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Public Meeting: Say “NO” to the Neo-Nazi “Golden Dawn" in NYC

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 9, 2012, 10:11 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, antifa

say "NO" to "Golden Dawn"

via NYCantifa:

Golden Dawn, G.D. (in Greek, Chrysi Avgi), the neo-Nazi, ultra-nationalistic party, which was recently elected to the Greek Parliament under the pretext of concern over unemployment, austerity and the economy, and while engaging in virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric and anti-democratic, nationalistic activities, has now established a chapter in New York City. Several groups and organizations have already publicly expressed their outrage and have called for immediate action.

For over 30 years, G.D. has operated from the margins of the far right political spectrum using the symbols, practices and methods of a racist, anti-democratic and intolerant neo-Nazi ideology. The recent economic crisis, however, has brought them to the forefront of political developments. They recently drew the attention of the international media when one of their Parliament members physically attacked two women from Left wing parties on live television. Before that incident and since, G.D. thugs have organized murderous attacks against immigrants, left wingers, gays as well as anyone who will stand in their way.

G.D. harbors common criminals. In the 70s, the “Fuhrer,” as they honorably call their leader, was imprisoned for setting off bombs in cinemas that showed films of Soviet production. Around the same period, members of the organization were also prosecuted for committing acts of terrorism against left wing newspapers and organizations. Today, they exhibit particular disdain against Muslims while they also openly deny the Holocaust.

In New York City, G.D. masquerades as a philanthropic organization conducting food and clothing drives. The goal of such activities is to popularize G.D.’s neo-Nazi ideology and enlist public sympathy. G.D.’s ‘philanthropic’ activity is a cynical ploy and has to be condemned as such. Alternatively, “Doctors of the World,” “AHEPA,” and a number of other international or community- based NGOs rely on our help to support the Greek people. We urge all who wish to do so to support legitimate charities and Greek solidarity groups, and reject Golden Dawn’s advances.

History teaches us that economic crises can breed hatred, racism and ultimately fascism. Capitalism divides us along social, cultural and political lines so as to dominate us more effectively. Few cities in the world other than New York know this better. We therefore invite immigrant organizations, unions, teachers’ associations and cultural organizations to an open meeting where we can freely discuss and decide how we can effectively act against racism, violence and fascism.

October 9, 2012 • 7–10pm
Church of the Redeemer 30-14 Crescent Street (Corner of 30th Road), Astoria, NY 11102-3249

The event is co-sponsored by:

  • Act Up
  • Left Movement NY (Aristeri Kinisi NY)
  • Occupy Astoria – LIC
  • Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination
  • Strike Debt


Madrid On The Brink: S25 → S29

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 8, 2012, 10:04 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: indignados, s25, global solidarity, europe, spain, austerity, s29

This short film chronicles recent events in Spain where hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets to demand the resignation of the government and an end to police brutality. Many of the protests ended in clashes with the police. Since the stand off began on September 25th, the images of police brutality have travelled the world over, shocking and inspiring people across Europe and leading to an international day of action on September 29th. This film tells the story of why so many people took to the streets and follows these events as they unfolded.

Go to globaluprisings.org for the full series of mini-documenaries about reactions to the economic crisis around the world.

DRY66 made this video:

You can download the no-text version, where there’s a black space prepared to fill in local text in each country language here: http://www.mediafire.com/?113lozzf21q4vk1

There are loads of globalNOISE videos and fliers available on youtube and on our site. Please visit us at www.globalnoise.net


We are already thinking about what happens after globalNOISE…via22 made a proposal to protest on the 22nd of every month, starting in October – read more here: http://via22.org/

Be the noise!


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