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We are the 99 percent

A Message Of Solidarity From Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 7:37 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

<img style="margin-right:0.7em" src=//i.imgur.com/LEKpo.jpg" alt="Archbishop Tutu" align="left" />

Sisters and Brothers, I greet you in the Name of Our Lord and in the bonds of common friendship and struggle from my homeland of South Africa. I know of your own challenges and of this appeal to Trinity Church for the shelter of a new home and I am with you! May God bless this appeal of yours and may the good people of that noble parish heed your plea, if not for ease of access, then at least for a stay on any violence or arrests.

Yours is a voice for the world not just the neighborhood of Duarte Park. Injustice, unfairness, and the strangle hold of greed which has beset humanity in our times must be answered with a resounding, "No!" You are that answer. I write this to you not many miles away from the houses of the poor in my country. It pains me despite all the progress we have made. You see, the heartbeat of what you are asking for--that those who have too much must wake up to the cries of their brothers and sisters who have so little--beats in me and all South Africans who believe in justice.

Trinity Church is an esteemed and valued old friend of mine; from the earliest days when I was a young Deacon. Theirs was the consistent and supportive voice I heard when no one else supported me or our beloved brother Nelson Mandela. That is why it is especially painful for me to hear of the impasse you are experiencing with the parish. I appeal to them to find a way to help you. I appeal to them to embrace the higher calling of Our Lord Jesus Christ--which they live so well in all other ways--but now to do so in this instance...can we not rearrange our affairs for justice sake? Just as history watched as South Africa was reborn in promise and fairness so it is watching you now.

In closing, be assured of my thoughts and prayers, they are with you at this very hour.

God bless you,

+Desmond Tutu

Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town



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[-] 11 points by llf (144) 13 years ago

Much Respect to Archbishop Tutu. A man who knows justice and has fought the good fight for freedom and equality. Your kind words and leadership give inspiration and bring honor to this peoples movement.

[-] 3 points by ForwardWeGo (99) 13 years ago

It's a great gesture for the Archbishop to stand behind sanctuary from police abuse and brutality for OWS and urge the parish elders to reach out and I hope that they already done so! Solidarity and respect

[-] 1 points by deejay (7) 13 years ago

Actually, Tutu has also said that he does not advocate breaking the law, among other things. You should read his comments AFTER this letter. Someone actually posted his after-remarks down below.

[-] 3 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Agreed. A noble individual. I´m not religious, but Tutu has my respect :)


[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Archbishop Tutu here above and as always, shows 'Amazing Grace' : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vZsCuFX2JY ! Bless his cotton socks !! pax et amor ;-)

[+] -5 points by korzib9 (80) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

Just another old man trying to cling to relevance while living in the shadow of events 20 years in the past. He is a great supporter of lost causes.

[-] -1 points by ubercaput (175) from New York City, NY 13 years ago

Roman Catholic priests like children.

[-] 7 points by technum (7) 13 years ago

Thank you, Archbishop Tutu. Trinity needs to realize that its position is in contradiction to the charitable and merciful teachings of Jesus. I'm an atheist, and I know Christianity well enough to know that. Bottom line - practice what you preach.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"Trinity needs to realize that its position is in contradiction to the charitable and merciful teachings of Jesus."

ABSOLUTELY! That's why I always say: "The more I love Jesus, the less I like Christianity".

[-] 0 points by deejay (7) 13 years ago

Jesus never said that the church has to do anything anyone else wants them to do. The original message of the occupiers is so lost now. The current message is that it is OK to usurp the property of others (which usurps the rights of others, too) and that it is noble to break the law and get arrested. My advice is to get back to your original message and be lawful. Otherwise, you lose credibility and respect.

[-] 7 points by laughingbear (7) 13 years ago

Dear Desmond,

your voice shall echo around the globe.

"Injustice, unfairness, and the strangle hold of greed which has beset humanity in our times must be answered with a resounding, “No!” You are that answer."

In contrast, the silent "Yes", it is the language of Ignorance, the language without words, that unspoken endorsement of injustice and greed.

Greetings from Ireland Pax tecum Georg R. Baumann

[-] 6 points by ThunderclapNewman (1083) from Nanty Glo, PA 13 years ago

Archbishop, thank you for your wonderful words of support. May God bless us all.

[-] 6 points by thomasgokey (7) 13 years ago

Amen! Thank you so much Archbishop Tutu!

[-] 6 points by TOTBS (4) 13 years ago

Thank you Bishop, God Bless you, for this strong and meaningful endorsement!

