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Solidarity With All Hacktivists

Posted 11 years ago on Dec. 4, 2013, 11:21 a.m. EST by occupyalerts
Tags: Jeremy Hammond, political prisoner, Anonymous

Anon MDC

A demonstration in solidarity with Anonymous Hacker Jeremy Hammond occurred last night at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Sunset Park, Brooklyn where he is temporarily being held. Just two weeks ago, the 28 year old was sentenced to 10 years in federal detention for cyber crimes. Amongst other high-profile breaches, he leaked confidential intelligence data to Wikileaks from a private intelligence firm known as Stratfor. Many consider Stratfor to be a "shadow CIA" operating under even less regulation and oversight than a government entity.

Demonstrators brought various instruments, pots + pans, and their voices to make noise loud enough to be heard within the walls of the detention center. An activist collective called The Illuminator projected messages of solidarity on the bleak walls of the prison. "Free Jeremy Hammond!", "Solidarity with all Hacktivists!", and images of the infamous Guy Fawkes mask lit up the night. Prisoners raised fists from their windows and flicked lights on and off in a show of appreciation.

For more information about Jeremy Hammond, refer to:

His Wikipedia Page

His Official Defense Network Page

Click here to see more photos from last night's demonstration

Free Hammond MDC