Parents bring Children to #ows tonight
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 6:29 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Families are joining the movement to reclaim our future from Wall Street tonight by joining a child-friendly camp out at Liberty Square. The presence of children and youth in the occupation highlights the threat Wall Street's greed poses to future generations. Parents are bringing their sons and daughters to Occupy Wall Street to educate them about our broken economic system, and alternatives that could help save the planet and provide a future for the next generation.
Family Sleep Over @ Occupy Wall Street Press Conference When: Friday, Oct. 14, 8 p.m. Where: 60 Wall Street (public atrium)
Who should come? Families who are ready to join the 99% conversation Bloomberg's plans to remove protestors against their will from Zuccotti Park/Liberty Plaza for cleaning, have forced Parents for Occupy Wall Street to cancel our Friday night Family Sleep Out, but we will not be silenced.
We invite parents to come to 60 Wall Street, Friday night at 8 p.m. with their children to share the message that families are a central part of the Occupy Wall Street conversation. We welcome you to join the assembly, and bring your issues to light. There is nothing less attractive to the Bloomberg administration and other pols than to see parents and their children so invested in Occupy Wall Street that they would spend the night in a public park with their children.
The presence of parents and children at Occupy Wall Street is a direct challenge to the misconception that this is a movement that only represents the young, the radical and the broke. It does, in fact, represent all of those parties – but it's also made up of families and children who are ready to join the conversation with a list of issues, including home foreclosures, slashed public school budgets, lack of jobs, insufficient health care insurance and more. Show your kids – and our city – what democracry REALLY looks like. What is the 99% School?
The 99% School is here to represent the children and families whose voices are too often disregarded. We will contribute to sustained efforts at Occupy Wall Street with weekly teach-ins for children about the issues facing the 99%. We also seek to build alliances with other families groups supporting Occupy Wall Street. We will not be moved, and our children will be heard!
You know that being an American is more than a matter of where your parents came from. It is a belief that all men are created free and equal and that everyone deserves an even break.
Harry S. Truman
God made man, Samuel Colt made all men equal.
Teach the children why purchasing Made in USA products will ensure they have a future and a jobs one day. Let them know who caused this recession and the last Great Depression.
Excuse me but were you actually suggesting people bring their children to OWS before the showdown with the city? Has everyone lost their minds? Take a group of protesters, add police, stir in a limited space, and put your children in the middle? None of the parents who showed up minded that if they got arrested for anything their children would be picked up by Social Services? Teach your children about what is going on in the world. But this was a potentially unsafe situation. Any parent who brought his or her child is grossly irresponsible.
anyone who is not actively engaged in changing our world and fighting corruption is grossly irresponsible. If we dont teach our children to stand up for their future, they wont have one, because our planet will be entirely consumed by greed. More more more simply cannot last forever and our children will be left to pick through the scraps. Obviously, this is why it important to have different spaces for different actions and agreements about non escalation in spaces where there are people to whom it is very important to not be arrested. My son loves protests! He is three years old and has made many amazing friends and had great conversations with other kids.... drawing their own signs, and holding hands and singing.
Without the ability to control other people's actions, taking your child into a dangerous situation is irresponsible. Educate your child about what is going on, yes. But what would happen if the protest got out of control (which was very likely the day of the proposed sleepover)? What did the parent protesters have planned to protect themselves and their children when protesters and police clashed? Signs? Chants? Bringing children on the night of the proposed clean-up to keep the city from forcing out the protesters is about as right as the parents who put their kids on bombs to protect them from opposing armies. You are still putting a child who cannot make his or her own decisions in an unsafe situation to support your ideological beliefs. P.S.- your son might also love gymboree, the Y, chuckie cheese, yo gabba gabba shows, or just regular playgroups with friends. Places that do not have litter, filth, fights, and police.
Uhm... don't use your children as shields, though, please... any day, this may become dangerous. I don't think it's wise. Get babysitters instead... :(
Don't use children.
OK, let me say this again: Don't use your children like TOOLS and WEAPONS. worried face
I must agree, this situation is ripe for skullduggery by the one percent, and the media will back them to make us all look like the enemies of mankind. I wish it were not true but I dont see how it can be avoided. I stronly suggest we prepare for the worst they can throw at us because its not a matter of will they or wont they, its a matter of when.
This event is NOT canceled we parents of occupy wall st will be holding the open forum and press conference tonight at 8pm at 60 wall st. Followed by a march to the rally to show our support. The sleep over will take place on the 21st.
Parents..all parents, for the protection of your childre, I suggest that you NOT bring your children to the park. Things could get UGLY and you do not want your child hurt. Leave them home.
I'm bringing my 4yr old to Occupy Denver tomorrow!
Way to go - start corrupting your children when they are young. What ever happened to working hard? Lazy liberals - I bet your parents spoiled you and you haven't worked an honest day in your life.
More name calling. I work hard every day and have not taken a day off in years. Cant help it, Im a workoholic. Does that mean I cant be a liberal? Does protesting something you believe is wrong a way to corrupt children? This is America, we have the right to protest just like you have the right to say what you want. Does not make us lazy to stand up for our rights, and any children exposed to whats happening will witness a learning experience that may very well change their lives. Name calling only exposes your hatred.
I corrupted your mom when she was young
you must be rush limbugh, chaged your name here. but you are so fucking fat you cant hide yourself here.
Actually, Rush is a douche bag. I am just one of the Independent 53%-ers that earns a decent living, works hard, saves, and gets ahead. I don't whine. If there is something I don't like, whether work or personal life, I pursue positive actions and energies to address that problem. I don't shit on cop cars or play in drum circles when I could working to get America back on track.
BTW - what is the message of OWS? I'm no fan of the Tea Party, too NASCAR/Redneck/Xenophobic for my taste, but at least they had a coherent message and were respectful.
So you are under the immpression that if people occupywallsteet,protest the government that was hijacked by wallstreet can't be working hard for their living?!
