Nine Arrested & Released Without Charge in Occupy Wall Street Test Run (Video)
Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 8, 2011, 12:30 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
On Thursday, Sept. 1st, a small group of demonstrators were met with police intimidation while performing a peaceful and legal occupation of a public sidewalk on Wall Street for a single night. Nine were arrested for disorderly conduct and later released without charge. One demonstrator was held for 24 hours because he was unable to provide proof of residency.
This demonstration was intended to serve as a one night test run for the September 17th occupation using the "legal encampment" strategy. According to a federal court ruling in 2000, the use of "public sleeping as a means of symbolic expression" is allowed on public sidewalks in New York City. (METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, INC., Plaintiff, -against- HOWARD SAFIR, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, et al., June 12, 2000 [99 F. Supp. 2d 438; 2000 U.S. Dist.]). The demonstrators of Bloombergville also employed this tactic for an occupation that lasted a few weeks.
Despite fully obeying the law, demonstrators were still met with police harassment and intimidation. This event serves to remind us that we're living in a police state with absolutely no respect for the right of the people to peacefully assemble and exercise their constitutional free speech. But we will not be scared away or deterred. This abuse of authority by the NYPD only serves to strengthen our resolve and reinforce our belief that corruption and injustice in America must be fought.
More will be coming September 17th.
Banging drums and shitting in the gutter is the work of heroes. Bravo, any credibility this movement had is now dead because it was executed by thoughtless clowns with no plan of action. You could've done something great. Instead you cost NYC 10 million tax dollars that was paid by... Wait for it... Your 99%
Here is something from some brothers in Charlotte, NC:
For those stomach sickening baffoons in the news who do not get it, and think that #occupy is the wrong approach..they need to be re-educated in American history. No one was doing anything about the wrong doings that are bringing this great country down. Now that people are standing up and bringing this into the light these idiots worrying about their stolen cadillacs wants to say that this is not the way to do it. Funny how no one was doing anything about it, then once a few started to take action these idiots start crying and blowing steam and criticizing hard working young educated Americans. This is America.. a country built on a few rebellious courageous people standing up against their greedy power hungry oppressors. America, a land where people sacrifice their lives for freedom, equality and justice. This is America home of the brave. We will continue to be brave, stand tall!
"Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto, "In God is our trust." And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" - F.S.K.
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Proof of residency of where? The State of NY or of the U.S.?
I LOVE YOU GUYS! May we all be truly free!
As a criminal justice professional, all I can say is that you should videotape EVERYTHING. If possible, keep at least two cameras rolling at any given time. Police misconduct should not be tolerated, and police departments have specific divisions that handle issues like this.
Here is a link for NYPD's information for filing complaints.
You're doing something that's of vital importance. I wish I could be there supporting your cause, but I'm too far away...
First off you should of contacted the police and told them what you had planned. They would of worked with you to make sure you were safe. I'm the point person with the police where I protest and work with us with we talk to them and stay legal.
Next learn how to talk to a police officer. Tell him who you have talked to and what you they told you. Drop the emotion and stay factual.
This is going to sux donkey balls if you stay on this path.
The function of the police is to uphold the law and they do so by upholding the status quo. If these protests are to be note worthy is it possible that they will be also abiding by city ordinances? Yes, if the cops begin to brutalize people, it will suck, but it already sucks, not only for people in the U.S. but for people all over the globe. Butting heads with the police is the order of the day and misbehaving is the hallmark of civil disobedience. How the police respond will set the tone. If they are violent, it will play into the hands of the demonstrators.
of course the only! thing they can ever come up with is disorderly and blocking the sidewalk.. pathetic..
that looks like a really big!! sidewalk for them to be blocking
"You call that a police state? Oh please, just look 90 miles from our southernmost state, CUBA!" The southern most state is hawaii...
You call that a police state? Oh please, just look 90 miles from our southernmost state, CUBA! Research there what police state REALLY IS. House arrest, jail arrest of 20 years, beatings torture, public humiliation and yes murder. Please spare this country of your radicalism that does not promote human rights. Be thankful instead, God Bless You
all you marxists and communists will be defeated and arrested, have fun:-)
if anything your talking like a communist so maybe you should just put your foot in your mouth and keep it there
You crony crooked capitalists think you've won the battle...but you'll lose the war, comrade. And don't you worry, we'll have a total blast! =)
Wish I could make it for day one. If you're still there in December I'll be there.
