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We are the 99 percent

The 99 Percent Project

Posted 13 years ago on Aug. 29, 2011, 5:01 p.m. EST by chris

Hi there,

One thing we were thinking of going as part of the buildup to Sept. 17 is the 99 Percent Project. It's a promotion that we're hoping will pick up some more steam as we get closer to the occupation date that will highlight the various ways that a society which prioritizes the upper 1 percent is having a deleterious impact on, well, everyone else. It's a way to focus the message and really bring the human side to the fore by calling attention to the real human costs of our current economic setup. Here's how we're hoping it will work:

1) People will take a picture of themselves with a sign. The sign will describe a problem that the person is going through, such as:

"I am a student with $25,000 in debt."

"I am a homeowner who just got foreclosed upon."

"I am someone with thousands in medical bills and no insurance."

After below that, a single line:

"I am the 99 percent."

And, below that:

"Occupy Wall Street -- Sept. 17."

They can then submit this photo through the link on the left ("Get Known") and have it appear on the tumblr located at http://wearethe99percent.tumblr.com/. As you can see, we're still looking for submissions, so if any of you have a camera and a piece of cardboard and want to let people know why it is YOU'RE frustrated with the 99 Percent world we seem to be living in, make a submission and let your voice be heard.

Once again, it's at http://wearethe99percent.tumblr.com/



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by inkblotpropaganda (8) 13 years ago

this is great

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

What is great The great big sucking sound of money coming out of my pocket to provide lower class animals in this country to sit on their asses and complain that I'm not giving my fair share. Do me and other hard working Americans a favor drop dead at least that will help our nations tax burden( consider that as your contribution to the greater good) Thanks in advance your funeral cost are much smaller than you living off of my money the rest of your life

[-] 1 points by Hellomynameis (243) from Aptos, CA 13 years ago

"lower class animals in this country to sit on their asses and complain that I'm not giving my fair share."

They see me trolllinnnnnnn

[-] 1 points by daemonrebel (3) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Not everyone protesting and complaining are deadbeats. Some of us make the middle class America that is employed and make a nice living. Not all of us complaining are unemployed and living off the government. But maybe we're fed up with paying more taxes than people who make 100k or more. Fact is, my collages are uninformed, congress answers to those who make contributions, large ones. The president can side with us all he wants, but he answers to those who pay his campaign fund. Creator of Facebook thinks they can shape congress with their future contributions. I sure hope they make some changes.

[-] 1 points by Hellomynameis (243) from Aptos, CA 13 years ago

He's not trying to debate with you, nor has any interest in investigating what the movement is really about.... It's called trolling

[-] 0 points by ExecutiveSmartGUY (0) from Bloomsburg, PA 13 years ago

Well if you have a tax problem perhaps you should find a better accountant and take advantage of the many many many tax breaks available in the United States. The funny thing is that if you took all of the money in the world and divided it equally in six months the poor would be poor again and the rich would be rich again. The fact is that if you do not know what to do with money then you will always be poor or middle class. Perhaps instead of crying you could start a business, make some investments, reduce or eliminate your debt, get an education in a better field where you could make more money,sell drugs, collect cans, sell on eBay or even become a stripper or prositute. There are at least a dozen suggestions to increase your income, have a happy day.

[-] 1 points by mememememe (2) 13 years ago

please asshole, the only reason you have anything is because of workers like us. It would be better if you and others like you "dropped dead," then perhaps the wealth would be distributed, and people would be paid accordingly for their hard work.

I had to move to Asia to gain success because parasites like yourself (within my home country) had to have everything I worked for. There was nothing left for me in the end.

[-] 1 points by GetEducated (2) 13 years ago

Even distribution of wealth! Ok, we will take what you make and give it to people who aren't working at all... Haha, we would see what you have left (and what you would be complaining about) then. And I take care of "the workers" (physician), so you can't tell me that I live off of anyone else's dime.

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

What the fuck are you talking about! It is WE the WORKERS who produce everything! Everything in this world is created by our hands. Nothing is created by those in Wall Street, nothing. They dont produce, they live on others work like vampires.

[-] 0 points by ExecutiveSmartGUY (0) from Bloomsburg, PA 13 years ago

Actually people who are executives who do all of the administration work for a business have the hardest job. Most of the time the work 140 plus hours a week seven days a week. They can but put in put in prison for doing their job wrong( see the securities exchange act of 1933 and 1934). They have to deal with countless employees that are lazy, unintelligent, and un-greatfull. Thy have to make sure that the company isn't robbed blind by employees and that investors make a return on their investment. They must attend school for many years. They must analize complex financial DATA that most people can not understand. What do you get for struggling your entire life to make it to the top. A bunch of lazy POOR drug addicts cry that they have to pay taxes, oh and the poorest people don't pay any taxes AT ALL they instead recieve tons of handouts that can toatle $55,000 a year per person plus the cost to disperce them. Rich people pay 33% tax and corporations can pay as much as 35% tax. A welfare recipiants tax rate is 0 and a middle class person may pay 10-15% or something like that. The truth is that we need less of a revolution and we need to cut out ALL welfare, social security, tax breaks, blah blah blah and everyone needs to work for their fare share and if they don't they starve to death, and when they die they get thrown in the ocean like garbage so that they do not consume ANY resources. Yes the facts are harsh and they most likely harsh your buzz or bring you down maaaaaaaaaan. But the truth is that we need less hippies and more faschist in the world. The reason that everything is so bad right now is becuase they passed a law trying to help POOR people get homes. Now the whole country is bankrupt...fuck poop people fuck rich people fuck all of you, your fucking stupid.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

so it looks like society pays you the big bucks to sacrifice your humanity to the Cross of profits. Wow, I don't envy you one bit. But don't worry once you are reduced to a shell of your former self we will get another workaholic to replace you. Keep on keepin' on. What would we do without your sacrifice. And the bitch of the matter is you freely gave yourself to the alter of affluency. I'll be thinking of you when i take my two days off from work and socialize with my friends and family. Don't run on that hamster wheel too fast; I'd hate to see your heart give out

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Umm, it's actually the workers in China that make everything.

[-] 1 points by mememememe (2) 13 years ago

"Umm, it's actually the workers in China that make everything."

You're an idiot and have no clue whats going on in this country.

[-] 0 points by ExecutiveSmartGUY (0) from Bloomsburg, PA 13 years ago

Yeah people have not figured out that there are no manufacturing jobs here any more because they have spent their entire pay check at Wal-Mart buying chines junk for 40 years LMAO. Oh and a little thing called the internet sealed the fate of "The Workers" the fact is that now the United States is a producer of DATA products. A prime example is Face Book, everyone uses it but they have only 3000 employees but are taking in hundreds of billions of dolllars. How about Goolge, Microsoft, Apple, blah blah blah. Jobs, for lazy dumb poor people are being eliminated buy the hundreds of thousands every month by software and hardware solutions.

