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Congress: Still Corporate. Still Criminal. Still Captured.

Posted 11 years ago on May 7, 2013, 7:46 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: congress, Wall Street, occupy the sec, HR 992

Congress: Still Corporate. Still Criminal. Still Captured.

One of the points Occupy Wall Street made, by choosing to occupy space in Manhattan and not in DC, was that it's really Wall Street who runs things, not the government.

The votes in the House Financial Services Committee today underscore that point with stark clarity.

Today the Committee considered a slew of bills that tear down many of the Wall Street reforms passed in 2010. These reforms were already imperfect, as Wall Street sent the full force of its lobbying to the Hill in 2010 to compromise these reforms as much as possible.

Wall Street, having succeeded in 2010 in watering down the reforms meant to regulate them two years after they ruined the economy, did not rest. They have been lobbying nonstop since then to do everything they could to gut these reforms even more.

Today, nine deregulatory bills were considered, and nine were passed. The most egregious, HR 992, which we wrote about on Monday, passed 53-6. This bill is named "Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act", but it should be called, "If Banks Get Bailed Out, We'll Get Sold Out. Again." This is the bill that makes the cost of doing business for Wall Street lower by exploiting the implicit backing of the Federal Government. It allows banks to hold risky derivatives in the insured depository--that part of the bank that is insured by the FDIC. As we wrote yesterday, this is dangerous because derivatives are senior in bankruptcy--derivatives counterparties get paid out first.

Only six members of Congress, out of sixty-one total committee members, decided that this risk was too much. That Wall Street has won enough fights. Six out of sixty-one. The only six who dared to not roll over for Wall Street are: Rep Maxine Waters (@MaxineWaters) (D-CA), Rep Keith Ellison (@keithellison) (D-MN), Rep Steven Lynch (@RepStephenLynch) (D-MA), Rep Velazquez (@NydiaVelazquez) (D-NY), Rep Mike Capuano (@mikecapuano) (D-MA), and Rep Al Green (@RepAlGreen) (D-TX).

Those six were decidedly in the minority. Fifty-three members of Congress decided that, no, we really ought to make life even easier for the megabanks. The megabanks have it so hard, after all, right?

The banks have laundered money for drug cartels. They have deliberately lied to regulators. They have lied to Congress. They have illegally foreclosed on homes and then had their captured regulator give wronged parties a slap-in-the-face settlement of $300. They have manipulated global interest rates. They have sold predatory loans disproportionately to people of color . They have been bailed out. And they will not lay low.

Fifty-three members of the Financial Services Committee today decided that all this malfeasance, corruption and criminal activity is not only fine, but it should be rewarded. We should make life even easier for them. We should lower their cost of doing business on the backs of the US taxpayer. Only six decided that no, enough is enough.

It is the same old song in Congress. Wall Street owns them, and no amount of disgrace, shame, corruption and crime will deter the fifty-three members of this Committee from pledging allegiance to Wall Street.

Here is the complete list of the Financial Services Committee members. The official twitter for the Republicans on the Committee is @FinancialCmte, and the twitter for the Democrats is @FSCDems. Wall Street still runs things, but it is worth letting our captured Congressmembers know that we are fully aware that Wall Street also owns them.



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Complimenting: The next Chair of the Federal Reserve will have enormous power to avoid further economic bubbles and act a financial watchdog, but only if they choose to use them. That’s why Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren teamed up to write four must-answer questions for the next Fed Chair — whoever it may be.

President Obama will soon be announcing his nominee to Chair the Federal Reserve, but before that happens the American people need to know what this person will, or will not, do as Chair. And we need to know that they will look out for all Americans -- including those still recovering from the Great Recession.

Join Daily Kos, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Democracy for America to demand answers from the next Fed Chair on four incredibly important questions.

The American people deserve to get answers from the Fed Chair candidates. Will they regulate the Bank Banks and Wall Street? With your help, we will push the media to ask the tough questions and push Obama to nominate a Fed Chair who shares our values.

Then we will work with Senators like Bernie Sanders as they ask direct questions of the candidate and learn more about what they have in mind.

Help us get answers on where the Fed Chair candidates stand and ask a question of your own.

Thank you for all that you do,


Jim Dean, Chair Democracy for America

Donate today Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com/?t=3&akid=3840.2041858.5dT-lH and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

[-] 3 points by bluebelle728 (7) 11 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I had to take a deep breath after reading however. Well, with enough rope these crooks will hang themselves. Always happens, no exceptions.

[-] 1 points by tapndiesel (3) 11 years ago

They don't hang themselves, they ride golden parachutes into the sunset.

[-] 3 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Add your story of how Wall St crash affected you!


make it real for all to see, and be outraged.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

The U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman is trying to pass a so-called Fast Track or Trade Promotion Authority bill to make possible the ratification of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal, which would gut environmental, food safety and climate protections. Fast Track would allow the TPP to be ratified on an expedited schedule with little debate, no amendments and a straight up or down vote. This turns the U.S. Constitution upside down -- the founders intended for Congress, not trade bureaucrats indebted to corporate polluters, to regulate trade with foreign nations.

Send a letter to Congress demanding rejection of Fast Track and the Trans Pacific trade deal.

Big Oil and dirty energy companies want to ramrod the TPP deal through Congress using Fast Track, thereby protecting free trade in tar sands oil, coal and liquefied natural gas. Weakening regulations on these polluters is a recipe for climate catastrophe.

Other TPP provisions would protect corporate patents on plants, animals and other life forms, allowing biotech corporations to own our common biological heritage. Biotech giants like Monsanto want to use Fast Track legislation to expedite a TPP deal that will protect trade in genetically modified food and restrict GMO labeling. These corporations know that Fast Track is the only way to force the TPP through Congress.

Act now to stop corporations like Monsanto from expediting the Trans Pacific Partnership via the Fast Track bill.

Fast Track gives hundreds of corporate lobbyists who are “cleared advisors” to the U.S. Trade Representative a greater role in drafting trade agreements than members of Congress. It delegates away Congress’ exclusive constitutional authority to “regulate Commerce with foreign nations.”

Please write your representative today and tell them to vote NO on a Fast Track bill that would ram the TPP through Congress.


Bill Waren Trade policy analyst, Friends of the Earth Contact us

Friends of the Earth U.S. Washington DC Berkeley CA 1-877-843-8687 Contact us »

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Insanity =

While millions of Americans are barely getting by, your House of Representatives just passed a bill written and paid for by Big Banks. It puts you back on the hook for the dangerous “derivatives trading” that crashed our entire economy just 5 years ago.

Yesterday, Republicans and Democrats voted together to dismantle rules put in place in 2010 to prevent another economic meltdown and more taxpayer bailouts. 70 of the 85 lines in the new bill were literally written by lobbyists for Citigroup, a multinational megabank that helped bring the economy to its knees in 2008 and forced us to give them billions in bailouts.

This much is clear: Wall Street runs both major parties, and they’ll run our country into the ground if we let them. The American Anti-Corruption Act would make this whole mess completely illegal, so it’s time to change how we think about politics. It’s no longer about Republican vs. Democrat — It’s about Corrupt vs. Anti-Corrupt.

Will you pledge to put aside party politics and create a powerful cross-partisan movement behind the American Anti-Corruption Act?

When you look at the facts, it’s hard to ignore the harsh reality. This video perfectly explains how corrupt things really are!

If we can get millions of people to get off the hamster wheel of partisan warfare, stop fighting each other and start fighting corruption, we can win.

Take a minute. Follow the link. Enlist your friends, your family, everyone who has had it with the insanity in Washington.


Josh Silver, Director Represent.Us

Represent.Us | Read the American Anti-Corruption Act

Represent.Us is the campaign to support The American Anti-Corruption Act. United Republic is a bold, new challenge to the undue influence of well-financed special interests over American politics and government. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the United Republic mailing list. Unsubscribe here United Republic, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Still Corporate. Still Criminal. Still Captured.

It's not just Federal - But - State as well:

Daisy Coleman and her friend were both high school freshman when they were sexually assaulted at a senior's house party last year in Maryville, Missouri. ( my comment not the articles --> Missouri - HUH - Who Woulda Thunk It ? The following that is. )

But like Steubenville before it, Maryville revolted against the case. Not only was the 14-year-old threatened, her mother fired, and their house burned down, but the charges were dropped without a word of explanation — even after one of the suspects confessed.

