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We are the 99 percent


Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 19, 2011, 4:09 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Occupation currently at Zuccotti Park now re-named Liberty Plaza.

Corner of Liberty st. and Broadway. Food and Democracy are free.

Come there Monday. Use #libertyPlaza to report from the ground.

General Assembly news and minutes at nycga.net




Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by Haig (3) 13 years ago

I am a child of the sixties, I fought in the Vietnam War then marched in Washington and rallied in Times Square against it. (The Times Square rally was organized by John Lennon, a great moment for me to see him sing Give Peace A Chance). The anti war demos continued no matter what police or politicians did. In the end, those of us driven by our better angels prevailed, but not before soldiers shot and killed protesters at Kent State and who knows how many were beaten by police across the country. All this took years before the war ended.

So my message to you folks is, be prepared for the long haul, if not go home now. If you mean it, do not give up. As President Kennedy said regarding sending men to the moon, "We do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard".

Haig Tufankjian Portland, Maine

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[-] 1 points by deacy (8) 13 years ago

Well said Haig. I wish these young people all the best and hope they succeed. But there is a lot we can do too to help them succeed. Write to our congressmen, give a donation however small, etc. Let's do it for America and let's do it for the world.

[-] 2 points by Dreamseeker3574 (2) 13 years ago

Here are some ideas for what needs to be reformed: 1) Housing and EconomicEquality; everyone deserves a home regardless of income or ecoomic status.Housing needs to be based upon income. If a person make under $1,000 they pay 10%, over $1,000 20%. 2.) More regulation on Big business and less on small business. Corperations should not be veiwed as indivuals. 3) A reform of the credit system. Everyone who has experienced fraud or zombie debt should have their credit reset to how it was before the fraud. 4.) Tax the rich more and the poor less. 5) An increase in the cola for those on social security and disablity of at least 10% to make up for 2 years of no increase. 6) A 10 year plan to reform the economic system in the long term to a system that is PEOPLE based not MONEY based. People should be over profit. 7) Universal Health Care for all and equal health care for all. The basic idea is to reform the economic system. Captilism only works for the rich. We need to set up a true democracy.

[-] 1 points by Olsen (3) 13 years ago

From Norway:

1) Try to make a manifest - like this - that the average American can agree upon. Tell the anarchists among you to keep cool.

2) Be cooperative with the police. Inform them that this is also about them.

3) Rally as many people as possible.

4) Could similar protests be put up in other cities in the US?

Good luck!

[-] 2 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

I stopped by the protest today (I work in the area) at 11pm. It was 100 people in the park near Wall Street (Broadway and Liberty), almost all of them anarchist punk-rock live-off-the-grid types. There was no united message or set of slogans/demands that was obvious to casual passers by. Slogans on signs ranged from dissing bankers, student debt, bailouts, to abstractions like conformity, capitalism, and apathy. The cops put up fences near the NYSE, shut down the J/Z train station, and were prepared to control the situation.

The people behind the protest are inspired by the Arab Spring and hoped to recreate Tahrir Square in the Financial District. The small turnout and fleeting media coverage show that we have a lot to learn from the examples abroad.

The revolution in Egypt began as a mass march against police brutality (an every day occurrence that activists have been protesting and organizing against for many years). The revolution in Libya began as a march against crummy housing. Actions in both countries were rooted in deeply held grievances and the most pressing needs of the population and began with clear-cut political demands and issues that the people rally behind. The only specific demand I could make out was to "occupy Wall Street," which doesn't really meet anyone's pressing needs, economic or political.

This is the tactics-as-politics school of anarchism (although I did see one SPUSA member). The people in the park were mostly white 20-30 year olds. It was bigger than some of the Bloombergville protests but far smaller than the tens of thousands the unions mobilized to march down here some time back.

I give them credit for trying. The small turnout and the political character of the event reflects how separated the left and the working class in NYC are from one another. -www.planetanarchy.net

[-] 1 points by FlowLoveG (2) from Sacramento, CA 13 years ago

Hey it has to start somewhere. I don't care what they look like. The point is that they are indeed DOING SOMETHING about this GREED in the USA that is ruining us. Hopefully this will grow into a MASSIVE movement that cannot be ignored. Tax the living $#%@ out of the rich as they were taxed in the 60's and watch this country change FLG at sactownlove.com

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

The top bracket's tax rate peaked under Eisenhower. It declined under Kennedy and LBJ. -www.planetanarchy.net

[-] 1 points by flashcrush (2) 13 years ago

Marching against greed is good & breaking up it's over concentration stratification polarization of wealth with its disparity/desperation through a steeply graduated Robin Hood tax is even more specifically better. Now, why can't that whole action & all it's participants just say that's at least one concrete public demand/appeal that they all reliably stand for?