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Why argue with them? Smile and nob, then destroy the ground around them. woops.

[-] 1 points by jameswestonmusic (222) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

yep. smile and nod, and even ask them to join. kill with kindness, it always brings a smile to my face when they get so frustrated that i won't engage in a meaningless spam filled text.. EXPAND and OCCUPY - not divide and conquer

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: One of the main pillars of Conservative propaganda is that both parties are the same. Nothing they say is further from the truth. It is an insidious lie intended to demoralize progressives, and discourage them from voting. Do not fall for this canard, because if both parties are the same, there is no hope for change, and therefore no reason to vote. The truth is that there is a difference between the parties. A stark difference! One party works for the rich, the other party works for all Americans. One party takes money from the needy to feed the greedy, and the other party takes money from the greedy to feed the needy. One party has plans and policies to create jobs, and the other party has a long list of lame excuses for not doing anything. Liberals want to change things. Conservatives want things to stay the same. There is a difference. One party wants to tax the rich, and the other party wants to tax the poor. One party wants to destroy Unions, and the other party wants to support them. One party supports the Occupation of Wall Street, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to rebuild America, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to provide health care for all, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to regulate Wall Street, and the other party doesn’t. One Party wants to end the wars; the other party wants them to go on forever. There is a difference. One party is Myopic, and the other party is Far Sighted. One party wants to help the Middle Class, and the other party is at war with the Middle Class. One party wants to fire Teachers, and the other party wants to hire them. One party wants to create more jobs in America, and the other party wants to create more jobs in Asia. There is a difference. One party wants to protect pensions, and the other party wants to loot them. One party has a heart, and the other party has Ann Coulter. One party protects the right bear Arms, and the other party protects the right of freedom of assembly. One party believes that the only role for the Government is to provide for the common defense, and the other party believes that the Government should also promote the general Welfare. There is a difference, and anybody that tells you there is no difference between the parties is simply not conversant with reality. In addition, anyone that blames the Democrats for the current state of affairs has no understanding of who controls the Government. One Party has the Presidency, and the other party has the Majority in the House, controls the Senate, has a majority on the Supreme Court, and is responsible for current economic policy. So, if you’re angry, and you want to start a real fight, I submit that we should start a real fight with the Conservatives! America has a Two Party System. One party is clearly on your side, the other party thinks you’re and Anti-American mob. At some point in time you’re going to have to pick one. Choose wisely, your future is at stake

[-] 0 points by ExecutiveSmartGUY (0) from Bloomsburg, PA 13 years ago

You know what will be awesome! When the National Guard comes in with .223 M-16's and starts shooting you in the face and then they call in a bulldozer to heap you bodies into a dump truck that is headed to the landfill:) That would be grooovery maaaaaaaaan

[-] 0 points by ExecutiveSmartGUY (0) from Bloomsburg, PA 13 years ago

That's so true mannnnnnnnn like it would be awesome if we could live off our own farts and sleep in the weeds like apes. That would be earthy maaaaaaaaaaaan. Hippies are retarded no matter how many of you there are.

[-] 1 points by JFuentes (1) 12 years ago

Let's march to Washington - We the unemployed and underemployed, the students paying loans, the underwater homeowners, the ones who can't aford to see a Dr. - we the 99% should march to Washington and let Congress and the White House know that we aren't going to take this anymore: That we will no longer accept politicians/rich businessman lining their pockets at our expense as they make deals against our interests.

Let's go to Washington.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

I never saw this post before, but it's a little piece of history. Cool.

[-] 1 points by Sweetjewel83 (1) 13 years ago

I am a single mother of 2 boys since the age of 20 I graduated high school went to college regardless and graduated with my business AA. and 25,000 dollars debt. Still no job I worked at a salon part time and went to school for cosmetology and graduated in 2009. Worked minimum wadge and lost that job due to lack of child care costing my 800 a month for my 18 month old. Now our house is in four closure I am on welfare and cannot afford my rent diapers medicine for my depression or my oldest sons meds for ADHD tell me how I am a burden I payed taxes for years and now their are no jobs. I am a White 28 year old mother of two.

[-] 1 points by sfinks (3) 13 years ago

I've just finished university and see in this movement more threats for my future than opportunities... still without job but happy, can't see any problems, just need more work on my targets and future plans... I'm from one of the former Soviet countries, where EVERYONE was equal... but you all know what it turned out to be

[-] 2 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

No one is advocating former soviet policy, So there is really no reason to bring that up. There are plenty of evidence that more social and equal countries function better. So clearly humanity should focus on reducing inequality.

[-] 1 points by sfinks (3) 13 years ago

By more social and equal countries you mean which? Probably, my best known examples would be Scandinavian countries, but do you think it would be enough taking their path to follow, based on legislation and policy developments. Or you believe in creating some kind of new order and way of thinking. In such case I believe in self actualisation and realisation, if person understands well what he is up for in this world, there are lots of ways to achieve this, of course if state performs as support rather than obstacle is huge advantage. Though it might be my age and ambitions talking for me.

[-] 2 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

All i meant was that looking at how well some countries do compared to others does show what works and what doesn't.

[-] 1 points by sfinks (3) 13 years ago

Its true. But on the other hand, after collapse of soviet union, all former countries started to copy legislation of already developed democracies, but as a result it turned out not working the same way. Just because mentality works in another way. At the same time, all easter european countries, still scared to implement something unique, this makes them followers which obviously lack individuality in new developments as well decision making within the european union. it is not exactly the answer, but i thought might be worth of considering.

[-] 1 points by QUARANTINE (1) 13 years ago

Reading the comments it appears that you believe that the political parties no longer represent the ideals of the ~99% of Americans you claim to represent. I have to ask have you started your own political Party - have you started to campaign? If you truly represent 99% of Americans you should easily be able to get the 30% of Americans that actually show up to vote to give you the majority representation you need to actually change the policies you need changed to better care for the 99%. Being Canadian we already have some of the items you fight for (health care) but we also have more then 2 political parties who do represent more then 1 ideal. Instead of occupying wall street do something that will actually change the country, run a national political campaign and get elected, the 1% that run things is already doing it --- do you think that maybe that is why they stay the 1%???

[-] 1 points by wearethe1 (1) 13 years ago

Are we this selfish that we are fighting to be paid $20 an hour? In 2006 most of sub-Sahara Africa makes less than $1.00 a day. Yes 40-80% of of those countries a person makes less than $ 1.00 a day. We are not more evolved. Hitler claimed that and he exterminated millions of people. And yes people die every day from poverty, but overwhelmingly it is not here in the US.

17,000 children die every day from poverty. (http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/11/17/italy.food.summit/) that is a fact. Tell me the last time your child died from hunger or you even personally knew someone that died from hunger or something that can easily be vaccinated for?

