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We are the 99 percent

OWS Updates for the Week of February 20

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 20, 2013, 3:21 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, events

Since their first issue in December 2011, Tidal has made it their practice to give name to our struggle, wrestling with the big ideas that propel us into the streets, with what we should do when we get there, and with where there in fact is.

This Friday, the folks at Occupy Theory will release their fourth issue of the magazine, featuring original pieces by organizers of Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Sandy, Strike Debt and Free University. Join them that night for conversation as we move together towards the empowerment that greater clarity and the free exchange of ideas can bring.

-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team (Sign up to get these updates straight to your email!!)

Occupy in the News

Jenna Pope documented last Sunday’s Forward on Climate Rally. Beautiful sights--the vistas of activists in D.C. to make their voices heard about climate change--beautifully captured.

Kevin Gosztola writes at FireDogLake’s The Dissenter blog about the recent history of climate change actions and points out just how high the stakes are. Our only hope to defeat the monstrosity of the Keystone XL Pipeline is continued, passionate action, that is to say, “...if everyone demonstrating channeled the spirit of the Occupy movement...”

Les Leopold of the Huffington Post explains why “the raison d’etre for Occupy Wall Street is proving correct. Much of high finance is based on a ‘corrupt business plan.’” Proof of Wall Street’s corruption continues to mount, with ratings agencies on the take, money laundered for drug cartels, and rampant insider trading, among many other ethical and moral malignancies.

On occupywallstreet.net Heather Marsh argues for a society with no financial system at all, a currency-free system in which the endless cycle of excessive consumption and meaningless busywork is ended. The proof that this could work already exists. “With no financial incentives,” Marsh says, “the internet has managed to create collaborative efforts which have pushed the potential of society far beyond what could have been possible before the internet.”

On the OWS Direct Action Blog, Mark Adams gives us the push we need to meet, to talk, to plan for spring.

Featured Occu-Project

Revisit Liberty Plaza in full swing in Why We Occupy, an open-source book of interviews gathered in the park in 2011. See the park grow and change in real-time through the heartfelt words of the participants.

Occupy these Actions & Events

Wednesday, February 20th, 6:00-8:00pm
Doc & Discourse Series Launch: The Square
Culture Project, 45 Bleecker

A panel discussion focusing on the inter-connectivity of global protest movements from Cairo to New York featuring acclaimed Director Jehane Noujaim (Control Room; Rafea; Solar Mama) and award-winning Producer Karim Amer. Join New York Civil Liberties Union Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Coordinator Katherine Bromberg. Extended clips from the 2013 Sundance Award-winning film, THE SQUARE, will be shown throughout the event.

Wednesday February 20th, 10:00p.m.
Occupy the Pipeline Cabaret
Living Theater, 21 Clinton Street, NY, NY
This is a special Occupy the Pipeline Benefit Cabaret featuring: magicians, performance artists, belly dancers, burlesque, two bands and the cheapest bar in downtown Manhattan. This evening of entertainment will benefit the activist/performers and sustain upcoming Occupy the Pipeline actions as we continue our fight against fracking in our beloved city and state!

Friday February 22nd, 5:30-9:00
Tidal 4 Release
20 Cooper Square

Tidal 4 is being released this Friday evening. Come and pick up your own free copy!

Saturday, February 23rd, 4:00-6:00pm
Discussion: "The 15M Movement"
Bluestockings Bookstore

The assembly of the 15M Archive and friends in Madrid will be joining us at Bluestockings via Skype, moderated in New York by 15M and OWS activist Juan Escourido. We’ll talk about the history of the 15M Movement, the organization of its archive, and the politics shared by 15M and other social movements, including OWS. In Madrid, participants will gather at the occupied social center Patio Maravillas, coordinated by Vlad Teichberg and Nikky Schiller, communications activists for both the OWS and 29S movements.

Friday, February 22, 6:30pm
Malcolm X Community and Movement Coordination Assembly
60 Wall Street, the Atrium

Join Occu-Evolve’s latest assembly commemorating Black History Month, discussing the significance and insight of Malcolm X to our struggles around a variety of issues that People of Color, Women, the Working Class, Poor People and all of the 99% face today. This event will be followed up on Sunday, February 24th, 4:00pm with an Occupy-Evolve Day of Gratitude for its One Year Anniversary.

Tuesday, February 26th, 6:00-8:00pm
Financial Firms and Economic Crisis: Discussion with Former Goldman Sachs VP

Greg Smith, former Vice President at Goldman Sachs and author of “Why I Left Goldman Sachs”, will discuss how banks behave behind the scenes and how those practices differ from the perception they convey to the public.

Thursday, February 28th, 6:30pm
People’s Planning Meeting for May Day
310 W. 43rd St.

To build on last year’s powerful solidarity, 99 Pickets and Immigrant Worker Justice are calling a community-wide May Day planning meeting on Feb. 28. Let's create an open and inclusive space where we can coordinate planning and build momentum for an incredible May 1, 2013. NYCGA.net event page is here.

Saturday, March 1st and Sunday March 2nd, 12-6pm
Occupy Data Hackathon
Cuny Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue

Data mining and visualization for the 99%. At the event, we’d like to focus on a few new data sets/projects. Occupy Sandy and Aaron Swartz’s work has come up, and generated a lot of interest. Any ideas, data resources you may know of or questions, please let us know: Occupy Data listserve or info@occupydata.nyc.

Sunday, March 10th, 2pm
Unorganized Workers Assembly
Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South

Join the Occupy Your Workplace group for a discussion of strategy and tactics of workplace organizing. We'll have several folks present who have experience as workplace "salts" - workers who get jobs with the aim of organizing. Workers who are curious about organizing, experienced organizers and activists, union members, and all other workers and non workers welcome. RSVP for the event on Facebook.

Thursday, March 14, 2013
Defend Education Day

SDS/Occupy Colleges is hosting a National Day of Action against Tuition and Fee Hikes. Join to get updates on flyers, coordination calls and other distribution materials. Message Occupy Colleges and we will help promote your campus/ organizations demonstration.

Save the Date: March 22nd - March 24th
Organizing New York March 22-24
United Federation of Teachers, 52 Broadway

Join hundreds of leaders, organizers, techies and activists to share our wisdom, skills, and talents. We will have workshops, discussions, consulting and networking opportunities, visionary speakers and a provocative debate around strategy and practices.

Over three days right by Wall Street, we will bring together a thousand people to learn from each other, share stories and strategies and build our skills, organizations and movements.

This is an event that occupy organizers will be participating in to build and share their skills. It will assuredly build upon the success of last year’s OWS unconference that was held in collaboration with Organizing 2.0.



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