You might want to read up on what occupywallstreet is all about before you make another statement like that . You sir or madam are Uninformed!
becuse you dont see around yourself to see homless familly and beging for food and shehter or their kids you know why becuse people like you sucke all the money and put country in to shit and those whome like you benfit it and still benefit are nothing but blood sucker of nation like rush limbough
You and your comrades are completely incoherent. Suggestion... spell check, punctuation, commas, periods, e.g. grammar 101. You may want to try cut and pasting from Word first. Presentation goes a long way.
What ray4444 is saying is true. His spelling and grammar maybe way off, but his basic understanding of the highway robbery of this country by wallstreet banks and establishments is on point!!
That is what you fail to comprehend fifty3er!
12 hrs on comp may costing that and fuck capitalist which you presen and comunist and your body rush and you benefit it from this corupt system ass hole
I'm bringing my 12 year old to Fort Lauderdale tomorrow. I teach him all about work ethic, personal responsibility and self-sufficiency. I also teach him about standing up for his rights, questioning authority and researching the facts. As a TAXPAYER who works two jobs, I'm tired of corporate welfare, corrupt financial systems and broken government. Can you tell me what, in this current system, is working?
Never forgive! Never forget! It's time for the 99% to UNITE!!!
Keep money out of elections:
Bring jobs back to the USA by purchasing only Made In USA products. Country First!
Free market first. Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what do with MY money ?
Angry at something? Wow? The too free of a market is why we are in this mess. Greed by so called free marketers
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
"No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." - Winston Churchill
Of course Churchill would say this...he was part of the 1% of his time.
Show me something better. Whether you like it or not, there will always be "haves" and "have-nots". Personally, I value Liberty over forced Equality.
You can choose to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get ahead, or fall behind.
Kind of like drug legalization. Personally, I don't partake, but believe in legalization. But, if you are stupid enough to but a poison in your system which may adversely affect you physically and/or mentally, hey, go for it - who am I to stop you? Just do expect me to support your dumbass. (Not you specifically, metaphorically speaking)
So your saying the disabled or mentally deficient should be "left behind?" I dont think my concience would allow me to watch these people starve while I eat. However I also believe this is a personal matter and the few people who could endure watching people less fortunate starve have the freedom to do so, and if their situation changes and they are on the other side starving they must expect the same treatment from a small percentage of people of their ilk. As for the drug war, this war is based on double standards where one poison is legal while another is not, specifically to keep a small group of people in charge of a multi-billion dollar industry, and another group (judicial) constantly expanding and trimming our rights away while taking more and more control of the people. This is not democracy but can be described as capitalist, but a corrupted capitalism that seeks to control government and end democracy. We must have safeguards to prevent capitalism from taking over our governmet and destroying democracy.
Congratulations on success in fighting Wall Street’s bid to end the protests! We will win this fight eventually. Just keep it up. Keep fighting, keep growing!
yours s. Please read my recent post on :
What is it you want to win?
No you don't. You already live in a Democracy. Ruled by the majority thru elected officials. You and your ilk are not the majority. You are a subset of a minority. What you really want to eat at the table with the providers of material things. You can't live a "spiritual" life and enjoy carnal pleasures. It's a contradiction. Admit it. You want to live in a system where all property is owned by the community as a whole. Then you think you can continue to underachieve but reap the benefits from the work of others. That system does not work. Unless there is an incentive to profit from an idea, new ideas will not be and you will be left in the dust of history. This is not my opinion. It is the science of human nature.
America was never meant to be a Democracy. It was established as a Republic under our Constitution. It has since evolved into a Democracy. I suggest you read Sean Wilentz's "The Rise of American Democracy".
At least youre honest. So what your saying is that a handful of people are to sit and protect an unchangeable constitution no matter what the people want? Thats called DICTATORSHIP.
First, thanks - you actually had a civil response, which is appreciated.
A Dictatorship is unelected. I certainly would not advocate that, nor did our Founders.
The following is a quick cut and paste from another website, which I believe is a good description of the differences...
Democracy and Republic are often taken as one of the same thing, but there is a fundamental difference. Whilst in both cases the government is elected by the people, in Democracy the majority rules according to their whims, whilst in the Republic the Government rule according to law. This law is framed in the Constitution to limit the power of Government and ensuring some rights and protection to Minorities and individuals.
Personally, I believe a Republic is the better form of government. And, I believe the right to vote should only be extended to those who either pay income taxes, have retired and/or on on Social Security, or those serving the the Military. Otherwise, anyone else arguably has no stake in the government and how decisions are made - others will simply vote for more entitlements for themselves, to the detriment of the stakeholders and contributors to society.
Republics have failed before too: Rome
Most "Democracies" in the world are republics.
The reason the founding fathers made our country a republic is because they were afraid that our citizens were too stupid to vote. It is similar now, they are too stupid to vote on new laws, but they are smart enough to understand when something is wrong.
What we should have is what we have now (minus the monetary corruption) Except we should vote for congress using a Proportional Representation system instead of the single member district we have now. (Most of the world uses PR, it prevents only a two party rule and allows more voices to be heard. This would solve our stalemate.) We should also have a system where people can directly vote against a piece of legislation the government passes if they feel it is wrong (ie: the Patriot Act or ObamaCare) This could be in the forum of a poll or a certain number of signatures. We also need a way to make politicians listen to the people they represent instead of their parties (Whether it is shorter terms + no pay after office or something else, idk)
The United States has made the world a better place? Perhaps by helping defeat the Nazi's, but as soon as they developed Nukes, this country has been about war and power. Our capitalism led to amazing advancements in technology: such as the automobile. It has also led to the advancement of weapons and war.
