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#Block4Trayvon: A Proposal to Block Everything

Posted 11 years ago on July 21, 2013, 3:29 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: trayvon martin, #block4trayvon, #hoodiesup, calls to action

#Block4Trayvon graphic poster

via block4trayvon.wordpress.com:

The Zimmerman verdict reminds us that in the United States Black life is given no value by the forces of law, order, and property. While #hoodiesup shows a historical force drawn up in opposition, the direction of the protests is still uncertain. Some demonstrators call for a federal civil rights suit, while others draw attention to the larger structural oppression faced by black and poor people. Some want to stay focused on a single vigilante, while others draw the connection to Oscar Grant, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, and Rodney King. Some want to ignore the institution of the police, while the rest of us know that Zimmerman is a wannabe cop, and that every cop is a wannabe Zimmerman.

Leaders urge peace, calm, and obedience. But even if peaceful rallies result in a federal suit against Zimmerman, will that change what brought us into the streets in the first place? Do we mean it when we say, “Never Again”? What would it take to actually stop all this misery?

Every movement that’s ever meant anything has given itself the means to disrupt daily life. If there is a common thread that runs through Civil Rights to Black Power, this is it. The simple question is how to become a force. Moments of disruption teach us new ways to relate to each other and our cities. Most importantly, they teach us that we are powerful. A determined people doesn’t have to rely on wannabe cops or politicians. That’s why the cowards caution us to obey the law over the call in our hearts. They know this—and it terrifies them.

“I’m not shocked, I’m outraged.” The murder of a black teen is not the exception, but the norm; we are coming to fists with normal life in America. Hence, #hoodiesup must disrupt the places that sustain this normal: cities, highways, trains, ports, social media—all the flows that compose the false harmony of America. The sit-ins in Pittsburgh and Florida, the marches blocking streets around the country, the highway takeovers in Oakland, LA, and Houston, all share a wisdom: every place that politics and commerce carry on as if nothing has happened is ripe for disruption. Block everything!

Friday, 7/26 | Everywhere | #Block4Trayvon

Highways, Bridges, Ports, Trains



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 11 years ago
  • I personally would prefer to avoid the obstruction of blocking highways, bridges, ports and trains.

  • I prefer to show strength in numbers.

  • We need a public gathering in DC and all the state capitols that will make the Million Mana MArch look like a small town square gathering.

[-] 2 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

"The murder of a black teen is not the exception, but the norm;"

Yes it is. Its been that way for a long long time.

And the people who institute the system that promotes this, this authoratarian nonsense that says we need "leaders" and cannot figure things out on our own....the very same club that promoted this problem from the get go.,.

This group will get a 95% "re-election" rate in a 1.5 years. From about 20% of the population. And the other 80% will sit by idle.

Egypt just show, AGAIN, how it's done.

Where are our people? We got something great going a while back, and the state (yes, those adorable Democrat and Republican politicians) shot it all down.

A few hours a month. Thats all it takes people. Each one teach one.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

Great comment on an important post !!! ''Each one teach one'' !! Bingo ! Here are some useful links :

fiat lux, fiat pax, fiat justitia ...

[-] 0 points by Stuffsnotfree (-18) 11 years ago

What's also the norm in black teen murder is the race of the killer: They're overwhelmingly black.

The best word for a white killing a black isn't "racist", as the race baiters like Sharpton would claim, it's "rare".

[-] 0 points by LeanMartin (3) 11 years ago

Agreed, not free. Where is the hue and cry of "justice for Christopher Cervini, "? Never heard of Chris, the 17 yr old unarmed white boy shot by a black man? Not surprising,


[-] 0 points by Stuffsnotfree (-18) 11 years ago

True. If one wants to make a racial issue out of murder and race, the rate at which whites are killed by blacks is substantially higher than vice versa.

What's really sad too is how many blacks are killed by blacks without a peep out of the race baiters. I have yet to hear Obama mention how his son would've looked like one of them or Sharpton organize a march.

That's why if there's anything at all remarkable about the Zimmerman/Martin case it's that Zimmerman was non-black. Had he actually been white, it would've been truly extraordinary.

The MSNBC dummies were talking about how scared they were now and how they didn't know what to tell their kids. Sadly, tell them the same as before: The most dangerous thing black teens will ever encounter is another black teen. That's the numbers.

[+] -8 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

If one wants to make a racial issue out of murder and race, the rate at which whites are killed by blacks is substantially higher than vice versa.

Show the studies - show the numbers.

