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We are the 99 percent

NYC Full Schedule of Permitted and Unpermitted May Day 2012 Actions

Posted 12 years ago on April 30, 2012, 6:04 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

international workers day

Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comment section.
Not in NYC? Find #MayDay events in your city here.


99 Picket Lines
Midtown Manhattan
Community groups, unions, affinity groups and OWS
more info
8am - Chase Building (NYCC) - 270 Park Ave (@48th St)
8am - New York Times Building (UAW) - 620 8th Ave (@41st St)
8am - Sotheby's (Teamsters) - 1334 York Ave (@72nd St)
8am-10am - US Post Office (Community-Labor Alliance) - 421 8th Ave (@W31st St)
8:30am-9am - NYU Bobst Library (NYU for OWS) - 70 Washington Square South (@University Pl)
9am - Paulson & Co (Strong Economy for All) - 1251 6th Ave (@50th St)
10am - Chase Branch (NYCC) - 401 Madison Ave (@48th St)
11am - ABC Studios (NABET-CWA) - 66th Street (@Columbus)
12pm-1:30pm - Investment Banker Stephen Berger (CSEA AFSCME) - 46th St @ Park Ave
12pm-2pm - Immigration Court (NMASS) - 26 Federal Plaza (Worth & Lafeyette)
1:30pm - Capital Grille (ROC-NY) - 155 E 42nd St (@3rd Ave)
2pm - Chase and Citibank (Occupy Sunset Park) - 5th Ave & 54th St (BROOKLYN)
3pm - Strand Bookstore (Strand workers) - 828 Broadway (@12th St)
3pm - Beth Israel Hospital (Workers United) - 10 Union Square East (14th St & Park Ave)
8pm - Washington Square Park Arch (Musicians 802) - Washington Square North @ 5th Ave

Pop-up Occupation with Mutual Aid (unpermitted)
8am–2pm, Bryant Park, Manhattan
Occupy Wall Street
more info
Bryant Park will be the site of a fun and friendly "Pop-up Occupation" featuring free food, a free market, free services, skill-shares, workshops, teach-ins, speak-outs, meditation, public art, performances, discussions, and trainings.

May Day Morning Commute from Brooklyn
8:00am, Maria Hernandez Park, Brooklyn
Free Coffee + Breakfast! MARCH from Knickerbocker to Flushing to Broadway to Continental Army Plaza
Occupy Williamsburg, Occupy Bushwick
more info

Sitting Meditation
8–11am, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group

Bike Bloc
9am, Union Square, Manhattan
Strike Everywhere
more info

The Free University: Lectures, Workshops, Skill-Shares and Discussions
10am–3pm, Madison Square Park, Manhattan
more info

Occupy Brooklyn March over the Williamsburg Bridge and into Wall Street
10:30am, Continental Army Plaza, Brooklyn
Occupy Williamsburg, Occupy Bushwick
more info

Building Community Alternatives to Capitalism Day
11am–10pm, LaunchPad, 721 Franklin Ave., Brooklyn
Brooklyn Skillshare
more info

Teach-in: How to Keep Your Cool and Occupy…Understanding Aggression
11am, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group

High School Student Walkout Convergence
12pm, Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn
more info

Guitarmy: Guitar Workshop and Rehearsal with Tom Morello
Permitted Gathering Space for May Day Festivities

12pm, Bryant Park, Gertrude Stein Statue (east side), Manhattan
OWS Music working group
more info

art events all day throughout NYC
more info

Wildcat March (unpermitted)
1pm, Sara D. Roosevelt Park (East Houston St. & 2nd Ave.), Manhattan
Strike Everywhere
more info

OWS Mutual Aid cluster
1pm-4pm, Union Square
OWS Mutual Aid cluster is hosting a free store, skill shares and workshops on a variety of subjects related to life outside the dominant capitalist paradigm.

