Occupy Harlem
We stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and all occupy movements in the US and across the world. We are the 99%. The Black misleadership class has failed us miserably. The crisis in Black communities, massive unemployment, mass incarceration, brutal stop-and-frisk, rising homelessness and hungry impacting young children grows worse every day. The focus of this movement should be on not just "the middle class" but on the poor, the working class and the vanishing middle class, the unity of the true 99% to hold the 1% accountable for their criminal depraved indifference to humanity and Mother Earth.
Over 150 attended our first General Assembly on October 28th of 2011 in Central Harlem. The second GS scheduled for November 9th at St. Philip's Church, 204 West 134th Street. Email Occupy Harlem at occupyharlem@mail.com or occupyharlemgeneralassembly@gmail.com.