[-] 0 points by Stuffsnotfree (-18) 11 years ago

Look it up for yourself. Typical of posts on this site though: why do for yourself what someone else can do for you instead? An industrious person would say, "Hmm, interesting. I have a computer, why don't I do a little research on my own?" An occupy leftist would say, "I'm going to sit here until someone serves something up." Lift the finger yourself.

The best word to describe white on black murder isn't "racism", it's "RARE".

[+] -8 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Look it up for yourself.

You made the claim. Back it up or - STFU!!!

I assume ( ass U ) that you are discounting anything of the southern/red states?

[-] -2 points by JeffSoke (8) from Houston, TX 11 years ago
[-] 0 points by Stuffsnotfree (-18) 11 years ago

You must have trouble getting yourself out of bed in the morning.

Black homicide is almost exclusively a black event. Whites also mostly are killed by whites. Yet the rate of inter-racial homicide is skewed towards blacks killing whites, not whites killing blacks.

You are capable of understanding, aren't you, that whites are about 5x more prevalent in the population? Math not your thing? It's like how leftists boast that more whites are on welfare. God, I'd certainly hope so.

[-] 0 points by JeffSoke (8) from Houston, TX 11 years ago

DKA's pretty stupid. I can't fix the stupid.

[-] 0 points by Stuffsnotfree (-18) 11 years ago

It's a reason thing. It's just not a strong suit of your typical leftist.

Post "the verdict", a black woman commentator on MSNBC was beside herself over what she's to tell her kids. Her take-away was that black teens should live in fear of imminent death in a racial killing. Wow. Reality is the same as before: They should fear other black teens.

Being killed by a white, particularly by a racially motivated white killer, is down there with the risk of being hit by an asteroid. Being killed by a feral black teen... now that's not so unlikely for a black teen. Wonder when Jesse Jackson will bring it up. Wonder when Obama will talk about how all those murder victims, thousands since Trayvon, look like his hypothetical son. LOL. Never.

[-] -1 points by JeffSoke (8) from Houston, TX 11 years ago

When the argument doesn't work, they move from numbers to emotion. Just witness the below exchange with the final:

"Sorry - but you have to take into consideration number of blacks in white neighborhoods to the number of whites in black neighborhoods - and then - look at the difference in economic stress between the two neighborhoods. It is not color that predominates it is quality of living that plays the most significant role - and white on white and black on black crime is going to be the higher number in either situation."

The numbers didn't work out and it was time for "change" and some hope in true leftist style.

The funny thing is this. Blacks have been bitching about their lot in life for several decdes now. Yet we've thrown trillions of welfare at the inner-shitties thanks to LBJ's "Great Society" and do-gooder democrats. Race relations and poverty there are at an all time low. Every large city is run by a black mayor or a crazy democrat... and they're all going bankrupt.

--->An Asian gets off the airplane with a couple of hundred dollars in their pocket. Twenty years later, they're successful business owners with their own houses in nice neighborhoods, married and supporting families with honor students and no help from Uncle Sham. What gives? <---

It's time for the black community to do some soul searching, and I don't mean listening to rap all day.

[-] -1 points by Stuffsnotfree (-18) 11 years ago

All true, except race relations are improving. Most people interact pretty seamlessly across races today. Sure, exceptions remain. But the bulk of the functioning population interact with very very little conflict or problems. But the race baiters certainly do their damage. Their entire careers and status are invested in stirring conflict.

Racism has dramatically changed, yet many claim nothing has changed. It's an utterly different country than even as recently as 1950. But Jesse and Al and the others still exclusively push grievance. The Trayvon case, in reality, just shows how little they've got. Really, Trayvon is what you've got? Snicker, snicker.

If a white kills a black, it should make national news. Here's my suggested story..."Breaking a trend of 435 consequence black on black murders, a white person has reportedly killed a black person today. Observers noted the rarity of this sort of thing and also mentioned a black killed by lightening sometime last year.." But that's not what they do. They paint it as though blacks are being dragged from their homes. It's a regular narrative, but simply a lie.

[+] -6 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Hoot Hoot ( ooops - almost forgot + Don't pollute ) - I fail 2 C the number of black on white and white on black murders.

This is what Stuffsnotfree claimed:

If one wants to make a racial issue out of murder and race, the rate at which whites are killed by blacks is substantially higher than vice versa.

[-] -1 points by JeffSoke (8) from Houston, TX 11 years ago

Take the first quadrant of this chart:


Along with what you know about the approximate percentage make up of races in the general population. I believe African Americans comprise around 10-15% of the population. There ya go.

