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We are the 99 percent

Occupiers Launch Hunger Strike to Liberate Outdoor Space

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 8:52 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

On Saturday, December 3, in Liberty Plaza, we—THE OWS HUNGER STRIKERS—began a hunger strike. We are striking to demand outdoor space for a new occupation. We are holding our strike at Duarte Square on Sixth Avenue and Canal Street in Manhattan as part of a continued effort seeking sanctuary on Trinity Church’s unused land.

This is a call for escalation, in response to the escalated levels of government-enacted violence and repression The Occupy Movement has endured over the last few weeks. In dozens of cities across the nation, Mayors chose to stifle freedom of speech and the right to assemble by evicting peaceful occupations using illegal and and unconstitutional force. Here in New York, on the night of November 14, the City—under orders from Mayor Bloomberg—violently evicted our community from Liberty Square.

For our movement to grow we need new, outdoor space. We need to hear the voices of those who for too long have been voiceless. We recognize the long history of hunger strikes as a radical action that has liberated countries, communities and individuals from repression, slavery and injustice. From colonial India to modern Turkey; from the Northern Ireland H-Block cells to Palestinian prisons; from 1970s Cuba to present-day California, hunger strikes have amplified the voices of the oppressed to declare they have been silenced for far too long.

The 99% has been been oppressed and silenced for far too long. Therefore, THE OWS HUNGER STRIKERS are hunger striking to demand the right to create space for The Occupy Movement to rise up and speak out.

You can help by bringing blankets and warm clothes, as well as hot water, lemon, cayenne pepper and maple syrup to Sixth Avenue and Canal Street. We will live there, day and night, until our movement has unfettered access to this space.

More information at: http://www.facebook.com/OWS.HUNGER.STRIKERS



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[-] 8 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 13 years ago

Your doing it for space?!?!?!?! for space?!?!?!?! come on guys smarten up this isn't about space, occupying space is the vehicle not the destination....

[-] 7 points by VTSupportsYou (108) 13 years ago

I am a strong supporter of OWS and this beautiful worldwide movement but I have to agree with oilfield above. A hunger strike is a serious form of protest and you should not be wasting it simply to force someone to provide you with new camping space. The energy that goes into a hunger strike should be utilized elsewhere. Perhaps you could have the hunger strike until banks stop unfair/illegal foreclosures somewhere or something similar. Ghandi did not hunger strike for a strip of land so he could have someplace to sleep. He did so to oust an empire from India.

I'm sorry guys, but this seems childish to me. The strength of this movement has been it's ability to adapt to any given situation. This does not speak to that adaptability. It shows that you are overly focused on location and not the goal at hand; creating change.

Please ladies and gents, shift the focus of the hunger strike elsewhere.


[-] -1 points by Meesa (173) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Agree, VT. If the "space" is supposed to be a meta-message about how the 1% controls "everywhere," that message will no doubt be buried in the immediate human story of three guys sitting on the concrete, wanting to take over Duarte Square. OWS Media Workgroup: you know how the media operates -- it's going to pinch a soundbyte, something like "Hunger strikers demand occupation of Duarte Square!" Imagine / Re-imagine the more powerful headline, "OWS hunger strikers demand to speak with Bank of America CEO."


[-] 3 points by MsStacy (1035) 13 years ago

I agree, here and in Portland and everywhere that evictions have occurred. They've let the government define the agenda. It's now all about where to put our tent. They've gone from the sublime to the ridiculous.

[-] 2 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

Hold your horses Both of you.. oil, VTS,.. think! Without Space, you have no room, no room for the 99% to Occupy... no 'Occupy'!
.. And more than that... It Could be a reminder that 40% of our Citizens are already on a Forced Hunger Strike... no money for food! Now, no space to Protest!

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

freedom to assemble

[-] 2 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

I actually agree with you. This is not an effective way to fight the wealthy. They have my deepest sympathy, but I´d suggest they fill up their stomachs and start organizing; protesting, convincing people, boycotts, and striking. Striking should be one of the main focuses now. Please read my contribution to strategies and tactics http://struggleforfreedom.blogg.no/1321101669_the_transition_phase_.html

[-] 3 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

I'm a mom of a special needs kid, I want to help. I don't need a park. I need a boycott I can afford to participate in so I can watch someone like Monsanto's stock go to hell! You don't need a park to win me over. You don't need to give me a tent or buy me with free food. You do need to stop making me feel stupid for thinking this could actually go somewhere.

[-] 1 points by sometimesyoudont (5) 13 years ago

You want Monsanto's stock to go to hell, huh? Well, when that happens it will affect not the people at the top but the millions of common people that own small blocks of the stock and the common people that work at the business. Is this not somehting that you people understand? Corporations are not owned by the CEOs locked away in a paneled room counting their gold and twisting their mustaches. Corporations are owned by the public.

[-] 1 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

Hunger strikes are serious. Try it. Anyone that thinks they can profit by owning Monsanto stock long term better think again. It's hype that they can monopolize the world food supply. Their days are numbered and farmers are already nervous that people, (and their families), don't want to eat their produce. I think I'll Fed Ex supper. Monsanto Die-It.

[-] 1 points by BTKcongress (149) 13 years ago

many companies are not public (though monsanto is public). roughly 50% are owned by the 1% directly--think yuengling beer, or dogfish head; 30% are owned by small business owners part of the 99%, think of the gas station; and 20% are indeed public.

[-] 1 points by rebeldeone (2) 13 years ago

i think this whole convo is irrelevant, we're trying to destroy a system which uses abstract-value, money, to enslave, exploit, and oppress people. we're trying to alleviate the disease of this unsustainable system of capitalism, not just relive the symptoms.

[-] 1 points by jahpunk (1) 13 years ago

blooomberg said space, or rather the occupation, is not the same as speech, and therefore can be curtailed. i disagree. it is the ONLY voice we have at this point. and like a voice, it needs a space and place to speak. so yes, it is merely the vehicle. but i am so moved and heartened by this hunger strike, because these men see the seriousness of the occupiers evictions by the governments. if we cannot even use public space to fight and have a political voice, we truly have lost our voice as "we the people"

[-] 2 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 13 years ago

I personal think it sends a greater message to just occupy that space anyways and get arrested then to protest for a place to protest, seems kinda curtailed to me




[-] -1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

You don't get it! 1% owns and controls 99% of the space! 1% dictate to the legislators( that they buy into their indentured servants through our corrupting campaign finance laws) how space can be used and demand that their preferences be written into law!

[-] 2 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

Who owns this space? It isn't owned by some large corporation in the 1%.... it's owned by Trinity Church.... try again.

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

The American churches are among the most responsible for the gross economic, social and political inequity that abounds in our world today. They eagerly participated in stripping the American Indians of their spiritual practices, participated in trampling their rights to self determination and did all that was necessary for the wealthy of our country to strip the Indians of their territories for the entitled class's personal enrichment. What else did the Anglo churches of our country do? They enabled slavery and enslavement. When you teach each generation of the 99% that their sole path to good fortune is hard work and you know that in a system that is rigged to benefit the 1% hard work will only enable most people to subsist and survive. They sat on the lie that the wealthy class earned their wealth. No hedge fund manager or corporate executive earn their wealth. They legally steal the wealth create with the labor of the working class-the 99% Our Constitution does not protect the rights of working individuals or small land owners. Our Constitution was written to protect the entitled class. This injustice is the end result of the application of the US Constitution by the wealthy for the wealthy. Everything that the working people in America have won for their rights had to be claimed through blood shed. Know your history. If as you say the streets and parks grant free access to those who wish to use it why such a brutal police crackdown each time American citizens have gathered in public space to call for redress of this gross Injustice. Know your history!

