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We are the 99 percent

OWS Thanks Our Supporters!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 6:15 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

‎2011 was a revolutionary year for a new movement that is changing the world. From NYC to Cairo, we are just getting started. We are still busy building this amazing movement, and we couldn't do it without you -- our supporters! Let's make next year even better!

(This video was passed by consensus through the New York City General Assembly on Tuesday, December 20, 2011.)



Read the Rules
[-] 15 points by alnyc2011 (32) 13 years ago

Dear Occupy Wall Street NYC, I'm a daily occupier since the beginning of the movement, there’s drastic changes that we have to look at. To be frank I'm quite unhappy on how things are being run. I talk to allot of you guys that are facilitators of OWS, and most of you guys can't even give me valid information. For instance, when there were tents in Zuccotti Park, you guys had much more weight of energy and momentum, even drummers. Now that's gone because we only allowed it to happen.. because we're not fighting hard enough. There were many facilitators and people in the park that were pro-active and were able to deliver information and updates about the movement aside from the panhandlers.

Different people come from all over the world to Zuccotti Park for inspiration. It was also a place for different individuals to interact and spread ideas on how we can make change for the future. Now keep in reminder, if it weren't for you guys. There wouldn't be any occupation worldwide. I had many people tell me that this movement touched them deeply from the bottom of their hearts. 
And even when the park got raided, there were still massive amount of people holding down the symbolic area of the movement. This shows dedication. Remember when there were over 10,000 people that showed up at the general Assembly after the park got raided? That was also the time the barricades were set up around the park. The police put the barricades there because the Govt felt the movement was growing too rapidly and that shows an instant sign of fear, in order to make a real difference we have to keep up this energy and keep sending these vial energies. The energy that shows we are a serious movement and were fighting for what we believe in. Millions of dollars are being put into the NYPD force. Guess who’s paying for it? and most of the police are being paid to stand around and do nothing. We mind as well give them a reason for them to stand around. Every-time a peaceful protester gets arrested and beaten down, it only makes us stronger. But keep in mind that we also have to play smarter.

It’s not the space that matters, but it’s the fact that thousands of different faces come to that spot every single day and the whole world is watching us. If we can let one person know it’ll do drastic because one supporter can make a major difference. They need our presence. So when people come and try to look for information and interact and no-one seems to be found. How do you think that looks? When most people are sent off to 60 Wall Street for Information, they’re told to go to NYCGA.NET, people didn’t come across the country or states for you to tell them to go to a website, maybe that person is not computer literate and prefer to interact physically, and to me personally that website looks like more of a forum.
 Now I know you have 2 spaces "60 Wall Street" And A office at "52 Broadway". Now what I would think is that allot of you are starting to get way too comfortable, and make excuses for yourself. Just look and open your eyes to the other movements all over the world, people are dying and getting killed for what they believe in. They do not receive the same luxury as we do. 

I think it’s time we need to make some slight improvements. The occupation isn’t at 60 Wall Street. We can start by doing little things by going to Zuccotti Park, going to communities. Interact with many individuals and share information and updates. Even if it’s for only one or two hours a day. Change isn't gonna come by itself.. it's like when you don't ask in life.. you're never gonna get anything.
 Also I’ve been attending allot Spokes counsel meetings and General Assemblies.

Seems like allot of the Spokes counsel meeting.. There are allot of people that have tension against each other. Things don’t get done in time because there is a lot of arguments. We need to discuss about future actions, and not just about who facilitates what and who has the power to do such and such, that's only defeating the purpose. 
Also the website Occupywallst.org needs more work.. It’s effecting allot of us negatively believe it or not. There’s allot of bogus content. Instead of talking about how well the movement is doing and giving credit.

Maybe we can talk about more serious information like the new bill that’s being passed NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act). Let our people know how it can effect this movement and our rights. This movement is still a baby stage. On top of that it was $663 billion dollars to pass this bill. Most of us are aware of these things but we’re watching it fly right by us. And for what? Because we’re not speaking up that means we’re only allowing it.

The latest general assembly was about having a Christmas party on a budget of $7000 and some of the budget is to decorate Zuccotti park? Yet there are people starving and homeless. This is a movement, and this is not what people donate their money for.

We need to do better.

Yes we have allot of supporters, but half of the people don’t even know what’s going on, we’re gaining supporters day by day but we also lost allot of loyal ones.. and we have to keep good energy in order for the people to stay in hope. This movement is still at it’s early stage and there’s so much to progress in. We can’t afford to lose the energy now. We need to get on a serious note and the voices has to be within the people.. not just among the working groups.

I’ve been bringing this subject daily to OWS and feel my voice is being ignored… and I’m sure most agree.

W e need to take action, we need to educate many others through the community on what’s going on…and please don’t compare this movement to Cairo and Syria that is an insult. There’s people dying all over daily just to make a difference.

Remember everyone has to work together.

The real change has to start within you and it’s time we get on a serious note and look at the bigger picture. There allot that needs to be done before we can say we made a change. The whole world is watching and we're still trying to convince individuals to support the movement.. but in order to do so there needs to be some work. We have to find a realistic demand and specific goal we're aiming at.. in order to do so we can start by taking steps such as working with other occupations.

[-] 8 points by primitivetimes (73) 13 years ago

I agree with this concern. I was at Occupy Oakland last week and if there's one impression I came away with it's lack of focus. Technically we had a general assembly, but the facilitators on stage made all the decisions with no input from the crowd and it just felt more like a pep rally than a serious movement.

We need serious planning, direction, discipline, focus, coordination among all the Occupy camps, coordinated local strategies, etc. I know that's going on to an extent, but it needs to be more organized and purposeful.

And this website. Yeah. There is TONS of very serious and relevant info out there that people need to be educated about, NDAA and SOPA the obvious ones that come to mind, but it seems like most of the posts these days are just random videos and ra-ra messages, as if there's nothing real or important to post about. And yes, it does matter what appears on this site. This is THE place people go to to check up on OWS, including people who are against it or don't understand it. It's important to welcome everyone and show them we're serious.

I wrote some thoughts about it here if interested:


[-] 2 points by fedupwiththis (6) 13 years ago

Thank you for your post.

[-] 1 points by SayNO2GovInc (99) 13 years ago

There should be absolute focus on the big picture: We are in this mess because the federal government is corrupted by the unelected-elite-one-percenters!

When things like NDAA come up to wipe out the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, it's too important and should take precedence over anything. There should be coordinated action by all Occupy camps and ALL Activist Groups on such an issue.
Occupy is just the beginning of 'The People' standing up... ALL groups need to unite, whatever the issue, UNITY IS OUR Strength and OUR Future depends on it.

WE ARE THE SOLUTION - This is OUR Country and WE Need to BE the GOVERNMENT 'The People's Congress' is an event where all movements can unite in solidarity. "The Will of the People shall be the Law of the Land" http://peoplescongress.org/

If facilitators of Occupy are too influential, there should be 'term limits' on people in working groups (see Congress if you disagree), at least rotate in to different groups. It will help keep the movement alive with fresh ideas (OWS will always be a target for co-opt by 1% and infiltrators are ALWAYS part of a closing society). Read and you'll recognize the 'Ten Steps That Close An Open Society'- 'THE END OF AMERICA Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot'. http://www.endofamericamovie.com/about-film/10-steps-that-close-an-open-society

'Give Me Liberty' is Naomi's follow up to 'End of America', and what to do about it, both can be found here: http://saynotocorporateamerica.blogspot.com/2011/11/give-me-liberty.html

More on What We Can Do, Listen and Share this message, WE the People Have The Power! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbKsgaXQy2k PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE... PEACE

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Yes good points about NDAA and SOPA, these are freedoms that are overlooked, our common rights are physical, these are about to become a harsh reality.

People rant that its conspiracy BS etc, but its serious. We are being disenfranchised, I had no say, you and all of us out there. Our leaders have failed us. Not just the bankers, the FED, and the corruption tied to it. The web has extended further to catch us while our guard was elsewhere. With this in mind, does this not remind you of a police state/dictatorship?

I have been doing what I can, but it seems many are still asleep in this country. I recently spoke to some friends at the gun club. They say, yea it will never happen.. Couldn't be. I provide proof, and they still let their guards down.

Famous last words. It could never happen....

Louisiana, beta test grounds for phase 2 martial law/gun confiscation, law abiding citizens are losing their rights. The govenor called in the military this week. Google it. We are in the end game folks. This is our last chance.

The government is preparing for something. These laws, the activation of "detention centers" "camps" whatever you want to call them; the fusion centers, the USA Patriot act, the list goes on. FEMA has ordered millions of MREs, the NATIONAL EMERGENCY ALERT??

Now why would the president have to declare a national state of emergency?

Total system lockdown. Why? not sure but it doesn't look good. A depression or economic collapse nowadays will be WAY worse than the last one. There are many more mouths to feed, and many riots that will get out of control, either once prices do - or food shortages occur.

They are preparing for severe civil unrest. Food shortage. Possible disaster? Perhaps.

In my area I can tell you a certain fact, the power company NSTAR has been actively installing arrestors on power lines, replacing transformers, installing extra ground lines on poles. I can tell you something solar related, EMP... I ride my mountain bike on power lines, there have been transformer blowouts all over the country. I have been monitoring bow shock, ionospheric convection, and solar activity and earthquake activity. This is all relative; it has something to do with all of these laws being passed lately.

They wont tell us as it would cause panic. Wait and see, the IPAWS EAN tone will sound, and it will be game over. "SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE"

"We are in a state of emergency..... We are instituting a curfew...Return to your homes/stay in your homes for further instruction.."

Back in May-June there were simulations at Myles Standish State forest. The State police, Environmental police, Carver/Plymouth police were at the horse area @ Barret's pond. I watched from the woods, the officers were playing a "game": actors were holding signs "WE NEED FOOD" "DON'T SHOOT WE JUST WANT TO BE FED" They were repeating similar messages, I could go on for a long time. They were ordering the actors on the white "school bus" some people did not want to go, they were warned twice, and the ones that did not comply were fired on with the paint balls. What is this all about? Use you brains... You will come to a conclusion that will leave you in denial.

i am not trying to scare anyone. CONNECT THE DOTS. National exercises, civil unrest, crowd control, all way before people started occupying.

NATIONAL EAS/EAN/IPAWS TEST Again, why a national disaster?

These items separate may seem insignificant. Connect the dots, assemble the puzzle and come to a conclusion. This is for real. Something does not sit well with me. How about you?