This stinks of corruption, victim-blaming, and the shameless coverup of a horrific assault. One of the attackers isn't just a celebrated athlete – he's the grandson of a prominent Missouri state senator, who also has ties to the Nodaway County prosecutor in charge of the case.

We demand an immediate investigation into local authorities' handling of the assault's aftermath, and that Daisy's case be reopened. Don't let Maryville get away with burying this crime: Write the Missouri Attorney General now!

  • PETITION TO ATTORNEY GENERAL CHRIS KOSTER: We demand you launch an investigation into Maryville authorities' handling of the Daisy Coleman case, and work with local officials to reopen the case immediately.

Click here to sign -- it just takes a second.

Thanks, -- The folks at Watchdog.net

P.S. If the other links aren't working for you, please go here to sign: http://act.watchdog.net/petitions/3928?n=40577487.ROnBOV

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Your mother may have told you that life is about the choices you make and the values they represent. My mom definitely did and her words of wisdom guide me to this day.

So what does it say about Republicans in the House who are eager to deny food assistance to hungry children and families, while they protect tax breaks for big corporations and the ultra-rich?

House Republicans are calling for a $40 billion cut to SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, which would eliminate food assistance for 4 to 6 million low-income people.1 Congress will vote on this heartless bill as early as Wednesday.

But if we make enough noise, we can defeat this proposal and protect the food assistance that millions of Americans rely on to put dinner on the table. With a vote coming up THIS WEEK, tell Congress: Don't cut food stamps for 6 million low-income people.

We desperately need to invest in jobs and prosperity for all but the GOP has it backwards –these SNAP cuts will increase hunger in America and kill 55,000 jobs in the first year alone.2 The House GOP doesn’t care that one in six Americans struggled with hunger last year and that SNAP provided support for 47 million Americans, 72% of which were families with children, in 2011.3

And just what exactly would the GOP rather spend our tax dollars on than reducing hunger?

Instead of funding food assistance programs that will keep 4 to 6 million from going hungry in the night, the GOP would rather defend corporate tax breaks and loopholes like the one that allowed corporations to deduct more than $30 billion in multi-millionaire CEO pay from 2007 to 2010.4

Closing just this loophole would bring in $50 billion in revenue over the next 10 years, $10 billion more than the $40 billion Republicans want to cut from food assistance.5 But where’s the GOP outrage over this? Or the tax deductions for companies that ship jobs and profits overseas that we’ve fought for years to end?

The GOP’s cruel austerity agenda is holding our economy back and hurting the most vulnerable families, children, seniors and veterans in our communities. It’s time we put a stop to it. With a vote just days away, tell Congress: Don't cut food stamps for 6 million low-income people.

Sincerely, Ross Wallen USAction / TrueMajority

1 - "House Leadership SNAP Proposal Would Eliminate Food Assistance for 4 Million to 6 Million Low-Income People," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, August 19, 2013

2 - "CAP Infographic: Stop Slashing SNAP," usaction.org, September 16, 2013

3 - "30 Years of Tackling Hunger on a Bipartisan Basis Is in Danger of Failing This Fall," americanprogress.org, September 16, 2013

3 - "Fixing a Hole: Holmberg and Austin Examine CEO Pay Tax Loophole That Puts Economy at Risk," nextnewdeal.net, July 22, 2013

4 - "Reed-Blumenthal Introduce the Stop Subsidizing Multimillion Dollar Corporate Bonuses Act," reed.senate.gov, August 2, 2013




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USAction, 1825 K St. NW, Suite 210, Washington, DC 20006 PH: 202.263.4520 FAX: 202.263.4530

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

What I added:

If austerity should be imposed ANYWHERE - It should start at the very TOP with the very wealthy people and corp(se)oRATions. Hell start taxing wallstreet transactions.

BTW - on an aside:

Why are we not making use of Thorium Reactors to generate electricity? Why are we not using Liquid Metal Batteries for major storage and distribution of electricity?

Curious? I hope so. Here please take a look.



Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel industry.

Austerity = only at the very top.

Sane energy programs to get us past Global Warming/Climate Change.

No more squeezing the life out of the lower middle class and the lower class.



DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

Congress: Don't cut food stamps for 6 million people: http://bit.ly/1cChPdS via @usaction #p2 #SNAP #MadAsHell

Austerity on the 0.01% - 1st

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Complimenting: TWEET

DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

http://reclaimdemocracy.org/powell_memo_lewis/ … Corp(se)o RAT blueprint 4 conquest. Still supported by the Supreme Court & Federal Government. http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/en/news-and-blogs/campaign-blog/the-lewis-powell-memo-corporate-blueprint-to-/blog/36466/

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

News and Announcements from the Move to Amend Coalition Upcoming Barnstorming Tour Stops

In the tradition of the mighty Populist Movement, Move to Amend's experienced and acclaimed speakers are crisscrossing the country in 2013, spreading the word about the campaign to amend the constitution and inspiring action!

New Mexico Barnstorming with Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap (Sept 12-18)

  • Thursday, September 12 - ALBUQUERQUE
  • Friday, September 13 - LAS CRUCES
  • Monday September 16 - TAOS
  • Wednesday, September 18 - SANTA FE

Michigan Barnstorming with David Cobb (Sept 16-20)

  • Monday, September 16 - TRAVERSE CITY
  • Tuesday, September 17 - MUSKEGON HEIGHTS
  • Wednesday, September 18 - EAST LANSING
  • Friday, September 20 - ANN ARBOR

Washington Barnstorming with Ashley Sanders (Sept 22-28)

  • Sunday, September 22 - SPOKANE
  • Monday, September 23 - KENNEWICK/RICHLAND
  • Tuesday, September 24 - YAKIMA
  • Wednesday, September 25 - BELLINGHAM
  • Thursday, September 26 - VANCOUVER
  • Friday, September 27 - OLYMPIA/TACOMA
  • Saturday, September 28 - SEATTLE

And check our Barnstorming Page soon for details about these upcoming tours:

  • Texas Barnstorming with David Cobb (Oct 28-31)
  • Southern California Barnstorming with David Cobb and California State Coordinator Margaret Koster (Nov 10-22)
  • Gulf Coast (LA, FL, AL) Barnstorming with David Cobb (Dec 2-10)

Move to Amend Reports Radio Show

Move to Amend Reports is our online radio program hosted by National Leadership Team members Laura Bonham and Egberto Willies. The show airs every Thursday at 8:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM PT.

The show features guests who specialize in movement building, amending the Constitution, grassroots organizing, and issues relating to corporate rule and participatory democracy.

Each show provides opportunity for call-in questions and comments from the listening audience by dialing 646-652-2345 (long distance charges apply).

Tune in live on Thursdays or check out the archives at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/movetoamend.

October 11-13: Grassroots Regional Democracy Convergence in Austin, TX

Move to Amend is continuing our regional gatherings across the United States in 2013. These events bring you together with Move to Amend activists and supporters from throughout your region of the country. Let’s amplify and multiply the power of all our great local organizing by building deeper organizational connections, and kick it up a notch!

Huston-Tillotson University Dickey-Lawless Science Auditorium 900 Chicon St Austin, TX 78702


David Cobb (Move to Amend National Spokesperson) ★ Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap (Move to Amend National Director) ★ Egberto Willies (Move to Amend National Leadership Team) -- and more TBA!


Building a Multi-Racial Democracy Movement for Social Justice & Constitutional Renewal ★ The State of the Global & US Democracy Movement ★ Engaging Your Community on Corporate Constitutional Rights & the Move to Amend Campaign ★ Building Capacity for the Work to Come -- and more!


Move to Amend Has New Staff Members!

Welcome to Brian Alenduff (Outreach Coordinator) and Toma Lynn Smith (Development Coordinator), the newest members of our staff team!

Toma will be working from Chicago and Brian will be working out of the national office in California. IMG_8672.JPG Our crew at the National HQ in Eureka, California during Toma's visit in August. From left to right: Johannes Epke, Paul Benson, Toma Lynn Smith, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Brian Alenduff, Ambrosia Danu.