[-] 2 points by nich (57) 13 years ago

Excellent recap, Unionization involved bloodshed and sacrifice in the thirties. The civil rights movement, while peaceful, reacted to years of Jim Crow lynchings. Vietnam war protests were against the destruction and wanton bloodshed. It is important to take the moral high ground and the context in which this is taking place. About space you all have been saying. That is a gross misunderstanding of what it will take to budge the 1%. They would like nothing more that no one challenge the status quo. A space to protest is a big deal if this is actually going to be a democracy or the Republic of Corporate America. I personally hope these protesters do not die but this type of thing is bound to happen to happen. You can be peaceful and to be so, you must be really strong.

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

This is in fact what Occupy is exposing: that all space is controlled. There is no public space within which to develop and mount a campaign for the redress of economic, social and political Injustice in our country. The public space that is supposedly designated for public use is 100% packaged with laws and ordinances resulting in the very denial of the function to gather for the redress of grievances.


[+] -6 points by Steakandlobsterdinner (-12) 13 years ago

Bed bugs are elusive and usually nocturnal, which can make them hard to spot. They often lodge unnoticed in dark crevices, and eggs can be nestled in fabric seams. Aside from bite symptoms, signs include fecal spots, blood smears on sheets, and molts. Bed bugs can be found singly, but often congregate once established. They usually remain close to hosts, commonly in or near beds or couches. Harborage areas can vary greatly, however, including luggage, vehicles, furniture and bedside clutter. Bed bugs may also nest near animals that have nested within a dwelling, such as bats, birds,[40] or rodents. The eggs of bed bugs are found in similar places where the bed bugs themselves are found, and are attached to surfaces by a sticky substance. Attractant devices for detection use heat and/or carbon dioxide.[21][non-primary source needed]

Bed bug detection dog in New York Bed bugs can be detected by their characteristic smell of cilantro, coriander, almonds or over-ripe raspberries. Bed bug detection dogs are trained to pinpoint infestations, with a possible accuracy rate of 97.5%, based upon tests conducted under controlled conditions by researchers.[11][41] The success rates in these tests may not reflect real world success rates of a pest companies’ dogs, operating with many more variables in the field.[42] Dog detection can often occur in minutes where a pest control practitioner might need an hour. In the United States, about 100 dogs are used to find bed bugs as of mid-2009.[43] A few companies are experimenting with high speed gas chromatography to detect bed bugs and other insect vermin.

[-] 4 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

...That is very intriguing, but what the hell does that have to do with this?

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

It's a comment copied from Wikipedia. The poster has note removed the footer not indications like [11][41].

[-] 1 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I gathered that, I just cannot fathom how this follows any coherent line of logic.


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

It could be a spam bot.

[-] 0 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

Meanning you are tthe bed bbug obviously...by now you are probably crushed!

[-] 6 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

Guys, my god, if you're going to do a hunger strike at least aim higher for your goal. You're making the biggest sacrifice, which is to jeopardize your health so give your goal as much weight as this hunger strike. As far as hunger striking for space, why?, if you want space just bloody take it.

[-] 0 points by radicalhumility (56) 13 years ago

Like above you, they have cleansing tools. They know what up. We're talking a GOOD number of days is quite doable. Our masses don't usually know the implications of serious master fasting. Kick in the cayenne homies!

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

Yes, I know they are doing the master cleanser fast, my husband does this at least once a year going for 20-25 days fasting, but it is still a risk if one isn't fully away of physical deficiencies that they have.

[-] 4 points by perry151 (4) 13 years ago

The police arrested the hunger strikers in the early afternoon Sunday 12/4 I went there to give them some lemons and a warm hat but they were gone as of about 2 pm. It was enlightening when I asked a police officer there if he could tell me why they had been arrested and he became rather nervous (I look like a business man I'm 59) and he said "I don't know" I Asked him if he knew what the charges were and he shrugged his shoulders and said no in an uncomfortable way as if to say please don't ask me I am not anyone I'm just an officer doing my duty. It really hit home that the one's who cary out the orders are really decent people who are caught in the middle. A guy with a family who chose to be a police officer and he cannot question what he is told to do. This is the metaphor that leads to the solution. It is literally millions of people who are 'carrying out' the orders and in reality no one is even giving orders, it is a structural effect of the way society has been built with a few people who have accumulated wealth and power without really understanding the true effects of that wealth or power. OWS is simply making that wealth and power disappear by stopping acknowledging it. At first it may seem trivial like people are thinking "so what can that do?" But they are missing the fact that reality had been altered. That fact is beyond important it is a revolution of consciousness. So anyone who goes out or even stays home and thinks that the system is not working and that it is time to transform things by their own actions are taking a huge step to making it happen. The most crucial thing is to keep at it in whatever way one can. It's important to allow anyone who wishes to express their personal views about the issues in their own way and for others with similar views to be supportive. It will not further anyone to comment on why something a OWS person(s) did is not 'good' or 'effective' I'd suggest you go out and do what you feel is needed and let others do what they feel. Unity is far more important than specific politics. Politics is over and so OWS I would hope will not use it's tactics and the prime tactic of politics is to deflect your own reality but causing focus to shift to someone else. As the saying goes Peace Love and All That Good Stuff

[-] 2 points by nich (57) 13 years ago

Well said.

In the beginning of the movement, I felt that the people who got it and who didn't get it was pretty clear. This next step is a challenge to that concept. Obviously, there seems to be a winnowing based on rationalizations that the 1% are familiar with.

That means that you don't 'get it'. Live with it or try to figure it out.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

There are no innocent bystanders. In the Nuremberg trials many prisoners in the death camps were given guard duty and were forced to participate in the oppression of their fellow inmates. Though they were carrying out orders under threat of death they were still found guilty by the court and executed. The Police officers are first and foremost human beings who have moral and ethical obligations. Following orders blindly has been proclaimed a crime by the Nuremberg court as well as the International Criminal Court.

[-] 1 points by ediblescape (235) 13 years ago

Do not let the police send them to a mental hospital where is worse than jial.

[-] 3 points by ows999 (19) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street Begins Hunger Strike


Demonstrators with Occupy Wall Street began a hunger strike today, demanding an outdoor space by a New York City church for a new occupation two weeks after being evicted from their encampment nearby.

Protesters said they are seeking sanctuary on a vacant lot owned by Trinity Church, which is located at the intersection of Wall Street and Broadway.

“The is a chance for Trinity to definitely decide whether they’re a church or real estate company,” protester Diego Ibanez said.

The strike will be held at Duarte Square on Sixth Avenue and Canal Street in lower Manhattan, and the protest organizers said the hunger strike would be continued in jail if demonstrators are arrested.

“If we do get arrested, which seems most likely like we will be, we will continue the strike in jail,” Ibanez said.

The weather has changed since Occupy Wall Street began its activities on Sept. 17, but Ibanez said he and other hunger strikers are prepared for the winter weather.

“Definitely cold, it’s getting a lot colder lately, but I’m wearing a bunch of layers, that’s like for sure,” he said.

The New York Occupy protesters said they hope that other Occupy groups around the country that have been forced out of their encampments will join them in the hunger strike, to make that a national movement as well.

“We’re definitely going to call for more people to join us throughout the week, with solidarity hunger strikes,” Ibanez said.

According to the statement from occupywallstreet.org, the hunger strike is not only about getting a new site for the demonstrators, but about keeping the movement alive in the face of “government-enacted violence and repression.”

“I am definitely worried about being hungry and being sick, that’s definitely crossing my mind but I am more worried about people being apathetic,” Ibanez said.

[-] 3 points by GreenIguana (36) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Trinity Church is a private organization that has helped the movement. I don't think attacking Trinity Church is either effective or moral.