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

Partly because they rely on consensus to make decisions -- consensus meaning everyone has to agree. (It just takes one plainclothes cop to disrupt a meeting.) -www.planetanarchy.net

[-] 2 points by Chevalier (2) 13 years ago

It’s about time someone did something! Big corporations, their lobbyists, and their million dollar bribes – I mean, “campaign donations” – have completely corrupted what was supposed to be a system with the best interest of the People and the Country at the forefront. It’s so polluted with money that it’s nearly impossible to pass even the simplest reforms! We need to take our country back from these self-serving criminals. Sending all of you strength, support, and love!

[-] 1 points by EndTheFed (13) from Maidstone, ON 13 years ago

You will kill your ability to unite people from all walks of life if this thing turns violent.

You must be like Gandhi.

You must bend over backwards to be peaceful without changing your verbal message.

If anything turns violent, it must be blatant and physical abuse by the police caught on camera and streamed around the world.

There is nothing that turns a sideliners stomach more than seeing an innocent person being beaten who is not resisting the blows.

Yes, there are going to have to be some undeserved physical abuse. Regardless of whether you believe in Jesus, is that not what he did on the cross for mankind? He could have destroyed his abusers; however, by taking the abuse he showed love, the injustices and started a whole movement that continues to impact others to this day.

The police want you kids to turn violent. You being violent is their "Get Out of Jail Free" card. I am sure Mayor Bloomberg is praying that some in your group will turn violent.

Anyone advocating violence among your group should be kicked out. The odds are that person is a government inserted provocateer who is trying to instigate violence, i.e., someone from Homeland Security, CIA, National Security Agency, etc.

So monitor closely for those advocating violence. If you see someone in your group turn unexpectedly violent, ask the police to come over and arrest them and disavow the group from them.

That will blow the NYPD's mind. It will also show them that they can't "plant" someone within your group to disrupt the message.

I want to see you guys be successful and spread all over the country. Can't wait to see you in Chicago and Washington, DC. Hopefully by the time you get to Washington, DC that you will be 1 million strong on the Washington Mall.

There's an old saying: You have to outfox the fox.

Don't forget it!

[-] 1 points by EndTheFed (13) from Maidstone, ON 13 years ago

You will kill your ability to unite people from all walks of life if this thing turns violent.

You must be like Gandhi.

You must bend over backwards to be peaceful without changing your verbal message.

If anything turns violent, it must be blatant and physical abuse by the police caught on camera and streamed around the world.

There is nothing that turns a sideliners stomach more than seeing an innocent person being beaten who is not resisting the blows.

Yes, there are going to have to be some undeserved physical abuse. Regardless of whether you believe in Jesus, is that not what he did on the cross for mankind? He could have destroyed his abusers; however, by taking the abuse he showed love, the injustices and started a whole movement that continues to impact others to this day.

The police want you kids to turn violent. You being violent is their "Get Out of Jail Free" card. I am sure Mayor Bloomberg is praying that some in your group will turn violent.

Anyone advocating violence among your group should be kicked out. The odds are that person is a government inserted provocateer who is trying to instigate violence, i.e., someone from Homeland Security, CIA, National Security Agency, etc.

So monitor closely for those advocating violence. If you see someone in your group turn unexpectedly violent, ask the police to come over and arrest them and disavow the group from them.

That will blow the NYPD's mind. It will also show them that they can't "plant" someone within your group to disrupt the message.

I want to see you guys be successful and spread all over the country. Can't wait to see you in Chicago and Washington, DC. Hopefully by the time you get to Washington, DC that you will be 1 million strong on the Washington Mall.

There's an old saying: You have to outfox the fox.

Don't forget it!


[-] 1 points by EndTheFed (13) from Maidstone, ON 13 years ago

What is the underlying cause of all these inequalities, whether loss of jobs, health care, education, etc., is the financial system that created it. It is not capitalism but the independent, privately owned, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK.