[-] 5 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

The Archbishop's support has reminded me of the noble mission that we are all on and whenever the days seem dark in our struggle, we should remember his thoughtful words.

[-] 5 points by Garybryant2 (42) 13 years ago

A much needed dose of class and a reminder of true Christian values to those who have forgotten.

Thank you, sir.

[-] 5 points by Restorefreedomtoall1776 (272) from Bayonne, NJ 13 years ago

May God Bless You, and may your years on this earth be long and filled with grace! We are with you also, and ask for your continued prayers in our behalf. Due to the extreme violence we face on a daily basis, some of us may not be here tomorrow or the next day. Those of us who are still living will keep you in our hearts. If you are still in touch with the Dalai Lama, please tell him we will appreciate his blessing also, and that we keep him and his people in our hearts.

[-] 5 points by translatorbrigades (4) 13 years ago

amazing... truly despite evictions and policial repression, or precisely thanks to your consistent non-violent response to it, your moral status starts having an aura of sanctity.. Greetings from Spain´s 15M

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

iViva Los Indignados! y iViva Los 99%!

Si, se peuede ...

paz y luz ..

x .

[-] -1 points by Karl101 (-6) 13 years ago

Shardz66, Hugo Chaves eres tu? Estupido communista.

[-] 0 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Pendejo ...

[-] 4 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

I think we know what Jesus would do.

[-] 4 points by neilr (8) 13 years ago

Booyah! Desmond Tutu no less! Righteous endorsement from a most righteous fighter for peace & justice. Listen up Trinity, listen up!

[-] 3 points by dealdoctor (148) 13 years ago

As a theologian and pastor for twenty years I strongly affirm that Bishop Tutu is exactly correct that the church should rearrange its affairs for justice sake. He does no more than recognize what Jesus said, in Luke 4:18 ""The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed." Could anything be more clear? It amazes me that the church so often refuses to listen to the compassion of Jesus for fear it will cause them to rearrange their affairs for justice sake. That said many Christians do support OWS. All Christians and all churches should do so.

[-] 3 points by oddgrrrl (28) 13 years ago

This is great NOW-Please Call President Obama Friday Dec 16th at #202-456-1111/or 202-456-1414> Ask President Obama to VETO the National Defense Authorization Act ( Indefinite Detention Bill) Due to the Fact that Sec 1031-2 directly violate the bill of rights! Indefinite Detention-No trial- Military personnel to engage in domestic law enforcement…. And/or Email Obama and Bidden @ http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

NDAA Info>>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Defense_Authorization_Act/ (Section 1031 allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens... without a trial)

REMEMBER: Dept of Defense categorizes PROTESTS IN THE US as "low-level terrorism" http://bit.ly/uESNsD & (PDF) http://bit.ly/qaF3a1

The National Defense Authorization Act Pay particular attention to pg 359-364; Sec 1031-2.>http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112s1867pcs/pdf/BILLS-112s1867pcs.pdf

The ACLU says that the NDAA 2012 (NDAA) authorizes presidents to have power of dictators: “to order the military to pick up and imprison people, including U.S. citizens, without charging them or putting them on trial.”


Protect our Bill of Rights because the Bill of Rights can not protect itself! Contact the Prez, sign the petitions, call congress and Oppose the The National DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT and Oppose SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA Protect-IP Act! PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION by opposing SOPA and PIPA!

http://stopcensorship.org/ Urge lawmakers to vote against SOPA and PIPA : Call Congress-ACT NOW! http://americancensorship.org/

[-] 3 points by ineptcongress (648) 13 years ago

ten thumbs up.

[-] 3 points by AkbarLightning (54) from Tillson, NY 13 years ago

It is especially important, as we reach out for support from the Christian church, that we remain deeply committed to the transcendent totality of Non-Violence as both an ends a means... There have been times lately while speaking with my fellow Occupiers when I hear the frustration and impatience that comes from long-term commitment to struggle, and how those feelings tempt one to consider more militant forms of political action. I have heard Chris Hedges, a very vocal supporter of this movement, say a few times that 'he is not, in fact, a pacifist' and I just want to caution us to be aware of this tension, and to work on consensus regarding these things. why? because I do not want to look back and tell myself that the success of the movement hinged upon a violent form of action..in fact, i don't think that is possible. Our success can only rest in a deep and abiding faith in non-violence as a force of nature, as the bedrock of the social contract...because, afterall, it is violence that defines every form of corruption I am longing to get away from... if we simply see non-violence as a 'tactic' instead of a way of life, then we will soon recreate the same situation, as we will have founded our future world on the ease of force, on the crutch of coercion... non-violence is tedious and hard, it is difficult and lengthy...but it lets us sleep at night with a clean conscience. let the cold of this winter condense our commitment to peace as the ultimate tool of justice. good luck, see y'all on saturday!