I can see why they were arrested. I live down there and you are screaming at night time. You are disrupting the peace and standing barefoot where lots of dogs pee. This movement needs a good spokes person because the ones in this video aren't very effective. I would even come out for this if you had better leaders.
That exactly! I doubt the researched the laws on these items
So, a video of some self-righteous dude yelling at a cop is mildly entertaining, but, did you learn anything from this encounter? If so, what? Can what you all learned be utilized into a larger strategy for next week? If so, how?
Rather than posting a synopsis of what happened, tell everyone what you learned! Turn that anger into something productive rather than just bitching. Fuck.
dont police officers have to pass some sort of Law Proficiency Test? the police in this video seemed to ignore the law and offer their own interpretation of the 1st amendment. im sure with 10's of thousands of people in front of them on the 17th they will have no choice but to educate themselves. Why do police have to show up and immediately start telling people what they are doing is wrong. why cant they ask, "hey, what are you guys up to tonight?" get the protesters side of things and then state their claim on what it is they think is wrong. these rash, one sided police tactics are not going to work on a large group of people.
lmfao..."hey guys...what's up! Oh you hate wall street, cool, me to! Carry on fellas"
It was an excellent idea to do this test run and I greatly respect your bravery... going to jail rather than leaving was truly heroic.
That said, to make the effort truly worthwhile we all need to learn lessons from what went well and what did not. It would be helpful to have printed copies of the federal court case METROPOLITAN COUNCIL INC V SAFIR, as well as the US Constitution (the right to free speech and peaceful assembly). These documents can be referenced during police encounters.
Maybe I missed them, but I also didn't see signs, banners, or other messages visually demonstrating political speech. We need to make it clear that we are practicing our constitutionally protected right to political expression and we are not just "disturbing the peace." Verbal expression is a part of this, but the written word lends additional credibility to the protest.
From what I saw in the video, the strongest points seemed to be the individual outreach to people on the street. One on one reasoned conversation really comes across well. Kudos.
I'd be interested to hear from those who actually participated: What did you learn that you will do better or differently on the 17th?
*Western Slope Marxist*
man.. this event is really something important. i wish it didn't have to come replete with congas and glow sticks. everyone should really engage exactly how they want, but its a much more potent media image if we can project something that can't be dismissed as easily as a "genre". thoughts?
I am a bit worried about occupation on the 17th without proper documentation of our rights, especially as an individual who has only been living in New York for 2 weeks. Can you redirect to the actual text of the letter or the law, so that I can feel comfortable in my rights when confronted with the police?
Next time just get the paperwork (in advance), don't be a self-righteous dick. The cops really don't care about your arguments, they just want to avoid conflict within the community because that means more paperwork for them.
TL;DR If you had gotten printed documents with that info from the beginning of the video you could have spent a comfy night on one of the few streets in NY that doesn't smell like piss.
The police should know the law if they exist to enforce it.......
Just because they should know doesn't mean that they do. Better to be proactive.
If I wasn't recovering from surgery, I'd be there. I've told everyone I know about it. They are afraid to leave their lives behind for a bit. I love what you're doing and support you 100% The police will be "kettling" next time, but screw them!! Bring a jacket and a sandwich!!
What about the right to peacefull assembly?
as long as you do it legally and respectfully you can. Laws vary by state and city. contacting the police ahead of time would of made this all work out sooo much better. O hai what are the rule.
Well they are.
so much for the right to peaceably assemble...
As someone who discovered this site two days ago, I think you have a problem with underexposure. Of a dozen people I've spoken to, none had heard anything about it. I think you'll have better luck if you get the word out.
Unlike rich corporations, we can't afford marketing campaigns so we rely on everyday people to spread the word. Please remember, this movement is you! If you want to see this occupation happen with a critical mass of people, it becomes your personal responsibility to help out with whatever means you have available. Please help us spread the word!
Thanks very much for the suggestion. We should get the word out. That did not occur to us. How did we miss that?!