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We are the 99 percent

May 1st: Occupy the Golden Gate Bridge

Posted 12 years ago on April 19, 2012, 6:45 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

via strikemay1st.com, a new clearing house for May 1st General Strike resources in the Bay Area:

called for by the Golden Gate Bridge Labor Coalition

Unite in solidarity with Golden Gate Bridge workers and the international call for a general strike on May Day by blockading the flow of capital to the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District on the morning of May Day!

The following resolution was passed unanimously by the Occupy Oakland General Assembly on Sunday, April 15:

If any of the unions on the Golden Gate bridge declare a strike or shutdown action on May Day, we will act in solidarity with these striking workers and the international call for a general strike on May Day, by blockading the flow of capital to the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District. This will be accomplished by a collaboration of pickets and direct action which will shut down all modes of transportation from Marin to San Francisco.

Time: 7am
Location: Golden Gate Bridge SF Toll Plaza
Bus pickup locations:
6am 19th and Telegraph Oakland
6am B. Manning (Justin Herman) Plaza San Francisco

Endorsed by:
Occupy Oakland
Occupy SF
Occupy San Francisco Action Council
Jobs With Justice

More Info: occupythebridge.com
Email: occupythebridge@gmail.com

occupy the bridge



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Occupy the Golden Gate Bridge!!!

Do IT!!! Spring has Sprung and Guess who IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

May 1st, Time has come today!

[-] 2 points by francismjenkins (3713) 12 years ago

Solidarity w/unions ... very cool.


[-] 1 points by DCInsider (54) 12 years ago

Ok I read this disturbing article about how Occupy Oakland is not going to pledge non-violence at all. The other splinter group there, I thInk it is called 99 percenters has sworn a pledge of non-violence. Is anyone concerned about this? Has anyone reached out to Occupy Oakland to ask them to not be a bad example? I am concerned by their previous behavior they could mar a great event by giving the media a negative view of the movement. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/04/21/BA281O6QF2.DTL


[-] 1 points by RichZubaty (37) from Wailuku, HI 12 years ago

Wow! I love it. This is God's work! Bless you.