Your passion is awesome and it is wonderful to see people come together on a global scale, but if "rich" people are who are are going at we need to take a global prospective and judge ourselves first.

If this is how you want things to function in the US, how before these protests have you been showing that this is your heart? Do you regularly give to the poor and help (without question) the mom panhandling at the freeway on-ramp? Are you supporting free or low cost health clinics? This is not a government issue. This is a personal one. If we believe that there is a problem with spreading the wealth than go work hard and give away everything you can.

But to caution you don't think we live in a vacuum. We live on a planet with almost 7 billion people that all deserve the same right to life as we do. Lets be known for a movement that is selfless, not selfish like every developing country see us.

We are the 1%

[-] 1 points by Equalityforall (1) 13 years ago

I am a married mother of two college age children. I ran a successful business for 25 years... I say successful in that it afforded us to survive and have the things we needed, and a few things that we wanted. I thought I was making a good choice in getting into homeownership. However, I had a debilitating back injury 5 years ago that rendered me incapable if continuing in my current profession. My husband has been diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease, and we have high medical expenses that come out of pocket above what is covered on our health plan. I have been living the American dream, I did not always make good choices, we bought into the lie that you could have everything you want now by purchasing on credit. Don't get me wrong, it's not like we have have lived in extravagance, we have a small condo, two small cars, and have raised two children. I am one of the lucky ones, in that after my business went under, I was able to find work that I could do, and my husband is still working as well. We live paycheck to paycheck, have scaled back to live within our means, and are finally starting to make a dent in our debt. I shudder to think what would happen to us if one of us found ourselves out of work again, which is a good possibility given the current state of this country.

The problem is, I made a decision of homeownership not knowing that I could not continue making the amount I was making at the time. Now, after the time it took me to get back to work, starting at the bottom of the pay scale again, my home is so far upside down that I cannot refinance it, even though we supposedly have great credit. We cannot refinance, it is an older building with repairs coming regularly, but we won't walk away because we believe in paying for the choices we've made in life.

I know that making the choice to purchase rather than rent was a gamble, just as starting a business was a gamble. We all make choices, and we reap the rewards when it comes out in our favor, but when they don't, we have to pay for it.

I am not asking for a hand out. I am not asking for anyone else to pay for my choices. I am only asking that the government make laws that are fair for all. I dont think that I should have to pay more out of pocket to live here than those with more pay. I feel that everyone should pay equally to be able to live in this wonderful country. I don't think that those who make more should be able to keep more. They have been lucky in their gamble, or have inherited their reward, but with great reward comes great responsibility. Why should we have to keep paying more and more taxes, while they pay less? I thought this was an equal opportunity country, not elitest. I am willing to pay for my choices, but it would be a lot easier if I did not have to pay for theirs as well, and by this I mean Wall St, with all the bail outs they benefit from, and still get to keep their money, and get even more from huge bonuses.

I have lived the American dream, and I have to pay for it. I should not have to pay for the 1% to be able to keep more. I am the 99%!

[-] 1 points by GetEducated (2) 13 years ago

I am student with $75,000 of debt, but I'm not out there complaining about my plight. Instead, I will have an excellent job at the end of this year and will be paying for your welfare. Get real and go look for a job instead of "occupying" our cities and making them look like crap. The rest of the world lives in extreme poverty, with 2 billion people making less than $1 a day. You should be grateful that you live in such a wealthy country that is willing to help you out when you're down on your luck.

[-] 1 points by Nohandout (1) 13 years ago

I too am a 99 percenter but I don't want a handout. Can one person who is complaining about being a 99 percenter intelligently explain to the rest of us one specific thing that Wall Street has done to take money out of our pockets? I fully understand that if Wall Street suddenly stopped being profitable our economy would be much worse off than it is now. We need them. As a teacher who has a wife in graduate school and a baby on the way I was still able to make wise decisions and accumulate some savings. Does the fact that I have invested part of that savings in municipal bonds to reduce taxes on the income it earns make me greedy? Would anyone DARE call a school teacher who earns a very modest salary greedy?? Does anyone complaining realize that 1% of americans do NOT control 95% (or 99%, I've heard a lot of different numbers thrown out there lately) of the wealth? It's actually more in the 35-40% range. Do you know that if you earn $150, 000 that only puts you in the 95th percentile so you are also technically a so called 99 percenter? There are a lot of people out there who truly need help but sadly not many vocal 99 percenters do. How about next time you feel like complaining you go to a local shelter and spend some energy helping someone who needs it? That would be a much more constructive use of your time. While you're doing that I highly recommend a little research to make sure you've got your facts straight. The only thing worse than a middle class complainer is one who doesn't have any clue what he's talking about. Disgraceful.

[-] 1 points by HealthyCritic (1) 13 years ago

Studied 5 years gender science--->no jobs? blame society... Bought crap on borrowed money--->crashed economy? Blame society... Got loans you can't afford ---> No more cable? Blame society... BUT ALSO Lend money to people who can't afford it ---> bank crashes? Blame society...

You are the result of 5 Billion years of evolution. Act like it!

[-] 1 points by azguy32 (1) 13 years ago

You guys should take responsibility and not blame others and that is what is wrong with the 99 percent group.

I am 38 years old, single, and part of the 99 percent and I love the 1 pecent. They supply me a job. I blame no one but myself for my failures and successes. I am not in debt because I am responsible and I live within my needs. My life is totally awesome and I love it. I thank God everyday for the 1 pecent that supply me a job and health insurance. I do not want anything from the government and I do not believe in handouts. I make my own path in life and that is why I love the great U.S.A.

[-] 1 points by lupette (1) 13 years ago

I think if the 99% wants to be unified behind a single demand, that they should consider a national referendum. If they could get that enacted then each separate cause, would have a specific tool that they could use to prosper their cause. With a national referendum, the people would regain a modicum of control.

[-] 1 points by harrisE91 (2) from Kannapolis, NC 13 years ago

Also, our economic setup is, the rich prosper, the rest can suck it. That's how I feel when I read about new bills, or the richest people in the world. That is all.

[-] 1 points by harrisE91 (2) from Kannapolis, NC 13 years ago

I agree halfway with some of these comments. I am a college student currently writing an evaluation essay on this subject, and I have to say I am in awe. My reasoning behind choosing this subject is I was just informed that a bill was recently passed stating that ALL senators children and their children's children will NEVER have to pay back a student loan. they can have a tuition of 100k, and owe nothing, yet use students who are attending a community college on a low budget, while trying to find or maintain a part time job in fast food or retail, if we aren't lucky enough to receive a pell grant, owe every penny back. Our system is fucked up, and I think it wonderful that people are coming together to stand against it. The 1 percent and the 99 percent, need to be 100 percent. No longer seperated. If only this country could pull together and actually become a country. Yet world peace is an elementary subject today. Good luck to all who are out there, raising your fists. You are all in my thoughts!