WWI was the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. Once we started getting into other people's business, we made a fortune on weapons. Now we can't live without weapons. We instigate and start conflicts just so we can have more money. We are a war based economy and it is destroying the lives of others. We used to be a beacon to the world. We used to be an example of freedom. Now most of the world fears us or hates us. We are no longer making this world a better place.
so what if a huge majority wants to change the "republic" system that you described? Then a handful of people are going to DICTATE decition and protect an unchangeable constitution no matter what the people want...
In all my years I have never me anyone in the USA that was against the Constitution, with the exception being cops/prosecutors and they are by no means a majority. We have the internet, we can have online elections without the involvement of current politicians or the government. Any such election where a majority of the people vote must be recognised by the authorities, and I further believe that such an event would cause some police/National Guard to break ranks and side with the people because many of them are people too and want whats best for this country.
The USA is both a republic (not a monarchy) and a democracy (representative democracy, not a direct democracy).
But that doesn't mean we can't use direct democracy (DD).
To that end, the 8th USA Parliament has prepared a DD eballot, with 50 items from the NY OWS folks, added to the 70 items from the USA Parliament folks.
If you'd like to try the system out, then go to the eballot on the link below and follow the directions. Your marked ballot will be posted in our forum, and calibrated proportionately into the final results from all cast eballots.
Click on the link above, and follow the directions. For example, if you want only ten items to be approved, of the 120 items (including write-in spaces), then mark only the top ten choices with numbers 1 through 10.
If you want to change the system, have 3/4 of the state legislatures call for a Constitutional Convention. Or, start passing Amendments one by one. There is a mechanism in place.
Personally, I'll take what we have. Show me another form of government that has functioned better. The Soviet Union is dead. China is a authoritarian regime. How's Socialist Europe doing (e.g.: Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy)?
The United States of American and our capitalism has changed the world, for the better. From Edison, to Jobs; Henry Ford to Ben Franklin. Our spirit and entrepreneurship has been a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. Why do you think people risk life and limb to come to this great land by raft or crossing the desert? Instead of whining, focus your energies on getting America back on track!
I'll take Capitalism and a Constitutional Republic over anything else you can come up with.
That sounds fine and dandy except for the facts; the one percent began their war against the people of this country generations ago. Our government stepped in and broke up the monopolies and the big conglomerates that were taking over our country. We need for this to happen again and be repeated at intervals to prevent the situation we have now, where the one percent will soon own everything and have the 99 percent in permanent debt. Im all for capitalism but there have to be limits to prevent one very rich or very smart person from owning us all. Thats would be slavery. Calling people "whiners" because they want freedom does not help and your statement of getting America back on track is vague and does not adress the problem..
fantastic news on the change of plans BUT dont get too settled they are planning something else and be careful there no moles from the NYPD. they will try something else. you are making a huge impact do stop now we Hear you loud and clear. keep a watch for shady tatics that Bloomy will try stay focused and people in office are all taking about your movement. what they want to know is what is your mission statement make it clear and focus so that even the dumbest person can relate. they will come..... 82 countries and counting and now the IMF is looking for more money too..... get em!
Theres one way to fight em: Rise up, ORGANIZE!
”What you should do is exactly the kinds of things that are going to lead to mass hysteria amongst privileged and powerful people” Noam Chomsky
Real democracy can exist only with citizens commetees in every city and locality to propose candidates for an election (now proposed anf financed by companies and bank lobbeys) and participate in important decisions (by referendum or otherwise, especialy for military matters, not being by the elected now)
Financial crises can be eradicated easily but will not happen being opposed by the actual Banking system, the Fed, except if back to the greenback and central state banks like the one in North Dakota, see the video documentary --zeitgeist addendum-
Crises could be abolished by -1. Installing a heavy Tobin tax to limit speculation and lobbeying (which are legalized fraud) -2. Limit salaries commissions and profits of the big banks and corporations leaders, lobbeyists and traders. -3.Prohibit by law fiscal paradises, hedge funds, and speculation on foodstuff or patenting the living (seeds and animals) -4. Install the social credit system of the economist Clifford Hugh Douglas
Limit the power of decisions of the non-elected military elite (and manufacturing lobbeys) to close most of the military bases worldwide and stop interfering in sovereing states affairs to provoke wars (like Irak, Libya etc...)
We need to get back to America for Americans, because there are now 7 billion humans and we're losing. We have to stop policing the world & get out of over 170 countries. End the wars that give us nothing but reliance on obsolete technology.
We must insist on buying only goods made in the USA even if it means deprivation until it works.
We must demand our colleges/universities quit making Americans pay thru the nose while giving free education to international students who will take it home to compete against us--other countries have demanded non-competing contracts from those of us educated abroad! And they made us pay thru the nose while helping their own. We must do the same now.
OCCUPY? who made up that name other than psyops government? come on sheeple. occupy is a movement made up by our government as a TRIGGER to start martial law. fema is right on track with its plans. it should be obvious!!! this website is extremely organized!!! but the "movement" is pointless scattered unorganized etc. everything is not as it seems. open your eyes. LOOK UP! monsanto must be destroyed
remember if you take your kids there human services will say you are neglecting them keep a look out my grandparents watched my parents fight in the first revolutionary war if it gets real nasty leave but then will they invade your homes as they did back then oh thats right, they already did. the ole money way jws so you cant support yourself hitler may have been a phychic. those who rule the banks rule us all. and that was the meaning of the beginning world war 2
remember if you take your kids there human services will say you are neglecting them keep a look out my grandparents watched my parents fight in the first revolutionary war if it gets real nasty leave but then will they invade your homes as they did back then oh thats right, they already did. the ole money way jws so you cant support yourself
Wiki Occupy Wall Street
United We Stand ! Let's Build it Together ! Yes we are Us . . .
You people must realize and prepare for the danger you are all in. The one percent will infiltrate your group and will start violent acts that will appear to be from within your group. The authorities will react and the media will make any retaliation against you seem justified. this is not a theory, it will happen and you must prepare and formulate a plan to deal with this type of situation. My prayers are with you all. I hope you all come through this safely. Be careful, Peace!
