Re-Occupy #D17
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 9:45 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Saturday, December 17th, noon
An all day performance event at Duarte Square, 6th and Canal
On Saturday, December 17th Occupy Wall Street — with support from more than 1400 faith leaders, elders of the civil rights movement, prominent artists and community members — will gather at noon in Duarte Square, downtown Manhattan, for an all day performance event. This event is part of a call to re-occupy in the wake of the coordinated attacks and subsequent evictions of occupations across the nation and around the world.
OWS has sparked a national movement that has exposed the moral bankruptcy of an economy of homeless families and vacant homes, crowded classrooms and empty schools, Wall Street bonuses and endless unemployment lines. This weekend, in a vacant lot at the heart of lower Manhattan, we will continue to occupy the nation’s imagination with art, culture, and our vibrant cry for freedom--as we call out for justice and equality for the 99% through the exercise of our first amendment rights.
Canal and 6th Ave is the site of a vacant lot owned by Trinity Real Estate, the corporate arm of Trinity on Wall Street. Over the past month, since the eviction of Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) on November 14th, members of the Occupy Wall Street movement with interfaith leaders, elders of the civil rights movement and artists have asked Trinity on Wall Street to do the right thing, and offer sanctuary to the movement in this vacant lot. As Occupy Wall Street supporter Bishop George E. Packard cautions, “I have this great worry that this venerable parish will be on the wrong side of history...Think of it as offering hospitality to travelers from our future who bring the message of "no injustice, no more." If we really saw OWS for who they are rather than putting up roadblocks in their path we'd truly delight in their coming!” In the spirit of Advent, we urge Trinity Church to do the right thing and stand with us on December 17 as we mark the three-month anniversary of the Occupy movement and the one-year anniversary of the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, which sparked the Arab Spring and a global movement for social justice.
Speakers, live music and performances will begin at noon and continue into the night. All activities will be broadcast live on WBAI. Listeners and vistors are invited to tune in and participate in the celebration and expansion of this movement for social and economic justice.
For years the vacant and abandoned lots dotting America's landscapes have been a hidden problem for our country. It's spacial capitol being wasted, while there are small businesses that struggle to find cheap locations to set up shop, and homeless families search for decent places to sleep at night.
Occupy has been occupying public/private property for several months now, and regardless of the outcome of that effort, it's time it occupied the places that truly represent the fortunes of the 99%- the abandoned property.
I hope this proves very successful, and that these spots can become epicenters of hospitality and culture and dialogue, as they should have been all those many years they lay dormant.
As they say, waste not want not. Solidarity!
There should be PLENTY of occupying in Detroit then..... because it is riddled with abandoned buildings.
I'm coming from DC for solidarity. This is going to be monumental event.
It's gonna take me 3-4 hours to get to New York, but I'm coming to Re-occupy!
i'll be waiting to kick your sorry anti-american A$$ out.
It is not anti-American to propose ideas and thoughts which frighten your isolated worldview. In fact it is absolutely anti-American to not challenge the oppression and/or to greet dissent with physical hostility. If folks like "Karl101" had their way we would still be laboring under the Union Jack and owning other human beings. Above me, is the past. A sad, emasculated, frightened relic which Occupy Wall Street and those who come after us will drag kicking and screaming into the future and he will be better for it. Don't worry, Karl101, It won't hurt TOO much, and your kids will be glad we did it.
Mr Brand, OWS will self destruct shortly, and my kids will maybe read about it in the history books as a short time where a bunch of professional protesters, communist college professors, and anarchists pooped on police cars (and everywhere else but a toilet) , became violent and mistakenly thought one could camp in city parks. America is laughing at OWS.
hahaha... you're really struggling karl. If you havent noticed ows was violently evicted from their occupied spaces all over the country and we didnt self destruct, or respond violently. we got stronger and shut down the west coast ports. now we are going strong with the reoccupation... we have already used peaceful protests to steer the national conversation towards income inequality. we have permanently put the concept of "1% and 99%" into the vocabulary of every american. we are winning... and all you can do is cry about it on the internet and tell lies about ows being violent... you are a complete joke karl. hahahaha.
