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We are the 99 percent

Watch Chicago #NoNATO Actions

Posted 12 years ago on May 19, 2012, 12:47 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

4:50pm Eastern / 3:50pm Central: As people continue to get back from the protest in front of Mayor Emmanuel's house, Occupiers are currently marching on Daley Plaza in support of the #NATO3, who are being held and charged with trumped-up terrorism charges. Two helicopters are circling overhead; large police presence currently. Livestreams and cell phone service in Chicago have been very spotty since yesterday. Numerous people on the ground and elsewhere report they are having unprecedented difficulty with their live feeds; we apologize if livestreams go down from time to time. More streams can be found here.

Later, at 6:30pm Central, an anti-capitalist march will be leaving from the Haymarket memorial (175 N Desplains, cross street: Randolph). Remember to bring water, it is very hot!

Other Resources:
Occupy Chicago NATO/G8 Guide
NATOprotest.org | ChicagoSpring.org | OccupyChi.org | http://cang8.wordpress.com
 #NoNATO #OCHI #NATO3 #BeerNotBombs
Chicago Bail Fund - PLEASE DONATE!
National Lawyers Guild Chicago number 1-312-913-0039
Even more livestreams



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[-] 2 points by Revolutionary (311) 12 years ago

You are great heros.You struggle for the sake of the the whole humanity-for their welfare and existence for even more good causes.Applause to all of you.

[-] 2 points by Odin (583) 12 years ago

I applaud all the courageous OWS people in Chicago. You are the true heroes.

[-] 2 points by PetadeAztlan (113) from Sacramento, CA 12 years ago

Power to the Protestors! You all in Chicago March and Protest for all of us. Stay safe! @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Sacramento, Califas

[-] 1 points by PR1 (120) 12 years ago

THIS is democracy!

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

I'll chime in from san diego

the protest had one person and some writing in chalk


[-] 0 points by UnityCoalition (3) 12 years ago

To: Prime Minister Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State] Prime Minister Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] Prime Minister Ralph Beach [Libertarian] Secretary Rhett Smith [Green] Cc: All Voters and Non Voters From: Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Subject: USParliament.org Special Bulletin 5/19/2012

Note: Please feel free to engage or disengage from this communication link by sending the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to info@allpartysystem.org or by telephone at (415) 686-1996. OK to "reply all". Anonymous forwarder now available upon request. http://www.usparliament.org/

  1. Cook Mini-state Parliament (ss8-1)
  2. Great Lakes Super-state Parliament (ss7)
  3. San Francisco Mini-state Parliament (ss11-2)
  4. PacificNW Super-state Parliament (ss12)
  5. National Cabinet
  6. Texas Green Party convention (6/9/2012)
  7. Commentary: Have (E)Ballots, Will Travel

  1. Cook Mini-state Parliament (ss8-1) http://www.usparliament.org/ss8-1.php

MMP Queen Royalty Patrenia Turner [Independent] Self Appointed on 5/18/2012 MMP=member of mini-state parliament

  1. Great Lakes Super-state Parliament (ss7) http://www.usparliament.org/ss7.php

MSP Levi Boucher [Socialist] Self Appointed on 5/17/2012 MSP=member of superstate parliament

  1. The San Francisco Mini-state Parliament (ss11-2) http://www.usparliament.org/ss11-2.php

MMP Analisa [Green] Self Appointed on 5/15/2012 MMP Lisa Pelletier [Socialist] Self Appointed on 5/15/2012 MMP=member of mini-state parliament

  1. PacificNW Super-state Parliament (ss12) http://www.usparliament.org/ss12.php

Prime Minister Nathan Wolfe [Independent] Elected on 5/15/2012

NorthEast Washington Mini-State Parliament (ss12-10) http://www.usparliament.org/ss12-10.php

MMP Nathan Wolfe [Independent] Self Appointed on 5/15/2012 MMP=member of mini-state parliament

  1. National Cabinet http://usparliament.org/cab-1.php

Arts & Culture Minister Willie Nelson [Teapot] Elected on 5/15/2012 Deputy Arts and Culture Minister Sandra Bernard [Info. Not Avail.] Elected on 5/15/2012

