Where to Order Food to Help the Occupation
Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 12, 2011, 11:27 p.m. EST by chris
Several people have asked: if I can't make it to New York City for the occupation, but still want to help, what can I do?
One of many answers is to support those who are at the occupation on Wall Street by calling various delivery places in the area and having food sent to the site. Not only will you be providing food to hungry people, you will also be supporting local establishments as opposed to corporate chains. A list has been compiled of several pizzerias, health food places, and delis around the occupation area from which you can call and order food. The list can be found at here.
Finally, for those who ARE able to make it to the occupation, there will be food available that we will have bought through your generous donations. However, we'd also like to ask that people bring a little bit of food themselves, enough that can theoretically be shared with at least three people. Not only will it help us hold out for longer, it will go a long way in helping you get to know each other a little better as well.
"I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." A protestor overheard Wimpy say this at the park.
Is there a "drop site" where we can direct food deliveries from these local establishments?
For all those who want to support this cause by sending food and non perishable supplies to OccupyWallStreet, I would like to share a channel used by many to send their donations. Use: Delivery.com and under the grocery tab look for Village Farm and Grocery. Buy the merchandize and use the delivery address as: OccupyWallStreet 1 Liberty Plaza Ground New York, Ny 10006 Tiffany Place 212-475-7521 Food and essential are delivered by the Deli without any delivery fee and it has a massive list of options. Just shared my 2 cents.
happy to donate a pie tomorrow. happy self organizing to you! thank you for making space for this!
We The People of The United States of Americans, You're Country NEEDS You to Act. Time the Country comes back to the people.Let our Voices Shake the Foundation of Congress, No more Lobbiest, No more Corporate Republicans and Democrats, No more Corporations Wrighting our Countrys Laws, No more Corruption and No more Wealthy TAX Breaks(Loopholes)Americans Citizens, People. It's Time to Vote Out All Elected Officials who do Harm against a Fellow American by Law. If Animals can be Protected by Laws, so should the American People! Vote them OUT!
This reeks of white youth entitlement, ORDERING FOOD? What the fuck...get your shit together
the ordering food is so people who are unable to be there can help out... like interstate or international supporters..
Yeah, but i'm sure the people with no money and no job will appreciate it.
those fucks need to get a job then... you make it out to be so much worse than it is.... your all failed software engineers, your fucking stupid as shit and your too lazy to work...you are the problem, none fo you lead by example, you follow follow follow, those of you with enough money to organize shit like this...how about you think like a fucking independent and be th change you want to see... occupation? has that ever worked? last time i checked all it does is get people killed
Clearly you're a troll, otherwise you wouldn't be anonymous. If we didn't have to bail out Wall Street to begin with, they'd probably have jobs! Here in Port Richey, you can't find a job to save your soul. My son is lucky he's been able to find a house that the bank tried to foreclose on, but the owner hired a lawyer to make them provide the mortgage and the bank couldn't find it. Otherwise he'd have nowhere to live in the area where he CAN find several small jobs to make the rent. The people in areas where there are jobs have hideous housing costs. There is no balance in our world. If we don't stand up and make people accountable for their addictive gambling (derivatives, etc.), we deserve what we get. I applaud all these kids for standing up against a government we (their parents) didn't realize was taking us down the road of destruction.
Get a job? ZOMG! Why didn't any of us think of that?
HEY GUYS! We can call off the occupation! He says we should just get a job!
What? What do you mean unemployment is the highest it's been in the last 50 years? 30 million unemployed? National debt almost 15 trillion? It's starting to sound like the government and wall st fuked us over...
Occupy Wall st!
Wait lemme stop at the health good store before we riot
you're confused; that would be WALL ST!
Sorry vegans
Anonymous kitchens at remote locations. Food will be delivered by bikes. Bring a bowl and spork
...and a bottle of denatonium http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=bitterlicks
Kitchens should be organized, camp stoves, beans, rice & hot sauce. We shouldn't have to rely solely on expensive take out. Think like the army of the people.
Papa John's is on here, and that's toooootally a chain. But it's a good list regardless. However, I do hope that there are other plans in place to feed people. Tahrir Square didn't happen on the basis of food donations from local places alone.
u all must convert to islam to be happy
We Americans have been brainwashed since birth!!! The people that don't get this movement are proof of how brainwashed and stupid the average, middle-class American has become. Perfect example: The election of an IDIOT for President...GEORGE W. BUSH!!! Oh, I forgot, he wasn't elected, he was appointed by his Majesty JEB BUSH!!! As for the second term... STUPID, BRAINWASHED AMERICANS!!! I am PROUD to state my name!!! Lynda Durbin, N.J.
The jooish Cartel runs the banking, insurance, stock markets, media and know the government. Before you call me nasty names please prove me wrong. BOYCOTT JEWISH GOODS AND SERVICES.
Try Rick Astley's steak house. They are offering 15% off your bill if you show an event flyer.
stock up on your own, run from from private kitchens. ORDERING FOOD?!
careful what you accept from strangers https://occupywallst.org/article/food-committee-needs-you/#comment-254
Ill make an extra. One for you
I'm bringing Bologna. Sandwiches
Then who would be willing to open their restrooms?
I think it is great that people are talking about food logistics but when is someone going to post where and when we are meeting, and what happens after that? It seems like that is the most important thing right now. To be honest the lack of a plan is worrying me to the point of not coming and I'm sure other feel the same.
Its a good thing that we have free markets, corporations, and an economy of hard working, successful business people so we can buy food for the occupation.
a) Start digging up the park to plant a kitchen garden? Don't think the police will allow that. b) Move the protest to a sustainably well stocked garden in Wyoming? Don't think the bankers will notice or care. We need to bring down the system from within, and that means within the city, supplied by the system. When the whole movement is successful, the whole city will become a less tennable place, and people will move back to community gardens. Banks fail, corporations fail, military funding fails, fossil fuel theft from rest of the world fails, city infrastructure powered by cheap energy fails, people leave for the country.
Can't you guys just bring a cooler of food along with your portable air conditioners. Better yet fast, maybe God will help you then.
Does anybody else find it ironic that the occupation is dependent on the just-in-time supply chain of restaurants and grocery stores to eat? Even the independent small business restaurants are part of this system. If the system is shut down, what will keep the food flowing to the evil greedy capitalist pizza delivery joints?
logical fallacy
i pity u white boy get a job stop living off daddys money
it's quite pathetic and reeks of entitled white youth
exactly. if this movement represents "the people", where are all the minorities? all the anon folks are bored white frat boys