Occupy Our Homes - East NYC Home Currently Defending Against Eviction
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 12:38 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
2:34PM - The #nypd are telling Alfredo that they can evict him. Organizers calling for people to get out to #702Vermont #D6 #ows #occupyhomes - @johnknefel </br> 1:32AM - The occupiers have talked with Councilman Barron who was in contact with the NYPD. There was some confusion and miscommunication at first, but eventually the NYPD stated that they did not send anyone out to clear the house or arrest anyone, but rather to keep watch on the home until tomorrow morning, when the owner of the property (who is also in contact with the occupiers) come over to talk to the family about the situation and work something out. It was also made known that Barron was not notified of NYPD activities until the last minute, and that individuals should communicate with supportive local politicians more openly and efficiently so they can take action to prevent any escalation. More details will develop tomorrow morning when the property owners arrive to talk between 9AM-11AM. There will also be media coverage throughout the night, and any new updates will be on the livestream and posted here as well. </br> 1:20AM - NYPD stated to the occupiers that they did not send anyone to the house. NYPD officers are at the house however, and it is unsure if the NYPD is telling the truth or not. </br> 1:18AM - Power is out. Livestream still going. </br> 1:15AM - According to occupiers, Councilman Charles Barron says he is unaware of any plans for the NYPD to raid. Right now the occupiers and Barron are talking to the owners of the house, figuring out if the NYPD was indeed sent to clear the house or if not, what purpose they have. </br> 12:57AM - City Councilman Charles Barron is "getting some clothes on & getting over here" if need be. - @OccupyWallStNYC </br> 12:23AM - We need bodies at 702 Vermont Street ASAP. #OccupyOurHomes facing eviction! Help Alfredo and his family! - @OWS_Live </br> 12:19AM - Occupiers are singing "Home Of Our Own" and preparing to defend against eviction attempt.
Years ago I was hired to house sit an empty house. Why can't the banks hire people that have lost their jobs and homes to house sit all the foreclosures? WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?
The big banks are carrying an extra 1,400,000 unoccupied residences on their books. These real estate assets are being valued, more than not, at the pre-bust mortgage face-values.
This scam leads to big bonuses for bank managers. They are thieves. They are stealing the bonus money from the owners/pension_funds/stockholders of the banks.
Concealing loan losses is what led to the vast majority of the 2,500 convictions in 1991-1995 during what is called the S&L Crisis. That "crisis" was a $180-billion problem, not the $2.1-trillion problem that has been documented so far today by our monitoring agencies.
good observations on the suspension of "mark to market" accounting, and you have bank lobbyists who lobbied FASB (financial accounting standards board) for that... yup they just walked right in there and said we're F-ed if we have to show this crap on our books.... and FASB said "OK." they also lobbied for and got a suspension of Reg.167 that would have required them to bring onto their balance sheets all that hidden crap off-balance sheet transactions.
One note: FASB does not have the power to overturn state-level fraud and tax laws. Or Federal statutes of any type. FASB is a private organization.
Also, on the face of it, Statements No. 166/167 as Amendments to Rule 46(R) have been "superceded." The details are beyond my experience. However, prior to the 2009 changes these banks did not show the CDO securitized assets, which were generally excluded from quarterly/annual reports and the operating books, i.e., their balance sheets.
CDOs and the CDS contracts were not accounted. FASB's protections for investors/pension_funds... not so much.
right. FASB sets the standards and the SEC, which does have the regulatory authority and power, largely defers to FASB rulemaking in Reg.S-X. The superseding of 166/167 is very suspicious--they basically would have shown more light on finances, which is generally what the SEC favors, but now, like you say... not so much--they like to collude with companies, especially banks to hide the fact that everyone's broke.... note the recent settlement with Citi that the wise judge rejected.... he should be commended. the SEC is now asking congress to give lattitude from their settlement formulas--something to be watched by OWS is who lobbies against that, cuz they're probably fraudsters--Muddy Waters is watching closely (they primarily short companies).
glad to see someone here knows a little finance and law. i am sure there are many others.
Judge Rakoff is another hero.
Yes, I do not remember getting paid, but I did have shelter. I was living on the streets back then ...
That's a terrific idea.... but in a police state, what is fair isn't what happens.
