#J15 Worldwide Candlelight Vigil for Unity
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 9, 2012, 4:43 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
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Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday
January 15th, 2012 @ 7:00pm in Each Time Zone Globally
Via J15global.com: On his birthday and in the spirit of Dr. King's vision for racial and economic equality, peace, and non-violence, we are holding candlelight vigils to unite our world in a global movement for systemic change.
Wherever we may be, whether in our homes, in city squares, online, Occupies, or at work, we lift a beautiful message high above the political dialogue. We light the dream of a more equitable world in our hearts. We can overcome!
Dr. King said "A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. With righteous indignation, it will look across the seas and say: 'This is not just.' "
Vigils are being organized around the world -- from California to Cairo, New York to New Orleans, Germany to Nova Scotia. Pete Seeger, K'naan, Ramy Essam, Sol Guy, Joan Baez, Steve Earle and many more have committed their support.
We gather to empower a great and global dream, a dream we have all dreamt of for thousands of years. We will sing, because freedom songs are the soul of the movement.. Together, we will make the dream a reality.
Help turn this moment into a world-wide wave of light:
- Like our Facebook page and share with your friends.
- Follow @J15global on Twitter.
- Call a friend and make a plan to light a candle together.
- Organize a vigil on your block or in your town.
- Return to Facebook to post your ideas and see what others are planning.
These would be great to play at the vigil, speech set to music...
mlk1 http://tinyurl.com/792oowm mlk2 http://tinyurl.com/7pp7mbn mlk3 http://tinyurl.com/6pw6tac mlk4 http://tinyurl.com/74qfdbc mlk5 http://tinyurl.com/7znbsu3 mlk6 http://tinyurl.com/6t3aq59
I love this man! He is still my preacher, America's prophet.
Occupy is following in his footsteps...
"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar
A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our past and present policies. On the one hand, we are called to play the Good Samaritan on life’s roadside, but that will be only an initial act. One day we must come to see that the whole Jericho Road must be transformed so that men and women will not be constantly beaten and robbed as they make their journey on life’s highway."
We have to remember that it is the movement as a whole that is the most important part, not one single individual.
But, of course, MLK deserves to be celebrated
so does Charles Manson............
please stop trolling.
So true.....and 99% of these pukes don't even know WHO he is! LOLOLOL!
original occupy platform discovered http:// www.RightsOfMan.org
If the Government, or the Constitution, or by whatever name it be called, be that miracle of perfection which the Proclamation and the Addresses have trumpeted it forth to be, it ought to have defied discussion and investigation to have defied discussion and investigation, instead of dreading it. Whereas, every attempt it makes, either by Proclamation, Prosecution, or Address, to suppress investigation, is a confession that it feels itself unable to bear it. It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from enquiry. All the numerous pamphlets, and all the newspaper falsehood and abuse, that have been published against the Rights ofMan, have fallen before it like pointless arrows; and, in like manner, would any work have fallen before the Constitution, had the Constitution, as it is called, been founded on as good political principles as those on which the Rights ofMan is written. work have fallen before the Constitution, had the Constitution, as it is called, been founded on as good political principles as those on which the Rights ofMan is written.
Occupy this is your cause ...
If you're so concerned about the constitution - stop voting liberal and have obama arrested for impersonating a U.S. Citizen. MLK would've done this. He was a republican after all.
Which violence are you referring tojust out of curiousity? I haven't heard of much violence at all related to Occupy.
Fair enough. I would agree with you that they should be more conscious of those issues, but I believe the idea that the Occupy movement on the whole has been a violent one is silly when you compare it to other similarly sized movements.
Egypt, England, Greece and Lybia have all had major uprisings which have been . It's not a "civilized" thing.
One of the main reasons for the violence in the Occupy movement, in my opinion, is that they have been so inclusive, whereas the Tea Party has become very exclusive catering to a very small range of opinions. The inclusion of the homeless specifically has led to more volatility within the group and I suspect that much of the violence, rapes and stabbings, has come from that portion. I don't in anyway think that should mean that Occupy should be to blame for taking them in as a part. Bringing in all of the 99% is a key part of the movement and the homeless need that help more than anyone else
No he wouldn't. Because all of the violence has come from the police, usually beating peaceful protesters. He would certainly disapprove of that.
"blocking the sidewalk" is no excuse to beat and pepper spray anyone. I have witnessed some restraint, but not enough. What violence, have the protesters started? One instance, where someone who is mentally ill threw a battery at a police officer? Or when the NY post claims that protesters "assaulted" police with a "vinegar like substance"? There have been tens of thousands of people involved in these protests, and they have been overwhelmingly peaceful. The police have not. If you only watch Fox News or read the Post, you will read about supposedly violent protesters. These news sources are full of outright lies.
If someone blocked my sidewalk and left a turd behind, I'd have more than just pepper spray......they'd get a shovel in their face.
Tens of Thousands OWS? That explains the 30 tons of trash left behind. And turds. OWS IS DEAD.
there ain't enough violence........there should be more Molotov cocktails being thrown and there should be more cops being stabbed
You must be black.
Now you show your true mind set you hate everyone and are a racist.
ha ha............joker
HOw come OWS was physically brutalizing non-occupiers as they walked by WITH THEIR CHILDREN AND BABIES?
You're the robber who is screaming for other robbers to stop. The media sunk you....you should've behaved more appropriately toward women and children. Well, I guess you're learning how to exist in the "SHUT OUT" status. Twinkle finger that.