[-] 2 points by brookann55 (4) 13 years ago

Specifically how has Trinity helped the movement? Allowing Charlotte's Place to be used for a few hours Monday through Friday? Dressing up in vestments and standing behind occupiers for photo ops to make it appear as if they support the movement? Trinity has resources like a kitchen, television studio, bathrooms, and two floors dedicated to manage their enormous real estate holdings.

Trinity, incidentally, is a frickin' CHURCH. Those on staff who are ordained - who get very handsome salaries incidentally and benefits - made vows to uphold the Gospel. Those who are not ordained have baptismal vows. "Not moral" ? What about the morality of owning millions in real estate and not making any of it affordable housing?

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

How is what Trinity Church has done to support the movement any different than all the celebs that have schlepped down to Zuccotti Park for their photo ops? I'm sure there are some rich celebrities that own property in NYC..... why not go after them as well?

[-] 3 points by ZuluWarrior (2) from Gainesville, FL 13 years ago

Public property is first come first served, "tiger999". You need to find something better to do with your time, coming on this website to call the occupiers immature? When its time to defend this country it is the youth that die in the fields of battle, so when its time to change this country I think they have the right to show us how.

[-] 2 points by wintersiroco (10) 13 years ago

I hope that Trinity Church disregards the request or the movement would be hosted after begging. I would be very concerned about being hosted by a religious institution that, furthermore, is the 0.1%, one of the largest landowners in Manhattan http://www.trinitywallstreet.org/about/real-estate. No intention to offend any religious and spiritual activists with whom I disagree in many ways, but you should respect those of us who do not believe in spirits. Self-inflicted harm is not a good tactic. Jesus would occupy the church without asking for permission.

[-] 0 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Well, go do it!

[-] 0 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

I agree. Not to mention the young have to inherit this mess of a world and they'll have to figure out a way to reorder society and economies, creating livlihoods for themselves in the long run so if I were them I'd be rioting in the streets right about now.

[-] -2 points by tigger999 (20) 13 years ago

i'm not talking about a one time use of public property i'm talking about taking it over so other can't use it and that the laws being broken in many cases and why cities are removing occupiers

i think i have a right to call them immature, they remind me of my children when they were very young and didn't get their way of course temper tantrums didn't work for them and shouldn't work here either don't even try and tell me about who defends this country my family has served in the military since WW2 youth always thinks it has the answer to everything it's amazing how the older i got the smarter my father became

[-] 6 points by nonDirty (8) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Those guys don't look to me like they are throwing temper tantrums.

To me, they look like they have thought this out and are calmly demonstrating how much this means to them. Such drastic action to be heard causes me to take a minute to think about how they must feel and why they might think that way.

Women had no right to vote or to demand the right to vote and yet they demanded it anyways. Perhaps private property laws which have been exploited by banks to evict so many and cause so much needless suffering deserve to be re-examined against our values as opposed to other rules and laws.

[-] 0 points by tigger999 (20) 13 years ago

a tantrum can be anything from whinning, yelling to just being stubborn and better know to most parents as "if i don't get my way i will filling in the blank"

if ows really wants to do some good then get out of the parks and streets and move your tails to protest congress, they make the laws. make them listen to you instead of the banks, unions and corp.

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

The majority of our legislators in Congress are the indentured servants of the 1% who financed their election campaigns. The OWS are doing exactly what needs to be done: Occupy SPACE. The 1% of this country own 99% of the SPACE and thus the resources. Until we change our campaign finance laws to exclusive public finance, the bought and paid for Legislators will change NOTHING!

[-] 1 points by nich (57) 13 years ago

tigger, when ows began, most people did not 'get it'. The movement is changing, this is part of the change and these are not children. Look inside, how far are you wiling to go in a peaceful way and see if there is a way you can 'get it'..

[-] 0 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

There is a political movement starting simultaneously: https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

These people will protest in their way, and you can go join the 99percentdeclaration and protest your way.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

You just don't get the core of the issue! When the 1% control 99% of the countries wealth that also means SPACE. Occupation of space is essential to draw into public focus how engulfing the control by the 1% of our country is: They own 99% of the space and thus the resources, forcing the 99% to compete for the 1% of space and resources remaining. The country has been hijacked by the 1%.

[-] 3 points by MsStacy (1035) 13 years ago

Have any hunger strikes other then Gandhi's ever worked? Gandhi was a national icon before he did his hunger strikes and was loved by the people. It might help if these three strikers were made better known, personalized so people could connect with them.

[-] 2 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

Yes, my husband did a hunger strike in British Columbia, Canada, back in the 80's and was instrumental in bringing down a conservative government. His hunger strike lasted 60 days.

[-] 1 points by MsStacy (1035) 13 years ago

I suppose with other action they can play a role. Maybe it's the side show nature of this one that bothers me. A demand for park space seems like the kind of bone government can toss to the protestors. It also isn't much of a demand for the movement in general.

A nice hunger strike for campaign reform, or some form of foreclosure protection made in Washington would seem more inspiring then asking for your park back.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

So which one of these are you going on a hunger strike for?

[-] 1 points by MsStacy (1035) 13 years ago

Neither one, my preferred method would be to take this national movement and nominate people from within it to run for congress. I see OWS becoming a force with lobbying ability similar to my own union or the NAACP, AARP, NRA, environmental groups. To make change happen.

[-] 0 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

I agree, there demands seem willy nilly. I really feel they need to express their convictions through making a much more significant demand, sort of like what you are proposing, like a moratorium on foreclosures or something that will make a difference to the true 99% of the entire country.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

So what are you willing to commit to doing besides telling other people what they should or should not do. Sideline critics don't make changes.

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

That's true, anyone can criticize the doer's. The point I am trying to make here is if they are going to go to the trouble of fasting to make a stand for something they want, why don't they ask for what they really want? Is a place for the occupiers to squat really all they want? Listening to their general assemblies, I think not. The best I can do now is to make donations when I can considering both my husband and I are unemployed and hanging by a thread. The other way we support this movement is by living simply and trying to create a self sustaining existence growing food for ourselves and the community.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Talk does not lead to action. Choice does. Action begets action. These young men have decided to act to generate action. There is nothing unworthy in their choice or commitment. Churches traditionally where suppose to provide save haven for those who are hunted or denied the exercise of their rights. This Church has failed to stand up and get involved in correcting the social injustice of our time. By withholding the vacant space they are affirming the status quo. This is unethical and hypocritical. These young men have the courage to call this church out on it's hypocrisy. It is not about a place to squat. It is about a place and space within which people can peaceably assemble to proceed to structure a strategy for the changes that can be born from many divergent inputs.

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

This particular church may be having problems of their own that the public is unaware of. Maybe they are doing what is in their best interest at the moment, who knows? But why focus on this church? Maybe someone else will come up with a space where these guys can assemble to strategize. While we all can't be down in NYC taking action because of personal circumstances, we all can certainly take action in our own communities and I believe that is what is happening.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

If you reread the original post on why Trinity it may shed more light on it for you. It could be a significant site for the local groups having to do with homelessness and low income housing. Local movements around the country are the Key.


[-] 2 points by AaronKB (2) 13 years ago

All these complaining comments are a little ridiculous. There are plenty more protesters who can do larger hunger strikes for bigger things; if these guys want to do a hunger strike because the government has violently abridged our right to freedom of assembly, good for them! I also think that at this point doing a hunger strike for something like greed in the financial system would be premature; the movement should gain more momentum first. It would be dangerous and short-sighted to do a hunger strike for something that could last for years. So to the 3 striking for the first amendment: good work, keep it up! Cheers.