Homeland Security Minister Larry Sckwarczynski [Green] Elected on 5/15/2012 Deputy Homeland Security Minister Loris Scagliarini [Independent] Elected on 5/15/2012 http://usparliament.org/homelandsecurityministry.php

Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive Minister Zachary Scott Gordon [Free Parliamentary] Elected on 5/13/2012 Deputy Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive Minister Grace Lee Boggs [Info. Not Avail.] Elected on 5/13/2012

  1. Texas Green Party convention (6/9/2012)

The Texas super-state parliament election is happening now and the Texas Green Party convention is approaching.

The Texas state Green Party convention is to take place in the Gray Forest residential community center on June 9th 2012 in San Antonio, TX.

For details, phone Hon Secretary Rhett Smith [Green] at (210) 300-4750.

  1. Commentary: Have (E)Ballots, Will Travel By Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]

New Members and National Parliament's (E)Ballots

Everyone, we've really grown and affected a lot of people in 2012, and so I want to remind everyone about our assets which include new members and the national parliament's (e)ballots.

New Members

For all you new members, we're eager to connect with you so the potential can be realized. With the recent revamping of the national Cabinet, many new positions are now open for people with time for politics.

Letters to the editor, media contacts and many other possibilities can be nurtured for the 8th USA Parliament, too numerous to name by one person.

So if you have ideas (or questions) on how to integrate better as a team with not just the national Cabinet, but also the Super-states, Mini-states and County Micro-states, your volunteerism is welcomed and highly appreciated.

Please feel free to "reply-all" to the whole email list, or contact me privately if you need information on how to coordinate better as a united team.

We're open to your help and ideas, especially when it means helping to improve the team and our approved rules, and every player is very, very important on our team.

National Parliament's (E)Ballots

Sixteen paper ballots and eballots have been marked and returned to the parliament, and the voting continues until August 5th, 2012.

You can view the eleven marked eballots at this URL here: http://usparliament.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=547

We have plenty of paper ballots printed, and our staff is eager to mail you the reproducible original unmarked paper ballots if you want one or more for you and/or for your friends.

This is the time for us to expend the team by electing more and more names. So if you have time and you'd like to expand our unity team to include more and more people of all parties (and independents) then please consider distributing the paper ballots so more votes with ranked numbers (or tics) can be counted in the 8th USA Parliament Election of 2012.

We are compiling a stack of paper ballots, and the eballots are printed out and combined with the other paper ballots too, and that stack of paper ballots will elect our team for another four years through 2016 - the 9th USA Parliament.

Plus, our paper ballots include a federal voter registration form on the back of each one, so that helps us attain our accomplishment which is to help register more US voters to vote in the "real" elections too.

So please engage with our team if you like what we're doing by marking and/or distributing our ballots so that your tics will be registered and all new names as well as current names will be organized under the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, just like a virtual American parliament.

Thanks you very much for your time and consideration!

Very Truly Yours, --James Ogle [Free Parliamentary], Secretary Volunteer Vote Counter (415) 686-1996

Ad for GoNott Search and GoNott Advertise http://usparliament.org/drafts/coalition7CA2014.html Volunteer Beta Testers Wanted

Roseanne Barr for President 2012 Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roseanne-Barr-for-President-2012/153524907998543

Bulletins Posted in RoseanneWorld.com and USParliament.org Forum: http://www.roseanneworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=76815#76815 http://usparliament.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=550&p=1064#p1064

US-PAR: All voters, non-voters and news media (approx. 305 subscribers).

Please feel free to engage or disengage to this email list by sending the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to info@allpartysystem.org.


[-] -1 points by rioguzman (12) 12 years ago

The police must be educated too. We need a massive campaign to educate both: the police and the military. They are part of the 99%, cannon fodder. There is e v i d e n c e (no theory here) that 9/11 was an inside job. www.ae911truth.org Let them know; more than 100 police officers and 343 firemen died on 9/11 or after (aftereffects). Let them know. Use your resources. Recruit them. It is paramount