Obama's Transfer Of The Public's Equity To The 1%
By Lloyd Hart 01/09/2012
So they steal your house and will now rent it back to you at outrageous artificially inflated rent while still taking 50% of your deflated income to earn a profit margin off what used to be your equity. The number would pay for housing used to be 29% of a one person's income regardless of marriage. Now housing is 50% of two people's deflated income combined. And this is because the 1% have chosen to invest in the housing market instead of investing in the next big thing, the next trans-generational technology, manufacturing it here in America and selling it not only to consumers in America but to the world.
They put the squeeze on consumer income by artificially inflating the cost of living first by radically inflating the cost of housing in the eighties. Then they began the process of free trade by stealing high paying Canadian jobs and moving them into "Right to Work" states, mostly in the south where workers were being paid one third of what Canadian workers were earning for those same jobs. Then once the American and Canadian unions failed to stop it they push through the North American Free Trade Agreement moving those same jobs to the NAFTA zone in Mexico and then expanding those deals further and creating a very special deal with China. China only pays a 2.5% tariff on their goods entering the US but US goods going into China must pay a 25% tariff. Now those American workers that benefited from the first free trade deal are back down to the poverty that they had in the sixties in the south.
All this explains why the 1% use investment in housing as a means to create bubbles in the market in America and why highly skilled workers that would otherwise be working in manufacturing went into the construction industry. The 1% are spending the outrageous profits they are earning off of the slave labor in China and other slave labor states to invest in commercial and residential real estate here in America but as a secondary investment scheme only. Primarily to avoid taxes and to maximize earnings but the 1% really aren't interested in investing in the America worker because the bulk of their investment capital is already invested in slave labor abroad. To the 1% view investing in America is more like going to the casino rather than building a civil society. You win some, you lose some but those cute little slaves in China are still putting money in the pocket of the 1%. This also explains the expansion of casino style risk taking in banking in America, the bulk of 1% investment is not being made in America. So banking has to be loosen up to make it more attractive and less risky (credit default swaps or rich man's stupidity insurance) for secondary capital investing to be acceptable to the 1% (Thank you Bill Clinton). And of course, once the bubble bursts the 1% cash in their credit default swaps which are then bailed out by the tax payers, (AIG). And of course the 1% then use the slow economy to impose social engineering austerity plans to insure their loans to the government be paid back first before the government is allowed to invest in the economy making it economically harder for workers in America to fight back let alone get back on their feet.
The only way to stop this trend of the 1% stealing almost all of our income from the artificially inflated cost of living is to impose price controls and increasing tariffs on foreign goods but with the Obama regime giving away the workers housing equity to the 1%, who will then rent that same housing back to us, Obama is building the next housing bubble. If a house costs a contractor $250,000 to build a four bedroom house in wages and materials then that is what the consumer should pay for it but because the 1% that were once involved in investing in the next technology to manufacture here in America transfered the manufacturing profit model to housing a completely unregulated part of the economy we now have one housing bubble after the next.
So, Obama is giving in once again to the greed factor instead of the consumer equity model that drove the economy for sixty years keeping consumer prices low and consumer savings and purchasing power high. Well, all you young people out there better get used to paying rent and saving nothing. Unless your a really great ass kisser and can sell out your friends and can worm your way into the equity class.
Government Set to Sell Foreclosures in Bulk http://www.cnbc.com/id/45925851
The connection between artificially inflated prices in fossil fuels and housing bubbles is that the next big thing, green energy is being ground to a halt by the fossil fuel industry in America even though wind and the new printed solar panel invented in America have proven they can bring electricity in cheaper than coal and nuclear. Way cheaper when you factor in the real costs of coal and nuclear to society. A fact being aggressively suppressed in the media now that Fukushima has become a China Syndrome.
We are being collectively held back from advancing to a clean energy society by a kind of corporate Stalinism from the fossil fuel industry that refuses to embrace the future because there is no one energy monopoly that they can lord over as they do with fossil fuels. With their offshore accounts the fossil fuel industry has successfully cornered the oil, gas and coal markets driving the price of fossil fuels way beyond anything the consumer market is demanding. They do this by buying enormous amounts of call contracts on the commodities exchange to deliver fossil fuels to the greater consumer market. This is called cornering the market. Gas prices alone created by the commodities market caused the recession that drove Jimmy Carter from office. The 1% have become completely entrenched in using the commodities market to not only steal even more from consumers pockets but to create political climates around the world. Hence the cooking oil riots of the last decade.
Instead of opening the flood gates of total tax breaks and investment to the next big thing which will radically increase worker equity in the market Obama is giving away to the 1% all the worker's equity, setting back the consumer economy to the 1890s making the workers housing slaves to oligarchs who will lord over the worker's labor as if it was their own.
I guess there is no solution other than American workers fighting the labor battles of the first half of the twentieth century all over again but it will take a great deal more blood, sweat and tears than the existing worker movements in America are willing to put on the line. With 50% of Americans at or below the poverty line we will hopefully start to see some real fight come out of the American worker instead of the phony Tea Party Movement and the lame, wet rag Occupy Wall St. movement. Poverty has a way of motivating people to really fight and even die for their children's and grand children's future. I guess we have to wait until 60% of Americans are at or below the poverty line like in 1890 before we see some real action taken by the American worker.
Worker Solidarity! Brothers and Sisters. Because It's What Works.
Lloyd Hart 508-687-9153
Thanks Lloyd.