Yes the head of the serpent, the snake, the pyramid is the Federal Reserve. You can have socialism, communism, etc. but as long as there is one centralized bank that controls the flow of money in a country's economy you will have these problems.


It is the culprit of it all. When our government abolishes the Federal Reserve, then the money will flow down in time to all the right places, give people a chance.

As long as you have the Federal Reserve you will have the cruelest tax of them all: INFLATION. The rich can wade through inflation and still thrive. The poor get creamed, starve and die.

The Federal Reserve is a private bank that our government pays them interest of 6% on our own money. All dollars are debt instruments. They are "notes". The whole organization is nothing but a giantic Ponzi scheme.

Go to You Tube and see the award winning documentary "The Secret of Oz" and it will fill in the blanks of how centralized banking is full of corruption and greed. For a more detailed account of their evils through world history, including killing leaders opposed to them, watch the documentary "The Money Changers".

If you focus on ENDING THE FEDERAL RESERVE, you will unite the Christians, Muslims, Hindis, Secularist, Anarchist, Communist, Socialist, etc.


See if an economist or a business professor from one of the local universities will come to Liberty Park to give you some impromptu lectures on the topic. Ask the Professor who comes to teach you about Fractional Banking and reserves. When you all learn how it works, how many depressions and recessions it has created through its monetary policies, the light bulb will go off. (And yes, Ben Bernake is a joke and incompetent not only with the public but within the financial and business sectors. The only people who think he's doing a great job are the banks that are making all that money on holding the ballout monies and getting those interest free loans.)

Hope this helps!

[-] 1 points by FTapeMusic (6) 13 years ago

Sending support from San Diego! 'A Fair Warning' http://soundcloud.com/f_tape

[-] 1 points by Velcrow (2) 13 years ago

Here's a new short video doc about the #occupywallstreet action shot this weekend : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sssMrX9ls3o

[-] 1 points by lampfall40 (2) 13 years ago

Discussion and Organization Forum set up: http://occupywallst.proboards.com/

[-] 1 points by lampfall40 (2) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by FlowLoveG (2) from Sacramento, CA 13 years ago

Northern California here. I support what you are doing 100%. Thanks God someone has organized to protest the GREED that is ruining our country. I will publicize your efforts on my website and wherever I can. Keep doing what you're doing and know MILLIONS of modest people who are just thankful and perfectly happy with a roof over their heads, a car, food on the table , decent health care benefits, and the basic necessities stand behind you and support you 100%. THANK YOU. Keep fighting for the working man. You guys are awesome!! FLOW LOVE G over at www.sactownlove.com

[-] 1 points by Gallowglass (1) 13 years ago

I might show up Wednesday to show my support when I get off work, where are you guys planning to be? I didn't hear about this until this morning.

We need drastic changes to the way Wall Street makes its money. De-regulation got us into this mess. The people handling the money also make the rules on Capital Hill, this is inexcusable! This movement should start on Wall Street and build momentum until finally reaching DC! We need to take a hold of this now while we still can! We need to march from NYC to DC and tell the people WE elected that WE are pissed!

[-] 1 points by suomynona (3) 13 years ago

Im following this event from the beginning. Different from these guys who think there are only punks and chaotics i see engaged people. They mostly look like students. Why punks? And why not? I also know what your goal is. It really isn't hard to see. We all know it. Even the banksters know what the problem is. If you dont give up they cant ignore you. Hope that your protest grows and you reach your goal. I wish i could be there, but its to far away... The world is watching you.

Regards from germany, suomynona

[-] 1 points by mijou (2) from Budapest, Budapest 13 years ago

Greets from Hungary/Europe It is a shame that you guys just dont get at least some media coverage. never mind, we support you and wish you the best! Please give our "regards" to wall street banksters!

[-] 1 points by mijou (2) from Budapest, Budapest 13 years ago

Greets from Hungary/Europe It is a shame that you guys just dont get at least some media coverage. never mind, we support you and wish you the best! Please give our "regards" to wall street banksters!


[-] 1 points by YankeeRebel (1) 13 years ago

It's about time there are protests in the U.S. How much further down the sinkhole do we need to go before we have had enough? If there are any protests planned for the Northeast, please post. It is too far for me to drive to NYC.