Published on Op-Ed News: Follow the Trillions, If You Can By: Maria Agosto, Move to Amend

In what is rapidly becoming the largest tax fraud investigation in history, the global elite and multi-national corporations stand accused of hiding behind tax shelters worldwide and secreting assets upwards of $32 trillion. Charges range from facilitating tax evasion and fraud, to money laundering.

After studying 2.5 million leaked files for more than a year, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), an independent group in partnership with several global news outlets, revealed the names behind more than 120,000 anonymous offshore companies and trusts. Some of the world's wealthiest, most politically influential individuals are involved.

Continue reading...

Published on Common Dreams: Corporate Constitutional “Rights” Harm Small Business By: Laura Bonham, Move to Amend

On the day, nearly twenty years ago, that my husband and I incorporated our general contracting firm to protect ourselves against liability, I first became aware of corporate personhood. It was not lost on me that protection from liability was a huge advantage that people just don’t have, and how ridiculous it was that my husband and I had to incorporate to get that protection. To my amazement, I discovered that our recently incorporated business was entitled to all kinds of Constitutional rights and privileges, and that big, powerful, and rich corporations exercised those rights frequently, especially in the courts.

Continue reading

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

It's time for you to get fired up and speak out.

In less than a month, the Supreme Court will take up a case called McCutcheon v. FEC that would strike down some of the last remaining anti-bribery limits and usher in an era of unlimited corruption. It's Citizens United Round 2, it's a disaster, and if it stands, you can say buh-bye to whatever's left of our representative government.

With your help, we can stop this case. Court precedent is with us, but we need to show them that the public is too. More than 10,000 Represent.Us members have already added their names and comments. Please add yours.

Then, on October 8th, a team of Represent.Us activists dressed up as giant $100 bills will travel to DC and hand-deliver our demand along with your message directly to the Supreme Court.


"The 2010 Citizens United ruling has had disastrous effects on our country.

We The People demand that you use your power to represent us and preserve the few election-spending laws still in place.

Rule against McCutcheon and protect free and fair elections in America.

Add your name to our demand, then add your own comments.

We need to work hard to stop this case, and here's why: McCutcheon could strike down aggregate donation limits for political campaigns. How many people do YOU know who are running up against the “limitation” of donating no more than $117,000 every two years!? No one, right? That’s why this is so ludicrous, and that’s why you need to add your name right now:


Demand that the Supreme Court — the People’s Court — represent the people. All of us. Not just the greedy moneybags trying to bleed America dry. Politicians from both sides of the aisle are on the record in agreement that The Court's Citizens United decision created nothing short of a disaster. This will be worse.

The Represent.Us campaign is more than just a petition, it’s a plan to take America back, and make no mistake — we are going to win. When we do, the American Anti-Corruption Act will make cases like McCutcheon irrelevant. But right now, we need you to add your name to help win the day:


Thanks for standing with me in this fight.

Joshua Graham Lynn, Program Director Represent.Us

p.s. If you'd like to be part of the special team headed to DC on October 8th, click here.

Represent.Us | Read the American Anti-Corruption Act

Represent.Us is the campaign to support The American Anti-Corruption Act. United Republic is a bold, new challenge to the undue influence of well-financed special interests over American politics and government. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the United Republic mailing list. Unsubscribe here United Republic, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Corp(se)oRATions are not people - bring government back to the people and back to supporting the constitution.

These are NOT the corp(se)oRAT states of America.


[-] -3 points by bigcake (-3) 11 years ago

What's the point of writing letters to people who already made it clear they don't care about what you have to say?

You need to use the Occupy method my friend. Start protesting in the streets. You should be organizing civil disobedience actions, not writing letters to people who don't care at all.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

What's the point of writing letters to people who already made it clear they don't care about what you have to say?

Still shucking Ur same old lame old crap I C. In other words SOSDD.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Tomorrow, MoveOn members and our allies at Americans Against Fracking, Food & Water Watch, and 350.org will gather in Washington, DC, to hand-deliver more than 400,000 public comments to President Obama and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, calling on them to ban fracking on all federal and Native American lands.

This will be the largest single demonstration of public support for President Obama to ban fracking.

But why wait? Let's flood the White House with calls today, demanding that President Obama protect the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the climate we depend on—by banning hydraulic fracturing on 600 million acres of public lands.

Can you call President Obama right now? Tell him: "The Bureau of Land Management's draft rules for fracking on federal and Native American lands will allow oil and gas companies to contaminate our drinking water, pollute our air, and exacerbate climate change. You can do better: Ban fracking on public lands."

Here's where to call:

President Barack Obama 888-660-2594

You'll hear a short message from Josh Fox, the director of Gasland and Gasland Part II, and you'll be connected to the White House. Then, please report your call by clicking here, so that we can show the media how strong our movement is growing:


Together with out allies, we've declared today a National Call-In Day to Ban Fracking—and we can make it huge if each of us picks up the phone right now.

The timing is critical. Earlier this summer, the Obama Administration issued draft rules for opening up hundreds of millions of acres of public lands to fracking—including areas that supply millions of people with drinking water.1 This Friday is the last day for the public to comment on these draft rules. If we can flood the White House today with thousands of calls from across the country, we'll send a clear message that it's unacceptable for the oil and gas industry to write the rules.

Unfortunately, that's who's been writing the rules so far. Literally. ExxonMobil wrote the proposed rules for disclosure of the toxic chemicals used in fracking—which would allow companies to keep the public in the dark if they deem the chemical mix a "trade secret."2 It's the same language that the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council pushes as model legislation.

The draft rules also allow the oil and gas industry to dump radioactive fracking waste in open pits—which has caused livestock death.3 And unearthing massive new quantities of fossil fuels would spell further climate disaster. We can help President Obama be the leader he wants to be in fighting climate change, if we show he has support to ban fracking.

Can you call President Obama right now? Tell him: "The Bureau of Land Management's draft rules for fracking on federal and Native American lands will allow oil and gas companies to contaminate our drinking water, pollute our air, and exacerbate climate change. You can do better: Ban fracking on public lands."

Here's the number to call:

President Barack Obama 888-660-2594

Then, please report your call by clicking here:


Thanks for all you do.

–Victoria, Bobby, David, Rosy, and the rest of the team


  1. "Delaware beware: fracking public lands," Shale Reporter, August 15, 2013 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=292792&id=73551-23748677-UIKWUNx&t=4

  2. "Obama Admin. Approves ALEC Model Bill for Fracking Chemical Fluid Disclosure on Public Lands," May 20, 2013, DeSmogBlog http://www.moveon.org/r?r=292789&id=73551-23748677-UIKWUNx&t=6

  3. "Fracking Our Food Supply," The Nation, November 28, 2012 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=292793&id=73551-23748677-UIKWUNx&t=7

Yep - from Moveon - those assholes - imagine wanting to ban fracking - why-i-oughta ............. wait a mo .........................

[-] -1 points by TropicalDepression (-45) 11 years ago

Want to ban fracking? Then why dont you walk the walk and go beat the living hell out of them? Delivering papers to someone whose already made it abundantly clear you are a piss ant isnt going to change anything.

Dont want fracking? Stop them then. Its that fuckin simple.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

200 people, outside the State Department gates, peacefully demanding that John Kerry and President Obama stop the Keystone XL Pipeline and save the climate - scores of them risking arrest for the first time.

That massive peaceful civil disobedience happened last week, because of your support - and we got it on video. Watch it live.

Then let your friends know about it on Twitter, or on Facebook, or just send it via email. Spread the word - call out Big Oil for their dirty tricks.

Thank you for all you do to make this movement real.


John Sellers, The Other 98%

The Other 98% is making democracy work for the rest of us.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

In Compliment: ( Demand Progress )

Read on for info about a timely new film about privacy rights that we're helping promote -- it's called Terms and Conditions May Apply and premieres on national TV this Sunday -- and how you can take action to protect your privacy.

Recent news makes shockingly clear the extent to which Americans are being tracked by websites and surveilled by law enforcement agencies.

But it's become evident that even our policymakers don't understand the breadth of corporate and governmental surveillance that takes place.

Demand Progress is working with the creators of a great new film that breaks down the problem. It's called Terms and Conditions May Apply, and we're organizing a showing in DC for lawmakers and their staffers.

Please click here to tell your lawmakers to educate themselves about privacy by watching the film.

Then, please check out Terms and Conditions May Apply's world television premiere this Sunday evening on the cable network Pivot.