This is GREAT! I hope there will be more, I want my 8 years old to know and learn from this. THANK YOU.
This is GREAT! I hope there will be more, I want my 8 years old to know and learn from this. THANK YOU.
This is GREAT! I hope there will be more, I want my 8 years old to know and learn from this. THANK YOU.
Naive folks. Do You really think that we, the 1%, will ever give up ? In the street You may gather a billion of noisy idiots who cannot even self-organize and formulate their political demands. Nothing will change. We own everything in this country-the businesses, the government, the congress, the mass media, the police. All congressmen and president are members of our "1%" class. We will decide, not You. Maybe as usual we'll send You a couple of food stamps and 100 bucks in order to make You shut up.
We're counting on lots of cute pics that will melt the hearts of even the most hard hearted conservatives: families reading Peter Pan while occupyingwallst, lots of sleep over fun, cute pink Piglet pajamas, Dads cuddling babies, etc. The 99%.
Take action. Do not pay credit cards starting tomorrow. Transfer IRA to local bank.
You do realize you are on PRIVATE property. PRIVATE. Brookfield has the right, the legal right, to tell you to leave so they can take care of THEIR property. And I hope they exercise that LEGAL right.
Dangers of democracy: Control the people and you control everything. That is what's going on with our government right now. It's like a deomcratic dictatorship. What do you guys think? Is this what's happening in our country right now?
for the millions who are not there but want to be heard along with you calling for a boycott of bank of america is perfect they have opened the door for a netflix response success along that line would empower everyone to make changes that are long overdue. We can not expect the people in d.c. to penalize these corps. when they provided the funds to put them in office but we can be heard through our boycotts.along with that you could start a vote out all incumbents until meaningful reforms without loopholes gets special interest money out of gov.
Question... how do you all come to gribs with:
using social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, all backed by Venture Capital (Wall Street)?
Posting to Twitter, Facebook, and the web, using your iPhone (Apple Corporation, Wall Street) or Android phone (Google, Wall Street)
Using servers that are probably manufactured by Dell, HP, IBM, etc, all corporations?
Using the Internet, an outgrowth the the Military and DARPA and now managed by many corporations in one form or another (Cisco routers, etc)?
Using Cloud Based services which are probably running on VMware (owned by EMC - an "evil corporation") and being store in a large Datacenter probably run by an ISP or Amazon.
Even OWS relies on Wall Street to convey its message. Kind of ironic, don't you think?
You are one of those brokers sitting in wallstreet. You are propably scared chitless! Good!
if you like slavery stay home or you want real change come out simple is that choise is yours
What a swell idea! Let's let children see sex in the bushes and maybe, with any luck, one of them will get stuck with a discarded hypodermic needle!
The movement needs to push for a Constructional Convention to address our corrupt electoral process.
I hope the Occupations result in states voting for a Constitutional Convention so as to affect a major restructuring of our political system. The convention should adopt such things as doing away with the electoral college, gerrymandering, and to require government funding of all electoral campaigns.
That is super irresponsible bringing children into that park. That's actually scarey that you are urging people to bring children to a protest.
You guys are funny - guess Phish tour is over and there isn't much else to do? Some advice.... put down the bong and bongos, take a shower.
Maybe you guys should be occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and Barney Frank's and Chris Dodd's offices, since they were in bed with Fannie and Freddie.
hey 53er, why dont you get a job and take a shower? Too lazy? Maybe you should quit the police dept. and get a steady job!
I am part of occupydc. We are There!
Your mom's fish tour is over and she took a shower
"to educate them about our broken economic system, and alternatives that could help save the planet and provide a future for the next generation." This is worth fighting for!
my solution and platform for the PEOPLES PARTY and the online DIVINE CONSTITUTION ( ) can be found in my 2012 Presidential Campaign Speech @
Americans have been raised to believe the benefits of free trade. Karl Marx the author of the Communist Party predicted this event from reoccurring., an economist who were blown to pieces by the 1% American Capitalist Economies for not protecting their home ground.
So all Americans, please continue to believe it's your fault that you can even secure a job. It's not the Oval Office's problems that you are not smart enough to become a millionaire. It's God's given tallent to you. And how smart of you if you can think it's Wall Street's problems. It's you who are incapable to provide bread and water to the table.
Let's face the facts! Even President Obama made a u-turn after he had visited Israel during his presidential campaign. You think you can put an end to your miserable life?
Think again. This is the United States of America you are dealing with. Enough life has been lost in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Destructive weapons do have a life shelf period. They can’t operate after an assumed period of time, I think? So, why waste them as bad stocks! Just dump them in another war.
No one can stop this money driven Capitalist military minded people even lives are at stake.
So how far are we going with this movement. You be the Judge.
Further, supporting evidence of this CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE committing MASS FRAUD can be found in the April 13, 2011, Report by the United States Senate, PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The Committee is Chaired by Hon. Carl Levin and assisted in bipartisan fashion by Tom Coburn, Ranking Minority Member and is titled WALL STREET AND THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: ANATOMY OF A FINANCIAL COLLAPSE. The Report is located at the following URL, hereby fully incorporated in entirety by reference herein, .