[+] -5 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

OK by taking the 1st line of the chart "victim/offender" - then it shows that the white individual is the more prevalent killer of whites.

[-] -1 points by JeffSoke (8) from Houston, TX 11 years ago

You have to take the population by percentage if you're talking about race.

[-] -1 points by Stuffsnotfree (-18) 11 years ago

Not if you're a liberal or a race baiter, you don't. They run on emotion, not facts and reason.

[+] -6 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

You have to take the population by percentage if you're talking about race.

Ummmm - No. According to the statement - one takes into account the number of murders of a white person to the number that were killed by whites as to the number that were killed by blacks. That would by the 1st line of your presented link be = whites the majority killers of whites.

[-] -1 points by JeffSoke (8) from Houston, TX 11 years ago

His statement: "the rate at which whites are killed by blacks is substantially higher than vice versa. "

It's the percent of the population over the total population. Note the key word RATE.

[-] -2 points by JeffSoke (8) from Houston, TX 11 years ago

Uh huh. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. No need to apologize.

You didn't like the answer, so change the subject and make sure replies are off. Whatever.


[+] -5 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

BTW - overall? Whites kill more. That is not a rate - that is straight black and white numbers ( ah ha - like that? straight B&W numbers - heeheheee).

[+] -6 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Sorry - but you have to take into consideration number of blacks in white neighborhoods to the number of whites in black neighborhoods - and then - look at the difference in economic stress between the two neighborhoods. It is not color that predominates it is quality of living that plays the most significant role - and white on white and black on black crime is going to be the higher number in either situation.

BTW - justifiable homicide by the legal authority. Really? How many blacks "justifiably (?)" killed there? By whites or blacks.

[+] -4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

That's about the dumbest shit posted yet.

[-] 0 points by LeanMartin (3) 11 years ago

Really? All the justice for trayvon bots keep saying the court case would have turned out differently if the colors of the 2 folks skins had been reversed. Not true. Black men get away with shooting unarmed white kids in this country too. You just don't hear about it.

[+] -4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Sure you do. You're just intentionally being an asswipe and I'm making sure that you know it.

[-] 1 points by bigmattiem (1) from New York, NY 11 years ago

Why not block the media entrances? They are the ones that perpetuated this case into a race issue. It is not a race issue. In my community 2 black teens killed a white girl for her bike. This never made national media attention. It wasn't turned into a racial event. Why is it if a white, hispanic, etc kills a black person it becomes racial, but never vice versa. As a white male, if I walked through a black neighborhood in my area, I would get stomped for being white. By making this a racial issue you are perpetuating the hate that comes with it. Travon wasn't some poor young defensless kid. He was a 17 year old young man who decided to confront an idiot with a gun. He wanted to be a tough guy. The outcome was unfortunate, but had he went about his business and went home, or even called the police to say he was being followed then the outcome would have been different.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

the paragraph sounds like a micheal jackson son


[-] 1 points by sg2013 (1) 11 years ago

the zimmerman verdict tells us if you are going to beat up someone with your fists, make sure he doesn't have a gun. nothing more ....

[-] 0 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

Also, when you beat someone with your fists, figure out how to do that without getting any of his blood or dna on your hands before he murders you

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

That link makes a lot of sense.

[-] 1 points by kat26 (1) 11 years ago

Great - we are looking forward to being there. Thank you for this and we shall be there on the 26th to block!!

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

"The World is Aghast over Trayvon Martin. The US Needs to Look at Itself'', by Deborah Orr :

''The US is always collectively amazed, on those rare occasions when it has cause to glimpse at how it is perceived by its less friendly critics abroad. The most egregious example, of course, was 9/11, when even the brutal enormity of the attack against America was not quite enough to still the hateful tongues of people crass enough to insist that the US had got what was coming to it. The citizens of the US have an absolute right to go about their business without being slaughtered. Of course they do. Which is why the world is aghast that this right does not extend as far as Trayvon Martin.''

Solidarity @ J26 !!!

multum in parvo ...

[-] 1 points by Axis116 (63) 11 years ago

Imagination is the catalyst of the revolution and we are it's manifestation. Never give up!



[-] -1 points by burnadebt (-1) 11 years ago

when and where???

[-] -3 points by Tsler (-10) 11 years ago

We're gonna put the white guys out in front right? Us Bloods be easy targets, you know what I be sayin'...