[-] 2 points by SayNO2GovInc (99) 13 years ago

I feel every word NewEnglandPatriot, NDAA and SOPA are quite serious, NDAA 2012 is the end of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, so it should have the full attention of Every American. The propaganda is tough to overcome but OWS has the World's attention now... The People finally have a stage and it should be used, loud and clear.

Conspiracies are not a theory when they are a fact... show the people the facts [laws and Executive Orders] that have been hidden by MSM and they will see the gravity of our situation. The whole truth is ugly but anything less is a lie. Like NewEnglandPatriot, I am not trying to scare anyone but TPTB want us to be afraid, ... they are ruling with fear, not Rule of Law. NO FEAR! We outnumber them We have right, and the survival strength of Humanity on our side... and the power they use against us is the police and military... they are us. Knowledge IS Power, the truth will set us free ----

These are the Facts (just the past few weeks): UNCONSTITUTIONAL NDAA 2012 = Indefinite Detainment, NO Due Process for Americans in America

  • Army is hiring Internment/Resettlement Specialists
  • OWS labeled a "terror threat" by the law
  • National Guard survey asking "Would you use lethal force against the American People if ordered to do so?" (confirmed by multiple sources) * = WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

~ Your Allotted Amount of Freedom Has Expired! --
http://saynotocorporateamerica.blogspot.com/2011/12/your-allotted-amount-of-freedom-has.html <-- Sources (and many critical facts throughout)

There is so much more than what's happened these past few weeks... a decade of laws and Executive Orders, Fusion Centers, FEMA camps, the Police State... too much for this space (see my blog). I stick to the facts, and I tell ya, it is unsettling. I say this a lot, these things may seem explicable or insignificant alone, but when they are considered collectively, they are entirely suspicious.

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists" ~ J. Edgar Hoover

A lot of people are in denial, ['Normalcy bias'.].. 'it is so awful it can't happen', but it is happening. We haven't lost if we NEVER give up. People are awakening, we will soon reach critical mass. We need to remain peaceful while we defend and Occupy our Rights. If you think you are Free, read the Patriot Act, AUMF and NDAA (or just OCCUPY). For people who think it could never happen, just look at history, the worst has happened before (US citizens who were Japanese, or Germany) . We don't know what's coming, but we can do our best to steer things in our favor. Prepare, there are many reasons to prepare- civil unrest, man-made or natural disasters... it's not out of fear, you'll have peace of mind and security. 'Luck favors the prepared.'

No Apathy, No Fear, Occupy OUR Rights!

  • A neighbor of a friend of mine is in the National Guard...the unit refused to answer that awful question, and they laid down their weapons and lined up. It really ticked of the officers. The unit's response is good to hear, but it should NOT come down to our military men and women having to face court martial. This is OUR country! It is OUR Patriotic Duty!

The United PEOPLE of America!
We are all in this together, and together we can do anything humanly possible. Unity is our strength, TPTB fear it because they do not underestimate it and neither should we. PEACE!!!

Say NO to Corporate America! http://saynotocorporateamerica.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

No doubt that what is going on in this country is unsettling and we should all be concerned, but we're just trying to have a little revolution here. I just want to concentrate on that, and I'll let you keep an eye on the alphabet soup of conspiracies that you believe are going on. If indeed you are correct, this may be our last chance to make things right.

[-] 1 points by alnyc2011 (32) 13 years ago

Thank you for this useful information.


[-] -1 points by fishb8 (62) 13 years ago

Ha . . .and YOU think those that disagree with ZOMBIE CULTS are "Conspiracy Theorists!!!

Progressives ALWAYS Project their own actions and motives on to OTHERS! ( Liker a cheating spouse. . ."I KNOW I'm cheating . . .so YOU MUST BE !!!! )

[-] 2 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

No cheating, not sure exactly what you mean here...No conspiracy, I am reporting the collective info, and remain open. Why a National EAS test? Think for a sec, why would the president have to push a button and declare a National status of emergency? Why all the exercises everywhere? I Am simply reporting what I have witnessed with the data collected....Something simply doesn't sit right. And people like me are always considered "conspiracy theorists" by those that remain in denial.... I do not know exactly what is happening or what will happen - I point out things, you are still free to decide whatever you want, I am not against you my friend....


[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

Ad Hominem Tu Quo Quay Cirqu- Circular Hypocrites Fallacy. You declare us hypocrites, and then if we point out that we aren't, then in your mind, we have to be.

[-] 1 points by anonymoux (70) 13 years ago

You nailed it. i would like to have serious discussion with people like you. Keep On. Solidarity!

[-] 1 points by Praderas (1) 13 years ago

Great comment !! Please also they need to be aware of our situation (read below)and bring it to light, there a lot of terrible implications that need to be addressed in order to stop them from keep doing this to other people as well and is happening !!!............,After almost 5 mos. that I have been let to interact in internet, and in celebration of the 220 years of the Bill of Rights, I can really say from my experience that people are very much as sleep. It is so indignant to read, about people who are right, people who are sick, people been bullied by corrupts & more, trying to defend themselves, begging in a phone call, in a petition, appeals & more to those who said they represent us, really a humiliation! Are those in power know RIGHT from WRONG and how to do good for the people. Until when are we going to stay begging for our own FREEDOM ????!!!!! Read about our situation, because this is what is waiting for you when u need those you voted for to enforce your Rights and your FREEDOM...............,For the last nine years I have been trying to expose corruption, Plz read my blog that I post here in FaceBook.com/themeadowsfmly daily "Let's get some JUSTICE in Miami" http://marinameadows.wordpress/(DOT)com/, or MarinaMeadows.blogspot(DOT)com, find out what is been done to our family, how the medicals records have been used to harm us, medications tampered, isolation, & manipulation of internet, mail & phones, how my 3 sons have been manipulated, the roll of the Police & Gov.Officials allowing this abuse mental, emotional & physical to go on for years, to cover all the wrong doing, No hesitation in destroying our whole family, adding that the father of my sons & his mother, both UK citizens passed away very sudden...??? Here we still suffering, almost collapsing without any one doing anything to help us; now after almost 5 months here been able to text a bit I come to understand how tainted & corrupted things are, manipulated by well-connected individuals, corporate executives & politically motivated Gov.Officials who simply buried the truth inside a shadow legal system inaccessible to everyday ordinary American citizens. So I give thanks to God for the strength given to us and for people that help make the truth come to light!!! By the way if any one out there with some humanity can do anything for us, we appreciate very much the help!!! We need a pro-bono Lawyer that is not fearful to confront the Judges, willing to help us, ASAP, it is Urgent, my mother loosing her eye sight, day by day since she is not able to put her eye drops for her glaucoma, or take any medication needed, and we all perishing.........We exist !!!

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

I have been coming to the same conclusion regarding in action and unorganized action. Recently I have watched OWS actions and my job was even on receiving end of a few actions. Everyone that witnessed them didn't understand what was going on, who they were, or even what the message they were trying to relay. People still come up to me asking what Occupy is about because there has not been coherent message for them to understand. I still have high hopes for this movement but I have started using my time to augment existing campaigns in hopes to get more tangible results. I know its not perfect but I have started helping the Moveon.org organization they have been making some interesting movements in political circles. To me the most important change is removing money from politics and to that effect there is already senator Bernie Sanders trying to do that maybe give him a little support see what he can accomplish. Hope fully we can turn this around getting energy back in this movement thank you for your time.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Hi. Having good constructive discussions is very important, so whether or not one agrees with the things you´re adressing, one should recognize the importance of what you´re doing: asking questions and presenting constructive criticism. In my article "The Transition Phase: The Road to Freedom" I presented some suggestions to how we can work for a free democratic society.


[-] 1 points by zucnei (103) 13 years ago

OWS's sleeping on NDAA while spending that week fighting with Trinity over Duarte was a HUGE fail, imo. I think a lot of people questioned the focus of those at the top at that point.

What if what you said above was true but say five or so people went to Zuccotti, Union Square, Times Square, Bryant Park, etc. instead of hanging out in 52 Bway and 60 Wall all day arguing and drinking coffee - that place is starting to feel like a dry frat house. That would take, what 25 people? There are more people than that eating cereal in 60 Wall right now....

[-] 0 points by owstag (508) 13 years ago

"seems like most of the posts these days are just random videos and ra-ra messages"

What, you think it was ever anything more than that? This website has been a ceaseless stream of nuttiness since day one. Conspiracy theories abound, and most posters seem either to be kids, confused or disturbed adults, or weirdos. They have the oddest concerns (e.g. Ayn Rand, the irrelevant 5th tier presidential candidacy of Ron Paul, who for most of the website's life was autocorrected to "Ron Lawl", discouraging 'ableist comments', encouraging 'guerilla gardening', etc.) The Soviet style graphics, Mumia rallying, divisive PC preoccupation with identity politics. This website was always a horror show bro.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

"This website has been a ceaseless stream of nuttiness since day one."

Why do you continue to spend time here then if that's what you think? Hypocrite. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you're doing to help peoplekind and the rest of the citizens of Earth.

[-] 0 points by OccuPaco (21) 13 years ago

All understood. And needed. But the power of bravery, pride, unity and growth are what will propel the movement onward

Listen to a young hesitant Russian in Moscow:

“I associate a crowd with a herd of cattle, it goes where it is told, but here it was somewhat different — the crowd had its own spirit,” she said. “When I was leaving the square I felt proud of the people who had gathered there.”

[-] 2 points by OccuPaco (21) 13 years ago

And they are back - our resistance needs to be relentless too:

"Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Moscow on Saturday afternoon for a second large anti-government demonstration, as a wave of new activists struggle to convert an inchoate burst of energy into a durable political force."






[-] 0 points by shifty2 (117) 13 years ago

That was real important to point out NOT, It does not surprise me that there are leader's I have said that all along, I knew the majority couldn't have decided to interview an inmate. Or decided to take money and go to Egypt ETC ETC. The movement has made mistakes along the way , But they have done a great job of making people look at what is going on in our government, I just don't understand why there going after all the small local issues first instead of going after the the Government first. Seem like they should work from the top down, That they would have much more bargaining power. If they want to be seen get my Brothers and Sister Bikers involved, Nothing like a few thousand bikes rolling into town.I can't run home with a broken leg & broken neck , and totaled Harley, bikes and trucks don't mix.