This detailed stinging report alleges fraud over 200 times in 650 pages, yet still NOT A SINGLE ARREST??? While most of this Criminal Activity defined in the report continues to take place in New York, and why not, when the “Fox” and “Fix”’ is in the Henhouse with This Court? Crime Pays when no one is protecting the People and Justice is complicit in the crimes. One must ask where the US Attorneys, the New York Attorney General and the Governor of New York are, the self-proclaimed “Sheriffs of Wall Street”, whom instead look more like Criminal Accomplices disguised as Sheriffs. Who are these “Barney Fife” Sheriffs? Again, we find more ATTORNEYS AT LAW, all with interests in the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the markets, betting against the People in rigged market collapses, fearing no Justice as they have disabled Justice. Eliot I. Bernstein Inventor Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL (yes, two identically named) Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL Uviewit Holdings, Inc. - DL, Inc. – DL, Inc. – FL, Inc. – DL I.C., Inc. – FL LLC – DL Iviewit LLC – DL Iviewit Corporation – FL Iviewit, Inc. – FL Iviewit, Inc. – DL Iviewit Corporation 2753 N.W. 34th St. Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459 (561) 245.8588 (o) (561) 886.7628 (c) (561) 245-8644 (f)!/iviewit
Also, check out Eliot's Testimony at the NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Part 1 and Part 2 @ and Christine Anderson Whistleblower Testimony @ and Eliot Part 1 - The Iviewit Inventions @ Eliot for President in 2012 with No Top Teeth, Don't Laugh, Very Important
Thought that was crazy, try
Other Websites I like: Greg Fischer (The Shakespearean Solution, The Butcher)
-- "We the people are the rightful master of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln
Great idea!! I love how this movement evolves continuously.
hey missy i find you whats up baby
“Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion” by David DeGraw, founder and editor of The following report includes adapted excerpts from David DeGraw’s book, “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III.” Release Date: 9.28.11 August 10, 2011
thanks for all info thats means we have to fight back and over the system with all means if neccery use gun in end to defend our country from bunch of banker and polition which are nothing but thievs and murder which by their policy destroyd millions life
When I was a young in the 1960s and 1970s we took the streets in masses of tens of thousands to protest against the Vietnam War, in favor of civil rights, for equalty for women, for gay rights, for a more equitable world. We worked to elminate institutionalized racism, stopped the war, help free our sisters from the shackles of gender bias, and fought to allow our gay friends to live a life of dignity. We were bullied, abused, beaten, gassed, shot at and killed (remember Kent State?). BUT WE ROCKED OUR WORLD! Then came Ronald Reagan and the neo-cons: slowly but surely the chipped away at the gains we made; spending money like drunken sailors; taking wealth from the 99% and enrichng their buddies on Wall Street and on corporate boards throughout the world; building a huge military machine and fighting unnecessary wars; and finally leading us to the wholesale rape of the global economy that we are experiencing now. For the past few years, I have found myself wondering where is the voice of today's youth, those with the biggest stake in the world's future? Has it been silenced by techo toys and narcissism? When will they cry out against the unnecessary wars, the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the globe, the social and political injustices at home and abroad. When will the children the we have loved and nurtured take up the mantel and rock their world as we rocked ours? Then came Occupy Wall Street, and I know that time is NOW! YOU GO GUYS!!!
You took one toke too many. I nominate you for president of the underachievers of the country. Water seeks its own level. VII. A Wasted Revolution - The 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and 2k We began with a revolution
Then we gave up our resolutions.
Sold our souls to the institution,
Mother earth we committed to prostitution!
You ask for the solutions
Afraid of radical revolutions.
You want my work for the system
I must sell my soul with conditions!
No fruition,
See my position,
Need a fucking revolution!
We had the plan
Don't give in to the man!
We made a stand
Didn't give a damn.
Flower children with flower power,
Now destroying rain forests by the hour?
The fight now pathetic of course,
It might comprise my Porsche.
You want my respect for the system?
I must sell my soul with conditions!
No fruition,
See my position,
Need a fucking revolution.
Like the poem. I luv the smell of this revolution evolving . Like roses overpowering that funk coming wallstreet and the hill.
PLEASE READ - The END to COLONIAL and CORPORATE RULE - The shift to a perfect beginning - Please feel free to tag yourselves and your friends...Pass this information far and wide - This can be done world wide. IN NORTH AMERICA AS EASILY AS 2 MONTHS TIME LIKE WE DO IN's a simple changing of the guard BUT by the people and not political parties.
The people protesting need to know this information.
Now let's be CLEAR... the indigenous had no human rights until 2007...and the USA and Canada did their own little spiel on decolonization and only once you apply can it be done via the UN BUT given that both countries agreed to negotiate directly with the peoples their self determination and self governing on reserves, without educating them about the truth of what decolonization means on the international level, was a sick ploy ... that the truth is KNOWN, they can proceed and take what is rightfully theirs as long as it doesn't hurt the country as a whole...
And yes, the North American Indians (which was never their name but mistaken for people from India) know that no one can own land anywhere on earth..and that YES...everyone is responsible for treating the earth with love and respect for Creator as it feeds us etc...
The word INDIGENOUS according to the United nations means `Indigenous to the lands/ territories where people lived that were INVADED by colonies" - treaties were created as negotiation tools for relocation of their families, lands they cultivated ( some grew corn, beans and squash etc) others fished and hunted...and so on
so according to the UN resolution of 1949 - decolonization of those who where invaded was finalized in 1960. Canada and US regarded these people as having no HUMAN rights....therefore they hardly had a voice due to political interests of the crown and others... now they DO have rights!!
80 invaded countries applied for decolonization since 1960. 16 are left to decolonize...
Research Gibraltar and Sahara, and you will understand what the USA and Canada did to avoid the North American indigenous peoples to truly decolonize...they offered them self determination and self government of their reservations but FAILED to let them know as their caretakers of their true rights on the international level.
Now this can change simply by them filing their application and ensuring that all they want to do is to simply return the lands to the people/ ...all peoples under Creator that they were entrusted with; by overseeing that all natural resources of the lands are shared amongst everyone within these lands.
as well as protected from corporate greed by bringing to the people and government; the decision making like their clan system which is to make the PEOPLES of Canada and the USA - decide what happens on these lands without hurting those who are innocent.
Let this be a reminder that our ego needs to be in check and as long as the wrongs are not righted...we are doomed....
At present Samoa, Guam. Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands are also decolonizing and with that...their natural resources and lands are to be remitted...and this is FACT. People can bitch all they want...but as it stands, they are the ONLY way out of this mess and we should support them..