You can click here to learn what channel Pivot airs on in your area. The details are below.

And please remember to tell your member of Congress to come to our screening and get educated about privacy infringement.

-Demand Progress

Paid for by Demand Progress Action, under 501(c)3 sponsorship by the CEL Education Fund. 30 Ritchie Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

It’s never been more urgent to hold President Obama to his words: "If Congress won’t act soon to protect future generations, I will."

That’s why we were arrested on Monday, along with 20 committed everyday activists, sitting-in at the State Department in the President’s home city.1

Our action in Chicago on its own won’t build enough pressure to convince the President to reject KXL -- but it’s the opening salvo of the Pledge of Resistance, which could be a game-changer for our fight against climate change. More than 62,000 people have committed to risk arrest if necessary to stop the “game over for the climate” Keystone XL pipeline.

Building the pledge from 22 brave souls in Chicago, to tens of thousands of people across the country, is a massive organizing effort. We need your help to make it happen.

If the President won’t act, we will. Are you with us? Chip in $25 and help urge President Obama to reject Keystone XL now. CREDO action Help build a new wave of resistance to Keystone XL

NoKXL — 22 arrested in Chicago

Astonishingly, even as our atmosphere just reached a C02 concentration of 400 ppm for the first time in human history, the President is reportedly more concerned with public opinion “dial tests” than showing the leadership needed to protect us.2

It’s clear: It’s up to the president to lead. And he may not act, unless we make him.

To scale up the Pledge of Resistance, CREDO, Rainforest Action Network and the Other 98% are going big: We’re holding weekend-long organizer trainings in 25 cities in late June and July, to train committed, every-day activists, to plan and organize peaceful, dignified civil disobedience actions where they live, just like the action on Monday in Chicago.

If we have the resources, we can train activists to organize hundreds of actions across the country, and be ready to stage one of the biggest bursts of civil disobedience in modern American history when the State Department releases its Determination of National Interest on Keystone XL as expected this fall.

The threat of massive civil disobedience can be a game-changer and convince President Obama that it’s not worth caving to the oil industry and approving Keystone XL. But only if we can make it big enough to send a message that he and his advisers cannot ignore science.

This campaign is unprecedented in the history of the climate movement. But this moment calls for nothing less. Please chip-in to make sure we can pull it off.

Thanks for helping escalate the fight to oppose Keystone XL.

Becky Bond and Elijah Zarlin CREDO Action

Take action now ►

  1. "22 Arrested in New Wave of Resistance to Keystone XL Pipeline," In These Times, 6/17/13

  2. "As Obama moves forward on climate, he faces a tough political task," Washington Post, 6/14/13

[-] 1 points by yodavision (3) 11 years ago

We need to get rid of NAFTA so US environmental laws have meaning.

[-] 2 points by tapndiesel (3) 11 years ago

Google "top 10 banks" If your bank is listed... pull your money out of them and put it in a local credit union or bank.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

In compliment - Tweet

Occupy Rallies Against Powerful Right-Wing Group You've Never Heard Of http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2012/02/alec-occupy-wall-street-protest-f29 via @motherjones

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

" Government " - Still Corporate. Still Criminal. Still Captured.

The bottom could fall out of talks to save the planet in 24 hours unless we act to save them.

Years ago, the US and our allies made a big promise to help the poorest countries deal with and decrease climate change. But now we are threatening to backtrack. If the US reneges on this pledge tomorrow, hope for a global deal could totally fall apart. But Secretary of State Kerry has made climate leadership the defining issue of his career. Let’s make sure he knows that it’s his call to make!

Send Kerry a message to make sure he knows we are watching and expecting him to act -- his office will get it right away, and the Avaaz team at the talks will give all our messages to his staff on the ground. Click here to send an urgent message:


In 2009, Secretary Clinton pledged to raise $100 Billion yearly to build a climate resilient world. But while some immediate cash came through, virtually no country has yet made new contributions to this bold plan. The financial crisis has made it very difficult to fulfill our promise to the poorest countries. But we are still giving billions to fossil fuel companies that are polluting our world and causing global warming. It is nuts!

The poorer countries are now demanding that the rich meet their original promises before they sign up to more commitments at talks in Warsaw. So far our government is saying they we won’t give. But if we can get them to commit funds, other countries will follow. We have the power to keep everyone at the table to hammer out a crucial deal.

We only have 24 hours left. Let’s make sure Kerry knows we wants him to keep our word to the most poor, and save the deal to save the planet. Click now to send a message:


Climate change is perhaps the largest, most complex global problem humanity has faced, and for all its scale, it's hard to find things we can do that even make a dent. It's easy to lose hope in the face of a challenge like that. But this is one of those times where we can make a real difference right now -- one that could save the process that can save the world. Let's not let it go without making our voices heard.

With hope,

Pascal, Iain, Alice, David, Maria Paz, Ricken, and the Avaaz team


U.S. serious on climate, John Kerry tells U.N. summit (Politico) http://www.politico.com/story/2013/11/us-serious-on-climate-kerry-tells-un-summit-100023.html

Yeb Sano surfaces at UN climate talks and thanks supporters of fast (The Guardian) http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/poverty-matters/2013/nov/19/yeb-sano-hunger-strike-un-...

Support the Avaaz Community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way. Donate to Avaaz

Avaaz.org is a 30-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

I sent:


Hmmm - funny - not haha funny - science fiction has a habit of being able to forecast/present in a story things that are not possible are out of reach that eventually happen like Man On The Moon - at the same time they have had the ability to look at cause and effect and present possible futures resulting from what is going on today - an example of that might be Fahrenheit 451 or 1984.

Anyway - how many books or movies have been made showing massive destruction world wide by super storms or atmospheric collapse due to the practices of man?

And now we have super-storm after super-storm the likes that we have never seen before - like the Philippine Typhoon - the strongest storm on record ever to hit land. " THIS IS NOT FICTION "

Well " this " is a trend of science fiction foresight that I would hope we do our best not to let it continue to extinction events.


You want a concise listing of Representatives in office that have got to be removed from office?

Those that voted for - H.R. 992: Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act

All of these assholes that voted yes have got to GO for voting to deregulate derivatives. Their names need to be spread far and wide = Corp(se)oRATists/sellouts/shills/traitors.

222 Rinos 70 Dinos

complete list here : https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/113-2013/h569


We Know Who You Are: 71 Senators Reject States’ Rights to Label GMOs - 43 Rinos & 28 Dinos

On the eve (May 24, 2013) of a worldwide protest against Monsanto, 71 U.S. senators (listed below) voted against an amendment to the Senate version of the 2013 Farm Bill that would have guaranteed states the right to enact mandatory GMO (genetically modified organism) labeling laws.

complete list here: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_27635.cfm

These two actions are only two actions against the people - these types of actions point clearly to what is wrong with government and points out those supporting the illness infecting our government ( State & Federal ) = corp(se)oRATists.

This being a third action against the people and environment:

The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would block federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing on public lands. A companion bill has been distributed in the Senate by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch.

Which will present another list of those in office that are working against the people of the USA - against all life on the planet.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Today, the House and Senate begin major budget negotiations.

So the PCCC, AFL-CIO, National Organization For Women, Latinos For a Secure Retirement, and over a dozen other progressive allies are releasing an open letter with a clear message to Congress:

We support increasing Social Security benefits. Therefore, in upcoming budget negotiations, a Grand Bargain that cuts Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits must be off the table.

Can you sign this letter before we announce it publicly this afternoon? Click here.

We'll announce the letter at a congressional briefing we're speaking at this afternoon. Members of Congress, congressional staff, and the media will be there. Sign now.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has already made clear that he wants a Grand Bargain off the table.

We agree, and we also want Democrats to go on offense for a change. In the days ahead, we'll push congressional Democrats to sign our letter.

Please sign our coalition's open letter telling Congress: No Grand Bargain! Expand Social Security!

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Adam Green, PCCC co-founder

P.S. After you sign, we'll send you a link to watch our event announcing the letter to Congress.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Billionaires like the Koch Brothers, Pete Peterson, Stanley Druckenmiller and others are leading the charge to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

If they succeed, millions of senior citizens, working families, disabled veterans and children will suffer. We must not allow that to happen.