[-] 3 points by primitivetimes (73) 13 years ago

That's funny, I actually think we need the exact opposite - a bottom up approach, focusing on local issues. The ruling class won't bat an eye until we gain critical mass, and we're not going to gain critical mass unless we start building the alternative ourselves. That involves a lot of dirty work, showing that we really do care about the local issues that affect people's lives, and showing that decentralized collective governance really does work better. From there, we gain clout and support and are able to expand outward and affect wider change.

That's just my opinion though. Hopefully these issues will work themselves out naturally.

[-] 13 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Do you realize how lucky that we all are? Most people go through their whole lives, never having the courage to fight for what they think is right. We are surrounded by such courageous people who know that some things in life are worth fighting for.

For me at fifty nine years old, I consider this to be the most noble cause that I have ever been involved in. My hope is that my children and grandchildren will be able to grow up in a better world. Thank You all for giving me this opportunity.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Thanx 'Odin' for your moving post and thanx OWS for restoring my faith in Human Beings ;-)

@LL brothers and sisters & for Xmas : Amongst Many Others, here are 10 information and news sites :

a) http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/category/economics/ ;

b) http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ ;

c) http://rt.com/programs/keiser-report/ ;

d) http://www.veteransforpeace.org/ ;

e) http://www.wanttoknow.info/ ;

f.) http://michael-hudson.com/ ;

g) http://www.nomiprins.com/ ;

h) http://www.newint.org/ ;

i.) http://maxkeiser.com/ ;

j.) http://ni4d.us/ !!!

A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year of Peace, Prosperity & Potential to us all !!

Pacem In Terris = Peace On Earth !

pax, amor et lux ...


[-] 1 points by ellebee48 (2) 13 years ago

what a beautiful message, ForwardWeGo. i am so thankful for OWS, and all the Occupy groups that have risen from it. i am also thankful for people like you in this world. Peace and Light this Christmas (to those who celebrate it), and here's to Occupying a Productive, Happy New Year!

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Well said! The Occupy Movements have spread thruout the world, and continue to grow. We just have to keep on going; protesting, mic checking, striking, engaging, convincing, building solidarity etc etc.

The uprising continues for as long as it takes.

We need a sustainable, democratic society and we just have to keep up the good work. Thank you OWS, and all Occupy Movements, for what you´ve done so far.

solidarity and greetings from Norway.


[-] 0 points by timir (183) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

hi. Please check out my blog. Hope you like it:



[-] -2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

we must stick to our principles and be ruthless with ourselves! our community has many strengths. the strength to be honest with ourselves and each other. within the beautiful unity of our community of humanity we have the great principles of NONVIOLENCE and ABSOLUTE EQUALITY (horizontal hierarchy). but we have been infiltrated by a powerful group controled by the fascist elite. they are the christians whose message and imagery is VIOLENCE. the crucified jew is a racist abomination not a religious symbol. yet we are failing to protect our children's minds and community life from the violent horrors of a human sacrifice, a nightmarish crucifixion. christians relive this violence at every service, pretend they're eating dead jesus and drink his blood then talk to their imaginary friend. this is BAD MENTAL HEALTH for our community. the evil intent of the gospel is to brutalise and enslave us. they GROOM by telling children their mothers are sinners thus undermining the family. the head of the anglican christian church is a german fascist, the queen of england aka the whore of babylon. the head of the catholic christian is a german fascist, the pope who covered up the ABUSE of many children to protect his church. so christians are FASCIST STOOGES PREACHING VIOLENCE.

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

Anti-secularism is not what this movement is about. OWS is apolitical AND areligious, and if religious institutions or backgrounds want to pray for us, and support us with supplies and numbers, then, if you are of a mind to say it, God bless them for it. I'm referring to all religions-not just Christianity. You, on the other hand, are exhibiting a profile for blind hatred towards Christians, which is against the core beliefs of OWS. We are openly accepting of every religion, and though we will not be defined by them, we will gladly accept their support.

If you were to spout this rhetoric at a GA, you would be blocked. Consider this your BLOCK. Either you're attempting to get OWS falsely painted as anti-christian, or you're seriously demented.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

the INTENT of putting ideas of crucifixion into children's minds, of showing them images of a man nailed to a tree is to FRIGHTEN them. this is a CHILD PROTECTION issue. the head of corporate america and the church of england is the queen, a german fascist. the head of the church of rome is a german fascist. it is most important to KNOW OUR ENEMY!


[+] -4 points by NewWorldNow (83) 13 years ago

You lost us with Mumia.

[-] 2 points by DarknessOfGreed (41) 13 years ago

i can understand why you feel this way (its a very controversial issue)...however, i believe OWS posted his article for its meaning (which was pretty decent if you read it)...they are not supporting cop killers (if you believe that Mumia is guilty), rather they are just expressing the purpose of the movement...please consider that OWS isn't condoning murder, they only posted that article for its contents-not its brand name



[-] 10 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Thank you OWS for doing something.

[-] 8 points by kelsey (6) from Binghamton, NY 13 years ago

thanks for this OWS

[-] 5 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

I want to thank OWS. The world desperatly needs change, and you guys have started a global engagement and activism that eventually will lead to radical change. Thank you so much, you true heroes of the world.

yours s. struggleforfreedom

[-] 1 points by XylitolEater (19) 13 years ago

May it be so.

[-] 2 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

It has to. The system we have today is not sustainable


We need a direct democratic, sustainable society.


[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Reminder: You are not official. Unless you are part of the NYCGA and this poster, OccupyWallSt, which is the official voice of this website with clear ties to the NYCGA. Despite NYCGA official statements to the contrary, the NYCGA, who also has exclusive control over most of the donated $$$, choses to continue it's role as leaders of the 'leaderless non-political' OWS movement, as determined by 'official' statements' of the NYCGA. Here are some words every GA in America needs to seriously consider:

"There must be some central authority to which all the colonies could turn for guidance. This political union came about in the formation of a Continental Congress. This Congress was the result of a spontaneous and almost simultaneous movement throughout the country. From New York came the first call."


When will The NYCGA, 1% of Protesters, make the call? I will not support this movement until this call is made and I very strongly suggest everyone, and every GA, do the same. I demand a public endorsement of the 99% Declaration's plan for a National General Assembly to be held in Philadelphia July 4th 2012. I demand the endorsement be made before the end of 2011. Failure to do so makes every effort on the part of every protester a waste of time because as long as there is no legitimate authority to speak for OWS, OWS will have no voice worth listening to. This movement is dying right before our eyes either due to stupidity and ignorance, or deliberate actions of unknown people. As long as this situation continues, until the air is cleared, OWS will go nowhere. And time is not on the movement's side.

Please put the 'solid' back into Solidarity. Farewell


[-] 2 points by Justice4all (133) 13 years ago

The following is a statement made by George Carlin some 20 years ago.

Theres a reason education suck, it is the same reason it will never ever ever be fixed. Its never gonna get better, dont look for it, be happy with what ya got. Because the owners of this country dont want that! Im talking about the real owners now, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians were put there for you to believe you have the freedom of choice. You Dont! You have no choice! You have owners, they own you! They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations, They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, The State Houses, the City Halls. They got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the media companies. So they control just about all the information you get to hear. They got ya by the balls!! They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well we know what they want, they want more for themselves and less for everyone else! But Ill tell ya what they dont want, they dont want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They dont want well informed, well educated people critical of capable thinking. That doesnt help them, that goes against their interests! They dont want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how their getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 years ago. They want obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enoughto passively accept all these shitty jobs with lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. Now their coming for your Social Security money.They want your retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something theyll get it! theyll get it all back from you sooner or later. Cuz they own this fucking place! Its a big club, and you aint in it!!" ~George Carlin

[-] 2 points by jvkfai (6) 13 years ago

Global Economics 101 The crux of the problem is simple, the policy makers manipulate the economy with the premise that the rich create the jobs and thus channeling the wealth of the economy to the stock markets! This lopsided ideology couldn’t be more corrupt, which is evident by the instability of the global economy teetering on the edge of collapse and the increased worldwide social unrest brought on by mass poverty! In 1995 the DOW (DJIA) was at 4000, it peaked in 2007 at 14000, more than doubling the cost of living. With every rally comes a recession, the bigger the rally, the bigger the recession, simply because overvalued markets increase inflation and reduce demand! The markets must be allowed to return to center, painful for investors or not! Anyone, who says the economy is recovering because the markets are climbing, is probably a member of congress or a Wall Street investor! Stupidity is rampant in Washington and politicians are either corrupt or clueless! Increasing the wealth of a company without increasing demand for its products only leads to increasing the price of its products and executive pay. Simply to show investors increased value, further shrinking demand and slowing growth (prolonged recession)! The economy is stalled because the policy makers have done everything in their play book (Bank of China), to keep the markets (cost of living) elevated, when in actuality they need to come back down to reality! The longer the markets are held at an artificially high level, the weaker the base becomes risking total collapse and further global anarchy (pressure seeks it’s own level)! Wage earners don’t need a forty-dollar a week tax break, they need a lower cost of living! It’s just an attempt at buying votes! To correct this mess you need to eliminate investor tax incentives, tax loopholes, bailouts, subsidies, tax breaks, tax caps, caps on fines & penalties, etc. The Fed needs to raise interest rates back up to 6 or 7 percent to motivate intelligent investors to move their money out of high risk markets and back into local banks where companies with sound, legitimate business plans can borrow it, thus creating local jobs and a stable economy! Congress needs to be held accountable for their ongoing fleecing! To fix Social Security, you need to approach it with logic as well! There is currently a cap on the amount an individual is required to pay, even though there is no cap on the amount they are allowed to earn. If an individual earns 100 times what the average person earns, they should pay 100 times more! It is this type congressional corruption that has created a lopsided, unstable economy! Ultimately our over-valued government has an over-valued Wall Street competing with an under-valued Main Street for gas, groceries and housing, with only one possible outcome, global economic instability and social unrest! SEC stands for “Sucks Executive C_” (Regularly)! FED stands for “Failed Economic Disaster”! Congress stands for “Corrupt, Clueless and Fowl Smelling Stagnation”! Obviously I have little respect for our government, mainly because with power comes abuse, corruption and more damned holidays at $75 million each, not to mention lost productivity and excessive benefits, which also have to be paid for! I personally, would like to see Congress replaced by an online program, which would allow any citizen or citizens to create or amend laws, list pros & cons, solving all problems before advancing to be voted on (pure logic). This would also eliminate the need for political parties, while shaving billions off the annual budget! After all it’s not just the hundreds of congressional members, but the thousands of support staff, expenses, pensions, holidays, limo’s, blunders, corruption, lawsuits, elections, etc… What a disgrace… Their approval consists of their immediate family, support staff, Wall Street executives, lawyers, stockbrokers, bookies, D.C. message therapists and hookers!