Thanks for this update! I hope to be there by 6pm and meet all of you incredible souls! Right on WBAI - the last of the great NYC indie stations.
Which "vacant lot" are you talking about?
Duarte Square is a public park.
corner of 6th and canal just look for the masses!
If Duarte Square is a "vacant lot," why is it listed as a public park, on the City of New York Parks and Recreation Web site?
You're right that Duarte Square is a public park, but right adjacent to it (across Sullivan street) is the "vacant lot" that OWS is talking about... And that's where we're meeting. What's misleading is that Duarte Square isn't actually a square, it's more of a triangle... and the part that's more like a square is the vacant lot next to Duarte Square... Does that make sense?
Thanks, Awick.
OWS needs to be clear about this.
OWS repeatedly has said that its event is at Duarte Park.
If --- as you suggest --- OWS is not going to Duarte Park, that is one thing.
But if it is, well, that's a very different set of public-policy issues.
Well Duarte Square and this "vacant lot" are literally right next to each other, almost to the point of being indistinguishable by most people. Basically the only difference that matters is that Duarte Sq. is public, and the "vacant lot" is privately owned. The NYPD technically cannot evict us if we're in this vacant lot... assuming we have the owner's (Trinity Church's) permission to be there.
Isn't there a guy selling Christmas Trees set up there? I go by there a few times in a night driving cab and while my memory may not serve me all the time, that's what I recall noticing.
In any case, go for it! I am awestruck by OWS energy and refusal to go away!
Not sure, because I haven't been around there for a while. But basically you CAN'T miss the massive crowd that will be there on Saturday!
I'm certain it is going to be a sight to behold. :)
across the street from duarte
Has anyone offered trinity church money to rent their vacant lot next to duarte park? say $200,000 for a year? I know that this suggestion might sound to some like "helping the enemy". On the other hand if they refused, they would face some shame. Maybe there is another vacant lot...
It's really odd that someone would think that paying some rent to use someone else's private property is "aiding the enemy." What exactly are the occupiers for--preventing property owners from using their own property the way they see fit? Isn't that trampling on the rights of others?
It's #Occupy.
Not #Rent or #Lease
"Christ says to Moses, "My visit took me to Spanish Harlem where there were forty Puerto Ricans living in one room. What were they doing there when this man"—Lenny pointed to the Cardinal—"has a ring on worth $10,000?"
This observation infuriated the city's District Attorney, Frank Hogan, much revered by the populace and most of the city's judges. A devout Catholic, Hogan began to inquire about assaults that this heathen had made on the standards of the good, God-fearing members of the community."
More... with the Lenny Bruce routine... complete with Lepers.
Words are words...ideas are ideas...actions are actions- the GA is already paying churches so people can sleep in them and also giving members money to spend at McDonalds so they can sleep at the tables... My recommendation is merely practical. It comes from the point of view that: A public space is vitally, vitally important for the movement, no matter how it is gotten.
I don't think the problems are going to be solved easily or quickly. Movements take time to grow (Ghandi started by taking people to the sea to make salt). I believe the greatest strength of the movement is public support. I think the movement should try to focus on actions that are likely to have vast general moral support (like the occupy foreclosure movement) because that will grow the movement.
Whilst I do believe that the way property rights are currently enforced is immoral, I am not convinced that property rights are fundamentally immoral. Property rights (to me) are an area of moral ambiguity/no perfect solution.
Lenny bruce is hilarious. "fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity"
Cheers and good luck with all your endeavors!
violence? whos talking about violence?
Is the land that trinity church's building occupies tax free? Aka subsidised by all Americans.
Occupy Christmas as well. Make this a season of action!
Throwing popcorn in Censored's mouth as he/she yawns.......LOL
Thanks for uppin the comment! Occupy Xmas!
Good to see the updates and keep up the great work!
Would you like to view my song OCCUPY WALL STREET at What's your opinion? Carl Tilchen Singer/Songwriter
I think that occupiers thinking that they have the right to someone else's privately owned property sounds a lot like the occupiers are taking away the rights of others. Doesn't this contradict with your message about rights?
To current and future historians: civilisation starts on 17th December, 2010.