You know, LLoyd, I'm really glad you wrote that. That must have taken a long time to compose. And nobody's going to read it. The time you wasted writing it is time that you probably won't have made life worse for other people. So keep up the good work. Oh yeah, and if anybody does read it, that's a few minutes' time wasted on their part that they won't do any damage either. Two birds with one stone!
If you disagree with obama, you are a racist. Sorry you wasted your time, too.
You know OWS is winning when Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry mimic OWS style "anti capitalism" in South Carolina, of all places.
There's nowhere in the world that I would rather be -
As the oppressed around the World unit against the creators of poverty and banking cartels stealing from every nation. the clock will not be turned back.
This fight for freedom uses reason with proliferation of simple truths about the terrorist bankers and their media propaganda that has enslaved billions.
Democracy is dead while money and selfish interest control media and politicians.
Public good is the motivation for government NOT enslavement to rich parasites.
A society is judged by how it cares for its most vulnerable members.
I'm tempted to rail against the nonsense posted by trolls on this thread - some going so far as to extol the virtues of murderers . . .
Ah well.
The 15th of January is this Sunday. 7 pm. Candle. Not sure, but I imagine I'll be at City Hall Park.
Every troll who posts here has the same type of comment. Lacking in any ideas and providing no information about anything. It's actually encouraging. It's the type of tone people take right before admitting that they are wrong! First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win!
I am sure we will win - I have no doubt. but I wouldn't depend on our current selection of trolls as a reliable measure of any larger demographic. Who can say what their agenda may be, or whether their allegiance has been bought, how much it goes for, much less to what degree have they been insulated from the economic collapse due to friends or connections . . . .
Good thinking! Keep it positive :-). I'm the type of person that stays after everyone's given up. Even if every single person gives up, I'll still stay. That's faith in humanity; I believe! I'll light a candle with you.
I seem to have been ahead of the curve, which is fine. Here we are.
The weather report says it will be cold Sunday, I don't mind. I think it is important to reflect on the work of those who came before us, their suffering, their sacrifice.
There is much to be done. None can say how much may be asked of us, in that effort.
Did you write that yourself? I love it. Wrote it on my day planner. I assume where I am that it will be cold Sunday as well. And yes, there is much to be done. Solidarity. :D
yes I did.
I wrote it here
You can see more of my work here
So Go ahead and try to down OWS with your posts- GOP/tea. The GOP/tea is suffering and is transparent now. Its too late for your slandering and posts on OWS, it will not stop the fight. America and the World sees!
I am unique; I am individual, but I share the dream, and by the candle's light, we are the same.
You say it well. My thoughts exactly.
Thank you.
Solidarity. :D
That is really gay. You might consider trying to get a job writing for Hallmark. Or is the whole notion of work against your "creed"?
Thanks for the suggestion of writing for Hallmark, let me give it a shot and send you a get well card.
I heard you're heart is sick, turns you into a real prick, so stop jerking off your __, and you'll recover real quick.
Not so good there, bucko. I think your sweet spot is in the realm of flower power sloganeering--stick with that and you'll do just fine. Talk about candlelight, and definitely don't forget to mention how unique you are--just like all the other OWS sheep do.
No worries, junior. I'm an amateur Hallmark writer remember. I haven't learned how to target my audience level yet. In your case, I went for something a juvenile high school kid would like. But I guess I should have aimed a little lower.
I'm just suggesting that if you really want to be a writer, try to refrain from copying all those jerk-off commercials on TV with the "I am such and such and such" and "I am so and so"
Out of the maladroit, gawky, better-left-zipped obtuse hole below your nose, never did such fustilarian logorrhea debouch so awkwardly, tickling-tingling my olecranon with gaiety and other mirthful vibrations, so induced by your indecorous vaniloquence wedlocking of onanism & commercialism.
Let me get my dictionary and I'll respond later. Bravo!
Be sure to blow out the candle when your done.
I remember when I was eleven years old on a warm summer night my parents were having an argument. My dad insisted that he was going to Washington, DC, and my mom said they couldn't afford for him to take the day off. My dad went to Washington and saw Martin Luther King give his, "I Have a Dream Speech."
It took me a long time to realize the courage it took for him, being a white man in 1963 to fight for something he believed in. It isn't too different from what we are trying to do with the exception that our cause has much more acceptance by mainstream America.
How many nights did your family forgo food because of your father's actions? How many days did the bellies of babies remain empty? Who comforted them as they cried? MLK didn't want this for mankind or for hungry babies.
I know what you are saying, but I also know that I will never be able to say that I know how you feel.
Read Dr. Kings 'Letter from Birmingham Jail.' It is a brilliant essay. You can find and read it on the web.
Chris Hedges spoke to Occupy DC on Monday on this and other topics. Here are links in 4 segments Enjoy!
Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPeEDwuePSQ
Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WLM4zC_zUo
Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg73PUW-heY
Part 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP-teuQbOPs
Watching it now, thanks for sharing.
OWS The GOP/tea may try the Bush cheat in November : AMERICA is watching. How else can the GOP win. Clearly something is fishy now. How all GOP candidates get attacked their past all besides Romney and if so its shrugged off…..Strange beyond strange.