[-] 1 points by sullyfrommn (1) 13 years ago

Make a way for us to post the I an the 99% pictures on FB easier. People do not know or get it. They say it is not being done for any reason. if they say the pictures they might understand. I would like to post 1 a day. Especially to make my poor (literally) tea bagging Fb friends get it as well as people I work with who as far back as YESTERDAY had never heard of OWS!!

[-] 1 points by Crash5757 (1) 13 years ago

In response to Erick Erickson of Red State-

I too am the 53% paying taxes so you can hang out on Wall Street and complain. I have two jobs. I have a mortgage I can barely pay. My costs for two daughters to go to college is outrageous. I eat a lot of peanut butter and Kraft mac and cheese. But I do blame Wall Street. Because I am first and foremost a patriotic American. And when my fellow Americans are struggling because of what Wall Street did to our economy it is my responsibility to try to help them. So raise my taxes too. I will suck it up and find a way!

[-] 1 points by gcp1947 (1) from Ephrata, PA 13 years ago

I am the 99%. I am not rich. I worked and saved. I have enough to share with those in need, and I do so voluntarily. That is the American Dream.

[-] 1 points by daemonrebel (3) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

There are plenty of workers, who may not be rich, or poor, but have so many bills and overpay taxes, that all they have to show for it, is maybe some good credit, a roof over their head, and they're beloved families. For all that, it's worth it. But what if we feel that the system is no longer answering to the people and to the little workers that make everything tick. Sure, to big corporations, we're just ants, but it all adds up and that's why this protest happened. Not all of them are unemployed and freeloaders, but people are fed up and are not going to take it anymore. I can honestly say, wall street has two choices, they can ignore it and prey it goes away. Or they can listen and think outside the box for a minute.

The people who are unemployed and have nothing to loose, one way or another, you're going to have to answer to them. Either it's now or later, but the problem isn't going away. Stop treating people like they're ants. Stop discriminating against unemployed and those who aren't the cream of the crop, or maybe they went to school on line, have 100k in debt, kids to feed, or are married. Just because it's legal to discriminate against these people or you can do it without getting caught, doesn't make it right. Everyone deserves a chance.

Convicts get offered more jobs than people who went to school on the net, WTF? It shouldn't matter where they went the school, only if they have what it takes to get the job done. Point blank, wall street, if your hiring criteria wasn't so anal, more people would be working.

I was once unemployed for years at a time, but I'm not now, because I never gave up and I never took no for an answer. But I admit the 99% and some of the 1% doesn't know how to compete.

People who never struggled and went to IVY League schools, don't know what it means to compete for something and rely too much on credentials and people they know to get hired.

People who always get rejected, have crummy credit, haven't had the best opportunities, or don't have the highest GPA, aren't lazy. We will work harder and deserve the position more, because we're more dedicated and will appreciate the job more.

In the end, if the employer or corporation, treats people like they're ants, it doesn't matter if we're the 1% or the 99%, eventually we'll all be the 99% and meet the same fate. All that handwork, dedication, loyalty, for what? To get replaced with someone younger, single, with no kids, no debt, better credit, neater work history, or worse, so the company can get a tax credit for affirmative actions. Do we really need affirmative actions anymore? Really? White people are now the minority, duh? Besides, everyone gets sued for everything now anyways, without the help of affirmative actions. Just a heads up, FYI, the 99% is made up of every nationality, even immigrants. Poverty doesn't care what color/sex/sexual pref/religion the person is, it effects everyone.

We're at a day and age, it's time to grow up America. Protesting is good & all, but if you're unemployed, you need to be doing whatever job you can to feed your kids, take care of your wife, or pay those bills. If that means flip burgers and clean up dog crap, so be it. I've been there and done crappy jobs.

Complaining and throwing a temper tantrum is not going to solve the problem. Neither is bringing back the 60's and engaging in a dirty hippie fest. Take a bath, shave, put on a clean clothes, and then expect people to listen.

[-] 1 points by daemonrebel (3) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I am the 99%.

Daemon Rebel

"If we don't end war, war will end us." H. G. Wells "If you focus on results, you will NOT get change. If you focus on change, you WILL get results." Jack Dixon “To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.” ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, SCOTTISH NOVELIST AND POET "True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us." —Socrates on Inspirational "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." Albert Einstein "The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking." Albert Einstein "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein "Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." Albert Einstein "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." Albert Einstein "Magic is just science we don't understand yet" Arthur C. Clarke "An optimistic mindset finds dozens of possible solutions for every problem that the pessimist regards as incurable."- Robert Anton Wilson "Cereal Killer: When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. What? It's Corinthians one, chapter thirteen verse eleven." Hackers (1995) "When you're born, you're given a ticket to the nuthouse. When you're born in America, you're given a front row seat." - George Carlin (1937-2008) "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right." Isaac Asimov

[-] 1 points by osgoth (3) 13 years ago

Cheaper & more effective

[-] 1 points by dwport1950 (3) 13 years ago

Thomas Jefferson was concise in his early warning to the American nation, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

[-] 1 points by Esposito (173) 13 years ago

A grasshopper had spent the warm months basking in the sun while the ant worked to store up food for winter. When that season arrived, the grasshopper found itself hungry and upon asking the ant for food is only rebuked for its idleness. So the grasshopper grabbed an AK-47 and killed the ant claiming the ant was a right wing, bible thumping, greedy, mother f**r and it was within the grasshoppers rights to get everything the ant had stored.

The next winter the grasshopper died of starvation for there were no more ants.

The moral of the story is to do your homework and invest now while the stock market & real estate market is down.

Apple in 1995 $12/share Apple today(after 2 stock splits)$1,552/share. How do you like them Apples?

[-] 1 points by osgoth (3) 13 years ago

Cheaper & more effective

[-] 1 points by osgoth (3) 13 years ago

Imagine if we dropped dollars instead of munitions on iraq

[-] 1 points by rlprocunier (1) 13 years ago

What this country needs is more worker owned companies like United Airlines. Eliminate the rich Fat Cat owners. Eliminate the 1%!

[-] 1 points by iatexan (4) 13 years ago

Get a real education to what is going on....read the blog on www.thebigturds.com

[-] 1 points by Tcheh (2) from Richmond, VIC 13 years ago

You have access to education, clean water, a roof over your head that you own. You have access to the internet. You can apply for student loans, emergency medical care is available to you. You are NOT in the 99%.

You are in the top 22%. 78% of the world is worse off than you. How about you make sure that they have theirs, before complaining that you don't have yours.