[-] 3 points by Bssgrl (9) 13 years ago

Bless you!!!

[-] 3 points by OccupyResonatesHope (9) 13 years ago

God Bless You Archbishop Tutu, seeing your picture when opening up occupywallst.org brought a joyful smile and hope; reading your words brought tears and Real Hope for the 99%. May I remind everyone please of Your wonderful website, youthpeacesummit.org

[-] 2 points by ForwardWeGo (99) 13 years ago

Seconds on the Amens!

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago
[-] 2 points by Curtisvj (2) 13 years ago


And Tutu's posting on the Trinity website isn't a blanket endorsement for the movement.

[-] 2 points by binky4freedom (6) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

I'm a little sad of the fact that OWS didn't post Desmond Tutu's follow up letter. I fully support this movement... I just don't want us to act like state media. We are better then that. Godspeed...

[-] 2 points by WileyW (2) 13 years ago

Archbishops Tutu's most recent statement follows:

A Statement from Archbishop Desmond Tutu December 16, 2011

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has issued further comment on the Occupy Wall Street movement and Trinity Wall Street:

I’ve challenged my friends at Trinity on this issue just as I’ve challenged Trinity for the past 35 years in our ongoing friendship. I do this in love, not to harm.

I also now challenge those who disagree with Trinity. My statement is not to be used to justify breaking the law. In a country where all people can vote and Trinity's door to dialogue is open, it is not necessary to forcibly break into property. Nor is it to reinforce or build higher the barriers between people of faith who seek peace and justice. My deep prayer is that people can work together and I look forward to that conversation.

[-] 2 points by Arditum (37) 13 years ago

Even as an atheist i can recognize and appreciate the support and good intentions of the archbishop. Thank you.

[-] 2 points by shaheen (5) 13 years ago

Thank you Archbishop for supporting this. People in India are also demonstrating in support of OWS. Solidarity extended to Occupy Wall Street Campaign by Progressive Indians (Resolution of the Memorial Meeting held at Cuttack, Odisha on 8th Dec 2011 to mark the 18th Death Anniversary of Jaladhar Nanda, a Teacher Marxist)

For detail please visit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arkitectindia/message/12157

[-] 2 points by marga (82) 13 years ago

Archbishop being a atheists I may not agree with the religious point of view on many thingsbut I know many fine people who are Christians and we all want that same thing, justice. I will never rest till justice is served. I simply do not worry about God because I know I came with my own blueprint which I try to decode in my own sweet time. Well and Jesus to me was just a man with knowledge who was trying to teaothers what he knew. Obviouch

[-] 2 points by zucnei (103) 13 years ago

Its not like there were any pressing issues this week - like, say, the potential loss of a millionaire's tax or NDAA. No the most important issue this week is... OWS's desire to camp in Duarte!

Glad to see priorities are in order here.

[-] 2 points by comrade724 (7) from East Lansing, MI 13 years ago

This site does not, nor does it claim to, speak on behalf of the movement. Only the movement (and by movement I mean you, you don't stand apart) can do that. You can't construct a narrative around the actions of a given movement the same way you construct and interpret actions of individuals. The actions of OWS can and do appear disjointed, but that's the sacrifice made to persist under a horizontal, democratic, uncooptable organizational structure. 'Getting priorities in order' in a time frame that people seem to expect in an incipient social organization lacking a sophisticated democratic structure would require a leadership and a hierarchical power structure which would quickly cause the death of this movement. Anyone can rally behind a leaderless movement with a near all inclusive ideology, but as soon as you throw a specific individual with a specific ideology at the front you've significantly narrowed the portion of the population who can identify with the movement. Besides, it's a lot more important that individuals in this movement identify with each other as a symbol as opposed to an individual, given that the chief function of OWS is class consciousness formation.

That post kind of got away from me there but it works as my main point is you can't just think until you've had a thought (post about Duarte? No priorities!), you've got to think it through (ask why).

[-] 2 points by zucnei (103) 13 years ago

I disagree - there is a lot of effort, media relations and resources being put into this Saturday - I live here and see it. Due to the amount of effort I assume it had enough consensus within OWS to make it a high priority, in terms of people and money, at least in NYC.