M. Romney is the 1%. All of America knows what he is and after and its not for the people. The difference with everyone besides Independent is that America is not easily misleaded and guided like the Independents! GOP-Where are our candidates!! Romney A JOKE!! He is a horrible debater, Romney flip flops, questionable background in every way!! He has no solution but comes out with the same rhetoric, not one solution! How is he funding this..Yes, endorsed by people like Forbes, he is the 1% the media is shoving him down our throats!! Also funny he has nothing to say about OBM but says he blames ROMNEY-you are DOING THE SAME, BUT THE SAD FACT-IS that your version is UNTRUE- OUR party GOP/tea has stopped the progress by VOTING DOWN EVERY BILL BECAUSE of TAX INCREASE ON us-1%; then blaming and saying “where in the wrong direction,” we are the ones . We are the ones who mis-lead the tea on H.Ins., for a vote on New Congress. We are the ones. Its embarrassing to be associated with the GOP/tea America sees it-we are transparent now then you give us this!! Romney, our best candidate? ARE YOU SERIOUS! America is not stupid!! What HAPPENED!!
barry is also the 1%. as is bill gates and the dead steve jobs. what the hell is your point, wee-one?
Try making some real money before cawing about how the adults deal with it.
So Go ahead and try to down OWS with your posts- GOP/tea. The GOP/tea is suffering and is transparent now. Its too late for your slandering and posts on OWS, it will not stop the fight. America and the World sees!
This comment was imbelcillic the first time around.
(We see the enemy and will take up arms against you terrorists)
Look, all the videotape clearly shows that OWS is populated by nothing but white, college-age, dope-smoking, goofballs and clowns. It's a big fat joke!
I'm 68 and a part time occupier. A statistical review of OWS activists indicates that the average age of an occupier is 33. Most have a college degree, many graduate degrees, The unemployment rate of occupiers is slightly higher than the national average, The NYC GA passed resolutions specifically opposing the use of drugs and alchohol at the occupation, which was fairly well enforced. It is no joke to stay out on a cold winter night, without benefit even of a warm sleeping bag,
I stand corrected. Statistically speaking, it's pretty clear that 85% of them are college-age, dope-smoking goofballs, and the other 15% are Woodstock-age hippies and other random bums.
If the mean age of the occupiers is 33 then 85% could not be colleg-age. Again, drugs and alcohol were specifically prohibited from the Zuccotti park occupation, a policy that was not perfect, but it was fairly well enforced. If anything alchohol abuse was a greater problem than drug abuse, but in either case these were really marginal issues. Almost universally they were a thoughtful, intelligent loving group who could win the hearts of the greatest cynics.
You may see those faces as that may be who can represent the millions of others who are tied up with trying to feed their struggling families. Then again it may be your view that is so simplistic - something can be changed there if you look and learn about the great inequity and the shrinking wealth of the masses while the oligarchy strip wealth out of nations.
Who are you?
Poverty and obscene wealth are not jokes. One goes with the other.
OWS is populated with people from all aspects of life ... age 64 here, do not do drugs and I have 160 units of college credit!
Karen, aren't you just a little ashamed to be 64 and still not wise enough to understand the importance of respecting the rule of law? Come on!
The only thing I am ashamed of is actually spending my time responding to someone with your mentality!!!!
What you call a "mentality" would, in adult circles, be called a "sense of responsibility," which OWS kids seem to lack.
What do you expect with today's "kids"? Kids raised with both parents working to keep up with the "Joneses", babysat by TV and computer games, etc.. I could go on. America's materialism is coming full circle around to bite them!
I completely agree with you there. Kids are taught that they're the most special person in the world, and they're spoiled rotten with "stuff"
MLK Forever. OWS the World Thanks You. PROUD Conservative, No, none, non- affiliated with the Republican/tea, ashamed. We recruit societies low percentage who talk about minorities ( Asians, Blacks, Gays, Latinos-Italian, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, Indians), then elect a new congress that block all with no benefit too this great nation and these people blame him? Honestly, blaming the current Chief, really. You people put the current new congress in and what have they done, not one thought on you, when will you learn. The current president has done more in 3 years than the last president has done in 8. First thing when in with new Congress attack Social Security, that was funny! No Association with the Gop/tea, none-the World knows and sees.
MLK we Love You! GOP what happened… WTH happened! Proud conservative refuse to even touch the GOP/tea. Our country is headed in the wrong direction; Are You Kidding Me!! The GOP is the one who put it there! After electing a good person who is trying to save America you vote it down or recruit societies senile by misleading! The tea has got to be the worst party in history! At least OWS is doing it for a true cause! You people actually stood up in council meetings over false accusations on Heath care reform!! Thanks to the GOP- Death panel, really..make a copy of the actual page, paragraph and article number of the page- notarized! I bet you can’t find it, go ahead and try-do it. You can’t because it’s false!! Your lies will catch up to you GOP/tea, indep…. but for now continue to be the puppet feeding lies for a vote! OBM did more in 3 years than the previous administration-GOP did in 8! !! That’s what the GOP/tea, indep., party do is lie and mislead for greed (taxing), power(Chief), self preservation with a vote while the US suffers. PROUD Conservative, ashamed of the party. What Happened!! The GOP what happened!!"
"UNITY" is the key word for the catalyst essential to a paradigm shift.
"BONDING OUT" is the key word if your enzyme happens to be freedom.
Knowing the courts corrupted, in 1789 France they recreated, in an act of true direct democracy, the Estate-General. A present day a variation might involve the occupy movement on the internet using direct democracy.... create another legal body to accommodate the needs.
