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We are the 99 percent

Articles tagged philanthropy

Direct Action Idea #2: Laughing at the 1%

Posted 11 years ago on May 13, 2013, 6 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: philanthropy, capitalism, carlos slim, direct action

When people from two different countries hate you, that means you are a public enemy. Last week, the richest man in the entire world, Carlos Slim, attempted to use a philanthropic gift to cover up the fact that his monopolistic practices have impoverished all of Latin America, with headway being made to raid the coffers of the United States with over $451.7 million taken in from subsides from the government of the United States every year.

The 1% control access to and the rules around supporting badly needed social services, from education to healthcare. We live in an unsustainable system in which the very richest in society dictate with their dollars the world that they want to see, not live in, and certainly not engage with on a day to day basis.

We laugh at this preposterous system in which we live, and we will continue to bring you inspiration about how it can change.