[-] 2 points by therestofus (40) from Estancia, NM 13 years ago

These three men are brave. I support them and thank them for having the courage to make a stand for what they believe in. Those who disparage them only expose their own fear, ignorance and cowardice. And , yes, what they do does make a difference. Their story will go round the world and give hope to others who are engaged in peaceful change. Bless and keep them safe.

[-] 2 points by ows999 (19) 13 years ago

Update: Occupy Wall Street Launches Hunger Strike Against Trinity Church; Demands Use of Vacant Lot


Update: The New York Observer received a correspondence from a spokesperson on behalf of Trinity Wall Street. The letter is posted below the original article.

While Midtown is teeming with jugglers and puppeteers for its Occupy Broadway debut, another, less festive demonstration is going on downtown. In an effort to convince Trinity Wall Street, an Episcopal church downtown, to let Occupy Wall Streeters use a vacant area of land it owns on Canal and Sixth Avenue, the protesters are going on a hunger strike.

From the OWS press release:

New York City—On Saturday, December 3, in Liberty Plaza, we—THE OWS HUNGER STRIKERS—will begin a hunger strike. We are striking to demand outdoor space for a new occupation. We will hold our strike, for its duration, outside at Duarte Square on Sixth Avenue and Canal Street in Manhattan as part of a continued effort seeking sanctuary on Trinity Wall Street’s unused and vacant lot of land. Should we be arrested, we will continue the strike in jail. We are calling on Occupiers across the nation to join us.

This is a call for escalation in response to the escalated levels of government-enacted violence and repression The Occupy Movement has endured over the last few weeks. In cities across the nation, Mayors chose to stifle freedom of speech and the right to assemble by evicting peaceful occupations using illegal and unconstitutional force. Here in NYC, in the middle of the night on November 14, billionaire Mayor Bloomberg used the NYPD to illicitly evict our community from Liberty Square.

[-] 2 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 13 years ago

Occupy "The Commons". Keep Changing. Keep Learning. Fair-ness.

[-] 2 points by freecorvus (22) 13 years ago

My friends we are facing a serious human rights issue and we should documented it and take to attention of the United Nation Human Rights Council. We should run "One Million Signatures Campaign" all around the country and send it to the UN Secretary General. We should also start to put international pressure on the government to force them step back. UN should condemns Government's abuses of power. We must move smart and beat the bully by bully.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

Please elaborate on what you see as a serious human rights issue here.

And taking it to the UN to have it condemn Government's abuses of power? Are you kidding? They really help the protesters in Iran didn't they? The UN is a joke.

[-] 2 points by freecorvus (22) 13 years ago

I am not accusing you, but it seems you're following news on Foxnews or your mentality somehow shaped, connected and/or is cooperating with the government or your purpose and meaning of human being is different than us. I mean those 0.01% "US" meaning of the human rights and definitions of human being is different than 99.99% "us" and I call it "US" war on "us". I am so sorry that you see these evidences how these criminals in Police uniform treat US citizens whom are feeding their family with their taxes and you still asking for evidences, watch these:




I have to mention, I have been kidnapped by intelligence officer Herman Yan SH*878, 1 Police Plaza (http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/images/pr/pr_2009_026_yan.jpg) in lower Manhattan and what he didn't do to me was taking out his sword and cutting off my head same as Al Qaeda. A friend of mine is working with intelligence department and he told me their plan is "Dropping Crime" between protesters to have ground to even shoot them! same as what US military has done in Iraq and Afghanistan.

(watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioIRsLSG9gg)

I don't know why are you comparing OWS with Iran's post election situation!? You can compare it with Bush fraud election winning in 2001 however Iran's election wasn't fraud according to US ref. polls. Iranian authorities called to all people whom was victim of brutality and compensated their losses, but what Dictator Bloomberg says is same as what Qaddafi said before: I have my own Army and protesters are worthless and criminals! I am agree with you that UN is a joke, because if we take the issue even to its highest council, security council, then US will veto it! This is the real joke, but we should tell this bitter joke to the world.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

So by one statement you conclude that I am a Fox news viewer? My how talented..... too bad you are wrong. You also assumed that I "see these evidences how these criminals in Police uniform treat US citizens whom are feeding their family with their taxes and you still asking for evidences" I only asked what YOU saw as violation of human rights here, as people seem to each have their own ideas of what those violations are.

And I have seen all of those links you posted. I remain unimpressed....

Btw... your link to the yan.jpg does not exist..... AND Herman Yan from what I can discover is not an Intelligence officer... he is a Detective for the NYPD... ... and if your "friend" who is working with the "intelligence department" knows all this why isn't he blowing the whistle on these "dropping Crimes"...

I think you have gone down the Rabbit Hole once too many time...

[-] 1 points by freecorvus (22) 13 years ago

No, you are wrong and your data are out dated.

Herman Yan ( http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/images/pr/pr_2009_026_yan.jpg ) was a Detective of precinct 71 Brooklyn in 2007 as my friend checked his profile on intelligence division. My lawyer found, when he got shot by a driver (during harassing a driver in Brooklyn) he went under several surgery and he's suffering a brain damage due to long term surgery operations (All are in his medical records and I have them). He got promoted and moved to Intelligence Department after this incident happened! I sued him twice in 2009 and Intelligence division was carrying his case (These are some ref# : IAB 200918397, IAB LOG #: 09-60015, OCD 200910628, OCD 200919187, 2009-PL-5625 / 2009-PL-4537 / 2009-PL-5782 and I can't give more info due to court order and confidentiality of the case.) Division notified me that he is under serious condition I stopped pursuing the case till he get back on his feet, but I will reopen the case again. I also caught him when he was installing spy camera inside my lawyer office during a set up meeting (abuse of power and case is open at ACLU). They got pissed off when I find Division hacked my e-mail, cell phone and facebook! I made strong case against him and Intelligence Department.

My friend can't blow the whistle because he will get several charges same as Bradley Manning and he will face to long term jail. But he has plan to leak his evidences to International Independent Organizations out side the US anonymously and he started to do.

Again you are wrong, I never gone the rabbit hole I have Top Security Clearance and just last week Federal Government approved it.

I also sent your suggestion to my friend he said, this is exactly what Intelligence Department wants. He blows the whistle and they find him. this is not a smart move.

My suggestion to you is: watch "Damages" series. It's good for understanding "Internal Black Water groups" and having a clue on corruption in US Intelligence and government. let me tell you something friendly, one of the official requirements of intelligence department personnel is: "never cooperated with any Human Rights or Civil Liberty Organizations!"

Watch yourself, informants are all around and they monitor this website, my friend said to me!

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

How did get this man's medical records? Unless he signed a release you have no right to those.

You have " Top Security Clarence"?? btw it's spelled clearance.

I think you need some serious mental health help.......you sound just a tad bit paranoid....

[-] 1 points by freecorvus (22) 13 years ago

I am trying to be nice with you but seems you are just acting as an ignorant informant that need VERY serious treatment by going to Mental Health Facilities for a while. I am not answering you any more. Do not waste my time. Do your monitoring job and get paid. Also tell him he is not a man, because a "Man" never pepper spray on a woman or run over the people by NYPD's motorcycle or kidnap residents with official government vehicle!

[-] 2 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

Gee.....you discovered my secret I am a paid informant assigned to monitor you..... I'll be sure to give him your message.

Better keep your shades pulled.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

I can guarantee you that the FBI is monitoring the entire internet not just this site! It's all about Homeland Security for the 1%.

[-] 1 points by freecorvus (22) 13 years ago

I am agree with you, FBI and NSA are doing such violation of Civil and Human Rights Internationally, but Hillary Clinton just said during CNAS opening ceremony: When we get caught It's shameful!

