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Occupy Earth Day!

Posted 12 years ago on April 18, 2012, 2:17 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

occupy earth day

On Earth Day, April 22, we will take Earth Day back to its anti-corporate roots with a three-part day of action. From the OWS Environmental Solidarity Working Group:

The future of Earth will be won in the STREETS!

Saturday, April 21, 3pm

Melt-In @ Grand Central Station, NYC
Because Nuclear Reactors Melt down
Because Our Planet is Melting Down
Because Nuclear Power is Not a Solution to Global Warming
Renewables Are!

Sunday, April 22nd (Earth Day)

Jazz Funeral for the death of Earth as we know it
12pm Noon BP Gas Station, 300 Lafayette St (@ Houston), NYC
Occupy Earth Day will begin with a New Orleans-style jazz funeral march for the Gulf Coast led by the Rude Mechanical Orchestra and commemorating the anniversary of the BP Deep Water Horizon oil spill, which began on April 20, 2010.

1pm Union Square, NYC
We will arrive at Union Square for a rally to reclaim Earth Day from corporate greenwashers and return it to its radical roots. We will hear from voices involved in a variety of interlocking eco-struggles both local and global, including Gulf Coast recovery, tar sands, fracking, nuclear power and genetically modified food. At Union Square, we will spotlight movements fighting to ensure that ecocide like that unleashed on the Gulf by BP never happens again. In the face of our mounting biophysical crisis, we need renewable energy. We need a system that values ecosystems over profits.

2:30pm The Highline @ Gansevoort and West Street
From Union Square we will march to the spot of the proposed Spectra Pipeline, a fracked gas pipeline that the Texas Eastern Transmission wants to build in the West Village. A recent well leak off the coast of Scotland, currently spewing 200,000 cubic meters of gas per day, is already drawing comparisons to Deep Water Horizon. We need to move away from these dirty, deadly and ecocidal forms of energy and towards a sustainable world.

More info:

Occupy DC is also hosting Earth Day-themed events all week! For more info on Occupy Earth Week in DC, check here, here or @OccupyEarthWeek.