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We are the 99 percent


No matter what system you have in place there will always be those who "have" and those who "have not". The 1% and 99%. However you want to divide it.

There are 3 types of people in the this world. Those who watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who look at it all and wonder what the hell happened. Those who make things happen are the 1%.

In the end we all have a choice. If you don't want the rich getting richer don't buy their products. Don't buy the iPhone. Don't buy Windows7 or Office or LED TVs. As sheep the 99% make the 1% what they are and there only evil is creating something that the 99% will pay for.

Those who protest are sheep because they do not understand even if they succeed there will always be a 1% and 99%. Final example - in grade school there are the A+ students and the rest. Except in grade school you can't really protest against the top 1%. Perhaps if some of 99% didn't skip class to smoke pot they could have been a A+ students as well. redvod[at]gmail.com

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