This so far is the best and only solution for all world wide...think about it!
here is the link.. .
This is the link for Puerto Rico Decolonization:
20 June, 2011 - GA/COL/3224
Special Committee on Decolonization Calls on United States, in Consensus Text, to Speed up Process Allowing Puerto Rico to Exercise Self-Determination
Much love and blessings,
Great post. Thank you.
Why should anyone be ashamed of being broke? While the official unemployment statistics claim that the number of unemployed are just above 9%, that means that about 11-12 million people are unemployed (given the 120 million people who are of official employment age). Given that official unemployment statistics do not include people who have not been able to find a job after 6 months (thanks to Bill Clinton), the unemployment rate is said to be much higher. Factor in those people who are employed part time and/or work on a piecemeal or contractual basis, these people do not have steady incomes. Most notably, though, is how the majority of people who have lost their jobs, as a direct result of the insolvency of the finance industry, but were able to find alternate employment, these people have suffered salary decreases and increased work loads...all at a time when corporate profits are at their highest. It's time to shrug off the stigma of being without fortunes, as this defines most people on planet earth who are living without so that a minority can have the lions share. The latter are the ones who should be made to feel ashamed. In the meantime, be good neighbors and stewards and clean the bathrooms of the businesses who let you use them, and offer to help out in any way you can...there is nothing wrong with being broke, but being an energy sucking mooch is as inexcusable as it is unattractive...its just a different form of greed and selfishness...which is what we are working against.
I'd like to bring attention to a very special community which I had the pleasure of passing through this past summer. Fairfield Iowa contains a univeristy known as MUM (Maharishi University of Management). The general vibe here is Love, Consciousness, and Sustainability. It is one of the most generous and loving communites I've ever witnessed and they now add their own voice to the protests going on.
Please check out these links and maybe even consider posting them as main blog entries. The protests may be catalyzed by the idea of the 1% controlling the 99%, but in reality there is only the 100% that we must strive towards. This is a revolution in consciousness. Thanks. -- Occupy Fairfield Documentary! -- Occupy L.O.V.E.
All day, all night, Occupy Awareness!
Instead of whining, but your energy back to making American great again, by taking a shower, cleaning up, and getting a job. As a member of the 53%, and first in my family to go to college (which I paid for), I am sick of you whiner losers and trust fund hippie kids. I've been working since I was 14yrs old and have earned all I have. Rise up - by working hard. Stop bitching and get a job and a life!
Your mom was working that whole time too
sounds like your a trust fund baby
Uhm, sorry, no. Father is Puerto Rican, grew up in the Bronx. Both parents struggled so my siblings and I could all go to college, something neither of them had. We were taught a strong work ethic, save, scrimp, get ahead. Funny, most of my liberal and left leaning friends come from wealthy families who were born privileged.
And you were the only one posting here who worked hard. Well I got one year on you. I started working at a waterice stand in Philly at 13 yrs old. I wanted my own money to have my own things. My parents were school teachers with 4 kids. They put us through college,but I guarantee you we had to work and help pay that tuitition.
The point Im making fifty3er, is We All Worked Hard,and we are tired of being robbed of our hardwork from Congress & wallstreet institutions! We the middle/working class are taxed to death. Our 401ks disappear overnite.Congress wants to enact all kinds of laws to reduce or eradicate SS,& Medicare all together. Health insurance goes up. Ya pay out of your paycheck,then you pay out of pocket,then the dr. bills you for more money. Gas goes up and down like pokerchips on a table. Transpotation cost goes up every week if ya live in the city(I don't)Food prices are astronomical. My husband wants to retire,he can't. He has no idea when or if this economy wil stablize. We got a housenote and college loans we are responsible for. But how long do we hold on.We don't get raises.just COLA increase,. That doesn't cover much.
You need to wake up!
We are talking about basic necessaties. Basic Human Necessaties...Food,Healthcare and a place to lay your head everynight...A home!
My mother is 81 yrs old living on a teachers pension. She taught for 38 yrs. That pension is dwindling everyday,barely covering basic need. Thank goodness she is in good physical health. You're gonna get old to fifty3er, Im sure you want all that you work for,and you want to beable to afford your necessaties when you retire...If you can retire. By the I am 100% Puertaricana. I come from a family of hardworkers.We all got degrees.But those degrees today carry less and less water.
I thought you said you paid for your own college.
Yup - struggled in the sense they worked hard to ensure had the necessary tools and support to be able to attend college. If you must know, I received a 50% Academic Scholarship, and I paid the other 50% through student loans. I worked all through college, while also participating in sports, student government, etc. Nothing was handed to me. As a result, I learned to work hard, cherish everything I've earned, and not to be lazy.
And are you unscathed by the financial collapse? Your retirement account didnt suffer? Your home lost no value? You say your parents worked hard to make your life then say you did it all on your own. You sir, are just trying to make things hard for the people of this movement. Police officer? Wall street executive? Why not tell us how your getting America back on track? Be specific!
Try to get a scholarship these days. Things have changed. I worked hard all my life too and got laid off two jobs in one year. You could be next.
I know the feeling :~/
it dosent matter rep demo both are in for same shit costin nation they are gulity as bankers and you dumb ass dont try to be smart ass stuppide free loader
no he is baby rush limbough
All these posts sounds like a bunch of immigrants trying to ruin our country like they did to the ones they left.
Other ways to prove a point without acting like other retarded countries.
Your mom is a retarded country
you or your family must be one of those fuckin banker
You people are just lazy spoiled punks. Get a life, go find a job, with all these illegal immigrants leaving the U.S i am sure you can find one.
Try that shit down here in Fla and i will personally wipe the sidewalk with your face.
first we must clean all shit you and like you cost nation then go back to work ass hole
We are trying that feel froggy jump.
You people are just lazy spoiled punks. Get a life, go find a job, with all these illegal immigrants leaving the U.S i am sure you can find one.
