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The After Party: You Coming?

Posted 10 years ago on April 10, 2014, 8:56 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: You Are Needed, The After Party

"A message from some of our friends in Occupy." - OSN

Today, a group of occupiers, seasoned activists and future leaders are announcing the launch of a new political movement for a democratic revolution in the U.S.A.

Introducing: The After Party.

Two and a half years ago, we took to the streets in hundreds of cities to protest the financial elite and their cronies in government. We created protest communities in public spaces, abolished debt, wrote the Volcker Rule for financial reform, and helped hurricane survivors rebuild. Now, we’re challenging our corrupt government directly by building political power, starting at the local level.

The After Party isn’t a traditional political party in any sense. We organize by identifying and meeting a community’s needs from beyond the political system, and getting rid of corrupt politicians by getting our own community leaders into local office. We will feed the hungry, educate those who wish to learn, care for the sick, and house those whose homes have been taken. We will break the stranglehold of the broken two-party system by innovating and changing the rules of the game.

Read The After Party Manifesto.

We’re counting on you to tell your friends about the After Party, and help us get the word out about the new political party that will finally speak for, and with, young people, the poor, people of color, the homeless, the hungry, and the uninsured -- the same people who have been left out of the conversation for too long.

Like’ and ‘Follow’ us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on Party news!

You coming?

In solidarity with the global 99%,

the After Party team


"You Are Needed To Bring #Justice4Cecily." - Occupy Wall Street

Posted 10 years ago on April 6, 2014, 9:12 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: solidarity, #Justice4Cecily

Monday Update

Manhattan, NY- Cecily McMillan, accompanied by approximately 50 supporters, was back in court today for pre-trial motions. Judge Zweibel upheld his previous decision on motion 50-4(a), denying access again to Officer Grantley Bovell’s personnel files, on the grounds that this previous history of excessive force and corruption are not relevant to the case at hand. The DA argued that none of these cases were substantiated due to the recommendation from the internal affairs bureau, an arm of the NYPD.

Many supporters showed up to court this morning, wearing a pink hand over their right breast, signifying solidarity with Cecily, who was sexually assaulted in this exact manner by Officer Bovell the night of M17. Judge Zweibel ordered that these signs of solidarity would be forbidden in the court room, as the claim of sexual assault is unsubstantiated since Cecily never reported this incident to the IAB directly.

Jury selection was postponed due to a supposed lack of potential jurists in the building. It will begin tomorrow morning,Tuesday April 8th at 9:30am at 100 Centre St Room 116 Part 41.

Press Contacts: Stan Williams 256-323-1109 Lauren Wilfong 413-207-4207 Marty Stolar 917-225-4596


Our dear friends, Cecily McMillan is going to trial and we need all y'all occupiers to show up and support!

You are needed to come out full force and show the court system that we stand with our friends and that we will bring #Justice4Cecily.

In an unbelievable turn of events, Ms. McMillan faces 2nd degree assault charges stemming from a 2012 encounter with the NYPD that left her beaten and unconscious.

Join us at 9:15 am at 100 Centre Street, Room 1116 Part 41, New York, NY 10013 In the best interests of her trial, everyone who comes needs to wear proper business casual clothing and remain calm and respectful in the courtroom.

There will be breakfast and hot tea in the morning on Monday outside the courthouse for supporters!

Oh, and did you know?

"Officer Grantley Bovell has been accused of running a motorcyclist off the road to make an arrest, kicking a suspect in the face while he was on the ground, and slamming an arrestee's face into the stairs on an MTA bus. Bovell was also one of the 500 officers ensnared in the vast ticket-fixing scandal in the Bronx, and was again internally disciplined for his role." - Cop's Record Of Excessive Force Allegations Will Be Sealed For OWS Trial, Gothamist

Do this: "Tell everyone you know about Officer Bovell's history of abuse." Tweet it. Sing it. Facebook it. Bring it on a sign. Let's get the truth out there.

Done. Now, you are needed—RSVP here:

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