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Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2012, 1:18 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
global solidarity,
surround the congress
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 26, 2012, 8:45 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Join Occupy DC to celebrate our one-year anniversary! Occupy DC had one of the longest-running occupations of a major US city, and it's time for a week of fun and activism to celebrate our successes, usher in a new year for the 99%, and call for system change.
ROCCUPY FESTIVAL - Sat 9/29, Sun 9/30
Two days of plays, music, art, political discussions, and general assemblies in Freedom Plaza, because Occupy loves you. Family-friendly, affirmative, and an example of what the 99% wants more of in the world. Panel discussions to discuss the Occupy movement and the election, kid-friendly games, comedy, meet-and-greet with other organizations, music performances, the Occuplay and other special performances.
Meet at 7 AM at McPherson Square to shut down the street where corporate lobbyists, bankers, and the 1% do their shady dealings with the government. Bring tents, sleeping bags, other items as needed. Individual, autonomous affinity groups welcome to plan whatever inspires them.
These are themed days of action in resistance to the system and in solidarity with the 99%. Individual, autonomous affinity groups welcome to plan whatever inspires them.
10/1 – SHUT DOWN K STREET day of action. (Please see above.)
10/2 – Bank/economic day of action. Meet 7 AM at Bank of America, Pennsylvania & 15th St NW, to “foreclose” a bank. Meet 1 PM at same location for march to deliver “bailout money” to social services, schools, and the people.
10/3 – Lobbyists day of action. A day to stick it to the notorious lobbyists, one-percenters, and Citizens-United Super PAC campaign donors who are undermining democracy and imperiling our system.
10/4 – 99% solidarity day of action. Visiting our 99% friends in shows of solidarity, and uniting together against the oppression of the 1%.
10/5 – Earth, sustainability, and energy day of action. A day of opposing industrial agriculture, GMOs, hydro-fracking, pollution, oil, coal, and other dirty energy, and working toward a healthy, sustainable planet.
10/6 – OCCUPY DC FREEDOM PLAZA ANNIVERSARY, a day for calling for an end to wars and militarism. The Occupy DC Freedom Plaza location began on the anniversary of our invasion of Afghanistan on October 6, 2001. This October 6, join Occupy DC to oppose war and militarism, and call for US troops out of Afghanistan now!
10/7 – Occupy Democracy day of action. A day for calling for a true democracy, one month prior to Election Day. Meet 5 PM in McPherson Square for a general assembly to display what a real, egalitarian, horizontal democracy might look like!
A year ago, on October 1, 2011, ecstatic that the 99% had begun occupying Wall Street, brave activists here in Washington DC began occupying McPherson Square on K Street, the corridor where corporate lobbyists, bankers, and the 1% come to wield their power. On October 6, more fearless members of the 99% began occupying Freedom Plaza in downtown DC, about ten blocks to the south. Two active camps were established with several hundred occupiers between the two of them. They survived the snow and rain of winter and persecution from the police, until the police violently raided the camps in the second week of February 2012.
There are more reasons than ever to occupy -- to dwell in the places where the 1% do their corrupt dealings, and refuse to leave. Join the 99% as we reclaim our democracy, our future, our world.
for more info:
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 26, 2012, 4:39 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
ows updates
Our anniversary weekend may be over, but the fight is undoubtedly continuing and then some!
Following the victorious unionization drive maintained by the Occupy Hot and Crusty campaign from workers at the 63rd Street location, workers at other restaurants owned by the same group of investors have been inspired to organize themselves.
99 Pickets and the Laundry Workers Center are holding a series of events this week highlighting the struggles of restaurant workers, and spreading the word that they will not stand for exploitation.
No show of force from 1%-er bosses, banksters, or Bloomberg’s Army will squelch our determination to fight for the 99%. Let’s keep the momentum going.
-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team (click here to subscribe)
ps- check out this great collection of S17 anniversary weekend photos & videos!
Occupy these Actions and Events
Wednesday, September 26th, 6pm
Popular Assembly
Liberty Plaza
The intention of this assembly is to provide the People with a non-oppressive, non-hierarchical and non-confrontational space to discuss issues and projects relevant to envisioning a better world. This will be a safe space to practice public dissent.