Try that shit down here in Fla and i will personally wipe the sidewalk with your face.
go fuck yourself
Occupy Wall Street People! In response to an invitation from Matthew Blair, the symbol of Solidarity movement, former president of Poland and Nobel Prize Winner - Lech Walesa is going to visit and support you personally in NY soon.
Many people from Poland admire you these days, keeping their fingers crossed for your success with peaceful change of the unjust, greedy, savage private banksters rules in your great country. Thank to you there is a hope that the USA – unfortunately often hated today by free world for all the brutal wars waged at will - will become the real symbol of modern democracy once again, as in the beginning of your statehood. I wish you all the best, You, The People.
NYPD made pretense to look like they postpone the cleanup and then trap protesters into clash so that they can use propaganda to say how human they are and what is wrong with protesters. I don’t believe the protesters want to be violent. Otherwise the protesters won’t clean up the park. Otherwise they won’t endure the brutal treatment again and again. Regardless how the mainstream media cover this, I believe what protesters do is peaceful demonstration. The media does not show how brutally the protesters were treated, but look at pictures posted on the Internet how the police rolled over the one person’s feet near the pavement. Protesters were arrested walking on the bridge, and protesters were arrested walking on the street and protesters were arrested on pavement, inside and outside a building. That simply intends to oppress down peoples’ peaceful protest because they are afraid people would rise up against the special privileged interest.
I prayed to the Universe to protect these wonderful young people in NYC everynight. I especially gave them to the Universe last night. We have very brave,strong,and big-hearted men and women.They are doing a great deed for this country,and we are indebt to these courages patriots.They have endured alot.
I love them. I thank them everyday.
NYPD made pretense to look like they postpone the cleanup and then trap protesters into clash so that they can use propaganda to say how human they are and what is wrong with protesters. I don’t believe the protesters want to be violent. Otherwise the protesters won’t clean up the park. Otherwise they won’t endure the brutal treatment again and again. Regardless how the mainstream media cover this, I believe what protesters do is peaceful demonstration. The media does not show how brutally the protesters were treated, but look at pictures posted on the Internet how the police rolled over the one person’s feet near the pavement. Protesters were arrested walking on the bridge, and protesters were arrested walking on the street and protesters were arrested on pavement, inside and outside a building. That simply intends to oppress down peoples’ peaceful protest because they are afraid people would rise up against the special privileged interest.
Salaam,be patient and together.You impressed history and world by simple word.You and your message hallmark the USA height.Best wishes
yes stop home forclosures now. Give back reposessed homes to their original owners who were kicked out. The banks can wait indefinitely or just lose their fake money. You can't strip our citizens of their property and what little they have and have a country left. who will pay taxes then? The government is supporting the wholesale slaughter of our citizens, our jobs, our welfare, every thing that we work for.
Believe me when I tell that's all it is "fake money". It exist on paper,but not in any bank vault.
People stay in your homes. Do Not Move a muscle when they try to evict you. That "Home" is yours!
So the individual who bought the home has no responsibility whatsoever in the fact the s/he could not pay their mortgage? Individuals have to take responsibility for their own actions.
Before you agree to buy a home with a mortgage you need to make sure you understand what your obligations are under the terms of that contract. If you do not understand, you ask someone that does, and if the terms does not satisfy your requirements you either back away from buying the home, you re-negotiate, or you accept the terms. For every foreclosed home there were 2 parties in the beginning, one on each side, and both are equally at fault.
Financial institutions are certainly to blame, but put everything on them you are in denial of reality.
And what about the extra smart people that write the contracts? Are we all expected to be as smart as them and realise when we are being victims? They have a way of making you think you understand, its called a con. Should these people be allowed to con others out of everthing they own just because they are smarter? Have you ever tried to hire a lawyer? If you dont think the "shysters" running the financial system are toblame then your the one in denial.
I am simply saying that there 2 sides: yes there were certainly unethical behavior on the part of some financial institutions. Equally so, a large number of the 99% bought much larger houses/apartments than they might be able to afford. The responsibility rests just as much on the individuals as on the financial institutions, but it is much easier to blame someone else than actually admit that one might have made a mistake. And yes, reform is needed.
yes stop home forclosures now. Give back reposessed homes to their original owners who were kicked out. The banks can wait indefinitely or just lose their fake money. You can't strip our citizens of their property and what little they have and have a country left. who will pay taxes then? The government is supporting the wholesale slaughter of our citizens, our jobs, our welfare, every thing that we work for.
yes stop home forclosures now. Give back reposessed homes to their original owners who were kicked out. The banks can wait indefinitely or just lose their fake money. You can't strip our citizens of their property and what little they have and have a country left. who will pay taxes then? The government is supporting the wholesale slaughter of our citizens, our jobs, our welfare, every thing that we work for.
yes stop home forclosures now. Give back reposessed homes to their original owners who were kicked out. The banks can wait indefinitely or just lose their fake money. You can't strip our citizens of their property and what little they have and have a country left. who will pay taxes then? The government is supporting the wholesale slaughter of our citizens, our jobs, our welfare, every thing that we work for.
keep up the good work! We must remove the banking lobbyists from Government. The big banks are currently running this country and we need to take back control!!!
keep up the good work! We must remove the banking lobbyists from Government. The big banks are currently running this country and we need to take back control!!!
Can I make one suggestion, set up a smoking section at least for tonight, to keep it away from them.
lets set up section to smok join and get hiiiiiii stuppid
I'm confused - why are we protesting Wall Street? No doubt that companies are greedy - and many abuse that power, but the real corruption lies in our government - they are the ones giving these company bailout funds - and sucking the middle class dry. I'm all for a revolution but the companies on Wall Street are for the most part representing their stockholders - which a vast majority of are the middle class. Where do people think their 401k's and other funds are invested? Why aren't we trying to protest the government and the fact that they have screwed up our country beyond repair?