Today, the middle class is disappearing, real unemployment is extremely high, poverty is increasing and working families throughout the country are struggling to keep their heads above water economically. Meanwhile, the gap between the very rich and everyone else is growing wider and wider and the wealthiest people and the largest corporations are doing phenomenally well.

We must not balance the budget on the backs of working families, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor.

As Vermont's senator, I have the honor of serving on the Budget Conference Committee which will be negotiating a new federal budget over the next few months -- and where I am fearful that a deal could be struck to slash Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits.

As the founder of the Defending Social Security Caucus, please stand with me, our friends at Social Security Works and our coalition partners in demanding; "No grand bargain in exchange for cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits."

Let's be clear. Despite right-wing rhetoric:

  • Social Security is not going broke. According to the Social Security Administration, Social Security has a surplus today of $2.8 trillion and can pay out every benefit owed to every eligible person for the next 20 years.

  • Social Security has not contributed to the deficit. Social Security is funded independently by FICA taxes which are paid by workers and their employers.

Sign this petition.

The so-called chained-CPI, which recalculates how COLA's are formulated, is not a "modest tweak." If the chained CPI went into effect today, a senior aged 65 would receive $658 a year less in Social Security benefits when he/she is 75, and $1,100 a year less at age 85. Further, the average disabled veteran would lose tens of thousands of dollars in benefits over his/her lifetime.

Please stand with me today and demand that Congress and the President oppose any grand bargain which cuts Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits.

When one out of four U.S. corporations pay nothing in federal income taxes; when Bush's tax breaks for the rich remain in place for many wealthy Americans; when the U.S. spends almost as much as the rest of the world combined on defense, there are much fairer and economically sound ways to address the budget than cutting programs desperately needed by the most vulnerable people in our country.

Please stand with me and Social Security Works in protecting the future of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits.

Let's go forward together. Thanks for your continued support.


U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

© 2013 Campaign for America's Future Inc. 1825 K Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20006

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

In Compliment - Government Still Corporate. Still Criminal. Still Captured:

Last night, I went on All In With Chris Hayes to discuss something that should be unbelievable: The Justice Department has evidence JP Morgan Chase committed major securities fraud – but instead of filing criminal charges, they’re negotiating with them to settle for a small fraction of the damage they did.

Chase and Chase CEO Jamie Dimon broke the law, defrauded millions and crashed the economy. It's time for a perpwalk, not a negotiation.

Sign our letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding criminal charges for Chase, not sweetheart deals:


The New York Times has reported that JPMorgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon has been in regular contact with Eric Holder at the Justice Department, negotiating the terms of his own fines, tacitly admitting guilt without ever having to face a jury for his crimes or even publicly admitting wrongdoing.

Isn’t is time we stopped letting the banks get away with buying off the government in exchange for escaping criminal charges? Especially when we are talking about a bank that continues to be charged with new offenses almost every month?

I'm beyond tired of Big Banks being Above The Law - and I think it's long past time to say No Banker Is Too Big To Jail. Join me.

Thank you for all you do to make this movement real.


Alexis Goldstein, The Other 98%



  1. The New York Times, “U.S. Deal with JP Morgan Spurred by a Phone Call.”

  2. BuzzFeed, “How Two Deals And Two Lawsuits Led To JPMorgan’s $13 Billion Settlement.”

  3. The Other 98%, “Alexis Breaks Down the $13 BN JPM Settlement.”

After signing I sent a reply back stating:

Too bad your form did not allow for a personal note to be added as I would have included this:

One thing I think needs to be added - besides criminal charges and penalties being brought forth -


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

I wanted to make sure you saw our new 2-minute video . It's already been watched by nearly a quarter million people and it's being shared all over the web.

Check it out and share it widely.



We couldn’t believe it when one of our members sent us this two-minute video . He's a talented filmmaker who is tired of explaining money in politics corruption to his friends. Instead, he wanted something quick that he could send around…

Watch Feeding Frenzy

It's a video that tells the story of what’s wrong with our political system in an emotional and funny way.

Watch it. Share it. If it makes you mad, that’s good. We all need to get mad, and get busy fixing this problem.


Joshua Graham Lynn, Program Director

Represent.Us | Read the American Anti-Corruption Act

Represent.Us is the campaign to support The American Anti-Corruption Act. United Republic is a bold, new challenge to the undue influence of well-financed special interests over American politics and government. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the United Republic mailing list. Unsubscribe here United Republic, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100


DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

A lobbyist and a senator walk into a restaurant ... #feedingfrenzy https://represent.us/action/feedingfrenzy/ … via @representdotus

SICK ain't it!!!


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

If you had the power to control every decision made by the U.S. Government, would you do it? Well guess what, now you can!**

Introducing: McCutcheon — Unlimited bribery. Unlimited corruption.

Want to see how it works? Click here to find out.

Thanks for being part of this movement.


Joshua Graham Lynn, Program Director Represent.Us

** Offer applies only to those who can afford to spend more than $123,000 on campaign contributions to candidates. Click here to find out why.

Represent.Us | Read the American Anti-Corruption Act

Represent.Us is the campaign to support The American Anti-Corruption Act. United Republic is a bold, new challenge to the undue influence of well-financed special interests over American politics and government. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the United Republic mailing list. Unsubscribe here United Republic, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Wendy Davis recently scored a major victory in court—beating a Republican gerrymandering scheme of her Texas Senate district for discriminating against people of color.

What's more, the court ordered the Republican-controlled Texas state government to pay legal bills Davis racked up challenging the gerrymander.

Please join Daily Kos and EMILY'S List in thanking Wendy Davis for bringing a successful lawsuit against the Republican gerrymander in Texas.

The court’s ruling is a testament to the courage and temerity of State Sen. Wendy Davis, who stood up to Texas Attorney General Gregg Abbott and the state Republican leadership to protect the voting rights of all Texas’ citizens.

Wendy Davis is a fighter standing up for the rights of all people, both in the state Senate and in the courtroom.

Please, join Daily Kos and EMILY'S List in thanking Wendy Davis for bringing a successful lawsuit against the Texas Republicans.

Keep fighting, Rachel Colyer, Daily Kos

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Tell your Senators to keep the energy efficiency bill clean!

The Shaheen-Portman bill—our next shot at a climate action victory—is a bipartisan bill that will increase energy efficiency, thereby decreasing pollution while saving taxpayer dollars and spurring job growth. It's a win-win-win.

This bill was introduced yesterday—but could be threatened by the Dirty Air Lobby. Climate deniers are expected to tack on dangerous amendments that would debilitate the President's climate plan, promote dirty energy sources, or set back rules to limit carbon pollution—and we're expecting votes at any moment.

11,501 EDF Activists have already stood up against these dirty air amendments—will you join them?

We are at a pivotal point for climate action. The President has demanded climate action, and laid out a comprehensive climate plan. We overcame partisan bickering to put Gina McCarthy, a no-nonsense professional, in charge of the EPA.

We can't let the momentum die now. Don't let them take away our shot at climate action.

Don't delay: Tell your Senators to reject any dangerous, dirty air amendments to the Shaheen-Portman energy efficiency bill.

Heather ShelbyThank you for your activism and support,

Action Network Coordinator

Share this message on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Avaaz: Underneath it all -- the devastation of our environment, the subversions of democracy, the cover ups of human rights violations -- there's one pervasive poison: Corruption. But together, we just might have the antidote.

When politicians work for people, everything we care about gets better. And when they work for big money, everything suffers. Corruption is as old as the hills, but something unexpected is happening… the tide seems to be turning. Avaazers are teaming up with local activists in places like Brazil, India and Italy to build mass anti-corruption movements, and more and more, we're winning!

The strategy is to focus on one goal: to kick corrupt politicians out of office, and so end the culture of impunity in which corruption thrives. In Brazil, we played a key role in helping pass the Clean Record Law, which barred politicians convicted of corruption from running for office. It was hailed as a political revolution, barring thousands of dirty candidates!

In Italy, we helped fight off Berlusconi's gag law, which gave cover to politicians under criminal investigation. In India, we've rallied to protect a court ruling to sack guilty leaders.