[-] 1 points by Laurabel (1) 13 years ago

It begins and ends with seemingly "small" insults by banks and financial institutions. We're all aware of Bank of America's move to add $60 yearly fees for using a debit card -- cards that BANKS originally wanted! Here's a video I made for the CEO of Wells Fargo -- one of several walking in lockstep to BOA and other banks: http://youtu.be/Re7SbckOInk

[-] 1 points by anonymouse (154) 13 years ago

Do we have to link to an online photo rather than uploading directly to tumblr? To be more circumspect, I used free no-sign-up hosting at uploadhouse.com... if that or other sites help you get up the courage, then please submit a photo!

[-] 1 points by Spaniard (6) 13 years ago

Why is it not possible to donate through PayPal? Boycott like with Wikileaks?

[-] 1 points by Spaniard (6) 13 years ago

This may be the beginning of the biggest revolution since the French Revolution, which has been bought by banksters. There is a world war between banksters + their puppet governments and the rest of us. It is time we start defending ourselves.

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

How is it greed to want to keep more of what I've worked for but not greed for someone to want to take more.

[-] 2 points by cneed4play (2) 13 years ago

When what you are working for is received unethically and you are in the position to make the rules/laws work for your greed. When you are in a position of power for the people of the USA and blatently bring them down for your owns needs (who needs that much money?), publically use their money to get your unethically earned money back to you, (including unearned bonuses. What a slap in the face!)) and then tight fist our money for (once again greed?) your own needs. At what point should this practice be stopped when these people are in control of our lives?

[-] 1 points by Spaniard (6) 13 years ago

According to Michael Moore 1 % of Americans own 95 % of the country. The American dream has become the American nightmare. It is still the best system in the world, but only for 1 %, and one of the worst for the rest. No money for health insurance? Then you die, just like in Africa.

[-] 1 points by Declaratorian (14) 13 years ago

Exactly how much of the country does Michael Moore own?

[-] 1 points by Tcheh (2) from Richmond, VIC 13 years ago

Isn't it called the american dream because you have to be asleep to experience it? (george carlin)

[-] 0 points by TheOther99Percent (1) 13 years ago

Hmmm. I waited 133 seconds to see if my first comment above would be posted, and it hasn't appeared yet. I'm not surprised. Let's see if this one shows up. I bet it won't. You don't want anyone here that really opposes your plan, I suppose, especially with something factual to say.

"According to Michael Moore ..." Seriously?? The most biased, uber-liberal Hollywood money-maker on the planet, ever, is who you get your "facts" from? Why don't you demand that he and all of Hollywood pay more taxes? They have their loopholes and special get-for-frees too. I go with the George Carlin quote attached in reply.

If U.S. unemployment is 9.1 percent then it isn't "the 99 percent" that are "paying taxes" It is really "the 90.9 percent." Nice sound-bite slogan name, but it ignores lots of facts.

Corporate America isn't any greedier than it was 20 or 30 years ago, and the 20-and 30-something generations are so much SMALLER than the babyboom generation is, of which I'm a part. THAT was when the major outsourcing took place, folks. Not in your 20-something day.

I'm a divorced single mom who lost my house and had to fold my self-employed business (I was the only employee) after a serious illness. I went on state insurance for a time, and thank God got healthy again. I'm not waiting for Wall Street to hand out something to me like these folks are. I started over again at the bottom, a retail part-time job, and was given a couple bedrooms to live in for a time with friends from church otherwise I'd have been homeless. I don't make much more than retail wage now, but got to full-time after a year, got a small apartment without credit, and do without tv, cable, a phone landline, a washer-dryer, internet (am at the library wifi now), dishwasher, I have an 8-year-old, 170,000 mile car that will die at any minute, no savings, live paycheck to paycheck, and get food donations from my church's food pantry weekly. I don't eat or go out, I keep all but the frig unplugged. I'm trying to get either a better hourly job, or will have to get another p-t job and work 60-70 hours weekly. I don't like it but it beats whining and it beats being chronically sick and unable to even stand up for more than 5 minutes at a time. I'm grateful and glad to be even able to work a lousy retail job, and this is after making good money in my old careers. Oh, and I can't afford health insurance either, haven't for over 3 years. At least you're 20 or 30 and most of you don't have major health issues yet. I do. But I'm surviving. I'M THE 99% TOO. BUT WASTE MY TIME BITCHING THAT WALL STREET SHOULD FORK OVER MORE MONEY SO IT GOES TO ME LIKE SOME OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE DONE? NAH. I CHOSE TO GROW UP INSTEAD.

[-] 2 points by lilkumachan (2) 13 years ago

I think you kind of missed the point. Your own travails highlight the very problems with THE BEST COUNTRY ON EARTH. It is NOT supposed to be like this. You are NOT supposed to work hard only to go backward in life as it seems you have; you are NOT supposed to worry about treatable medical issues. Just because a Hollywood star chooses to support a cause that may eventually cost them money does not mean they are hypocrites...in fact, I doubt the combined tax money that should have been paid by these people would equal 3.2 billion that GE and other companies should have paid last year. What if you get sick again? What if your kid gets sick? What if your car dies on you? What if its a low food week from the church's pantry? No one can fault your tenacity nor work ethic and I wish more people were like that, but you need to step outside yourself and ask "Is this really how my life and the life of others are supposed to be?" If your answer is "yes"...then I can only weep for you. -kuma

[-] 2 points by leahjack (6) 13 years ago

Did you even hear - or read - their statement?? Those people down there are representing me, one of the 99%, because I can't be there due to my job. But I am absolutely outraged by the exact same things they're talking about! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8o3peQq79Q

[-] 1 points by jj7 (1) 13 years ago

We want to work, ever single person I know who is out of work is looking for work. We can't find work. They have been looking for over 5 months, have plenty of retail experience, and they are on the verge of being homeless.

Do you know our food is genetically modified? Auto immune disease and other health problems have started occurring for my generation. So yeah we are in our 20's but we are freaking sick. My best friend has crones disease, she has been out of work and without access to medicine she will die. She is a sweet girl. My other friend has severe heart conditions and frequently needs to go in for medical treatments. He is one of the nicest people I know. They both still can't find work.

You are really lucky to even have a job, not everyone has that chance.

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Desire wont bring you peace, only more suffering. Buy a gold crucifix belt buckle for yoruself and run for senate.

[-] 0 points by imjustjoshinya (0) 13 years ago

LOL...what a nice script. How about I am the 1% who got off my ass and did something with myself and my life. It's like this: Hey I'm lazy and I want my handouts and I want to offer nothing in return.

You all should be ashamed...go smoke a bowl, eat your Cheetos and down your Diet Mountain Dew while watching south park and family guy reruns. I'll continue to do what I can to provide for my family and enjoy the little time I have here on Earth. Boo Friggen Hoo you Zombies.

Oh and the stories about the student debt and the credit card debt...you know what suck it up. You have a brain, that brain makes choices, you chose wrong. Get over it.