Well Wall st is a moniker for the Banking class, or Federal Reserve, G7, IMF nazi class. FED is a private club of banks, and it was established by government after a few bouts of depression in the 1800's because Congress even back then was too stupid to understand how money and economics work. So, of course the FED(banks) then got power to create money supply and take more money as they diluted our svaings and buying power. They make more for more people, but funny how the super rich have access to Wall Street Capital more than we do. Your 401 is in a high risk casino environment where they can lose it. a 401k IS NOT A REPLACEMENT for a safe pension or retirement system. IRA and 401k are ways for Wall Street to access your retirement and get more casino chips to lose. Wall Street has LOST money over the last 4 decades
Here's an idea.... bring back Andrew Jackson and let's kill the Fed like AJ killed the US Bank. That worked well (See Panic 1837). You liberals are all the same, whether 1832, 1932, or 2011.
Or, would you just prefer the barter systems and hunting and gathering? At least back then, with survival of the fittest, all you lazy wimps would have had your genes eradicated from the gene pool. Pathetic.
i was right you are one of those fuking guys whom benefit it from this system
Can't change people's compensation packets by protesting in the streets. Protesting greed is like protesting spitefulness. This movement needs one message and it should be: Replace all of Congress with moderates who want to work for the people.
Exactly what Ive said on countless occasions...March to DC,remove that congress and kick their butts to the curb Permanetly!
right on my friend
Marxists, socialists, teabaggers, conservatives, Libertarians, Objectivists should all embrace this movement. Despite how you all have differences in execution of change one thing you should agree on: The DemoRepublican Cabal of Corporate corruption does not abide by the rule of law and exists only for itself. Bring your friends and kids and forge a new rule of law system that is fair for everyone.
i stand in solidarity with those trying to reform our political system, but do you really need to make a website for every random spin off of the protest?
i got question how come european can afford to give home and enough money to people who dosent have a job or any other reason also give them health insurance and they are not reacher then u s a and you dont see any homless we creat system which think we are slave and anyone who needs help like place to live or food or asking for gov help he must be bomb
We the people need to have are voices heard. The rich get richer while the people in the middle get poorer. stop big business and currupt gov't. we need millions to take to the streets.Every american has a stake in what is happening. now is the time to stand up and be counted. Please take to the streets. Come on america wake up.
On Ocober 15th the whole world must rise up. Organize!
only way they understand by guns like 90s in los angelos other wise no way they let you have pice of pie
support 100 persent wall street and bankers ,politations for new world order slavery
go outside. you're no good at trolling, do something better with your time.
you must be one of those fucking banker or others i wrote
sound advice
The 8th USA Parliament currently is holding two online elections, the direct democracy (DD) executives' eballot for planks on the platform and the Mid-West Super-state Parliament Election, as well as ongoing votes of confidence and internal structural decisions on items such as compulsory voting.
Click the link below to the "Vote Here" page, and two eballots are posted towards the top and two are posted towards the bottom of the web page:
Each eballot also features a signup form, and we hope you will research the concept of all parties and independents, voters and non voters, working together based on ranked choice voting with votes cast as proof.
Very Truly Yours,
--James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Vote Counting Minister
Go BarrOOgle 2012
Join the Frees, Opposite gender #1!
"Why do you THINK they called it Google?"
We need a real corporate tax policy - a proposal here:
We need a real corporate tax policy - a proposal here:
we need to protect our children's minds from being brutalised by BS. all christian preachers GROOM children by telling them their mothers are sinners. the crucifixion is a violent image unsuitable for children.
Bring Wall St. to it' knees. Unseat all those greedy capitalists from their lofty perches. While your at it, get rid of your I-phones I-Pads, Blackberries and all your other capitalist inspired gadgets as well as your backpacks, rain gear, and most of the manufactured clothing your wearing. The list of items you depend on to get to and function at your destination to decry the people who make them possible are too numerous to list. Protest 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Therein lies the root of your psychosis
A hipster without his iPhone??? not possible.
This has been cancelled! Check the main schedule / board:
This IS for the Children. They are the Future and WeThePeople must preserve it for them.
More suggested reading while you are in your drum circles. Instead of protesting Wall Street, you should be protesting the Democrats, Clinton, Fannie, HUD, and Congress...
"Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon" by Gretchen Morgenson.
The New York Times's Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist reveals how the financial meltdown emerged from the toxic interplay of Washington, Wall Street, and corrupt mortgage lenders.
In Reckless Endangerment, Gretchen Morgenson, the star business columnist of The New York Times, exposes how the watchdogs who were supposed to protect the country from financial harm were actually complicit in the actions that finally blew up the American economy.
Drawing on previously untapped sources and building on original research from coauthor Joshua Rosner—who himself raised early warnings with the public and investors, and kept detailed records—Morgenson connects the dots that led to this fiasco.
Morgenson and Rosner draw back the curtain on Fannie Mae, the mortgage-finance giant that grew, with the support of the Clinton administration, through the 1990s, becoming a major opponent of government oversight even as it was benefiting from public subsidies. They expose the role played not only by Fannie Mae executives but also by enablers at Countrywide Financial, Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, HUD, Congress, the FDIC, and the biggest players on Wall Street, to show how greed, aggression, and fear led countless officials to ignore warning signs of an imminent disaster.
Isn't it dangerous to bring children to this type of event when there is a high probability of some use of force?
use of force by the bought-off police
Whatever you want to call it, inviting parents to bring their children to a protest and risking their harm isnt the smartest of ideas.
Give them the cliff notes version when they are old enough to understand what wall st. Is
We need to Submit our Demands and have and International Vote on One Site. THESE SHOULD BE OUR DEMANDS!
I'm bringing my 4yr old to Occupy Denver tomorrow!
Lets replace this corportist country with the country and democracy we knew from the 1930's until the late 1970's. This was the best period for the USA. Most corporations and busineses worked with labor and did not try to destroy our manufacturing base.
Cool. Human shields.