I love this definition of democracy from Wikipedia: The term comes from the Greek word δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) "rule of the people",[2] which was coined from δῆμος (dēmos) "people" and κράτος (kratos) "power" According to some theories of democracy, popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system.[4] However, the democratic principle has also been expressed as "the freedom to call something into being which did not exist before, which was not given… and which therefore, strictly speaking, could not be known."[5] This type of freedom, which is connected to human "natality," or the capacity to begin anew, sees democracy as "not only a political system… [but] an ideal, an aspiration, really, intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to be human—of what it is a human should be to be fully human."[6]
Isn’t it time to go on the attack with the NWO folks? Knock them off balance. Occupy the courts, or a new National Assembly. How about fighting back in a way that will expose in the corporate press the criminal elite? How about joining in an occupy movement near you. How about binging charges against old Commander and Chief, George Dubya, and VP the Dick Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, and Vice-secretary of Defense Wolfowitz, for the planning and facilitating of the events of 9/11; they engaged in a conspiracy for killing thousands of international citizens, for destroying property for insurance fraud, for inciting to war on false pretenses, for perjury, and for treason. They did it. Wouldn’t that be a good idea to sort of put some sand in the grease of the 1% NWO elite? The Occupy movement could form a National Assembly and make the charges, form a trial for the public to view and to comment upon. Prime time stuff. Bradley Manning could host.:) Use the media to expose the media cover-up and complicity in the 9/11 traitor’s actions. Call out the criminals, make the charges everywhere you look, see: Arrest Bush, Cheney,Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, for treason.
S.O.S. Looking for help to take a leagl action to bring WallStreet to its knees. Family of three used to gain huge settlement awards and left for dead by the courts and corporations sued. Refusal to release awards to the victims. Court documents at www.mftms13.wordpress.com
My newest YouTube -- last frame MLK day 7PM Candle Light Vigil St. Vincent’s 12th street middle of the block between 6th Ave and 7th -- The White House bailed out banks and all politicians supported bail out -- so when a loved one is dying do we take them to a bank or a luxury condo where St. V was. I tell you first about all the fraudsters and corruption City Hall. Really sad the People are being sold out and betrayed by politicians who won’t even take a subway anymore. I have made over 900 YouTubes mostly on corruption NYC gov so I get a little creative out of frustration http://youtu.be/-zBRd2eQCtE
Is 1 pm training on at Liberty, for mindfulness helpers re J15? Also, idea for tee shirts: MLK Occupy My Heart How do I get in touch with organizers? I am Donald, 917 202 5148
I posted this in the forum but thought it's worth re-posting on the #J15 thread:
New York's own Transport Workers Union Local 100 has a contract expiring on Jan. 15th. This union is very sensitive to the needs of its rank and file and is speaking up on behalf of workers around the country as well as the public who uses the subways and buses of New York--while enduring fare hikes. Check out this article from the union's President, John Samuelsen, on the need for workers' right to strike.
St. Basil of Caesarea "Who, then, is greedy? The one who does not remain content with self sufficiency. Who is the one who deprives others? The one who hoards what belongs to everyone. Are you not greedy? Are you not one who deprives others? You have received these things for stewardship, and have turned them into your own property! Is not the one who tears off what another is wearing called a clothes-robber? But the one who does not clothe the naked when he was able to do so – what other name does he deserve? The bread that you hold on to belongs to the hungry; the cloak you keep locked in your storeroom belongs to the naked; the shoe that is moldering in your possession belongs to the person with no shoes; the silver that you have buried belongs to the person in need. You do an injury to as many people as you might have helped with all these things!" http://www.incommunion.org/2011/02/20/the-least-of-these/
Please come to St V MLK day.
We were forced to bail out wall st who gives bail out $ to Quinn. Come to St V as symbol of all Hospitals closed!!! Hospitals serve people employ people -- life or death.
Please consider protesting St Vincents. Rudin got Dept of Building to mystically give green light to demolition interiors even though corrupt mega millionaire city planner Amanda People's Burden has officially ignored the Voices of the People as usual on behalf of rich pals including corrupt real estate deals NYU Cooper Union Columbia U. NYPD 6th Precinct GOOD and they need full service hospital. 2 unarmed auxiliary NYPD died shot to death W Village so please always Peaceful. Sadly Rudins -- bad xeroxes of good self made billionaires who would never ever have done this hire low tier security the pay 7 dollars any hour? plus retired NYPD who are upset protesting is 1st amendment right. Posted 2 YouTubes on Suzannahartist channel of my protest exposing corruption. Note also Cy Vance big zero - so far no prosecution St V staff that stole.
The GOP/tea may try the Bush cheat in November : AMERICA is watching. How else can we win. Clearly something is fishy now. How all GOP candidates get attacked their past d all besides Romney and if so its shrugged off…..Strange
GOP-Where are our candidates!! Romney A JOKE!! He is a horrible debater, Romney flip flops, questionable background in every way!! He has no solution but comes out with the same rhetoric, not one solution! How is he funding this..Yes, endorsed by people like Forbes, he is the 1% the media is shoving him down our throats!! Also funny he has nothing to say about OBM but says he blames ROMNEY-you are DOING THE SAME, BUT THE SAD FACT-IS that its UNTRUE- OUR party GOP/tea has stopped the progress by VOTING DOWN EVERY BILL BECAUSE of TAX INCREASEON us-1%; then blaming and saying “where in the wrong direction,” we are the ones . We are the ones who mis-lead the tea on H.Ins., for a vote on New Congress. We are the ones. Its embarrassing to be associated with the GOP/tea America sees it-we are transparent now then you give us this!! Romney, our best candidate? ARE YOU SERIOUS! America is not stupid!! What HAPPENED!!
Some anti-Americans voted barry into office. That's the surest sign of stupidity I've witnessed in decades.