In each case, the level of public support has been gigantic. And in a social media age where we can track and counter their every move within hours, politicians are finding it hard to make their old tricks (bury something in committee, quietly buy off the press) work. This model is working -- let's take it to the next level. Click below to pledge a donation to expand our anti-corruption work with more campaigns, more investigators, more damning opinion polls and media exposes -- and let's strike at the root of what ails us:


When just one dirty politician goes down for their crimes, it sends a message to the rest that they may be next. When hundreds of them do, there's only one word for what happens next: Revolution. That's what le Monde called the outcome of the ‘Clean Record’ campaign in Brazil. Millions of Avaazers teamed up with dozens of civil society organizations to pass that law, which was initially declared impossible because 30% of the people who needed to vote for it were themselves under investigation! But vote for it they did. How?

Time and again, we're finding a winning equation to beat corruption, against even the worst odds:

  • a smart, sensible, easy to understand anti-corruption measure like the clean record law +
  • absolutely gigantic public support, on the order of 98% of the population! +
  • rapid, nimble campaigning over many months to match the politicians' every squirm and wriggle to delay or dilute the measure, forcing, in the end, an up or down vote on it.

= WIN!

We've seen transformative results with this in Brazil, huge wins in Italy, promising beginnings in India, and much more. But to take it to the next level, we need funds to bring civil society coalitions together, hire experts to draft effective measures, run nimble media campaigns and opinion polls, and keep the pressure sustained over many months until the corrupt politicians realize their day in the sun is over, and give in. Corruption is public enemy number 1, sucking the hope and life out of our democracies and every issue we care about -- let's take this promising new corruption-killing model of campaigning to scale:


Together, every week, we strive for better, more responsive and accountable government, whether it be on a particular issue of justice, poverty, human rights, democracy or the environment. We've helped put politicians on notice like never before that the people are watching. But we're getting bolder. Winning battles isn't enough. It's time to change the system. Corruption has tyrannized too many of us for too long. It's time for a revolution.

With hope,

Ricken, Ian, Maria Paz, Ari, Rewan, Alice, Heather and the whole Avaaz team

Avaaz.org is a 25-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

It’s time we cleared the air.

Many of our most cherished places, from Yellowstone to the Grand Canyon, are threatened by poor air quality--spoiling pristine landscapes and diminishing the experience of millions of park visitors each year.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. The 1977 Clean Air Act promised to restore clean, clear air to America’s national parks and wilderness areas. But at the current rate of cleanup, it will take centuries to achieve natural air quality at many parks.

Fortunately, there’s a solution. The Obama Administration can close the loopholes in our clean air laws--loopholes that otherwise would allow polluters to foul the air for centuries to come.

Take Action : Watch our video on the hazy outlook for our parks under current laws, and sign our petition to President Obama and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to fix the administration’s clean air regulations and achieve clean air in our lifetime.

Thank you for standing with us to protect the national parks and the clean air we all rely on.


Stephanie Kodish Director, Clean Air and Climate Programs

Share This on Facebook

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DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

300 Years for Clean Air? Our National Parks Can’t Wait! Take Action: http://chn.ge/1ezT3Nu


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago
[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Have you cast your vote in the 2013 Corporate Hall of Shame yet? There's still time. Votes are already pouring in but there's no clear frontrunner yet.


The corporation that gets the most votes will feel the most heat. We'll partner with ally organizations to challenge the inductee in the months ahead. So your vote right now really does make a big difference.

Thanks for all you do.

Patti Lynn Deputy Director Corporate Accountability International

Subject: Worst corporation of the year?

From: Patti Lynn, Corporate Accountability International

Date: September 4, 2013

What do Monsanto, Chevron and Koch Industries have in common? These global corporations have wreaked havoc on the environment, threatened people's lives across the world and put our democracy in danger.

For this and more, members like you inducted these corporations into the Corporate Hall of Shame. Now, you can help add another name to the shameful roster of the world's worst corporations. Which corporation will be inducted is up to you.

Vote now in the 2013 Corporate Hall of Shame.

Each year, Corporate Accountability International mobilizes grassroots action and media visibility to highlight flagrant corporate abuse. Your vote will determine which corporations will be under the glare of public scrutiny this year. After the votes are tallied, we'll partner with ally organizations to challenge and expose that global corporation.

Last year, more than 8,000 members like you made sure Hall of Shame inductee Monsanto and its attempts to interfere in policymaking didn't go unchecked. While the Big Ag giant tried to bypass our democratic process, you let your elected officials know that you weren't having it. Together, we partnered with the Organic Consumers Association on a campaign to build grassroots pressure on Congress to counter the corporate lobbyists.

Cast your ballot right now in the Corporate Hall of Shame to help shape this year's action.

It only takes a minute to help decide this year's worst of the worst. Will it be Walmart, for abusing worker rights? Bank of America, for bankrolling Big Coal? ExxonMobil, for spilling at least 210,000 gallons of tar sands crude oil in an Arkansas town, while lobbying lawmakers to green-light the Keystone XL pipeline?

Honestly, I could go on about the abuses of these corporations and the other five nominees for a while. Not surprisingly, it's a tough competition. If there's another corporation you think should be on the list, you can write in your own nominee and ask your friends to do the same.

The bottom line: we can't let these corporations get away with their abuses -- and you can help hold them accountable. Cast your vote now:



Patti Lynn Deputy Director Corporate Accountability International

Corporate Accountability International is working toward a world where decisions affecting people and the environment are based on public interest, not maximizing corporate profits. Learn more about Corporate Accountability International's campaigns here.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago


DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

Congress Still Corporate. Still Criminal. Still Captured. | http://OccupyWallSt.org : http://occupywallst.org/article/congress-still-corporate-still-criminal-still-capt/#.UgUi1ZUrHsU.twitter

Food 4 Thought



[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

In compliment: On Saturday, we will be hosting our first-ever congressional debate -- a first-of-its-kind people powered debate.

Over the last few days, people from all over the country have submitted over 1,000 questions to be answered by the five candidates running for Ed Markey's old congressional seat in Elizabeth Warren's home district.

Over 35,000 votes have already been cast. Vote for your favorite questions here!

While the questions and the people who asked them may come from different parts of the country, the one common theme that binds them together is the committment to bold progressive values and ideas.

Here are some of the most popular questions so far, voted on by people like YOU:

"Will you pledge to oppose cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits (and sign on to expand these programs)?" -- Gail Shulman of Cambridge, MA

"Where do you stand on overturning Citizens United with a Constitutional Amendment such as the one proposed by MoveToAmend?" -- Bob Balhiser of Helena, MT

"What will you do to combat income inequality, the worst we have seen since the Great Depression?" -- Benjamin Brian Tupaz of Boise, ID

Other questions ask about breaking up the big banks, climate change, raising the minimum wage, voting rights, student loans and more.

Make your voice heard. Vote on your favorite question today.

If this debate is a hit, we'll push to make bottom-up Open Debate the norm for local, state, congressional, and even presidential debates in the future.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Kayla Wingbermuehle, PCCC elections team

P.S. Mark your calendar! Saturday, August 10 at 11am Eastern. You can watch the debate at OpenDebateQuestions.com!

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in $3 here. Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Kansas - Dust in the wind

I close my eyes Only for a moment and the moment's gone All my dreams Pass before my eyes a curiosity

Dust in the wind All they are is dust in the wind

Same old song Just a drop of water in an endless sea All we do Crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see

Dust in the wind All we are is dust in the wind

Now don't hang on Nothing lasts forever but the Earth and Sky It slips away And all your money won't another minute buy [ Corp(se)oRATions the Wealthy and Politicians TAKE NOTE]

Dust in the wind All we are is dust in the wind All we are is dust in the wind Dust in the wind Everything is dust in the wind Everything is dust in the wind

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

What? Don't like my pointing out what these - [ Corp(se)oRATions the Wealthy and Politicians ] - are hurrying along for the whole world to experience - with no life to follow? Or - do you not like the idea that you and they can't buy your way out?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed last week to help make the Amendment Broadcast Campaign happen!

We raised over $11,000 in the first week to go toward making a documentary of the who, what, and why of the Move to Amend Campaign to Amend the US Constitution.

Clearly you believe getting the message of Move to Amend to a wider audience is critical -- thank you!

As we listed in the budget breakdown of the project, the actual cost of this documentary and producing the DVDs is $30,000, though our original goal for this fund drive was only $15,000.

Though we already allocated general funds to finance half of this project, but we really need those funds for our speaking tours, the trainings we offer, the materials we create, the database and website that support our local volunteer organizers on the ground -- in short, everything that makes Move to Amend the growing and thriving campaign that we are.