Meditation Flash Mob followed by Kirtan
1pm, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group

Day Without Workers/Día sin los Trabajadores: May Day March and Speakout
2pm, 5th Ave. at 54th St. in Brooklyn, marching to 36th St & 4th Ave. to take subway at 3:30pm to Union Square rally in Manhattan
Occupy/Ocupemos Sunset Park
more info

MayDay on D-Block!!
2pm, Houston & Ave D, Manhattan
LES public housing residents & tenants take their struggle to the street! All invited!
Occupy Avenue D

Occupy Wall Street & Guitarmy March (unpermitted)
2pm, Bryant Park to Union Square, Manhattan

OWS Teach-in at Trinity Church
2-5:15pm, Trinity Church on Wall St
more info

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Contingent!
3pm at Regal Movie Theatre, 50 Broadway (at 13th St.) - joining rally at Union Square after
Audre Lorde Project, FIERCE, Queers for Economic Justice, Streetwise and Safe and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project
more info

Solidarity Rally with Tom Morello, Dan Deacon, Immortal Technique, Das Racist, Bobby Sanabria and special guests (permitted)
4–5:30pm, Union Square, Manhattan
May First Coalition, Labor Unions and OWS
more info

Impromptu General Assembly
5pm, Union Square by the Andy Warhol Statue (17th and Broadway)

May Day Choir Convergence
5:15pm, Madison Square Park (in front of the fountain), Manhattan
more info

Occupy the Rent Guidelines Board: A Tenants’ General Assembly
5:30pm, 7 East 7th St. (outside Cooper Union), Manhattan
Real Rent Reform Campaign

Solidarity March (permitted)
5:30pm, Union Square to Wall Street, Manhattan
May First Coalition, Labor Unions and OWS
more info

JD Samson & MEN Perform
7pm, 2 Broadway
After the march concludes, more performances and speakers will start the after-party!

Occupy Wall Street Afterparty (unpermitted)
8pm, Wall Street area
People’s Assembly and Haymarket Martyrs Memorial Resistance Rager
Details to be announced. Check the #MayDay and #M1GS hashtags on Twitter up-to-the-moment info.

The May Day 2012 Solidarity Rally and March is being organized by an historic coalition, including:

  • Alliance for Labor Rights, Immigrant Rights, Jobs for All
  • May 1st Coalition for Immigrant & Worker Rights
  • Immigrant & Community Organizations
  • Occupy Wall Street

See below for our growing list of NYC endorsements:

AFSCME Local 371 (SSEU)
AFSCME Local 372 DC 37
AFSCME Local 375 DC 37
AFSCME DC 37 Retirees Association
American Federation of Musicians Local 802
Anakbayan NY/NJ
Answer Coalition
Centro Guatemalteco Tecun Uman
Coalition for a District Alternative
Coalition for Public Education (CPE)
Committees of Correspondence
Community Development Project at the Urban Justice Center
Community Farmworker Alliance
CSEA 1000
CWA District 1
CWA Local 1180
CWA Local 31003 The New York Newspaper Guild
NABET-CWA Local 16
Domestic Workers United
Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment (FiRE)
Freedom Socialist Party
Frente Unido de Inmigrantes Ecuatorianos
Greater NY Labor-Religion Coalition
Green Party of NYC
Green Party of NYS
Guyanese American Workers United
Honduras USA Resistencia
IBT Joint Council 16
IBT Local 808
IBT Local 814
IBT Local 210
IBT Local 272
Immigrant Workers Movement
Immigrant Solidarity Network
Industrial Union Council New Jersey
International Action Center
International League of Peoples Struggle
International Migrants Alliance
International Socialist Organization
Jersey City Peace Movement
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
Jornaleros Unidos de Woodside
Kurland Group
Labor Network for Sustainability
La Fuente
La Pena del Bronx
Labor for Palestine
Left Labor Project
LIUNA Local 10
LIUNA Local 78
LIUNA Local 79
Long Island Workplace Project
Make the Road New York
May 1st Coalition
National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON)
National Domestic Workers Alliance
New Immigrant Community Empowerment
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
New York Broadcast Trades Council
New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
New York City Labor Against the War
New York City LCLAA
New York Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (NYCHRP)
New York Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
New York Communities for Change
New York Immigration Coalition
New York New Jersey Regional Joint Board, Workers United
New York Taxi Workers Alliance
NYS District Communist Party USA
NYS Nurses Association
Occupy Sunset Park
Occupy Wall Street
Operation Power
Organization of Staff Analysts
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
Philippine Forum
Radical Women
Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York
Retail Action Project
School of Americas Watch (SOA Watch)
Senegalese Workers Association
Sisa Pakari Cultural & Labor Center
Take Back the Future TWU Local 100
UAW Region 9A
UAW Local 1981 National Writers Union
UNITE HERE Local 100
United Federation of Teachers
United NY
Veterans for Peace Chapter 3 NYC
Workers United, SEIU
Workers World Party
Writers Guild of America, East