The GOP what happened. We have for our PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES ---- The cheater/sticky fingers-- Gingrich.-- Rom., paid suit. Really a hand shake bet on a health care issue with Perry then the next day state, my wife said that I don’t bet really well. These are people lives not puzzle pieces!!!!!! -Rom reminds me of the dirty politician who smiles in Americas face then goes under the table with China and Russia or anyone in that case for greed not the US (I would NOT trust him with my dog). He does not flip flop but is playing a chameleon role on the US. He is so transparent!! Then had Crawford publically endorse him (a has been by the way) as the Liberal face, really !!! The corporate paid suit which is why the media is pushing him imagine him in office who will suffer, not his suits and I will make a bet on that but the US!!! He reminds me of a snake-sickening-(to the highest factor worst offense) M. Romney.
Perry no comment lower than Palin. Bach., really you are not neither will you ever be a replacement rep for Cain!! Presidential candidates, really an embarrassment The GOP had respect now all we have is this!!!! What happened!!! WTH Happened!!
Defend Charlie Rangel.
We all need a good laugh.
The GOP what happened. We have for our PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES ---- The cheater/sticky fingers-- Gingrich.-- Rom., paid suit. Really a hand shake bet on a health care issue with Perry then the next day state, my wife said that I don’t bet really well.
MLK We Love and Thank You. Romney A JOKE!! He is a horrible debater, Romney flip flops, questionable background in every way!! He has no solution but comes out with the same rhetoric, not one solution! How is he funding this..Yes, endorsed by people like Forbes, he is the 1% the media is shoving him down our throats!! Also funny he has nothing to say about OBM but says he blames ROMNEY-you are DOING THE SAME, BUT THE SAD FACT-IS that its UNTRUE- OUR party GOP/tea has stopped the progress by VOTING DOWN EVERY BILL BECAUSE of TAX INCREASEON us-1%; then blaming and saying “where in the wrong direction,” we are the ones . We are the ones who mis-lead the tea on H.Ins., for a vote on New Congress. We are the ones. Its embarrassing to be associated with the GOP/tea America sees it-we are transparent now then you give us this!! Romney, our best candidate? ARE YOU SERIOUS! America is not stupid!! What HAPPENED!!
Dr. King had a great love and desire for world peace. Nevertheless, he should not be painted as a typical pacifist. He knew we would go through tough troubling times and that sometimes our collective struggle could conceivably get violent. We should always uphold our sacred right to self-defense, not be blind cowardly pacifists.
awesome, i wish i had friends to tell
let's learn to play the mind game entoptic hopscotch on youtube! start interacting and integrating our community through PURE UNDERSTANDING.
Or...... or you could get a job and pay your own bills. There's a novel thought. OWS - the majority of America doesn't know what you stand for, and now because of all the press showing your criminal mischief and lack of responsibility for it happening....America has just dismissed your entire movement.
OWS: revolution FAIL
no we know we will win because we are confident in the victory of good over evil!
Just the beginning and boring this will not be..............
Well, Yoda, I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Boring, this will be.
Just another racist mofo, move along.
Have you thinking and some people are thinking that really care about their neighbours, Doing nothing will change nothing at least their trying and getting results, Their not going away only getting stronger, And even I don't agree with all their tactics at least they offer hope. Voting makes no difference.
Martin Luther King got things done by getting politicians who had political power to initiate reforms that he felt were needed to advance his cause. We the people can't advance our desires or change the ways of the rich as long as they control the power that allows them to get away with what they are doing to us. We HAVE TO organize, register to vote and then vote out of office the Republicans who protect the rich against the changes we ALL know need to be done. We may be upset with President Obama and the Democratic Party for not giving us certain things but they have given us more than the Republicans ever will. Besides President Obama and the Democratic Party can only do so much because the Republican politicians prevent President Obama and the Democrats from doing much of anything. We the people have destroyed our own future by not voting and allowing the Republicans to control Congress as they do right now. Dr. King wouldn't have been able to get the programs and laws he got passed when he did with today's Republican Congress. Many of you are considering voting for Ron Paul because he would legalize dope, and end the military buildup. But remember that every state government would make drugs illegal. Also Ron Paul and the Republicans would within 30 days of taking office make abortions illegal and this abortion ban would last for decades considering how the Republicans filibuster against any change that they don't want. Also the Republican controlled Supreme Court would gurantee that this ban is never overturned. Also Ron Paul would gut many laws and regulations that protect our lives and our environment. Wake up protesters! Divided we fail, united we win. You can't always get what you want but you can get what you need! We are the 99% against the 1%. But if we don't vote against the 1% then we are at the mercy of the 1% who will continue to control our lives. We HAVE TO STEAL the next election from the Republicans by moving registered voters from states that we are sure to win and states that we are sure to lose into states that are too close to call so that we can tip the vote into our favor. We can't afford to let these RepubliCONS destroy America anymore than they already have. Read my web page at www.mybetteramericaplan.com to see how the Republicans have been destroying America for the last 70 years. Read my Current Events section to see how to make this Wall Street protest a success instead of just a sit-in.
The democratic party destroyed itself and will not recover. Had they attacked the Electronic Jim paperless voting machines it might had been possible to get more lefties elected in clean elections but the public will never follow cowards into battle for long before finding someone else. Both the democrats and the republicans allowed the ballot box to be captured by the pentagon and their corporate stooges.
Before real democracy begins in America there will have to be a real confrontation of the power that suppresses democracy in America. That power is the Generals and their corporate and political stooges in both parties.