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Use of unnecessary force against protesters: beating them, pepper spraying them, throwing them to the ground, use of stun grenades and tear gas on people assembled for the redress of grievances. Brutal physical force is used against them to bar them from exercising their Constitutional Rights, The UN is not a joke: The US has neutered the power of the UN and holds it on a leash.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I do not agree with unnecessary force from police either. But when viewing many of the video clips of the what happened in the removal of the protesters I do not find but a few instances of that.

We must remember that when we protest and do so with civil disobedience we have to expect a push back. Block roadways, impeding others etc.... is not a proper assemblage for redress of grievances. What the authorities have done is not "brutal physical force", what has happened in Egypt and Iran is

I am not telling you I am in agreement with what the police did, but I am saying that exaggerating their actions, which it is in many peoples eyes, does us no favors and garners us no support from people who have not yet joined the OWS.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Not in all cases did the police use unnecessary force - just in the majority. There is a ton of footage on you tube. Even outside the protest movement police brutality against civilians has been on an exponential rise. This is now documented with personal cameras. There is no exaggeration! Support should not be won by downplaying police violence and abuse of power and authority.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I didn't say to down play anything..... And some of it is exaggeration...report it truthfully is what I'm saying.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

I did misunderstand you. I am 100 % for truthful reporting. Exaggeration, embellishment and any other forms of distortion hurt us all!

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

Agreed! Thank you. :)

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

I would prefer to see a hunger strike against the millions of people needing food stamps to supplement their survival from week to week in the wealthiest nation in the world. This message of hunger striking for liberating outdoor space just doesn't resonate with me.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Would you be willing to go on a hunger strike for the millions of people needing food assistance just to survive? From your statement it sounds like you would prefer that someone else do the hunger strike, just not you! Well these young men believe enough it what they consider to be important to go on a hunger strike.

Your down grading of their cause exposes how superficial your understanding of the dire injustice in our country is: It is all about Space. Today the 1% control 99% of the space in our country. They own our legislators. They own our financial system. They own our economy, they own our military. The entire country is now in their service. This is why we have millions of people in America falling into the ranks of those who live subsistence lives. Wages for working Americans have not just been stagnating they have been decreasing while the cost of living keeps rising. The CEO and executive pay and bonuses continue to rise exponentially as working peoples wages fall. In the Social services sector they know that by the time families and individuals come to them for aid they have exhausted every other means including living off their credit cards. The 1% have become wealth predators and our turning our country into a Police State to protect their control over their access to the wealth the working people create. The OWS recognized from the beginning that what is needed most is the space for the citizenry to gather and deliberate and create the process for meaningful change instead of focusing on electing new individuals to put into a corrupt machinery called our government. They recognize that without a massive national and international movement this system of wealth extortion will not budge. These young men are wise. Here is what the 1% allocate our tax dollars to pay for: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/06/wikileaks-iraq-war-logs-e_n_1131638.html

I offer this with the hope that you will have the courage to look at this map of death!

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

I apologize. I was wrong. It is hypocritical and superficial for me to unfairly judge these young men from afar. I hope my apology is taken sincerely and that these young men can know I do admire and support them for acting bravely and passionately for a cause they believe in.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Thank You for caring!

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

Thanks for accepting my apology. stay well friend.

[-] 1 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

right and think about the millions of other reasons hunger strikes could be worthy...all in good time, these three young men made a decision and they are following through for there reason... I will join u in urs will u join me in mine?

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

I went back and read the article above.

"For our movement to grow we need new, outdoor space."

"We need to hear the voices of those who for too long have been voiceless."

If they had made the latter message more central to the reason for going on hunger strike more people would get it, because I and plenty others share that sentiment and feel voiceless. I will not join in all la di la di la for messages that don't get to the heart of the matter and come across as a selfish tirade about space. If you want this movement to grow at all, people better pay attention to how the message is coming across to the rest of the nation who want to support this movement, but can't get what the ** it's all about.

[-] 1 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

this movement is about self-fishness...for to long we have not cared enough...caring for my children turns my intentions inward but at the same tome the end result is good for all

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

I thought about what you're saying and I really tried to see things your way, but I still disagree. This movement is against selfishness and greed. It's a cry against the selfish people at the top of the wealth chain who've rigged the system so that very few have real opportunities any more.

<A mother who cares for her children is displaying the opposite of selfishness, she is putting her children's needs before her own selfish needs.>

To say this is a movement of selfishness plays in perfect concert with the chief critics of this movement - a bunch of lazy, selfish kids wanting handouts.

Hope you can see where I'm coming from. I'm trying to offer constructive criticism so more people will support the movement.

[-] 1 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

no there are degrees of selfishness, that you are not bringing into account... A healthy community = healthy citizens, correct? so how does one be a positive part a community? being a healthy individual...so the idea is individual self interest carries society...problem being our selfishness has been misdirected towards things and money and not how to live well with the land and its inhabitants... What the other people say doesnt matter right now, it is about doing...and these young men can not be denied that they are doing...they have already received nation-wide attention, have they not? We initial thoughts of the lost are, just doesnt matter, now we need to just show the political action is the option...be faithful, carry hope, feed this and that group positive energy, find the good in all...and you will help this movment greater! OOO...from my place to yours

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Individual self interest has never brought benefits to a community. It is "responsible self care with harm to none" that makes the good possible for all. Responsible self care has nothing to do with selfishness or any degree of it. Words do matter. Selfishness means: just for me with disregard for the consequences it has on others. There is no good in selfishness.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

what the other people say doesn't matter? really? I got news for you; I am other people and I assure you that I do matter. I won't waste any more of my time offering my views, seeing as how they don't matter anyway. <have a good life>

[-] 1 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

find room in ur heart...find room in the movement...XOXO

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

find some objectivity. step back and look at the big picture. ows cannot be above constructive criticism or it will be viewed as immature. you don't have to take my words to heart, and you're welcome to disagree, but it is unwise to tell me or any of the other 99% that we don't matter. my heart is fine, I'm with you, it's my head that is bent out of shape by some of the things ows does.

[-] 1 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

I most certainly never said u dont matter...BUT if I as a citizen find room to fight for something I do not need the permission of the 99% to do so...only my fervor for my cause can unite your opinion to mine...say these boys get to 2 or 3 weeks people will start to care...dont u think...nothin but love for you and yours

[-] 1 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

dont grow to tired fighting for the right kinda movement...just imbrace movement of all colors, shapes and sizes

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

”A lot of people tried to paint this movement as not unified and we do not have a cohesive message, but as far as I can see we have one message and it is corporate greed and we are not standing for it anymore,” she declared. “No matter what your sign says, it all stems from the same source and that is corporate greed running amok.”


This simple message is what drew me to this movement. This message is the right kinda movement to unite a broad spectrum of people around. liberating space is a nice gesture, I suppose, but it seems so far away from the message of "We Are The 99%" - get rid of corruption. Don't worry, I got a ton of fight left in me. <3 to you and yours too.

[-] 1 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

but how does corporate greed get that power...we give it by reliquishing the power within...please read http://deoxy.org/memelex.htm and http://deoxy.org/gaia/forests.htm

[-] 2 points by cednie (6) 13 years ago

Space is a big issue. This is about space. My sister lives in Delaware and she told me there is no public space in Delaware. NO PUBLIC SPACE! I was shocked. Everything has been privatized.

[-] 2 points by Justice4all (133) 13 years ago

For those wishing to be enlightened with the REAL TRUTH, I've just uncovered exerpts from Bill O Reillys next book going to be titled either a)Why my mohter did'nt abort me, or b) The SS and other thoughts I pleasure myself with. Turns out Joseph Stalin bombed Pearl Harbor in 1919, only 5 years after Lincoln died heart failure and a mere 2 days after the Titanic was sunk by a German U Boat off the coast of Zimbabwe. My school lied to me about the real truth. Thank you Mr. O Reilly for informing me about the real history of the world!! I love the No Spin Zone!!! Its where the real truth lives!!