[-] 0 points by TheOther99Percent (1) 13 years ago

If the US unemployment rate is 9.1% then it isn't "the 99%" of us that are "paying taxes" vs. the 1% who are "not paying taxes" (or enough taxes, if anyone involved in this is smart enough to publicly acknowledge that is the actual complaint). It is really "the 90.9 %." Facts are being ignored for the cute sound-bite slogan name.

Corporate America isn't any greedier than it was 20 or 30 years ago, and the 20-and 30-something generations are so much SMALLER than the babyboom generation is, of which I'm a part. THAT was when the major outsourcing took place, folks. Not in your 20-something day.

I'm a divorced single mom who lost my house and had to fold my self-employed business (I was the only employee) after a serious illness. I went on state insurance for a time, and thank God got healthy again. I'm not waiting for Wall Street to hand out something to me like these folks are. I started over again at the bottom, a retail part-time job, and was given a couple bedrooms to live in for a time with friends from church otherwise I'd have been homeless. I don't make much more than retail wage now, but got to full-time after a year, got a small apartment without credit, and do without tv, cable, a phone landline, a washer-dryer, internet (am at the library wifi now), dishwasher, I have an 8-year-old, 170,000 mile car that will die at any minute, no savings, live paycheck to paycheck, and get food donations from my church's food pantry weekly. I don't eat or go out, I keep all but the frig unplugged. I'm trying to get either a better hourly job, or will have to get another p-t job and work 60-70 hours weekly. I don't like it but it beats whining and it beats being chronically sick and unable to even stand up for more than 5 minutes at a time. I'm grateful and glad to be even able to work a lousy retail job, and this is after making good money in my old careers. Oh, and I can't afford health insurance either, haven't for over 3 years. At least you're 20 or 30 and most of you don't have major health issues yet. I do. But I'm surviving. I'M THE 99% TOO. BUT WASTE MY TIME BITCHING THAT WALL STREET SHOULD FORK OVER MORE MONEY SO IT GOES TO ME LIKE SOME OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE DONE? NAH. I CHOSE TO GROW UP INSTEAD.

[-] 0 points by GetEducated (2) 13 years ago

Couldn't agree more. Nice story. Thank you. And these folks don't represent the ninety-nine percent, they represent the incredibly lazy 5% who is currently just excelling at making their voice heard. I hope these people get a life soon and quit whining.

[-] 0 points by gcp1947 (1) from Ephrata, PA 13 years ago

I worked/borrowed my way through college. I got a good job. I repaid my loans. I made double payments on my mortgage to pay off my home early. I did not spend lavishly. I did not take time off to "occupy" anything other than my own home. I saved my pennies. I gave generously to worthy charitable causes. I retired. I'm living on pension, savings, and SS. I am the 99%. That, my friends, is the American Dream. It is not getting something for nothing just because you want it. It is not owning a home. It is having the freedom to have an idea, profit from it, share the proceeds voluntarily with others, and leave a legacy of good works behind you when you leave this world.

[-] 0 points by Bitch (0) 13 years ago

Seriously? For those who have a job, be thankful. For those who don't - get your ass off the couch and do something about it. Get a job or start your own company. Times ARE tough. However, you have the power to change your situation. Stop whining, work harder. Quit trying to feed off of others "like vampires".

[-] 2 points by Hellomynameis (243) from Aptos, CA 13 years ago

So attempting to increase the standard of living for people who clean your toilets and serve your food is vampire like behavior? Who, I may ask, will clean the shit stains you left in that public toilet while everyone is off "creating their own jobs".?

[-] 0 points by GetEducated (2) 13 years ago

Those people don't have time to go "occupy" Wall Street because THEY ARE WORKING. And yes, I would clean up the shit stains too if someone paid me for it. Which is exactly why I'm not asking for handouts from anyone.

[-] 1 points by earthmuse (6) 13 years ago

and if you're old enough that, even though the system won't say it out loud ... you're farted off because of your age ... even if you're willing to pick up dog shit?

go fuck yourself


[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Русские с вами! (Russians with you!)

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Русские за вас! Удачи.


[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Do you guys get the irony of a tiny group of anarchistic activists trying to forcibly enact legislation without really thinking through the long term effects of the action?

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

err firms aren't on wall st anymore - haven't been for years except Deutsche Bank. Wall St. is mostly renovated housing so this is like a backyard camp out? Try Park Ave 40s-60s instead pls - i don't want a big line for bagels on the morning of the17th.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Hey, everyone, just wondering what is going on here w/ this photo-solidarity? Do we have anything published yet? Have we considered using them as facebook profile pics?

I am a photographer, thinking about setting up a photo booth on my campus. I need more info than I can find atm to feel comfortable doing this.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

http://www.insideoutproject.net/ This might be able to help with this project.




[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

hello, here is something that I hope will be of some use once you occupy wallstreet, a guide to a directly democratic model of occupation that worked with a great success for the students in Croatia (who are still using this model for organizing). I believe the model can help you actively include the greatest number of participants into decision-making and, of course, to formulate your final demands http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2011/occupation030411.html good luck!

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

But resist we much.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself king of infinite space.

Free yourself first from the greed for the things of others.


[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

You people are out of your mind. You are being played and after your part is over you will be crushed by the political elite of this country. Don't you understand that yes wall street is a problem but wall street will not come to your house and take your possessions , your liberty or your life that will be the US GOVERNMENT knocking down your door.

"We The People" are pissed and are not going to be silent passive sheep much longer you have been warned

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

What the fuck are you talking about! It is WE the WORKERS who produce everything! Everything in this world is created by our hands. Nothing is created by those in Wall Street, nothing. They dont produce, they live on others work like vampires.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

The gov't is controlled by MONEY. And the more MONEY you have the more control you have. This is why we have MSM paying a great deal of attention to Wall Street. Wall Street is not mainstreet, it is controlled by those with ULTRA WEALTH... such people are effectively not democratic, they are inherently Authoritarian, i.e. FASCIST Oligarchs simply because their focus is on getting more wealth which gives them more power. The Gov't does exactly what they are told to do by this cabal of power. Your vote means very little. Since the Ultra Wealthy control the Gov't , your fear of Gov't control is misplaced. It is the greed of the Wealthy who are too blame for the ALL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

It's not an either/or issue. Big corporations are, have always been and always will be an extension of state power.

[-] 1 points by Spaniard (6) 13 years ago

It rather looks like the other way around. Governments are an extension of corporations, one more departement.




[-] -1 points by TheOther99Percent (1) 13 years ago

If the US unemployment rate is 9.1% then it isn't "the 99%" of us that are "paying taxes" vs. the 1% who are "not paying taxes" (or enough taxes, if anyone involved in this is smart enough to publicly acknowledge that is the actual complaint). It is really "the 90.9 %." Facts are being ignored for the cute sound-bite slogan name.