Read the Rules
[-] 4 points by OccupyAvenueD (4) 12 years ago

2pm Houston & Ave D LES public housing residents & tenants take their struggle to the street !! MayDay on D-Block!! All invited! Please post this as part of the event list support the struggle

[-] 1 points by sadierebelle (43) 12 years ago

rad, thanks!

[-] 4 points by beauvoir (4) 12 years ago

MAYDAY MORNING COMMUTE 8:00am / Maria Hernandez Park, Bushwick, Brooklyn Free Coffee + Breakfast! MARCH through Brooklyn to the Williamsburg Bridge and over to Manhattan

[-] 2 points by sadierebelle (43) 12 years ago

got it, thanks!!

[-] 3 points by Bighead1883 (285) 12 years ago

And remember,do not buy any corporate take outs.Support your local deli.

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

Solidarity! May Day 2012!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Sing it out BW.

[-] 2 points by amabirch (2) 12 years ago

"A Plumber's Tale" and WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEFULLY PROTEST will be part of a group of projections at corner of Bleecker and Lafayette from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm.

[-] 2 points by jatrimar (2) 12 years ago

OCCUPY WILLIAMSBURG: Meet at 9:00 am at the Bedford stop in Williamsburg for a celebration of this work-free day. Then march down Bedford to Continental Army Plaza to rendezvouz with Occupy Bushwick before heading across the bridge for Manhattan actions.

[-] 2 points by dusty (2) 12 years ago

A May Day Teach-In at Trinity Church Wall Street http://www.trinitywallstreet.org/news/articles/a-may-day-trinity-teach-in

[-] 1 points by pork (8) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Update 4.30.2012: After being advised by the City that very large crowds of protesters are expected in Lower Manhattan and public transportation may be disrupted on May 1, the Teach-In that was to be convened at Trinity Church will now be a webcast-only event. Log on to trinitywallstreet.org live from 2-6 pm (or on-demand) to hear Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, author Joyce Carol Oates, journalist James Carroll, and many others on the issues raised by the Occupy Wall Street movement. Trinity Church will be closed to the public during this time.

[-] 2 points by Occupyit2day (2) 12 years ago

(Not sure if my last comment sent...reposting one more time. Sorry, if this posts twice.)

For our May Day, we are raising awareness about Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool 4 and the danger it poses to U.S. Health and Safety.

We believe the international nuclear industry demonstrates a complete lack of ethics when it places "profits before people."

Please read the following petition to understand how this fits into the Occupy Wall Street environmental awareness issues and why corporations should not be allowed to literally gamble with our food chain, land and lives.

Rock it, Occupiers!

May 1st ... Strike! Strike! Strike! We deserve financial, human and environmental justice!!! <3




[-] 2 points by OccuEvolve (2) 12 years ago

ALL New York City Area General Assemblies are invited to converge on May Day in Union Square at 5:00pm at the Andy Warhol Statue (17th and Broadway) for a impromptu General Assembly, and march together to Wall Street at 5:30PM.'

