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Posted 12 years ago on April 12, 2012, 10:53 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Join us for a street theater-filled demonstration to get NYU to cut its ties with JP Morgan Chase with New York University students for Occupy Wall Street.
When: Thursday, April 12 at 5 p.m.
Where: In front of Bobst Library, 70 Washington Sq. South.
Pursuant to the basic respect for the fundamental human right to housing, the New York University community hereby notifies JP Morgan Chase, the leader in foreclosures in New York, that it will be evicted from the university, effective immediately. Until the bank halts foreclosures, we call on the NYU administration to cut its ties to Chase. Stand with NYU4OWS, New York Communities for Change and the NYU community as we deliver Chase's eviction notice to NYU President John Sexton.
Learn more about the campaign. Join the Facebook event.
Posted 12 years ago on April 12, 2012, 6:15 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Over 10,000 gather at Sir John Guise Stadium in Papua New Guinea
In another example of the power of popular resistance, Papua New Guineans this week appear to have successfully stopped the government from delaying elections and implementing a controversial Judicial Conduct Law that would allow the legislature to remove judges. In front of a massive crowd organized by labor unions, churches, social media groups, and civil society organizations, PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill promised to hold elections on time.
The protests were organized in part by student activists and bloggers affiliated with Occupy Waigani, a group that formed last month to occupy Parliament in protest of the Judicial Conduct Law. Among other efforts, Occupiers in PNG are also working to address the exploitation of local resources by corporate interests and unequal development in the country. #OccupyWallStreet stands in solidarity with Occupiers and dissidents everywhere. (See below for a timeline of events in PNG!)
Occupy Wall Street has always been part of a global movement for economic justice and people-powered democracy. In addition to the Arab Spring protests that continue to challenge oppressive regimes from Tunisia to Bahrain, #OWS drew much of our inspiration from the Indignados in Spain and Portugal, the popular assemblies in Greece, the Icelandic Revolution against debt and austerity, the on-going Chilean student protests, and more. Following the Occupation of Liberty Square in New York City, Occupy protests took place on every continent. On the October 15, 2011 global day of action alone, Occupy demonstrations occurred in at least 950 cities in 82 countries.
The Occupy movement has taken hold across the world and remains especially active in countries like Australia, the Netherlands, the UK, Ireland, Canada, Germany, and Italy. Last week in Russia, protesters erected tents in Red Square during a protest against government corruption (predictably, they were quickly arrested by Russian police). However, Occupy protests have appeared in all parts of the world, from China to Argentina, and each place has contributed a unique perspective and experience to the Global Revolution to take back our lives from the Global 1%, in whatever form they take.
While our causes may appear disparate, we share a common opposition to abusive government and economic inequality. Whether by the greedy removal of vital fuel subsidies for the 99% in Nigeria last year or the imposition of military rule in Egypt, the people everywhere will no longer tolerate elite misrule. Everywhere, we are demanding true self-government and real democracy - not governments run by banksters, autocrats, corporations, and corrupt politicians. And everywhere, our diverse and localized movements share tactics like the peaceful occupation of public space, mass demonstrations, nonviolent resistance, and the use of social media and horizontal consensus-based democracy to organize online and in the world. As activists in all parts of the world borrow ideas and imagery from one another and adapt them to local struggles, we learn from each other's innovations.
History April 12, 2012
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