Corporate America isn't any greedier than it was 20 or 30 years ago, and the 20-and 30-something generations are so much SMALLER than the babyboom generation is, of which I'm a part. THAT was when the major outsourcing took place, folks. Not in your 20-something day.

I'm a divorced single mom who lost my house and had to fold my self-employed business (I was the only employee) after a serious illness. I went on state insurance for a time, and thank God got healthy again. I'm not waiting for Wall Street to hand out something to me like these folks are. I started over again at the bottom, a retail part-time job, and was given a couple bedrooms to live in for a time with friends from church otherwise I'd have been homeless. I don't make much more than retail wage now, but got to full-time after a year, got a small apartment without credit, and do without tv, cable, a phone landline, a washer-dryer, internet (am at the library wifi now), dishwasher, I have an 8-year-old, 170,000 mile car that will die at any minute, no savings, live paycheck to paycheck, and get food donations from my church's food pantry weekly. I don't eat or go out, I keep all but the frig unplugged. I'm trying to get either a better hourly job, or will have to get another p-t job and work 60-70 hours weekly. I don't like it but it beats whining and it beats being chronically sick and unable to even stand up for more than 5 minutes at a time. I'm grateful and glad to be even able to work a lousy retail job, and this is after making good money in my old careers. Oh, and I can't afford health insurance either, haven't for over 3 years. At least you're 20 or 30 and most of you don't have major health issues yet. I do. But I'm surviving. I'M THE 99% TOO. BUT WASTE MY TIME BITCHING THAT WALL STREET SHOULD FORK OVER MORE MONEY SO IT GOES TO ME LIKE SOME OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE DONE? NAH. I CHOSE TO GROW UP INSTEAD.

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

I am the 99% who likes air conditioning and fast food. Why would I want to tear down that system?!

[-] 2 points by jameswestonmusic (222) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

you know, air conditioning can run on free green energy. and guess what, you wouldn't be screwed over by an energy company anymore. that means more money for you, and you can buy all the big mac's you want.

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

The "one demand" is still not clear - is this some kind of trendy bored twentysomething thing or a sincere effort to change the course of our culture. And what is it about Obama that everyone dislikes? He's just a politician, and no better than any other, from Stalin to Lincoln. They are only doing what we let them do, and as any unchecked capitalist would.

What is truly needed is a full-scale effort. Remember this isn't Egypt or Tripoli; there's many different opinions and many different ideas for solutions here, and more vague ideas and "FlashMob" type gimmicks won't make a difference.

Alogical plan of action is the only way to make a change. One with a consensus, a goal, and a "plan B". "Camping out" on Wall street may not even rate top spot on the ABC Nightly News, but "Dancing With the Stars" does.

Think about that, you foolish kids, and then get serious.

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

I agree.

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Me again... Furthermore, while Wall Street houses many greedy pigs and friends-of-the-devils, it also does keep most of this house of cards of a currency going. Look at the Euro and all that growing storm (remember, little kiddies, what happens when Germany gets paranoid - we called it World War One and World War Two - think Iraq was a fun time? this'n'll be a hoot!)

Now if I was Fuherer, we wouldn't have these problems, but sadly, I am not.

So is anyone there willing to admit this is just a ploy to sell an artsy-fartsy overpriced magazine (and yes I did subscribe once) and maybe to show off a bunch of tweets for the Twits?

Come AB, use your talents and vague "blackspot" cred (now that was a good idea) and expose the specific fraudsters, make blatant and obvious the friendly brands and their corporations who are directly influencing this mess with paid lobbyists, board-member politicians and gen-u-wine fraud and corruption. Shame the bastards into exposing themselves, taking down lesser-known partners in crime with them. Partner wit hyour competition, get Mothe Jones. the Progressive, call the Utnes, and maybe even offer Jann Wenner an exclusive...

Then skip an issue of the mag, and take 100% of the cost there and ask your advertisers to contribute as normal. Then get many many thousands of fresh one dollar bills. Fly a 1/4 scale R/C 767 around the new WTC and have it and release them, along with pre-printed leaflets too, revealing good rumors and other potential avenues to instigate real attention deserving issues and instructions on productive subversive activities, too.

That may even preempt Oprah with a Channel 13 Special Report!

Aw, never mind...

[-] 1 points by mytyde (6) 13 years ago

http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/9/14/128973885463272045.jpg Fuck you sir. Sit at home and jerk off for all real people care. Just get your sarcastic ass off this website and start your own movement in solidarity if you think your ideas are so superior. Seriously, go for it; I'd back you up.

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

The left loves only the unsuccessful working man, the prosperous working man is a thing of scorn. The only success the left celebrates is gained through political favor and influence. Work hard scorn, lie and cheat yeah, what future does that bring?

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

What the fuck are you talking about! It is WE the WORKERS who produce everything! Everything in this world is created by our hands. Nothing is created by those in Wall Street, nothing. They dont produce, they live on others work like vampires.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

reason is useless against the ignorami...

[-] 1 points by jameswestonmusic (222) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

The Right loves the successful Thief. The Thief who uses manipulation, distraction and some twisted rationale to rape and pillage with the law on his side. Too Big to Fail is Too Big to Succeed, and one defines the other. Money is liquid and thus ever changing in value to the point where VALUE itself is meaningless. The idea of success in monetary terms is momentary and fluid, and never fixed. In our system, it is a given that WEALTH could evaporate(this is why we have central Banks-i.e. the Fed. Reserve) once Pandora's box is opened and we see the man behind the curtain and it is all over but the shouting. I wish I were wrong... but it is an exponential curve and we have reached the Zenith and now we will plunge toward the Nadir... It won't be long before the WEALTH of the MONETARY SYSTEM is gone in a puff of logic, the pain, the violence and the war to follow could be minor or it could be extremely devastating. It all depends on how much belief there is in this illusion that is the market and the grip it has on our own personal version of reality.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

The left loves torching your shit and watching it burn...

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Translation of all of the comments shooting this down: "Fuck you. Got mine."