Come meet and break bread with fellow Occupiers from all around the city and let's show the world that the OCCUPY movement is STRONGER AND MORE UNIFIED THAN EVER!

[-] 2 points by mscnyc (2) 12 years ago

OCCUPY THE CLUBS: MUSICIANS MUST BE PAID May 1, 9:30pm at in Sara D. Roosevelt Park, at the SE corner of Chrystie Street and Houston Street

Join the Musicians Solidarity Council on Tuesday, May 1 to protest the nonpayment of musicians in successful NYC music venues. Performers shouldn't be asked to volunteer their talent and services to profitable businesses!

We'll meet at 9:30pm, in Sara D. Roosevelt Park, at the SE corner of Chrystie Street and Houston Street, and proceed to several clubs, potentially including the Sidewalk Cafe, Pianos, Rockwood Music Hall, the Living Room, 169 Bar, and Brooklyn's Zebulon Cafe Concert.

Music fans need to know: culture requires investment, and the NYC music scene will suffer if nonpayment (more and more prevalent since the 1990s) continues to be common practice.

For more information, email musicians.solidarity.council@gmail.com.

Press release: http://mussc.org/?q=node/61 FB invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/290667554350863/ Petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/nyc-music-venues-stop-the-nonpayment-of-musicians-in-profitable-clubs


[-] 2 points by Healthcareforthe99percent (2) 12 years ago

Healthcare for the 99% 2pm A Community Without A Hospital: picket and speak out, St. Vincent's Hospital, 12th Street and 7th Ave. March to Union Square 3:30pm to join rally.

[-] 2 points by sirhotalot (2) from New York, NY 12 years ago

We are left with a husk of opposition, a ritual form capable of affording a sentimentalistic “I’m OK, you’re OK” satisfaction to its subscribers at a psychic level but utterly useless in terms of transforming the power relations perpetuating systemic global violence. Such a defect can, however, be readily sublimated within the aggregate comfort zone produced by the continuation of North American business as usual; those who remain within the parameters of nondisruptive dissent allowed by the state, their symbolic duty to the victims of U.S. policy done (and with the bases of state power wholly unchallenged), can devote themselves to the prefiguration of the revolutionary future society with which they proclaim they will replace the present social order (having, no doubt, persuaded the state to overthrow itself through the moral force of their arguments). Here, concrete activities such as sexual experimentation, refinement of musical/artistic tastes, development of various meat-free diets, getting in touch with one’s “id” through meditation and ingestion of hallucinogens, alteration of sex-based distribution of household chores, and waging campaigns against such “bourgeois vices” as smoking tobacco become the signifiers of “cor-rect politics” or even “revolutionary practice.” This is as opposed to the active and effective confrontation of state power.

Small wonder that North America’s ghetto, barrio, and reservation populations, along with the bulk of the white working class people who are by and large structurally denied access to the comfort zone (both in material terms and in a corresponding inability to avoid the imposition of a relatively high degree of systemic violence) tend either to stand aside in bemused incomprehension of such politics or to react with outright hostility. Their apprehension of the need for revolutionary change and their conception of revolutionary dynamics are necessarily at radical odds with this notion of “struggle.” The American nonviolent movement, which has labored so long and so hard to isolate all divergent oppositional tendencies, is in the end isolating itself, becoming ever more demographically white, middle-class, and “respectable.” Eventually, unless there is a marked change in its obstinate insistence that it holds a “moral right” to absolute tactical monopoly, American pacifism will be left to “feel good about itself” while the revolution goes on without it.

[-] 2 points by feedthemovement (2) 12 years ago

IMPORTANT: 12-3:30 at Union Square is the rally of the May 1st Coalition, which has been holding May Day rallies at union square for the last 6 years. (this is different from the 4pm solidarity rally, concert and march). thanks

[-] 2 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 12 years ago
  • Occupy Everything!

