Direct Action Gets the Goods #1: Tennessee
Posted 11 years ago on April 14, 2013, 7:41 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
direct action
A Tennessee lawmaker has relented and agreed to drop his bill linking academic performance to the family’s welfare benefits after an 8-year-old girl shamed him by following him around the state Capitol.
On his way to vote on Thursday, state Sen. Stacey Campfield ® was confronted by 8-year-old homeschooler Aamira Fetuga, who presented him with a petition signed by people opposing his welfare bill, according to the Tennessean. Nearby, a choir of about 60 activists sang “Jesus Loves the Little Children.”
“You are so weak, to not listen to a child,” a parent said as Campfield walked away with the girl following.
“Why do you want to cut benefits for people?” 8-year-old Fetuga asked after she caught up with him on a Capitol escalator.
“Well, I wouldn’t as long as the parent shows up to school and goes to two parent-teacher conferences and they’re exempt,” the state Senator explained.
The confrontation continued during what appeared to be long, uncomfortable walk to the Senate floor for Campfield.
Campfield decided to withdraw the bill before Thursday’s vote after several other former supporters began to express doubts.
“You can say that withholding the money from the parents doesn’t harm the child, but you’re fooling yourself,” Senate Majority Leader Mark Norris (R) pointed out.
Under Campfield’s bill, families could have lost up to 30 percent of welfare benefits from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program if a child did not attend school regularly and make “satisfactory academic progress.”
As for the protests, Campfield remarked, “It is what it is.”
“There’s always going to be detractors.”
From: The Raw Story
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Thanks for posting this!!!!
The most political fun I've had in a while.
That little girl is simply amazing in her tenacity.
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Rule 9, as much as those that scream about Saul scream about him, they use this one constantly to good effect. It's FLAKESnews' bread and butter.
But yeah, I've done many of these things when real life demanded it, before I ever heard of Saul.
In a way, it's a form of marketing ideas.
Without a doubt. Much of it common sense. Just got emailed to me and wanted to share.
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Now let's see -
we need an 8 year old to protect children from crazy confederate republiclans.
Maybe if we vote for sane, electable progressives, we can protect the children.
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In compliment. & a bump up.
That's what I'm talkin about. Outta the mouths of babes. This girl was more powerful than the racist effort in that backwards state.
Look at this quote from the original story where the fact that Campfield is a Republican is noted:
"On his way to vote on Thursday, state Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) was confronted by 8-year-old"
You omit the fact that Campfield is a Republican from your piece in the Great Tradition of FOX News
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Spanish version of the original article.
Direct Action Gets the Goods #1: Tennessee Posted 1 day ago on April 14, 2013, 7:41 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt Tags: direct action
Accion Directa regresa de nuevo #1: Tenesi
Un legislador a cedido y aceptado anular su ley que une el progreso academico con la ayuda social de la familia, luego de que una niña de 8 años lo avergonzara tras perseguirlo por todo el capitolio estatal.
En su via para votar el jueves, el senador del estado. Stacey Campfield fue enfentrado por una niña de 8 años, estudiante de casa, Aamira Fetuga, quien le presento una peticion firmada por la gente que se opone a su ley, de acuerdo con el de Tenesi. Cerca, un coro de mas de 60 activistas cantaban "Jesus ama a los niños." refiriendose a la religion practicada por el senador.
"Eres debil por no escuchar a una niña," le dijo una madre a Campfiel cuando era seguido por la niña.
"Porque quieres quitarle los beneficios a la gente? la niña de 8 años, Fetuga, le preguntaba antes de encontrarlo en la escalera del Capitolio.
"Bueno, no lo haria si los parientes fueran a la escuela y a las conferencias, ahi, luego estarian exonerados", explicaba el senador del estado.
La confrontacion continuo durante lo que seria una larga e incomoda caminata en el piso del senado por Campfield.
Campfield decidio retirar la ley antes de la votacion el jueves despues de que varios otros que lo apoyaban comenzaran a expresar dudas.
"Se puede decir que el retener el dinero de los padres no daña al niño, pero en ese caso te estas engañando" afirmaba el senador lider de las masas mayoritarias Mark Norris(Republicano).
Segun la ley de Campfield, las familias pudieron haber perdido mas del 30 por ciento del programa de ayuda social que les da la Asistencia Temporal para Familias con Necesidad(TANF) si ela niñx no atiende regularmente y tiene "un progreso academico satisfactorio".
Por otro lado la protesta, Campfield acoto, "es lo que es".
"Siempre habran opositores".
De: The Raw Story
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You point out that the guy who killed the bill is a Republican, but failed to note that the guy who put up the bill was a Republican and the Democrats opposed the bill from the beginning, if only OWS was more aware of what is going on it would be more effective. Maybe I should just go to Fox News for greater accuracy.