In DC there were two issues being debated this week that effect the movement far more than the ability to hold a festival in Duarte: NDAA and a millionaires tax. Lets focus on the later...

As Democrats said they were willing to table the millionaires tax what if 10000 people showed up? That tax appeals to most of the population. What if OWS had used its vast resources and network to show up in DC and insist on that tax? What if the musicians, artists, media and cash involved in promoting D17 had been used towards that end? What if Archbishop Tutu's letter had been about fair tax policy instead of Duarte? Maybe that tax would still be on the table today instead of kicked down the road. I believe OWS had the chance to focus on a real issue this week, one they could have influenced the outcome of, and instead we got this and the port shutdown.

The message I get from OWS is that the main priority this week is the right to camp on church property - a church that I have only seen treat OWS fairly on the whole. Why are we making enemies out of friends?

Its stuff like this that keeps people on the skeptical side, imo.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

This is why we are here this is why you are needed.


Share, circulate, educate, inspire.

[-] 1 points by johiles (4) 13 years ago

Much better endorsement than mumia's...

[-] 1 points by deejay (7) 13 years ago

You neglected to also note that Desmond Tutu does not condone the occupiers breaking the law in their protesting and also has said that he does not support breaking into private property.

[-] 1 points by brothermoon (1) 13 years ago

my most heartfelt gratitude for your note of justice, awareness and compelling invocation. Thank you Desmond for supporting actively for what we beleive in - the compassionate love for all springing forth from the church of christ and into society for common good. May you continue to garner greater levels of international support for the cause of a country so much in need of ethical leadership. Can we now as a globe reach out to each other in voices heard here to give further rise and ripeness for upholding our convictions and becoming a world of peace?

[-] 1 points by sunbird1 (10) 13 years ago

OWS should be glad and honored to have the support of Archbishop Tutu. Although many involved in this movement have issues with organized religion, a huge percentage of the American population identifies with Christian teachings. In order to succeed this movement must welcome the support of all decent, ethical people and invite all Christians by pointing out that the teachings of Jesus clearly support the objectives of the Occupy movement. Anyone who honestly reads the words of Jesus would be unable to deny that he was a non-materialistic pacifist who disapproved of the excessive accumulation of wealth ( i.e. the 1%) and believed that those with more have an obligation to help those with less. He pointed out that one cannot serve both God and “Mammon” ( material wealth, riches) and advised the rich man to give his money to the poor. He despised economic corruption driving out the "money changers" from the temple . (Who do you think the "money changers" would be in today's society ? ) see this amazing painting that says it all: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CiY7m2yuxvI/TsDF9lJ3NTI/AAAAAAAAHFk/26pwQFnGSSI/s1600/boris-olshansky-jesus-and-the-money-changers-2006.jpg

Christians need to face the economic, political and militaristic injustices in this world and ask themselves "What would Jesus REALLY do?"

Perhaps the Occupy movement (if it stays true to it’s peaceful and moral principles) will act as the “conscience” of religious and ethical people, waking them up and reminding them of what they know is right. If a movement of moral integrity can awaken the conscience of the majority to take peaceful yet determined action, then it will change the world.

[-] 1 points by JimmyMacK (11) from Saskatoon, SK 13 years ago

thanks for sharing my friend =) "biggest sinners are in the front pew" we all see what Jesus saw.....the 1% uses the transparency of the paradox against us...we need to wipe the fog off the glass so our fellow puppets can see their strings...the rich have everything...that must bore them into wanting everything the 99% has....we can give up on chasing their material 'garb' and gain great personal power...(kinda like Jesus right? hmmm....) =) it's astonishing how confusing that is to the "mucky mucks" of the world, and those who cannot 'see'...they look down on us as evil....for trying to dodge their evils...sigh God bless'em! Keep talkin' people!...we'll get there :) LOVE

[-] 1 points by OWSMusic (57) 13 years ago

A song for the banksters on Wall Street... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FM3KR9dEOk

[-] 1 points by OooGeeE (21) from New Rochelle, NY 13 years ago

He wrote this?

[-] 1 points by Skiff (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Nelson Mandela has been accused by his former wife of betraying South Africa's black population. said: 'What good does the truth do? How does it help to anyone to know where and how their loved ones are killed or buried? 'That Bishop Tutu who turned it all into a religious circus came here. He had a cheek to tell me to appear.

