What Mutual Aid Looks Like
Posted 11 years ago on Dec. 30, 2013, 12:30 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
food not bombs,
mutual aid,
long island
Exponentially growing income inequality has widened the gulf between the haves and have-nots in the United States, leaving too many hungry and disempowered.
A small group of caring individuals in Long Island, NY has taken matters into their own hands and organized a DIY network of food recovery and redistribution "food shares" across their community. This 7 minute video provides a cross-sectional view into 24 hours of their regular operations and details how in that short time frame 50,078 lbs of food was recovered and then shared in Hempstead, NY providing food to 2,500+ people in need.
Thank you, Food not Bombs!
''Despair is not an option. We must stand together as brothers and sisters and fight'', from :
per ardua ad astra ...
Yet I've been watching you pick fights with many users here in the last few days. Including me. For something I never was!
Standing together is more than shouting "We must stand together!". It's also a way of interacting with others. You gotta practice what you preach.
'TrashyTrollTurd', I should say .. ''I've been watching you'' too ... ''For something'' .... That You Are :
IF you were genuine, you'd express umbrage and disdain but would not look for further encounters. It's like a splinter in your damaged mind that I find you out but truth is many others do too but it's just that they are a bit more polite in dealing with you. I have only been wrong about you twice - once to ''ogoj'' from NC [to whom I apologised] & one other time back in the day, when you indignantly and diligently pointed the matter out yourself, so affronted were you that I had mistaken anyone other than you as :
You are revealed by your 'm.o' : by how you ''obsess on process'' {as I used to call ''concern trolling'' before jart diagnosed your condition and I realised that there was actually a term for it} ; by how you never have anything relevant to say on any important matters ; by how you're limited to the puerile & vacuous (any more Jesse Ventura?) & by what a total twerp you are.
However, you'll be happy to pollute this important 'News' thread with your drivel, so I will append here, the following link with a promise that any future replies here will be shorter but with more relevant links for onward transmission to others - as you will as usual, assiduously continue to ignore them, lol :
''Take back power, which in a corporate state is financial power, from the venal class of speculators who hold us hostage. In open defiance we will have to build our own independent institutions. Of course the speculators will fight back. And they will fight dirty—they know the consequences of this revolt.'' -They AND their lackeys !!! Your narcissism precludes seeing how transparent you are !! You can't change !
temet nosce ...
Who is Trashy? Seriously.
Know him by his works and giggle, frown and then curse him all the way back to Hades :
http://occupywallst.org/article/1-are-still-stealing-our-homes/#comment-1015951 ;
http://occupywallst.org/article/1-are-still-stealing-our-homes/#comment-1015955 ;
http://occupywallst.org/article/1-are-still-stealing-our-homes/#comment-1015957 ;
http://occupywallst.org/article/1-are-still-stealing-our-homes/#comment-1015962 &
http://occupywallst.org/article/1-are-still-stealing-our-homes/#comment-1015981 !!!
More relevantly to the subject of this important 'News Item', see if you can ''seriously'' engage with :
''Listen. Can you hear the Mad Uncle in the attic? His muffled shriekings are getting louder as the myths, deceptions and delusions we’ve been living on evaporate one by one in the face of reality.''
et nosce te ipsum ...
Autarky not Oligarchy
We should all be heading to self sufficiency locally. regionally, inside the state and within the country. with most needs met locally and fewer goods brought from outside the immediate area. A community can supply its own needs and provide the labor need to do that along with adjusting wages to fairly distribute wealth gained.
To hell with the bankers empire and inefficient use of local labor and renewable resources. The IMF, WTO, World Bank and transnational corporates all bleed local resources and wealth.
that looks very pleasant
Good idea.
Civil disobedience Czech Republic http://obcanska-neposlusnost.blog.cz/ for donors - bitcoin address 13BRj45LZobb57uoFnfvp2dBJB64jD4tDH
Northern Italy has one answer for better wealth distribution, and power to the worker.
In Emilia-Romagna 43% of business is done with cooperatives. Workers can take part in decision making at most levels and workers who become shareholders through contributing a very small amount of their wage have a say in decisions at all levels. Wage differences between the lowest paid worker and the top earner are less than 1 to 5. In the US it can be thousands of times higher.
The people of Emilia Romagn rank among the happiest in a world survey.
Mainly small and medium sized businesses that cooperate with each other in export and resources. Low unemployment, free education, healthcare with community involvement and sponsorship of community facilities. All profit goes to the workers and community, not to transnational corporates.
This region experienced devastation in WWII.
Lessons for the US http://www.uwcc.wisc.edu/info/bologna.html
Some stats.
The people have taken over keeping corporate crony capitalism in check.
Food Not Bombs is an incredible organization.
Replacing corporate strangleholds on our supply of food is an essential building block towards independence of them. Building confidence in networks will take time before critical mass is in place.
More power to those doing he groundwork and those who support them.
Kids need food and not monsanto poison.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Give a man someone else's fish and he'll vote for you.
And that's how Wallstreet got where they are today.
Taking other people's fish!!
I worked for over 40 years you numbskull.
I guess wallstreet took your brain along with your fish.