[-] 1 points by carlosfrosado (1) 13 years ago

From Puerto Rico, expressing my support through social media and other means. Your struggle represenst the demands of millions of people all over the world. There in spirit!!

[-] 1 points by TheInsomaniac (1) 13 years ago

@TheInsomaniac - Spreading the word in Detroit... There in spirit!

[-] 0 points by SPOOKY (3) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

Might I suggest you get rid of the V masks and the black hoodies? People who tune into the nightly news, who might otherwise be inclined to join you see these kids who look like they are 5 minutes from throwing rocks at cops and they are turned off. Also, the anarchy signs and "revolutionary" language are a turn off to joe six pack. If this thing is going to grow, you need to encourage more everyday people to join you but your not going to do it if they are more afraid of the protesters than the police

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

I was there and didn't see anyone with the masks on.

[-] 1 points by SPOOKY (3) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

also, it might be helpful if when your taking pictures to add to this site, to show people whats going on, you try to include pics of people that are a bit older than what most of the crowd seems to be. image control is very important if you want to get more people to either join you at the site, or support you with donations and favorable press. Right now, everyone is laughing at what they see is a bunch of lazy misguided college students on television. If you want to change that you need to change they way the general public see you, only then will they feel inclined to join your cause.


[-] 0 points by marxxx (0) 13 years ago

I completely support this occupation but am disconcerted to see there has been no media coverage on the event on any major news networks. Peaceful protest is not conducive to change. More drastic measures must be taken to capture the attention of all Americans and the media, and although it is unfortunate; history has shown that you can't have change with out a bloody revolution. This occupation needs to be taken to the next level and we should shed our moderate and pacifistic tendencies and do some real damage. Maybe take some pointers from our friends in the Middle East. Viva La Revolución!

[-] 1 points by drew (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

The power structure that we wish to fight against only understands the language of violence. When we took to the streets on Saturday the police were expecting riots, there were none, and the police became confused.

The moment you make a fist against them they will crush you. There are twice as many police on the street as there are protesters.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFed (13) from Maidstone, ON 13 years ago

You will kill your ability to unite people from all walks of life if this thing turns violent.

You must be like Gandhi.

You must bend over backwards to be peaceful without changing your verbal message.

If anything turns violent, it must be blatant and physical abuse by the police caught on camera and streamed around the world.

There is nothing that turns a sideliners stomach more than seeing an innocent person being beaten who is not resisting the blows.

Yes, there are going to have to be some undeserved physical abuse. Regardless of whether you believe in Jesus, is that not what he did on the cross for mankind? He could have destroyed his abusers; however, by taking the abuse he showed love, the injustices and started a whole movement that continues to impact others to this day.

The police want you kids to turn violent. You being violent is their "Get Out of Jail Free" card. I am sure Mayor Bloomberg is praying that some in your group will turn violent.

Anyone advocating violence among your group should be kicked out. The odds are that person is a government inserted provocateer who is trying to instigate violence, i.e., someone from Homeland Security, CIA, National Security Agency, etc.

So monitor closely for those advocating violence. If you see someone in your group turn unexpectedly violent, ask the police to come over and arrest them and disavow the group from them.

That will blow the NYPD's mind. It will also show them that they can't "plant" someone within your group to disrupt the message.

I want to see you guys be successful and spread all over the country. Can't wait to see you in Chicago and Washington, DC. Hopefully by the time you get to Washington, DC that you will be 1 million strong on the Washington Mall.

There's an old saying: You have to outfox the fox.

Don't forget it!

[-] 0 points by MikeMullen (0) 13 years ago

Your protest reminded me of a textbook I read recently. If you would like to know what process turned two 500,000 ton quarter mile high buildings into microscopic dust particles in less than 10 seconds each, here is a textbook I highly recommend: WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? by Dr. Judy Wood is neither a political nor conspiratorial work. This 500 page full-color hardcover textbook is a forensic scientific investigation into the events of 9/11. Because of Dr. Judy Wood and her 10 years of forensic scientific research into the "dustification" of the World Trade Center complex readers of WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? will now know what forensic evidence a "magnetic-electrogravitic-nuclear reaction" leaves behind when this technology is used on unsuspecting and innocent victims again.

WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? ISBN-13: 978-0-615-41256-6 ISBN-10: 0615412564 Library of Congress Control Number: 2010916516 http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/buy/