Excellent point. Occupy effort to be non partisan, paints an incomplete picture that hides the stark differences of the parties.
I see they have added an R I believe. But the truth of the opposing Dems is still covered up.
And I would go 1 better. The little girl and her family are Dems as well. And I believe advised and invited by Dems.
No one succeeds alone. She didn't build that........Alone.
that they changed the story a bit, that anyone reads what is written here, far outweighs all other things at this point, this is promising indeed
It is a good sign.
read hchc, err OTP below, he didn't even read the rewrite it sounds like, I love it when these "insiders" get outed
He doesn't know the1st thing about Occupy.He certainly doesn't know what is going on in his own home town occupy. I've had to inform him more than once about activity in Occupy Tampa.
And his positions are closer to the new tea party demands (privatizing Social Security, attacking Obamacare)). HC has been outed in my book for a long time.
He never has a bad word to say about Scott either.
Interesting. He is also is clearly against background checks for gun purchases. And we had a brief exchange regarding FOX news racism which he didn't really take seriously.
Not surprising, he does have some fooled though.
I said fire him and beat his fuckin ass. You want to dance around him and wave your pom poms.
You appeared to minimize and take it as a joke.
Im not surprised coming from the Brooklyn guy who has never been in a bar fight.
Getting personal because your position is weak and empty are you?
You think getting into a bar fight is a badge of honor. That would be the problem with violence. Some people (you?) have more propensity to be violent.
I believe I said I've never "Started a fight". Why would you spread this blatant lie that I've never been in a bar fight?
Gettin desperate.
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Listen, I hate Republicans. They are bigots. I dont tolerate racists, and Ive heard a few say some shit about Obama that is out and out disgusting. And very few dislike Obama more than I do.
Their stance on abortion- I just dont get it. Its none of their business. And yet they have no problem sentencing someone to death.
Their stance on gay marriage is absolutely ridiculous.
How ANYONE could support this level of bigotry is beyond me.
Economically they are pretty close to the Dems-
They spend money like its going out of style, despite their claims in the media. They have no clue what they are doing with regulations- deregulating the very top while regulating the shit out of the rest of us.
That bumbling idiot Bush is what got me interested in all this stuff. And after watching and studying what Dems have done, Im not supporting them either. I wont do it. They dont represent me at all. If that makes you mad, so be it. It shouldnt. You want change? Encourage it then.
Economically, the repubs tax plan sounds a lot like yours, nothing like the Dems.
Actually, in the grand scheme of things, they are pretty much the same- give the rich all the breaks, and fuck over the little guy.
No in actuality you and repubs want to cut middleclass loopholes, and want tax rates for the wealthy to stay the same.
Sorry. You said it.
Scott can go fuck himself. He's a train wreck.
Really? Like what?
This outta be interesting.
Try to come with some semblance of a fact. As in an actual event.
You had no knowledge of the college student protests organized by Occupiers in Tampa.
So there was that I informed you about and other events.
Sorry dummy that was SDS not occupy. And I have friends that go to that school that didnt even hear about it. Not exactly something major.
Got anything else? Or is that it. You really fucked that one up.
And not all of us are financially able to surf the web all day, every day. Some of us actually have to work.
Wrong again! It was organized with Occupy colleges for a day of action that tampa and many cities occupies joined with.
You were unaware because you are a fraud. Why would you have to search for this nationwide action?
And once again your resorting to personally attacking me ("fan able all day... some of us actually work") simply betrays the weakness in your argument.
Direct action against weak leaders
Maybe you should have went and spent a weekend or two at OccPhoenix for greater accuracy.
I know you wish that the Dems had any ability to create what we had in occupy. I get it. But they dont, and its because they suck, and are whores to money, as been shown here repeatedly.
The last thing the Dems or the Reps want to create is a movement about frustration that is a wide swipe of political ideology. Because that leads to learning and then to teaching. Which is a direct threat to power.
They dont like that. Hence 150+ years of the same two parties running our entire country.
The people who run the front page made the correction, I guess you don't know shit about OWS.
Really good.I will concern about it.
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check this new page! tnx!
Sounded like a good bill to me. What is wrong with insisting that welfare recipients send their children to school? If their children get an education maybe they will break the cycle of poverty. Expecting parents to make an effort doesn't sound like a huge hurdle.
The schools wreck their minds by teaching creationist drivel.
And revisionist crap about the civil war.
This young lady is a hero.
The Rep is an ass.
Hilarious. I think you need to adjust the aluminum foil on your windows. The KGB mind control waves are molding the dope you are smoking.
Yeah, except it's true.
and you have little besides a big mouth.
Liars, the lot.
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