OWS FILM FESTIVAL - Sat., DEC. 17th 7-9PM @56 WALKER STREET One block South Canal St. Between Church & Broadway
Join the Occupy Revolution! For an exciting film festival that celebrates 3 months of the Occupation Movement and a global revolution. See short films from local and international occupation movement filmmakers and media activists. Witness the inspiration and defiance of a movement that refuses to be crushed by police brutality and State repression. You may not see OWS in the corporate media, But you will see it represented on this Saturday.
Take any train to Canal Street. Please submit any works, links, suggestions, or volunteer!!! (Co-sponsered by INN World Report) FOR MORE INFO Contact:
7-9PM @56 WALKER STREET One block South Canal St. Between Church & Broadway
Join the Occupy Revolution! For an exciting film festival that celebrates 3 months of the Occupation Movement and a global revolution. See short films from local and international occupation movement filmmakers and media activists. Witness the inspiration and defiance of a movement that refuses to be crushed by police brutality and State repression. You may not see OWS in the corporate media, But you will see it represented on this Saturday.
Take any train to Canal Street. Please submit any works, links, suggestions, or volunteer!!! (Co-sponsered by INN World Report) FOR MORE INFO Contact:
I read this some where recently: "It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people but the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, "Wait on time." MLK, Jr .It fits. Now is the time to act.
It is so disheartening to me when we have occupies that have fought so hard to remain in their encampments and visual to the world and are trying to recamp and we have others that so easily gave into any kind of opposition, weather change or dissension in the camps. It appears to me that most of the camps that went that route have either become divided or have been taken over by other factions. What keeps me going is the believe that for those of us who have lost our way we will again return to the purity and purpose of the original occupy movement and that when we do we will be bigger and stronger than we ever have been. "The egocentric ideal of a future reserved for those who have managed to attain egotistically the extremity of 'everyone for himself' is false and against nature...The outcome of the world, the gates of the future, the entry into the super human----these are not thrown open to a few of the priveleged or to one chosen people to the exclusion of others,. They will only open to an advance of all together, in a direction in which all together can join and find completion in a spiritual renovation of the earth ... No evolutionary future awaits man except in the association with all other men." Piere Teillhard de Chardin
Sleeping outside does nothing for your movement, sorry to say. Seems you all are so bent on being able to sleep outside that your energy is diverted to this and meanwhile Washington does what it wants. The politicians couldn't care less about you....have you noticed that? You aren't impinging them in any way. you are only hurting yourselves.
I noticed on the website that there is an event scheduled for Saturday, December 17, 2011, down on Canal Street and Sixth Avenue by Varick Street. I would like very much to attend this event. My birthday is on that same day and I will turn 40 years old. Nothing would make me happier on that day than to know that I am surrounded by people who care about each other and the society they live in. For the past three years, I have been preaching how this country needs a revolution to wake it up from its slumber. I am glad to see that the revolution is finally here.
I do believe we need to be camping outside, in full view, for the rest of the world to see us. The vacant lot on Canal and 6 is a great spot, just by the Holland Tunnel etc. I don't really have any issues with religious leaders getting involved either, I think (and stand corrected) that it sort of just happened as such. Trinity Church is a great group to be claiming land from, they are (as claimed by themselves) one of the largest landowners in Manhattan AND a religious group. I DO have an issue with the way the action was planned (such as when it was presented to the GA for example) and I DO have an issue with the organisers of the action sending people to get arrested for the 'show' of it.
But when you show us who you are, you lose even more credibility. You can't really pretend to represent everyone with the assorted misfits you trot out as "delegates". And above all, you really need to stop that creepy talking in unison thing. It's cult-speak and it's really weird. And one last thing, leave the bongos at home too.
The core people in the OWS movement are not misfits, rather they are bright, thoughtful, committed, and courageous young people. They simply do not want to wait a lifetime to have the rotten plutocratic system we live in be cleaned up. You can concentrate on the bongos and all the other things that you consider important. By the way, did you know the NY Post is going on sale soon.
LOL. They represent the cultural rot on the backside of an entitlement culture.
