togrowAbout myself: I am a blogger. And for the past 4-5 years have been steadily blogging for a better world, based on a deeper understanding of our reality, our ability to evolve to a more complete level of humaness that would leave "man's inhumanity to man" and the abuse of our planet behind. You guys are the first real break through for humanity. Your sound has broken through the hum of robotic repetition. Your voice is heard above the hysteria of fear that has been artificially produced to confuse. I thank you for your courage, for your strength, for your willingness to think beyond the limitation of attttudes and values the major societies of history have thus far embraced. The time has come to heed the warning of our planet that is raging against our abuse. The time has come for humankind to rise up and claim fairness and justice and respect for ourselves and the planet that sustains us. Those who have proclaimed themselves entitled to inherit the gems of life on the efforts of our labor, have completely lost touch with reality. Your are our hope of a better future. May you grow strong enough to lead us to the path of humanes. Private MessagesMust be logged in to send messages. |
Oct. 25, 2011 |