I agree Lloyd. However with one minor change. The Federal Reserve is a privately held corporation. That can print all it wants. Banks got bailed out is bs. If the controlling votes are banks in the Federal Reserve. Whats the point. Simplicity?
Fact: The only legal means of trade in the United States is legal tender. You can take a cow to the supermarked and try to trade it for a box of hamburger helper. They aren't going to do it.
So if the privately held Federal Reserve can print at will. Taking resources. Or if not given up just directing the people that OWE them to attack and go get them. Which includes the Govt. Not to mention fractionaly and by debt. The individual debtors of the United States. The citizens. Then that would put the people that print the only legal means of trade in front. With the Government, Pentagon and everything else following what THEY will.
It would come as a shock if I threw out a figure oh say. McCain 84 percent of the vote and Obama 16%. However I find that even superfluous. Truth is that the people that stand up in front the cameras really don't mean all that much. Point is who owns the only legal means of trade and can print all they want. They can virtually drain any resource provided they have the labor.
At the sake of my repeating myself. They have overun 3 black populations. Iraq, Afganistan and now Libya. You see the point of Mr. Obama now. Not blaming him. However the man that prints the paper makes the rules. Best be sure of that. The rest of the black nations best be wary and on their guard. You can see that pacification of invaded people. Conqueored by armed incursion is highly important to them.
Universities highly organized people. Went in amoungst the Vietnam war protestors. They owe their funding and their loans their education and elevation into the structure to the ones that print the paper and make the rules. So in short they are AVOIDING the invasions for the most part and leave it to the contendness of the people that are upset or frustrated. Saying don't worry about it follow us. Nothing of 9/11 Afganistan, Iraq or Libya is very absent. Simple fact is they infiltrated what was not being talked about purposefuly. Many people understand 9/11 and are very sensitive to being lied to.
Way to volitle again for them to discuss the invasions. Or to make films about and put on their occupy site. Or to even have chorus about on the street. Where are those things offical occupy? Evidence your the infiltration of what was taking place and not published in the first place. Truth is one more time. Egypt was going off, way before these clowns could get out here. So was Syria. So was the United States. Everyone staring at youtube wondering when was this stuff going to show up. So what is going on here is direction. Which I don't like which keeps the war arm of these bastards in tact. Once again Afganistan and Iraq are puppet govts. Very obvious. It is complete ignorance. Not to realize that the U.S. Govt. Is a puppet of the swindlers that print the paper. Thing is the control here is those that print the paper make the rules and can buy anything and anyone they want. As it is the only legal means of trade.
You can only do so much to the earth. Then it may call in its markers. I can see the direction that these students and others THINK they are going to take all of this. Truth is we don't want it. So recovery NO. People just aren't a factor in this anymore. Any appeal to humanity and suffering is not heard. Enough damage has been inflicted. Ruining the lives of many that DO NOT particpate in the maddness of destruction. Of people that invent clever swindels. Also the labor that carries out the destruction for them.
Truth is as the little dance to recovery is done with University people. Everyone gearing up for what is the new greatest swindel on earth. Bouncing the earth around like a beach ball at the edge of the sea. Many pretending they have permission and access to anything on the earth (WHICH THEY DO NOT. THEY HAVE NO PERMISSION TO TAKE ANYTHING, only food ) just because it is there. Involvement in what is humane because one is human is not at issue here. We could care less. Truth is don't go near on the earth of what is not yours to begin with. You will live in regret for the rest of your lives if you do. We will hold accountable and never forget anyone that does.
I think we've already been trying to do that and it has failed. The system itself is broken. My "liberty" and "freedom" extends to one yes/no vote every four years? That's not enough democracy for me. I have to choose between two people who both used hundreds of millions of dollars to fun their campaigns when hospital and public schools are in need of repair.
As someone involved in movements in the 60s, 70s, Ive had to step back from OWS because its seems to be a way to vent anger and frustration and not much more. We can all look to MLK for inspiration but OWS needs its own person or people to march with.OWS prides itself on being a leaderless movement but having a MLK of its own or some charismatic leaders doesnt harm the cause.You just cant reach back in time for your leaders, they must be allowed to step forward today.
Starting to yawn.
Racist Biatch
nth, I'm guessing you're only joking. In case you're not, what makes someone yawning at a protest movement's most boring moment racist? Clearly, TheScreamingHead, like myself and i8jomomma (see above), would find it much more entertaining if something more significant than a bunch of candles burned! Besides, where's your imagination?
Barack Obama is not legally a U.S. Natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between "December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986? . Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. Citizen parents, which of course is what exempts John McCain though he was born in the Panama Canal.
US Law very clearly stipulates: "…If only one parent was a U.S. Citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16."
Barack Obama’s father was not a U.S. Citizen and Obama’s mother was only 18 when Obama was born, which means though she had been a U.S. Citizen for 10 years, (or citizen perhaps because of Hawai’i being a territory) the mother fails the test for being so for at least 5 years prior to Barack Obama’s birth, but after age 16.
It doesn’t matter after .
In essence, she was not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. Citizenship.
At most, there were only 2 years elapsed since his mother turned 16 at the time of Barack Obama’s birth when she was 18 in Hawai’i.
His mother would have needed to have been 16+5= 21 years old, at the time of Barack Obama’s birth for him to have been a natural-born citizen.
As aformentioned, she was a young college student at the time and was not. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at that time his mother would have needed to have waited to have him as the only U.S. Cizen parent.