John Kelsch, Fairbanks, Alaska (Independent Voter)

[-] 2 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Occupy has brought to the forefront discussions previously disallowed in daily life. Beautiful.

[-] 2 points by julianzs (147) 13 years ago

To be alive means to abandon yourself to the cause of the 99%. Love OWS!

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

Even the most exceptionally gifted person who walks the Earth amongst us cannot define fairness in exact terms; odd then isn't it, that even the plainest, least exceptional person can point to poverty - and say "this is wrong".

[-] 2 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago
  • History will show that there are indeed fundamental problems with America's so-called democracy that disenfranchises many, that disproportionately rewards a small aristocracy, and continues to shrink the vary institutions (education, healthcare, public transportation) that made America great and helped this nation win the Cold War.

  • History will show that the rank-and-file OWS members are all just average citizens who saw that the nation could not keep going in the same direction.

  • History will show that the members of the OWS movement are the new Cold Warriors.

[-] 2 points by fedupwiththis (6) 13 years ago

What warriors? We scream at buildings and allowed the movement to be co-opted by a prisoner. 99% is now synonymous with him. He knew a bunch of naive fools when he wrote the letter. The person who posted it should be held in the same contempt as David Koch.

Essentially the webmaster said to hell with the 99%, to hell with the unemployed, to hell with the homeless, to hell with occupy homes, to hell with economic equality etc. It's all about a brand name instead of action to the powers that be.

[-] 2 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 13 years ago

I have to agree the murderer thing was way weird, it obviously was not well thought out. Hopefully we will all learn from our mistakes.


[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

I like everything you just said, but could you explain the "Cold Warriors" thing?

[-] 1 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago
  • The Cold War developed after WW 2 and into the 1950s.

  • America's Cold Warriors defeated Russia with a combination of military out-spending and a host of Cold War tactics that are covert and overt tactics

  • We need new Cold Warriors who can defend America against all -- ALL -- aggressors, foreign and domestic.

  • The domestic aggressors are the Wall Street institutions that think Globally instead of Domestically.

  • Corporate America is either with America or with the Globe.

  • If you are with the Globe, you are not a "domestic" citizen. Which of course the Supreme Court says you are.

[-] 2 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

Organic crops sprout with a few unwanted weeds.


[-] 2 points by TheScreamingHead (239) 13 years ago

Occupy Christmas!


[-] 2 points by PatrickOxOethafulm (35) 13 years ago

Yes! Tents! absolutely beautiful

[-] 2 points by RMeacham (3) 13 years ago

I'm so excited to see where this movement goes in 2012. 2011 was such an eventful year, but it is truly just the beginning. They have tried to shut us up, ignore us and silence us. They have failed on all 3 counts. This movement is growing everyday and I'm truly proud to be a part of the generation that is making this happen. I think most everyone can agree that enough is enough and the time for action is now. By the way, has Obama said anything publicly about this movement?

[-] 1 points by smmv2005 (106) 13 years ago

Hi my us friends... I'm Iranian... Do not fear...Do not be afraid...Certainly your movement will WIN. Just keep your move...God bless you.

سلام دوستان آمریکایی من. من ایرانیم و زبان انگلیسی ام خوب نیست. جنبش شما در مبارزه با نظام لیبرال سرمایه داری قطعا پیروز است.

اگر به خداوند متعال توکل کنید و به او ایمان داشته باشید و از سختی مبارزه خسته و نا امید نشوید قطعا شما پیروزید. تلاش کنید جنبش را به سایر مردم آمریکا گسترش دهید.

نظام سرمایه داری مثل یک طبل توخالی است که اکنون با بیش از 14.6 تریلیون دلار بدهی عین قالب یخی در حال آب شدن است.

مطمئن باشید ان شاء الله بزودی این نظام سقوط خواهد کرد. به وعده خدا درباره حکومت مستضعفان عالم اعتماد کنید و از هیچ قدرتی نترسید.

ان شاء الله پیروزی نزدیک است. God willing, Victory is near...

[-] 1 points by i8jomomma (80) 13 years ago

why not occupy the golf courses or beaches when they go on vacation?............flash mob them........when they come to break it up.....run and come back................. when the pigs leave............... keep on doing it just to fuck with them........flash mob them where ever they are on vacation

[-] 1 points by Budcm (208) 13 years ago

Next year is here. I received this anonymously through my e-mail. The movement may not be yours at all. It reminded me that, it isn't that others are poor, it's that someone is richer. That seems to be your point. You think yhou have it bad when even the poor are living in espensivge homes, driving cars, (15% of you have TWO cars!), watching color TV and the Rose Bowl. Read on.

"Grey-Haired Brigade

They like to refer to us as senior citizens, old fogies, geezers, and in some cases dinosaurs. Some of us are "Baby Boomers" getting ready to retire. Others have been retired for some time. We walk a little slower these days and our eyes and hearing are not what they once were. We have worked hard, raised our children, worshiped our God and grown old together. Yes, we are the ones some refer to as being over the hill, and that is probably true. But before writing us off completely, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration.

In school we studied English, history, math, and science which enabled us to lead America into the technological age. Most of us remember what outhouses were, many of us with firsthand experience. We remember the days of telephone party-lines, 25 cent gasoline, and milk and ice being delivered to our homes. For those of you who don't know what an icebox is, today they are electric and referred to as refrigerators. A few even remember when cars were started with a crank. Yes, we lived those days.

We are probably considered old fashioned and out-dated by many. But there are a few things you need to remember before completely writing us off. We won World War II, fought in Korea and Viet Nam . We can quote The Pledge of Allegiance, and know where to place our hand while doing so. We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield. We didn't fight for the Socialist States of America , we fought for the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." We wore different uniforms but carried the same flag. We know the words to the Star Spangled Banner, America ,and America the Beautiful by heart, and you may even see some tears running down our cheeks as we sing. We have lived what many of you have only read about in history books and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America.

Yes, we are old and slow these days but rest assured, we have at least one good fight left in us. We have loved this country, fought for it, and died for it, and now we are going to save it. It is our country and nobody is going to take it away from us. We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that is an oath we plan to keep. There are those who want to destroy this land we love but, like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent.

It was mostly the young people of this nation who elected Obama and the Democratic Congress. You fell for the "Hope and Change" which in reality was nothing but "Hype and Lies." You have tasted socialism and seen evil face to face, and have found you don't like it after all. You make a lot of noise, but most are all too interested in their careers or "Climbing the Social Ladder" to be involved in such mundane things as patriotism and voting. Many of those who fell for the "Great Lie" in 2008 are now having buyer's remorse. With all the education we gave you, you didn't have sense enough to see through the lies and instead drank the 'Cool-Aid.' Now you're paying the price and complaining about it. No jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom. This is what you voted for and this is what you got. We entrusted you with the Torch of Liberty and you traded it for a paycheck and a fancy house.

Well, don't worry youngsters, the Grey-Haired Brigade is here, and in 2012 we are going to take back our nation. We may drive a little slower than you would like but we get where we're going, and in 2012 we're going to the polls by the millions. This land does not belong to the man in the White House nor to the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It belongs to "We the People" and "We the People" plan to reclaim our land and our freedom. We hope this time you will do a better job of preserving it and passing it along to our grandchildren. So the next time you have the chance to say the Pledge of Allegiance, Stand up, put your hand over your heart, honor our country, and thank God for the old geezers of the "Grey-Haired Brigade."


[-] 1 points by lauriedobson (6) from Manchester Township, NJ 13 years ago

did my post get eliminated? Laurie Dobson

[-] 1 points by lauriedobson (6) from Manchester Township, NJ 13 years ago

thanks for this video. this will always be a part of me. I have broken bread and shared and faced fear down with you all. Together we endured the difficult times and rejoiced in the moments of our pure triumph on behalf of uplifting our fellow man. We became better people together, we raised ourselves up to become a new entity in the world. the occupiers, we who are that, have now been told by the corporate media that we are the people of the year. thanks, but we already know. this is the best thing to happen that could ever have been. for all who continue to maintain--my thoughts are with you. you will prevail. this time, we are with enough hearts so that our love is visible. this time things will become new. better. hopeful. there will be a future we can hope for without dread. this is how we are doing it, on behalf of all those who will follow, who remember us, who will thank us. for now, let's continue to act bravely and love bravely. happy new year, wonderful people. laurie dobson

[-] 1 points by Edwin (47) from Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 13 years ago

And I'll be sending more $upport for 2012.

[-] 1 points by sweetgman (1) 13 years ago

LACK OF FOCUS. You need to understand what the problem is. This country is run by the Global elite that run and own the BANKS that that tell the congress how to vote as so to enrich themselves. Your congress is bought. You are slaves to the United States the corporation. (Not the United States of America) There are 2 sets of laws in this country. One set of laws for the United States the Corporation and for citizens of the United States. Defacto man made regulatory laws are written for US citizens (small c) to the corporation of the United States. One set of laws for the United States of America for US Nationals. De jure laws are written for US Nationals, Citizens (large C) are God-given rights as declared in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution in the United State of America. 99% of you are serfs, a United States citizen (small c) which lost its Constitutional rights back in 1865 and in 1913.
Read this book, For Sovereign to Serf. Then you will have a FOCUS. You are serf to the debt of the private bankers, not Wall$treet. The PRIVATE bank, the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE BANK, and the US get its money from the FEDERAL RESERVE in which you the SERFs pay interest. Need to FOCUS on the NATIONALIZATION of the country via the BANKERS. Privatize the profit, national the DEBT.

[-] 1 points by SuzannahBeTroy (28) 13 years ago

Re: Deutsche Bank 60 Wall St. Look up Deutsche Bank Watch. Link and lots more dirt on my blog. NYC gov lists DB as global partner. http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2011/12/mike-bloomberg-supports-nazi-esque.html

[-] 1 points by SuzannahBeeTroy (14) 13 years ago

OWS News: Norman Siegel has faxed Deutsche Bank lawyers re: the signs 60 Wall Street and our 1st Amendment rights in a public space in this case privately owned by DB. As a Jew thanks to DB violating me and harassing me when I visited OWS health care 60 Wall I learned about DB’s Nazi role. First check this out -- you will want to see this DB tried to foreclose on this elderly woman http://beta.crooksandliars.com/taxonomy/term/23320

than this http://www.mortgagefraudsite.com/mortgage-fraud/dept-of-justice-sues-deutsche-bank-mortgage-fraud/ and than the update re: Siegel fax http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2011/12/deutsche-bank-got-fax-from-norman.html

and me message to DB -- I took my DB signs to the street outside their offices http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/12/deutsche-bank-nazi-history-db-still.html

[-] 1 points by i8jomomma (80) 13 years ago

i am glad the movement is still going and i hope it only gets stronger

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

This is why we are here this is why you are needed.