Thursday, September 27th, 11:30am
S27 Rally for NYPD Accountability and Community Safety
City Hall Park
Had enough of #stopandfrisk and other discriminatory policing? Join us on Thursday, September 27 at 11:30AM on the Broadway side of City Hall Park as we call for an end to stop-and-frisk abuses, mass surveillance of ethnic and religious communities, and for an NYPD accountable to the very communities it is supposed to serve.
Thursday, September 27 - Friday, September 28
Guitarmy: Occupy Barclays and Jay-Z Teach In
At 4pm on Thursday Sept 27th, the OWS Guitarmy and more will march from Wall Street's Trinity Church to the Barclays Center to occupy the center overnight. An evening vigil and actions the following day will culminate in a teach-in from 4-6pm on Friday the 28th for Jay-Z and his fans. As Rolling Stone depicts, Jay-Z questioned the movement, and this is a ‘sincere answer’ in response.
Thursday, September 27th - Saturday, September 29th
Atlantic Yards Crime Scene Weekend
Join the Guitarmy and allies across the city as we protest the broken promises in the development of the Atlantic Yards project. Taxpayer money was diverted from Community Programs across Brooklyn, citizens were displaced via eminent domain and the MTA- which receives the revenue from the land- is threatening a fair hike.
Thursday, September 27th, 9pm
Jazz Artists are Workers Too: Join the J4JA march
Meet at Washington Square Park under the arch
The Justice for Jazz Artists campaign marches on – we are going back to the Blue Note with a live band to tell the club owners that musicians and jazz fans want them to do the right thing and sign on to the demands of our campaign – Pension, Pay scales, and Protections on recordings for all musicians who play the club. Our focus will be on delivering our message to the patrons and to club management, passing out leaflets, and encouraging people to take the J4JA message inside the club.
Every Friday, 3pm
International #globalNOISE Planning Call
globalNOISE was first proposed by spanish #15M activists, and is now supported by several people and groups across the globe. Its main goal is to create a feeling of solidarity between all the global movements. The plan is to achieve this by doing the same thing on the same day all over the world - making a lot of noise. Join the call and help provide feedback on the proposal.
Friday, September 28th, 3pm
Toxic Bank Flash Dance
Brecht Forum courtyard @ 451 West Street, around the back
Disrupt dirty banks that invest in Spectra with a blast of dance! Occupy the Pipeline Invites you to Join Us in Blasting the Banks that support Toxic Energy
with a Flash Dance Mob. Wear Business Camoflauge. Let's Let them know they've been Served. Disrupt Dirty Banks who Invest In Spectra Energy's Fracked Gas Pipeline! Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America.
Friday, September 28th - Monday, October 1st
Nothing to See Here
285 East 3rd st,. 2nd Floor.
Join us in kicking off a 4-day art extravaganza exploring the social documentary of Occupy Wall Street featuring imagery, music, speak outs, and more. Nothing to See Here is a photography exhibition to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, celebrate those who have dedicated their time, energy and resources to shaping the ongoing movement, as well as directly challenge the misperceptions by the general public and the mainstream media.
Friday, September 28th - Thursday, October 4th
American Autumn Theartical Release Benefitting Occupy & Allies
Quad Cinema at 34 W. 13th street
The American Autumn ‘OccuDoc’ is having an official theatrical release, with 35 shows over 7 days. 50% of
all box office receipts will be donated to Occupy and Occupy allied groups - including Tidal, Strike Debt, InterOccupy, Move To Amend Coalition, Bradley Manning Support Network, Action Resource Fund, Stop these Wars / Vets Peace Team, Occupy The Debates, The Other 98%, WBAI, Free Speech TV, etc.
Tuesday, October 2nd, 6:00pm
Cafe de Cleyre: Direct Action Against Israeli Occupation
The Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn
Greetings Direct Actionists! Our direct action reading group and film series will be studying direct action against the Israeli Occupation of Palestine and viewing "5 Broken Cameras" (2011) by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi. Readings are available on the blog ( If you have additional suggestions, please send an email to
Wednesday, October 3rd, 6:30pm
Party to Save the West Village
LGBT CENTER, 208 West 13th Street
An extravaganza to benefit the Sane Energy Project Legal Fund and Occupy the Pipeline. IT'S GOING TO BE A BLAST (the kind we like)!
