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We are the 99 percent

Schedule information for the New York FUN Exchange

Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 16, 2011, 8:32 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

The New York City General Assembly's Art & Culture committee has put together the following event schedule. (click here)



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[-] 0 points by lancel (6) 13 years ago

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[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

I'll post now before the they come.

I don't believe there is a soul on this planet who is up for the responsibility of fixing the financial system. There's no way to compromise with a "golem", he will sneak and weasel his way around any rule, and with so much power he'll always get his way because we all cower in fear of being poor. I wish there was a fix, a solution to keep things rolling the way they have been for so long, but I have this dreaded feeling we are wasting time trying to patch the hole when we should be abandoning ship, because the rich steer the ship but there's only enough emergency boats for them. When I say "abandon ship" I don't mean "oh well fuck it", I mean we need to know when our "way" isn't the best thing for humans. No one can "abolish" greed its one of the many natures of man, but there's no reason we shouldn't check greed once in a while, its gotten out of hand and its pulling everyone down with it. So what's the plan then? Exercise a bit of restraint? Force moderation upon ourselves? Be poorer? Struggle a bit? Doesn't sound like anything many people haven't already been doing. Let's prepare to make a change during our "calamity" instead of ignoring it until we are forced to face the fact that the system is unsustainable. The longer we wait the worse its gonna be when we hit bottom. I can't imagine another way.... then again I'm only 23, I may need to be enlightened.

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[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Sounds like you've been drinking a lot of the mainstream kool-aid. The "system" can be turned around with principled laws. Compromising, at this point, will lead to misery and death of most of the planet.

Come to the occupation and be enlightened.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Can we get our brothers and sisters like the ones in this article to come out and join us?


Has there been any outreach at all to communities like this?

Also, record numbers of Americans are now living in poverty:


When the media asks, why are we doing this.....this needs to be our response.



