letter that I sent.

I think the Government should be flooded with mail from the population.

[-] 1 points by revlin (1) from Vancouver, BC 12 years ago


Grandview Park on Commercial Dr. & Charles St.

Begin gathering around 10 a.m.?

I'll be there from that time on with smiles and good tunes.

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

[-] 1 points by jmi (1) 12 years ago

Extremely heavy police presence is becoming the norm at all demonstrations despite the general lack of willingness on the part of the VAST MAJORITY of protesters to be scary or dangerous or otherwise warrant this irrational level of attention from an armed constabulary.

As I like to say, Now is the time to be Revolting!

Since a little levity is never unwelcome, here is a video I made last Saturday the 19th of May in Frankfurt Germany during the "Blockuppy Frankfurt" demonstration.

The cops here have really great gear. Hope you enjoy it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxXPviBK8qE


[-] 1 points by friendlyopposition (574) 12 years ago

I think the estimates were that 14,000 protesters showed up in Chicago. How would you propose the police prepare? Just set up there normal everyday staffing and hope all goes well? If/when things go badly - it would take hours to get enough officers in to deal with the issue, even if it were only a small fraction of the protesters causing problem. And then you would have the rest of Chicago mad as hell because the police weren't doing their jobs.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

There aren't sufficient words of praise and admiration for these protesters. This is patriotism: REAL patriotism.

In a democracy patriotism is not doing what you are told, it is asserting what you know to be right. This is what government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" looks like, when a nation's power is userped by tyrannts.

Thank God for those who have been making their voices heard - who have shouted out loud and clear that we will not stand aside as our democracy is bent to the will of tyranny.

These are the REAL heros.

[-] 3 points by Odin (583) 12 years ago

Yes I agree these people are the real patriots. We need more of them if this movement is going to succeed.

[-] 0 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

You and BW, factrfun, DKA, epa1enter, GF, shooz, shadz and so many others here, and especially on the streets, are living proof of this movements success.

Thank you all!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Ah Hell GK that was a nice thing to say. Good to see you stoppen in.

[-] -2 points by ClaraSprings (91) 12 years ago

Was that just another flounce the other day? Are you trying to get attention by saying you are leaving, then coming back. It's like a guy faking is own death to see others cry for him.

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

Nice to see you, GK. Solidarity with the protesters!

[-] 2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

These people are AMAZING!!! God, I never thought I'd see they day! It makes me giddy!!!

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

I agree. They've got "Spirit."


[-] 1 points by ferditekin (16) 12 years ago

Mr. Obama shame on you.



[-] 0 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

This didn't work in the sixties and it's not going to work now. Use your head. There is a better way to fight back. If you don't know how find out.

THE REAL REVOLUTION HAS STARTED! Protesting is not enough. There is a better way to fight back.Read “Common Sense 3.1” at http://www.revolution2.osixs.org – “entirely”

FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM (Or we will continue to fail! - "As always")

How else can I say this? "We Are Free!" http://WeAreFree.osixs.org "Spread the News"

Non U.S. citizens please read this: www.SaveTheWorldNow.osixs.org

[-] 0 points by ferditekin (16) 12 years ago

Occupy's prisoners should be left.

[-] 0 points by freewriterguy (882) 12 years ago

with thousands of us and tens of them, I dont see why we tolerate their mistreatment of us, we elected them to represent us, and we have the power to abolish them. If they resist, I say it seems totally logical to enforce them. When will they get it. government's purpose isnt to exist at all cost, but to obey us!


[-] -1 points by dfgdfg927 (-1) 12 years ago

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[-] -2 points by writerconsidered123 (344) 12 years ago

You know sometimes a duck is a duck, I really think these guys were plotting to bomb something. I have no doubt they were working on their own. However OWS has a media problem. they are connecting these 3 men with OWS making OWS look bad.

OWS needs to put out a public statemnt stating OWS is a non-violent organization and does not condone the actions of these men.

or some such statement otherwise these actions will only bring OWS down

[-] 3 points by zoe (67) 12 years ago

Occupy Wall Street is non-violent and rejects terrorism in the strongest fucking terms imaginable.

editor, occupywallst.org

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

Well said, zoe!!!!

[-] 2 points by Odin (583) 12 years ago

It's official now. Thanks. :-)

[-] 2 points by writerconsidered123 (344) 12 years ago

I know that, tell it to the media

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

And you would expect the media to accept that statement?

And you would expect the media to publicize the statement?

You have noticed the virtual MSM news coverage blackout on the movements against greed corruption and crime. Haven't you?

[-] -3 points by gamm789 (-10) 12 years ago

Why are you posting here right now when OWS protesters who badly need support are less than 500 miles away from where you claim to be?

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

WTF are you doing here? You are not a supporter of the fight against greed corruption and crime.

Why do you feel that I need to justify my contributions to you?

Have you ever considered that some can not attend protests due to monetary or health constraints?

This forum is a communications Hub as all of you attackers well know.

You all get busy here when there are movement action days.

Why is that?

Do you figure that the forum will be lightly attended and so less defended?

Does it irritate you that you can not come here and freely trash the forum?

Well eat shit and bark at the moon in your anguish frothy mouthed one!

Who were you the last time your butt was kicked through the door?


No Profile Information Private Messages


Joined May 20, 2012


[-] 0 points by omi (1) 12 years ago

"Occupy Wall Street is non-violent and rejects terrorism in the strongest fucking terms imaginable".

Not according to the sites that post and promote "the Chicago Principals" who link to this page with claims of sponsorship of OWS. The Chicago Principals purposely avoid the use of the word nonviolent. http://natoprotest.org/chiprincipals/

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Thank you.

[-] 1 points by jbgramps (159) 12 years ago

Finally, A voice of reason. I was starting to lose hope.