'I told him that he and his other like-minded cretins were only sitting there because of our struggle and me. Look what they make him do. The great Mandela. He has no control or say any more. 'They put that huge statue of him right in the middle of the most affluent white area of Johannesburg. Not here [in Soweto] where we spilled our blood. 'Mandela is now like a corporate foundation. He is wheeled out globally to collect the money.' She said her daughters, Zenani, 51, and Zindzi, 50, had to struggle through red tape to speak to their 91-year-old father, who led South Africa from 1994 to 1999.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1256425/Nelson-Mandelas-ex-wife-accuses-President-betraying-blacks-South-Africa.html#ixzz1gj72OsnG

[-] 1 points by trundle55411 (2) 13 years ago

excellent thank you!! The government formed by the ANC immediately moved toward corporatization, toward establishing and enriching the black middle class at the expense of the huge mass of unemployed and poor Africans. They shut out all opposition from the in-camera meetings of the new government with corporate execs, some of whom had supported apatheid. Cognitive dissonance!

[-] 1 points by donnagallo (16) from New York, NY 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by TheScreamingHead (239) 13 years ago

Occupy Christmas, Archbishop.


[-] 1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

Wow what an honor :D

[-] 1 points by OccupyLink (529) 13 years ago

Great. We support your great work also, Desmond. There is still a lot to do.

[-] 1 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

Christian is as christian does.

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

Dear Archbishop Tutu, We appreciate your support and our tears will be ones of joy soon. God Bless!


[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Thank you for asserting the real message of Jesus Christ.

[-] 1 points by OldFolkie (5) from Bayonne, NJ 13 years ago

Thank you, Archbishop! Dona nobis pacem...

[-] 1 points by wintersiroco (10) 13 years ago

I would be very concerned about OWS being hosted by a religious institution that, furthermore, is the 0.1%, one of the largest landowners in Manhattan http://www.trinitywallstreet.org/about/real-estate This is an attempt of church cooption.

[-] 0 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

South Africa... Really?? That's like, the bottom 10% of the world.

This is a sign of awakening by the 1%- our goal has never been the elimination of the 1%- only fairness for the 99%. Of all of the 1%, it is only logical that religious institutions would be the first to hear our cries.

[-] 2 points by wintersiroco (10) 13 years ago

Trinity Church is in Lower Manhattan, not in South Africa, and it is the 0.1%, probably by not doing what they preach.

[-] -2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

BS! the INTENT of christianity is to BRUTALISE mankind or do you think it is right to put violent images of human sacrifice by crucifixion in children's minds? the "archbishop" has sworn allegiance to the queen who is OUR SWORN ENEMY. you are either a honest heart felt commitment to OUR COMMUNITY or your allegiance is to the deluded community of the saved who LOOK DOWN on the rest of us as sinners!!!

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

What a violent little plant you are. Go back to the Koch brothers now.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

we can all see your violence. we all have been brutalised by your crucifixion horror for 2000 years. you are here to recruit and exploit us. reliving the crucifixion at every chritian service is BAD MENTAL HEALTH. your belief in a scapegoat human sacrifice for your sins is BARBARIC. telling children their mothers are sinners is GROOMING. telling children jesus died for their sins is MENTAL ABUSE. the truth is jesus is the antichrist. we are a non-violent movement and we know your game! conversion is bullying. pretending you are eating dead jesus' flesh and drinking his blood is PSYCHOTIC. we want none of your BS in our childrens minds or in our community life.

[-] -2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

yes yes yes the queen is the ENEMY who appointed this "archbishop" who is an ENEMY AGENT.


[-] 0 points by 11jamespevanhoe (3) 13 years ago

It is also extremely important that ALL OF US WORK TOGETHER TO UNDERSTAND HOW DEEP PUBLIC CORRUPTION IS IN THE USA. protect your rallies, protests, etc. video, film them from all angles and from a distance. This will record ex actually what the authorities: City, County, State, and the Feds: including homeland security the fbi and military spy agencies are doing. It would be smart to start identifying those agencies at rallies, protests and conferences, because believe me they are there. They most likely are inside Occupy Wall Street some where. It is also important to know this: IF the government is willing to go to War and kill 600,000 Iraqis on completely false information, documents and testimony such as Collin Powell's testimony to the UN, the fact the US Military has allowed 1,000's of tons of Heroin, worth billions, to be shipped out of Afghanistan over the last 10yr. And the fact HSBC bank and the Bush and Obama Administrations have allowed that bank HSBC and Wacovia to launder 100's of billions of dollars of drug cartel monies world wide for over 30 years and the fact there has not been ONE criminal conviction for Wall Street Financial Terrorism on the American People, and the Globe, believe me the Democrats under Obama and the Republicans will in the ended do anything to discredit Occupy Wall Street, because OWS main goal is to STOP PUBLIC CORRUPTION, end Wall Street Financial Terrorism, WALL STREET EXECUTIVES ARE real Traitors-Terrorists who live in this County, end Bush=NSBC-Bank=DrugCartel Terrorism ( see JOHN CRUZ and his fight to protect America ) of our families, our neighborhoods, our Nation and our future. Support Occupy Wall Street and the conviction to prosecute and imprison Public Corruption, whether by Obama, your state or local authorities. Public Corruption is the USA's #1 Criminal Problem for our Society. JAMES P. EVANHOE