Share, circulate, educate, inspire.

[-] 1 points by bobbyhawk (2) from Red Bank, NJ 13 years ago

Its ashamed to see so called educated people lead down the primrose path. You folks at OWS need to wise up and study what happens to those who allow themselves to be part of the riots that bring about the soviet stage of subversion known as chaos. Once that stage is reached, then those pawns are either imprisoned or shot for their actions by the socialists and communists who have taken charge of the country. Also, don't forget that unlike many other nations around the world, this one has armed citizens who have the authority to act as given by the declaration of independence.

This is not a game, you are sandwiched between the global socialists and the last surviving two nations on the earth where individuals still have control of their own destiny (USA and the State of Israel). You do not stand for the whole of the people as you proclaim. As a matter of fact, you don't even stand for 10% of the overall population of the United States. I would provide for you a stern warning about using Soviet subversion tactics to attempt the overthrow of these United States and the forced assimilation of the people to global socialism. You have grossly underestimated the will of the people and their support of the cause which you playing the role of useful idiots proclaim. We will not be forced into a global or national assimilation to Greek philos-sophos based theocracies such as Socialism or Communism or Progressivism, neither will be forced to assimilate to your self serving and deceptive definition of Christianity known as Liberation Theology. Weigh your odds carefully when you attempt to turn this entire nation to a forced assimilation. We will protect our nation and we will not be assimilated by either yourselves nor the Russians. You should think twice before allowing yourselves to become the focus point of anger brought about by your actions which are forced upon you at the will of your communist and socialists leaders. We will not tolerate being assimilated as a people and any attempts as such acton will not precede as you have planned.

We did not fight a long history of wars in order to be overthrown by a handful of socialists and communists we will not go quietly into the night and we are watching your movements and activities.
If its a change in this nation you want, then I suggest you meet with the Tea Party group and help them bring back a limited government based upon the constitution. If its wealth you seek, then get to work applying your talents to making money. Your only limitation to wealth in this nation is the amount of time you are personally willing to apply to obtaining that wealth. If you are concerned about the poor and destitute, then become wealthy and use your power of benevolence to provide for them to your hearts desire. Currently you have no limitations on the amount of money you can personally make or the amount of money you can personally give away as a citizen of these United States. However, if you continue down your current pathway and force assimilation to socialism or communism. You will find yourself poor, without rights, and without the ability to do anything outside that which the government demands of you. The choice is yours. Play patsy and be a pawn of the Socialists and Communists or stand upon your own two feet and make your own way and your own individual statement. Do you have any idea how powerful each of you can be if you take it upon yourselves to become wealthy as you desire and then use that wealth to support those less fortunate than yourselves? Imagine the example you can set for other generations who are observing your actions.

Imagine the impact you can have with your life and blessings if you take it upon yourself as individuals to continue the individuality of this great nation. We did not become America because of a group of people, we became America because of those individuals who stood up for what they believed in and set an example for all to observe. George Washington is an excellent example. True he could have been King over these United States had he wished, but he kept to his individual belief and set the course for the most sought after nation ever to exist among men. In the end, when you are speaking to your grand children in the next 35 years do you want to tell them you participated in the riots which brought down the United Staes and instituted Russian rule or do you want to tell them quite a different story, how you as an individual made the decision to go it alone as an individual and that by your actions, you have made it possible for many to have a better life. Which work do you think our Father will count more worthy on judgement day? Because like it or not as it is stated in chapter 20 of the book of revelation, we are all judged according to our works. Will your works show compassion toward your fellow man or will your works show that you followed the heard and brought an entire nation to its knees, a nation set in place by our Father himself. Remember, you are judged individually for your works. Michael More nor Karl Marx will be allowed to speak in your stead at your judgement. It will be you and your works and the host of angels who will testify on your behalf or against you. The decision is yours and yours alone.

[-] 1 points by johiles (4) 13 years ago

Thank the heavens we have supporters like Mumia that the genius' running this blog have decided to place on our webpage. Here is another endorsement that we all should be proud of:

To the precious youth of the movement,

Thank you for your brave and courageous stand against the greedy ruffians of wall street. Your youthful exuberance is splendid! I particularly enjoy seeing the svelt young boys running about in their unkempt tighty whiteys. If you ever need a place to shower, please look me up! Rumor has it that I've occupied a few in my day, too!

Yours, Jerry Sandusky


[-] 1 points by deadrabit (2) 13 years ago

people who come to the comments section and write a book have an agenda. They are there to get people tired and distracted. If they wanted to send a message, they could email it. Its not only on this site but in many sites. They fill the space that the rest of us use to say what we think and discuss the news item. If its too long its a waste of time.

[-] 1 points by OccupyTheForestGuy (35) 13 years ago

I have to jump in and return the Thanks!

Thanks for doing something that should have been done long ago.

Thanks for the continued opportunity to discuss where this is going.

Thanks for being the focus of something now happening around the world.

Thanks for the people who believe enough about this cause to change their lives. And, perhaps many more.

Thanks for the many dedicated people who are adding their talents to the movement. I'll add a little thanks to Marshall McLuhan for a bit of perspective on all of this.

Thanks for the huge, long hours spent standing in one place hoping the world will notice. Despite the apparent media dis-awareness, it is working.

Thanks for knowing that this won't happen overnight.

Thanks for the hope that we can change the world. If we don't...

So, ah... THANKS!

[-] 1 points by fedup1234 (1) 13 years ago

Really folks...this actually makes you proud? Start digging in your own pockets before you start stealing from others. You are no better with this than what you are fighting for. You have certainly lost my support. http://www.mrconservative.com/2011/12/anonymous-says-it-has-stolen-data-from-u-s-think-tank/

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Reminder: You are not official unless you are part of the NYCGA and this poster, OccupyWallSt, is the official voice of this website with clear ties to the NYCGA. Despite NYCGA official statements to the contrary, the NYCGA, who also has exclusive control over most of the donated $$$, choses to continue it's role as leaders of the leaderless non-political OWS movement. Here are some words every GA in America needs to seriously consider:

"There must be some central authority to which all the colonies could turn for guidance. This political union came about in the formation of a Continental Congress. This Congress was the result of a spontaneous and almost simultaneous movement throughout the country. From New York came the first call."


When will The NYCGA, 1% of Protesters, make the call? I will not support this movement until this call is made and I very strongly suggest everyone, and every GA, do the same. I demand a public endorsement of the 99% Declaration's plan for a National General Assembly to be held in Philadelphia July 4th 2012. I demand the endorsement be made before the end of 2011. Failure to do so makes every effort on the part of every protester a waste of time because as long as there is no legitimate authority to speak for OWS, OWS will have no voice worth listening to. This movement is dying right before our eyes either due to stupidity and ignorance, or deliberate actions of unknown people. As long as this situation continues, until the air is cleared, OWS will go nowhere. And time is not on the movement's side.

Please put the 'solid' back into Solidarity. Farewell


[-] 1 points by stanchaz (36) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Re Occupy & Trinity Church: You don’t need to be Christian, or even religious, to understand -and embrace- the idea behins these ancient words: "Whatsoever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." But many of the 1%, in blind greed and endless schemes, have forgotten this. They have closed their eyes to what the word "society" should really mean, and what it can mean. But due to Occupy Wall Street, we are finally talking less about CUTS and more about BLEEDING. Instead of demanding m-o-r-e budget cuts -to be borne by the middle class and poor- we are FINALLY focusing on the shameful bleeding that the poor and middle class has endured, for all too long. Instead of talking about even m-o-r-e cuts in the taxes of millionaires....we are now talking about fairness and justice - about an economy and a political system that is increasingly run for the rich, and by the rich. Instead of talking about LESS government, we are talking about a government that WORKS FOR ALL OF US, not just a favored few. Thank you OWS, for reminding us that people -ordinary working people- really DO matter, and for helping open our eyes to what’s going on in this country, and why. The attempt by OWS to occupy Duarte Square (the empty lot owned by Trinity Church) is much more than a plea for sanctuary. For like Zuccotti Park, it’s an attempt to carve out a protected space, a living conscience for the city, amid the repression. A refuge...in a city where control-freaks would sweep us under the rug, and out of the way. In a city where they would pen us in, and try to permit us to death. In a city that tells us to “move on, move on”..... you don’t belong, you don’t count, you don’t have a right to be here...don’t assemble, don’t block the street, don’t trespass, don’t EXIST! They would deny us, deny our lives, deny our very futures. IF WE LET THEM. But OWS responds, both in word and in DEED: it says we’ve had ENOUGH - we BELONG, we STAND our ground, and we DO matter! This IS our land, and we want it BACK! The word OCCUPY...says it all! That’s why OWS has captured our imagination. That’s why a living breathing OCCUPIED public space is important for OWS. Like Lady Liberty’s never extinguished torch that burns in our harbor, OWS needs to have a concrete, persistent, in-your-face presence.. ..to continually remind us of what we’ve lost, of what we are, and what we can be; a protected place to affirm, illuminate, defy...and inspire. Trinity Church, with its oft-proclaimed ideals (and its huge land holdings), should look deep into its collective soul, do the right thing, and help OWS secure a sanctuary. Not merely a space of refuge, but and enclave of hope, non-violent change, and compassion. And dare I say: a space of love - love of country, love of your fellow man and woman, love for the poor and oppressed. Can thoughtful Christians argue with these simple Christian / simple HUMAN values? For if Christ were physically with us today, as He was 2000 years ago, He would be among the FIRST to climb those fences, and occupy Trinity’s Duarte Square. Of this I am certain. Let us hope and pray and plea.. that Trinity Church -and others -hear the call, and respond. For the old ways are not working. Find a quiet place somewhere, and consider this: Each of us has only one brief life....one chance....one roll of the dice....and many choices. The time has come to choose....to risk...and to act. If not now...then when? If not you, then....who? You DO have the power my friend....and the choice IS yours. Don’t let your hopes and dreams die: LIVE YOUR IDEALS, my brothers and sisters!