[-] 2 points by yoss33 (269) 13 years ago

These guys have my support. I am also in support of testing hunger strikes towards other things, or in other ways involved with Occupy. I am not well versed enough on the intricacies of how a hunger strike is supposed to work, but will be interested to see how this one turns out.

I recently went about 40 or more hours without any food, (voluntarily i should add, just wasn't that hungry and it was sort of a fast also i guess) and it was not as bad as i thought it would be. Drink lots of water haha.

Anyways, good luck with it and Godspeed.

[-] 2 points by alison1879 (1) 13 years ago

I hope more OWS's rally around these three guys who are willing to step up and put so much on the line in their belief that the group needs a space to gather and protest together.


[-] 2 points by burke7 (8) 13 years ago

respect to the max

[-] 2 points by OccupyFemway (1) 13 years ago

This is not good and not healthy! There is nothing the crooks on Wall Street and in our political system would like to see more than occupy protesters dying. Even better if they don't have to get their hands dirtier...

[-] 2 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Be well, brave young men. We can't let you be ignored.

[-] 1 points by HannyUsh (1) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

is this still happening

[-] 1 points by hardworkerjake (4) from Weehawken, NJ 13 years ago

Get off your lazy, sorry ass and get a job you fucking government freeloaders

[-] 1 points by ecos (2) 13 years ago

Good old Darwin strikes again.

[-] 1 points by ecos (2) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by rebeldeone (2) 13 years ago

You think the 1% would care if these guys die of starvation, they kill people everyday, whether indirectly or not. You people asking for the grandiose things right off the bat are unreasonble, gandhi didn't oust britain from india with solely a hunger strike, nor did he do it alone, the british empire was crumbling from its own unsunstainability. this is a good step, radicalize from the small to radicalize on the large.

[-] 1 points by oddgrrrl (28) 13 years ago

So Trinity is a church which means the corporate entity known as Trinity probably receives tax exemption status, which means they make a lot of money on their real estate, and pay little to no taxes...Well I think that their church/nonprofit exemption status needs to challenged.

[-] 1 points by SuzannahBeTroy (28) 13 years ago

Yo, I am by my lonesome Rudin luxury condo sales office 120 West 12th street. Will be there in the rain tomorrow am if you want to come join me. Ask Bill and Christine Quinn, Mike Bloomberg, Scott Stringer, etc. why we can’t have a hospital where St. Vincent’s was. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/12/christine-quinn-bloombergs-mini-me.html I have info about Intro 48 Christine Quinn blocked intro 48 http://picturethehomeless.org/blog/node/38 Occupy would love intro 48 holding the City accountable for buildings unoccupied....

[-] 1 points by billbux (35) 13 years ago

We are beta testing a new system that allows anonymous geo-tagged messages.

We would love for you to try it and give us feedback – you can find us at:



Thank you!

[-] 1 points by Econome (20) 13 years ago

Please don't do this. The space is not the issue. As long as the 1st amendment is upheld, and public lands remain accessible to all, there will always be a venue at which to protest. We must keep in mind that the venue is trivial. It is the message conveyed at that venue that will resound. Even 24-hour occupation of those lands is not crucial. It is the message and the awareness created by that message that will remain crucial. Occupation is a vehicle for a message, not a message itself. I believe that if a daily presence continues, it can be just as powerful as a 24-hour encampment without as much as the unnecessary friction we've seen suffered in the past.

Please save the hunger strikes for the truly crucial and urgent times of this movement. It needs everyone's full strength.

[-] 1 points by sometimesyoudont (5) 13 years ago

I thought that the lack of space didnt matter because, as you put it, "You can't evict an idea".

[-] 1 points by philosophicalranter (6) from Wandsworth, England 13 years ago

They should be discouraged. This type of protest works against the movement with popular thinking. They are no used to anyone dead. Someone go and speak to them and put them to use in a pro-active way.

People will league this with camicazi and suicide bombers

[-] 1 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

BRAVO guys! Hats down to you! This is beginning of revollution 2. Next step that will stem from this: briing the wholle governmentt down with a votte of non confidence!

[-] 1 points by JosephBalfour (1) 13 years ago

Way to cheapen the tactic.

Also, way to misunderstand the tactic and how it is used as leverage. You're not prisoners, so your health isn't the responsibility of the authorities and especially not the responsibility of this church. So there's no reason for them not to call your bluff. Even if they're wrong, it's not their problem. Besides, no one's fooled about your commitment to the tactic or the irrelevance of your cause. After a few days, once no one is paying you any attention any more, you'll quietly pack up, go home and eat some granola.

Wake me up when you commit to self-immolation.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

None of your argument is relevant to the issue!

[-] 1 points by SuzannahBeTroy (28) 13 years ago

Bloomberg should be impeached. He broke so many laws and Cy Vance gives him immunity. Mike perjured himself during the Haggerty Trial his Watergate and perjury not covered by immunity but Cy Vance only wants to go after innocent protestors. Vote Cy Vance out of office. Do not allow Christine Quinn Mike’s mini-me to become mayor. I did two youtube parodies...the 2nd one 37 seconds long has annotations and one is how she abuse Picture the Homless. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/12/christine-quinn-sell-out-chew-on-this.html If you want to learn more about how she banned intro 48 google picture the homeless intro 48 which would have forced the City of NY to be accountable for all empty buildings....I have two posts here one to PtheH intro 48 and the other to how Quinn banned Picture the Homeless from attending City council meetings until Norman Siegel taught Quinn’s lawyers about the US Constitution http://nycculturepoppolitics.blogspot.com/2011/11/house-beautiful-magazine-hate-homeless.html

[-] 1 points by ruxin (1) 13 years ago

"You can help by bringing blankets and warm clothes, as well as hot water, lemon, cayenne pepper and maple syrup to Sixth Avenue and Canal Street" You're not doing a hunger strike, you're doing a master cleanse. WTF?

[-] 1 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 13 years ago

It takes a lot of courage to commit to a slow death. You may get some attention but only when you begin to die. In death they will not budge and give in uness your death moves America.God blees all of you.

[-] 1 points by Bayraba (24) 13 years ago

Space is key. If we have no 'where' to be, we cannot be!


[-] 1 points by brookann55 (4) 13 years ago

In this case there is only one entity to be persuaded: Trinity Wall Street. Trinity is a church - one of the wealthiest landowners in Manhattan. For Trinity to publicly support OWS, throwing it a bone here and there, while keeping the gates on a vacant lot locked is outrageous. Jesus was pretty clear about private property. James Cooper has next to his name "Rector/CEO". In my opinion you can't be both.

Stop Trinco from colluding with the Wall Street ethos. End the institutional church's habit of avoiding the hard, uncomfortable work of the Gospels by engaging solely in charity. Charity is triage.

Brian, Diego, and Shae - you're in our prayers. So are the souls of the staff at Trinity Wall Street.

[-] 1 points by orionk (2) 13 years ago

GOOD LUCK GUYS! we support you in all that you do.

[-] 1 points by Pastordrew (1) 13 years ago

The hunger strike got my attention! As a pastor, I wonder if Trinity Church is allowed to participate in political protest (by allowing it's land to be used)? There are some strict guidelines on what charitable organizations can and can't do in our free nation. You are all in my prayers.

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Were there is a will there is a way.

[-] 0 points by brookann55 (4) 13 years ago

Pastordrew - Trinity can absolutely allow this vacant lot to be used as a new home for OWS. The protestations are craven. Trinity is concerned about their vast real estate holdings and clients. Nothing more than that.

