rockyracooni support the occupy wall street movement and any non-violent action which strives for peace, equality, social responsibility, accountability and transparency. unfortunately, as with previous mass demonstrations, the 99% voice is not listened to, and bearing this in mind, it seems the only way to effect change is to stop spending except for what is absolutely necessary. want to effect the 1% who steal, lie and corrupt, then must affect what they worship, which is their $. end reliance on it. many others have said this same idea. we the 99% seek real change. i also support 911 truth and for real investigation. it's painfully obvious we have been lied to, manipulated and r being taken for a ride. what is far more painful is the amount of death and destruction this lie has brought unto our world. peace and love for all, 100% Private MessagesMust be logged in to send messages. |
Oct. 29, 2011 |