  • This movement is for all the right reasons.

  • All the right issues.

  • Occupy Wall Street rocks.

  • Strike it all. Bring it home.




[-] 1 points by JohnSteinsvold (4) 12 years ago

An Alternative to Capitalism (if the people knew about it, they would demand it)

Several decades ago, Margaret Thatcher claimed: "There is no alternative". She was referring to capitalism. Today, this negative attitude still persists.

I would like to offer an alternative to capitalism for the American people to consider. Please click on the following link. It will take you to an essay titled: "Home of the Brave?" which was published by the Athenaeum Library of Philosophy:


John Steinsvold

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."~ Albert Einstein

[-] 1 points by harkonnen (1) 12 years ago


  • Sunday best. It’s what worked for the union movements, Woman’s Suffrage and the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Refuse to be cover for those who would sully the message of your cause.
  • Get a permit! It is easy and get’s the public/Police on your side.

MESSAGE - The rest of the public seems to think the Occupy movement lacks specific goals/demands. Here are a few I think would be popular:

  • Federal bill stating a maximum 4% interest rate on student loans
  • A bill legalizing Marijuana with a 20% federal tax in addition to state taxes
  • A bill stating “Corporations are not people. Money is not speech.”
  • End super pacs


[-] 1 points by wallacep (1) 12 years ago

The "Occupy" movement claims to be the 99 percent, and claims that the other greedy capitalists are the 1 percent. Any statistics to prove it?

I looked at the rhetoric on the main page today and saw many phrases which are all about control and seem antithetical to freedom and more akin to talk of revolution, such as the following:

"take back" our future... "taking over" the Quad at Brooklyn College... "allowing" banks and corporations to make record profits.... come "Shut Down" Sotheby's... If you believe that paintings "shouldn't sell" for $80 million dollars...

What should rare famous paintings sell for? 50 cents? So we all can afford them?

Seems like this movement is all about control, but not control exercised through the ballot box, control exercised through force. OWW sounds very much like that which would lead to totalitarian socialism, not to communism, which the movement seems to aspire to, and which no country has ever been able to achieve (since it's not voluntary).


[-] 1 points by occupychris (4) 12 years ago

Whether you’re filming at the May 1st Occupy Wall Street protests or just want to be prepared to best use your camera, watch these how-to videos to be prepared to capture good footage that will be engaging, informative and could be used potentially for advocacy and evidence.



[-] 1 points by capitalman (1) 12 years ago

corrupt bullying thugs. every last one.

[-] 1 points by lesleybikes (1) 12 years ago

11:30 am - 1:00 pm Bryant Park. Mayday at Hogwarts - for Harry Potter kids and their caregivers. Potions, Divination, Defense Against Capitalism classes...We'll be the ones in the wizard hats!

[-] 1 points by OccupyYoFace (1) 12 years ago

I'm working a 16 hour law enforcement shift on May Day, thx OWS kids!! money in my pocket!

[-] 1 points by VoterMarch (34) from New York, NY 12 years ago

NYPD Shield - Event Advisory Warning "Countering Terrorism through Information Sharing" Occupy Wall Street - May 1 General Strike A detailed 6 page NYPD surveillance report on May Day events http://privacysos.org/sites/all/files/maydayNYPD.pdf


[-] 1 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 12 years ago

I'm looking forward to the day that I get to tell my children all about how I stood up for fairness and a government that actually represented its people instead of corporations :)



[-] 1 points by ErekTinker (1) 12 years ago

1:30 PM @ Board of Elections 42 Broadway 6th Floor is a validation hearing for George Martinez to get on the ballot for Congress. Bum Rush the Vote!


[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 12 years ago

that's all of us! we are the community of the heart! 100% for Humanity! 100% against the inhumanity of the 1%, the police and those who say man is bad!