$15 advance sales or $20 at the door. Invite all your friends, gay or straight! ALL PERSUASIONS WELCOME!
Saturday, October 6th, 1pm
Frack Mob! All Pipelines Lead to Wall Street
Brecht Forum courtyard @ 451 West St. around back
Green Painted Body mob masses against Spectra to give them a show they'll never forget! Be bold, be brave. All bodies rise against pipelines.
Tuesday, October 16th, 4pm
Occupy The Presidential Debate
100 Hofstra University
Occupy the presidential debate on Long Island. Occupy The East End is collaborating with other Long Island Occupys, organizations and activists as well as partnering with OWS, the Five Boroughs and National Occupys. The message to the candidates and the masses is we do not support a system that does not represent us.
Thursday, October 18th
Global Day of Action to Reclaim Education
As part of the Global Day of Action student groups as well as various networks and communities are encouraged to hold general assemblies, which allow direct democracy, to discuss the issues related to education that affect them locally. General Assemblies would be an occasion to make decisions on the participation in the Global Education Strike (GES) in the perspective of 1World1Struggle.
For Text Message alerts on your cellphone about daily events, actions, and important information, sign up for the ComHub SMS blasts by texting @owscom to 23559.
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 24, 2012, 12:10 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
real democracy now

via Coordinadora25S:
The 25th of September the Spanish Parliament building will be surrounded as a symbol to
rescue it from the kidnapping which has turned this institution into a useless organ. A
kidnapping of the popular sovereignty by the Troika and by The Markets, executed
under the blessing and collaboration of most of the political parties. Parties which
have betrayed their electoral programs, their voters and the people in general, breaking
their vows and contributing to people’s gradual pauperization.
A government chosen by the people that once it reaches the power operates on the
opposite that the candidates promised has no legitimacy. Winning an election does not
give the government the right to make do as it wills, betraying the voters who elected it.
The people, under these conditions, have the right to require the government to quit. The
people have the right to have a government which governs according to the popular
choices. This is the essence of democracy and popular sovereignty.
The Parliament will be surrounded by the 25S to tell those who unjustly govern us: we will
disobey their unfair and illegitimate impositions to pay their debt. We will defend our
collective rights: our houses, public education, public health system, employment,
democratic participation and our decent life. We will initiate the process to stop the
responsibles for this crisis. The arsonists who have caused our crisis will be judged
instead of rewarded.
The demonstration on September 25th around the Parliament takes place in order to
recover our responsibility of our own future, rejecting impositions. We want to tell the
ones who have kidnapped Democracy that it is their time to leave. We will require the
resignation of this government, as a first step. Set it free. Let’s start anew our constitutive process: an open process with direct participation where we all determine together political institutions, participation tools, juridical and political mechanisms that we need to guarantee the efficiency of our collective decisions. A continuous constitutive process which collective definition starts, but does not end, on 25S.
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 23, 2012, 4:08 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

The first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street was a joyous affair for the 99%.
Yet regrettably, it was also a day that illustrated how Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ‘private army’ has been increasingly unleashed to beat, arrest, imprison, and broadly suppress OWS.
Please post your videos, photos, and stories about how your rights were infringed on the Occupy Bloomberg’s Army Facebook page.
Occupy is a nonviolent movement, but this has not prevented Bloomberg’s Army from engaging in targeted arrests of specific organizers as well as random street ‘snatch and release’ intimidation tactics.
On September 17th not even the constant drone of helicopters overhead could drown out the screams of ‘I’m a journalist’ from the reporters who were arrested merely for practicing their and our right to freedom of the press.
And not even a cry of ‘I’m a City Councilmember’ was enough to staunch the established policy of brutality within the Mayor of Wall Street’s Police Department.
The message being sent by Bloomberg’s Army is being heard loud and clear. In Bloomberg’s New York: anyone who supports Occupy Wall Street in any fashion is being made an example of.
Were you one of these people extra-legally arrested or assaulted, or have you witnessed someone who was?
Post your videos, photos, and stories on the Occupy Bloomberg’s Army Facebook page.
We will not be stymied by the over 180 arrests on our anniversary, nor intimidated by the unprovoked and random nature of so many of them.
We will fight for our right to protest Wall Street while we protest Wall Street itself.
All Roads Lead To Wall Street
-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team (click here to subscribe)
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