[-] 0 points by gratefulsteve (11) 13 years ago

Despite Tutu's blessing, Trinity Church will never grant permission for an occupation on their Duarte property. Please read Tutu's follow-up comments on the Trinity website. It is completely irresponsible for OWS to ask protesters to illegally converge on a heavily police protected area. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Trinity has been a strong ally of OWS but all of a sudden they are being portrayed as the villain. They have made their position very clear regarding Duarte: they do not give permission for any sort of occupation. Why is OWS pushing this to the nth degree? Please call off this autrocity!!! There are bound to be multiple arrests, violence, anger, frustration. The committee who decided to do this....willl you be the first to attempt to occupy the Trinity property?....will you knock down the fence and get arrested first? This is totally wrong and irresponsible. OWS will cause dozens if not hundreds of protesters to get arrested and possibly hurt. Shame on you. Occupations had their moment but the moment is past. Time to evolve to a higher level, which does not involve violence, breaking mulitple laws, and sacrifices of multiple arrests.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Thank you, sir.

[-] 0 points by fairforall (279) 13 years ago

What defines the people who have "too much". As long as a single person has more than the next, is that too much? Are the posters here who have computers and internet access in that category when compared to the African child who died of malnourishment last night? It would appear so.

[-] 0 points by Rodin (29) 13 years ago

Yea, south Africa is such a peaceful, wonderful place since aprtheid was brought down. Stfu tutu.



[-] -1 points by screwthis13 (-2) 13 years ago

this could be the dumbest thing i have seen in a while...

[-] -1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

desmond tutu is an ENEMY AGENT. he was appointed by the queen is who is the ENEMY. she is the fascist tyrant behind the police brutality and FEMA concentration camps. let the "archbishop" go to the gates of the FEMA camps and speak out against them.

[-] -1 points by RussellFeingold (55) 13 years ago

To which God and Jesus Christ are you referring?

  1. The God and Jesus Christ of the very religious man Barack Obama, and his Christian Democratic Party, who told them to cancel Habeus Corpus rights for all Americans, and kill thousands of children in Iraq & Afghanistan?

  2. The God and Jesus Christ of the Republican party, who told them to start a war with Iran, and cancel social security and medicare for senior citizens?

Is there a third God and Jesus Christ in this game now?

[-] 2 points by Restorefreedomtoall1776 (272) from Bayonne, NJ 13 years ago

Only mankind has political parties. God doesn't. Why attack the beliefs of others? Must everyone follow whatever it is you believe or don't believe?

[-] 0 points by RussellFeingold (55) 13 years ago

I'm confused. Both the Left and Right in the USA claim that they are 1) communicating with God and Jesus Christ and 2) implementing the will of God and Jesus Christ.

So are God and Jesus Christ sending two different messages to politicians in the USA?

What about Jews? Jews don't believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, as Desmond states in his message. Is Desmond excluding Jews?

And yes, it's OK to make fun of the beliefs of others, when they are STUPID. If you said that you believed in Santa Claus, I would laugh at you too.


I worked in South Africa, before and after Nelson Mandela was elected. Nothing changed except the color of the abusers. Before Mandela, whites abused blacks. Now blacks abuse whites.

[-] 3 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

What about Atheists, Agnostics, etc?

[-] -1 points by shada1 (1) 13 years ago

There is no war with Iran. social Security is not beng cancelled, but is being defunded through payroll tax break continuation and Dems not allowing it year after year ot be made self sufficient. Medicare continues to bankrupt taxpayers because Dems won't allow it to be updated. No Facts - just tiatribe and socialist mantra. Onthe other hand you are correct about ObombA

[-] -1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

the "archbishop" bows down to the queen as HEAD of his church. the queen is HEAD of the 1% owner of corporate america, the Whore of Babylon of Revelations, the fascist tyrant and OUR ENEMY. so desmond tutu with all his seductive sweetness is an ENEMY AGENT. know your enemy! jesus is the antichrist.