Based on the generous commitment we saw from our supporters already, we're hoping to raise the full $30,000 for this film. The more we raise the more we'll also be able to put to promotion, to be sure this video is seen by people who are not already aware of the need to build a movement to make real the promise of American democracy.

Help us make it happen.

Your donation of at least $25 will get you a copy of our DVD + other perks -- please be as generous as you can!!

Amendment Broadcast Campaign


PS -- If you already donated, thanks again!

You can still help by sharing this link (http://igg.me/at/mta-abc/x/965497) with your friends through Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and email -- if we get enough shares our campaign will be listed on the front page of IndieGoGo and we'll get even more exposure. Please help by passing on the link!


PO Box 610, Eureka CA 95502 | (707) 269-0984 | www.MoveToAmend.org

We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

“Your videos kinda suck.”

That wasn’t what I wanted to hear when advertising guru Randy Hackett called me to talk about Represent.Us. He had been watching our campaign with great enthusiasm since launch, and called me to make an offer. “Let me make a commercial for this movement that’ll knock people’s socks off. Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it, you just have to promise me you’ll share it with everyone.”

Needless to say, I accepted his offer. And now I need to uphold my end of the deal. Will you help? This video hits the nail on the head about money in politics: It’s dirty. It’s corrupt. And it says exactly what we’re all thinking — “Have they no shame? Is there anything they won’t do for money?”

I think millions of Americans need to see this ad. If you agree, will you help me air it on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and more? We’ve worked out a very special deal with the cable companies, so if we raise $10,000 by Monday, we can run it.

Randy is one of the 360,000 people in the Represent.Us community who are ready to go big and fight corruption with everything we’ve got. Sure, we might offend a couple of politicians along the way (after all, not all of them would take their clothes off just to earn a buck). But it’s time to call this problem what it is. It’s corruption. And it’s killing America bit by bit. Even if you can’t make a donation, will you share this video right now?

Please, watch the video and share it. It’s the only way we’ll build this movement into something powerful enough to force our leaders to end the auctioning of our democracy.

Thank you for being a part of this movement.

— Graham

Joshua Graham Lynn Program Director, Represent.Us

P.S. A few people have written in today with valid concerns about the content of this ad. Here is our thinking: If we're going to have any chance of building a movement big enough to force politicians to enact reform, we've got to break through the media noise and reach new audiences, and this ad does. We need to get noticed and ignite a movement. We also understand the need to create more serious communications. We're committed to finding a balance.

Represent.Us | Read the American Anti-Corruption Act

Represent.Us is the campaign to support The American Anti-Corruption Act. United Republic is a bold, new challenge to the undue influence of well-financed special interests over American politics and government. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the United Republic mailing list. Unsubscribe here United Republic, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

This is our best shot to undermine Citizens United.

New Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairwoman Mary Jo White is considering a rules change that would require corporations to disclose their political spending. The best part: this solution totally circumvents Congress, which is too flooded with corporate money to take action.

We must take back our democracy from corporate interests. Click here to send a message to Mary Jo White and the SEC in support of this crucial change.

Already ALEC, the Chamber of Commerce, and major oil companies have begun to freak out about the possible change. (Which is usually a good sign we're doing something right.)

And the momentum is on our side. Already 500,000 Americans, along with legal scholars and 80 members of Congress, have announced their support.

Please join them in demanding the SEC adopt this rule to require corporate disclosure of campaign spending.

Forcing companies to disclose their political spending would make them answerable to investers, customers, and American citizens. It's the first step toward saving our democracy from the influence of corporate money.

In the 2012 elections, corporations spent a record $6 billion on electoral spending, much of it funnelled through 'dark money' groups and super-PACs designed to conceal their real source. The secretive nature of campaign spending allows CEOs and boards to spend company money with zero oversight from investors, customers, or the general public.

Join us in calling on the SEC to bring an end to the secrecy. Click here to send a message to Mary Jo White and the SEC.

Please urge your friends to take action by forwarding this email or using these links:

If you're already on Facebook, click here to share with your friends.

If you're already on Twitter, click here to tweet about the campaign.

Thank you,

Demand Progress Paid for by Demand Progress (DemandProgress.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.


Pls RT: Tell new SEC chairman to force corporations to disclose political spending #GetMoneyOut http://act.demandprogress.org/act/SEC_rules/?referring_akid=.194196.pE4I30&source=typ-tw via @demandprogress

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

In further compliment: Oil Change International

A couple of weeks ago, you helped us reach an amazing milestone as a movement: over one million comments to the State Department saying NO to the Keystone XL pipeline.

But we aren’t letting up there, and we need your help.

Every day for the next few weeks, as the very State Department officials who are reviewing public comments on KXL are commuting to work, they’ll be greeted by ads we’ve placed with our partners SumOfUs and Environment America in the Foggy Bottom metro station where they get off to head to work.

These ads show images from the recent pipeline spill in Arkansas, reminding everyone who walks by that we can expect more of the same if Keystone XL is approved.

Can you share this image on Facebook about the ads, to be sure folks outside DC see them too?

Of course, ads alone aren’t going to win this fight. We need to show – now as much as ever – that there remains a massive movement of concerned American citizens standing behind these messages and opposing this pipeline.

Will you add your voice to the thousands telling the State Department we don’t want more tar sands spills?

As always, thanks for all you’re doing to stand up to Big Oil and move us to a brighter future. It’s a tough slog, but we’re glad you’re with us.


Steve Kretzmann Executive Director Oil Change International


DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

Exxon didn't want you to see these images. But now you can. #NoKXL http://bit.ly/17YdHRh Pls - Share/Circulate. Expand

And Remember:


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Thanks for the post.

In compliment - TWEET:

Inbox Occupied: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50112/t/0/blastContent.jsp?email_blast_KEY=1246441 #OWS No more profit over people. GREED THE #1 CAUSE OF DISEASE/DEATH/DESTRUCTION IN THE WORLD.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

TWEET - so much to do - still it is nice to say Thx.

@MaxineWaters Thx 4 not rolling over & playing dead on HR 992. Thx 4 voting no. A term u may suggest others get 2 know - Democide.

@keithellison Thx 4 not rolling over & playing dead on HR 992. Thx 4 voting no. A term u may suggest others get 2 know - Democide.

@RepStephenLynch Thx 4 not rolling over & playing dead on HR 992. Thx 4 voting no. A term u may suggest others get 2 know - Democide.

@NydiaVelazquez Thx 4 not rolling over & playing dead on HR 992. Thx 4 voting no. A term u may suggest others get 2 know - Democide.

@mikecapuano Thx 4 not rolling over & playing dead on HR 992. Thx 4 voting no. A term u may suggest others get 2 know - Democide.

@RepAlGreen Thx 4 not rolling over & playing dead on HR 992. Thx 4 voting no. A term u may suggest others get 2 know - Democide.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago


Try it you'll like it.

@FSCDems U R supposed to be supporting the Constitution - Not CorpoRAT Charters. U R supposed to be supporting the People

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago


This is fun.

@FinancialCmte U R supposed to be supporting the Constitution - Not CorpoRAT Charters. U R supposed to be supporting the People

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

It’s been the plan since day one: Write a new law to end corruption, then force politicians to change the the system by making them listen to the people.

So we just sent an undercover “lobbyist” with a briefcase full of cash to an event for a U.S. Congressman every American needs to know about: Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut. What happened next was… well… see for yourself:

Watch our "lobbyist" show Himes what his corruption looks like to the rest of us and help us demand that our leaders stop taking money from the interests they’re supposed to be regulating.

Himes deserves to be singled out because he embodies everything that’s wrong with Congress:

  • 7 of his 10 biggest donors are the same wall street banks he's supposed to regulate as a member of the House Financial Services Committee.†
  • He takes more campaign donations from CitiGroup than any other member of Congress and just cosponsored a bill in The House that CitiGroup lobbyists wrote.†
  • 70 of the 85 lines of the bill he cosponsored were literally written by CitiGroup lobbyists. And get this: It deregulates the "derivatives trading" that helped cause the 2008 financial crisis.†

It’s maddening. Himes was elected to represent us, but he lets his big bank donors write their own laws... at our expense. He’s part of the problem, and what we need right now are solutions. So we’re going after him and any other elected official who refuses to represent us.