How is a protest supposed to be effective by providing live entertainment? It's like saying, "I'm so angry about increasing income disparity that I will entertain people with a saxophone solo!". I support your efforts, OWS, but I don't see how this is going to help the movement.
Who says you can't have a good time protesting? We aren't going for the entertainment, rather we're going to protest, but we're gonna have a damn good time doing it!
Ok let's clear things up here. (1) Trinity church owns the "vacant lot" next to Duarte Square, it doesn't own Duarte Square itself. Therefore, Trinity has no say in protesting in Duarte Square, (2) Duarte Square is public property own by the government -- and under the constitution the government cannot abridge peaceful assembly on public grounds... so I don't see an ambush occurring... (3) There are going to be THOUSANDS, if not perhaps TEN THOUSAND or more people there... theres no way NYPD is going to even attempt to ambush all those people and arrest them... We are a nonviolent protest.
It's about defiance Vykan. We do not respect the legitamacy of our corrupted system.
It'll be an extremely defiant saxophone solo. LOL.
Look at it this way: Are wall street bankers quivering in their boots when protestors are running festivals, reading poetry, etc? It's the complete opposite expression of the anger, frustration and betrayal that people are wishing to convey. I mean what's next, stick it to the man by giving out free shoe shines?
Yes Vykan, I understand what you are saying. I am angry, we all are when we think about how this country has devolved to this point, but you cannot carry that around on your shoulders. There will undoubtedly be many more difficult days ahead in this struggle where that anger will surface in us, but for now we should all enjoy the company of the many courageous people who know that, some things in life are worth fighting for. Seeing this movement growing the way it is, yes I do suspect the bankers are at least doubling up on their aspirins by now.
they want a party,
What a surprise that the anti-american, anti-semitic Tutu supports the OWS crazies.
Can you try not to shit in the park this time? It really isn't your park, it belongs to everyone and most people don't like your filth.
People have the right to protest in a public space, even in a park and even if you don't like it. Deal with it.
Just stop shitting on the lawn.
How-to Film & Document Police Misconduct at Occupy Wall St and elsewhere
Originally I was going to NYC to just walk and just do nothing. As soon as I found out about this, I'm making a bee-line from GCT to Re-Occupy, camera in tow.
Bravo gratefulsteve - such a sensible comment about this coming debacle. The organizers and fringe clergy know without a doubt that the NYPD is going to be there waiting for them. And Trinity has made no bones about the fact that they will not allow protestors into the lot. So what do they think is going to happen? It's getting arrested for show, and that so cheapens what this movement is about; or at least what I had believed it was about. I have marched in every protest in NYC thus far, but I will not be party to this shameless act of aggression.
I completely agree with all your thoughts and I think it is also a big mistake for OWS to get involved with any Political & Religious Groups. I think this Church 's position makes them Morally Bankrupt. I personally feel the Movement should remain as Secular as possible. OWS is gaining popular support by the hour as this Corrupt Congress has passed this Obscene law today approving Detention of certain individuals. It may be necessary in the near future to take Political Action smarter people than I will have to figure that out. But I am totally opposed to any Theocratic/Faith based takeover of this Beautiful Movement. Heed Matthew Chapter 6 .
Yes we do have to approach this on other levels but we cannot give up on civil disobedience. We know well that the injustices we endure cannot be fixed from within the system at this point, only from outside of it.
So WHERE exactly do you want us to protest then? Basically, no matter where we protest, the riot police will be there ready to make arrests. Arrests have occurred at virtually every occupation across the country.
I see your point. I definitely don't want a confrontation with riot police--I've never been arrested before and don't plan on it. BUT I am traveling 3-4 hours to get to NYC on saturday, and you can bet I'm not going to just let them say I can't protest in a public area. That's unconstitutional. I'm merely coming to speak out and to hold a sign, and I don't see why riot police would need to be there to stop me from doing just that?
good luck....get a good lawyer...pack some extra stuff
If you're so bored with this, why do you hang around so much? That is pathetic. Go find something constructive to do instead.
It's fun to call bullshit on the self-important OWS idiocy. This board now is filled with comments against OWS ideas. You aren't the 99%, just a few committed socialists and 20-something whiners that can't function as grown-ups.