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

"Jesus is the Anti-Christ".... um, that's downright proof that you are plant. What does the word "anti-christ" mean? It means, the devil's answer to Jesus.. You make no sense.

[-] 0 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

Ras Tafari is the True Returned Christ. revelation 5v5 .: they shall flee from before his face!

[-] -2 points by occupyajobplz (-4) from North Arlington, NJ 13 years ago

Yawn. Nobody cares.

[-] 0 points by gratefulsteve (11) 13 years ago

Yawn...you better care....you will be in jail tonigt along with many misinformed OWS folks. Good Luck!

[-] -2 points by RussellFeingold (55) 13 years ago

Oh yea. Desmond's political party, the ANC, did not subscribe to non-violence. They carried AK-47s and shot up the whole country.

[-] -2 points by Grownup (-90) 13 years ago

Wow, you're still alive?

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Wow, you really think that you've "Grown Up" ?! nosce te ipsum ...

[-] -3 points by Karl101 (-6) 13 years ago

What a surprise that the anti-american, anti-semitic Tutu supports OWS

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

listening to Limbaugh, are we? Ever met a Tutu?

[-] -3 points by GeorgeVreelandHill (7) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street needs to shut its stupid mouth. How dare they count every person in the ninety-nine percent they talk about as in with them. They do not have a right to speak for me. I like the rich. Many of them started with nothing or almost nothing. Steve Jobs and countless others became VERY rich after being very poor. They did not complain. They had ideas and went with them. The top one percent creates jobs. Our companies, stores, firms and on and on that employ millions were not started by poor people. They were started by the wealthy. Now, OWS states that the rich are our enemy. Great, go against those who create so much. Occupy Wall Street has got to be the most stupid bunch of idiots to ever band together. They have no real clue as to what they are doing. In Los Angeles, they accomplished nothing and left a mess that cost the city a lot of money. In Seattle, OWS blocked docks and tried to prevent people from going to work. Yet, they claim they want people to go to work. The entire Occupy movement is a joke. They talk for the entire ninety-nine percent, but of those ninety-nine percent of the people, about ninety percent are working. I live in Beverly Hills and I'm doing fine. I don't need Occupy Wall Street to tell me what to do.

George Vreeland Hill

[-] 7 points by VierB (12) 13 years ago

Always these stupid generalizations, OWS isnt against people who made money out of good ideas and offer good jobs by this.

We are against people that have power out of thin air, who have wealth because their grandgrandfathers started a bank and now live on the backs of the working people. Who have never worked together with people but against them. Who destroy needed work for their own favour, start up wars for their own benefit. Dont always say that the OWS are lazy or commuists, most are not . But the capitalism in this days isnt fair anymore because it has no regulation. The world right now belongs only to a few people, and as long as there are people dying because they cant get food, the system is wrong, because of those few people. These People have no character, they are talking about water and drink wine instead.

And this " Get a Job" blabla is also stupid. The Industrial Productivity is so high that you cant get all people to work. Right now there a lot of people having needless jobs. The whole bureaucracy was incorporated to disguise this. Capitalism cant work anymore if the productivity increases, because the people get jobless and cant consume, thats what we see these days. Change is coming, and cant be evicted.

[-] -1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

That is there lot in life. Yours and mine is to sit on our couch and post on these forums

[-] 2 points by VierB (12) 13 years ago

Dont have to sit on the couch, go out to the protest and raise your voice at work, school or general public. And as my job is to teach people about technical things, i get a lot around. And the common meaning of OWS is always the same, its positive. This gives me quite a good feeling of what will come. I live in Germany and all free time i am engaged with the protest in Frankfurt in front of the ECB(the euros FED). Couches suck...

[-] 4 points by alexrai (851) 13 years ago

Its about the bottom 99% in a division of wealth. Like if made a list of everyone's income, and drew a line at the 99th percentile downward.

Who cares if a few people in that category do not agree? do you have to speak for 100% of a group to have a right to advocate for them? obviously not.

[-] 1 points by JimmyMacK (11) from Saskatoon, SK 13 years ago

yer lost buddy. pick up a textbook

[-] 0 points by mikal2k (20) from New Rochelle, NY 13 years ago

So how did the Kool-Aid taste?