Obama instead should have been naturalized, but even then, that would still disqualify him from holding the office.
Naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of President.
Though Barack Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 10, all the other info does not matter because his mother is the one who needed to have been a U.S. Citzen for 10 years prior to his birth on August 4, 1961, with 5 of those years being after age 16.
Further, Obama may have had to have remained in the country for some time to protect any citizenship he would have had, rather than living in Indonesia.
Now you can see why Obama’s aides stopped his speech about how we technically have more than 50 states, because it would have led to this discovery.
This is very clear cut and a blaring violation of U.S. Election law.
I think the Gov. Of California would be very insterested in knowing this if Obama were elected President without being a natural-born U.S. Citizen, and it would set precedence.
Stay tuned to your TV sets because I suspect some of this information will be leaking through over the next several days…
Version #2
Barack Obama is not legally a U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986. Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents, which of course is what exempts John McCain though he was born in the Panama Canal US Law very clearly stipulates: 'If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16.' Barack Obama's father was not a U.S. citizen and Obama's mother was only 18 when Obama was born, which means though she had been a U.S. citizen for 10 years, (or citizen perhaps because of Hawaii being a territory) the mother fails the test for being so for at least 5 years prior to Barack Obama's birth, but after age 16. It doesn't matter after. In essence, she was not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. citizenship. At most, there were only 2 years elapsed since his mother turned 16 at the time of Barack Obama's birth when she was 18 in Hawaii. His mother would have needed to have been 16+5= 21 years old, at the time of Barack Obama's birth for him to have been a natural-born citizen. As aforementioned, she was a young college student at the time and was not. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at that time his mother would have needed to have waited to have him as the only U.S. citizen parent. Obama instead should have been naturalized, but even then, that would still disqualify him from holding the office.
Naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of President. Though Barack Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 10, all the other info does not matter because his mother is the one who needed to have been a U.S. citizen for 10 years prior to his birth on August 4, 1961, with 5 of those years being after age 16.. Further, Obama may have had to have remained in the country for some time to protect any citizenship he would have e had, rather than living in Indonesia . Now you can see why Obama's aides stopped his speech about how we technically have more than 50 states, because it would have led to this discovery. This is very clear cut and a blaring violation of U.S. election law. I think the Gov. of California would be very interested in knowing this if Obama were elected President without being a natural-born U.S. citizen, and it would set precedence. Stay tuned to your TV sets because I suspect some of this information will be leaking through over the next several days.
Thomas Sowell Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow The Hoover Institution Stanford University Stanford, California 94305
You are one stupid idiot that do not even know how to read or think. Yes, asshole, a natural born US citizen girl that is 18 gives birth to a foreign citizen. You stupid fuck. Really. Thomas Sowell is a coward and a world class dumbo as this circular reasoning piece of intellectual masturbation clearly shows. An idiot writes and the stupid fuck follows. Buy a clue.
Profanity is a week mind trying to express its self, You really hurt my feeling's, You worry about my posting something I read, Get a life. Have A nice day and chill out you will have a heart attack.
plus....and the official birth certificate barry had to quickly produce, KENYA (his father's country of origin) was not even in existance yet, and the hospital listed wasn't either.
barry was too stupid to do a little research. barry and biden need to be arrested and tossed into jail. That means the commander in chief belongs to the highest ranking military official then.
Maybe a protest to end illegitimacy would be fitting for MLK day. Over 70% of Blacks born today are illegitimate. That cripples the children developmentally and economically. Maybe moonbats like Pete Seeger and Joan Baez could ride a float about birth control and knowing who the fuck your dad is. If they really cared about Black America, they'd open the door to the self-destructive impact of BAD CHOICES and the possibility of something other than solely grievance against whites as a way forward.
The Hygiology Post (www.hygiologypost.com) has written about Dr. Martin Luther King, Nobel Peace Prize winner, in past articles.
Ron Paul could win the Nobel Peace Prize if elected President according to a recent article in The Hygiology Post (www.hygiologypost.com). The analysis was based upon an approach that is apparently familiar in law : relying on predictable outcome as evidence for intent.
The name of the article dated 12-27-11 is : "Erich Fromm, Noam Chomsky, And Ron Paul : Each Have An Estimated Relatively High Level Of Intuition And Are Champions Of Peace Who, Like Mahatma Gandhi, Have Not Won A Nobel Prize"
Which 2012 Presidential Candidate, if elected, do you would be most likely to win the Nobel Peace Prize and why ?
Interesting that this site chooses the upright fist as their symbol. I think the panters were a bunch of cowards hiding in the shadows and the very ones whom MLK was speaking out AGAINST. This site doesn't appear to have any political understanding....it's all shock value with no substance and scattered goals. And, you ran out of time. Prepare to get much worse treatment than arrested when you start interfering with our nation's process of ousting the street agitator in NOV 2012. You're about to understand how America treats its enemies.
I don't care who said what or when. I'm not going to pay your bills or loans off. You entered into those financial agreements and you alone will assume responsibility for that action.
What part of "LOAN" defies your intelligence toward indebtedness?
I am so sure you are broke Someone with such hatred must have been rejected by women
This is a great idea. With all you nitwits burning candles all over the place for no apparent reason, I'm going to start shifting my portfolio into the candle market.
instead of lighting a candle..............why not burn down a police station or a courthouse?
an we best loot them evidence lockers first so i can git me drugs back that they done stole out my truck.
that's what I'm saying
Now THAT's the spirit!
take back our drugs.................
Or maybe just car jack some people or line up for tennis shoes.