Help us take a stand against Himes and any other member of Congress who is working for their donors instead of the people.

We’re not here to play nice, we’re here to win. We’re out to change the political climate in America so politicians think twice about selling out to their biggest donors, and start fighting for real reforms like the American Anti-Corruption Act.

Some people have been a little uncomfortable with actions like Operation: MoneyFumble and last month’s Operation: MoneyDrop (where we shower fake money from a balcony onto the heads of the most corrupt state legislatures). But here’s how I see it: No movement in history has succeeded without taking bold actions to demand change. America’s government is corrupt, and shaking things up is the only path to victory. If these kinds of actions are what it takes to get people fired up, then that's exactly what we need to do.

We’re taking a stand against politicians who won’t enact bold reforms like the American Anti-Corruption Act. Join us.

Thank you for being part of the solution.


Josh Silver Director, Represent.Us † Click here for sources

Represent.Us | Read the American Anti-Corruption Act

Represent.Us is the campaign to support The American Anti-Corruption Act. United Republic is a bold, new challenge to the undue influence of well-financed special interests over American politics and government.

[-] 0 points by forourfutures (393) 11 years ago

Occupy Congress-demand an Article V convention with proper preparation.

This is not a new idea. I saw a few posts here from last year. Apparently occupy has the opportunity to publically bust congress for ignoring the law, their oath and the constitution in 1911.

There is a profound sequence I learned about right here.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

In compliment one example of being owned - there are plenty more - but here is one:

It's one of the most outrageous special interest provisions in years.

Written anonymously, the Monsanto Protection Act allows corporations to sell genetically-modified seeds even when federal courts have blocked them from doing so.

Think about that: We have a process for making sure that genetically-modified seeds aren’t sold, planted and grown until we know that they don’t pose a threat to other crops or to humans.

The Monsanto Protection Act overrides that process.

It lets Monsanto and others ignore a court order designed to protect other farmers, the environment, and human health.

That’s just wrong.

Please sign my petition to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act.

And even worse, the Monsanto Protection Act was passed in secret, stuffed quietly into the budget bill that averted a government shutdown.

That's why I've proposed an amendment to the Farm Bill that would repeal the Monsanto Protection Act.

Please join me - and demand a vote in the U.S. Senate that would end this outrageous special interest override of judicial decisions.

Senator Jeff Merkley

This email sent by Jeff Merkley for Oregon PO Box 14172, Portland, OR 97293.

Another sound reason to support Move to Amend.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Face-off with Facebook:

Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg wanted to keep it quiet.

He wanted the group he helped found, FWD.us, to fly under the radar using unlimited, undisclosed money to run ads promoting the Keystone XL pipeline, drilling in the Arctic, and right-wing talking points about Obamacare -- all supposedly to pass immigration reform.

But check this out:

  • "Progressive Groups Pull Facebook Ads In Protest Of Mark Zuckerberg's Political Strategy, FWD.us" -- The Huffington Post "Liberal groups slam political ads tied to Facebook CEO" -- USA Today "More Progressives Target Zuckerberg on Facebook over FWD.us" -- TechPresident

We got that coverage -- and more -- as over the course of 24 hours, more than 11,000 progressives 'liked' a Facebook page called "Tell FWD.us and Mark Zuckerberg: Pull Your Dirty Ads."

It'll only take a second. If you have a Facebook account, 'like' our joint protest page today.

Stories about progressives' action have also appeared in The New York Times, The Hill, ABC News, and elsewhere. How did we do it?

By uniting.

Thanks to us, the political world -- right where Zuckerberg and FWD.us are trying to buy influence -- is buzzing about the strong statement this coalition is making.

But despite the pressure so far, FWD.us has yet to say they'll quit their cynical, back-door strategy to advance immigration reform by throwing other core progressive values under the bus.

We need your 'like'.

'Like' our joint Facebook page today. Tell Mark Zuckerberg and FWD.us to pull their dirty ads.

Because of you, we've been able to move a national conversation in a matter of days. Now, unite to help keep it going.

Thanks for uniting as a progressive,

Josh Orton Political Director Progressives United

Authorized and paid for by Progressives United Inc., a 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions or gifts to Progressives United Inc. are not tax-deductible. PO Box 620533, Middleton, WI 53562

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

In compliment - stand against fracking - protect our ground water - protect our world:

Central New York is chock full of stunning countryside: green, rolling hills, dramatic gorges, and, of course, the five Finger Lakes. Unfortunately, It's also home to underground natural gas reserves, which the fracking industry is currently pursuing.

The Missouri-based plant Inergy is determined to build a hydrofracking plant on Seneca Lake's west bank. Despite protests from environmentalists, including esteemed Ithaca College professor Sandra Steingraber, they've begun construction on a plant that will draw heavy industry to the pristine site.

According to local activists, the plant will be equipped to handle 24 propane tanker cars every 12 hours, seven days a week. Four 700-horsepower compressors would be built, and two open brine ponds would be placed on a hillside above Seneca Lake.

All that doesn't even encompass the kind of fracking-related fires, explosions, and sinkholes that have made the news in recent years. Just one brine pond accident could pollute the lake, which supplies drinking water to 100,000 people.

We can't stand by and watch as Central New York's gorgeous landscape is ruined by heavy industry. Stand against fracking in the Seneca Lake region!


Thank you for taking action,

Kathleen Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

Personalize your response.

What I added:

Destroying our environment our world for profit ( export profit at that ) is an example that - GREED IS THE #1 CAUSE OF DISEASE/DEATH/DESTRUCTION IN THE WORLD.

Government support is at best - Depraved Indifference to the poisoning of the planet and the people.

A term you need to know = Democide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide

People/environment/life "OVER" profits - Not the other way around.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Thanks for the tweet links. Makes it easy to send a message while the iron is still hot.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Join 300,000 other O98ers in telling Congress: Cancel the sequester NOW - no excuses.

Austerity and deficit-obsession has already cost us millions of jobs and boundless heartbreak.

So why haven't we just canceled the sequester already? Congress can do so at any time - and there's a one-sentence bill that would end it now before we even think about opening the door to cutting Social Security and Medicare.

I need you to do one thing right now:

Join 300,000 other O98ers in telling Congress: Cancel the sequester NOW - no excuses.

We're counting on you. Thank you for all you do to make this movement real.


John Sellers, The Other 98%


Dear Congress: Cancel The Sequester. http://other98.com/dear-congress-just-cancel-the-sequester/ via @other98 Also a term 2 consider http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide - ALSO see austerity.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Tweet - gotta spread the word.

Congress: Still Corporate. Still Criminal. Still Captured. | http://OccupyWallSt.org : http://occupywallst.org/article/congress-still-corporate-still-criminal-still-capt/#.UYnM1UfxHNY.twitter

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago


@FinancialCmte http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide RU Purveyors? GREED THE #1 CAUSE OF DISEASE/DEATH/DESTRUCTION IN THE WORLD.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago


@FSCDems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide RU Purveyors? GREED THE #1 CAUSE OF DISEASE/DEATH/DESTRUCTION IN THE WORLD.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago



Members of government visit your health care professional. Greed is an illness. It can be treated.

Enough Said.

[+] -7 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

An illness without a known cure..?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

An illness without a known cure..?

There are plenty of those.

And it does not mean it can't be treated.

Problem with this disease ( Greed) is it is terminal to the people who don't have it.

[+] -6 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

..thats a tricky one.. a disease that will kill you if you don't have it..

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

..thats a tricky one.. a disease that will kill you if you don't have it..

No Not tricky at all.



[+] -6 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

If I have this right, you are saying one needs to be greedy to survive in the Capitalist world.. Fairness and equality doesn't have a chance of survival .. is that it?

Pretty mixed up..

What would Adam Smith say.. ?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

What would Adam Smith say.. ?

After reading your comment?


Something like - ProblemSolver you lack comprehension. or - You lack the ability to comprehend. or No worries you do not have it right, your not even close to the neighborhood.

[+] -6 points by ProblemSolver (79) 11 years ago

Seems to me Adam Smith left out the part about Capitalism creating mass poverty while the rich get richer..

Trying to sell his book/idea

What neighborhood would that be, Adam Smith ?