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#YoSoy132 Blockades Mexico's Largest Media Company; Support Them At #OccupySaks!

Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 2, 2012, 4:39 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

On July 26, 2012, members of the #YoSoy132 movement and other Mexican social movements held a siege of Televisa, Mexico's largest TV broadcaster and media conglomerate. Afterward, the following statement from the Student Assembly was read (translated by OccupyWallSt.org):

Closing remarks from the siege of Televisa

The symbolic and peaceful siege of Televisa is an historic and unprecedented accomplishment, the first action directly resuming our program of struggle, particularly our number one point: the democratization and transformation of the media and dissemination of information, as our letter states: "We fight against media monopolies and oligopolies that concentrate and manipulate information, particularly in the current electoral context where collusion between political parties and media companies is evident." We note that the current model of commercial media, represented by Televisa and TV Azteca, are excluded from society and civil organizations in general. We believe that only the socialization and collective management of the media will allow for a true open media and guarantee the right to information and freedom of expression.

Summoned by shame, indignation, and suffering, we are here today at the gates of the media company which has been tasked to misinform and manipulate the Mexican people.

YoSoy132 is a nonpartisan, nonviolent, autonomous, anti-neoliberal social, political, and student movement independent of the parties, candidates, and organizations who respond to an electoral program -- a democratic movement where decisions emanate from the local and general assemblies which has transcended the electoral situation and continues to be organized and to fight to profoundly transform Mexico, to act as a counterweight to any decision and policy that violates the rights and interests of our people.

We have taken to the streets and now surrounded the pack of lies which Televisa represents, and we are developing the cohesion and organization of the people by raising awareness and organizing to fight for: The democratization of media, information, and its dissemination; changing the education system, science, and technology; changing the neoliberal economic model, changing the national security model; promoting participatory democracy in connection with social movements; and changing the healthcare model.

Although this demonstration was entirely peaceful, as is the struggle of this movement, there was an unnecessary deployment of police elements that stopped us by surrounding the perimeter of Televisa's installations and extended the fence to the adjoining streets, impacting the roadways and the free movement of residents. After 24 hours of the massive fence, we demonstrated a high degree of organization and unity of effort between the YoSoy132 movement, the People's Front in Defense of the Earth, the EMS, the CNTE, and the other social organizations for successful completion of the first action agreed in the framework of the National Convention against Taxation, held in Atenco. This convention has the clear objective of defending democracy, preventing the imposition [of presumed President-elect Peña Nieto], and seeking profound transformation of the current state of Mexico.

The protest was sparked in large part by the"victory" of Peña Nieto, whom social movements claim was elected via fraud and manipulation, with only the vote of a tiny percentage of Mexico's total population. Peña Nieto is of the PRI, the party that ruled Mexico autocratically for 70 years. The National Commission of Human Rights has documented that Peña Nieto was directly responsible for violating the human rights of the people of Atenco in 2006 as they demonstrated for their land rights against neoliberal expansion. The events occured while he was the governor of the state of Mexico and included abuses by his security forces such as torture, illegal detentions, mass rape, and murder.

For background on #YoSoy132, who continue to draw tens of thousands to street demonstrations, see here. To support them locally, come to this event this Tuesday in New York:

Occupy Saks Fifth Avenue (Direct Action Against Carlos Slim)

Telecommunications magnate Carlos Slim is responsible for overcharging Mexico's rural poor over $129 billion. Slim owns TELMEX, a formerly public company that is now his private monopoly thanks to the neoliberal policies of the Mexican government. Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world, continues to build his telecommunications empire on the backs of Mexico's poor and crippling the nation's economic development. We will not stand for such abusive practices that exploit people just so that the richest man in the world can get richer.

Join Mexico's Dos Paises Una Voz, Yo Soy 132, labor & Occupy Wall Street activists as we confront Slim at Saks Fifth Avenue, where he owns the largest private stake. We will bum rush the store, and flood it with the 99% on August 7th at 4:30 PM....

Use the hash tag #OccupySaks


Everything For Everyone Festival, This Weekend In Seattle

Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 2, 2012, 4:04 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt


Seattle organizers will host a free, two-day, political and cultural festival called Everything for Everyone meant to connect people from around the country interested in taking the spirit of Occupy to a new level, aimed at changing everything. Everything for Everyone will be fertile ground for developing a new political and cultural ecosystem where radical ideas, analysis and strategy are shared, debated, challenged, and advanced.

It begins outdoors on Saturday August 11th in Jefferson Park’s Northwest corner on Beacon Hill with a program running from 11am to 7pm, featuring guests from around the country. People will be participating in debates, workshops, panels, live music, and the arts. On Sunday, August 12th, a plenary discussion will take place at the First Baptist Church on Capitol Hill from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. At 9:00 pm, the Festival comes to a close with a live concert and dance party at the nearby Highline Bar.

Organizer Carol Isaac says, ”Occupy’s explosion in the streets exposed the smoldering discontent of millions here and all around the globe. From shutting down banks and the West Coast Ports to directly meeting the daily needs of the suffering, a new force has awakened to challenge the fundamentals of this system. We aim to provide a national meeting toward that end.”