[-] 1 points by comrade724 (7) from East Lansing, MI 13 years ago

Wow! You're so clever!

[+] -4 points by NYJB3 (5) 13 years ago

this movement is a FAILURE !!!! http://getoffwallstreet.com/

[+] -4 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

a lovely man but we dont need the jesus BS! he is anglican archbishop therefore he owes his sworn allegiance to the queen of england, Whore of Babylon and german fascist same as the pope. so he is a fascist agent of the ENEMY. he is also a man in a male hierarchy that excludes women. there are no women bishops. so we should not tolerate his BS position as archbishop!

[-] 3 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

no, we don't need your divisive, anti-Catholic B.S.. We will take his support, and his prayers, and we will give him and South Africa ours. Thank God you are not representative of the rest of us

[-] -2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

it is time we all woke up to the fact that the crucified jew is a RACIST ABOMINATION. all christian preachers GROOM our children by telling them their mothers are sinners thus undermining the family. all christian preachers MONEY SHARK by tithing the poor and vulnerable. conversion is bullying. the usa is a corporation owned by the british royal family. the queen is the Whore of Babylon, head of the 1%. she is the ENEMY! desmond tutu has sworn allegiance to the queen! he is an ENEMY agent and so are YOU! you do not have our community at heart. you believe you belonged to the christian community and that the rest of us are damned. you are the divisive one! christians are a bunch of psychos reliving the crucifixion,pretending to eat dead human flesh, talking to your imaginary friend, jesus is the antichrist and being jerked off by your pastor with the fake joy of a false resurrection. only an idiot believes in a virgin birth, resurrection after crucifixion which is NOT mentioned in the early gospels and walking on water. we must protect our community and children from these BS christian doctrines and its horror story. we do not appoint or recognise titles such as "archbishop"! we are fighting for our lives against this fascist state with its FEMA concentration camps! you are a follower of the queen and antichrist, you are the ENEMY WITHIN.

[-] 4 points by proudproletariat (6) 13 years ago

Chill out for a second, seriously. I'm an atheist who's had bad experiences with religion too, but you needn't preach your homespun gospel with the kind of narrow-minded, dogmatic fervor of a newly converted cult member. This movement is about the 99%, and newsflash: that includes Christians and other people who don't agree with you. Learn to get along with people, or you'll never be of any help to anyone, including yourself.

And by the way, most Christians believe that sin is passed to children through their fathers, not their mothers. That's the reason behind the story of the virgin birth - it was supposed to allow him to be born into the world free of sin, because he didn't have a father. So at least do your homework before you go off spouting hate speech and embarrassing yourself and everyone else.

[-] -1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

the queen OWNS corporate america she is the figurehead of the 1%. she is the ENEMY. she is the Whore of Babylon riding on the back of the great beast. we believe in and practise EQUALITY we cannot recognise "archbishops"! desmond tutu prays for the queen as HEAD of his church! we cannot REALISE she is the enemy and listen to her fascist agent preaching horrific BS to us. we are being divided up deliberately by christians who worship the queen but who is the head fascist and OUR ENEMY. you are also wrong about mothers in the doctrine of original sin both our parents are sinners. they are destroying our families with this doctrine.

[+] -4 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Means nothing.

[+] -4 points by iamows13 (10) 13 years ago

Everyone can go home, because god is now on our side. Just stay home and let god fix it.

[-] 0 points by karenpoore (902) 13 years ago

God lives through you if you let him ...

[-] 2 points by Rodin (29) 13 years ago

God pulls your strings if you let him.

[-] -1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Well put!

[-] -1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

I thought God was supposed to fix everything.

[-] 2 points by fairforall (279) 13 years ago

you thought wrong.

[+] -5 points by ubercaput (175) from New York City, NY 13 years ago

Sorry to say but he is a wet-handed braggart.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

'uber-c@put' : "Sorry to say but" it is you who are an guilty of The Sin of Onan and it's probably Not the first time that you've been told that in your sad and cynical, "glass half empty", negativist's existence ;-(

The Archbishop speaks wisely with the force of all the higher aspects of our spiritual nature. He gives voice to The Human Spirit ... OWS .. One World Spirit .

One World ; One Struggle ; One Occupation ;

one earth ; one mother ;

One hOmmme~{;-)

pax et lux ...

fiat pax ..

fiat lux .

[-] 1 points by ubercaput (175) from New York City, NY 13 years ago

I see. ;-)