[-] 1 points by freeows (84) 13 years ago

And I, THANK YOU, #OWS!! You are the inspiration to our nation and to the world. The fire got spread out all over.

[-] 1 points by SuzannahBeeTroy (14) 13 years ago

Christmas Eve in front of St. Vincent’s http://youtu.be/-y9yZaL2zWM protest which will go on throughout the night until tomorrow morning. http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2011/12/hospital-protest-christmas-eve-west.html

[-] 1 points by bettydonnelly (115) 13 years ago

Dear Occupiers your welcome. Thank you for what you all do. Do more ! Never give up. Keep shining the light of truth on all the corruption on Wall St. And anywhere you see it in our Society and around the world.

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Thankyou OWS! Solidarity from Melbourne, Australia!

Omnia vincit amor. Capre diem.


[-] 1 points by stephenadler (118) 13 years ago

let's see where this movement goes in 2012. It'll be a do or die year for #OWS...

[-] 1 points by red66 (9) 13 years ago

Democracy is great as long as the elite can manipulate it for its own benefit. But when it becomes the weapon of the masses, it becomes a threat to those in power . The ideology of democracy is malleable and porous and ever changing. Free speech in democratic USA is like telling a prisoner he is free to walk within the walls. Watch for censorship of the internet, it is coming in a big way. We all live in a form of matrix cloaked in a veil of propaganda and lies. Those with the dice control the game ,not the nameless participants moving ignorantly about the board. Stop playing the game, take control of it. Occupy.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

Yes we are off to a good start.

But like it was mentioned this is not going to be quick or easy.

We have a long road ahead of us, and a lot of work to accomplish.

Stay strong. Support each other, Look for opportunities to unite. Look for opportunities to take action.

Shout down the corrupt & greedy and their blind supporters.

Forward Occupy, 99% and the world.


[-] 1 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

No need to apologize for your English smmv2005, your message of love and brotherhood came through loud and clear. I especially appreciate your thoughtful post since my son-in-law is Muslim. He is a great guy who loves his family very much, and I feel honored to have him in our family. Good Luck to you too. Together we will make this a better world.

[-] 1 points by DarknessOfGreed (41) 13 years ago

thank you, your post was both righteous and courageous


[-] 1 points by BarbGantt99 (14) from Mexican Hat, UT 13 years ago

10 steps to to make a difference against the inhumane stewardship of the financial elite 1%

The crimes again humanity and national security of the 1% is destroying our country. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans and their banks: Bank for International Settlements; National Central Banks; Big Investment Banks; Corporatocracy and the wealthiest billionaires that own the Federal Reserve Bank and meet as the Council on Foreign Relations

1 Renewal & new free energy IS THE FIRST MOST IMPORTANT goal. View this energy cooperative sfenergycooperative.com I now understand what Occupy has been speaking to our country. I believe their message is WE have to lead our leaders with grassroots actions and consumer practices Occupy is trying to tell us NOTHING ELSE is going to change the 1%. 2 stay informed and connected with diverse news sources especially public media 3 bank locally at small banks or credit unions 4 Spend local and speak your voice with each dollar make conscious consumer choices The 1% need the 99%. The 99% do not need the 1% This is an enormous power we as the 99% hold. Grassroots consumer practices look at these dollar amounts. Total sales on Cyber Monday online sales totaled $1.3 billion to mark the biggest day for online shopping in U.S. history. $11.4 billion spent in brick and mortar stores on Black Friday. $816 million spent on online sales on Black Friday. $479 million spent online on Thanksgiving Day itself. 5 Join movement to audit & end the federal reserve. Cosponsor HR 459, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011, and do everything in your power to see this bill through to a passing vote. auditthefed.com/ auditthefed.com/view-the-coalition/ 6 movement to keep internet fair and open savetheinternet.com 7 speak for diverse sources of independent news break up corporate owned media for diverse free information savethenews.org; freepress.net 8 organic and non gmo farming & food purchasing 9 traceable paper ballots & campaign finance reform getmoneyout.com 10 sign up for critical mass actions occupywallst.org thrivemovement.com/ thrivemovement.com/the_problem-follow_the_money

[-] 1 points by ImaDreamer (82) 13 years ago

I want to express my gratitude to the people involved in putting this well produced video together. For those of us who live far from Wall Street, seeing and hearing what is happening on the street, and the message being conveyed, makes this movement far more real and inspiring.

So please be aware that posting a video like this one online is just as important as people standing in the street. It allows many thousands of us far away from New York to feel inspired to stand in the streets where we live. Because of these online efforts, masses of people everywhere will be ready to act when the weather improves come springtime -- because people stand both in front of and behind the camera. One can not succeed without the other.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Thank you all.

[-] 1 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by bgramel (11) 13 years ago

To get to a Direct Democracy, there is a path. I worked on a concept of using the pre-existing system to take us there around a year ago. I had buy-in from several fellow business associates, but the focus slowly shifted to analyzing how to make a profit off of the concept and lost focus on the only reason I wanted this project to succeed. I've now thrown the basic premise out on source forge, so it can be a collaborative open source effort: https://sourceforge.net/p/thepeople/home/Home/

[-] 1 points by SuzannahBeTroy (28) 13 years ago

http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/12/will-ny-times-ban-suzannah-troy-again.html link takes you to newest Deutsche Bank OWS NY Times article and DB lies big time as usual!!!!!

[-] 1 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago
  • Shameful Actions against Peaceful Occupy L.A. protesters

  • Prosecutors say LA Protestors can avoid court trials by paying $355 to a private company for an educational program.

  • http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-occupy-schooling-20111222,0,4087465.story

  • All Occupy groups across this nation should do more to link together.

  • To coordinate better.

  • To leverage their assets (human resources) to leverage the message..

[-] 1 points by SuzannahBeTroy (28) 13 years ago

http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2011/12/john-zuccotti-gets-call-from-suzannah.html check my main blogs and see posts from last night as well. This post abuse of power Brookfield Deutsche Bank -- who is policing the private police in public spaces? I left John Zuccotti demanding his security wear Brookfield and the individual 's name. This trend must stop. Also watch youtube Norman Siegel a win for Occupy and me, any visitors with signs 60 Wall Street.

[-] 1 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 13 years ago

In the spirit of The Long Now, I think 02011 has been a full and dynamic year. May the year of 02012 be as dynamic and fruitful. Keep learning, keep growing and keep changing.

[-] 1 points by Bighead1883 (285) 13 years ago

How fantastic.When I protested against the Vietnam War and against Apartheid in South Africa I thought winning was possible.Even though the harassment levels were totally vulgar by the Authorities,I still believed that WE would win.AND SO WE DID.Now I see again that the disparity created by the worlds financial criminals on Wall Street is worthy of the same long standing protestation.The surest way of protest besides the daily grind of pressure applied is to make sure that you VOTE in the Federal Election.It is the PEOPLE that ELECT their representatives,so get your act together,prepare Independent candidates,use the social media to the max, because the oligarchy will try to hold itsstatus quo and play every dirty,illegal and underhanded trick possible.If the 99% fail now then the "1984" of George Orwells vision will come to fruition.

[-] 1 points by McE (2) 13 years ago

And thank you OWS for giving me hope. I had begun to think that my opinions and my voice did not matter. I came down to OWS and was met with kindness by all. I had real conversations with people. I listened, people listened to me. It was awe inspiring. Over the past few years, it just seemed that the art of communication had become an exercise in one-up-manship. That is, until I found OWS. And to all those who are disappointed that things have quieted down, don't lose hope. Weather and government made outdoor, overnight occupying difficult but Spring will be here before we know it. Phase 1 was a time to learn, try things out, test the waters. Now is the time to reflect, assess and prepare for Phase 2. Get ready, we are going to change the world in 2012!

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

I agree with you McE that this movement has been very inspiring, and that it is time to move to phase 2 now which should be about reaching out to the majority of people who believe that his country is going in the wrong direction, but seem to have lost hope. We have to give them that hope. We have to share with them what we have learned through doing our own research, networking with each other, and having attendended the many teach-ins that OWS has conducted. There is a lot of pain out there, and we have to tap into it, as many people still don't know what OWS is all about. I know because I live in a conservative suburb.

One of the best ways is writing letters to the editor and avoiding the vitriolic writing that has become so common by the wing nuts. The other way to reach out is to engage people in conversation, and to consider going into the 'belly of the beast' (conservative groups of people), ie. senior groups, clubs, and different organizations and give presentations possibly even with a movie like "Inside Job". Many of these people have been hurt badly by corporate greed and Wall Street's recklessness. and we have to convince them that we need a sea change in the way that our political and financial institutions operate not only for their benefit but for the benefit of their children and grandchildren.

While in Phase 2, we should remember the words of Paul Bryant, "Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself." You are right, "Spring will be here before we know it," and with it will come all the hope that is symbolizes.


[-] 0 points by Verboten (0) 13 years ago

First they came for the 1%'s and I said nothing, then the 5%'s and I said nothing... now they come for the 55%'s and I am one of them. They painted their symbol 1% verboten on the windows... now I must flee before they come for me.

The new Nazi party has started. They have chosen the rich as their enemy to rob and make evil. When do you start with the badges and uniforms? When do you OWS start to paint your symbols on their businesses?

[-] 0 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

What is this, first they came for Hitler?

[-] 0 points by Verboten (0) 13 years ago

I'm sorry you're not able to comprehend this. I'm guessing it's over all OWS heads.

[-] 0 points by Zealwriter (5) 13 years ago

LET NEXT YEAR BE MORE THAN MORE PROTEST BUT ACTION THAT EMPTIES THE OFFICES OF WALL STREET INTO THE HOME BASED BUSINESS CREATING MILLIONAIRES THAT DON'T NEED CORPORATE VOTES TO ALLOW IT!!!! This is still the land of OPPORTUNITY. People sit around puzzled when immigrants come to this country and prosper. There is no magic potion and its not simply tax breaks, it has more to do with mindset. For those that tune their eyes it is obvious the opportunity that we're all surrounded by-perception is everything. There are mechanisms in place where people combine their resources and as they duplicate this process they create WEALTH! These are things that Dems and Repubs lightly touch on, if at all, but it's a proven process for helping people become Financially FREE while in my company people are getting wealthy and healthy at the same time. DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU NEED YOUR WELL BEFORE YOU START TO DIG! Today your job is secure and tomorrow you could get a pink slip but if you build supplemental residual income now it won't matter what your boss does--invest 3-5yrs doing what others won't do and then you'll be positioned to do what they can't do for the rest of your life. Whiners and handout seekers need not bother----- JOIN HERE: http://ceburns.mymonavie.com

Note:This company made a billion dollars faster than Google in just 3 yrs. The company has been around since 2005 and has the strongest surge of growth in its segment of Health and Wellness. Scientifically validated products, all natural and non-duplicatable. CEO recieved Ernst & Young prestigious award two years in a row. Currently in over 20 countries. Debuted in inc500 magazine in 2009 at number 18 (as opposed to Microsoft's debut in 1984 @ #80). Featured on CBS The Doctors, Rachel Ray, The Today Show w/ Kathy Lee, etc.