Endorsers of #e4e include the General Assemblies of Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Seattle and Occupy Portland, as well as local and national organizations such as the Black Orchid Collective, the Red Spark Collective, Advance the Struggle and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. A few of the performers over the two days will be: The Super 8, Suntonio Bandanaz, DJ Eazeman, JulieC and River Grimm.

A variety of panels, workshops and debates will focus on issues ranging from student and worker organizing, foreclosure defense, revolutionary strategy, and capitalism’s threats to our environment. Other activities will include a film screening, a self-defense class and arts and theatre workshops.

Click here for information if you are interested in attending. See below for Saturday's amazing content!



Our First Anniversary is Fast Approaching + Upcoming Events Aug. 1st-11th

Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 1, 2012, 12:29 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

September 17, 2011 marked the beginning of Occupy Wall Street, and anticipation for our one-year anniversary is growing as we plan an international convergence in New York City. Everyone is encouraged to join and add their voice during our September 17 planning meetings on Monday evenings. Not in NYC? There's a lot you can do for #S17 even if you're not local as well.

Occupy these Actions and Assemblies

Wednesday, August 1st, 7:30pm
“Jail the Bankers or Abolish the Jails?”
Brecht Forum, 451 West Street, New York
Truthout presents a conversation about American justice today. Join us for a panel discussion about unpunished excesses in the financial sector, police repression and mass incarceration.

Thursday, August 2nd, 6:00pm
Occupy Tech Training - Civi and Salsa
33 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn
We had a great training last week and we are doing it again so more can participate. Using our constituent management database, both strategy and software, it will be an open source CiviCRM and Progressive Proprietary Salsa CRM.

Friday, August 3rd, 4:00pm
Wake Up Wall Street: Condemn Citizens United
Liberty Plaza (Zuccotti Park)
Corporations are not people, money is not speech! Join us for the 3rd in a series of condemnations of Citizens United. As long as our democracy is hijacked by big corporate money, there will be no business as usual. Last time Wake Up Wall Street hit Goldman Sachs. What flagrantly corrupting donor will we surprise this week? We will meet initially at Zucotti park at 6pm, march to confront our target, and then meet for debriefing/think tank after the action at a nearby bar.

Saturday, August 4th, 2:00pm
S17 Education Assembly
Washington Square Park

Saturday, August 4th, 1:00pm
Radical Walking Tours
South Bronx River Watershed – Boston Road @ W Farms Rd.
Engage the city, your body, and others, by putting yourself in motion to engage the political, ecological, and your embodied urban environment – New York City.

Sunday August 5th, 2:00pm
‘Six Ways of Being in Debt’
Washington Square Park
After the weekly Strike Debt meeting, Occupy University invites you to join Richard Dienst, author of "The Bonds of Debt." Richard will offer an outline for different ways people find themselves indebted.

Sunday August 5th, 3:00pm
OWS Archives Public Meeting
Tentative Location* - Judson Memorial Church
“Who will maintain the archives for Occupy Wall Street?” The OWS Archives working group invites OWS activists and the Occupy-interested public to a solutions-oriented discussion on how to deal with our physical items.

Tuesday, August 7th, 4:30pm
#OccupySaks 5th Avenue
5th Avenue and E 50th St.
Telecommunications magnate, and "world's richest man", Carlos Slim is responsible for overcharging Mexico's rural poor over $129 billion. Join Mexico’s Dos Paises Una Voz, Yo Soy 132, labor & Occupy Wall Street activists as we confront Slim at Saks Fifth Avenue, where he owns the largest private stake. We will bum rush the store, and flood it with the 99%.

Tuesday, August 7th, 6:00pm (and every Tuesday)
Cafe de Cleyre: Direct Action Reading & Film Group
16 Beaver Street
From the occupation of Zuccotti Park to the May Day General Strike, the Occupy movement has engaged in direct action. As a result there has been a renewed interest in the concept and its history. Let us take this opportunity to deepen our collective understanding! Facebook page.

Tuesday, August 7th, 6:30pm
Documentaries for the 99%: SIR! NO SIR!” – The G.I. Revolt
Church of the Redeemer, 30-14 Crescent Street at 30th Avenue
Join Occupy Astoria for our ongoing Film Series. The suppressed story of the GI movement to end the war in Vietnam.

Wednesday, August 8th, 5:00-7:30pm
Occupy Gracie Mansion
Gracie Mansion, 1670 York Ave, New York
The Occupy Wall Street Disability Caucus invites you to a non-violent protest action open to all who wish to publicly show their dissent regarding Mayor Bloomberg’s policies against all marginalized groups.

Saturday, August 11th, 11:00am-7:00pm
Occupy Town Square - Long Island/Astoria
Astoria Park, 21 Hoyt Avenue North, Queens
Occupy Astoria LIC will be sponsoring the all-day “Occupy Town Square” democracy gathering and picnic in Astoria Park. This will be the 8th in Occupy Town Square’s series of pop-up occupations!

Daily #OccupyUnionSq Info Table
Every day Occupy Union Square has an info table open and staffed, acting as a hub to promote the constant flurry of events and meetings occurring across OWS.

For Text Message alerts on your cellphone about daily events, actions, and important information, sign up for the ComHub SMS blasts by texting @owscom to 23559.


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