If politicians were concerned about anything other than their re-election, they would fund maintenance of these devalued houses, save the economy, help the homeless, and basically DO SOMETHING for the 99%. The stream was excellent.
Doing regular maintenance on the properties would create more jobs. But, when greedy fucks are involved, nothing that makes sense or that would help the common person happens.
The 1% make no common sense.
Please, always and for every OWS action, honor those who have come before us with efforts to civilize and de-militarize and de-criminalize America.
The Nine Principles.
Commitment to Nonviolence is the broad gateway. Nonviolence is the fulcrum. Discipline is the lever. The core message from Dr. King as he translated the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi:
Pledge For Nonviolence
Agent provocateur "provo” incited riots at Air and Space Museum, August 8th, and at Oakland have been the worst of it so far. These were attempts using on-the-payroll thugs to separate Occupy from nonviolence.
Nonviolence, first, combined with love. That is the way Occupy can achieve Justice. That is also how Occupy can achieve Reconciliation with citizens such as the Tea Party people who have been misled into accepting the trillion dollar fraud schemes of Wall Street's gangsters.
Great Post Thanks
Brendan suggests putting this on a big poster or a banner for OWS events.
Feel free to make local adjustments. That's how SCLC and the black churches did it back in the 1960s.
Dr. King was arguably a great genius. I see him as a political Mozart, not so much an innovator per se but an artist at connecting great ideas to the people. There is also an analogy to John Adams. Adams gave up his chance for a second term as president to avoid a ruinous war with France. King gave up his life quite deliberately so that others might be free - including the nigger-hating, semi-literate, bad-teeth-and-worse-breath White Trash of the South. He served his enemies.
Btw: in rule #1 there's versions with "please open yourself to" and "please meditate on" and do feel free to write what makes sense to you. There's no Style Points. Nobody's going to bitch at you.
Unless the banks are able to produce the paper connecting you with the mortgage they have nothing!
"Get proper legal representation ... if Wall Street cannot produce the deed or the mortgage audit trail ... you should stay in your home." - Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
This is the latest information regarding the property owner ....
Bank of America (Countrywide Home Loans) has continued to pay the property taxes of this house.
they have to...otherwise the govt takes the house for back taxes!..Duh!
Bank of America is likely the special servicer, but probably not the owner of the property.
it's time to relieve ourselves of the burden of using out tax dollars to put a bunch of ex bully, barely literate police officers in the way of everything we are fighting for.
Strip all officers of jobs, guns and badges let them go beg big corporations for a livelihood.
They stand against us, make sure no police officer is allowed to benefit from the positive changes we ARE going to bring about.
Police are not with us, then they are against us, they should not be considered people.
12/8/11 Occupy Boston is facing eviction tonight at midnight. Come to Boston to stop it!!!!!! Judge has ruled that occupying public parks is a HOSTILE ACT!!!
lots of people that flip houses pay no taxes on their profit...this law needs to change
Yes it does, especially when investors are the ones who primarily flip houses.
A suggestion: About 20 years ago I met a Brit who squatted in a house and turned the eviction into a win- win situation for him and the owner. Squatting was legal at the time so the owner couldn't have him immediately kicked out by the police. The owner came to the door and my friend said that he was an unemployed carpenter, had no where to live and the house was a mess. They bargained and agreed that the owner would pay for the materials and the squatter would do the renovation work and move out in one year, when finished. He finished the work in 6 months and opened the door to the owner after the year was up. The owner was amazed and very happy with the results. The squatter had managed to save some money during the year of no rent and part-time work and went traveling. true story! We don't get supporters by confrontation but by reasoned cooperation.
Common sense is not prevailing, but it still makes cents.
This house was flipped 3 times between 2005 - 2007 ...
02/13/2007 Sold close details $424,500 Public records
11/08/2006 Sold close details $270,000 Public records
03/18/2005 Sold close details $155,000 Public records
The person that sold it in 2007 made a nice profit for owning it for a few months.
Sales History (2001-present)
$424,500 on Jan. 22, 2007 Buyer: Wise Ahadzi Seller: Nrg Development Group Inc
$270,000 on Oct. 20, 2006 Buyer: Nrg Development Group Inc Seller: Greenwich Investors Xvi Llc
$155,000 on Feb. 23, 2005 Buyer: Greenwich Investors Xvi Llc Seller: Marvin Williams
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