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We are the 99 percent

OWS Updates for the Week of October 10th

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2012, 6:16 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, ows updates

Keep Calm and Bang On

Movement activists the world over have begun a campaign to create Global Noise in an international potbanging protest on Saturday, October 13th.

The main goal is to foster a feeling of solidarity between all the global movements. Likewise, local occupations and occupiers across the country will be banging on pots and pans, a tactic known as a ‘casserole march’, in order to gain attention for our shared grievances.

Occupy Town Square along with Strike Debt and many other Occupy Wall Street Affinity Groups are answering the call for a day of #globalNoise.

Join us at 4pm this Saturday for a special Occupy Town Square to mark the occasion. Bring a blanket or just gather on the grass for teach-ins, discussions and trainings using the Open Space format.

At 6pm, we will answer the call from Strike Debt to converge at Columbus Circle for an Assembly, and then a Casserole March. Bring pots, pans and noise makers to share for this global day of action!

-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team (click here to subscribe)

Occupy these Actions and Events

Wednesday, October 10th, 6:30pm
Occupy Think Tank on Occupy Wall St. Radio
Streaming on wbai.org or FM 99.5 in NYC
For this week's show we are going to take a look at the jobs/unemployment statistics and what this means for people. How is unemployment measured and what does it mean on the ground? What does it mean to not have a job? And when "jobs" go up like this, what kind of jobs are they?

Every Friday, 3pm
International #globalNOISE Planning Call

globalNOISE was first proposed by spanish #15M activists, and is now supported by several people and groups across the globe. Its main goal is to create a feeling of solidarity between all the global movements. The plan is to achieve this by making a lot of noise on the same day all over the world. Join the call and help provide feedback on the proposal.

Friday, October 12th, 6:30pm
99 Pickets at the Saigon Grill
620 Amsterdam Ave.
For years the owners of Saigon Grill have failed to pay minimum wage and overtime to many of their delivery workers, and a boycott of the restaurant has begun in response. There is picketing at Saigon Grill Wednesday - Sunday, 12:30-2pm and 6:30-8:30pm. Supporters are particularly urged to come to the picket line on Friday evenings, but participation at any time is appreciated.

Friday, October 12th, 7:30pm
Action Spokes for October 13th
Judson Memorial Church
Strike Debt is calling two Action Spokes-councils to be in coordination with as many groups participating in the Call for the Global Day of Action against Debt as part of the #globalNoise Day of Action. The spokes will happen Friday October 12th. Strike Debt will provide the space and facilitation, you bring your action ideas or plans for sharing and coordination. Join us on October 13th.

Saturday, October 13th or Sunday, October 14th - email for details
99 Pickets: Special “Line Clog” Action at Golden Farm
Golden Farm - 329 Church Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11218
99 Pickets is planning a fun action to support the Golden Farm boycott this weekend. Workers and community members started a picket and boycott against Golden Farm weeks ago, and it has been very successful — every day hundreds of customers are turned away! This weekend join us in a“line clog” action that will shut down commerce in the store completely. Please email 99 Pickets at 99picketlines@gmail.com for detailed instructions and the exact date/time of the action.

Saturday, October 13th, 4pm-6pm
Occupy Town Square: #globalNOISE
Central Park - just inside Columbus Circle entrance
Join us for a mobile style Occupy Town Square. No tables for this one. Instead, bring a sheet, blanket, or just gather on the grass for teach-ins, discussions and trainings using the Open Space format. At 6pm, we will answer the call from Strike Debt to converge at Columbus Circle for an Assembly, and then a Casserole March!! Bring pots and pans, noise makers, to share!

Saturday, October 13th, 3pm
Presidential Debate Pre-Game Party
Occupy Storefront, Lake Ronkonkoma Long Island
We are having an Art Party and Pot Luck to gear up for the Debate. This is a time for us to make banners and signs for the demonstration. Bring art supplies and a Pot Luck dish to share. We will also be accepting can goods for a food drive Occupy Storefront is hosting as well as winter clothes for the Trinity Occupiers.

Monday, October 15th, 5:30pm
Resist all Pipelines
Gansevoort and Washinton Sreets, NYC
Across our nation, we are connected by a web of toxic pipelines powering the fossil fuel industry. But more importantly we are connected by our need and hope for a truly sustainable and renewable future. We have watched the summer of solidarity inspire brave acts of resistance across the country. Join us for this national call to action against all pipelines that threaten our communities and homes.

Tuesday, October 16th, 4pm
Occupy The Presidential Debate
100 Hofstra University
The second presidential debate will take place at Hofstra University in Long Island. Join us in protesting a system that does not represent us. Occupy The East End (where the 1% vacation) is collaborating with local and national Occupys. Buses will be leaving NYC at 3pm sharp. If you would like to join the protest and need a ride please RSVP with your full name to debatebus2012@gmail.com. Details will be sent to you with confirmation. See you there!

Wednesday, October 17th, 12:15pm
Tear up Your Student Debt
Queens College - Quad
Student debt has reached over a trillion dollars. Over the last 10 years, tuition and fees at state schools have increased 72%. The times are ripe for action! We're calling on everyone who wants to protest outrageously high education costs and mounting student debt to organize actions in their area or join us at Queens College on October 17, where we collectively rip up (or burn up) our student debt statements or tuition bills. We want to send a message that enough is enough!

Thursday, October 18th, 3pm-5pm
Entrepreneurship and Exploitation in the Music Industry
Assembly Hall at Judson Memorial Church - 239 Thompson Street, NYC
Musicians regularly surmount myriad problems from low to no pay, to inconsistent work. We make it work because we have to make a living. These issues are not unique to the music industry. They extend to many professions deemed “entrepreneurial” or “independent”, including taxi drivers, childcare workers, construction workers, writers, and others. Join musicians and other workers for a facilitated discussion and strategy session to explore ways we can act together against the systems that keep us isolated and divided.

Saturday, October 20, 12:30pm
March to Stop the Purple Monster
The Purple Monster is at it again. NYU's administration is planning a massive expansion in Greenwich Village against the wishes of residents and the majority of NYU's own faculty The expansion will flatten green spaces, including a children's playground and a community garden. Join us for a rally and march through the planned construction zone. For more information visit http://nyufasp.com/

For Text Message alerts on your cellphone about daily events, actions, and important information, sign up for the ComHub SMS blasts by texting @owscom to 23559.



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[-] -1 points by Soonfeed (-1) 12 years ago

Hey everybody!

Soonfeed is taking you to live video streams of #globalNOISE in London and New York!


Click "Join" and get an e-mail with a URL to the stream just before it starts!

If you are planning on video streaming yourself, send as a mail to hello[at]soonfeed.com!

Keep calm and bang on!!

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 12 years ago

spammer. /avoid