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Thousands of women have filed a transvaginal mesh lawsuit after suffering crippling injuries, including chronic pain, infections, organ damage, and scarring, allegedly associated with the use of pelvic mesh in the surgical repair of pelvic organ proplapse and stress urinary incontinence. This is not surprising, given that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has tallied some 3,800 reports of vaginal mesh complications associated with the use of these devices. The transvaginal mesh lawyers at Bernstein Liebhard LLP are actively filing lawsuits in several major pelvic mesh litigations, and continue to offer free legal evaluations to the victims of vaginal mesh injuries. If the quality of your life has been diminished because of transvaginal mesh, our vaginal mesh lawyers can help. Please contact Bernstein Liebhard LLP today for answers to all of your questions, and to learn more about filing your own transvaginal mesh lawsuit.


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