[-] 1 points by Meesa (173) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Why not use a hunger strike to demand to speak with President Obama? Or one hunger strike in every state demanding to speak with that state's Congresspeople? That would not only attract media attention -- it would force further discussion about the corruption in politics (rather than exacerbate the already-ingrained notion that OWS supporters are just looking for hand-outs, i.e. "gimme space!").

Some will no doubt argue that "Washington politicians are all bought by the 1%" so what's the point of talking to Washington?" But to that I ask, "Well, how will change come by taking over a plot of public space? So Trinity gives you the right to reform the camp. So now what? Are you looking for a place to model your ideal socio-economic-political structure, i.e. a commune?" What is the vision? I ask earnestly, because if the goal is in fact to re-invent/re-structure/re-organize the national government, then inspiring dialogue with DC politicians is not a wasted effort at all.

Even if THEY don't listen, you'll have the country's attention focused on changing politics.

[-] 2 points by GetaBrain (22) 13 years ago

Why not go to Obama's house in DC and occupy the front lawn? Why are they sitting on the street in NYC? Or go to Chuck Schumer's house and park outside there? Or Kristen Gillebrande? Morons.

[-] 1 points by karenpoore (902) 13 years ago

I am sorry but below are ingredients for fasting and cleansing the body and not a hunger strike to me. "hot water, lemon, cayenne pepper and maple syrup to Sixth Avenue and Canal Street." Maple syrup is used to keep the energy level up ...

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

There is a lot of wisdom into going on a hunger strike by beginning with a fast!

[-] 1 points by mbuckowski (0) 13 years ago

Thank you for living your convictions and showing your love for humanity. Listen to your hearts, and try to ignore those who don't understand the very personal, yet public sacrifice you're making. You'll be in my family's thoughts and prayers.

[-] 1 points by zzz (0) 13 years ago


Hopefully this video can help you understand why occupiers occupy!

[-] 1 points by zzz (0) 13 years ago


Watch the video: hopefully it helps people to understand why occupiers occupy!

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

Why not get the group together and get to Central Park and occupy space there, it's public, and so it would be harder to push you off that land. Just go there and do it.


[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Is there any news about how these young men are doing?

[-] 0 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

Soon bloomberg will be evictted from his dens and brought to people's justice just as Ghaadaffi did, naked down the sttreett! Just wwait and wattch!!

[-] 0 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

Maple syrup is part of the hunger strike? I thought a hunger strike was water only. This is similar to the hunger strike I heard of last year where the people didn't eat for 8 hours a day. They could the other 16!!!

[-] 0 points by billbux (35) 13 years ago

We are beta testing a new system that allows anonymous geo-tagged messages.

We would love for you to try it and give us feedback – you can find us at:



Thank you!




[-] 0 points by theCheat (85) 13 years ago

Set yourselves on fire or hang yourselves, that would be an attention getter.

[-] 0 points by theCheat (85) 13 years ago

I give it 4 days, or they will be cheating somehow, but if they want to see it through at least the casket will be light weight.



[-] 0 points by orionk (2) 13 years ago

you're doing the master cleanser? that's not a hunger strike. it's a fast. i've done it many times.

[-] 1 points by radicalhumility (56) 13 years ago

"Hunger Strike" in my opinion is fasting for political reasons. And in the public eye it appears as quite heavy a topic and can help bring awareness to the importance of the reason behind the "hunger strike"

[-] 0 points by SelfReliant (94) 13 years ago

Folks, this sort of childlike activity makes the movement look foolish. Eventually they will break the fast, they are not going to starve themselves to death. This is foolish.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

In a democratic system the options are that every individual participates in accord with their heart and in compliance with their will. There is nothing foolish about the choice for a hunger strike: For some individuals it is their way to demonstrates their commitment and resolve to a cause.

[-] 0 points by SelfReliant (94) 13 years ago

Sure. Still childish.

[-] 0 points by friendlyopposition (574) 13 years ago

I think an breathing strike is in order. Just hold your breath until you get your way.


[-] 0 points by bettydonnelly (115) 13 years ago

I think you would do better to Picket BOSS Bloombergs House ! Good Luck Kids.

[-] 0 points by mikeh9 (18) 13 years ago

I agree, you should state that you are hunger striking for the main goals of OWS, not space - or perhaps say both!



[-] 0 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

They should have thought this through.

Hungry strikes are ugly.

These people will look like skeletons by the end of it.

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

that's the point...to put a (skeletal) human face on the injustices and suffering caused by the 1%. God bless these brave souls, and keep them safe.

[-] 0 points by OccupyNot (23) 13 years ago

You think these pansies will last long enough to get skinny? They will be done in a couple of days.

The Occupy movement is about making a fool of yourself. They're doing a good job of that, at least.



[-] 0 points by lynxoid (5) 13 years ago

If I am not mistaken, you can find some public land in Wyoming and can peacefully protest there :) if you are looking to get some property for a long term - you can lease, or you can purchase.

[-] 0 points by zootsuit (34) 13 years ago

didn't have time to go up to look at the hunger striker at lincoln center, does anybody know what the situation is?






[-] -1 points by fishb8 (62) 13 years ago

Please starve . . . .

[-] -1 points by OccupyNot (23) 13 years ago

Think they look stupid now, wait a few days until they give up and they'll look ten times more stupid, if that's possible.

[-] -1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

"Gonna hold my breath until my face turns blue if you don't give me what I want!" Has it really come to this? For a PARK!? Geez, you people are silly. Get some leaders who can speak for the movement and determine a clear strategy, and get rid of this juvenile fixation on a method that most of the country is left scratching it's head about, at best. Criminy.


[-] -1 points by eyeofthetiger (304) 13 years ago

I bet someone slips em a taco

[-] -1 points by vibronix (187) 13 years ago

Hey what about building a cross and get one of you crussified just in front of the space? Im sure that would be a huge media attraction. WHY YOU DELETE MY POST, MORON???????

[-] -1 points by vibronix (187) 13 years ago

Hey what about building a cross and get one of you crussified just in front of the space? Im sure that would be a huge media attraction. WHY IS MY POST BEING DELETED???????

[-] -1 points by vibronix (187) 13 years ago

Hey what about building a cross and get one of you crussified just in front of the space? Im sure that would be a huge media attraction.

[-] -1 points by GetAJobSlackers (1) 13 years ago

There are only winners and whiners in this world. Whiners never win and winners never whine.

[-] 3 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Tell that to the 1%, they whine incessantly about how the poor don't pay enough taxes, and about how they pay too much in taxes.


[-] -2 points by fishb8 (62) 13 years ago

Finally an idea to get behind. . . . . OWS Starving themselves out of existence.
. . .Do Nothing.... Complain . . .Starve ....

[-] -2 points by OccupyNot (23) 13 years ago

Space? You mean that empty space between your ears? Is that the space you mean you stupid morons? You're going to look a lot more stupid when you quit in a day or two. You pieces of shit don't know what it is to be hungry for a few days. Dopes.

[-] -2 points by GetaBrain (22) 13 years ago

You can't make this stuff up folks. I told you these people are dumber than a bag of hammers. LMAO.


[-] -2 points by NonParticipant (151) 13 years ago

Wow. I'm kinda.....underwhelmed by the massive display of force. And stop calling it Liberty Square. It is Zuccotti Park. That's like changing St. Petersburg to Leningrad. It's not yours to change and changing the name doesn't change what it is.

[-] 3 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

It was called Liberty Plaza Park first. Chairman of Brookfield renamed it after himself in 2006. OWS took it back and aptly renamed it Liberty Square!