Simply complain on blogs like this one and be accused of loitering rather than occupying or Join a growing movement and return here to lead others to water! Consumer Networks are the way to go for people to make minimal investments collectively combining resources to generate wealth. The first person that signs on signs up the next under themselves and this process being duplicated over and over is how everyone builds individual wealth collectively.

I've shared this with those in the "Occupy" Movement where if they implemented this with their combined pursuit they all would be independently wealthy or moving rapidly for it due to their astounding numbers but I guess they only want to loiter and not take action.

As a proof!!!! I'M AM GETTING PAID as a result of THIS (ceburns.mymonavie.com) and being proactive to take advantage of the opportunity instead of waiting for the next government program to arrive to create another J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) for me. Real Wealth and Real Health Results. 166 millionaires from this company and counting!!! What decision to take charge of you and your family's future will you decide? BE PROACTIVE and Respond instead of continuing to live REACTIONARY as the rest of the cattle-like population. Whether you JOIN now to have a business write-off in the coming tax year or JOIN in the beginning of Next year to do something NEW for the New Year, Just JOIN for you and your family's new beginning....Or just Ignore it and keep getting what you been getting living at the mercy of someone else to determine your job security and standard of living. [Instructions: Click JOIN and enter information to become a 1099 Independent distributor. Make an initial order of 500 point volume (for product to share with friends{sharp people looking for an opportunity who have the ability to take advantage of the opportunity}. Enroll on "Autoship"{remaining active makes you eligible for commissions}. Personally Sponsor One person for your right team and One person for your left team and then help/encourage each of them to duplicate the same action. Drink it. Feel it. Share it and watch the wealth build residually for you and your family]


[-] 0 points by ellebee48 (2) 13 years ago

i am sending warm thoughts this holiday season to the amazing collection of wise, energetic and right-minded people who are OWS, and the whole Occupy Movement. it is impossible to put into words how proud i am and grateful to share the human race with you all. thank you SO much for everything that you've done since 9.17.11 ... and for all the wonderful achievements you will pursue on behalf of the rest of us, the 99%, in the new year. the best Christmas gift i could ever get is the REAL HOPE that OWS has restored in me. the people united will never be defeated! blessings to you all!

[-] 0 points by fishb8 (62) 13 years ago

Under the video it reads "(This video was passed by consensus through the New York City General Assembly on Tuesday, December 20, 2011.)"

Which in reality means "this video has been censored, edited, and or specifically created to advance OWS slanted vision of the world... "

[-] 0 points by OWSMusic (57) 13 years ago

A song for the banksters on Wall Street... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FM3KR9dEOk

[-] 0 points by marga (82) 13 years ago

People will align in droves and take their natural born rights back. Let logic and reason rule rather then fear and ignorance. OWS you would make our founding fathers proud. They were enlightened people who wanted the best for everybody, each in their own way. They too made mistakes and had their differences, but they always worked things out and so can we. Violence is never the correct answer and should be the last resort. Our country is in a big mess and needs some cleaning up. What are we doing putting none violent offenders and kids in jail while the real criminals walk. Cant people see that a soldier is a hired killer? And we ignorant sick people honor them as heroes. Damn we are sick. We need all the help we can get. There is a damn good reason why colleges don't allow army recruiters on their campus. They don't want their kids to gamble their life's away so some one else can profit from it. Humanity must do a better job in the future or we're all heading for self destruction.



[-] 0 points by rebel9999 (24) 13 years ago

This revolution needs a plan, a direction, a goal! Do you realize that if we were to legally shut down the Wall Street Stock Exhange and Congress until they pass laws, regulations and rules that protect us the people from the financial abuse of the rich class then our revolution would then be a success! We can't just be a sit-in of complainers. Read my web page at www.mybetteramericaplan.com to see ideas on my Current Events section that will show a plan to make this revolution a successs! 2011 will go down in history as the year of revolutions. Let's not let our's be just a sit-in. Let's shut down Wall Street and Congress until we get what we want!!!!!!!!

[-] 0 points by fedupwiththis (6) 13 years ago

What started as a populist protest where all were welcome has become self-serving nonsense. What happened to protesting the banks? This week Congress and the President continued its course of dividing the middle class from the ever growing poor and moved to introduce legislation allowing for cut ui benefits and drug testing of the unemployed on ui. You wouldn't know it here.

If you don't want the police to bother you, don't attack churches. Where do you get off posting a letter from a cop killer?!

Why are local marches ignored in favor of supporting a union only based on its early support of ows? Why are we for sale?

I'm not sure if it is hubris on the part of those in the wall street office and adbusters or infiltration.

The movement that welcomed all now welcomes little except those towing a party line who enjoy screaming about being the 99%.

This movement is no longer reflective of the 99%. The 99% want economic and social reform, not mindless thuggery.

You did a great job of promoting yourselves instead of change. I know adjusters has phases its promoting, but it's at the cost of the movement, which is now dead. Nothing has been accomplished. You betrayed us.

[-] 1 points by zucnei (103) 13 years ago

The movement has become about self referencing the importance of the movement and not about actually doing anything important. The perpetual meetings I have heard at Deutsche Bank, where most of the above vid was shot, have been about internal bureaucratic policies, often with a fair amount of arguing. The model society OWS is trying to build looks massive and unwieldy.

There was a chance for Congress to vote on a millionaire's tax last week - a tax most people support - and if OWS had organized against it something could have actually been done. Instead - people picked a fight with a generally supportive Church and sat in an atrium drinking coffee, ate nonstop (from all of your donations by the way), argued about how to celebrate the holidays, argued about bureaucratic points, decided which politicians to shout down, and those few who were in the park continued to use the surrounding streets as a public toilet, again.

But hey - this is a revolutionary transformative movement and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

[-] 3 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

And that has been the issue from the beginning. They protest the banks instead of the politicians who write the tax laws that allow the banks to get away with paying no US Federal Income Tax ; they protest the banks that give campaign donations instead of the politicians who accept them; they protest verbally against the lobbying done by big business but don't protest the Congress that the lobbyists are influencing....

They are squatting in places that are private property instead of marching on the White House which set the Loan Modification program in motion that was supposed to help 7 - 9 million people keep their homes. Instead of protesting the "feel good but do nothing" modification program - they seek to block access to the banks.

This all comes back to the people we elected to represent us in DC and locally - yet they are protesting those who are only following the rules laid down by those elected persons.

REAL tax reform - not a mixture of regressive (SS and Medicare) and progressive (with so many loopholes in ends up being regressive) is the first step in economic justice...........

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

fedupwiththis Good morning.

I am in agreement with you. Not only have we all been betrayed but NOW we, the real 99% will be expected to pay for their waste of our time and resources. OWS represented a 1% the same as the 1% at the top. They wanted control of the money, the space and us. They not only betrayed us but since they didn't get their way - they will continue to prove that betrayal in the courts. Whether they win or lose, we the true 99% will be left holding the bill - while they move on. We have been paying for their folly since day one and will continue to do for many years to come.

Expect them to kiss up to what they really are with a flood of lawsuits against YOU, the POLICE, the GOVERNMENT and everyone else within the 99% that they betrayed. You have not begun to see the "distribution of wealth" that they were talking about. It will be distributed from your hand into their hands and the hands of their their 1% lawyers. What suckers we are.

You will find out how really serious they were when they file their first lawsuit against just one person or entity within the 1% that was their goal in the first place before they sold out to MONEY and the MOMENT.

[-] 0 points by mikePac (52) 13 years ago

SEIU one of OWS main supporters. scumBags

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

Explain to me, without lying or quoting a faux-news source, why SEIU is bad?

It would be no different if FAMiLY were to support Rick Perry. The Unions will support economic fairness, and the religious right will support religious morality. Nothing particularly shocking about that.

[-] -1 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

SEIU , formerly headed by andy stern, good friend of obama, frequent visitor to the white house. union dues backed 0bama 0bama jobs are union jobs.Conflict of interest?

[-] 2 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

How is that any different than the more-extensive connections between big oil, Koch industries, and Rupert Murdoch and most right-wing candidates? If those connections don't make the candidates nor the corrupters illegitimate, then it has even less of a bearing on SEIU and Occupy.

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

immelt. former head of GE, was an economic advisor to obama. immelt whose compamy owns NBC, house organ for obama.

[-] 2 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

So, you just ran a circular argument. Immelt is bad because he's connected to Obama, and Obama is bad because he's connected to Immelt.. You make little sense.

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

if you can't see what the connections mean, you're dumb enough to be a democrat.

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

"If you don't agree with me that both Immelt and Obama are bad, you're dumb!"

You are being given multiple opportunities to make logical arguments. Make them, or give up.

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

You misquote me. I said,.......................:if you can't see what the connections mean, you're dumb enough to be a democrat". YOU said I said, "If you don't agree with me that both Immelt and Obama are bad, you're dumb!".
Immelt, former head of GE, which owned NBC, MSNBC and other channles , on 0bamas council of economic advisors.

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

General Electric, NBC and MSNBC? The last one might be a bit on the nose, and General Electric has some past issues to make up for, but I fail to see how Immelt's former employment with GE disqualifies him from leading SEIU, or disqualifies SEIU, and in turn OWS.

What you're using is called Ad Hominem Circumstantial. Just because you perceive that someone was wrong or did something wrong before, doesn't mean that they are automatically wrong forever more.

If Bill O'Reilly donated 1 million to Habitat for Humanity, nothing you percieve as nefarious that he did before negates the fact that he just did something good. The same applies to this.

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

Sorry, stern is toxic to the USA so are trumpka and gerard. the msm is havily biased toward the current administration.

