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We are the 99 percent


I will be going to occupy wall street for a few days to lend support and to check out the vibes. Am from Rhode Island.
I was very involved in the national peace and justice movement(s) in the 1980s and realized, after a while, that this movement was mostly in a reactive mode of being, meaning, we would act in response to government policies, and move from issue to issue. Since then, my focus has been in an active mode: working in my neighborhood and community to create a new culture based on material simplicity through community gardens and the like, as well as building community on a day to day basis.
One concern I'd like to share is: generally speaking, we, the over-consumers, are the ones that keep Wall St rolling along. They will keep on doing what they do as long as there are big bucks to make.
Am looking forward to seeing all of you.

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