"The park was created in 1968 by Pittsburgh-based United States Steel, after the property owners negotiated its creation with city officials, and named Liberty Plaza Park...After renovations in 2006, the park was renamed by its current owners, Brookfield Office Properties, after company chairman John Zuccotti." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuccotti_Park

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

OWS took it back? It is privately owned property. Regardless of who owns it "taking" something that is privately owned sends a bad message. Occupy something that is totally public,

[-] 2 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

That's the point...everything was once public before we thought we owned it all...now everything is owned by banks and corporations and there is no public space.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

How many hundreds of years do you want to take the US back?

And even in public spaces there will still be rules ..... Just because it is a public space doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.... can you imagine the chaos with out rules?

[-] 2 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

Can you imagine the possible harmony? A new world is upon us, a world where everyone is empowered to participate in creating it.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

Harmony for some... but human beings without out boundaries can be a pretty nasty bunch.

[-] 2 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

the boundaries are love and respect. not some imposed control based on fear.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

Right, you let me know how that works for you in the real world. OWS has already had it's share of theft, assaults etc... from people who really don't care about love and respect....

You'd think you'd look back at the movement of the 60s and 70s.... all our love, peace and flower power didn't work then and it won't work for you now.

[-] 1 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

thanks for your opinion, i feel your resignation...don't resent it "not working" back in the 60s - it did work, and it is working. one day your heart will (re) open. love

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

It isn't resignation I feel, as one grows older the ideology I once was so sure would bring about what was need was forced to step aside for the reality of the world.

Human beings are simply not capable of living in a society that you want to build. Do you even watch the news?

[-] 1 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

no, i don't watch the news. that's why i will never lose my faith. i will remain patient and grateful for each moment and embrace the ever-changing and blossoming now.

*i meant resentment, not resignation. i do not want those that brought such inspiration to the world in the 60s to feel like they failed. it was just a taste of what is to come, be open to it, don't lose faith.

[-] -2 points by Steakandlobsterdinner (-12) 13 years ago

Bed bugs are obligatory hematophagous (bloodsucking) insects. Most species feed on humans only when other prey are unavailable.[14][15][16] Bed bugs are attracted to their hosts primarily by carbon dioxide, secondarily by warmth, and also by certain chemicals.[17] A bed bug pierces the skin of its host with what is called a stylet fascicle. This is a unit composed of the maxillae and mandibles which have been modified into elongate shapes from a basic, ancestral style. The right and left maxillary stylets are connected at their midline and a section at the centerline forms a large food canal and a smaller salivary canal. The entire maxillary and mandibular bundle penetrates the skin. The tips of the right and left maxillary stylets are not the same: the right is hook-like and curved, the left straight. The right and left mandibular stylets extend along the outer sides of their respective maxillary stylets and do not reach anywhere near the tip of the fused maxillary stylets. The stylets are retained in a groove in the labium and during feeding they are freed from the groove as the jointed labium is bent or folded out of the way: its tip never enters the wound. The mandibular stylet tips have small teeth and through alternately moving these stylets back and forth, the insect cuts a path through tissue for the maxillary bundle to reach an appropriate sized blood vessel. Feeding by sucking for about three to five minutes or more, the bug then withdraws the stylet bundle from the feeding position and retracts it back into the labial groove, folds the entire unit back under the head, and returns to its hiding place.[4] It takes between five to ten minutes for a bed bug to become completely engorged with blood.”[18] Although bed bugs can live for a year without feeding,[19] they normally try to feed every five to ten days. In cold weather, bed bugs can live for about a year; at temperatures more conducive to activity and feeding, about 5 months.[20]

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

An apt description of the disposition of the 1% towards the rest of humanity!

[-] -2 points by tigger999 (20) 13 years ago

for the record your rights to public land end where mine begin, in occupying those lands you denied other the use of them

you have no right to demand access to private property, this is just further evidence of how inmature most of you are

[-] 2 points by ediblescape (235) 13 years ago

White people used gun to take over this land from native India years ago. OWS is taking this land over again peacefully.


[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

When the 1% own 99% of the wealth, they own 99% of the land and space. They control the resources of our country and they own our government. OWS is doing exactly what needs to be done- a call to reclaim the space. Your statement reflects a lack of comprehension of the issues.

[-] 2 points by tigger999 (20) 13 years ago

my comprehension is fine, is yours? i thought the issue was with wall street but from what i read they are demanding land that belongs to Trinity Church

just what space are they reclaiming? parks? streets? last time i checked everyone has free access to those

[-] 1 points by brookann55 (4) 13 years ago

The space in question is a vacant lot 1.5 miles north of Zuccotti Park. It will be vacant until Spring of 2012. Trinity was given all the land south of Canal by Queen Anne in 1705 - over 200 acres that really wasn't Queen Anne's to give. Trinity has profited from that for years, offering little in return in terms of affordable housing or space for public use. Even opening St. Paul's Chapel as a haven for rescue and relief workers after 9-11-01 entailed a fight with some serious career casualties. Afterward Trinity took credit for the idea. In a similar manner, Trinity has used OWS - offering minimal support and then standing behind people marching in full vestments as if they actually did some work as photo ops. I post this not as a full-time occupier so if anyone from Trinity reads this, please do not categorize this post as an indication of a lack of gratitude from OWS.

[-] 1 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

The American churches are among the most responsible for the gross economic, social and political inequity that abounds in our world today. They eagerly participated in stripping the American Indians of their spiritual practices, participated in trampling their rights to self determination and did all that was necessary for the wealthy of our country to strip the Indians of their territories for the entitled class's personal enrichment. What else did the Anglo churches of our country do? They enabled slavery and enslavement. When you teach each generation of the 99% that their sole path to good fortune is hard work and you know that in a system that is rigged to benefit the 1% hard work will only enable most people to subsist and survive. They sat on the lie that the wealthy class earned their wealth. No hedge fund manager or corporate executive earn their wealth. They legally steal the wealth create with the labor of the working class-the 99% Our Constitution does not protect the rights of working individuals or small land owners.

Our Constitution was written to protect the entitled class. This injustice is the end result of the application of the US Constitution by the wealthy for the wealthy. Everything that the working people in America have won for their rights had to be claimed through blood shed. Know your history. If as you say the streets and parks grant free access to those who wish to use it why such a brutal police crackdown each time American citizens have gathered in public space to call for redress of this gross Injustice. Know your history!


[+] -4 points by skeptical (14) 13 years ago

"We are striking to demand outdoor space for a new occupation." Just when you think the "movement" can't fizzle anymore - you get a last gasp like this - if it weren't so funny it would be sad. Do us all a favor - just don't leave bottles of urine, tons of rotting garbage and various diseases like you did in LA - or is it in the bylaws that you never clean up? (i know, i know - LET GOLDMAN SACHS CLEAN UP! - repeat)

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

The real filth and garbage is in the self aggrandizing perspectives such as yours. To make yourself feel good you choose to disparage and berate those whose courage you are too cowardly to match.

[-] -1 points by skeptical (14) 13 years ago

RIGHT! Such courageous individuals - I'm FAR too cowardly to collect my urine in bottles and leave it for 99%ers to clean up after me - but hey - they can't be bothered with things like bathrooms- they're to busy fighting for the movement, man! :) Wake up, man - ask your 'leaders' where the half million in donations is - dopey cultist that you are

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Calling me names just shows how insecure and hallow you feel in the position you are staking out. As for Goldman Sachs and Wall Street: they left an international mess to be cleaned up! Indeed they do have a lot to clean up: the millions of lives that they have tanked! It would be so much easier if their entitled theft of trillions left bottles of urine to be removed instead of imploding economies! But if tidiness is what you value above all. so be it.