[-] 0 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: One of the main pillars of Conservative propaganda is that both parties are the same. Nothing they say is further from the truth. It is an insidious lie intended to demoralize progressives, and discourage them from voting. Do not fall for this canard, because if both parties are the same, there is no hope for change, and therefore no reason to vote. The truth is that there is a difference between the parties. A stark difference! One party works for the rich, the other party works for all Americans. One party takes money from the needy to feed the greedy, and the other party takes money from the greedy to feed the needy. One party has plans and policies to create jobs, and the other party has a long list of lame excuses for not doing anything. Liberals want to change things. Conservatives want things to stay the same. There is a difference. One party wants to tax the rich, and the other party wants to tax the poor. One party wants to destroy Unions, and the other party wants to support them. One party supports the Occupation of Wall Street, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to rebuild America, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to provide health care for all, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to regulate Wall Street, and the other party doesn’t. One Party wants to end the wars; the other party wants them to go on forever. There is a difference. One party is Myopic, and the other party is Far Sighted. One party wants to help the Middle Class, and the other party is at war with the Middle Class. One party wants to fire Teachers, and the other party wants to hire them. One party wants to create more jobs in America, and the other party wants to create more jobs in Asia. There is a difference. One party wants to protect pensions, and the other party wants to loot them. One party has a heart, and the other party has Ann Coulter. One party protects the right bear Arms, and the other party protects the right of freedom of assembly. One party believes that the only role for the Government is to provide for the common defense, and the other party believes that the Government should also promote the general Welfare. There is a difference, and anybody that tells you there is no difference between the parties is simply not conversant with reality. In addition, anyone that blames the Democrats for the current state of affairs has no understanding of who controls the Government. One Party has the Presidency, and the other party has the Majority in the House, controls the Senate, has a majority on the Supreme Court, and is responsible for current economic policy. So, if you’re angry, and you want to start a real fight, I submit that we should start a real fight with the Conservatives! America has a Two Party System. One party is clearly on your side, the other party thinks you’re and Anti-American mob. At some point in time you’re going to have to pick one. Choose wisely, your future is at stake

[-] 1 points by zenone (3) from Cross Fork, PA 13 years ago

now you see...there is no reason to vote..not in this system. Government is a puppet show put on by the proprietors of the Federal Reserve, The Bank of England, etc. We are being enslaved by a fiat currency and its printers are becoming ever more bold in their efforts to control it all... the money, the food supplies. Think with your mind...not theirs. Look at what is real, in spite of what they say to the contrary.

[-] 1 points by DSams (-71) 13 years ago

According to former President Clinton's history professor at Georgetown University, for the elite "[t]he chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method ... [E]ither party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies." (pp. 1247-1248 'Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time')

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by DSams (-71) 13 years ago

You argue that the two parties are, essentially, different. I offered up a written statement by a very well respected Harvard Ph.D. countering that argument and citing the work in which his statement appeared. Altho I think the statement itself is quite clear, what it says, boiled down, is simply that the public should NOT be able to significantly alter policy via the voting booth. Based on what I've observed over the years, the professor hit the nail on the head.

[-] 0 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

ows is a protest not a compromise with republicans on views that there leaders wont support

[-] 1 points by DSams (-71) 13 years ago

That OWS is a protest is obvious. If both parties serve elite interests, OWS should not compromise with either.

[-] 0 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

ows has been democratic from start

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

We work, make money, enjoy the money. That is how it works. So, yes, fuck you


[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

So you are advocating the shallow, self-centered, juvenile desire adults have matured and moved beyond? Orgasm is a but a series of brief moments in our lives, or perhaps you are not normal and suffer from piggish autoerotic obsession with the illusion of wealth? or like a teenager spending too much time with the centerfold in the closet? I hope I am wrong, but it appears that your self enjoyment is the extent that is the definition of you and your being. Unfortunate, you are certainly not anyone I want in my neighborhood.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

You would work in a munitions plant or making crack if thats where the money was, your ethics are shallow and you get them from crime investigative shows in syndication. Its really quite pathetic.



[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Nice try Obama!

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

what a bunch of petulant whiners - victims of your own self-fulfilling prophecy - doomed to be victims in a society that allows 1st generation immigrants to become as successful as anyone. grow up you sissified mooches

[-] 1 points by earthmuse (6) 13 years ago

part of a society that was built on 1st generation immigrants, dumbass. sissified? go fuck yourself

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Glad to hear you are so successful as to throw the rest of us under the bus. So we work hard, we put money into 401K's that are not appreciating in value, our pensions have evaporated, and now you want us to just stop whining as per "..abandon all hope ye who enter here"? We are on the beginning crash of an economic wave. It will get worse before it gets better ... like the poster below stated: IT IS NOT BINARY, this is 4 dimensional, tangential, geometric, and an exponential function. Quantifying it doesn't cut it, because it is quality, and needs to be qualified as it is more of a subjective reality. Static measuring misses the point, it is all dynamic and moving and in constant flux...

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Your binary logic doesn't hold shit, its like you eat your gourmet food off a wet paper plate. Weak.

[-] 1 points by earthmuse (6) 13 years ago

your english doesn't "hold shit" ... whatever that phrase might actually translate into in actual English.

We eat our food, whatever it is, with the pride that comes from having earned it. You seem to easily confuse entitlement with pride. Work on that

[-] -2 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

you mess up my 401k that I've paid in to for years, I am going to be mad! Wall St. is doing bad by itself. It doesn't need your help to screw my hard earned retirement. So sick of all of you feeling entitled to everything. Get a F'N JOB!

[-] 1 points by earthmuse (6) 13 years ago

get a fucking brain

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

If you are mad, then channel that anger. Your 401K is effed up due to WALL STREET GREED. It is okay to be mad, but at some point you have to pull your head out and see the world for what it is. GET MAD at those who are to blame: WALL STREET.

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

How about you just die of a coronary after watching price is right reruns? Anonymous interweb types care about your 401k as much as you care about the foxcom employess who sign no-suicide contracts so they can slave away and die of respiratory cancer at 31, and say nothing of dissident uncle Shu who disappeared last november. Tragic, but you don't watch that channel. All your base are belong to us.

[-] 1 points by earthmuse (6) 13 years ago

how about you just die with your head up your ass, the same place it is right now?

how about that, motherfucker?

you think that the thousands upon thousand of people in this country worked their asses off their entire lives to watch this travesty ... much less to be preached to by some douche bag who has no idea what an unbelievable turn of events this has become ... with no likely positive outcome?

the thousands of hard-working people who can't even go back to work now because they are too old. the thousands of people who are rejected in the workforce for reasons that only retired HR people can even talk about. the thousands who are stuck in a house that is underwater after paying into it for over 20 years, and who will die there because they have no way to get out.

go fuck yourself.

[-] 1 points by earthmuse (6) 13 years ago

it's far larger than all street. but small minds have difficulty discerning that ...

[-] 1 points by tommy4646 (2) 13 years ago

Tired quasi-Communist language won't help the Cause.

We need to start somewhere. Getting out of the Middle East and revaluing the Chinese rimninbi are two good initial steps.

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Choke on your 401k, it's not our problem you're too much of a fucking egotist to fight with the rest of the workers for real pensions instead of a fucking pyramid scheme.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

you want to talk entitled? aren't you feeling entitled to make money off of the money you invested by doing absolutely nothing, providing no service, simply making money because you have something to invest?? you should have SAVED for retirement instead of GAMBLING with it!

[-] 1 points by garwin (1) 13 years ago

I thought everyone has the right to do as they please with their own hard earned cash.