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

You again mistake ad hominem for logical argument. It would be one thing to back up the idea that stern, trumpka, an gerard can have a negative effect on the future by referencing the past, but you're generalizing about these leaders, and then projecting it onto their organizations as a whole.

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

Why do you think they're against secret ballots used for union voting? Gerard, more influential in regard to 0bama than any union leader should be. Same with trumpka who called his union ( in a public speech in which 0bama was present and on the podium with) 0bama's army.

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

Again. Not an actual point.

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

It's a big point. With a secret ballot no one knows how you're voting. NO secret ballot and you have voter intimidation.

[-] 0 points by mikePac (52) 13 years ago

This clown as a job czar is a joke but the whole Obama admin is a joke

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

Yes it is !!!!But it's a joke that killing the republic of the United States of America.

[-] 0 points by alnyc2011 (32) 13 years ago

Dear Occupy Wall Street NYC, I'm a daily occupier since the beginning of the movement, there’s drastic changes that we have to look at. To be frank I'm quite unhappy on how things are being run. I talk to allot of you guys that are facilitators of OWS, and most of you guys can't even give me valid information. For instance, when there were tents in Zuccotti Park, you guys had much more weight of energy and momentum, even drummers. Now that's gone because we only allowed it to happen.. because we're not fighting hard enough. There were many facilitators and people in the park that were pro-active and were able to deliver information and updates about the movement aside from the panhandlers.

Different people come from all over the world to Zuccotti Park for inspiration. It was also a place for different individuals to interact and spread ideas on how we can make change for the future. Now keep in reminder, if it weren't for you guys. There wouldn't be any occupation worldwide. I had many people tell me that this movement touched them deeply from the bottom of their hearts. 
And even when the park got raided, there were still massive amount of people holding down the symbolic area of the movement. This shows dedication. Remember when there were over 10,000 people that showed up at the general Assembly after the park got raided? That was also the time the barricades were set up around the park. The police put the barricades there because the Govt felt the movement was growing too rapidly and that shows an instant sign of fear, in order to make a real difference we have to keep up this energy and keep sending these vial energies. The energy that shows we are a serious movement and were fighting for what we believe in. Millions of dollars are being put into the NYPD force. Guess who’s paying for it? and most of the police are being paid to stand around and do nothing. We mind as well give them a reason for them to stand around. Every-time a peaceful protester gets arrested and beaten down, it only makes us stronger. But keep in mind that we also have to play smarter.

It’s not the space that matters, but it’s the fact that thousands of different faces come to that spot every single day and the whole world is watching us. If we can let one person know it’ll do drastic because one supporter can make a major difference. They need our presence. So when people come and try to look for information and interact and no-one seems to be found. How do you think that looks? When most people are sent off to 60 Wall Street for Information, they’re told to go to NYCGA.NET, people didn’t come across the country or states for you to tell them to go to a website, maybe that person is not computer literate and prefer to interact physically, and to me personally that website looks like more of a forum.
 Now I know you have 2 spaces "60 Wall Street" And A office at "52 Broadway". Now what I would think is that allot of you are starting to get way too comfortable, and make excuses for yourself. Just look and open your eyes to the other movements all over the world, people are dying and getting killed for what they believe in. They do not receive the same luxury as we do. 

I think it’s time we need to make some slight improvements. The occupation isn’t at 60 Wall Street. We can start by doing little things by going to Zuccotti Park, going to communities. Interact with many individuals and share information and updates. Even if it’s for only one or two hours a day. Change isn't gonna come by itself.. it's like when you don't ask in life.. you're never gonna get anything.
 Also I’ve been attending allot Spokes counsel meetings and General Assemblies.

Seems like allot of the Spokes counsel meeting.. There are allot of people that have tension against each other. Things don’t get done in time because there is a lot of arguments. We need to discuss about future actions, and not just about who facilitates what and who has the power to do such and such, that's only defeating the purpose. 
Also the website Occupywallst.org needs more work.. It’s effecting allot of us negatively believe it or not. There’s allot of bogus content. Instead of talking about how well the movement is doing and giving credit.

Maybe we can talk about more serious information like the new bill that’s being passed NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act). Let our people know how it can effect this movement and our rights. This movement is still a baby stage. On top of that it was $663 billion dollars to pass this bill. Most of us are aware of these things but we’re watching it fly right by us. And for what? Because we’re not speaking up that means we’re only allowing it.

The latest general assembly was about having a Christmas party on a budget of $7000 and some of the budget is to decorate Zuccotti park? Yet there are people starving and homeless. This is a movement, and this is not what people donate their money for.

We need to do better.

Yes we have allot of supporters, but half of the people don’t even know what’s going on, we’re gaining supporters day by day but we also lost allot of loyal ones.. and we have to keep good energy in order for the people to stay in hope. This movement is still at it’s early stage and there’s so much to progress in. We can’t afford to lose the energy now. We need to get on a serious note and the voices has to be within the people.. not just among the working groups.

I’ve been bringing this subject daily to OWS and feel my voice is being ignored… and I’m sure most agree.

W e need to take action, we need to educate many others through the community on what’s going on…and please don’t compare this movement to Cairo and Syria that is an insult. There’s people dying all over daily just to make a difference.

Remember everyone has to work together.

The real change has to start within you and it’s time we get on a serious note and look at the bigger picture. There allot that needs to be done before we can say we made a change. The whole world is watching and we're still trying to convince individuals to support the movement.. but in order to do so there needs to be some work. We have to find a realistic demand and specific goal we're aiming at.. in order to do so we can start by taking steps such as working with other occupations.

[-] 0 points by Barefootin (33) 13 years ago

Part of your power is being part of a new generation that has created the Information Age. The power of technology, as a world wide communication tool, is one of the most powerful tools ever created on the planet. Since the dawn of smoke signals, man stands alone through the ability of language, communication, expressing ideas, new powerful visions and backed by the actions of large groups dedicated to achieving long-term goals!

OWS and all of the groups around the world, have woken a sleeping giant! Be aware of the incredible, positive power that is in your hands. The power that your blood sweat and tears, over the past several months, has planted seeds that have grown across the nation and around the world. The power to make this world a better place for generations to come!

We are approaching a new year, and with that, will come huge decisions made across America on who will be the next President of the United States. For weeks, the Republicans held "forums" discussing ideas that had little to do with Constitutional issues, but rather more talking head points. Yet one man, has proven through decades of voting in alignment with the Constitution, and against any law that went against the Founding documents of our once great nation, continued to stand his ground against constant ridicule. Now he is at the top of the poles, and again, the power of the Internet, and all of those who have stood their ground, against the Corporate Police, and media mis-information, have the power to move our country back on track to operating under the Constitution instead Big Box Corporations and their greed, working against the people!

Here's a new Social Network site. If you agree that we still have a Constitution, and that one man has stayed the course with his words, with his voting record, never wavering, then spread this new Social Network through your networks. Help it grow and give your voice teeth at the highest level office in our land:


Unify our voices together as We The People are saying enough is enough. Through the Internet, and your passion, we can bring back freedoms that have been taken from us. We can take back our country today and tomorrow. Together - we can do this!

Thank YOU OWS!!!

[-] 1 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 13 years ago

Sorry partner, all the good stuff that Ron Paul has said goes right out the window with the racist crap he said. Stick a fork in him, he's done.

[-] 1 points by Barefootin (33) 13 years ago

If you believe what the Controlled Media is trying to do to throw Paul's campaign off track, then you don't understand the nature of the game. If Ron Paul wins, the Iowa Caucus, it draws attention to his issues, and we can't have people start to read the Constitution, or study the Federal Reserve! That would not fly in a world of the Corporation known as the US, creating more "codes, statutes, regulations" which continually step on the freedoms fought for by the founding fathers.

OWS is addressing foundational issues gone wrong in our society, not about the gossip column. Headline News is about the gossip, and rarely addresses true issues. TV is a mental distraction as more people know who pitches for what team, or the quarter back, or their favorite game show, than they know anything about the Constitution and how our country was founded. Jay Leno and others have proven this over and over when they ask basic questions of people in the street.

So if you're going to ignore Ron Paul's years of voting record, along with his stance on issues held up to Constitutional scrutiny, over media gossip from an issue Ron Paul has denied for years, from writes who had nothing to do with Ron Paul, then you're just not understanding the entire "media distraction game."

Do yourself a favor and research voting records of all the candidates, including Obama, and current videos of town hall meetings of candidates, as that's where you get reality of who's who. You might even question Obama's resume prior to being elected President. Did he ever run a company? How long was he in office? Would you hire him as the CEO of your company based on his resume???

Ron Paul has a long and well established track record!


[-] 0 points by usernameah (36) 13 years ago

I have been visiting this site with lessening frequency... wonder if the apathy bug has gotten to me? OWS doesn't seem to carry the same weight it did when it was still camped out at Zuccotti Park; of course, this could just be a distinctly personal impression. Or perhaps the decreasing attendance at our local OWS site is having a negative impact on me.

[-] 1 points by Julian (57) from St Lucia, QLD 13 years ago

I think that Americans have a short memory, they don't care about things, like the Arabs do and this site got attacked to death by Libertarian cancer.

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

Just wait till the spring, when the election madness starts up. THey will have so many people angry, OWS will come back twice as strong as before.

[-] 1 points by usernameah (36) 13 years ago

I hope so!

[-] -1 points by beatolddog (-1) from Albany, NY 13 years ago

just throwing this out there... how bout instead of occupy wall st we all start to vandalize wall st.. put on a porky pig mask and walk up and spray paint an atm camera... or have an organized grafitti march on wall st and all bank owned properties... but don't stop there... how bout painting pig faces on conspicous wealth... someone make a piggy stencil so i can go lay it on the hood of some bank exec's mercedes... pink looks good on a black background. The point being, camping in public parks isn't scaring wall st... we need to hit them where it counts... in their wallets

[-] -1 points by mee44 (71) 13 years ago

Cairo? WTF!

If you think that's a success, you need to have your head examined.

[-] -2 points by zootsuit (34) 13 years ago

4min 2 seconds "cause of the police that do not get paid enough"

BULL FUCKING SHIT. they get paid $100k+ /yr

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

? Maybe it's different for New York police, but most are salaried at 60k or so a year, equivalent to a long-term nurse or an engineer.

[-] -2 points by timir (183) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

it is enough for you? Money never enough

[+] -5 points by elpinio (213) 13 years ago

YOU comparing yourselves to Cairo and Syria? What a joke.